1package mail
3import (
4	"bufio"
5	"bytes"
6	"crypto/md5"
7	"errors"
8	"fmt"
9	"io"
10	"mime"
11	"net/mail"
12	"net/textproto"
13	"strings"
14	"sync"
15	"time"
18// A WordDecoder decodes MIME headers containing RFC 2047 encoded-words.
19// Used by the MimeHeaderDecode function.
20// It's exposed public so that an alternative decoder can be set, eg Gnu iconv
21// by importing the mail/inconv package.
22// Another alternative would be to use https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/text/encoding
23var Dec mime.WordDecoder
25func init() {
26	// use the default decoder, without Gnu inconv. Import the mail/inconv package to use iconv.
27	Dec = mime.WordDecoder{}
30const maxHeaderChunk = 1 + (4 << 10) // 4KB
32// Address encodes an email address of the form `<user@host>`
33type Address struct {
34	// User is local part
35	User string
36	// Host is the domain
37	Host string
38	// ADL is at-domain list if matched
39	ADL []string
40	// PathParams contains any ESTMP parameters that were matched
41	PathParams [][]string
42	// NullPath is true if <> was received
43	NullPath bool
46func (ep *Address) String() string {
47	return fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", ep.User, ep.Host)
50func (ep *Address) IsEmpty() bool {
51	return ep.User == "" && ep.Host == ""
54var ap = mail.AddressParser{}
56// NewAddress takes a string of an RFC 5322 address of the
57// form "Gogh Fir <gf@example.com>" or "foo@example.com".
58func NewAddress(str string) (Address, error) {
59	a, err := ap.Parse(str)
60	if err != nil {
61		return Address{}, err
62	}
63	pos := strings.Index(a.Address, "@")
64	if pos > 0 {
65		return Address{
66				User: a.Address[0:pos],
67				Host: a.Address[pos+1:],
68			},
69			nil
70	}
71	return Address{}, errors.New("invalid address")
74// Email represents a single SMTP message.
75type Envelope struct {
76	// Remote IP address
77	RemoteIP string
78	// Message sent in EHLO command
79	Helo string
80	// Sender
81	MailFrom Address
82	// Recipients
83	RcptTo []Address
84	// Data stores the header and message body
85	Data bytes.Buffer
86	// Subject stores the subject of the email, extracted and decoded after calling ParseHeaders()
87	Subject string
88	// TLS is true if the email was received using a TLS connection
89	TLS bool
90	// Header stores the results from ParseHeaders()
91	Header textproto.MIMEHeader
92	// Values hold the values generated when processing the envelope by the backend
93	Values map[string]interface{}
94	// Hashes of each email on the rcpt
95	Hashes []string
96	// additional delivery header that may be added
97	DeliveryHeader string
98	// Email(s) will be queued with this id
99	QueuedId string
100	// When locked, it means that the envelope is being processed by the backend
101	sync.Mutex
104func NewEnvelope(remoteAddr string, clientID uint64) *Envelope {
105	return &Envelope{
106		RemoteIP: remoteAddr,
107		Values:   make(map[string]interface{}),
108		QueuedId: queuedID(clientID),
109	}
112func queuedID(clientID uint64) string {
113	return fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum([]byte(string(time.Now().Unix())+string(clientID))))
116// ParseHeaders parses the headers into Header field of the Envelope struct.
117// Data buffer must be full before calling.
118// It assumes that at most 30kb of email data can be a header
119// Decoding of encoding to UTF is only done on the Subject, where the result is assigned to the Subject field
120func (e *Envelope) ParseHeaders() error {
121	var err error
122	if e.Header != nil {
123		return errors.New("headers already parsed")
124	}
125	buf := e.Data.Bytes()
126	// find where the header ends, assuming that over 30 kb would be max
127	if len(buf) > maxHeaderChunk {
128		buf = buf[:maxHeaderChunk]
129	}
131	headerEnd := bytes.Index(buf, []byte{'\n', '\n'}) // the first two new-lines chars are the End Of Header
132	if headerEnd > -1 {
133		header := buf[0 : headerEnd+2]
134		headerReader := textproto.NewReader(bufio.NewReader(bytes.NewBuffer(header)))
135		e.Header, err = headerReader.ReadMIMEHeader()
136		if err == nil || err == io.EOF {
137			// decode the subject
138			if subject, ok := e.Header["Subject"]; ok {
139				e.Subject = MimeHeaderDecode(subject[0])
140			}
141		}
142	} else {
143		err = errors.New("header not found")
144	}
145	return err
148// Len returns the number of bytes that would be in the reader returned by NewReader()
149func (e *Envelope) Len() int {
150	return len(e.DeliveryHeader) + e.Data.Len()
153// Returns a new reader for reading the email contents, including the delivery headers
154func (e *Envelope) NewReader() io.Reader {
155	return io.MultiReader(
156		strings.NewReader(e.DeliveryHeader),
157		bytes.NewReader(e.Data.Bytes()),
158	)
161// String converts the email to string.
162// Typically, you would want to use the compressor guerrilla.Processor for more efficiency, or use NewReader
163func (e *Envelope) String() string {
164	return e.DeliveryHeader + e.Data.String()
167// ResetTransaction is called when the transaction is reset (keeping the connection open)
168func (e *Envelope) ResetTransaction() {
170	// ensure not processing by the backend, will only get lock if finished, otherwise block
171	e.Lock()
172	// got the lock, it means processing finished
173	e.Unlock()
175	e.MailFrom = Address{}
176	e.RcptTo = []Address{}
177	// reset the data buffer, keep it allocated
178	e.Data.Reset()
180	// todo: these are probably good candidates for buffers / use sync.Pool (after profiling)
181	e.Subject = ""
182	e.Header = nil
183	e.Hashes = make([]string, 0)
184	e.DeliveryHeader = ""
185	e.Values = make(map[string]interface{})
188// Seed is called when used with a new connection, once it's accepted
189func (e *Envelope) Reseed(RemoteIP string, clientID uint64) {
190	e.RemoteIP = RemoteIP
191	e.QueuedId = queuedID(clientID)
192	e.Helo = ""
193	e.TLS = false
196// PushRcpt adds a recipient email address to the envelope
197func (e *Envelope) PushRcpt(addr Address) {
198	e.RcptTo = append(e.RcptTo, addr)
201// Pop removes the last email address that was pushed to the envelope
202func (e *Envelope) PopRcpt() Address {
203	ret := e.RcptTo[len(e.RcptTo)-1]
204	e.RcptTo = e.RcptTo[:len(e.RcptTo)-1]
205	return ret
208// Converts 7 bit encoded mime header strings to UTF-8
209func MimeHeaderDecode(str string) string {
210	state := 0
211	var buf bytes.Buffer
212	var out []byte
213	for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ {
214		switch state {
215		case 0:
216			if str[i] == '=' {
217				buf.WriteByte(str[i])
218				state = 1
219			} else {
220				out = append(out, str[i])
221			}
222		case 1:
223			if str[i] == '?' {
224				buf.WriteByte(str[i])
225				state = 2
226			} else {
227				out = append(out, str[i])
228				buf.Reset()
229				state = 0
230			}
232		case 2:
233			if str[i] == ' ' {
234				d, err := Dec.Decode(buf.String())
235				if err == nil {
236					out = append(out, []byte(d)...)
237				} else {
238					out = append(out, buf.Bytes()...)
239				}
240				out = append(out, ' ')
241				buf.Reset()
242				state = 0
243			} else {
244				buf.WriteByte(str[i])
245			}
246		}
247	}
248	if buf.Len() > 0 {
249		d, err := Dec.Decode(buf.String())
250		if err == nil {
251			out = append(out, []byte(d)...)
252		} else {
253			out = append(out, buf.Bytes()...)
254		}
255	}
256	return string(out)
259// Envelopes have their own pool
261type Pool struct {
262	// envelopes that are ready to be borrowed
263	pool chan *Envelope
264	// semaphore to control number of maximum borrowed envelopes
265	sem chan bool
268func NewPool(poolSize int) *Pool {
269	return &Pool{
270		pool: make(chan *Envelope, poolSize),
271		sem:  make(chan bool, poolSize),
272	}
275func (p *Pool) Borrow(remoteAddr string, clientID uint64) *Envelope {
276	var e *Envelope
277	p.sem <- true // block the envelope until more room
278	select {
279	case e = <-p.pool:
280		e.Reseed(remoteAddr, clientID)
281	default:
282		e = NewEnvelope(remoteAddr, clientID)
283	}
284	return e
287// Return returns an envelope back to the envelope pool
288// Make sure that envelope finished processing before calling this
289func (p *Pool) Return(e *Envelope) {
290	select {
291	case p.pool <- e:
292		//placed envelope back in pool
293	default:
294		// pool is full, discard it
295	}
296	// take a value off the semaphore to make room for more envelopes
297	<-p.sem