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Name Date Size #Lines LOC



README.mdH A D10-Sep-2020246 63

marker_trait_attr-feature-gate.rsH A D04-Oct-2020354 2012

marker_trait_attr-feature-gate.stderrH A D10-Sep-2020465 1110

marker_trait_attr.rsH A D04-Oct-2020567 2613

marker_trait_attr.stderrH A D10-Sep-2020453 1110

overlapping_marker_traits-feature-gate.rsH A D04-Oct-2020362 2012

overlapping_marker_traits-feature-gate.stderrH A D10-Sep-2020473 1110

overlapping_marker_traits.rsH A D04-Oct-2020801 3013

overlapping_marker_traits.stderrH A D10-Sep-2020716 1917

stmt_expr_attributes-feature-gate.rsH A D04-Oct-20201.3 KiB5846

stmt_expr_attributes-feature-gate.stderrH A D04-Oct-20201.5 KiB3632

trivial_bounds-bug.rsH A D10-Sep-2020849 3415

trivial_bounds-bug.stderrH A D04-Oct-2020279 65

trivial_bounds-feature-gate.rsH A D04-Oct-20201.3 KiB5528

trivial_bounds-feature-gate.stderrH A D04-Oct-20202.2 KiB4641

trivial_bounds.rsH A D10-Sep-2020952 3517

trivial_bounds.stderrH A D26-Sep-2020758 1816


1# UI tests for unstable features
3These tests check how the guarantees and features provided by pin-project interact with unstable language features.
5The names of the files contained in this directory need to begin with the name of the feature.