1 /* Japanese language  */
3 #if defined(Japanese)
5 char *msg28 = "Could not open deny user file.";
6 char *msg29 = "User not allowed to change password.";
8 char *msg01 = "�ѥ���ɥե�������Ф�������߸��¤�����ޤ���:";
9 char *msg02 = "�������ѥ���ɤ����Ϥ���Ƥ��ʤ���û�����ޤ� (����";
10 char *msg03 = "ʸ��).";
11 char *msg04 = "�������ѥ���ɤ�Ĺ�����ޤ� (����";
12 char *msg05 = "Ʊ���ѥ���ɤϻ��ѤǤ��ޤ���";
13 char *msg06 = "�������ѥ���ɤ����פ��ޤ���.";
14 char *msg07 = "�ѥ���ɥե���������ޤ���:";
15 char *msg08 = "����ե���������ޤ���.";
16 char *msg09 = "�ʲ��Υ桼���Υѥ���ɤ��㤤�ޤ�:";
17 char *msg10 = "�ѥ���ɤ��ѹ�����ޤ���Ǥ���.";
18 char *msg11 = "�ʲ��Υ桼���Υѥ���ɤ��ѹ�����ޤ���";
19 char *msg12 = "";
20 char *msg13 = "�桼��:";
21 char *msg14 = "��¸�ߤ��ޤ���.";
22 char *msg15 = "����ե���������ޤ���:";
23 char *msg16 = "���ե���������ޤ���:";
24 char *msg17 = "�������ѥ���ɤ������Ǥ�.";
25 char *msg18 = "�������ѥ���ɤ����Ϥ���ݤϰʲ��ε�§�˽��äƲ�����:";
26 char *msg19 = "����ե��٥å� (a-z, A-Z) �κ���ʸ����";
27 char *msg20 = "���� (0-9) �κ���ʸ����";
28 char *msg21 = "���� �κ���ʸ����";
29 char *msg22 = "���ʤ���Squid��������ȤΥѥ���ɤ��ѹ����ޤ�";
30 char *msg23 = "Authorization file �ν�ͭ�Ԥ�root�Ǥ���ɬ�פ�����ޤ�. README���Ȥ��Ʋ�����.";
31 char *msg24 = "Authorization file ��mode����äƤ��ޤ� (must be 755). README���Ȥ��Ʋ�����.";
32 char *msg25 = "ǧ�ڥե����뤬�����ޤ���.";
33 char *msg26 = "���ʤ��ϥѥ���ɤ��ѹ����븢�¤�����ޤ���.";
34 char *msg27 = "ǧ�ڤ˼��Ԥ��ޤ���.";
UserForm(char * minlen,char * maxlen,char * minchar,char * minnum,char * minspec,char * bgcolor,char * txcolor,char * ticolor,char * rucolor,char * logo,char * width,char * height,char * header,char * bgimage,char * ShowInfo)36 static void UserForm(char *minlen, char *maxlen, char *minchar, char *minnum, char *minspec, char *bgcolor, char *txcolor, char *ticolor, char *rucolor, char *logo, char *width, char *height, char *header, char *bgimage, char *ShowInfo)
37 {
39   char rules[255] = "<li>����:";
40   char wrules[255];
41   int  frules=0;
43   printf("Content-type: text/html ; charset=EUC-JP\n");
44   puts("\n");
45   printf("<html>\n");
46   printf("<head>\n");
47   printf("  <title>Change Squid Password</title>\n");
48   printf("</head>\n");
49   printf("<body bgcolor=%s text=%s background='%s'>\n",bgcolor,txcolor,bgimage);
51   if(strlen(logo) > 0)
52      printf("<h2><img src='%s' border=0 align=absmiddle width=%s height=%s><font color=%s>%s</font></h2>\n",logo,width,height,ticolor,header);
53    else
54      printf("<h2><font color=%s>%s</font></h2>\n",ticolor,header);
56   printf("�������ƥ������ͳ����, �������ѥ���ɤ��դ���ݤ˰ʲ��λ����α�դ��Ʋ�����:\n");
57   printf("<ul>\n");
58   printf("<li>�ѥ���ɤ���ʸ���Ⱦ�ʸ�������̤���ޤ�. 'A'��'a'�ϰۤʤ�ʸ���Ǥ�.<br>\n");
59   printf("<li>����ե��٥å�, ����, �ڤӥ����ܡ��ɤ������ϲ�ǽ�ʵ��椬�Ȥ��ޤ�.<br>\n");
60   printf("<li>�������ѥ���ɤξ��:<br>");
61   printf("<ul><li>Ĺ��: ���� <font color=%s><b>%s</b></font> ʸ��, ���� <font color=%s><b>%s</b></font> ʸ��.<br>\n",rucolor,minlen,rucolor,maxlen);
63   if(strcmp(minchar,"0") != 0) {
64      sprintf(wrules," ����ե��٥å� (a-z, A-Z):<font color=%s><b> %s</b></font>ʸ���ʾ�",rucolor,minchar);
65      strcat(rules,wrules);
66      frules=1;
67   }
68   if(strcmp(minnum,"0") != 0) {
69      if(frules)
70         strcat(rules,", ");
71      sprintf(wrules," ���� (0-9):<font color=%s><b> %s</b></font>ʸ���ʾ�",rucolor,minnum);
72      strcat(rules,wrules);
73      frules=1;
74   }
75   if(strcmp(minspec,"0") != 0) {
76      if(frules)
77         strcat(rules,", ");
78      sprintf(wrules," ���� :<font color=%s><b> %s</b></font>ʸ���ʾ�",rucolor,minspec);
79      strcat(rules,wrules);
80      frules=1;
81   }
82   if(!frules){
83      sprintf(wrules,"<font color=%s><b> ����̵��</b></font>",rucolor);
84      strcat(rules,wrules);
85   }
86   strcat(rules,"<br>");
87   printf(rules);
88   printf("</ul>\n");
90   printf("<li>���ʤ��ο������ѥ���ɤϤ��褽15ʬ�����ͭ���ˤʤ�ޤ�.\n");
91   printf("</ul>\n");
92   printf("<form action='chpasswd.cgi' method=POST>\n");
93   printf("<center>\n");
94   printf("<hr noshade>\n");
95   printf("<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>\n");
96   printf("  <tr><td align=right>���ʤ��� Account ̾:\n");
97   printf("      <td><input type=text name=user size=10>\n");
98   printf("  <tr><td align=right>���ʤ��θ��ߤ� Password:\n");
99   printf("      <td><input type=password name=old_pw size=%s>\n",maxlen);
100   printf("  <tr><td align=right>������ Password:\n");
101   printf("      <td><input type=password name=new_pw1 size=%s>\n",maxlen);
102   printf("  <tr><td align=right>������ Password (�⤦����):\n");
103   printf("      <td><input type=password name=new_pw2 size=%s>\n",maxlen);
104   printf("</table>\n");
105   printf("<hr noshade>\n");
106   printf("<input type=submit name=change value='�¹�'>\n");
107   printf("<input type=reset name=reset value='���ꥢ'>\n");
108   printf("<input type=submit name=cancel value='�������'>\n");
109   printf("</center>\n");
110   printf("</form>\n");
111   if(strcmp(ShowInfo,"on") == 0)
112      printf("<font size=-2><a href='%s'>%s-%s</a></font>\n",URL,PGM,VERSION);
113   printf("</body>\n");
114   printf("</html>\n");
116   fflush(stdout);
117   return;
119 }
120 #endif