1# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5# TODO(crbug.com.1052397): Remove this and |chromeos_is_browser_only| usage once
6# |is_chromeos| is true in a LaCrOS build.
9# This file contains common system config stuff for the Android build.
11# NOTE: Because Chrome OS builds may depend on targets built with the Android
12# toolchain, this GNI file may be read and processed from within Chrome OS
13# toolchains. Checking |is_android| here would therefore be too restrictive.
14if (is_android || is_chromeos ||
15    (is_linux && chromeos_is_browser_only && also_build_ash_chrome)) {
16  import("//build/config/chromecast_build.gni")
17  import("//build_overrides/build.gni")
18  import("abi.gni")
20  if (build_with_chromium) {
21    # Some non-chromium projects (e.g. WebRTC) use our build configs
22    # heavily but don't write gclient args files.
24    import("//build/config/gclient_args.gni")
25    if (defined(checkout_android_native_support)) {
26      n = "$0x0A"  # Newline
27      assert(checkout_android_native_support,
28             "Missing native Android toolchain support. |target_os| in your " +
29                 ".gclient configuration file (in the parent directory of " +
30                 "src) must include \"android\" and/or \"chromeos\". For " +
31                 "example:${n}${n}solutions = [${n}...${n}]${n}" +
32                 "target_os=[\"chromeos\"]${n}${n}" +
33                 "After adding |target_os| please re-run \"gclient sync\".${n}")
34    }
35  }
37  has_chrome_android_internal =
38      exec_script("//build/dir_exists.py",
39                  [ rebase_path("//clank", root_build_dir) ],
40                  "string") == "True"
42  # We are using a separate declare_args block for only this argument so that
43  # we can decide if we have to pull in definitions from the internal config
44  # early.
45  declare_args() {
46    # Enables using the internal Chrome for Android repository. The default
47    # value depends on whether the repository is available, and if it's not but
48    # this argument is manually set to True, the generation will fail.
49    # The main purpose of this argument is to avoid having to maintain 2
50    # repositories to support both public only and internal builds.
51    enable_chrome_android_internal = has_chrome_android_internal
53    # The default to use for android:minSdkVersion for targets that do
54    # not explicitly set it.
55    default_min_sdk_version = 21
57    # Android API level for 32 bits platforms
58    android32_ndk_api_level = 16
60    # Android API level for 64 bits platforms
61    android64_ndk_api_level = 21
63    # [WIP] Allows devs to achieve much faster edit-build-install cycles.
64    # Currently only works for ChromeModern apks due to incremental install.
65    # This needs to be in a separate declare_args as it determines some of the
66    # args in the main declare_args block below.
67    android_fast_local_dev = false
68  }
70  if (enable_chrome_android_internal) {
71    import("//clank/config.gni")
72  } else {
73    import("//build/config/android/sdk.gni")
74    declare_args() {
75      # Which Android SDK to use.
76      android_sdk_release = default_android_sdk_release
77    }
78  }
80  if (!defined(default_android_ndk_root)) {
81    default_android_ndk_root = "//third_party/android_ndk"
82    default_android_ndk_version = "r20"
83    default_android_ndk_major_version = 20
84  } else {
85    assert(defined(default_android_ndk_version))
86    assert(defined(default_android_ndk_major_version))
87  }
89  public_android_sdk_root = "//third_party/android_sdk/public"
90  if (android_sdk_release == "r") {
91    default_android_sdk_root = public_android_sdk_root
92    default_android_sdk_version = "30"
93    default_android_sdk_build_tools_version = "30.0.1"
94    public_android_sdk = true
95  }
97  # For use downstream when we are building with preview Android SDK
98  if (!defined(final_android_sdk)) {
99    final_android_sdk = public_android_sdk
100  }
102  if (!defined(default_lint_android_sdk_root)) {
103    # Purposefully repeated so that downstream can change
104    # default_android_sdk_root without changing lint version.
105    default_lint_android_sdk_root = public_android_sdk_root
106    default_lint_android_sdk_version = 30
107  }
109  if (!defined(default_extras_android_sdk_root)) {
110    # Purposefully repeated so that downstream can change
111    # default_android_sdk_root without changing where we load the SDK extras
112    # from. (Google Play services, etc.)
113    default_extras_android_sdk_root = public_android_sdk_root
114  }
116  if (!defined(default_android_keystore_path)) {
117    default_android_keystore_path = "//build/android/chromium-debug.keystore"
118    default_android_keystore_name = "chromiumdebugkey"
119    default_android_keystore_password = "chromium"
120  }
122  # google_play_services_package contains the path where individual client
123  # targets (e.g. google_play_services_base_java) are located.
124  if (!defined(google_play_services_package)) {
125    if (is_chromecast && chromecast_branding != "public") {
126      google_play_services_package = "//chromecast/internal/android/prebuilt/google-play-services-first-party"
127    } else {
128      google_play_services_package = "//third_party/android_deps"
129    }
130  }
132  if (!defined(material_design_target)) {
133    material_design_target =
134        "//third_party/android_deps:com_google_android_material_material_java"
135  }
137  if (!defined(android_protoc_bin)) {
138    android_protoc_bin = "//third_party/android_protoc/protoc"
139    android_proto_runtime =
140        "//third_party/android_deps:com_google_protobuf_protobuf_javalite_java"
141  }
143  webview_public_framework_dep =
144      "//third_party/android_sdk:public_framework_system_java"
145  if (!defined(webview_framework_dep)) {
146    webview_framework_dep = webview_public_framework_dep
147  }
149  assert(defined(default_android_sdk_root),
150         "SDK release " + android_sdk_release + " not recognized.")
152  declare_args() {
153    android_ndk_root = default_android_ndk_root
154    android_ndk_version = default_android_ndk_version
155    android_ndk_major_version = default_android_ndk_major_version
157    android_sdk_root = default_android_sdk_root
158    android_sdk_version = default_android_sdk_version
159    android_sdk_build_tools_version = default_android_sdk_build_tools_version
161    lint_android_sdk_root = default_lint_android_sdk_root
162    lint_android_sdk_version = default_lint_android_sdk_version
164    # Libc++ library directory. Override to use a custom libc++ binary.
165    android_libcpp_lib_dir = ""
167    # Android versionCode for android_apk()s that don't explicitly set one.
168    android_default_version_code = "1"
170    # Android versionName for android_apk()s that don't explicitly set one.
171    android_default_version_name = "Developer Build"
173    # Forced Android versionCode
174    android_override_version_code = ""
176    # Forced Android versionName
177    android_override_version_name = ""
179    # The path to the keystore to use for signing builds.
180    android_keystore_path = default_android_keystore_path
182    # The name of the keystore to use for signing builds.
183    android_keystore_name = default_android_keystore_name
185    # The password for the keystore to use for signing builds.
186    android_keystore_password = default_android_keystore_password
188    # Java debug on Android. Having this on enables multidexing, and turning it
189    # off will enable proguard.
190    is_java_debug = is_debug
192    # Mark APKs as android:debuggable="true".
193    debuggable_apks = !is_official_build
195    # Set to false to disable the Errorprone compiler.
196    # Defaults to false for official builds to reduce build times.
197    # Static analysis failures should have been already caught by normal bots.
198    # Disabled when fast_local_dev is turned on.
199    use_errorprone_java_compiler = !is_official_build && !android_fast_local_dev
201    # Build incremental targets whenever possible.
202    # See //build/android/incremental_install/README.md for more details.
203    incremental_install = android_fast_local_dev
205    # When true, updates all android_aar_prebuilt() .info files during gn gen.
206    # Refer to android_aar_prebuilt() for more details.
207    update_android_aar_prebuilts = false
209    # Turns off android lint. Useful for prototyping or for faster local builds.
210    # Defaults to true for official builds to reduce build times.
211    # Static analysis failures should have been already caught by normal bots.
212    # Disabled when fast_local_dev is turned on.
213    disable_android_lint = is_official_build || android_fast_local_dev
215    # Location of aapt2 used for app bundles. For now, a more recent version
216    # than the one distributed with the Android SDK is required.
217    android_sdk_tools_bundle_aapt2_dir =
218        "//third_party/android_build_tools/aapt2"
220    # Causes expectation failures to break the build, otherwise, just warns on
221    # stderr and writes a failure file to $android_configuration_failure_dir:
222    fail_on_android_expectations = false
224    # Controls whether proguard obfuscation is enabled for targets
225    # configured to use it.
226    enable_proguard_obfuscation = true
228    # Controls whether |short_resource_paths| and |strip_resource_names| are
229    # respected. Useful when trying to analyze APKs using tools that do not
230    # support mapping these names.
231    enable_arsc_obfuscation = true
233    # The target to use as the system WebView implementation.
234    system_webview_apk_target = "//android_webview:system_webview_apk"
235  }
237  # We need a second declare_args block to make sure we are using the overridden
238  # value of the arguments set above.
239  declare_args() {
240    if (defined(default_android_sdk_platform_version)) {
241      android_sdk_platform_version = default_android_sdk_platform_version
242    } else {
243      android_sdk_platform_version = android_sdk_version
244    }
246    # Reduce build time by using d8 incremental build.
247    enable_incremental_d8 = true
249    # Use hashed symbol names to reduce JNI symbol overhead.
250    use_hashed_jni_names = !is_java_debug
252    # Desugar lambdas and interfaces methods using Desugar.jar rather than
253    # D8/R8. D8/R8 will still be used for backported method desugaring.
254    enable_bazel_desugar = true
256    # Enables Java library desugaring.
257    # This will cause an extra classes.dex file to appear in every apk.
258    enable_jdk_library_desugaring = true
259  }
261  # Host stuff -----------------------------------------------------------------
263  # Defines the name the Android build gives to the current host CPU
264  # architecture, which is different than the names GN uses.
265  if (host_cpu == "x64") {
266    android_host_arch = "x86_64"
267  } else if (host_cpu == "x86") {
268    android_host_arch = "x86"
269  } else {
270    assert(false, "Need Android toolchain support for your build CPU arch.")
271  }
273  # Defines the name the Android build gives to the current host CPU
274  # architecture, which is different than the names GN uses.
275  if (host_os == "linux") {
276    android_host_os = "linux"
277  } else if (host_os == "mac") {
278    android_host_os = "darwin"
279  } else {
280    assert(false, "Need Android toolchain support for your build OS.")
281  }
283  # Directories and files ------------------------------------------------------
284  #
285  # We define may of the dirs strings here for each output architecture (rather
286  # than just the current one) since these are needed by the Android toolchain
287  # file to define toolchains for all possible targets in one pass.
289  android_sdk =
290      "${android_sdk_root}/platforms/android-${android_sdk_platform_version}"
291  android_sdk_build_tools =
292      "${android_sdk_root}/build-tools/$android_sdk_build_tools_version"
294  # Path to the SDK's android.jar
295  android_sdk_jar = "$android_sdk/android.jar"
297  # Location of libgcc. This is only needed for the current GN toolchain, so we
298  # only need to define the current one, rather than one for every platform
299  # like the toolchain roots.
300  if (current_cpu == "x86") {
301    android_prebuilt_arch = "android-x86"
302    _binary_prefix = "i686-linux-android"
303  } else if (current_cpu == "arm") {
304    android_prebuilt_arch = "android-arm"
305    _binary_prefix = "arm-linux-androideabi"
306  } else if (current_cpu == "mipsel") {
307    android_prebuilt_arch = "android-mips"
308    _binary_prefix = "mipsel-linux-android"
309  } else if (current_cpu == "x64") {
310    android_prebuilt_arch = "android-x86_64"
311    _binary_prefix = "x86_64-linux-android"
312  } else if (current_cpu == "arm64") {
313    android_prebuilt_arch = "android-arm64"
314    _binary_prefix = "aarch64-linux-android"
315  } else if (current_cpu == "mips64el") {
316    android_prebuilt_arch = "android-mips64"
317    _binary_prefix = "mips64el-linux-android"
318  } else {
319    assert(false, "Need android libgcc support for your target arch.")
320  }
322  android_toolchain_root = "$android_ndk_root/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/${android_host_os}-${android_host_arch}"
323  android_tool_prefix = "$android_toolchain_root/bin/$_binary_prefix-"
324  android_readelf = "${android_tool_prefix}readelf"
325  android_objcopy = "${android_tool_prefix}objcopy"
326  android_gdbserver =
327      "$android_ndk_root/prebuilt/$android_prebuilt_arch/gdbserver/gdbserver"
329  android_sdk_tools_bundle_aapt2 = "${android_sdk_tools_bundle_aapt2_dir}/aapt2"