1 // Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <string>
10 #include "base/callback_forward.h"
11 #include "google_apis/gaia/core_account_id.h"
13 // An interface to be implemented per-platform that represents an
14 // encrypted storage facility for the device's robot GAIA account.
15 class DeviceOAuth2TokenStore {
16  public:
17   // Implemented by the DeviceOAuth2TokenService to be notified of events
18   // related to the state of the token storage.
19   class Observer {
20    public:
~Observer()21     virtual ~Observer() {}
23     // Called when the refresh token becomes available, at which point it'll be
24     // returned by a call to |GetRefreshToken()|.
25     virtual void OnRefreshTokenAvailable() = 0;
26   };
28   // Invoked by SetAndSaveRefreshToken to indicate whether the operation was
29   // successful or not.
30   using StatusCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool)>;
32   // Called when the |Init()| function finishes.
33   // The first param, |init_result|, will be true if the store is properly
34   // initialized and ready to use.
35   // The 2nd param, |validation_required|, will be true if the calling service
36   // is expected to perform validation on the token before using it, false if
37   // validation was already completed.
38   using InitCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool /* init_result */,
39                                                bool /* validation_required */)>;
41   // Called by |PrepareTrustedAccountId()| once it's done.
42   // The param, |trusted_account_present| indicates whether the store was able
43   // successfully prepare a trusted Account ID.
44   using TrustedAccountIdCallback =
45       base::RepeatingCallback<void(bool /* trusted_account_present */)>;
~DeviceOAuth2TokenStore()47   virtual ~DeviceOAuth2TokenStore() {}
49   // Initialize this storage object and perform necessary setup to be able to
50   // store/load and encrypt/decrypt the relevant data. Calls
51   // |Observer::OnInitComplete()| upon completion.
52   virtual void Init(InitCallback callback) = 0;
54   // Return the current service account ID for this device.
55   virtual CoreAccountId GetAccountId() const = 0;
57   // Return the current refresh token for the account ID of the device. This may
58   // return the empty string if the token isn't yet ready or if there was an
59   // error during initialization.
60   virtual std::string GetRefreshToken() const = 0;
62   // Persist the given refresh token on the device. Overwrites any previous
63   // value. Should only be called during initial device setup. Signals
64   // completion via the given callback, passing true if the operation succeeded.
65   virtual void SetAndSaveRefreshToken(const std::string& refresh_token,
66                                       StatusCallback result_callback) = 0;
68   // Requests that this store prepare its underlying storage to be able to be
69   // queried for a trusted account ID, whatever that means for that platform.
70   // See concrete implementation comments for more details. This does not affect
71   // or change this objects' state or the stored token, it is meant to prepare
72   // the platform for retrieving the values.
73   // Invokes |callback| when the operation completes.
74   virtual void PrepareTrustedAccountId(TrustedAccountIdCallback callback) = 0;
76 #if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
77   // Requests that this store persist the current service account's associated
78   // email.
79   // On ChromeOS, the account email comes from CrosSettings so this should never
80   // be called.
81   virtual void SetAccountEmail(const std::string& account_email) = 0;
82 #endif
SetObserver(Observer * observer)84   void SetObserver(Observer* observer) { observer_ = observer; }
observer()85   Observer* observer() { return observer_; }
87  private:
88   Observer* observer_ = nullptr;
89 };