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BUILD.gnH A D16-Feb-20214.1 KiB159140

DEPSH A D16-Feb-202184 54

README.mdH A D16-Feb-20219.2 KiB154142

access_token_fetcher.ccH A D16-Feb-20217.3 KiB190137

access_token_fetcher.hH A D16-Feb-202111.3 KiB26086

access_token_fetcher_unittest.ccH A D16-Feb-202122.9 KiB615415

access_token_info.ccH A D16-Feb-2021495 168

access_token_info.hH A D16-Feb-20211.4 KiB4321

account_info.ccH A D16-Feb-20216.5 KiB185138

account_info.hH A D16-Feb-20213.6 KiB11164

account_info_unittest.ccH A D16-Feb-20214.2 KiB140103

accounts_cookie_mutator.hH A D16-Feb-20215.6 KiB14068

accounts_cookie_mutator_unittest.ccH A D16-Feb-202122.1 KiB533427

accounts_in_cookie_jar_info.ccH A D16-Feb-20211.1 KiB3120

accounts_in_cookie_jar_info.hH A D16-Feb-20211.3 KiB3819

accounts_mutator.hH A D16-Feb-20212.7 KiB7841

accounts_mutator_unittest.ccH A D16-Feb-202126.2 KiB667494

consent_level.hH A D16-Feb-20211.1 KiB289

device_accounts_synchronizer.hH A D16-Feb-20212.2 KiB5427

diagnostics_provider.hH A D16-Feb-20211.4 KiB4019

diagnostics_provider_unittest.ccH A D16-Feb-20212.8 KiB8160

identity_manager.ccH A D16-Feb-202123.6 KiB651518

identity_manager.hH A D16-Feb-202132.5 KiB713399

identity_manager_builder.ccH A D16-Feb-20217.5 KiB188152

identity_manager_builder.hH A D16-Feb-20212.4 KiB9768

identity_manager_builder_unittest.ccH A D16-Feb-20214.8 KiB135105

identity_manager_unittest.ccH A D16-Feb-202199.7 KiB2,3591,751

identity_mutator.ccH A D16-Feb-20215 KiB129107

identity_mutator.hH A D16-Feb-20215.1 KiB14068

identity_test_environment.ccH A D16-Feb-202127.4 KiB705580

identity_test_environment.hH A D16-Feb-202121.3 KiB451178

identity_test_environment_unittest.ccH A D16-Feb-20212.1 KiB5536

identity_test_utils.ccH A D16-Feb-202117.8 KiB464352

identity_test_utils.hH A D16-Feb-20219.4 KiB19980

identity_utils.ccH A D16-Feb-20212.3 KiB6441

identity_utils.hH A D16-Feb-2021766 229

identity_utils_unittest.ccH A D16-Feb-20214 KiB9869

load_credentials_state.hH A D16-Feb-2021937 2615

primary_account_access_token_fetcher.ccH A D16-Feb-20215.7 KiB15088

primary_account_access_token_fetcher.hH A D16-Feb-20219.5 KiB22452

primary_account_access_token_fetcher_unittest.ccH A D16-Feb-202117.3 KiB473297

primary_account_mutator.hH A D16-Feb-20213.5 KiB9140

primary_account_mutator_unittest.ccH A D16-Feb-202122.2 KiB539358

scope_set.hH A D16-Feb-2021478 188

set_accounts_in_cookie_result.hH A D16-Feb-2021729 2310

test_identity_manager_observer.ccH A D16-Feb-20217.8 KiB230177

test_identity_manager_observer.hH A D16-Feb-20215.5 KiB13691

ubertoken_fetcher.ccH A D16-Feb-2021611 164

ubertoken_fetcher.hH A D16-Feb-20211 KiB3619


1The core public API surfaces for interacting with Google identity. Header files
2in this directory are allowed to depend only on the following other parts of the
3signin component:
8Implementation files in this directory, however, are additionally allowed to
9depend on //components/signin/internal/identity_manager.
11Here we take a quick guide through the core concepts (note: Documentation on
12specific IdentityManager and IdentityManager::Observer methods can be found as
13method-level comments in identity_manager.h; this guide defines the core
14concepts themselves and gives a high-level mapping between these core concepts
15and the relevant IdentityManager(::Observer) API surfaces).
17# Accounts
18- "Account" always refers to a Gaia account.
19- An account has three core pieces of information, which are collected together
20  in the CoreAccountInfo struct and are available for the duration of the
21  account being visible to IdentityManager:
22  - The email address.
23  - The Gaia ID.
24  - The account ID. This is an opaque Chrome-specific identifier for the
25    account.
26- The AccountInfo struct contains extra "extended" information about the account
27  that may become available only asynchronously after the account is first added
28  to Chrome. To interact with the extended account info, use the IdentityManager
29  methods with "ExtendedAccountInfo" in their names. To observe changes in the
30  state of the extended account info for one or more accounts, observe
31  IdentityManager and override one or more of the IdentityManager::Observer
32  methods with "ExtendedAccountInfo" in their names.
34# The Primary Account
35- "Primary account" in IdentityManager refers to the account that has been
36  blessed for sync by the user (what in Chromium historically was often referred
37  to as the "authenticated account").
38- "Unconsented primary account" is intuitively the browsing identity of the user
39  that we display to the user; the user may or may not have blessed this account
40  for sync. In particular, whenever a primary account exists, the unconsented
41  primary account equals to the primary account. On desktop platforms (excl.
42  ChromeOS), if no primary account exists and there exist any content-area
43  accounts, the unconsented primary account equals to the first signed-in content-
44  area account. In all other cases there is no unconsented primary account.
45  NOTE: This name is still subject to finalization. The problem with
46  "unconsented" in this context is that it means "did not consent"; really, this
47  account is the "possibly unconsented, possibly primary, default account", which
48  is a mouthful :).
49- To interact with the primary account and/or unconsented primary account, use
50  the IdentityManager methods with "PrimaryAccount" in their names. To observe
51  changes in the presence of either of these accounts, observe IdentityManager
52  and override one or more of the methods with "PrimaryAccount" in their names
53  as desired.
54- PrimaryAccountTokenFetcher is the primary client-side interface for obtaining
55  OAuth2 access tokens for the primary account (see the next section for the
56  discussion of OAuth2 tokens). In particular, it can handle the common use case
57  of "wait until the primary account is available and then fetch an access token
58  for it" transparently on behalf of the client. See
59  primary_account_access_token_fetcher.h for usage explanation and examples.
61# OAuth2 Access and Refresh Tokens
62- "OAuth2 tokens" are tokens related to the OAuth2 client-server authorization
63  protocol. "OAuth2 refresh tokens" or just "refresh tokens" are long-lived
64  tokens that the browser obtains via the user explicitly adding an account.
65  Clients of IdentityManager do not explicitly see refresh tokens, but rather use
66  IdentityManager to obtain "OAuth2 access tokens" or just "access tokens".
67  Access tokens are short-lived tokens with given scopes that can be used to make
68  authorized requests to Gaia endpoints.
69- "The accounts with refresh tokens" refer to the accounts that are visible to
70  IdentityManager with OAuth2 refresh tokens present (e.g., because the user has
71    signed in to the browser and embedder-level code then added the account to
72    IdentityManager, or because the user has added an account at the
73    system level that embedder-level code then made visible to IdentityManager).
74  To interact with these accounts, use the IdentityManager methods with
75  "RefreshToken" in their name. To observe changes in the state of one or more
76  of these accounts, observe IdentityManager and override one or more of the
77  IdentityManager::Observer methods with "RefreshToken" in their name.
78- AccessTokenFetcher is the client-side interface for obtaining access tokens
79  for arbitrary accounts; see access_token_fetcher.h for usage explanation and
80  examples.
82# The Gaia Cookie
83- "The Gaia cookie" refers to the cookie that contains the information of the
84  user's Gaia accounts that are available on the web.
85- "The accounts in the Gaia cookie" and "the accounts in the cookie jar" refer to
86  the set of accounts in this cookie. To interact with these accounts, use the
87  IdentityManager methods with "Cookie" in their name. To observe changes in the
88  state of one or more of these accounts, observe IdentityManager and override
89  one or more of the IdentityManager::Observer methods with "Cookie" in their
90  name. Note that as the information that Chrome has about these accounts is
91  fundamentally different than that which Chrome has about the user's accounts
92  with OAuth2 refresh tokens, the struct encoding this information is also
93  distinct: see accounts_in_cookie_jar_info.h.
95# Interacting with IdentityManager and Friends in Tests
96- IdentityTestEnvironment is the preferred test infrastructure for unittests
97  of production code that interacts with IdentityManager. It is suitable for
98  use in cases where neither the production code nor the unittest is interacting
99  with Profile.
100- identity_test_utils.h provides lower-level test facilities for interacting
101  explicitly with IdentityManager. These facilities are the way to interact with
102  IdentityManager in testing contexts where the production code and/or the
103  unittest are interacting with Profile (in particular, where the
104  IdentityManager instance with which the test is interacting must be
105  IdentityManagerFactory::GetForProfile(profile)). Examples include integration
106  tests and Profile-based unittests (in the latter case, consider migrating the
107  test and production code away from using Profile directly and using
108  IdentityTestEnvironment).
110# Mutation of Account State
111- Various mutators of account state are available through IdentityManager (e.g.,
112  PrimaryAccountMutator). These should in general be used only as part of larger
113  embedder-specific flows for mutating the user's account state in ways that are
114  in line with product specifications. If you are a consumer of
115  //components/identity/public/identity_manager and you believe that you have a
116  new use case for one of these API surfaces, you should first contact the
117  OWNERS of //components/signin to discuss this use case and how best to realize
118  it. With these caveats, here are the details of how various operations are
119  supported on the various platforms on which Chrome runs:
120  * Mutating the primary account: Setting the primary account is done via
121    PrimaryAccountMutator::SetPrimaryAccount(); see the comments on the
122    declaration of that method for the conditions required for the setting of
123    the primary account to succeed. On all platforms other than ChromeOS, the
124    primary account can be cleared via
125    PrimaryAccountMutator::ClearPrimaryAccount() (on ChromeOS, the primary
126    account cannot be cleared as there is no user-level flow to sign out of
127    the browser).
128  * Updating the state of the accounts in the Gaia cookie: This is supported via
129    AccountsCookieMutator.
130  * Mutating the set of accounts with refresh tokens: The ways in which this
131    occurs are platform-specific due to the differences in underlying platform
132    account management (or lack thereof). We detail these below:
133    - Windows/Mac/Linux: Chrome manages the user's OAuth2 refresh tokens
134      internally. Adding and removing accounts with refresh tokens is done via
135      AccountsMutator.
136    - ChromeOS: Chrome is backed by ChromeOS' platform-level AccountManager.
137      Chrome's view of the accounts with refresh tokens is synchronized with
138      the platform-level state by observing that platform-level AccountManager
139      internally.
140    - Android: Chrome is backed by Android's platform-level AccountManager (in
141      Java). Chrome's view of the accounts with refresh tokens is synchronized
142      with the platform-level state via IdentityMutator.java.
143    - iOS: Chrome is backed by Google's iOS SSO library for supporting shared
144      identities between Google's various iOS applications. Chrome's view of the
145      accounts with refresh tokens is synchronized with the platform-level state
146      via DeviceAccountsSynchronizer.
148# Mental Mapping from Chromium's Historical API Surfaces for Signin
149Documentation on the mapping between usage of legacy signin
150classes (notably PrimaryAccountManager and ProfileOAuth2TokenService) and usage
151of IdentityManager is available here: