1 /* Copyright (c) 2015-2020 The Khronos Group Inc.
2  * Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Valve Corporation
3  * Copyright (c) 2015-2020 LunarG, Inc.
4  * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Google Inc.
5  *
6  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11  *
12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16  * limitations under the License.
17  *
18  * Author: Chris Forbes <chrisf@ijw.co.nz>
19  */
23 #include <cassert>
24 #include <cstdlib>
25 #include <cstring>
26 #include <unordered_map>
27 #include <unordered_set>
28 #include <vector>
30 #include "vulkan/vulkan.h"
31 #include <spirv/unified1/spirv.hpp>
32 #include <generated/spirv_tools_commit_id.h>
33 #include "spirv-tools/optimizer.hpp"
34 #include "core_validation_types.h"
36 // A forward iterator over spirv instructions. Provides easy access to len, opcode, and content words
37 // without the caller needing to care too much about the physical SPIRV module layout.
38 struct spirv_inst_iter {
39     std::vector<uint32_t>::const_iterator zero;
40     std::vector<uint32_t>::const_iterator it;
lenspirv_inst_iter42     uint32_t len() const {
43         auto result = *it >> 16;
44         assert(result > 0);
45         return result;
46     }
opcodespirv_inst_iter48     uint32_t opcode() { return *it & 0x0ffffu; }
wordspirv_inst_iter50     uint32_t const &word(unsigned n) const {
51         assert(n < len());
52         return it[n];
53     }
offsetspirv_inst_iter55     uint32_t offset() { return (uint32_t)(it - zero); }
spirv_inst_iterspirv_inst_iter57     spirv_inst_iter() {}
spirv_inst_iterspirv_inst_iter59     spirv_inst_iter(std::vector<uint32_t>::const_iterator zero, std::vector<uint32_t>::const_iterator it) : zero(zero), it(it) {}
61     bool operator==(spirv_inst_iter const &other) const { return it == other.it; }
63     bool operator!=(spirv_inst_iter const &other) const { return it != other.it; }
65     spirv_inst_iter operator++(int) {  // x++
66         spirv_inst_iter ii = *this;
67         it += len();
68         return ii;
69     }
71     spirv_inst_iter operator++() {  // ++x;
72         it += len();
73         return *this;
74     }
76     // The iterator and the value are the same thing.
77     spirv_inst_iter &operator*() { return *this; }
78     spirv_inst_iter const &operator*() const { return *this; }
79 };
81 struct shader_stage_attributes {
82     char const *const name;
83     bool arrayed_input;
84     bool arrayed_output;
85     VkShaderStageFlags stage;
86 };
88 struct decoration_set {
89     enum {
90         location_bit = 1 << 0,
91         patch_bit = 1 << 1,
92         relaxed_precision_bit = 1 << 2,
93         block_bit = 1 << 3,
94         buffer_block_bit = 1 << 4,
95         component_bit = 1 << 5,
96         input_attachment_index_bit = 1 << 6,
97         descriptor_set_bit = 1 << 7,
98         binding_bit = 1 << 8,
99         nonwritable_bit = 1 << 9,
100         builtin_bit = 1 << 10,
101     };
102     uint32_t flags = 0;
103     uint32_t location = static_cast<uint32_t>(-1);
104     uint32_t component = 0;
105     uint32_t input_attachment_index = 0;
106     uint32_t descriptor_set = 0;
107     uint32_t binding = 0;
108     uint32_t builtin = static_cast<uint32_t>(-1);
mergedecoration_set110     void merge(decoration_set const &other) {
111         if (other.flags & location_bit) location = other.location;
112         if (other.flags & component_bit) component = other.component;
113         if (other.flags & input_attachment_index_bit) input_attachment_index = other.input_attachment_index;
114         if (other.flags & descriptor_set_bit) descriptor_set = other.descriptor_set;
115         if (other.flags & binding_bit) binding = other.binding;
116         if (other.flags & builtin_bit) builtin = other.builtin;
117         flags |= other.flags;
118     }
120     void add(uint32_t decoration, uint32_t value);
121 };
123 struct function_set {
124     unsigned id;
125     unsigned offset;
126     unsigned length;
127     std::unordered_multimap<uint32_t, uint32_t> op_lists;  // key: spv::Op,  value: offset
function_setfunction_set129     function_set() : id(0), offset(0), length(0) {}
130 };
132 struct shader_struct_member {
133     uint32_t offset;
134     uint32_t size;                                 // A scalar size or a struct size. Not consider array
135     std::vector<uint32_t> array_length_hierarchy;  // multi-dimensional array, mat, vec. mat is combined with 2 array.
136                                                    // e.g :array[2] -> {2}, array[2][3][4] -> {2,3,4}, mat4[2] ->{2,4,4},
137     std::vector<uint32_t> array_block_size;        // When index increases, how many data increases.
138                                              // e.g : array[2][3][4] -> {12,4,1}, it means if the first index increases one, the
139                                              // array gets 12 data. If the second index increases one, the array gets 4 data.
140     std::vector<shader_struct_member> struct_members;  // If the data is not a struct, it's empty.
141     shader_struct_member *root;
shader_struct_membershader_struct_member143     shader_struct_member() : offset(0), size(0), root(nullptr) {}
IsUsedshader_struct_member145     bool IsUsed() const {
146         if (!root) return false;
147         return root->used_bytes.size() ? true : false;
148     }
GetUsedbytesshader_struct_member150     std::vector<uint8_t> *GetUsedbytes() const {
151         if (!root) return nullptr;
152         return &root->used_bytes;
153     }
GetLocationDescshader_struct_member155     std::string GetLocationDesc(uint32_t index_used_bytes) const {
156         std::string desc = "";
157         if (array_length_hierarchy.size() > 0) {
158             desc += " index:";
159             for (const auto block_size : array_block_size) {
160                 desc += "[";
161                 desc += std::to_string(index_used_bytes / (block_size * size));
162                 desc += "]";
163                 index_used_bytes = index_used_bytes % (block_size * size);
164             }
165         }
166         const int struct_members_size = static_cast<int>(struct_members.size());
167         if (struct_members_size > 0) {
168             desc += " member:";
169             for (int i = struct_members_size - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
170                 if (index_used_bytes > struct_members[i].offset) {
171                     desc += std::to_string(i);
172                     desc += struct_members[i].GetLocationDesc(index_used_bytes - struct_members[i].offset);
173                     break;
174                 }
175             }
176         } else {
177             desc += " offset:";
178             desc += std::to_string(index_used_bytes);
179         }
180         return desc;
181     }
183   private:
184     std::vector<uint8_t> used_bytes;  // This only works for root. 0: not used. 1: used. The totally array * size.
185 };
187 struct SHADER_MODULE_STATE : public BASE_NODE {
188     // The spirv image itself
189     std::vector<uint32_t> words;
190     // A mapping of <id> to the first word of its def. this is useful because walking type
191     // trees, constant expressions, etc requires jumping all over the instruction stream.
192     std::unordered_map<unsigned, unsigned> def_index;
193     std::unordered_map<unsigned, decoration_set> decorations;
194     struct EntryPoint {
195         uint32_t offset;
196         VkShaderStageFlagBits stage;
197         std::unordered_multimap<unsigned, unsigned> decorate_list;  // key: spv::Op,  value: offset
198         std::vector<function_set> function_set_list;
199         shader_struct_member push_constant_used_in_shader;
200     };
201     std::unordered_multimap<std::string, EntryPoint> entry_points;
202     bool has_valid_spirv;
203     bool has_specialization_constants{false};
204     VkShaderModule vk_shader_module;
205     uint32_t gpu_validation_shader_id;
PreprocessShaderBinarySHADER_MODULE_STATE207     std::vector<uint32_t> PreprocessShaderBinary(uint32_t *src_binary, size_t binary_size, spv_target_env env) {
208         std::vector<uint32_t> src(src_binary, src_binary + binary_size / sizeof(uint32_t));
210         // Check if there are any group decoration instructions, and flatten them if found.
211         bool has_group_decoration = false;
212         bool done = false;
214         // Walk through the first part of the SPIR-V module, looking for group decoration and specialization constant instructions.
215         // Skip the header (5 words).
216         auto itr = spirv_inst_iter(src.begin(), src.begin() + 5);
217         auto itrend = spirv_inst_iter(src.begin(), src.end());
218         while (itr != itrend && !done) {
219             spv::Op opcode = (spv::Op)itr.opcode();
220             switch (opcode) {
221                 case spv::OpDecorationGroup:
222                 case spv::OpGroupDecorate:
223                 case spv::OpGroupMemberDecorate:
224                     has_group_decoration = true;
225                     break;
226                 case spv::OpSpecConstantTrue:
227                 case spv::OpSpecConstantFalse:
228                 case spv::OpSpecConstant:
229                 case spv::OpSpecConstantComposite:
230                 case spv::OpSpecConstantOp:
231                     has_specialization_constants = true;
232                     break;
233                 case spv::OpFunction:
234                     // An OpFunction indicates there are no more decorations
235                     done = true;
236                     break;
237                 default:
238                     break;
239             }
240             itr++;
241         }
243         if (has_group_decoration) {
244             spvtools::Optimizer optimizer(env);
245             optimizer.RegisterPass(spvtools::CreateFlattenDecorationPass());
246             std::vector<uint32_t> optimized_binary;
247             // Run optimizer to flatten decorations only, set skip_validation so as to not re-run validator
248             auto result =
249                 optimizer.Run(src_binary, binary_size / sizeof(uint32_t), &optimized_binary, spvtools::ValidatorOptions(), true);
250             if (result) {
251                 return optimized_binary;
252             }
253         }
254         // Return the original module.
255         return src;
256     }
SHADER_MODULE_STATESHADER_MODULE_STATE258     SHADER_MODULE_STATE(VkShaderModuleCreateInfo const *pCreateInfo, VkShaderModule shaderModule, spv_target_env env,
259                         uint32_t unique_shader_id)
260         : words(), def_index(), has_valid_spirv(true), vk_shader_module(shaderModule), gpu_validation_shader_id(unique_shader_id) {
261         words = PreprocessShaderBinary((uint32_t *)pCreateInfo->pCode, pCreateInfo->codeSize, env);
262         BuildDefIndex();
263     }
SHADER_MODULE_STATESHADER_MODULE_STATE265     SHADER_MODULE_STATE() : has_valid_spirv(false), vk_shader_module(VK_NULL_HANDLE), gpu_validation_shader_id(UINT32_MAX) {}
get_decorationsSHADER_MODULE_STATE267     decoration_set get_decorations(unsigned id) const {
268         // return the actual decorations for this id, or a default set.
269         auto it = decorations.find(id);
270         if (it != decorations.end()) return it->second;
271         return decoration_set();
272     }
274     // Expose begin() / end() to enable range-based for
beginSHADER_MODULE_STATE275     spirv_inst_iter begin() const { return spirv_inst_iter(words.begin(), words.begin() + 5); }  // First insn
endSHADER_MODULE_STATE276     spirv_inst_iter end() const { return spirv_inst_iter(words.begin(), words.end()); }          // Just past last insn
277     // Given an offset into the module, produce an iterator there.
atSHADER_MODULE_STATE278     spirv_inst_iter at(unsigned offset) const { return spirv_inst_iter(words.begin(), words.begin() + offset); }
280     // Gets an iterator to the definition of an id
get_defSHADER_MODULE_STATE281     spirv_inst_iter get_def(unsigned id) const {
282         auto it = def_index.find(id);
283         if (it == def_index.end()) {
284             return end();
285         }
286         return at(it->second);
287     }
289     void BuildDefIndex();
290 };
292 class ValidationCache {
293     // hashes of shaders that have passed validation before, and can be skipped.
294     // we don't store negative results, as we would have to also store what was
295     // wrong with them; also, we expect they will get fixed, so we're less
296     // likely to see them again.
297     std::unordered_set<uint32_t> good_shader_hashes;
ValidationCache()298     ValidationCache() {}
300   public:
Create(VkValidationCacheCreateInfoEXT const * pCreateInfo)301     static VkValidationCacheEXT Create(VkValidationCacheCreateInfoEXT const *pCreateInfo) {
302         auto cache = new ValidationCache();
303         cache->Load(pCreateInfo);
304         return VkValidationCacheEXT(cache);
305     }
Load(VkValidationCacheCreateInfoEXT const * pCreateInfo)307     void Load(VkValidationCacheCreateInfoEXT const *pCreateInfo) {
308         const auto headerSize = 2 * sizeof(uint32_t) + VK_UUID_SIZE;
309         auto size = headerSize;
310         if (!pCreateInfo->pInitialData || pCreateInfo->initialDataSize < size) return;
312         uint32_t const *data = (uint32_t const *)pCreateInfo->pInitialData;
313         if (data[0] != size) return;
314         if (data[1] != VK_VALIDATION_CACHE_HEADER_VERSION_ONE_EXT) return;
315         uint8_t expected_uuid[VK_UUID_SIZE];
316         Sha1ToVkUuid(SPIRV_TOOLS_COMMIT_ID, expected_uuid);
317         if (memcmp(&data[2], expected_uuid, VK_UUID_SIZE) != 0) return;  // different version
319         data = (uint32_t const *)(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t const *>(data) + headerSize);
321         for (; size < pCreateInfo->initialDataSize; data++, size += sizeof(uint32_t)) {
322             good_shader_hashes.insert(*data);
323         }
324     }
Write(size_t * pDataSize,void * pData)326     void Write(size_t *pDataSize, void *pData) {
327         const auto headerSize = 2 * sizeof(uint32_t) + VK_UUID_SIZE;  // 4 bytes for header size + 4 bytes for version number + UUID
328         if (!pData) {
329             *pDataSize = headerSize + good_shader_hashes.size() * sizeof(uint32_t);
330             return;
331         }
333         if (*pDataSize < headerSize) {
334             *pDataSize = 0;
335             return;  // Too small for even the header!
336         }
338         uint32_t *out = (uint32_t *)pData;
339         size_t actualSize = headerSize;
341         // Write the header
342         *out++ = headerSize;
344         Sha1ToVkUuid(SPIRV_TOOLS_COMMIT_ID, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(out));
345         out = (uint32_t *)(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(out) + VK_UUID_SIZE);
347         for (auto it = good_shader_hashes.begin(); it != good_shader_hashes.end() && actualSize < *pDataSize;
348              it++, out++, actualSize += sizeof(uint32_t)) {
349             *out = *it;
350         }
352         *pDataSize = actualSize;
353     }
Merge(ValidationCache const * other)355     void Merge(ValidationCache const *other) {
356         good_shader_hashes.reserve(good_shader_hashes.size() + other->good_shader_hashes.size());
357         for (auto h : other->good_shader_hashes) good_shader_hashes.insert(h);
358     }
360     static uint32_t MakeShaderHash(VkShaderModuleCreateInfo const *smci);
Contains(uint32_t hash)362     bool Contains(uint32_t hash) { return good_shader_hashes.count(hash) != 0; }
Insert(uint32_t hash)364     void Insert(uint32_t hash) { good_shader_hashes.insert(hash); }
366   private:
Sha1ToVkUuid(const char * sha1_str,uint8_t * uuid)367     void Sha1ToVkUuid(const char *sha1_str, uint8_t *uuid) {
368         // Convert sha1_str from a hex string to binary. We only need VK_UUID_SIZE bytes of
369         // output, so pad with zeroes if the input string is shorter than that, and truncate
370         // if it's longer.
371 #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 8)
372 #pragma GCC diagnostic push
373 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstringop-truncation"
374 #endif
375         char padded_sha1_str[2 * VK_UUID_SIZE + 1] = {};  // 2 hex digits == 1 byte
376         std::strncpy(padded_sha1_str, sha1_str, 2 * VK_UUID_SIZE);
377 #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 8)
378 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
379 #endif
380         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < VK_UUID_SIZE; ++i) {
381             const char byte_str[] = {padded_sha1_str[2 * i + 0], padded_sha1_str[2 * i + 1], '\0'};
382             uuid[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>(std::strtoul(byte_str, nullptr, 16));
383         }
384     }
385 };
387 const SHADER_MODULE_STATE::EntryPoint *FindEntrypointStruct(SHADER_MODULE_STATE const *src, char const *name,
388                                                             VkShaderStageFlagBits stageBits);
389 spirv_inst_iter FindEntrypoint(SHADER_MODULE_STATE const *src, char const *name, VkShaderStageFlagBits stageBits);
391 // For some analyses, we need to know about all ids referenced by the static call tree of a particular entrypoint. This is
392 // important for identifying the set of shader resources actually used by an entrypoint, for example.
393 // Note: we only explore parts of the image which might actually contain ids we care about for the above analyses.
394 //  - NOT the shader input/output interfaces.
395 //
396 // TODO: The set of interesting opcodes here was determined by eyeballing the SPIRV spec. It might be worth
397 // converting parts of this to be generated from the machine-readable spec instead.
398 std::unordered_set<uint32_t> MarkAccessibleIds(SHADER_MODULE_STATE const *src, spirv_inst_iter entrypoint);
400 // Returns an int32_t corresponding to the spv::Dim of the given resource, when positive, and corresponding to an unknown type, when
401 // negative.
402 int32_t GetShaderResourceDimensionality(const SHADER_MODULE_STATE *module, const interface_var &resource);
404 bool FindLocalSize(SHADER_MODULE_STATE const *src, uint32_t &local_size_x, uint32_t &local_size_y, uint32_t &local_size_z);
406 void ProcessExecutionModes(SHADER_MODULE_STATE const *src, const spirv_inst_iter &entrypoint, PIPELINE_STATE *pipeline);
408 std::vector<std::pair<descriptor_slot_t, interface_var>> CollectInterfaceByDescriptorSlot(
409     SHADER_MODULE_STATE const *src, std::unordered_set<uint32_t> const &accessible_ids, bool *has_writable_descriptor,
410     bool *has_atomic_descriptor);
412 void SetPushConstantUsedInShader(SHADER_MODULE_STATE &src);
414 std::unordered_set<uint32_t> CollectWritableOutputLocationinFS(const SHADER_MODULE_STATE &module,
415                                                                const VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo &stage_info);
417 uint32_t DescriptorTypeToReqs(SHADER_MODULE_STATE const *module, uint32_t type_id);
419 spv_target_env PickSpirvEnv(uint32_t api_version, bool spirv_1_4);
421 void AdjustValidatorOptions(const DeviceExtensions device_extensions, const DeviceFeatures enabled_features,
422                             spvtools::ValidatorOptions &options);
424 void RunUsedStruct(const SHADER_MODULE_STATE &src, uint32_t offset, uint32_t access_chain_word_index,
425                    spirv_inst_iter &access_chain_it, const shader_struct_member &data);