1// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5module blink.mojom;
7// Enumerates the different buttons on a pointing device.
8enum Button {
9  kNoButton = -1,
10  kLeft,
11  kMiddle,
12  kRight,
13  kBarrel = kRight,  // Barrel is aliased per pointer event spec
14  kBack,
15  kForward,
16  kEraser,
19// Indicates whether the browser needs to block on the ACK result for
20// this event, and if not, why (for metrics/diagnostics purposes).
21enum DispatchType {
22  // Event can be canceled.
23  kBlocking,
24  // Event can not be canceled.
25  kEventNonBlocking,
26  // All listeners are passive; not cancelable.
27  kListenersNonBlockingPassive,
28  // This value represents a state which would have normally blocking
29  // but was forced to be non-blocking during fling; not cancelable.
30  kListenersForcedNonBlockingDueToFling,
33// Enumerates the different types of Input Events.
34enum EventType {
35  kUndefined = -1,
36  kTypeFirst = kUndefined,
38  // WebMouseEvent
39  kMouseDown,
40  kMouseTypeFirst = kMouseDown,
41  kMouseUp,
42  kMouseMove,
43  kMouseEnter,
44  kMouseLeave,
45  kContextMenu,
46  kMouseTypeLast = kContextMenu,
48  // WebMouseWheelEvent
49  kMouseWheel,
51  // WebKeyboardEvent
52  kRawKeyDown,
53  kKeyboardTypeFirst = kRawKeyDown,
54  // KeyDown is a single event combining RawKeyDown and Char.  If KeyDown is
55  // sent for a given keystroke, those two other events will not be sent.
56  // Platforms tend to prefer sending in one format (Android uses KeyDown,
57  // Windows uses RawKeyDown+Char, for example), but this is a weakly held
58  // property as tools like WebDriver/DevTools might still send the other
59  // format.
60  kKeyDown,
61  kKeyUp,
62  kChar,
63  kKeyboardTypeLast = kChar,
65  // WebGestureEvent - input interpreted semi-semantically, most commonly from
66  // touchscreen but also used for touchpad, mousewheel, and gamepad
67  // scrolling.
68  kGestureScrollBegin,
69  kGestureTypeFirst = kGestureScrollBegin,
70  kGestureScrollEnd,
71  kGestureScrollUpdate,
72  // Fling is a high-velocity and quickly released finger movement.
73  // FlingStart is sent once and kicks off a scroll animation.
74  kGestureFlingStart,
75  kGestureFlingCancel,
76  // Pinch is two fingers moving closer or farther apart.
77  kGesturePinchBegin,
78  kGesturePinchTypeFirst = kGesturePinchBegin,
79  kGesturePinchEnd,
80  kGesturePinchUpdate,
81  kGesturePinchTypeLast = kGesturePinchUpdate,
83  // The following types are variations and subevents of single-taps.
84  //
85  // Sent the moment the user's finger hits the screen.
86  kGestureTapDown,
87  // Sent a short interval later, after it seems the finger is staying in
88  // place.  It's used to activate the link highlight ("show the press").
89  kGestureShowPress,
90  // Sent on finger lift for a simple, static, quick finger tap.  This is the
91  // "main" event which maps to a synthetic mouse click event.
92  kGestureTap,
93  // Sent when a GestureTapDown didn't turn into any variation of GestureTap
94  // (likely it turned into a scroll instead).
95  kGestureTapCancel,
96  // Sent as soon as the long-press timeout fires, while the finger is still
97  // down.
98  kGestureLongPress,
99  // Sent when the finger is lifted following a GestureLongPress.
100  kGestureLongTap,
101  // Sent on finger lift when two fingers tapped at the same time without
102  // moving.
103  kGestureTwoFingerTap,
104  // A rare event sent in place of GestureTap on desktop pages viewed on an
105  // Android phone.  This tap could not yet be resolved into a GestureTap
106  // because it may still turn into a GestureDoubleTap.
107  kGestureTapUnconfirmed,
109  // On Android, double-tap is two single-taps spread apart in time, like a
110  // double-click. This event is only sent on desktop pages, and is always
111  // preceded by GestureTapUnconfirmed. It's an instruction to Blink to
112  // perform a PageScaleAnimation zoom onto the double-tapped content. (It's
113  // treated differently from GestureTap with tapCount=2, which can also
114  // happen.)
115  // On desktop, this event may be used for a double-tap with two fingers on
116  // a touchpad, as the desired effect is similar to Android's double-tap.
117  kGestureDoubleTap,
119  kGestureTypeLast = kGestureDoubleTap,
121  // WebTouchEvent - raw touch pointers not yet classified into gestures.
122  kTouchStart,
123  kTouchTypeFirst = kTouchStart,
124  kTouchMove,
125  kTouchEnd,
126  kTouchCancel,
127  // TODO(nzolghadr): This event should be replaced with
128  // kPointerCausedUaAction
129  kTouchScrollStarted,
130  kTouchTypeLast = kTouchScrollStarted,
132  // WebPointerEvent: work in progress
133  kPointerDown,
134  kPointerTypeFirst = kPointerDown,
135  kPointerUp,
136  kPointerMove,
137  kPointerRawUpdate,  // To be only used within blink.
138  kPointerCancel,
139  kPointerCausedUaAction,
140  kPointerTypeLast = kPointerCausedUaAction,
142  kTypeLast = kPointerTypeLast