1This document describes the Google Analytics metrics reported by results.html.
3Measures are recorded by the performance web API, and are visible in the User
4Timing track in the devtools Performance timeline.
6Instant events are recorded using console.timestamp(), and are visible as orange
7ticks at the top of the devtools Performance timeline.
9Both measures and instant events are recorded as Events in Google Analytics.
10[Access these metrics here](https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/#embed/report-home/a98760012w145165698p149871853/) if you have been granted access.
12 * histogram-set-controls
13   * `alpha` measures response latency of changing the statistical significance
14     threshold, alpha.
15   * `hideOverviewCharts` measures response latency of hiding all overview
16     charts.
17   * `referenceColumn` measures response latency of changing the reference
18     column.
19   * `search` measures response latency of changing the search query to filter
20     rows.
21   * `showAll` measures response latency of toggling showing all rows versus
22     source Histograms only.
23   * `showOverviewCharts` measures response latency of showing all overview
24     charts.
25   * `statistic` measures response latency of changing the statistic that is
26     displayed in histogram-set-table-cells.
27 * HistogramSetLocation
28   * `onPopState` measures response latency of the browser back button.
29   * `pushState` measures latency of serializing the view state and pushing it
30     to the HTML5 history API. This happens automatically whenever any part of
31     the ViewState is updated.
32 * histogram-set-table
33   * `columnCount` instant event contains the number of columns, recorded when the
34     table is built.
35   * `nameColumnConstrained` instant event recorded when the name column width
36     is constrained.
37   * `nameColumnUnconstrained` instant event recorded when the name column width
38     is unconstrained.
39   * `rootRowCount` instant event contains the number of root rows, recorded
40     whenever it changes or the table is built.
41   * `rowCollapsed` instant event recorded whenever a row is collapsed.
42   * `rowExpanded` instant event recorded whenever a row is expanded.
43   * `selectHistogramNames` instant event recorded whenever a breakdown related
44     histogram name link is clicked.
45   * `sortColumn` instant event recorded whenever the user changes the sort
46     column.
47 * histogram-set-table-cell
48   * `close` instant event recorded when the cell is closed.
49   * `open` instant event recorded when the cell is opened.
50 * histogram-set-table-name-cell
51   * `closeHistograms` instant event recorded when the user clicks the button to
52     close all histogram-set-table-cells in the row.
53   * `hideOverview` instant event recorded when the user clicks the button to
54     hide the overview line charts for the row.
55   * `openHistograms` instant event recorded when the user clicks the button to
56     open all histogram-set-table-cells in the row.
57   * `showOverview` instant event recorded when the user clicks the button to
58     show the overview line charts for the row.
59 * histogram-set-view
60   * `build` measures latency to find source Histograms, collect parameters,
61     configure the controls and build the table. Does not include parsing
62     Histograms from json.
63   * `sourceHistograms` measures latency to find source Histograms in the
64     relationship graphical model.
65   * `collectParameters` measures latency to collect display labels, statistic
66     names, and possible groupings.
67   * `export{Raw,Merged}{CSV,JSON}` measures latency to download a CSV/JSON file
68     of raw/merged Histograms.
69 * histogram-span
70   * `brushBins` instant event recorded when the user finishes brushing bins.
71   * `clearBrushedBins` instant event recorded when the user clears brushed
72     bins.
73   * `mergeSampleDiagnostics` measures latency of displaying the table of merged
74     sample diagnostics.
75   * `splitSampleDiagnostics` measures latency of displaying the table of
76     unmerged sample diagnostics.
77 * HistogramParameterCollector
78   * `maxSampleCount` instant event records maximum Histogram.numValues