1 /*
2  * Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
3  *
4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5  * found in the LICENSE file.
6  */
8 #include "src/gpu/GrRenderTarget.h"
9 #include "src/gpu/GrShaderCaps.h"
10 #include "src/gpu/gl/GrGLGpu.h"
11 #include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder.h"
12 #include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLProgramBuilder.h"
13 #include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLUniformHandler.h"
14 #include "src/gpu/glsl/GrGLSLVarying.h"
16 const char* GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder::kDstColorName = "_dstColor";
specific_layout_qualifier_name(GrBlendEquation equation)18 static const char* specific_layout_qualifier_name(GrBlendEquation equation) {
19     SkASSERT(GrBlendEquationIsAdvanced(equation));
21     static const char* kLayoutQualifierNames[] = {
22         "blend_support_screen",
23         "blend_support_overlay",
24         "blend_support_darken",
25         "blend_support_lighten",
26         "blend_support_colordodge",
27         "blend_support_colorburn",
28         "blend_support_hardlight",
29         "blend_support_softlight",
30         "blend_support_difference",
31         "blend_support_exclusion",
32         "blend_support_multiply",
33         "blend_support_hsl_hue",
34         "blend_support_hsl_saturation",
35         "blend_support_hsl_color",
36         "blend_support_hsl_luminosity"
37     };
38     return kLayoutQualifierNames[equation - kFirstAdvancedGrBlendEquation];
40     static_assert(0 == kScreen_GrBlendEquation - kFirstAdvancedGrBlendEquation);
41     static_assert(1 == kOverlay_GrBlendEquation - kFirstAdvancedGrBlendEquation);
42     static_assert(2 == kDarken_GrBlendEquation - kFirstAdvancedGrBlendEquation);
43     static_assert(3 == kLighten_GrBlendEquation - kFirstAdvancedGrBlendEquation);
44     static_assert(4 == kColorDodge_GrBlendEquation - kFirstAdvancedGrBlendEquation);
45     static_assert(5 == kColorBurn_GrBlendEquation - kFirstAdvancedGrBlendEquation);
46     static_assert(6 == kHardLight_GrBlendEquation - kFirstAdvancedGrBlendEquation);
47     static_assert(7 == kSoftLight_GrBlendEquation - kFirstAdvancedGrBlendEquation);
48     static_assert(8 == kDifference_GrBlendEquation - kFirstAdvancedGrBlendEquation);
49     static_assert(9 == kExclusion_GrBlendEquation - kFirstAdvancedGrBlendEquation);
50     static_assert(10 == kMultiply_GrBlendEquation - kFirstAdvancedGrBlendEquation);
51     static_assert(11 == kHSLHue_GrBlendEquation - kFirstAdvancedGrBlendEquation);
52     static_assert(12 == kHSLSaturation_GrBlendEquation - kFirstAdvancedGrBlendEquation);
53     static_assert(13 == kHSLColor_GrBlendEquation - kFirstAdvancedGrBlendEquation);
54     static_assert(14 == kHSLLuminosity_GrBlendEquation - kFirstAdvancedGrBlendEquation);
55     // There's an illegal GrBlendEquation at the end there, hence the -1.
56     static_assert(SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kLayoutQualifierNames) ==
57                   kGrBlendEquationCnt - kFirstAdvancedGrBlendEquation - 1);
58 }
KeyForSurfaceOrigin(GrSurfaceOrigin origin)60 uint8_t GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder::KeyForSurfaceOrigin(GrSurfaceOrigin origin) {
61     SkASSERT(kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == origin || kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == origin);
62     return origin + 1;
64     static_assert(0 == kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin);
65     static_assert(1 == kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin);
66 }
GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder(GrGLSLProgramBuilder * program)68 GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder::GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder(GrGLSLProgramBuilder* program)
69         : GrGLSLShaderBuilder(program) {
70     fSubstageIndices.push_back(0);
71 }
sampleOffsets()73 const char* GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder::sampleOffsets() {
74     SkASSERT(CustomFeatures::kSampleLocations & fProgramBuilder->processorFeatures());
75     SkDEBUGCODE(fUsedProcessorFeaturesThisStage_DebugOnly |= CustomFeatures::kSampleLocations);
76     SkDEBUGCODE(fUsedProcessorFeaturesAllStages_DebugOnly |= CustomFeatures::kSampleLocations);
77     return "_sampleOffsets";
78 }
maskOffMultisampleCoverage(const char * mask,ScopeFlags scopeFlags)80 void GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder::maskOffMultisampleCoverage(
81         const char* mask, ScopeFlags scopeFlags) {
82     const GrShaderCaps& shaderCaps = *fProgramBuilder->shaderCaps();
83     if (!shaderCaps.sampleMaskSupport()) {
84         SkDEBUGFAIL("Attempted to mask sample coverage without support.");
85         return;
86     }
87     if (const char* extension = shaderCaps.sampleVariablesExtensionString()) {
88         this->addFeature(1 << kSampleVariables_GLSLPrivateFeature, extension);
89     }
91     if (!fHasModifiedSampleMask) {
92         fHasModifiedSampleMask = true;
93         if (ScopeFlags::kTopLevel != scopeFlags) {
94             this->codePrependf("sk_SampleMask[0] = ~0;");
95         }
96         if (!(ScopeFlags::kInsideLoop & scopeFlags)) {
97             this->codeAppendf("sk_SampleMask[0] = (%s);", mask);
98             return;
99         }
100     }
102     this->codeAppendf("sk_SampleMask[0] &= (%s);", mask);
103 }
applyFnToMultisampleMask(const char * fn,const char * grad,ScopeFlags scopeFlags)105 void GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder::applyFnToMultisampleMask(
106         const char* fn, const char* grad, ScopeFlags scopeFlags) {
107     SkASSERT(CustomFeatures::kSampleLocations & fProgramBuilder->processorFeatures());
108     SkDEBUGCODE(fUsedProcessorFeaturesThisStage_DebugOnly |= CustomFeatures::kSampleLocations);
109     SkDEBUGCODE(fUsedProcessorFeaturesAllStages_DebugOnly |= CustomFeatures::kSampleLocations);
111     int sampleCnt = fProgramBuilder->effectiveSampleCnt();
112     SkASSERT(sampleCnt > 1);
114     this->codeAppendf("{");
116     if (!grad) {
117         SkASSERT(fProgramBuilder->shaderCaps()->shaderDerivativeSupport());
118         // In order to use HW derivatives, our neighbors within the same primitive must also be
119         // executing the same code. A per-pixel branch makes this pre-condition impossible to
120         // fulfill.
121         SkASSERT(!(ScopeFlags::kInsidePerPixelBranch & scopeFlags));
122         this->codeAppendf("float2 grad = float2(dFdx(%s), dFdy(%s));", fn, fn);
123         this->codeAppendf("float fnwidth = fwidth(%s);", fn);
124         grad = "grad";
125     } else {
126         this->codeAppendf("float fnwidth = abs(%s.x) + abs(%s.y);", grad, grad);
127     }
129     this->codeAppendf("int mask = 0;");
130     this->codeAppendf("if (%s*2 < fnwidth) {", fn);  // Are ANY samples inside the implicit fn?
131     this->codeAppendf(    "if (%s*-2 >= fnwidth) {", fn);  // Are ALL samples inside the implicit?
132     this->codeAppendf(        "mask = ~0;");
133     this->codeAppendf(    "} else for (int i = 0; i < %i; ++i) {", sampleCnt);
134     this->codeAppendf(        "float fnsample = dot(%s, _sampleOffsets[i]) + %s;", grad, fn);
135     this->codeAppendf(        "if (fnsample < 0) {");
136     this->codeAppendf(            "mask |= (1 << i);");
137     this->codeAppendf(        "}");
138     this->codeAppendf(    "}");
139     this->codeAppendf("}");
140     this->maskOffMultisampleCoverage("mask", scopeFlags);
142     this->codeAppendf("}");
143 }
writeProcessorFunction(GrGLSLFragmentProcessor * fp,GrGLSLFragmentProcessor::EmitArgs & args)145 SkString GrGLSLFPFragmentBuilder::writeProcessorFunction(GrGLSLFragmentProcessor* fp,
146                                                          GrGLSLFragmentProcessor::EmitArgs& args) {
147     this->onBeforeChildProcEmitCode();
148     this->nextStage();
150     // An FP's function signature is theoretically always main(half4 color, float2 _coords).
151     // However, if it is only sampled by a chain of uniform matrix expressions (or legacy coord
152     // transforms), the value that would have been passed to _coords is lifted to the vertex shader
153     // and stored in a unique varying. In that case it uses that variable and does not have a
154     // second actual argument for _coords.
155     // FIXME: An alternative would be to have all FP functions have a float2 argument, and the
156     // parent FP invokes it with the varying reference when it's been lifted to the vertex shader.
157     size_t paramCount = 2;
158     GrShaderVar params[] = { GrShaderVar(args.fInputColor, kHalf4_GrSLType),
159                              GrShaderVar(args.fSampleCoord, kFloat2_GrSLType) };
161     if (!args.fFp.isSampledWithExplicitCoords()) {
162         // Sampled with a uniform matrix expression and/or a legacy coord transform. The actual
163         // transformation code is emitted in the vertex shader, so this only has to access it.
164         // Add a float2 _coords variable that maps to the associated varying and replaces the
165         // absent 2nd argument to the fp's function.
166         paramCount = 1;
168         if (args.fFp.referencesSampleCoords()) {
169             const GrShaderVar& varying = args.fTransformedCoords[0];
170             switch(varying.getType()) {
171                 case kFloat2_GrSLType:
172                     // Just point the local coords to the varying
173                     args.fSampleCoord = varying.getName().c_str();
174                     break;
175                 case kFloat3_GrSLType:
176                     // Must perform the perspective divide in the frag shader based on the varying,
177                     // and since we won't actually have a function parameter for local coords, add
178                     // it as a local variable.
179                     this->codeAppendf("float2 %s = %s.xy / %s.z;\n", args.fSampleCoord,
180                                       varying.getName().c_str(), varying.getName().c_str());
181                     break;
182                 default:
183                     SkDEBUGFAILF("Unexpected varying type for coord: %s %d\n",
184                                  varying.getName().c_str(), (int) varying.getType());
185                     break;
186             }
187         }
188     } // else the function keeps its two arguments
190     this->codeAppendf("half4 %s;\n", args.fOutputColor);
191     fp->emitCode(args);
192     if (args.fFp.usesExplicitReturn()) {
193         // Some FPs explicitly return their output, so no need to do anything further
194         SkASSERT(SkStrContains(this->code().c_str(), "return"));
195     } else {
196         // Most FPs still just write their output to fOutputColor, so we need to inject the return
197         this->codeAppendf("return %s;\n", args.fOutputColor);
198     }
200     SkString funcName = this->getMangledFunctionName(args.fFp.name());
201     this->emitFunction(kHalf4_GrSLType, funcName.c_str(), {params, paramCount},
202                        this->code().c_str(), args.fForceInline);
203     this->deleteStage();
204     this->onAfterChildProcEmitCode();
205     return funcName;
206 }
dstColor()208 const char* GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder::dstColor() {
209     SkDEBUGCODE(fHasReadDstColorThisStage_DebugOnly = true;)
211     const GrShaderCaps* shaderCaps = fProgramBuilder->shaderCaps();
212     if (shaderCaps->fbFetchSupport()) {
213         this->addFeature(1 << kFramebufferFetch_GLSLPrivateFeature,
214                          shaderCaps->fbFetchExtensionString());
216         // Some versions of this extension string require declaring custom color output on ES 3.0+
217         const char* fbFetchColorName = "sk_LastFragColor";
218         if (shaderCaps->fbFetchNeedsCustomOutput()) {
219             this->enableCustomOutput();
220             fCustomColorOutput->setTypeModifier(GrShaderVar::TypeModifier::InOut);
221             fbFetchColorName = DeclaredColorOutputName();
222             // Set the dstColor to an intermediate variable so we don't override it with the output
223             this->codeAppendf("half4 %s = %s;", kDstColorName, fbFetchColorName);
224         } else {
225             return fbFetchColorName;
226         }
227     }
228     return kDstColorName;
229 }
enableAdvancedBlendEquationIfNeeded(GrBlendEquation equation)231 void GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder::enableAdvancedBlendEquationIfNeeded(GrBlendEquation equation) {
232     SkASSERT(GrBlendEquationIsAdvanced(equation));
234     const GrShaderCaps& caps = *fProgramBuilder->shaderCaps();
235     if (!caps.mustEnableAdvBlendEqs()) {
236         return;
237     }
239     this->addFeature(1 << kBlendEquationAdvanced_GLSLPrivateFeature,
240                      "GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced");
241     if (caps.mustEnableSpecificAdvBlendEqs()) {
242         this->addLayoutQualifier(specific_layout_qualifier_name(equation), kOut_InterfaceQualifier);
243     } else {
244         this->addLayoutQualifier("blend_support_all_equations", kOut_InterfaceQualifier);
245     }
246 }
enableCustomOutput()248 void GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder::enableCustomOutput() {
249     if (!fCustomColorOutput) {
250         fCustomColorOutput = &fOutputs.emplace_back(DeclaredColorOutputName(), kHalf4_GrSLType,
251                                                     GrShaderVar::TypeModifier::Out);
252         fProgramBuilder->finalizeFragmentOutputColor(fOutputs.back());
253     }
254 }
enableSecondaryOutput()256 void GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder::enableSecondaryOutput() {
257     SkASSERT(!fHasSecondaryOutput);
258     fHasSecondaryOutput = true;
259     const GrShaderCaps& caps = *fProgramBuilder->shaderCaps();
260     if (const char* extension = caps.secondaryOutputExtensionString()) {
261         this->addFeature(1 << kBlendFuncExtended_GLSLPrivateFeature, extension);
262     }
264     // If the primary output is declared, we must declare also the secondary output
265     // and vice versa, since it is not allowed to use a built-in gl_FragColor and a custom
266     // output. The condition also co-incides with the condition in which GLES SL 2.0
267     // requires the built-in gl_SecondaryFragColorEXT, where as 3.0 requires a custom output.
268     if (caps.mustDeclareFragmentShaderOutput()) {
269         fOutputs.emplace_back(DeclaredSecondaryColorOutputName(), kHalf4_GrSLType,
270                               GrShaderVar::TypeModifier::Out);
271         fProgramBuilder->finalizeFragmentSecondaryColor(fOutputs.back());
272     }
273 }
getPrimaryColorOutputName() const275 const char* GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder::getPrimaryColorOutputName() const {
276     return this->hasCustomColorOutput() ? DeclaredColorOutputName() : "sk_FragColor";
277 }
primaryColorOutputIsInOut() const279 bool GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder::primaryColorOutputIsInOut() const {
280     return fCustomColorOutput &&
281            fCustomColorOutput->getTypeModifier() == GrShaderVar::TypeModifier::InOut;
282 }
getSecondaryColorOutputName() const284 const char* GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder::getSecondaryColorOutputName() const {
285     if (this->hasSecondaryOutput()) {
286         return (fProgramBuilder->shaderCaps()->mustDeclareFragmentShaderOutput())
287                 ? DeclaredSecondaryColorOutputName()
288                 : "gl_SecondaryFragColorEXT";
289     }
290     return nullptr;
291 }
getSurfaceOrigin() const293 GrSurfaceOrigin GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder::getSurfaceOrigin() const {
294     return fProgramBuilder->origin();
295 }
onFinalize()297 void GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder::onFinalize() {
298     SkASSERT(fProgramBuilder->processorFeatures() == fUsedProcessorFeaturesAllStages_DebugOnly);
300     if (CustomFeatures::kSampleLocations & fProgramBuilder->processorFeatures()) {
301         const SkTArray<SkPoint>& sampleLocations = fProgramBuilder->getSampleLocations();
302         this->definitions().appendf("const float2 _sampleOffsets[%i] = float2[%i](",
303                                     sampleLocations.count(), sampleLocations.count());
304         for (int i = 0; i < sampleLocations.count(); ++i) {
305             SkPoint offset = sampleLocations[i] - SkPoint::Make(.5f, .5f);
306             if (kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == this->getSurfaceOrigin()) {
307                 offset.fY = -offset.fY;
308             }
309             this->definitions().appendf("float2(%f, %f)", offset.x(), offset.y());
310             this->definitions().append((i + 1 != sampleLocations.count()) ? ", " : ");");
311         }
312     }
314     fProgramBuilder->varyingHandler()->getFragDecls(&this->inputs(), &this->outputs());
315 }
onBeforeChildProcEmitCode()317 void GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder::onBeforeChildProcEmitCode() {
318     SkASSERT(fSubstageIndices.count() >= 1);
319     fSubstageIndices.push_back(0);
320     // second-to-last value in the fSubstageIndices stack is the index of the child proc
321     // at that level which is currently emitting code.
322     fMangleString.appendf("_c%d", fSubstageIndices[fSubstageIndices.count() - 2]);
323 }
onAfterChildProcEmitCode()325 void GrGLSLFragmentShaderBuilder::onAfterChildProcEmitCode() {
326     SkASSERT(fSubstageIndices.count() >= 2);
327     fSubstageIndices.pop_back();
328     fSubstageIndices.back()++;
329     int removeAt = fMangleString.findLastOf('_');
330     fMangleString.remove(removeAt, fMangleString.size() - removeAt);
331 }