1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
11 #include "modules/audio_coding/neteq/test/neteq_decoding_test.h"
13 #include "api/audio_codecs/builtin_audio_decoder_factory.h"
14 #include "api/rtp_headers.h"
15 #include "modules/audio_coding/neteq/default_neteq_factory.h"
16 #include "modules/audio_coding/neteq/test/result_sink.h"
17 #include "rtc_base/strings/string_builder.h"
18 #include "test/testsupport/file_utils.h"
23 #include "external/webrtc/webrtc/modules/audio_coding/neteq/neteq_unittest.pb.h"
24 #else
25 #include "modules/audio_coding/neteq/neteq_unittest.pb.h"
26 #endif
28 #endif
30 namespace webrtc {
32 namespace {
LoadDecoders(webrtc::NetEq * neteq)34 void LoadDecoders(webrtc::NetEq* neteq) {
35   ASSERT_EQ(true,
36             neteq->RegisterPayloadType(0, SdpAudioFormat("pcmu", 8000, 1)));
37   ASSERT_EQ(true,
38             neteq->RegisterPayloadType(8, SdpAudioFormat("pcma", 8000, 1)));
40   ASSERT_EQ(true,
41             neteq->RegisterPayloadType(102, SdpAudioFormat("ilbc", 8000, 1)));
42 #endif
43 #if defined(WEBRTC_CODEC_ISAC) || defined(WEBRTC_CODEC_ISACFX)
44   ASSERT_EQ(true,
45             neteq->RegisterPayloadType(103, SdpAudioFormat("isac", 16000, 1)));
46 #endif
48   ASSERT_EQ(true,
49             neteq->RegisterPayloadType(104, SdpAudioFormat("isac", 32000, 1)));
50 #endif
52   ASSERT_EQ(true,
53             neteq->RegisterPayloadType(
54                 111, SdpAudioFormat("opus", 48000, 2, {{"stereo", "0"}})));
55 #endif
56   ASSERT_EQ(true,
57             neteq->RegisterPayloadType(93, SdpAudioFormat("L16", 8000, 1)));
58   ASSERT_EQ(true,
59             neteq->RegisterPayloadType(94, SdpAudioFormat("L16", 16000, 1)));
60   ASSERT_EQ(true,
61             neteq->RegisterPayloadType(95, SdpAudioFormat("L16", 32000, 1)));
62   ASSERT_EQ(true,
63             neteq->RegisterPayloadType(13, SdpAudioFormat("cn", 8000, 1)));
64   ASSERT_EQ(true,
65             neteq->RegisterPayloadType(98, SdpAudioFormat("cn", 16000, 1)));
66 }
68 }  // namespace
70 const int NetEqDecodingTest::kTimeStepMs;
71 const size_t NetEqDecodingTest::kBlockSize8kHz;
72 const size_t NetEqDecodingTest::kBlockSize16kHz;
73 const size_t NetEqDecodingTest::kBlockSize32kHz;
74 const int NetEqDecodingTest::kInitSampleRateHz;
NetEqDecodingTest()76 NetEqDecodingTest::NetEqDecodingTest()
77     : clock_(0),
78       config_(),
79       output_sample_rate_(kInitSampleRateHz),
80       algorithmic_delay_ms_(0) {
81   config_.sample_rate_hz = kInitSampleRateHz;
82 }
SetUp()84 void NetEqDecodingTest::SetUp() {
85   auto decoder_factory = CreateBuiltinAudioDecoderFactory();
86   neteq_ = DefaultNetEqFactory().CreateNetEq(config_, decoder_factory, &clock_);
87   NetEqNetworkStatistics stat;
88   ASSERT_EQ(0, neteq_->NetworkStatistics(&stat));
89   algorithmic_delay_ms_ = stat.current_buffer_size_ms;
90   ASSERT_TRUE(neteq_);
91   LoadDecoders(neteq_.get());
92 }
TearDown()94 void NetEqDecodingTest::TearDown() {}
OpenInputFile(const std::string & rtp_file)96 void NetEqDecodingTest::OpenInputFile(const std::string& rtp_file) {
97   rtp_source_.reset(test::RtpFileSource::Create(rtp_file));
98 }
Process()100 void NetEqDecodingTest::Process() {
101   // Check if time to receive.
102   while (packet_ && clock_.TimeInMilliseconds() >= packet_->time_ms()) {
103     if (packet_->payload_length_bytes() > 0) {
105       // Ignore payload type 104 (iSAC-swb) if ISAC is not supported.
106       if (packet_->header().payloadType != 104)
107 #endif
108         ASSERT_EQ(
109             0, neteq_->InsertPacket(
110                    packet_->header(),
111                    rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t>(
112                        packet_->payload(), packet_->payload_length_bytes())));
113     }
114     // Get next packet.
115     packet_ = rtp_source_->NextPacket();
116   }
118   // Get audio from NetEq.
119   bool muted;
120   ASSERT_EQ(0, neteq_->GetAudio(&out_frame_, &muted));
121   ASSERT_FALSE(muted);
122   ASSERT_TRUE((out_frame_.samples_per_channel_ == kBlockSize8kHz) ||
123               (out_frame_.samples_per_channel_ == kBlockSize16kHz) ||
124               (out_frame_.samples_per_channel_ == kBlockSize32kHz) ||
125               (out_frame_.samples_per_channel_ == kBlockSize48kHz));
126   output_sample_rate_ = out_frame_.sample_rate_hz_;
127   EXPECT_EQ(output_sample_rate_, neteq_->last_output_sample_rate_hz());
129   // Increase time.
130   clock_.AdvanceTimeMilliseconds(kTimeStepMs);
131 }
DecodeAndCompare(const std::string & rtp_file,const std::string & output_checksum,const std::string & network_stats_checksum,bool gen_ref)133 void NetEqDecodingTest::DecodeAndCompare(
134     const std::string& rtp_file,
135     const std::string& output_checksum,
136     const std::string& network_stats_checksum,
137     bool gen_ref) {
138   OpenInputFile(rtp_file);
140   std::string ref_out_file =
141       gen_ref ? webrtc::test::OutputPath() + "neteq_universal_ref.pcm" : "";
142   ResultSink output(ref_out_file);
144   std::string stat_out_file =
145       gen_ref ? webrtc::test::OutputPath() + "neteq_network_stats.dat" : "";
146   ResultSink network_stats(stat_out_file);
148   packet_ = rtp_source_->NextPacket();
149   int i = 0;
150   uint64_t last_concealed_samples = 0;
151   uint64_t last_total_samples_received = 0;
152   while (packet_) {
153     rtc::StringBuilder ss;
154     ss << "Lap number " << i++ << " in DecodeAndCompare while loop";
155     SCOPED_TRACE(ss.str());  // Print out the parameter values on failure.
156     ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(Process());
158         output.AddResult(out_frame_.data(), out_frame_.samples_per_channel_));
160     // Query the network statistics API once per second
161     if (clock_.TimeInMilliseconds() % 1000 == 0) {
162       // Process NetworkStatistics.
163       NetEqNetworkStatistics current_network_stats;
164       ASSERT_EQ(0, neteq_->NetworkStatistics(&current_network_stats));
165       ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(network_stats.AddResult(current_network_stats));
167       // Verify that liftime stats and network stats report similar loss
168       // concealment rates.
169       auto lifetime_stats = neteq_->GetLifetimeStatistics();
170       const uint64_t delta_concealed_samples =
171           lifetime_stats.concealed_samples - last_concealed_samples;
172       last_concealed_samples = lifetime_stats.concealed_samples;
173       const uint64_t delta_total_samples_received =
174           lifetime_stats.total_samples_received - last_total_samples_received;
175       last_total_samples_received = lifetime_stats.total_samples_received;
176       // The tolerance is 1% but expressed in Q14.
177       EXPECT_NEAR(
178           (delta_concealed_samples << 14) / delta_total_samples_received,
179           current_network_stats.expand_rate, (2 << 14) / 100.0);
180     }
181   }
183   SCOPED_TRACE("Check output audio.");
184   output.VerifyChecksum(output_checksum);
185   SCOPED_TRACE("Check network stats.");
186   network_stats.VerifyChecksum(network_stats_checksum);
187 }
PopulateRtpInfo(int frame_index,int timestamp,RTPHeader * rtp_info)189 void NetEqDecodingTest::PopulateRtpInfo(int frame_index,
190                                         int timestamp,
191                                         RTPHeader* rtp_info) {
192   rtp_info->sequenceNumber = frame_index;
193   rtp_info->timestamp = timestamp;
194   rtp_info->ssrc = 0x1234;     // Just an arbitrary SSRC.
195   rtp_info->payloadType = 94;  // PCM16b WB codec.
196   rtp_info->markerBit = 0;
197 }
PopulateCng(int frame_index,int timestamp,RTPHeader * rtp_info,uint8_t * payload,size_t * payload_len)199 void NetEqDecodingTest::PopulateCng(int frame_index,
200                                     int timestamp,
201                                     RTPHeader* rtp_info,
202                                     uint8_t* payload,
203                                     size_t* payload_len) {
204   rtp_info->sequenceNumber = frame_index;
205   rtp_info->timestamp = timestamp;
206   rtp_info->ssrc = 0x1234;     // Just an arbitrary SSRC.
207   rtp_info->payloadType = 98;  // WB CNG.
208   rtp_info->markerBit = 0;
209   payload[0] = 64;   // Noise level -64 dBov, quite arbitrarily chosen.
210   *payload_len = 1;  // Only noise level, no spectral parameters.
211 }
WrapTest(uint16_t start_seq_no,uint32_t start_timestamp,const std::set<uint16_t> & drop_seq_numbers,bool expect_seq_no_wrap,bool expect_timestamp_wrap)213 void NetEqDecodingTest::WrapTest(uint16_t start_seq_no,
214                                  uint32_t start_timestamp,
215                                  const std::set<uint16_t>& drop_seq_numbers,
216                                  bool expect_seq_no_wrap,
217                                  bool expect_timestamp_wrap) {
218   uint16_t seq_no = start_seq_no;
219   uint32_t timestamp = start_timestamp;
220   const int kBlocksPerFrame = 3;  // Number of 10 ms blocks per frame.
221   const int kFrameSizeMs = kBlocksPerFrame * kTimeStepMs;
222   const int kSamples = kBlockSize16kHz * kBlocksPerFrame;
223   const size_t kPayloadBytes = kSamples * sizeof(int16_t);
224   double next_input_time_ms = 0.0;
225   uint32_t receive_timestamp = 0;
227   // Insert speech for 2 seconds.
228   const int kSpeechDurationMs = 2000;
229   int packets_inserted = 0;
230   uint16_t last_seq_no;
231   uint32_t last_timestamp;
232   bool timestamp_wrapped = false;
233   bool seq_no_wrapped = false;
234   for (double t_ms = 0; t_ms < kSpeechDurationMs; t_ms += 10) {
235     // Each turn in this for loop is 10 ms.
236     while (next_input_time_ms <= t_ms) {
237       // Insert one 30 ms speech frame.
238       uint8_t payload[kPayloadBytes] = {0};
239       RTPHeader rtp_info;
240       PopulateRtpInfo(seq_no, timestamp, &rtp_info);
241       if (drop_seq_numbers.find(seq_no) == drop_seq_numbers.end()) {
242         // This sequence number was not in the set to drop. Insert it.
243         ASSERT_EQ(0, neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_info, payload));
244         ++packets_inserted;
245       }
246       NetEqNetworkStatistics network_stats;
247       ASSERT_EQ(0, neteq_->NetworkStatistics(&network_stats));
249       // Due to internal NetEq logic, preferred buffer-size is about 4 times the
250       // packet size for first few packets. Therefore we refrain from checking
251       // the criteria.
252       if (packets_inserted > 4) {
253         // Expect preferred and actual buffer size to be no more than 2 frames.
254         EXPECT_LE(network_stats.preferred_buffer_size_ms, kFrameSizeMs * 2);
255         EXPECT_LE(network_stats.current_buffer_size_ms,
256                   kFrameSizeMs * 2 + algorithmic_delay_ms_);
257       }
258       last_seq_no = seq_no;
259       last_timestamp = timestamp;
261       ++seq_no;
262       timestamp += kSamples;
263       receive_timestamp += kSamples;
264       next_input_time_ms += static_cast<double>(kFrameSizeMs);
266       seq_no_wrapped |= seq_no < last_seq_no;
267       timestamp_wrapped |= timestamp < last_timestamp;
268     }
269     // Pull out data once.
270     AudioFrame output;
271     bool muted;
272     ASSERT_EQ(0, neteq_->GetAudio(&output, &muted));
273     ASSERT_EQ(kBlockSize16kHz, output.samples_per_channel_);
274     ASSERT_EQ(1u, output.num_channels_);
276     // Expect delay (in samples) to be less than 2 packets.
277     absl::optional<uint32_t> playout_timestamp = neteq_->GetPlayoutTimestamp();
278     ASSERT_TRUE(playout_timestamp);
279     EXPECT_LE(timestamp - *playout_timestamp,
280               static_cast<uint32_t>(kSamples * 2));
281   }
282   // Make sure we have actually tested wrap-around.
283   ASSERT_EQ(expect_seq_no_wrap, seq_no_wrapped);
284   ASSERT_EQ(expect_timestamp_wrap, timestamp_wrapped);
285 }
LongCngWithClockDrift(double drift_factor,double network_freeze_ms,bool pull_audio_during_freeze,int delay_tolerance_ms,int max_time_to_speech_ms)287 void NetEqDecodingTest::LongCngWithClockDrift(double drift_factor,
288                                               double network_freeze_ms,
289                                               bool pull_audio_during_freeze,
290                                               int delay_tolerance_ms,
291                                               int max_time_to_speech_ms) {
292   uint16_t seq_no = 0;
293   uint32_t timestamp = 0;
294   const int kFrameSizeMs = 30;
295   const size_t kSamples = kFrameSizeMs * 16;
296   const size_t kPayloadBytes = kSamples * 2;
297   double next_input_time_ms = 0.0;
298   double t_ms;
299   bool muted;
301   // Insert speech for 5 seconds.
302   const int kSpeechDurationMs = 5000;
303   for (t_ms = 0; t_ms < kSpeechDurationMs; t_ms += 10) {
304     // Each turn in this for loop is 10 ms.
305     while (next_input_time_ms <= t_ms) {
306       // Insert one 30 ms speech frame.
307       uint8_t payload[kPayloadBytes] = {0};
308       RTPHeader rtp_info;
309       PopulateRtpInfo(seq_no, timestamp, &rtp_info);
310       ASSERT_EQ(0, neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_info, payload));
311       ++seq_no;
312       timestamp += kSamples;
313       next_input_time_ms += static_cast<double>(kFrameSizeMs) * drift_factor;
314     }
315     // Pull out data once.
316     ASSERT_EQ(0, neteq_->GetAudio(&out_frame_, &muted));
317     ASSERT_EQ(kBlockSize16kHz, out_frame_.samples_per_channel_);
318   }
320   EXPECT_EQ(AudioFrame::kNormalSpeech, out_frame_.speech_type_);
321   absl::optional<uint32_t> playout_timestamp = neteq_->GetPlayoutTimestamp();
322   ASSERT_TRUE(playout_timestamp);
323   int32_t delay_before = timestamp - *playout_timestamp;
325   // Insert CNG for 1 minute (= 60000 ms).
326   const int kCngPeriodMs = 100;
327   const int kCngPeriodSamples = kCngPeriodMs * 16;  // Period in 16 kHz samples.
328   const int kCngDurationMs = 60000;
329   for (; t_ms < kSpeechDurationMs + kCngDurationMs; t_ms += 10) {
330     // Each turn in this for loop is 10 ms.
331     while (next_input_time_ms <= t_ms) {
332       // Insert one CNG frame each 100 ms.
333       uint8_t payload[kPayloadBytes];
334       size_t payload_len;
335       RTPHeader rtp_info;
336       PopulateCng(seq_no, timestamp, &rtp_info, payload, &payload_len);
337       ASSERT_EQ(0, neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_info, rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t>(
338                                                       payload, payload_len)));
339       ++seq_no;
340       timestamp += kCngPeriodSamples;
341       next_input_time_ms += static_cast<double>(kCngPeriodMs) * drift_factor;
342     }
343     // Pull out data once.
344     ASSERT_EQ(0, neteq_->GetAudio(&out_frame_, &muted));
345     ASSERT_EQ(kBlockSize16kHz, out_frame_.samples_per_channel_);
346   }
348   EXPECT_EQ(AudioFrame::kCNG, out_frame_.speech_type_);
350   if (network_freeze_ms > 0) {
351     // First keep pulling audio for |network_freeze_ms| without inserting
352     // any data, then insert CNG data corresponding to |network_freeze_ms|
353     // without pulling any output audio.
354     const double loop_end_time = t_ms + network_freeze_ms;
355     for (; t_ms < loop_end_time; t_ms += 10) {
356       // Pull out data once.
357       ASSERT_EQ(0, neteq_->GetAudio(&out_frame_, &muted));
358       ASSERT_EQ(kBlockSize16kHz, out_frame_.samples_per_channel_);
359       EXPECT_EQ(AudioFrame::kCNG, out_frame_.speech_type_);
360     }
361     bool pull_once = pull_audio_during_freeze;
362     // If |pull_once| is true, GetAudio will be called once half-way through
363     // the network recovery period.
364     double pull_time_ms = (t_ms + next_input_time_ms) / 2;
365     while (next_input_time_ms <= t_ms) {
366       if (pull_once && next_input_time_ms >= pull_time_ms) {
367         pull_once = false;
368         // Pull out data once.
369         ASSERT_EQ(0, neteq_->GetAudio(&out_frame_, &muted));
370         ASSERT_EQ(kBlockSize16kHz, out_frame_.samples_per_channel_);
371         EXPECT_EQ(AudioFrame::kCNG, out_frame_.speech_type_);
372         t_ms += 10;
373       }
374       // Insert one CNG frame each 100 ms.
375       uint8_t payload[kPayloadBytes];
376       size_t payload_len;
377       RTPHeader rtp_info;
378       PopulateCng(seq_no, timestamp, &rtp_info, payload, &payload_len);
379       ASSERT_EQ(0, neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_info, rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t>(
380                                                       payload, payload_len)));
381       ++seq_no;
382       timestamp += kCngPeriodSamples;
383       next_input_time_ms += kCngPeriodMs * drift_factor;
384     }
385   }
387   // Insert speech again until output type is speech.
388   double speech_restart_time_ms = t_ms;
389   while (out_frame_.speech_type_ != AudioFrame::kNormalSpeech) {
390     // Each turn in this for loop is 10 ms.
391     while (next_input_time_ms <= t_ms) {
392       // Insert one 30 ms speech frame.
393       uint8_t payload[kPayloadBytes] = {0};
394       RTPHeader rtp_info;
395       PopulateRtpInfo(seq_no, timestamp, &rtp_info);
396       ASSERT_EQ(0, neteq_->InsertPacket(rtp_info, payload));
397       ++seq_no;
398       timestamp += kSamples;
399       next_input_time_ms += kFrameSizeMs * drift_factor;
400     }
401     // Pull out data once.
402     ASSERT_EQ(0, neteq_->GetAudio(&out_frame_, &muted));
403     ASSERT_EQ(kBlockSize16kHz, out_frame_.samples_per_channel_);
404     // Increase clock.
405     t_ms += 10;
406   }
408   // Check that the speech starts again within reasonable time.
409   double time_until_speech_returns_ms = t_ms - speech_restart_time_ms;
410   EXPECT_LT(time_until_speech_returns_ms, max_time_to_speech_ms);
411   playout_timestamp = neteq_->GetPlayoutTimestamp();
412   ASSERT_TRUE(playout_timestamp);
413   int32_t delay_after = timestamp - *playout_timestamp;
414   // Compare delay before and after, and make sure it differs less than 20 ms.
415   EXPECT_LE(delay_after, delay_before + delay_tolerance_ms * 16);
416   EXPECT_GE(delay_after, delay_before - delay_tolerance_ms * 16);
417 }
SetUp()419 void NetEqDecodingTestTwoInstances::SetUp() {
420   NetEqDecodingTest::SetUp();
421   config2_ = config_;
422 }
CreateSecondInstance()424 void NetEqDecodingTestTwoInstances::CreateSecondInstance() {
425   auto decoder_factory = CreateBuiltinAudioDecoderFactory();
426   neteq2_ =
427       DefaultNetEqFactory().CreateNetEq(config2_, decoder_factory, &clock_);
428   ASSERT_TRUE(neteq2_);
429   LoadDecoders(neteq2_.get());
430 }
432 }  // namespace webrtc