2/* Copyright (C) 2004		Rodolphe Quiedeville <rodolphe@quiedeville.org>
3 * Copyright (C) 2004		Benoit Mortier       <benoit.mortier@opensides.be>
4 * Copyright (C) 2005-2017	Regis Houssin        <regis.houssin@inodbox.com>
5 * Copyright (C) 2006-2015	Laurent Destailleur  <eldy@users.sourceforge.net>
6 *
7 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
10 * (at your option) any later version.
11 *
12 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 * or see https://www.gnu.org/
20 */
23 *	\file 		htdocs/core/class/ldap.class.php
24 *	\brief 		File of class to manage LDAP features
25 */
28 *	Class to manage LDAP features
29 */
30class Ldap
32	/**
33	 * @var string Error code (or message)
34	 */
35	public $error = '';
37	/**
38	 * @var string[]	Array of error strings
39	 */
40	public $errors = array();
42	/**
43	 * Tableau des serveurs (IP addresses ou nom d'hotes)
44	 */
45	public $server = array();
47	/**
48	 * Base DN (e.g. "dc=foo,dc=com")
49	 */
50	public $dn;
51	/**
52	 * type de serveur, actuellement OpenLdap et Active Directory
53	 */
54	public $serverType;
55	/**
56	 * Version du protocole ldap
57	 */
58	public $ldapProtocolVersion;
59	/**
60	 * Server DN
61	 */
62	public $domain;
63	/**
64	 * User administrateur Ldap
65	 * Active Directory ne supporte pas les connexions anonymes
66	 */
67	public $searchUser;
68	/**
69	 * Mot de passe de l'administrateur
70	 * Active Directory ne supporte pas les connexions anonymes
71	 */
72	public $searchPassword;
73	/**
74	 *  DN des utilisateurs
75	 */
76	public $people;
77	/**
78	 * DN des groupes
79	 */
80	public $groups;
81	/**
82	 * Code erreur retourne par le serveur Ldap
83	 */
84	public $ldapErrorCode;
85	/**
86	 * Message texte de l'erreur
87	 */
88	public $ldapErrorText;
91	//Fetch user
92	public $name;
93	public $firstname;
94	public $login;
95	public $phone;
96	public $skype;
97	public $fax;
98	public $mail;
99	public $mobile;
101	public $uacf;
102	public $pwdlastset;
104	public $ldapcharset = 'UTF-8'; // LDAP should be UTF-8 encoded
107	/**
108	 * The internal LDAP connection handle
109	 */
110	public $connection;
111	/**
112	 * Result of any connections etc.
113	 */
114	public $result;
117	/**
118	 *  Constructor
119	 */
120	public function __construct()
121	{
122		global $conf;
124		// Server
125		if (!empty($conf->global->LDAP_SERVER_HOST))       $this->server[] = $conf->global->LDAP_SERVER_HOST;
126		if (!empty($conf->global->LDAP_SERVER_HOST_SLAVE)) $this->server[] = $conf->global->LDAP_SERVER_HOST_SLAVE;
127		$this->serverPort          = $conf->global->LDAP_SERVER_PORT;
128		$this->ldapProtocolVersion = $conf->global->LDAP_SERVER_PROTOCOLVERSION;
129		$this->dn                  = $conf->global->LDAP_SERVER_DN;
130		$this->serverType          = $conf->global->LDAP_SERVER_TYPE;
131		$this->domain              = $conf->global->LDAP_SERVER_DN;
132		$this->searchUser          = $conf->global->LDAP_ADMIN_DN;
133		$this->searchPassword      = $conf->global->LDAP_ADMIN_PASS;
134		$this->people              = $conf->global->LDAP_USER_DN;
135		$this->groups              = $conf->global->LDAP_GROUP_DN;
137		$this->filter              = $conf->global->LDAP_FILTER_CONNECTION; // Filter on user
138		$this->filtermember        = $conf->global->LDAP_MEMBER_FILTER; // Filter on member
140		// Users
141		$this->attr_login      = $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_LOGIN; //unix
142		$this->attr_sambalogin = $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_LOGIN_SAMBA; //samba, activedirectory
143		$this->attr_name       = $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_NAME;
144		$this->attr_firstname  = $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_FIRSTNAME;
145		$this->attr_mail       = $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_MAIL;
146		$this->attr_phone      = $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_PHONE;
147		$this->attr_skype      = $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_SKYPE;
148		$this->attr_fax        = $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_FAX;
149		$this->attr_mobile     = $conf->global->LDAP_FIELD_MOBILE;
150	}
154	// Connection handling methods -------------------------------------------
156	// phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
157	/**
158	 *	Connect and bind
159	 * 	Use this->server, this->serverPort, this->ldapProtocolVersion, this->serverType, this->searchUser, this->searchPassword
160	 * 	After return, this->connection and $this->bind are defined
161	 *
162	 *	@return		int		<0 if KO, 1 if bind anonymous, 2 if bind auth
163	 */
164	public function connect_bind()
165	{
166		// phpcs:enable
167		global $conf;
169		$connected = 0;
170		$this->bind = 0;
172		// Check parameters
173		if (count($this->server) == 0 || empty($this->server[0]))
174		{
175			$this->error = 'LDAP setup (file conf.php) is not complete';
176			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::connect_bind ".$this->error, LOG_WARNING);
177			return -1;
178		}
180		if (!function_exists("ldap_connect"))
181		{
182			$this->error = 'LDAPFunctionsNotAvailableOnPHP';
183			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::connect_bind ".$this->error, LOG_WARNING);
184			$return = -1;
185		}
187		if (empty($this->error))
188		{
189			// Loop on each ldap server
190			foreach ($this->server as $host)
191			{
192				if ($connected) break;
193				if (empty($host)) continue;
195				if ($this->serverPing($host, $this->serverPort) === true) {
196					$this->connection = ldap_connect($host, $this->serverPort);
197				} else continue;
199				if (is_resource($this->connection))
200				{
201					// Begin TLS if requested by the configuration
202					if (!empty($conf->global->LDAP_SERVER_USE_TLS))
203					{
204						if (!ldap_start_tls($this->connection))
205						{
206							dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::connect_bind failed to start tls", LOG_WARNING);
207							$connected = 0;
208							$this->close();
209						}
210					}
212					// Execute the ldap_set_option here (after connect and before bind)
213					$this->setVersion();
214					ldap_set_option($this->connection, LDAP_OPT_SIZELIMIT, 0); // no limit here. should return true.
217					if ($this->serverType == "activedirectory")
218					{
219						$result = $this->setReferrals();
220						dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::connect_bind try bindauth for activedirectory on ".$host." user=".$this->searchUser." password=".preg_replace('/./', '*', $this->searchPassword), LOG_DEBUG);
221						$this->result = $this->bindauth($this->searchUser, $this->searchPassword);
222						if ($this->result)
223						{
224							$this->bind = $this->result;
225							$connected = 2;
226							break;
227						} else {
228							$this->error = ldap_errno($this->connection).' '.ldap_error($this->connection);
229						}
230					} else {
231						// Try in auth mode
232						if ($this->searchUser && $this->searchPassword)
233						{
234							dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::connect_bind try bindauth on ".$host." user=".$this->searchUser." password=".preg_replace('/./', '*', $this->searchPassword), LOG_DEBUG);
235							$this->result = $this->bindauth($this->searchUser, $this->searchPassword);
236							if ($this->result)
237							{
238								$this->bind = $this->result;
239								$connected = 2;
240								break;
241							} else {
242								$this->error = ldap_errno($this->connection).' '.ldap_error($this->connection);
243							}
244						}
245						// Try in anonymous
246						if (!$this->bind)
247						{
248							dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::connect_bind try bind on ".$host, LOG_DEBUG);
249							$result = $this->bind();
250							if ($result)
251							{
252								$this->bind = $this->result;
253								$connected = 1;
254								break;
255							} else {
256								$this->error = ldap_errno($this->connection).' '.ldap_error($this->connection);
257							}
258						}
259					}
260				}
262				if (!$connected) $this->close();
263			}
264		}
266		if ($connected)
267		{
268			$return = $connected;
269			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::connect_bind return=".$return, LOG_DEBUG);
270		} else {
271			$this->error = 'Failed to connect to LDAP'.($this->error ? ': '.$this->error : '');
272			$return = -1;
273			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::connect_bind return=".$return.' - '.$this->error, LOG_WARNING);
274		}
275		return $return;
276	}
280	/**
281	 * Simply closes the connection set up earlier.
282	 * Returns true if OK, false if there was an error.
283	 *
284	 * @return	boolean			true or false
285	 */
286	public function close()
287	{
288		if ($this->connection && !@ldap_close($this->connection))
289		{
290			return false;
291		} else {
292			return true;
293		}
294	}
296	/**
297	 * Anonymously binds to the connection. After this is done,
298	 * queries and searches can be done - but read-only.
299	 *
300	 * @return	boolean			true or false
301	 */
302	public function bind()
303	{
304		if (!$this->result = @ldap_bind($this->connection))
305		{
306			$this->ldapErrorCode = ldap_errno($this->connection);
307			$this->ldapErrorText = ldap_error($this->connection);
308			$this->error = $this->ldapErrorCode." ".$this->ldapErrorText;
309			return false;
310		} else {
311			return true;
312		}
313	}
315	/**
316	 * Binds as an authenticated user, which usually allows for write
317	 * access. The FULL dn must be passed. For a directory manager, this is
318	 * "cn=Directory Manager" under iPlanet. For a user, it will be something
319	 * like "uid=jbloggs,ou=People,dc=foo,dc=com".
320	 *
321	 * @param	string	$bindDn			DN
322	 * @param	string	$pass			Password
323	 * @return	boolean					true or false
324	 */
325	public function bindauth($bindDn, $pass)
326	{
327		if (!$this->result = @ldap_bind($this->connection, $bindDn, $pass))
328		{
329			$this->ldapErrorCode = ldap_errno($this->connection);
330			$this->ldapErrorText = ldap_error($this->connection);
331			$this->error = $this->ldapErrorCode." ".$this->ldapErrorText;
332			return false;
333		} else {
334			return true;
335		}
336	}
338	/**
339	 * Unbind du serveur ldap.
340	 *
341	 * @return	boolean					true or false
342	 */
343	public function unbind()
344	{
345		if (!$this->result = @ldap_unbind($this->connection))
346		{
347			return false;
348		} else {
349			return true;
350		}
351	}
354	/**
355	 * Verification de la version du serveur ldap.
356	 *
357	 * @return	string					version
358	 */
359	public function getVersion()
360	{
361		$version = 0;
362		$version = @ldap_get_option($this->connection, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $version);
363		return $version;
364	}
366	/**
367	 * Change ldap protocol version to use.
368	 *
369	 * @return	boolean                 version
370	 */
371	public function setVersion()
372	{
373		// LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION est une constante qui vaut 17
374		$ldapsetversion = ldap_set_option($this->connection, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $this->ldapProtocolVersion);
375		return $ldapsetversion;
376	}
378	/**
379	 * changement du referrals.
380	 *
381	 * @return	boolean                 referrals
382	 */
383	public function setReferrals()
384	{
385		// LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS est une constante qui vaut ?
386		$ldapreferrals = ldap_set_option($this->connection, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0);
387		return $ldapreferrals;
388	}
391	/**
392	 * 	Add a LDAP entry
393	 *	Ldap object connect and bind must have been done
394	 *
395	 *	@param	string	$dn			DN entry key
396	 *	@param	array	$info		Attributes array
397	 *	@param	User		$user		Objet user that create
398	 *	@return	int					<0 if KO, >0 if OK
399	 */
400	public function add($dn, $info, $user)
401	{
402		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::add dn=".$dn." info=".join(',', $info));
404		// Check parameters
405		if (!$this->connection)
406		{
407			$this->error = "NotConnected";
408			return -2;
409		}
410		if (!$this->bind)
411		{
412			$this->error = "NotConnected";
413			return -3;
414		}
416		// Encode to LDAP page code
417		$dn = $this->convFromOutputCharset($dn, $this->ldapcharset);
418		foreach ($info as $key => $val)
419		{
420			if (!is_array($val)) $info[$key] = $this->convFromOutputCharset($val, $this->ldapcharset);
421		}
423		$this->dump($dn, $info);
425		//print_r($info);
426		$result = @ldap_add($this->connection, $dn, $info);
428		if ($result)
429		{
430			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::add successfull", LOG_DEBUG);
431			return 1;
432		} else {
433			$this->ldapErrorCode = @ldap_errno($this->connection);
434			$this->ldapErrorText = @ldap_error($this->connection);
435			$this->error = $this->ldapErrorCode." ".$this->ldapErrorText;
436			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::add failed: ".$this->error, LOG_ERR);
437			return -1;
438		}
439	}
441	/**
442	 * 	Modify a LDAP entry
443	 *	Ldap object connect and bind must have been done
444	 *
445	 *	@param	string		$dn			DN entry key
446	 *	@param	array		$info		Attributes array
447	 *	@param	User		$user		Objet user that modify
448	 *	@return	int						<0 if KO, >0 if OK
449	 */
450	public function modify($dn, $info, $user)
451	{
452		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::modify dn=".$dn." info=".join(',', $info));
454		// Check parameters
455		if (!$this->connection)
456		{
457			$this->error = "NotConnected";
458			return -2;
459		}
460		if (!$this->bind)
461		{
462			$this->error = "NotConnected";
463			return -3;
464		}
466		// Encode to LDAP page code
467		$dn = $this->convFromOutputCharset($dn, $this->ldapcharset);
468		foreach ($info as $key => $val)
469		{
470			if (!is_array($val)) $info[$key] = $this->convFromOutputCharset($val, $this->ldapcharset);
471		}
473		$this->dump($dn, $info);
475		//print_r($info);
477		// For better compatibility with Samba4 AD
478		if ($this->serverType == "activedirectory") {
479			unset($info['cn']); // To avoid error : Operation not allowed on RDN (Code 67)
480		}
481		$result = @ldap_modify($this->connection, $dn, $info);
483		if ($result)
484		{
485			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::modify successfull", LOG_DEBUG);
486			return 1;
487		} else {
488			$this->error = @ldap_error($this->connection);
489			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::modify failed: ".$this->error, LOG_ERR);
490			return -1;
491		}
492	}
494	/**
495	 * 	Rename a LDAP entry
496	 *	Ldap object connect and bind must have been done
497	 *
498	 *	@param	string		$dn				Old DN entry key (uid=qqq,ou=xxx,dc=aaa,dc=bbb) (before update)
499	 *	@param	string		$newrdn			New RDN entry key (uid=qqq)
500	 *	@param	string		$newparent		New parent (ou=xxx,dc=aaa,dc=bbb)
501	 *	@param	User			$user			Objet user that modify
502	 *	@param	bool			$deleteoldrdn	If true the old RDN value(s) is removed, else the old RDN value(s) is retained as non-distinguished values of the entry.
503	 *	@return	int							<0 if KO, >0 if OK
504	 */
505	public function rename($dn, $newrdn, $newparent, $user, $deleteoldrdn = true)
506	{
507		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::modify dn=".$dn." newrdn=".$newrdn." newparent=".$newparent." deleteoldrdn=".($deleteoldrdn ? 1 : 0));
509		// Check parameters
510		if (!$this->connection)
511		{
512			$this->error = "NotConnected";
513			return -2;
514		}
515		if (!$this->bind)
516		{
517			$this->error = "NotConnected";
518			return -3;
519		}
521		// Encode to LDAP page code
522		$dn = $this->convFromOutputCharset($dn, $this->ldapcharset);
523		$newrdn = $this->convFromOutputCharset($newrdn, $this->ldapcharset);
524		$newparent = $this->convFromOutputCharset($newparent, $this->ldapcharset);
526		//print_r($info);
527		$result = @ldap_rename($this->connection, $dn, $newrdn, $newparent, $deleteoldrdn);
529		if ($result)
530		{
531			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::rename successfull", LOG_DEBUG);
532			return 1;
533		} else {
534			$this->error = @ldap_error($this->connection);
535			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::rename failed: ".$this->error, LOG_ERR);
536			return -1;
537		}
538	}
540	/**
541	 *  Modify a LDAP entry (to use if dn != olddn)
542	 *  Ldap object connect and bind must have been done
543	 *
544	 *  @param	string	$dn			DN entry key
545	 *  @param	array	$info		Attributes array
546	 *  @param	User		$user		Objet user that update
547	 * 	@param	string	$olddn		Old DN entry key (before update)
548	 * 	@param	string	$newrdn		New RDN entry key (uid=qqq) (for ldap_rename)
549	 *	@param	string	$newparent	New parent (ou=xxx,dc=aaa,dc=bbb) (for ldap_rename)
550	 *	@return	int					<0 if KO, >0 if OK
551	 */
552	public function update($dn, $info, $user, $olddn, $newrdn = false, $newparent = false)
553	{
554		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::update dn=".$dn." olddn=".$olddn);
556		// Check parameters
557		if (!$this->connection)
558		{
559			$this->error = "NotConnected";
560			return -2;
561		}
562		if (!$this->bind)
563		{
564			$this->error = "NotConnected";
565			return -3;
566		}
568		if (!$olddn || $olddn != $dn)
569		{
570			if (!empty($olddn) && !empty($newrdn) && !empty($newparent) && $this->ldapProtocolVersion === '3')
571			{
572				// This function currently only works with LDAPv3
573				$result = $this->rename($olddn, $newrdn, $newparent, $user, true);
574				$result = $this->modify($dn, $info, $user); // We force "modify" for avoid some fields not modify
575			} else {
576				// If change we make is rename the key of LDAP record, we create new one and if ok, we delete old one.
577				$result = $this->add($dn, $info, $user);
578				if ($result > 0 && $olddn && $olddn != $dn) $result = $this->delete($olddn); // If add fails, we do not try to delete old one
579			}
580		} else {
581			//$result = $this->delete($olddn);
582			$result = $this->add($dn, $info, $user); // If record has been deleted from LDAP, we recreate it. We ignore error if it already exists.
583			$result = $this->modify($dn, $info, $user); // We use add/modify instead of delete/add when olddn is received
584		}
585		if ($result <= 0)
586		{
587			$this->error = ldap_error($this->connection).' (Code '.ldap_errno($this->connection).") ".$this->error;
588			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::update ".$this->error, LOG_ERR);
589			//print_r($info);
590			return -1;
591		} else {
592			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::update done successfully");
593			return 1;
594		}
595	}
598	/**
599	 * 	Delete a LDAP entry
600	 *	Ldap object connect and bind must have been done
601	 *
602	 *	@param	string	$dn			DN entry key
603	 *	@return	int					<0 if KO, >0 if OK
604	 */
605	public function delete($dn)
606	{
607		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::delete Delete LDAP entry dn=".$dn);
609		// Check parameters
610		if (!$this->connection)
611		{
612			$this->error = "NotConnected";
613			return -2;
614		}
615		if (!$this->bind)
616		{
617			$this->error = "NotConnected";
618			return -3;
619		}
621		// Encode to LDAP page code
622		$dn = $this->convFromOutputCharset($dn, $this->ldapcharset);
624		$result = @ldap_delete($this->connection, $dn);
626		if ($result) return 1;
627		return -1;
628	}
630	// phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
631	/**
632	 * 	Build a LDAP message
633	 *
634	 *	@param	string		$dn			DN entry key
635	 *	@param	array		$info		Attributes array
636	 *	@return	string					Content of file
637	 */
638	public function dump_content($dn, $info)
639	{
640		// phpcs:enable
641		$content = '';
643		// Create file content
644		if (preg_match('/^ldap/', $this->server[0]))
645		{
646			$target = "-H ".join(',', $this->server);
647		} else {
648			$target = "-h ".join(',', $this->server)." -p ".$this->serverPort;
649		}
650		$content .= "# ldapadd $target -c -v -D ".$this->searchUser." -W -f ldapinput.in\n";
651		$content .= "# ldapmodify $target -c -v -D ".$this->searchUser." -W -f ldapinput.in\n";
652		$content .= "# ldapdelete $target -c -v -D ".$this->searchUser." -W -f ldapinput.in\n";
653		if (in_array('localhost', $this->server)) $content .= "# If commands fails to connect, try without -h and -p\n";
654		$content .= "dn: ".$dn."\n";
655		foreach ($info as $key => $value)
656		{
657			if (!is_array($value))
658			{
659				$content .= "$key: $value\n";
660			} else {
661				foreach ($value as $valuevalue)
662				{
663					$content .= "$key: $valuevalue\n";
664				}
665			}
666		}
667		return $content;
668	}
670	/**
671	 * 	Dump a LDAP message to ldapinput.in file
672	 *
673	 *	@param	string		$dn			DN entry key
674	 *	@param	array		$info		Attributes array
675	 *	@return	int						<0 if KO, >0 if OK
676	 */
677	public function dump($dn, $info)
678	{
679		global $conf;
681		// Create content
682		$content = $this->dump_content($dn, $info);
684		//Create file
685		$result = dol_mkdir($conf->ldap->dir_temp);
687		$outputfile = $conf->ldap->dir_temp.'/ldapinput.in';
688		$fp = fopen($outputfile, "w");
689		if ($fp)
690		{
691			fputs($fp, $content);
692			fclose($fp);
693			if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK))
694			@chmod($outputfile, octdec($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK));
695			return 1;
696		} else {
697			return -1;
698		}
699	}
701	/**
702	 * Ping a server before ldap_connect for avoid waiting
703	 *
704	 * @param string		$host		Server host or address
705	 * @param int		$port		Server port (default 389)
706	 * @param int		$timeout		Timeout in second (default 1s)
707	 * @return boolean				true or false
708	 */
709	public function serverPing($host, $port = 389, $timeout = 1)
710	{
711		// Replace ldaps:// by ssl://
712		if (preg_match('/^ldaps:\/\/([^\/]+)\/?$/', $host, $regs)) {
713			$host = 'ssl://'.$regs[1];
714		}
715		// Remove ldap://
716		if (preg_match('/^ldap:\/\/([^\/]+)\/?$/', $host, $regs)) {
717			$host = $regs[1];
718		}
719		$op = @fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
720		if (!$op) return false; //DC is N/A
721		else {
722			fclose($op); //explicitly close open socket connection
723			return true; //DC is up & running, we can safely connect with ldap_connect
724		}
725	}
728	// Attribute methods -----------------------------------------------------
730	/**
731	 * 	Add a LDAP attribute in entry
732	 *	Ldap object connect and bind must have been done
733	 *
734	 *	@param	string		$dn			DN entry key
735	 *	@param	array		$info		Attributes array
736	 *	@param	User		$user		Objet user that create
737	 *	@return	int						<0 if KO, >0 if OK
738	 */
739	public function addAttribute($dn, $info, $user)
740	{
741		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::addAttribute dn=".$dn." info=".join(',', $info));
743		// Check parameters
744		if (!$this->connection)
745		{
746			$this->error = "NotConnected";
747			return -2;
748		}
749		if (!$this->bind)
750		{
751			$this->error = "NotConnected";
752			return -3;
753		}
755		// Encode to LDAP page code
756		$dn = $this->convFromOutputCharset($dn, $this->ldapcharset);
757		foreach ($info as $key => $val)
758		{
759			if (!is_array($val)) $info[$key] = $this->convFromOutputCharset($val, $this->ldapcharset);
760		}
762		$this->dump($dn, $info);
764		//print_r($info);
765		$result = @ldap_mod_add($this->connection, $dn, $info);
767		if ($result)
768		{
769			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::add_attribute successfull", LOG_DEBUG);
770			return 1;
771		} else {
772			$this->error = @ldap_error($this->connection);
773			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::add_attribute failed: ".$this->error, LOG_ERR);
774			return -1;
775		}
776	}
778	/**
779	 * 	Update a LDAP attribute in entry
780	 *	Ldap object connect and bind must have been done
781	 *
782	 *	@param	string		$dn			DN entry key
783	 *	@param	array		$info		Attributes array
784	 *	@param	User		$user		Objet user that create
785	 *	@return	int						<0 if KO, >0 if OK
786	 */
787	public function updateAttribute($dn, $info, $user)
788	{
789		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::updateAttribute dn=".$dn." info=".join(',', $info));
791		// Check parameters
792		if (!$this->connection)
793		{
794			$this->error = "NotConnected";
795			return -2;
796		}
797		if (!$this->bind)
798		{
799			$this->error = "NotConnected";
800			return -3;
801		}
803		// Encode to LDAP page code
804		$dn = $this->convFromOutputCharset($dn, $this->ldapcharset);
805		foreach ($info as $key => $val)
806		{
807			if (!is_array($val)) $info[$key] = $this->convFromOutputCharset($val, $this->ldapcharset);
808		}
810		$this->dump($dn, $info);
812		//print_r($info);
813		$result = @ldap_mod_replace($this->connection, $dn, $info);
815		if ($result)
816		{
817			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::updateAttribute successfull", LOG_DEBUG);
818			return 1;
819		} else {
820			$this->error = @ldap_error($this->connection);
821			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::updateAttribute failed: ".$this->error, LOG_ERR);
822			return -1;
823		}
824	}
826	/**
827	 * 	Delete a LDAP attribute in entry
828	 *	Ldap object connect and bind must have been done
829	 *
830	 *	@param	string		$dn			DN entry key
831	 *	@param	array		$info		Attributes array
832	 *	@param	User		$user		Objet user that create
833	 *	@return	int						<0 if KO, >0 if OK
834	 */
835	public function deleteAttribute($dn, $info, $user)
836	{
837		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::deleteAttribute dn=".$dn." info=".join(',', $info));
839		// Check parameters
840		if (!$this->connection)
841		{
842			$this->error = "NotConnected";
843			return -2;
844		}
845		if (!$this->bind)
846		{
847			$this->error = "NotConnected";
848			return -3;
849		}
851		// Encode to LDAP page code
852		$dn = $this->convFromOutputCharset($dn, $this->ldapcharset);
853		foreach ($info as $key => $val)
854		{
855			if (!is_array($val)) $info[$key] = $this->convFromOutputCharset($val, $this->ldapcharset);
856		}
858		$this->dump($dn, $info);
860		//print_r($info);
861		$result = @ldap_mod_del($this->connection, $dn, $info);
863		if ($result)
864		{
865			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::deleteAttribute successfull", LOG_DEBUG);
866			return 1;
867		} else {
868			$this->error = @ldap_error($this->connection);
869			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::deleteAttribute failed: ".$this->error, LOG_ERR);
870			return -1;
871		}
872	}
874	/**
875	 *  Returns an array containing attributes and values for first record
876	 *
877	 *	@param	string	$dn			DN entry key
878	 *	@param	string	$filter		Filter
879	 *	@return	int|array			<0 or false if KO, array if OK
880	 */
881	public function getAttribute($dn, $filter)
882	{
883		// Check parameters
884		if (!$this->connection)
885		{
886			$this->error = "NotConnected";
887			return -2;
888		}
889		if (!$this->bind)
890		{
891			$this->error = "NotConnected";
892			return -3;
893		}
895		$search = ldap_search($this->connection, $dn, $filter);
897		// Only one entry should ever be returned
898		$entry = ldap_first_entry($this->connection, $search);
900		if (!$entry)
901		{
902			$this->ldapErrorCode = -1;
903			$this->ldapErrorText = "Couldn't find entry";
904			return 0; // Couldn't find entry...
905		}
907		// Get values
908		if (!($values = ldap_get_attributes($this->connection, $entry)))
909		{
910			$this->ldapErrorCode = ldap_errno($this->connection);
911			$this->ldapErrorText = ldap_error($this->connection);
912			return 0; // No matching attributes
913		}
915		// Return an array containing the attributes.
916		return $values;
917	}
919	/**
920	 *  Returns an array containing values for an attribute and for first record matching filterrecord
921	 *
922	 * 	@param	string	$filterrecord		Record
923	 * 	@param	string	$attribute			Attributes
924	 * 	@return void
925	 */
926	public function getAttributeValues($filterrecord, $attribute)
927	{
928		$attributes = array();
929		$attributes[0] = $attribute;
931		// We need to search for this user in order to get their entry.
932		$this->result = @ldap_search($this->connection, $this->people, $filterrecord, $attributes);
934		// Pourquoi cette ligne ?
935		//$info = ldap_get_entries($this->connection, $this->result);
937		// Only one entry should ever be returned (no user will have the same uid)
938		$entry = ldap_first_entry($this->connection, $this->result);
940		if (!$entry)
941		{
942			$this->ldapErrorCode = -1;
943			$this->ldapErrorText = "Couldn't find user";
944			return false; // Couldn't find the user...
945		}
947		// Get values
948		if (!$values = @ldap_get_values($this->connection, $entry, $attribute))
949		{
950			$this->ldapErrorCode = ldap_errno($this->connection);
951			$this->ldapErrorText = ldap_error($this->connection);
952			return false; // No matching attributes
953		}
955		// Return an array containing the attributes.
956		return $values;
957	}
959	/**
960	 * 	Returns an array containing a details or list of LDAP record(s)
961	 * 	ldapsearch -LLLx -hlocalhost -Dcn=admin,dc=parinux,dc=org -w password -b "ou=adherents,ou=people,dc=parinux,dc=org" userPassword
962	 *
963	 *	@param	string	$search			 	Value of fiel to search, '*' for all. Not used if $activefilter is set.
964	 *	@param	string	$userDn			 	DN (Ex: ou=adherents,ou=people,dc=parinux,dc=org)
965	 *	@param	string	$useridentifier 	Name of key field (Ex: uid)
966	 *	@param	array	$attributeArray 	Array of fields required. Note this array must also contains field $useridentifier (Ex: sn,userPassword)
967	 *	@param	int		$activefilter		'1' or 'user'=use field this->filter as filter instead of parameter $search, 'member'=use field this->filtermember as filter
968	 *	@param	array	$attributeAsArray 	Array of fields wanted as an array not a string
969	 *	@return	array						Array of [id_record][ldap_field]=value
970	 */
971	public function getRecords($search, $userDn, $useridentifier, $attributeArray, $activefilter = 0, $attributeAsArray = array())
972	{
973		$fulllist = array();
975		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::getRecords search=".$search." userDn=".$userDn." useridentifier=".$useridentifier." attributeArray=array(".join(',', $attributeArray).") activefilter=".$activefilter);
977		// if the directory is AD, then bind first with the search user first
978		if ($this->serverType == "activedirectory")
979		{
980			$this->bindauth($this->searchUser, $this->searchPassword);
981			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::bindauth serverType=activedirectory searchUser=".$this->searchUser);
982		}
984		// Define filter
985		if (!empty($activefilter))
986		{
987			if (((string) $activefilter == '1' || (string) $activefilter == 'user') && $this->filter) {
988				$filter = '('.$this->filter.')';
989			} elseif (((string) $activefilter == 'member') && $this->filter) {
990				$filter = '('.$this->filtermember.')';
991			} else {
992				// If this->filter is empty, make fiter on * (all)
993				$filter = '('.$useridentifier.'=*)';
994			}
995		} else {
996			$filter = '('.$useridentifier.'='.$search.')';
997		}
999		if (is_array($attributeArray))
1000		{
1001			// Return list with required fields
1002			$attributeArray = array_values($attributeArray); // This is to force to have index reordered from 0 (not make ldap_search fails)
1003			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::getRecords connection=".$this->connection." userDn=".$userDn." filter=".$filter." attributeArray=(".join(',', $attributeArray).")");
1004			//var_dump($attributeArray);
1005			$this->result = @ldap_search($this->connection, $userDn, $filter, $attributeArray);
1006		} else {
1007			// Return list with fields selected by default
1008			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::getRecords connection=".$this->connection." userDn=".$userDn." filter=".$filter);
1009			$this->result = @ldap_search($this->connection, $userDn, $filter);
1010		}
1011		if (!$this->result)
1012		{
1013			$this->error = 'LDAP search failed: '.ldap_errno($this->connection)." ".ldap_error($this->connection);
1014			return -1;
1015		}
1017		$info = @ldap_get_entries($this->connection, $this->result);
1019		// Warning: Dans info, les noms d'attributs sont en minuscule meme si passe
1020		// a ldap_search en majuscule !!!
1021		//print_r($info);
1023		for ($i = 0; $i < $info["count"]; $i++)
1024		{
1025			$recordid = $this->convToOutputCharset($info[$i][$useridentifier][0], $this->ldapcharset);
1026			if ($recordid)
1027			{
1028				//print "Found record with key $useridentifier=".$recordid."<br>\n";
1029				$fulllist[$recordid][$useridentifier] = $recordid;
1031				// Add to the array for each attribute in my list
1032				$num = count($attributeArray);
1033				for ($j = 0; $j < $num; $j++)
1034				{
1035					$keyattributelower = strtolower($attributeArray[$j]);
1036					//print " Param ".$attributeArray[$j]."=".$info[$i][$keyattributelower][0]."<br>\n";
1038					//permet de recuperer le SID avec Active Directory
1039					if ($this->serverType == "activedirectory" && $keyattributelower == "objectsid")
1040					{
1041						$objectsid = $this->getObjectSid($recordid);
1042						$fulllist[$recordid][$attributeArray[$j]] = $objectsid;
1043					} else {
1044						if (in_array($attributeArray[$j], $attributeAsArray) && is_array($info[$i][$keyattributelower])) {
1045							$valueTab = array();
1046							foreach ($info[$i][$keyattributelower] as $key => $value) {
1047								$valueTab[$key] = $this->convToOutputCharset($value, $this->ldapcharset);
1048							}
1049							$fulllist[$recordid][$attributeArray[$j]] = $valueTab;
1050						} else {
1051							$fulllist[$recordid][$attributeArray[$j]] = $this->convToOutputCharset($info[$i][$keyattributelower][0], $this->ldapcharset);
1052						}
1053					}
1054				}
1055			}
1056		}
1058		asort($fulllist);
1059		return $fulllist;
1060	}
1062	/**
1063	 *  Converts a little-endian hex-number to one, that 'hexdec' can convert
1064	 *	Required by Active Directory
1065	 *
1066	 *	@param	string		$hex			Hex value
1067	 *	@return	string						Little endian
1068	 */
1069	public function littleEndian($hex)
1070	{
1071		$result = '';
1072		for ($x = dol_strlen($hex) - 2; $x >= 0; $x = $x - 2) {
1073			$result .= substr($hex, $x, 2);
1074		}
1075		return $result;
1076	}
1079	/**
1080	 *  Recupere le SID de l'utilisateur
1081	 *	Required by Active Directory
1082	 *
1083	 * 	@param	string		$ldapUser		Login de l'utilisateur
1084	 * 	@return	string						Sid
1085	 */
1086	public function getObjectSid($ldapUser)
1087	{
1088		$criteria = '('.$this->getUserIdentifier().'='.$ldapUser.')';
1089		$justthese = array("objectsid");
1091		// if the directory is AD, then bind first with the search user first
1092		if ($this->serverType == "activedirectory")
1093		{
1094			$this->bindauth($this->searchUser, $this->searchPassword);
1095		}
1097		$i = 0;
1098		$searchDN = $this->people;
1100		while ($i <= 2)
1101		{
1102			$ldapSearchResult = @ldap_search($this->connection, $searchDN, $criteria, $justthese);
1104			if (!$ldapSearchResult)
1105			{
1106				$this->error = ldap_errno($this->connection)." ".ldap_error($this->connection);
1107				return -1;
1108			}
1110			$entry = ldap_first_entry($this->connection, $ldapSearchResult);
1112			if (!$entry)
1113			{
1114				// Si pas de resultat on cherche dans le domaine
1115				$searchDN = $this->domain;
1116				$i++;
1117			} else {
1118				$i++;
1119				$i++;
1120			}
1121		}
1123		if ($entry)
1124		{
1125			$ldapBinary = ldap_get_values_len($this->connection, $entry, "objectsid");
1126			$SIDText = $this->binSIDtoText($ldapBinary[0]);
1127			return $SIDText;
1128		} else {
1129			$this->error = ldap_errno($this->connection)." ".ldap_error($this->connection);
1130			return '?';
1131		}
1132	}
1134	/**
1135	 * Returns the textual SID
1136	 * Indispensable pour Active Directory
1137	 *
1138	 * @param	string	$binsid		Binary SID
1139	 * @return	string				Textual SID
1140	 */
1141	public function binSIDtoText($binsid)
1142	{
1143		$hex_sid = bin2hex($binsid);
1144		$rev = hexdec(substr($hex_sid, 0, 2)); // Get revision-part of SID
1145		$subcount = hexdec(substr($hex_sid, 2, 2)); // Get count of sub-auth entries
1146		$auth = hexdec(substr($hex_sid, 4, 12)); // SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY
1147		$result = "$rev-$auth";
1148		for ($x = 0; $x < $subcount; $x++)
1149		{
1150			$result .= "-".hexdec($this->littleEndian(substr($hex_sid, 16 + ($x * 8), 8))); // get all SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY
1151		}
1152		return $result;
1153	}
1156	/**
1157	 * 	Fonction de recherche avec filtre
1158	 *	this->connection doit etre defini donc la methode bind ou bindauth doit avoir deja ete appelee
1159	 *	Ne pas utiliser pour recherche d'une liste donnee de proprietes
1160	 *	car conflit majuscule-minuscule. A n'utiliser que pour les pages
1161	 *	'Fiche LDAP' qui affiche champ lisibles par defaut.
1162	 *
1163	 * 	@param	string		$checkDn		DN de recherche (Ex: ou=users,cn=my-domain,cn=com)
1164	 * 	@param 	string		$filter			Search filter (ex: (sn=nom_personne) )
1165	 *	@return	array|int					Array with answers (key lowercased - value)
1166	 */
1167	public function search($checkDn, $filter)
1168	{
1169		dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::search checkDn=".$checkDn." filter=".$filter);
1171		$checkDn = $this->convFromOutputCharset($checkDn, $this->ldapcharset);
1172		$filter = $this->convFromOutputCharset($filter, $this->ldapcharset);
1174		// if the directory is AD, then bind first with the search user first
1175		if ($this->serverType == "activedirectory") {
1176			$this->bindauth($this->searchUser, $this->searchPassword);
1177		}
1179		$this->result = @ldap_search($this->connection, $checkDn, $filter);
1181		$result = @ldap_get_entries($this->connection, $this->result);
1182		if (!$result)
1183		{
1184			$this->error = ldap_errno($this->connection)." ".ldap_error($this->connection);
1185			return -1;
1186		} else {
1187			ldap_free_result($this->result);
1188			return $result;
1189		}
1190	}
1193	/**
1194	 * 		Load all attribute of a LDAP user
1195	 *
1196	 * 		@param	User	$user		User to search for. Not used if a filter is provided.
1197	 *      @param  string	$filter		Filter for search. Must start with &.
1198	 *                       	       	Examples: &(objectClass=inetOrgPerson) &(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person) &(isMemberOf=cn=Sales,ou=Groups,dc=opencsi,dc=com)
1199	 *		@return	int					>0 if OK, <0 if KO
1200	 */
1201	public function fetch($user, $filter)
1202	{
1203		// Perform the search and get the entry handles
1205		// if the directory is AD, then bind first with the search user first
1206		if ($this->serverType == "activedirectory") {
1207			$this->bindauth($this->searchUser, $this->searchPassword);
1208		}
1210		$searchDN = $this->people; // TODO Why searching in people then domain ?
1212		$result = '';
1213		$i = 0;
1214		while ($i <= 2)
1215		{
1216			dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::fetch search with searchDN=".$searchDN." filter=".$filter);
1217			$this->result = @ldap_search($this->connection, $searchDN, $filter);
1218			if ($this->result)
1219			{
1220				$result = @ldap_get_entries($this->connection, $this->result);
1221				if ($result['count'] > 0) dol_syslog('Ldap::fetch search found '.$result['count'].' records');
1222				else dol_syslog('Ldap::fetch search returns but found no records');
1223				//var_dump($result);exit;
1224			} else {
1225				$this->error = ldap_errno($this->connection)." ".ldap_error($this->connection);
1226				dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::fetch search fails");
1227				return -1;
1228			}
1230			if (!$result)
1231			{
1232				// Si pas de resultat on cherche dans le domaine
1233				$searchDN = $this->domain;
1234				$i++;
1235			} else {
1236				break;
1237			}
1238		}
1240		if (!$result)
1241		{
1242			$this->error = ldap_errno($this->connection)." ".ldap_error($this->connection);
1243			return -1;
1244		} else {
1245			$this->name       = $this->convToOutputCharset($result[0][$this->attr_name][0], $this->ldapcharset);
1246			$this->firstname  = $this->convToOutputCharset($result[0][$this->attr_firstname][0], $this->ldapcharset);
1247			$this->login      = $this->convToOutputCharset($result[0][$this->attr_login][0], $this->ldapcharset);
1248			$this->phone      = $this->convToOutputCharset($result[0][$this->attr_phone][0], $this->ldapcharset);
1249			$this->skype      = $this->convToOutputCharset($result[0][$this->attr_skype][0], $this->ldapcharset);
1250			$this->fax        = $this->convToOutputCharset($result[0][$this->attr_fax][0], $this->ldapcharset);
1251			$this->mail       = $this->convToOutputCharset($result[0][$this->attr_mail][0], $this->ldapcharset);
1252			$this->mobile     = $this->convToOutputCharset($result[0][$this->attr_mobile][0], $this->ldapcharset);
1254			$this->uacf       = $this->parseUACF($this->convToOutputCharset($result[0]["useraccountcontrol"][0], $this->ldapcharset));
1255			if (isset($result[0]["pwdlastset"][0]))	// If expiration on password exists
1256			{
1257				$this->pwdlastset = ($result[0]["pwdlastset"][0] != 0) ? $this->convert_time($this->convToOutputCharset($result[0]["pwdlastset"][0], $this->ldapcharset)) : 0;
1258			} else {
1259				$this->pwdlastset = -1;
1260			}
1261			if (!$this->name && !$this->login) $this->pwdlastset = -1;
1262			$this->badpwdtime = $this->convert_time($this->convToOutputCharset($result[0]["badpasswordtime"][0], $this->ldapcharset));
1264			// FQDN domain
1265			$domain = str_replace('dc=', '', $this->domain);
1266			$domain = str_replace(',', '.', $domain);
1267			$this->domainFQDN = $domain;
1269			// Set ldapUserDn (each user can have a different dn)
1270			//var_dump($result[0]);exit;
1271			$this->ldapUserDN = $result[0]['dn'];
1273			ldap_free_result($this->result);
1274			return 1;
1275		}
1276	}
1279	// helper methods
1281	/**
1282	 * 	Returns the correct user identifier to use, based on the ldap server type
1283	 *
1284	 *	@return	string 				Login
1285	 */
1286	public function getUserIdentifier()
1287	{
1288		if ($this->serverType == "activedirectory") {
1289			return $this->attr_sambalogin;
1290		} else {
1291			return $this->attr_login;
1292		}
1293	}
1295	/**
1296	 * 	UserAccountControl Flgs to more human understandable form...
1297	 *
1298	 *	@param	string		$uacf		UACF
1299	 *	@return	void
1300	 */
1301	public function parseUACF($uacf)
1302	{
1303		//All flags array
1304		$flags = array(
1305			"TRUSTED_TO_AUTH_FOR_DELEGATION"  =>    16777216,
1306			"PASSWORD_EXPIRED"                =>    8388608,
1307			"DONT_REQ_PREAUTH"                =>    4194304,
1308			"USE_DES_KEY_ONLY"                =>    2097152,
1309			"NOT_DELEGATED"                   =>    1048576,
1310			"TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATION"          =>    524288,
1311			"SMARTCARD_REQUIRED"              =>    262144,
1312			"MNS_LOGON_ACCOUNT"               =>    131072,
1313			"DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWORD"            =>    65536,
1314			"SERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT"            =>    8192,
1315			"WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT"       =>    4096,
1316			"INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT"       =>    2048,
1317			"NORMAL_ACCOUNT"                  =>    512,
1318			"TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT"          =>    256,
1319			"ENCRYPTED_TEXT_PWD_ALLOWED"      =>    128,
1320			"PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE"              =>    64,
1321			"PASSWD_NOTREQD"                  =>    32,
1322			"LOCKOUT"                         =>    16,
1323			"HOMEDIR_REQUIRED"                =>    8,
1324			"ACCOUNTDISABLE"                  =>    2,
1325			"SCRIPT"                          =>    1
1326		);
1328		//Parse flags to text
1329		$retval = array();
1330		//while (list($flag, $val) = each($flags)) {
1331		foreach ($flags as $flag => $val) {
1332			if ($uacf >= $val) {
1333				$uacf -= $val;
1334				$retval[$val] = $flag;
1335			}
1336		}
1338		//Return human friendly flags
1339		return($retval);
1340	}
1342	/**
1343	 * 	SamAccountType value to text
1344	 *
1345	 *	@param	string	$samtype	SamType
1346	 *	@return	string				Sam string
1347	 */
1348	public function parseSAT($samtype)
1349	{
1350		$stypes = array(
1351			805306368    =>    "NORMAL_ACCOUNT",
1352			805306369    =>    "WORKSTATION_TRUST",
1353			805306370    =>    "INTERDOMAIN_TRUST",
1354			268435456    =>    "SECURITY_GLOBAL_GROUP",
1355			268435457    =>    "DISTRIBUTION_GROUP",
1356			536870912    =>    "SECURITY_LOCAL_GROUP",
1357			536870913    =>    "DISTRIBUTION_LOCAL_GROUP"
1358		);
1360		$retval = "";
1361		while (list($sat, $val) = each($stypes)) {
1362			if ($samtype == $sat) {
1363				$retval = $val;
1364				break;
1365			}
1366		}
1367		if (empty($retval)) $retval = "UNKNOWN_TYPE_".$samtype;
1369		return($retval);
1370	}
1372	// phpcs:disable PEAR.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.ScopeNotCamelCaps
1373	/**
1374	 *	Convertit le temps ActiveDirectory en Unix timestamp
1375	 *
1376	 *	@param	string	$value		AD time to convert
1377	 *	@return	integer				Unix timestamp
1378	 */
1379	public function convert_time($value)
1380	{
1381		// phpcs:enable
1382		$dateLargeInt = $value; // nano secondes depuis 1601 !!!!
1383		$secsAfterADEpoch = $dateLargeInt / (10000000); // secondes depuis le 1 jan 1601
1384		$ADToUnixConvertor = ((1970 - 1601) * 365.242190) * 86400; // UNIX start date - AD start date * jours * secondes
1385		$unixTimeStamp = intval($secsAfterADEpoch - $ADToUnixConvertor); // Unix time stamp
1386		return $unixTimeStamp;
1387	}
1390	/**
1391	 *  Convert a string into output/memory charset
1392	 *
1393	 *  @param	string	$str            String to convert
1394	 *  @param	string	$pagecodefrom	Page code of src string
1395	 *  @return string         			Converted string
1396	 */
1397	private function convToOutputCharset($str, $pagecodefrom = 'UTF-8')
1398	{
1399		global $conf;
1400		if ($pagecodefrom == 'ISO-8859-1' && $conf->file->character_set_client == 'UTF-8')  $str = utf8_encode($str);
1401		if ($pagecodefrom == 'UTF-8' && $conf->file->character_set_client == 'ISO-8859-1')  $str = utf8_decode($str);
1402		return $str;
1403	}
1405	/**
1406	 *  Convert a string from output/memory charset
1407	 *
1408	 *  @param	string	$str            String to convert
1409	 *  @param	string	$pagecodeto		Page code for result string
1410	 *  @return string         			Converted string
1411	 */
1412	public function convFromOutputCharset($str, $pagecodeto = 'UTF-8')
1413	{
1414		global $conf;
1415		if ($pagecodeto == 'ISO-8859-1' && $conf->file->character_set_client == 'UTF-8') $str = utf8_decode($str);
1416		if ($pagecodeto == 'UTF-8' && $conf->file->character_set_client == 'ISO-8859-1') $str = utf8_encode($str);
1417		return $str;
1418	}
1421	/**
1422	 *	Return available value of group GID
1423	 *
1424	 *	@param	string	$keygroup	Key of group
1425	 *	@return	int					gid number
1426	 */
1427	public function getNextGroupGid($keygroup = 'LDAP_KEY_GROUPS')
1428	{
1429		global $conf;
1431		if (empty($keygroup)) $keygroup = 'LDAP_KEY_GROUPS';
1433		$search = '('.$conf->global->$keygroup.'=*)';
1434		$result = $this->search($this->groups, $search);
1435		if ($result)
1436		{
1437			$c = $result['count'];
1438			$gids = array();
1439			for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++)
1440			{
1441				$gids[] = $result[$i]['gidnumber'][0];
1442			}
1443			rsort($gids);
1445			return $gids[0] + 1;
1446		}
1448		return 0;
1449	}