4 * @file
5 * Install, update and uninstall functions for the user module.
6 */
9 * Implements hook_schema().
10 */
11function user_schema() {
12  $schema['authmap'] = array(
13    'description' => 'Stores distributed authentication mapping.',
14    'fields' => array(
15      'aid' => array(
16        'description' => 'Primary Key: Unique authmap ID.',
17        'type' => 'serial',
18        'unsigned' => TRUE,
19        'not null' => TRUE,
20      ),
21      'uid' => array(
22        'type' => 'int',
23        'not null' => TRUE,
24        'default' => 0,
25        'description' => "User's {users}.uid.",
26      ),
27      'authname' => array(
28        'type' => 'varchar',
29        'length' => 128,
30        'not null' => TRUE,
31        'default' => '',
32        'description' => 'Unique authentication name.',
33      ),
34      'module' => array(
35        'type' => 'varchar',
36        'length' => 128,
37        'not null' => TRUE,
38        'default' => '',
39        'description' => 'Module which is controlling the authentication.',
40      ),
41    ),
42    'unique keys' => array(
43      'authname' => array('authname'),
44    ),
45    'primary key' => array('aid'),
46    'foreign keys' => array(
47      'user' => array(
48        'table' => 'users',
49        'columns' => array('uid' => 'uid'),
50      ),
51    ),
52    'indexes' => array(
53      'uid_module' => array('uid', 'module'),
54    ),
55  );
57  $schema['role_permission'] = array(
58    'description' => 'Stores the permissions assigned to user roles.',
59    'fields' => array(
60      'rid' => array(
61        'type' => 'int',
62        'unsigned' => TRUE,
63        'not null' => TRUE,
64        'description' => 'Foreign Key: {role}.rid.',
65      ),
66      'permission' => array(
67        'type' => 'varchar',
68        'length' => 128,
69        'not null' => TRUE,
70        'default' => '',
71        'description' => 'A single permission granted to the role identified by rid.',
72      ),
73      'module' => array(
74        'type' => 'varchar',
75        'length' => 255,
76        'not null' => TRUE,
77        'default' => '',
78        'description' => "The module declaring the permission.",
79      ),
80    ),
81    'primary key' => array('rid', 'permission'),
82    'indexes' => array(
83      'permission' => array('permission'),
84    ),
85    'foreign keys' => array(
86      'role' => array(
87        'table' => 'role',
88        'columns' => array('rid' => 'rid'),
89      ),
90    ),
91  );
93  $schema['role'] = array(
94    'description' => 'Stores user roles.',
95    'fields' => array(
96      'rid' => array(
97        'type' => 'serial',
98        'unsigned' => TRUE,
99        'not null' => TRUE,
100        'description' => 'Primary Key: Unique role ID.',
101      ),
102      'name' => array(
103        'type' => 'varchar',
104        'length' => 64,
105        'not null' => TRUE,
106        'default' => '',
107        'description' => 'Unique role name.',
108        'translatable' => TRUE,
109      ),
110      'weight' => array(
111        'type' => 'int',
112        'not null' => TRUE,
113        'default' => 0,
114        'description' => 'The weight of this role in listings and the user interface.',
115      ),
116    ),
117    'unique keys' => array(
118      'name' => array('name'),
119    ),
120    'primary key' => array('rid'),
121    'indexes' => array(
122      'name_weight' => array('name', 'weight'),
123    ),
124  );
126  // The table name here is plural, despite Drupal table naming standards,
127  // because "user" is a reserved word in many databases.
128  $schema['users'] = array(
129    'description' => 'Stores user data.',
130    'fields' => array(
131      'uid' => array(
132        'type' => 'int',
133        'unsigned' => TRUE,
134        'not null' => TRUE,
135        'description' => 'Primary Key: Unique user ID.',
136        'default' => 0,
137      ),
138      'name' => array(
139        'type' => 'varchar',
140        'length' => 60,
141        'not null' => TRUE,
142        'default' => '',
143        'description' => 'Unique user name.',
144      ),
145      'pass' => array(
146        'type' => 'varchar',
147        'length' => 128,
148        'not null' => TRUE,
149        'default' => '',
150        'description' => "User's password (hashed).",
151      ),
152      'mail' => array(
153        'type' => 'varchar',
154        'length' => 254,
155        'not null' => FALSE,
156        'default' => '',
157        'description' => "User's e-mail address.",
158      ),
159      'theme' => array(
160        'type' => 'varchar',
161        'length' => 255,
162        'not null' => TRUE,
163        'default' => '',
164        'description' => "User's default theme.",
165      ),
166      'signature' => array(
167        'type' => 'varchar',
168        'length' => 255,
169        'not null' => TRUE,
170        'default' => '',
171        'description' => "User's signature.",
172      ),
173      'signature_format' => array(
174        'type' => 'varchar',
175        'length' => 255,
176        'not null' => FALSE,
177        'description' => 'The {filter_format}.format of the signature.',
178      ),
179      'created' => array(
180        'type' => 'int',
181        'not null' => TRUE,
182        'default' => 0,
183        'description' => 'Timestamp for when user was created.',
184      ),
185      'access' => array(
186        'type' => 'int',
187        'not null' => TRUE,
188        'default' => 0,
189        'description' => 'Timestamp for previous time user accessed the site.',
190      ),
191      'login' => array(
192        'type' => 'int',
193        'not null' => TRUE,
194        'default' => 0,
195        'description' => "Timestamp for user's last login.",
196      ),
197      'status' => array(
198        'type' => 'int',
199        'not null' => TRUE,
200        'default' => 0,
201        'size' => 'tiny',
202        'description' => 'Whether the user is active(1) or blocked(0).',
203      ),
204      'timezone' => array(
205        'type' => 'varchar',
206        'length' => 32,
207        'not null' => FALSE,
208        'description' => "User's time zone.",
209      ),
210      'language' => array(
211        'type' => 'varchar',
212        'length' => 12,
213        'not null' => TRUE,
214        'default' => '',
215        'description' => "User's default language.",
216      ),
217      'picture' => array(
218        'type' => 'int',
219        'not null' => TRUE,
220        'default' => 0,
221        'description' => "Foreign key: {file_managed}.fid of user's picture.",
222      ),
223      'init' => array(
224        'type' => 'varchar',
225        'length' => 254,
226        'not null' => FALSE,
227        'default' => '',
228        'description' => 'E-mail address used for initial account creation.',
229      ),
230      'data' => array(
231        'type' => 'blob',
232        'not null' => FALSE,
233        'size' => 'big',
234        'serialize' => TRUE,
235        'description' => 'A serialized array of name value pairs that are related to the user. Any form values posted during user edit are stored and are loaded into the $user object during user_load(). Use of this field is discouraged and it will likely disappear in a future version of Drupal.',
236      ),
237    ),
238    'indexes' => array(
239      'access' => array('access'),
240      'created' => array('created'),
241      'mail' => array('mail'),
242      'picture' => array('picture'),
243    ),
244    'unique keys' => array(
245      'name' => array('name'),
246    ),
247    'primary key' => array('uid'),
248    'foreign keys' => array(
249      'signature_format' => array(
250        'table' => 'filter_format',
251        'columns' => array('signature_format' => 'format'),
252      ),
253    ),
254  );
256  $schema['users_roles'] = array(
257    'description' => 'Maps users to roles.',
258    'fields' => array(
259      'uid' => array(
260        'type' => 'int',
261        'unsigned' => TRUE,
262        'not null' => TRUE,
263        'default' => 0,
264        'description' => 'Primary Key: {users}.uid for user.',
265      ),
266      'rid' => array(
267        'type' => 'int',
268        'unsigned' => TRUE,
269        'not null' => TRUE,
270        'default' => 0,
271        'description' => 'Primary Key: {role}.rid for role.',
272      ),
273    ),
274    'primary key' => array('uid', 'rid'),
275    'indexes' => array(
276      'rid' => array('rid'),
277    ),
278    'foreign keys' => array(
279      'user' => array(
280        'table' => 'users',
281        'columns' => array('uid' => 'uid'),
282      ),
283      'role' => array(
284        'table' => 'role',
285        'columns' => array('rid' => 'rid'),
286      ),
287    ),
288  );
290  return $schema;
294 * Implements hook_install().
295 */
296function user_install() {
297  // Insert a row for the anonymous user.
298  db_insert('users')
299    ->fields(array(
300      'uid' => 0,
301      'name' => '',
302      'mail' => '',
303    ))
304    ->execute();
306  // We need some placeholders here as name and mail are uniques and data is
307  // presumed to be a serialized array. This will be changed by the settings
308  // form in the installer.
309  db_insert('users')
310    ->fields(array(
311      'uid' => 1,
312      'name' => 'placeholder-for-uid-1',
313      'mail' => 'placeholder-for-uid-1',
314      'created' => REQUEST_TIME,
315      'status' => 1,
316      'data' => NULL,
317    ))
318    ->execute();
320  // Built-in roles.
321  $rid_anonymous = db_insert('role')
322    ->fields(array('name' => 'anonymous user', 'weight' => 0))
323    ->execute();
324  $rid_authenticated = db_insert('role')
325    ->fields(array('name' => 'authenticated user', 'weight' => 1))
326    ->execute();
328  // Sanity check to ensure the anonymous and authenticated role IDs are the
329  // same as the drupal defined constants. In certain situations, this will
330  // not be true.
331  if ($rid_anonymous != DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID) {
332    db_update('role')
333      ->fields(array('rid' => DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID))
334      ->condition('rid', $rid_anonymous)
335      ->execute();
336  }
337  if ($rid_authenticated != DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID) {
338    db_update('role')
339      ->fields(array('rid' => DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID))
340      ->condition('rid', $rid_authenticated)
341      ->execute();
342  }
346 * Implements hook_update_dependencies().
347 */
348function user_update_dependencies() {
349  // user_update_7006() updates data in the {role_permission} table, so it must
350  // run after system_update_7007(), which populates that table.
351  $dependencies['user'][7006] = array(
352    'system' => 7007,
353  );
355  // user_update_7010() needs to query the {filter_format} table to get a list
356  // of existing text formats, so it must run after filter_update_7000(), which
357  // creates that table.
358  $dependencies['user'][7010] = array(
359    'filter' => 7000,
360  );
362  // user_update_7012() uses the file API and inserts records into the
363  // {file_managed} table, so it therefore must run after system_update_7061(),
364  // which inserts files with specific IDs into the table and therefore relies
365  // on the table being empty (otherwise it would accidentally overwrite
366  // existing records).
367  $dependencies['user'][7012] = array(
368    'system' => 7061,
369  );
371  // user_update_7013() uses the file usage API, which relies on the
372  // {file_usage} table, so it must run after system_update_7059(), which
373  // creates that table.
374  $dependencies['user'][7013] = array(
375    'system' => 7059,
376  );
378  return $dependencies;
382 * Utility function: grant a set of permissions to a role during update.
383 *
384 * This function is valid for a database schema version 7000.
385 *
386 * @param $rid
387 *   The role ID.
388 * @param $permissions
389 *   An array of permissions names.
390 * @param $module
391 *   The name of the module defining the permissions.
392 * @ingroup update_api
393 */
394function _update_7000_user_role_grant_permissions($rid, array $permissions, $module) {
395  // Grant new permissions for the role.
396  foreach ($permissions as $name) {
397    db_merge('role_permission')
398      ->key(array(
399        'rid' => $rid,
400        'permission' => $name,
401      ))
402      ->fields(array(
403        'module' => $module,
404      ))
405      ->execute();
406  }
410 * @addtogroup updates-6.x-to-7.x
411 * @{
412 */
415 * Increase the length of the password field to accommodate better hashes.
416 *
417 * Also re-hashes all current passwords to improve security. This may be a
418 * lengthy process, and is performed batch-wise.
419 */
420function user_update_7000(&$sandbox) {
421  $sandbox['#finished'] = 0;
422  // Lower than DRUPAL_HASH_COUNT to make the update run at a reasonable speed.
423  $hash_count_log2 = 11;
424  // Multi-part update.
425  if (!isset($sandbox['user_from'])) {
426    db_change_field('users', 'pass', 'pass', array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 128, 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => ''));
427    $sandbox['user_from'] = 0;
428    $sandbox['user_count'] = db_query("SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM {users}")->fetchField();
429  }
430  else {
431    require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . variable_get('password_inc', 'includes/password.inc');
432    //  Hash again all current hashed passwords.
433    $has_rows = FALSE;
434    // Update this many per page load.
435    $count = 1000;
436    $result = db_query_range("SELECT uid, pass FROM {users} WHERE uid > 0 ORDER BY uid", $sandbox['user_from'], $count);
437    foreach ($result as $account) {
438      $has_rows = TRUE;
440      // If the $account->pass value is not a MD5 hash (a 32 character
441      // hexadecimal string) then skip it.
442      if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-f]{32}$/', $account->pass)) {
443        continue;
444      }
446      $new_hash = user_hash_password($account->pass, $hash_count_log2);
447      if ($new_hash) {
448        // Indicate an updated password.
449        $new_hash  = 'U' . $new_hash;
450        db_update('users')
451          ->fields(array('pass' => $new_hash))
452          ->condition('uid', $account->uid)
453          ->execute();
454      }
455    }
456    $sandbox['#finished'] = $sandbox['user_from']/$sandbox['user_count'];
457    $sandbox['user_from'] += $count;
458    if (!$has_rows) {
459      $sandbox['#finished'] = 1;
460      return t('User passwords rehashed to improve security');
461    }
462  }
466 * Remove the 'threshold', 'mode' and 'sort' columns from the {users} table.
467 *
468 * These fields were previously used to store per-user comment settings.
469 */
471function user_update_7001() {
472  db_drop_field('users', 'threshold');
473  db_drop_field('users', 'mode');
474  db_drop_field('users', 'sort');
478 * Convert user time zones from time zone offsets to time zone names.
479 */
480function user_update_7002(&$sandbox) {
481  $sandbox['#finished'] = 0;
483  // Multi-part update.
484  if (!isset($sandbox['user_from'])) {
485    db_change_field('users', 'timezone', 'timezone', array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 32, 'not null' => FALSE));
486    $sandbox['user_from'] = 0;
487    $sandbox['user_count'] = db_query("SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM {users}")->fetchField();
488    $sandbox['user_not_migrated'] = 0;
489  }
490  else {
491    $timezones = system_time_zones();
492    // Update this many per page load.
493    $count = 10000;
494    $contributed_date_module = db_field_exists('users', 'timezone_name');
495    $contributed_event_module = db_field_exists('users', 'timezone_id');
497    $results = db_query_range("SELECT uid FROM {users} ORDER BY uid", $sandbox['user_from'], $count);
498    foreach ($results as $account) {
499      $timezone = NULL;
500      // If the contributed Date module has created a users.timezone_name
501      // column, use this data to set each user's time zone.
502      if ($contributed_date_module) {
503        $date_timezone = db_query("SELECT timezone_name FROM {users} WHERE uid = :uid", array(':uid' => $account->uid))->fetchField();
504        if (isset($timezones[$date_timezone])) {
505          $timezone = $date_timezone;
506        }
507      }
508      // If the contributed Event module has stored user time zone information
509      // use that information to update the user accounts.
510      if (!$timezone && $contributed_event_module) {
511        try {
512          $event_timezone = db_query("SELECT t.name FROM {users} u LEFT JOIN {event_timezones} t ON u.timezone_id = t.timezone WHERE u.uid = :uid", array(':uid' => $account->uid))->fetchField();
513          $event_timezone = str_replace(' ', '_', $event_timezone);
514          if (isset($timezones[$event_timezone])) {
515            $timezone = $event_timezone;
516          }
517        }
518        catch (PDOException $e) {
519          // Ignore error if event_timezones table does not exist or unexpected
520          // schema found.
521        }
522      }
523      if ($timezone) {
524        db_update('users')
525          ->fields(array('timezone' => $timezone))
526          ->condition('uid', $account->uid)
527          ->execute();
528      }
529      else {
530        $sandbox['user_not_migrated']++;
531        db_update('users')
532          ->fields(array('timezone' => NULL))
533          ->condition('uid', $account->uid)
534          ->execute();
535      }
536      $sandbox['user_from']++;
537    }
539    $sandbox['#finished'] = $sandbox['user_from'] / $sandbox['user_count'];
540    if ($sandbox['user_from'] == $sandbox['user_count']) {
541      if ($sandbox['user_not_migrated'] > 0) {
542        variable_set('empty_timezone_message', 1);
543        drupal_set_message(format_string('Some user time zones have been emptied and need to be set to the correct values. Use the new <a href="@config-url">time zone options</a> to choose whether to remind users at login to set the correct time zone.', array('@config-url' => url('admin/config/regional/settings'))), 'warning');
544      }
545      return t('Migrated user time zones');
546    }
547  }
551 * Update user settings for cancelling user accounts.
552 *
553 * Prior to 7.x, users were not able to cancel their accounts. When
554 * administrators deleted an account, all contents were assigned to uid 0,
555 * which is the same as the 'user_cancel_reassign' method now.
556 */
557function user_update_7003() {
558  // Set the default account cancellation method.
559  variable_set('user_cancel_method', 'user_cancel_reassign');
560  // Re-assign notification setting.
561  if ($setting = variable_get('user_mail_status_deleted_notify', FALSE)) {
562    variable_set('user_mail_status_canceled_notify', $setting);
563    variable_del('user_mail_status_deleted_notify');
564  }
565  // Re-assign "Account deleted" mail strings to "Account canceled" mail.
566  if ($setting = variable_get('user_mail_status_deleted_subject', FALSE)) {
567    variable_set('user_mail_status_canceled_subject', $setting);
568    variable_del('user_mail_status_deleted_subject');
569  }
570  if ($setting = variable_get('user_mail_status_deleted_body', FALSE)) {
571    variable_set('user_mail_status_canceled_body', $setting);
572    variable_del('user_mail_status_deleted_body');
573  }
577 * Changes the users table to allow longer e-mail addresses.
578 */
579function user_update_7005(&$sandbox) {
580  $mail_field = array(
581    'type' => 'varchar',
582    'length' => 254,
583    'not null' => FALSE,
584    'default' => '',
585    'description' => "User's e-mail address.",
586  );
587  $init_field = array(
588    'type' => 'varchar',
589    'length' => 254,
590    'not null' => FALSE,
591    'default' => '',
592    'description' => 'E-mail address used for initial account creation.',
593  );
594  db_drop_index('users', 'mail');
595  db_change_field('users', 'mail', 'mail', $mail_field, array('indexes' => array('mail' => array('mail'))));
596  db_change_field('users', 'init', 'init', $init_field);
600 * Add module data to {role_permission}.
601 */
602function user_update_7006(&$sandbox) {
603  $module_field = array(
604    'type' => 'varchar',
605    'length' => 255,
606    'not null' => TRUE,
607    'default' => '',
608    'description' => "The module declaring the permission.",
609  );
610  // Check that the field hasn't been updated in an aborted run of this
611  // update.
612  if (!db_field_exists('role_permission', 'module')) {
613    // Add a new field for the fid.
614    db_add_field('role_permission', 'module', $module_field);
615  }
619 * Add a weight column to user roles.
620 */
621function user_update_7007() {
622  db_add_field('role', 'weight', array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => 0));
623  db_add_index('role', 'name_weight', array('name', 'weight'));
627 * If 'user_register' variable was unset in Drupal 6, set it to be the same as
628 * the Drupal 6 default setting.
629 */
630function user_update_7008() {
631  if (!isset($GLOBALS['conf']['user_register'])) {
632    // Set to the Drupal 6 default, "visitors can create accounts".
633    variable_set('user_register', USER_REGISTER_VISITORS);
634  }
638 * Converts fields that store serialized variables from text to blob.
639 */
640function user_update_7009() {
641  $spec = array(
642    'type' => 'blob',
643    'not null' => FALSE,
644    'size' => 'big',
645    'serialize' => TRUE,
646    'description' => 'A serialized array of name value pairs that are related to the user. Any form values posted during user edit are stored and are loaded into the $user object during user_load(). Use of this field is discouraged and it will likely disappear in a future version of Drupal.',
647  );
648  db_change_field('users', 'data', 'data', $spec);
652 * Update the {user}.signature_format column.
653 */
654function user_update_7010() {
655  // Update the database column to allow NULL values.
656  db_change_field('users', 'signature_format', 'signature_format', array(
657    'type' => 'int',
658    'unsigned' => TRUE,
659    'not null' => FALSE,
660    'description' => 'The {filter_format}.format of the signature.',
661  ));
663  // Replace the signature format with NULL if the signature is empty and does
664  // not already have a stored text format.
665  //
666  // In Drupal 6, "0" (the former FILTER_FORMAT_DEFAULT constant) could be used
667  // to indicate this situation, but in Drupal 7, only NULL is supported. This
668  // update therefore preserves the ability of user accounts which were never
669  // given a signature (for example, if the site did not have user signatures
670  // enabled, or if the user never edited their account information) to not
671  // have a particular text format assumed for them the first time the
672  // signature is edited.
673  db_update('users')
674    ->fields(array('signature_format' => NULL))
675    ->condition('signature', '')
676    ->condition('signature_format', 0)
677    ->execute();
679  // There are a number of situations in which a Drupal 6 site could store
680  // content with a nonexistent text format. This includes text formats that
681  // had later been deleted, or non-empty content stored with a value of "0"
682  // (the former FILTER_FORMAT_DEFAULT constant). Drupal 6 would filter this
683  // content using whatever the site-wide default text format was at the moment
684  // the text was being displayed.
685  //
686  // In Drupal 7, this behavior is no longer supported, and all content must be
687  // stored with an explicit text format (or it will not be displayed when it
688  // is filtered). Therefore, to preserve the behavior of the site after the
689  // upgrade, we must replace all instances described above with the current
690  // value of the (old) site-wide default format at the moment of the upgrade.
691  $existing_formats = db_query("SELECT format FROM {filter_format}")->fetchCol();
692  $default_format = variable_get('filter_default_format', 1);
693  db_update('users')
694    ->fields(array('signature_format' => $default_format))
695    ->isNotNull('signature_format')
696    ->condition('signature_format', $existing_formats, 'NOT IN')
697    ->execute();
701 * Placeholder function.
702 *
703 * As a fix for user_update_7011() not updating email templates to use the new
704 * tokens, user_update_7017() now targets email templates of Drupal 6 sites and
705 * already upgraded sites.
706 */
707function user_update_7011() {
711 * Add the user's pictures to the {file_managed} table and make them managed
712 * files.
713 */
714function user_update_7012(&$sandbox) {
716  $picture_field = array(
717    'type' => 'int',
718    'not null' => TRUE,
719    'default' => 0,
720    'description' => "Foreign key: {file_managed}.fid of user's picture.",
721  );
723  if (!isset($sandbox['progress'])) {
724    // Check that the field hasn't been updated in an aborted run of this
725    // update.
726    if (!db_field_exists('users', 'picture_fid')) {
727      // Add a new field for the fid.
728      db_add_field('users', 'picture_fid', $picture_field);
729    }
731    // Initialize batch update information.
732    $sandbox['progress'] = 0;
733    $sandbox['last_user_processed'] = -1;
734    $sandbox['max'] = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {users} WHERE picture <> ''")->fetchField();
735  }
737  // As a batch operation move the photos into the {file_managed} table and
738  // update the {users} records.
739  $limit = 500;
740  $result = db_query_range("SELECT uid, picture FROM {users} WHERE picture <> '' AND uid > :uid ORDER BY uid", 0, $limit, array(':uid' => $sandbox['last_user_processed']));
741  foreach ($result as $user) {
742    // Don't bother adding files that don't exist.
743    if (file_exists($user->picture)) {
745      // Check if the file already exists.
746      $files = file_load_multiple(array(), array('uri' => $user->picture));
747      if (count($files)) {
748        $file = reset($files);
749      }
750      else {
751        // Create a file object.
752        $file = new stdClass();
753        $file->uri      = $user->picture;
754        $file->filename = drupal_basename($file->uri);
755        $file->filemime = file_get_mimetype($file->uri);
756        $file->uid      = $user->uid;
757        $file->status   = FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT;
758        $file = file_save($file);
759      }
761      db_update('users')
762        ->fields(array('picture_fid' => $file->fid))
763        ->condition('uid', $user->uid)
764        ->execute();
765    }
767    // Update our progress information for the batch update.
768    $sandbox['progress']++;
769    $sandbox['last_user_processed'] = $user->uid;
770  }
772  // Indicate our current progress to the batch update system. If there's no
773  // max value then there's nothing to update and we're finished.
774  $sandbox['#finished'] = empty($sandbox['max']) ? 1 : ($sandbox['progress'] / $sandbox['max']);
776  // When we're finished, drop the old picture field and rename the new one to
777  // replace it.
778  if (isset($sandbox['#finished']) && $sandbox['#finished'] == 1) {
779    db_drop_field('users', 'picture');
780    db_change_field('users', 'picture_fid', 'picture', $picture_field);
781  }
785 * Add user module file usage entries.
786 */
787function user_update_7013(&$sandbox) {
788  if (!isset($sandbox['progress'])) {
789    // Initialize batch update information.
790    $sandbox['progress'] = 0;
791    $sandbox['last_uid_processed'] = -1;
792    $sandbox['max'] = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {users} u WHERE u.picture <> 0")->fetchField();
793  }
795  // Add usage entries for the user picture files.
796  $limit = 500;
797  $result = db_query_range('SELECT f.*, u.uid as user_uid FROM {users} u INNER JOIN {file_managed} f ON u.picture = f.fid WHERE u.picture <> 0 AND u.uid > :uid ORDER BY u.uid', 0, $limit, array(':uid' => $sandbox['last_uid_processed']))->fetchAllAssoc('fid', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
798  foreach ($result as $row) {
799    $uid = $row['user_uid'];
800    $file = (object) $row;
801    file_usage_add($file, 'user', 'user', $uid);
803    // Update our progress information for the batch update.
804    $sandbox['progress']++;
805    $sandbox['last_uid_processed'] = $uid;
806  }
808  // Indicate our current progress to the batch update system.
809  $sandbox['#finished'] = empty($sandbox['max']) || ($sandbox['progress'] / $sandbox['max']);
813 * Rename the 'post comments without approval' permission.
814 *
815 * In Drupal 7, this permission has been renamed to 'skip comment approval'.
816 */
817function user_update_7014() {
818  db_update('role_permission')
819        ->fields(array('permission' => 'skip comment approval'))
820        ->condition('permission', 'post comments without approval')
821        ->execute();
823  return t("Renamed the 'post comments without approval' permission to 'skip comment approval'.");
827 * Change {users}.signature_format into varchar.
828 */
829function user_update_7015() {
830  db_change_field('users', 'signature_format', 'signature_format', array(
831    'type' => 'varchar',
832    'length' => 255,
833    'not null' => FALSE,
834    'description' => 'The {filter_format}.format of the signature.',
835  ));
839 * @} End of "addtogroup updates-6.x-to-7.x".
840 */
843 * @addtogroup updates-7.x-extra
844 * @{
845 */
848 * Update the database to match the schema.
849 */
850function user_update_7016() {
851  // Add field default.
852  db_change_field('users', 'uid', 'uid', array(
853    'type' => 'int',
854    'unsigned' => TRUE,
855    'not null' => TRUE,
856    'default' => 0,
857  ));
861 * Update email templates to use new tokens.
862 *
863 * This function upgrades customized email templates from the old !token format
864 * to the new core tokens format. Additionally, in Drupal 7 we no longer e-mail
865 * plain text passwords to users, and there is no token for a plain text
866 * password in the new token system. Therefore, it also modifies any saved
867 * templates using the old '!password' token such that the token is removed, and
868 * displays a warning to users that they may need to go and modify the wording
869 * of their templates.
870 */
871function user_update_7017() {
872  $message = '';
874  $tokens = array(
875    '!site' => '[site:name]',
876    '!username' => '[user:name]',
877    '!mailto' => '[user:mail]',
878    '!login_uri' => '[site:login-url]',
879    '!uri_brief' => '[site:url-brief]',
880    '!edit_uri' => '[user:edit-url]',
881    '!login_url' => '[user:one-time-login-url]',
882    '!uri' => '[site:url]',
883    '!date' => '[date:medium]',
884    '!password' => '',
885  );
887  $result = db_select('variable', 'v')
888    ->fields('v', array('name'))
889    ->condition('name', db_like('user_mail_') . '%', 'LIKE')
890    ->execute();
892  foreach ($result as $row) {
893    // Use variable_get() to get the unserialized value for free.
894    if ($value = variable_get($row->name, FALSE)) {
896      if (empty($message) && (strpos($value, '!password') !== FALSE)) {
897        $message = t('The ability to send users their passwords in plain text has been removed in Drupal 7. Your existing email templates have been modified to remove it. You should <a href="@template-url">review these templates</a> to make sure they read properly.', array('@template-url' => url('admin/config/people/accounts')));
898      }
900      variable_set($row->name, str_replace(array_keys($tokens), $tokens, $value));
901    }
902  }
904  return $message;
908 * Ensure there is an index on {users}.picture.
909 */
910function user_update_7018() {
911  if (!db_index_exists('users', 'picture')) {
912    db_add_index('users', 'picture', array('picture'));
913  }
917 * Ensure there is a combined index on {authmap}.uid and {authmap}.module.
918 */
919function user_update_7019() {
920  // Check first in case it was already added manually.
921  if (!db_index_exists('authmap', 'uid_module')) {
922    db_add_index('authmap', 'uid_module', array('uid', 'module'));
923  }
926 * @} End of "addtogroup updates-7.x-extra".
927 */