3namespace Drupal\image\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter;
5use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface;
6use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemListInterface;
7use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface;
8use Drupal\Core\Link;
9use Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface;
10use Drupal\Core\Url;
11use Drupal\image\Entity\ImageStyle;
12use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
13use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
14use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache;
17 * Plugin implementation of the 'image' formatter.
18 *
19 * @FieldFormatter(
20 *   id = "image",
21 *   label = @Translation("Image"),
22 *   field_types = {
23 *     "image"
24 *   },
25 *   quickedit = {
26 *     "editor" = "image"
27 *   }
28 * )
29 */
30class ImageFormatter extends ImageFormatterBase {
32  /**
33   * The current user.
34   *
35   * @var \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface
36   */
37  protected $currentUser;
39  /**
40   * The image style entity storage.
41   *
42   * @var \Drupal\image\ImageStyleStorageInterface
43   */
44  protected $imageStyleStorage;
46  /**
47   * Constructs an ImageFormatter object.
48   *
49   * @param string $plugin_id
50   *   The plugin_id for the formatter.
51   * @param mixed $plugin_definition
52   *   The plugin implementation definition.
53   * @param \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition
54   *   The definition of the field to which the formatter is associated.
55   * @param array $settings
56   *   The formatter settings.
57   * @param string $label
58   *   The formatter label display setting.
59   * @param string $view_mode
60   *   The view mode.
61   * @param array $third_party_settings
62   *   Any third party settings settings.
63   * @param \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $current_user
64   *   The current user.
65   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface $image_style_storage
66   *   The image style storage.
67   */
68  public function __construct($plugin_id, $plugin_definition, FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition, array $settings, $label, $view_mode, array $third_party_settings, AccountInterface $current_user, EntityStorageInterface $image_style_storage) {
69    parent::__construct($plugin_id, $plugin_definition, $field_definition, $settings, $label, $view_mode, $third_party_settings);
70    $this->currentUser = $current_user;
71    $this->imageStyleStorage = $image_style_storage;
72  }
74  /**
75   * {@inheritdoc}
76   */
77  public static function create(ContainerInterface $container, array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition) {
78    return new static(
79      $plugin_id,
80      $plugin_definition,
81      $configuration['field_definition'],
82      $configuration['settings'],
83      $configuration['label'],
84      $configuration['view_mode'],
85      $configuration['third_party_settings'],
86      $container->get('current_user'),
87      $container->get('entity_type.manager')->getStorage('image_style')
88    );
89  }
91  /**
92   * {@inheritdoc}
93   */
94  public static function defaultSettings() {
95    return [
96      'image_style' => '',
97      'image_link' => '',
98    ] + parent::defaultSettings();
99  }
101  /**
102   * {@inheritdoc}
103   */
104  public function settingsForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
105    $image_styles = image_style_options(FALSE);
106    $description_link = Link::fromTextAndUrl(
107      $this->t('Configure Image Styles'),
108      Url::fromRoute('entity.image_style.collection')
109    );
110    $element['image_style'] = [
111      '#title' => t('Image style'),
112      '#type' => 'select',
113      '#default_value' => $this->getSetting('image_style'),
114      '#empty_option' => t('None (original image)'),
115      '#options' => $image_styles,
116      '#description' => $description_link->toRenderable() + [
117        '#access' => $this->currentUser->hasPermission('administer image styles'),
118      ],
119    ];
120    $link_types = [
121      'content' => t('Content'),
122      'file' => t('File'),
123    ];
124    $element['image_link'] = [
125      '#title' => t('Link image to'),
126      '#type' => 'select',
127      '#default_value' => $this->getSetting('image_link'),
128      '#empty_option' => t('Nothing'),
129      '#options' => $link_types,
130    ];
132    return $element;
133  }
135  /**
136   * {@inheritdoc}
137   */
138  public function settingsSummary() {
139    $summary = [];
141    $image_styles = image_style_options(FALSE);
142    // Unset possible 'No defined styles' option.
143    unset($image_styles['']);
144    // Styles could be lost because of enabled/disabled modules that defines
145    // their styles in code.
146    $image_style_setting = $this->getSetting('image_style');
147    if (isset($image_styles[$image_style_setting])) {
148      $summary[] = t('Image style: @style', ['@style' => $image_styles[$image_style_setting]]);
149    }
150    else {
151      $summary[] = t('Original image');
152    }
154    $link_types = [
155      'content' => t('Linked to content'),
156      'file' => t('Linked to file'),
157    ];
158    // Display this setting only if image is linked.
159    $image_link_setting = $this->getSetting('image_link');
160    if (isset($link_types[$image_link_setting])) {
161      $summary[] = $link_types[$image_link_setting];
162    }
164    return $summary;
165  }
167  /**
168   * {@inheritdoc}
169   */
170  public function viewElements(FieldItemListInterface $items, $langcode) {
171    $elements = [];
172    $files = $this->getEntitiesToView($items, $langcode);
174    // Early opt-out if the field is empty.
175    if (empty($files)) {
176      return $elements;
177    }
179    $url = NULL;
180    $image_link_setting = $this->getSetting('image_link');
181    // Check if the formatter involves a link.
182    if ($image_link_setting == 'content') {
183      $entity = $items->getEntity();
184      if (!$entity->isNew()) {
185        $url = $entity->toUrl();
186      }
187    }
188    elseif ($image_link_setting == 'file') {
189      $link_file = TRUE;
190    }
192    $image_style_setting = $this->getSetting('image_style');
194    // Collect cache tags to be added for each item in the field.
195    $base_cache_tags = [];
196    if (!empty($image_style_setting)) {
197      $image_style = $this->imageStyleStorage->load($image_style_setting);
198      $base_cache_tags = $image_style->getCacheTags();
199    }
201    foreach ($files as $delta => $file) {
202      $cache_contexts = [];
203      if (isset($link_file)) {
204        $image_uri = $file->getFileUri();
205        // @todo Wrap in file_url_transform_relative(). This is currently
206        // impossible. As a work-around, we currently add the 'url.site' cache
207        // context to ensure different file URLs are generated for different
208        // sites in a multisite setup, including HTTP and HTTPS versions of the
209        // same site. Fix in https://www.drupal.org/node/2646744.
210        $url = Url::fromUri(file_create_url($image_uri));
211        $cache_contexts[] = 'url.site';
212      }
213      $cache_tags = Cache::mergeTags($base_cache_tags, $file->getCacheTags());
215      // Extract field item attributes for the theme function, and unset them
216      // from the $item so that the field template does not re-render them.
217      $item = $file->_referringItem;
218      $item_attributes = $item->_attributes;
219      unset($item->_attributes);
221      $elements[$delta] = [
222        '#theme' => 'image_formatter',
223        '#item' => $item,
224        '#item_attributes' => $item_attributes,
225        '#image_style' => $image_style_setting,
226        '#url' => $url,
227        '#cache' => [
228          'tags' => $cache_tags,
229          'contexts' => $cache_contexts,
230        ],
231      ];
232    }
234    return $elements;
235  }
237  /**
238   * {@inheritdoc}
239   */
240  public function calculateDependencies() {
241    $dependencies = parent::calculateDependencies();
242    $style_id = $this->getSetting('image_style');
243    /** @var \Drupal\image\ImageStyleInterface $style */
244    if ($style_id && $style = ImageStyle::load($style_id)) {
245      // If this formatter uses a valid image style to display the image, add
246      // the image style configuration entity as dependency of this formatter.
247      $dependencies[$style->getConfigDependencyKey()][] = $style->getConfigDependencyName();
248    }
249    return $dependencies;
250  }
252  /**
253   * {@inheritdoc}
254   */
255  public function onDependencyRemoval(array $dependencies) {
256    $changed = parent::onDependencyRemoval($dependencies);
257    $style_id = $this->getSetting('image_style');
258    /** @var \Drupal\image\ImageStyleInterface $style */
259    if ($style_id && $style = ImageStyle::load($style_id)) {
260      if (!empty($dependencies[$style->getConfigDependencyKey()][$style->getConfigDependencyName()])) {
261        $replacement_id = $this->imageStyleStorage->getReplacementId($style_id);
262        // If a valid replacement has been provided in the storage, replace the
263        // image style with the replacement and signal that the formatter plugin
264        // settings were updated.
265        if ($replacement_id && ImageStyle::load($replacement_id)) {
266          $this->setSetting('image_style', $replacement_id);
267          $changed = TRUE;
268        }
269      }
270    }
271    return $changed;
272  }