1# Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Cedric Bellegarde <cedric.bellegarde@adishatz.org>
2# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
3# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
4# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
5# (at your option) any later version.
6# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
7# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
9# GNU General Public License for more details.
10# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
11# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
13from gi.repository import Gtk, GLib
15from locale import strcoll
16from time import time
18from eolie.define import App
19from eolie.widget_bookmark_rating import BookmarkRatingWidget
22class TagWidget(Gtk.FlowBoxChild):
23    """
24        Tag widget with some visual effects
25    """
27    def __init__(self, title, bookmark_id):
28        """
29            Init widget
30            @param title as str
31            @param bookmark_id as int
32        """
33        Gtk.FlowBoxChild.__init__(self)
34        self.__bookmark_id = bookmark_id
35        self.__title = title
36        grid = Gtk.Grid()
37        grid.show()
38        grid.get_style_context().add_class("linked")
39        self.__entry = Gtk.Entry()
40        self.__entry.get_style_context().add_class("tag")
41        self.__entry.show()
42        self.__entry.set_text(title)
43        self.__button = Gtk.Button.new_from_icon_name("window-close-symbolic",
44                                                      Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON)
45        self.__button.show()
46        self.__button.get_style_context().add_class("tag")
47        grid.add(self.__entry)
48        grid.add(self.__button)
49        self.add(grid)
50        self.__entry.connect("changed", self.__on_entry_changed)
51        self.__button.connect("clicked", self.__on_button_clicked)
53    @property
54    def label(self):
55        """
56            Get label
57            @return str
58        """
59        return self.__entry.get_text()
62# PRIVATE             #
64    def __on_button_clicked(self, button):
65        """
66            Save/Remove tag
67            @param button as Gtk.Button
68        """
69        if button.get_style_context().has_class("suggested-action"):
70            title = self.__entry.get_text()
71            App().bookmarks.rename_tag(self.__title, title)
72            # Update mtime for all tagged bookmarks
73            if App().sync_worker is not None:
74                mtime = round(time(), 2)
75                tag_id = App().bookmarks.get_tag_id(title)
76                if tag_id is not None:
77                    for (bookmark_id, bookmark_uri, bookmark_title) in\
78                            App().bookmarks.get_bookmarks(tag_id):
79                        App().bookmarks.set_mtime(bookmark_id, mtime + 1)
80                        App().sync_worker.push_bookmark(bookmark_id)
81            self.__entry.set_text(title)
82            self.__title = title
83            self.__on_entry_changed(self.__entry)
84        else:
85            tag_title = self.__entry.get_text()
86            tag_id = App().bookmarks.get_tag_id(tag_title)
87            if tag_id is not None:
88                App().bookmarks.del_tag_from(tag_id, self.__bookmark_id)
89            App().bookmarks.clean_tags()
90            self.destroy()
92    def __on_entry_changed(self, entry):
93        """
94            Update button state
95            @param entry as Gtk.Entry
96        """
97        self.__button.set_sensitive(True)
98        style_context = self.__button.get_style_context()
99        image = self.__button.get_image()
100        title = entry.get_text()
101        tag_id = App().bookmarks.get_tag_id(title)
102        if title == self.__title:
103            style_context.remove_class("suggested-action")
104            image.set_from_icon_name("window-close-symbolic",
105                                     Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON)
106        elif tag_id is not None or not title:
107            self.__button.set_sensitive(False)
108            image.set_from_icon_name("dialog-error-symbolic",
109                                     Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON)
110        else:
111            style_context.add_class("suggested-action")
112            image.set_from_icon_name("object-select-symbolic",
113                                     Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON)
116class BookmarkEditWidget(Gtk.Bin):
117    """
118        Widget allowing to edit a bookmark
119    """
121    def __init__(self, bookmark_id, back_enabled=True):
122        """
123            Init widget
124            @param bookmark id as int
125            @param enable back button as bool
126        """
127        Gtk.Bin.__init__(self)
128        self.__bookmark_id = bookmark_id
129        builder = Gtk.Builder()
130        builder.add_from_resource("/org/gnome/Eolie/BookmarkEdit.ui")
131        builder.connect_signals(self)
132        self.__flowbox = builder.get_object("flowbox")
133        self.__flowbox.set_sort_func(self.__sort_tags)
134        self.__add_tag_button = builder.get_object("add_tag_button")
135        self.__rename_tag_button = builder.get_object("rename_tag_button")
136        self.__remove_tag_button = builder.get_object("remove_tag_button")
137        self.__title_entry = builder.get_object("title_entry")
138        self.__uri_entry = builder.get_object("uri_entry")
139        self.__title_entry.set_text(App().bookmarks.get_title(bookmark_id))
140        self.__uri_entry.set_text(App().bookmarks.get_uri(bookmark_id))
141        builder.get_object("startup_button").set_active(
142            App().bookmarks.get_startup(bookmark_id))
143        self.__new_tag_entry = builder.get_object("new_tag_entry")
144        # Init new tag completion model
145        self.__completion_model = Gtk.ListStore(str)
146        self.__completion = Gtk.EntryCompletion.new()
147        self.__completion.set_model(self.__completion_model)
148        self.__completion.set_text_column(0)
149        self.__completion.set_inline_completion(False)
150        self.__completion.set_popup_completion(True)
151        self.__new_tag_entry.set_completion(self.__completion)
152        for (tag_id, title) in App().bookmarks.get_all_tags():
153            self.__completion_model.append([title])
155        for title in App().bookmarks.get_tags(bookmark_id):
156            tag = TagWidget(title, bookmark_id)
157            tag.show()
158            self.__flowbox.add(tag)
159        if not back_enabled:
160            builder.get_object("back_button").hide()
161        bookmark_rating = BookmarkRatingWidget(bookmark_id)
162        bookmark_rating.show()
163        builder.get_object("bookmark_grid").attach(bookmark_rating, 2, 1, 1, 1)
164        self.add(builder.get_object("widget"))
165        self.connect("unmap", self.__on_unmap)
166        self.__updated = False
169# PROTECTED           #
171    def _on_back_clicked(self, button):
172        """
173            Destroy self
174            @param button as Gtk.Button
175        """
176        GLib.idle_add(self.hide)
177        GLib.timeout_add(2000, self.destroy)
179    def _on_del_clicked(self, button):
180        """
181            Remove item
182            @param button as Gtk.Button
183        """
184        self.disconnect_by_func(self.__on_unmap)
185        if App().sync_worker is not None:
186            guid = App().bookmarks.get_guid(self.__bookmark_id)
187            App().sync_worker.remove_from_bookmarks(guid)
188        App().bookmarks.remove(self.__bookmark_id)
189        if isinstance(self.get_parent(), Gtk.Popover):
190            self.get_parent().hide()
191        else:
192            self.get_parent().set_visible_child_name("bookmarks")
194    def _on_new_tag_entry_activate(self, entry, ignore1=None, ignore2=None):
195        """
196            Add new tag
197            @param entry as Gtk.Entry
198        """
199        tag_title = self.__new_tag_entry.get_text()
200        if not tag_title:
201            return
202        if not App().bookmarks.has_tag(self.__bookmark_id, tag_title):
203            tag_id = App().bookmarks.get_tag_id(tag_title)
204            if tag_id is None:
205                tag_id = App().bookmarks.add_tag(tag_title)
206            App().bookmarks.add_tag_to(tag_id, self.__bookmark_id)
207            tag = TagWidget(tag_title, self.__bookmark_id)
208            tag.show()
209            self.__flowbox.add(tag)
210        entry.set_text("")
212    def _on_flowbox_size_allocate(self, scrolled, allocation):
213        """
214            Set scrolled size allocation based on viewport allocation
215            @param scrolled as Gtk.ScrolledWindow
216            @param flowbox allocation as Gtk.Allocation
217        """
218        height = allocation.height
219        if height > 300:
220            height = 300
221        scrolled.set_size_request(-1, height)
223    def _on_entry_changed(self, entry):
224        """
225            Mark bookmark as updated
226            @param entry as Gtk.Entry
227        """
228        self.__updated = True
230    def _on_load_at_startup_toggled(self, button):
231        """
232            Set bookmark startup state
233            @param button as Gtk.ToggleButton
234        """
235        App().bookmarks.set_startup(self.__bookmark_id, button.get_active())
238# PRIVATE             #
240    def __sort_tags(self, child1, child2):
241        """
242            Sort tags
243            @param child1 as TagWidget
244            @param child2 as TagWidget
245        """
246        return strcoll(child1.label, child2.label)
248    def __on_unmap(self, widget):
249        """
250            Save uri and title
251            @param widget as Gtk.Widget
252        """
253        if self.__updated:
254            App().bookmarks.set_title(self.__bookmark_id,
255                                      self.__title_entry.get_text())
256            App().bookmarks.set_uri(self.__bookmark_id,
257                                    self.__uri_entry.get_text())
258            App().bookmarks.clean_tags()
259            if App().sync_worker is not None:
260                App().bookmarks.set_mtime(self.__bookmark_id,
261                                          round(time(), 2) + 1)
262                App().sync_worker.push_bookmark(self.__bookmark_id)