1%%-*- mode: erlang -*-
2{application, webmachine,
3 [
4  {description, "webmachine"},
5  {vsn, "1.10.9"},
6  {modules, []},
7  {registered, []},
8  {applications, [kernel,
9                  stdlib,
10                  crypto,
11                  mochiweb]},
12  {mod, {webmachine_app, []}},
13  {env,
14   %% env is THE place for expected defaults. Even if it's just
15   %% comments, it's worthwhile
16   [
17    {log_handlers, []}
18   ,{error_handler, webmachine_error_handler}
19    %% error_handler is a module that implements the function render_error/3
20   ,{rewrite_module, undefined}
21    %% module that has rewrite/5
22   ,{server_name, undefined}
23    %% string() for the "Server" response header
24   ]},
26  {contributors,["Sean Cribbs", "Joe DeVivo" "Bryan Fink",
27                 "Kelly McLaughlin", "Jared Morrow", "Andy Gross",
28                 "Steve Vinoski"]},
29  {licenses,["Apache"]},
30  {links,[{"Github","https://github.com/webmachine/webmachine"}]}
31 ]}.