1 use crate::error::TLSError;
2 use crate::key;
3 use crate::keylog::{KeyLog, NoKeyLog};
4 #[cfg(feature = "logging")]
5 use crate::log::trace;
6 use crate::msgs::enums::ContentType;
7 use crate::msgs::enums::SignatureScheme;
8 use crate::msgs::enums::{AlertDescription, HandshakeType, ProtocolVersion};
9 use crate::msgs::handshake::ServerExtension;
10 use crate::msgs::message::Message;
11 use crate::session::{MiddleboxCCS, Session, SessionCommon};
12 use crate::sign;
13 use crate::suites::{SupportedCipherSuite, ALL_CIPHERSUITES};
14 use crate::verify;
16 use webpki;
18 use std::fmt;
19 use std::io::{self, IoSlice};
20 use std::sync::Arc;
22 #[macro_use]
23 mod hs;
24 mod common;
25 pub mod handy;
26 mod tls12;
27 mod tls13;
29 /// A trait for the ability to store server session data.
30 ///
31 /// The keys and values are opaque.
32 ///
33 /// Both the keys and values should be treated as
34 /// **highly sensitive data**, containing enough key material
35 /// to break all security of the corresponding sessions.
36 ///
37 /// Implementations can be lossy (in other words, forgetting
38 /// key/value pairs) without any negative security consequences.
39 ///
40 /// However, note that `take` **must** reliably delete a returned
41 /// value.  If it does not, there may be security consequences.
42 ///
43 /// `put` and `take` are mutating operations; this isn't expressed
44 /// in the type system to allow implementations freedom in
45 /// how to achieve interior mutability.  `Mutex` is a common
46 /// choice.
47 pub trait StoresServerSessions: Send + Sync {
48     /// Store session secrets encoded in `value` against `key`,
49     /// overwrites any existing value against `key`.  Returns `true`
50     /// if the value was stored.
put(&self, key: Vec<u8>, value: Vec<u8>) -> bool51     fn put(&self, key: Vec<u8>, value: Vec<u8>) -> bool;
53     /// Find a value with the given `key`.  Return it, or None
54     /// if it doesn't exist.
get(&self, key: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>>55     fn get(&self, key: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>>;
57     /// Find a value with the given `key`.  Return it and delete it;
58     /// or None if it doesn't exist.
take(&self, key: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>>59     fn take(&self, key: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>>;
60 }
62 /// A trait for the ability to encrypt and decrypt tickets.
63 pub trait ProducesTickets: Send + Sync {
64     /// Returns true if this implementation will encrypt/decrypt
65     /// tickets.  Should return false if this is a dummy
66     /// implementation: the server will not send the SessionTicket
67     /// extension and will not call the other functions.
enabled(&self) -> bool68     fn enabled(&self) -> bool;
70     /// Returns the lifetime in seconds of tickets produced now.
71     /// The lifetime is provided as a hint to clients that the
72     /// ticket will not be useful after the given time.
73     ///
74     /// This lifetime must be implemented by key rolling and
75     /// erasure, *not* by storing a lifetime in the ticket.
76     ///
77     /// The objective is to limit damage to forward secrecy caused
78     /// by tickets, not just limiting their lifetime.
get_lifetime(&self) -> u3279     fn get_lifetime(&self) -> u32;
81     /// Encrypt and authenticate `plain`, returning the resulting
82     /// ticket.  Return None if `plain` cannot be encrypted for
83     /// some reason: an empty ticket will be sent and the connection
84     /// will continue.
encrypt(&self, plain: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>>85     fn encrypt(&self, plain: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>>;
87     /// Decrypt `cipher`, validating its authenticity protection
88     /// and recovering the plaintext.  `cipher` is fully attacker
89     /// controlled, so this decryption must be side-channel free,
90     /// panic-proof, and otherwise bullet-proof.  If the decryption
91     /// fails, return None.
decrypt(&self, cipher: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>>92     fn decrypt(&self, cipher: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>>;
93 }
95 /// How to choose a certificate chain and signing key for use
96 /// in server authentication.
97 pub trait ResolvesServerCert: Send + Sync {
98     /// Choose a certificate chain and matching key given simplified
99     /// ClientHello information.
100     ///
101     /// Return `None` to abort the handshake.
resolve(&self, client_hello: ClientHello) -> Option<sign::CertifiedKey>102     fn resolve(&self, client_hello: ClientHello) -> Option<sign::CertifiedKey>;
103 }
105 /// A struct representing the received Client Hello
106 pub struct ClientHello<'a> {
107     server_name: Option<webpki::DNSNameRef<'a>>,
108     sigschemes: &'a [SignatureScheme],
109     alpn: Option<&'a [&'a [u8]]>,
110 }
112 impl<'a> ClientHello<'a> {
113     /// Creates a new ClientHello
new( server_name: Option<webpki::DNSNameRef<'a>>, sigschemes: &'a [SignatureScheme], alpn: Option<&'a [&'a [u8]]>, ) -> Self114     fn new(
115         server_name: Option<webpki::DNSNameRef<'a>>,
116         sigschemes: &'a [SignatureScheme],
117         alpn: Option<&'a [&'a [u8]]>,
118     ) -> Self {
119         ClientHello {
120             server_name,
121             sigschemes,
122             alpn,
123         }
124     }
126     /// Get the server name indicator.
127     ///
128     /// Returns `None` if the client did not supply a SNI.
server_name(&self) -> Option<webpki::DNSNameRef>129     pub fn server_name(&self) -> Option<webpki::DNSNameRef> {
130         self.server_name
131     }
133     /// Get the compatible signature schemes.
134     ///
135     /// Returns standard-specified default if the client omitted this extension.
sigschemes(&self) -> &[SignatureScheme]136     pub fn sigschemes(&self) -> &[SignatureScheme] {
137         self.sigschemes
138     }
140     /// Get the alpn.
141     ///
142     /// Returns `None` if the client did not include an ALPN extension
alpn(&self) -> Option<&'a [&'a [u8]]>143     pub fn alpn(&self) -> Option<&'a [&'a [u8]]> {
144         self.alpn
145     }
146 }
148 /// Common configuration for a set of server sessions.
149 ///
150 /// Making one of these can be expensive, and should be
151 /// once per process rather than once per connection.
152 #[derive(Clone)]
153 pub struct ServerConfig {
154     /// List of ciphersuites, in preference order.
155     pub ciphersuites: Vec<&'static SupportedCipherSuite>,
157     /// Ignore the client's ciphersuite order. Instead,
158     /// choose the top ciphersuite in the server list
159     /// which is supported by the client.
160     pub ignore_client_order: bool,
162     /// Our MTU.  If None, we don't limit TLS message sizes.
163     pub mtu: Option<usize>,
165     /// How to store client sessions.
166     pub session_storage: Arc<dyn StoresServerSessions + Send + Sync>,
168     /// How to produce tickets.
169     pub ticketer: Arc<dyn ProducesTickets>,
171     /// How to choose a server cert and key.
172     pub cert_resolver: Arc<dyn ResolvesServerCert>,
174     /// Protocol names we support, most preferred first.
175     /// If empty we don't do ALPN at all.
176     pub alpn_protocols: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
178     /// Supported protocol versions, in no particular order.
179     /// The default is all supported versions.
180     pub versions: Vec<ProtocolVersion>,
182     /// How to verify client certificates.
183     verifier: Arc<dyn verify::ClientCertVerifier>,
185     /// How to output key material for debugging.  The default
186     /// does nothing.
187     pub key_log: Arc<dyn KeyLog>,
189     /// Amount of early data to accept; 0 to disable.
190     #[cfg(feature = "quic")] // TLS support unimplemented
191     #[doc(hidden)]
192     pub max_early_data_size: u32,
193 }
195 impl ServerConfig {
196     /// Make a `ServerConfig` with a default set of ciphersuites,
197     /// no keys/certificates, and no ALPN protocols.  Session resumption
198     /// is enabled by storing up to 256 recent sessions in memory. Tickets are
199     /// disabled.
200     ///
201     /// Publicly-available web servers on the internet generally don't do client
202     /// authentication; for this use case, `client_cert_verifier` should be a
203     /// `NoClientAuth`. Otherwise, use `AllowAnyAuthenticatedClient` or another
204     /// implementation to enforce client authentication.
205     ///
206     /// We don't provide a default for `client_cert_verifier` because the safest
207     /// default, requiring client authentication, requires additional
208     /// configuration that we cannot provide reasonable defaults for.
new(client_cert_verifier: Arc<dyn verify::ClientCertVerifier>) -> ServerConfig209     pub fn new(client_cert_verifier: Arc<dyn verify::ClientCertVerifier>) -> ServerConfig {
210         ServerConfig::with_ciphersuites(client_cert_verifier, &ALL_CIPHERSUITES)
211     }
213     /// Make a `ServerConfig` with a custom set of ciphersuites,
214     /// no keys/certificates, and no ALPN protocols.  Session resumption
215     /// is enabled by storing up to 256 recent sessions in memory. Tickets are
216     /// disabled.
217     ///
218     /// Publicly-available web servers on the internet generally don't do client
219     /// authentication; for this use case, `client_cert_verifier` should be a
220     /// `NoClientAuth`. Otherwise, use `AllowAnyAuthenticatedClient` or another
221     /// implementation to enforce client authentication.
222     ///
223     /// We don't provide a default for `client_cert_verifier` because the safest
224     /// default, requiring client authentication, requires additional
225     /// configuration that we cannot provide reasonable defaults for.
with_ciphersuites( client_cert_verifier: Arc<dyn verify::ClientCertVerifier>, ciphersuites: &[&'static SupportedCipherSuite], ) -> ServerConfig226     pub fn with_ciphersuites(
227         client_cert_verifier: Arc<dyn verify::ClientCertVerifier>,
228         ciphersuites: &[&'static SupportedCipherSuite],
229     ) -> ServerConfig {
230         ServerConfig {
231             ciphersuites: ciphersuites.to_vec(),
232             ignore_client_order: false,
233             mtu: None,
234             session_storage: handy::ServerSessionMemoryCache::new(256),
235             ticketer: Arc::new(handy::NeverProducesTickets {}),
236             alpn_protocols: Vec::new(),
237             cert_resolver: Arc::new(handy::FailResolveChain {}),
238             versions: vec![ProtocolVersion::TLSv1_3, ProtocolVersion::TLSv1_2],
239             verifier: client_cert_verifier,
240             key_log: Arc::new(NoKeyLog {}),
241             #[cfg(feature = "quic")]
242             max_early_data_size: 0,
243         }
244     }
246     #[doc(hidden)]
247     /// We support a given TLS version if it's quoted in the configured
248     /// versions *and* at least one ciphersuite for this version is
249     /// also configured.
supports_version(&self, v: ProtocolVersion) -> bool250     pub fn supports_version(&self, v: ProtocolVersion) -> bool {
251         self.versions.contains(&v)
252             && self
253                 .ciphersuites
254                 .iter()
255                 .any(|cs| cs.usable_for_version(v))
256     }
258     #[doc(hidden)]
get_verifier(&self) -> &dyn verify::ClientCertVerifier259     pub fn get_verifier(&self) -> &dyn verify::ClientCertVerifier {
260         self.verifier.as_ref()
261     }
263     /// Sets the session persistence layer to `persist`.
set_persistence(&mut self, persist: Arc<dyn StoresServerSessions + Send + Sync>)264     pub fn set_persistence(&mut self, persist: Arc<dyn StoresServerSessions + Send + Sync>) {
265         self.session_storage = persist;
266     }
268     /// Sets a single certificate chain and matching private key.  This
269     /// certificate and key is used for all subsequent connections,
270     /// irrespective of things like SNI hostname.
271     ///
272     /// Note that the end-entity certificate must have the
273     /// [Subject Alternative Name](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6125#section-4.1)
274     /// extension to describe, e.g., the valid DNS name. The `commonName` field is
275     /// disregarded.
276     ///
277     /// `cert_chain` is a vector of DER-encoded certificates.
278     /// `key_der` is a DER-encoded RSA, ECDSA, or Ed25519 private key.
279     ///
280     /// This function fails if `key_der` is invalid.
set_single_cert( &mut self, cert_chain: Vec<key::Certificate>, key_der: key::PrivateKey, ) -> Result<(), TLSError>281     pub fn set_single_cert(
282         &mut self,
283         cert_chain: Vec<key::Certificate>,
284         key_der: key::PrivateKey,
285     ) -> Result<(), TLSError> {
286         let resolver = handy::AlwaysResolvesChain::new(cert_chain, &key_der)?;
287         self.cert_resolver = Arc::new(resolver);
288         Ok(())
289     }
291     /// Sets a single certificate chain, matching private key and OCSP
292     /// response.  This certificate and key is used for all subsequent
293     /// connections, irrespective of things like SNI hostname.
294     ///
295     /// `cert_chain` is a vector of DER-encoded certificates.
296     /// `key_der` is a DER-encoded RSA, ECDSA, or Ed25519 private key.
297     /// `ocsp` is a DER-encoded OCSP response.  Ignored if zero length.
298     /// `scts` is an `SignedCertificateTimestampList` encoding (see RFC6962)
299     /// and is ignored if empty.
300     ///
301     /// This function fails if `key_der` is invalid.
set_single_cert_with_ocsp_and_sct( &mut self, cert_chain: Vec<key::Certificate>, key_der: key::PrivateKey, ocsp: Vec<u8>, scts: Vec<u8>, ) -> Result<(), TLSError>302     pub fn set_single_cert_with_ocsp_and_sct(
303         &mut self,
304         cert_chain: Vec<key::Certificate>,
305         key_der: key::PrivateKey,
306         ocsp: Vec<u8>,
307         scts: Vec<u8>,
308     ) -> Result<(), TLSError> {
309         let resolver =
310             handy::AlwaysResolvesChain::new_with_extras(cert_chain, &key_der, ocsp, scts)?;
311         self.cert_resolver = Arc::new(resolver);
312         Ok(())
313     }
315     /// Set the ALPN protocol list to the given protocol names.
316     /// Overwrites any existing configured protocols.
317     ///
318     /// The first element in the `protocols` list is the most
319     /// preferred, the last is the least preferred.
set_protocols(&mut self, protocols: &[Vec<u8>])320     pub fn set_protocols(&mut self, protocols: &[Vec<u8>]) {
321         self.alpn_protocols.clear();
322         self.alpn_protocols
323             .extend_from_slice(protocols);
324     }
326     /// Overrides the default `ClientCertVerifier` with something else.
set_client_certificate_verifier( &mut self, verifier: Arc<dyn verify::ClientCertVerifier>, )327     pub fn set_client_certificate_verifier(
328         &mut self,
329         verifier: Arc<dyn verify::ClientCertVerifier>,
330     ) {
331         self.verifier = verifier;
332     }
333 }
335 pub struct ServerSessionImpl {
336     pub config: Arc<ServerConfig>,
337     pub common: SessionCommon,
338     sni: Option<webpki::DNSName>,
339     pub alpn_protocol: Option<Vec<u8>>,
340     pub quic_params: Option<Vec<u8>>,
341     pub received_resumption_data: Option<Vec<u8>>,
342     pub resumption_data: Vec<u8>,
343     pub error: Option<TLSError>,
344     pub state: Option<Box<dyn hs::State + Send + Sync>>,
345     pub client_cert_chain: Option<Vec<key::Certificate>>,
346     /// Whether to reject early data even if it would otherwise be accepted
347     pub reject_early_data: bool,
348 }
350 impl fmt::Debug for ServerSessionImpl {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result351     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
352         f.debug_struct("ServerSessionImpl")
353             .finish()
354     }
355 }
357 impl ServerSessionImpl {
new( server_config: &Arc<ServerConfig>, extra_exts: Vec<ServerExtension>, ) -> ServerSessionImpl358     pub fn new(
359         server_config: &Arc<ServerConfig>,
360         extra_exts: Vec<ServerExtension>,
361     ) -> ServerSessionImpl {
362         ServerSessionImpl {
363             config: server_config.clone(),
364             common: SessionCommon::new(server_config.mtu, false),
365             sni: None,
366             alpn_protocol: None,
367             quic_params: None,
368             received_resumption_data: None,
369             resumption_data: Vec::new(),
370             error: None,
371             state: Some(Box::new(hs::ExpectClientHello::new(
372                 server_config,
373                 extra_exts,
374             ))),
375             client_cert_chain: None,
376             reject_early_data: false,
377         }
378     }
wants_read(&self) -> bool380     pub fn wants_read(&self) -> bool {
381         // We want to read more data all the time, except when we
382         // have unprocessed plaintext.  This provides back-pressure
383         // to the TCP buffers.
384         //
385         // This also covers the handshake case, because we don't have
386         // readable plaintext before handshake has completed.
387         !self.common.has_readable_plaintext()
388     }
wants_write(&self) -> bool390     pub fn wants_write(&self) -> bool {
391         !self.common.sendable_tls.is_empty()
392     }
is_handshaking(&self) -> bool394     pub fn is_handshaking(&self) -> bool {
395         !self.common.traffic
396     }
set_buffer_limit(&mut self, len: usize)398     pub fn set_buffer_limit(&mut self, len: usize) {
399         self.common.set_buffer_limit(len)
400     }
process_msg(&mut self, mut msg: Message) -> Result<(), TLSError>402     pub fn process_msg(&mut self, mut msg: Message) -> Result<(), TLSError> {
403         // TLS1.3: drop CCS at any time during handshaking
404         if let MiddleboxCCS::Drop = self.common.filter_tls13_ccs(&msg)? {
405             trace!("Dropping CCS");
406             return Ok(());
407         }
409         // Decrypt if demanded by current state.
410         if self.common.record_layer.is_decrypting() {
411             let dm = self.common.decrypt_incoming(msg)?;
412             msg = dm;
413         }
415         // For handshake messages, we need to join them before parsing
416         // and processing.
417         if self
418             .common
419             .handshake_joiner
420             .want_message(&msg)
421         {
422             self.common
423                 .handshake_joiner
424                 .take_message(msg)
425                 .ok_or_else(|| {
426                     self.common
427                         .send_fatal_alert(AlertDescription::DecodeError);
428                     TLSError::CorruptMessagePayload(ContentType::Handshake)
429                 })?;
430             return self.process_new_handshake_messages();
431         }
433         // Now we can fully parse the message payload.
434         msg.decode_payload();
436         if msg.is_content_type(ContentType::Alert) {
437             return self.common.process_alert(msg);
438         }
440         self.process_main_protocol(msg)
441     }
process_new_handshake_messages(&mut self) -> Result<(), TLSError>443     pub fn process_new_handshake_messages(&mut self) -> Result<(), TLSError> {
444         while let Some(msg) = self
445             .common
446             .handshake_joiner
447             .frames
448             .pop_front()
449         {
450             self.process_main_protocol(msg)?;
451         }
453         Ok(())
454     }
queue_unexpected_alert(&mut self)456     fn queue_unexpected_alert(&mut self) {
457         self.common
458             .send_fatal_alert(AlertDescription::UnexpectedMessage);
459     }
maybe_send_unexpected_alert(&mut self, rc: hs::NextStateOrError) -> hs::NextStateOrError461     fn maybe_send_unexpected_alert(&mut self, rc: hs::NextStateOrError) -> hs::NextStateOrError {
462         match rc {
463             Err(TLSError::InappropriateMessage { .. })
464             | Err(TLSError::InappropriateHandshakeMessage { .. }) => {
465                 self.queue_unexpected_alert();
466             }
467             _ => {}
468         };
469         rc
470     }
process_main_protocol(&mut self, msg: Message) -> Result<(), TLSError>472     pub fn process_main_protocol(&mut self, msg: Message) -> Result<(), TLSError> {
473         if self.common.traffic
474             && !self.common.is_tls13()
475             && msg.is_handshake_type(HandshakeType::ClientHello)
476         {
477             self.common
478                 .send_warning_alert(AlertDescription::NoRenegotiation);
479             return Ok(());
480         }
482         let state = self.state.take().unwrap();
483         let maybe_next_state = state.handle(self, msg);
484         let next_state = self.maybe_send_unexpected_alert(maybe_next_state)?;
485         self.state = Some(next_state);
487         Ok(())
488     }
process_new_packets(&mut self) -> Result<(), TLSError>490     pub fn process_new_packets(&mut self) -> Result<(), TLSError> {
491         if let Some(ref err) = self.error {
492             return Err(err.clone());
493         }
495         if self.common.message_deframer.desynced {
496             return Err(TLSError::CorruptMessage);
497         }
499         while let Some(msg) = self
500             .common
501             .message_deframer
502             .frames
503             .pop_front()
504         {
505             match self.process_msg(msg) {
506                 Ok(_) => {}
507                 Err(err) => {
508                     self.error = Some(err.clone());
509                     return Err(err);
510                 }
511             }
512         }
514         Ok(())
515     }
get_peer_certificates(&self) -> Option<Vec<key::Certificate>>517     pub fn get_peer_certificates(&self) -> Option<Vec<key::Certificate>> {
518         self.client_cert_chain
519             .as_ref()
520             .map(|chain| chain.iter().cloned().collect())
521     }
get_alpn_protocol(&self) -> Option<&[u8]>523     pub fn get_alpn_protocol(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
524         self.alpn_protocol
525             .as_ref()
526             .map(AsRef::as_ref)
527     }
get_protocol_version(&self) -> Option<ProtocolVersion>529     pub fn get_protocol_version(&self) -> Option<ProtocolVersion> {
530         self.common.negotiated_version
531     }
get_negotiated_ciphersuite(&self) -> Option<&'static SupportedCipherSuite>533     pub fn get_negotiated_ciphersuite(&self) -> Option<&'static SupportedCipherSuite> {
534         self.common.get_suite()
535     }
get_sni(&self) -> Option<&webpki::DNSName>537     pub fn get_sni(&self) -> Option<&webpki::DNSName> {
538         self.sni.as_ref()
539     }
set_sni(&mut self, value: webpki::DNSName)541     pub fn set_sni(&mut self, value: webpki::DNSName) {
542         // The SNI hostname is immutable once set.
543         assert!(self.sni.is_none());
544         self.sni = Some(value)
545     }
export_keying_material( &self, output: &mut [u8], label: &[u8], context: Option<&[u8]>, ) -> Result<(), TLSError>547     fn export_keying_material(
548         &self,
549         output: &mut [u8],
550         label: &[u8],
551         context: Option<&[u8]>,
552     ) -> Result<(), TLSError> {
553         self.state
554             .as_ref()
555             .ok_or_else(|| TLSError::HandshakeNotComplete)
556             .and_then(|st| st.export_keying_material(output, label, context))
557     }
send_some_plaintext(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> usize559     fn send_some_plaintext(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> usize {
560         let mut st = self.state.take();
561         st.as_mut()
562             .map(|st| st.perhaps_write_key_update(self));
563         self.state = st;
564         self.common.send_some_plaintext(buf)
565     }
566 }
568 /// This represents a single TLS server session.
569 ///
570 /// Send TLS-protected data to the peer using the `io::Write` trait implementation.
571 /// Read data from the peer using the `io::Read` trait implementation.
572 #[derive(Debug)]
573 pub struct ServerSession {
574     // We use the pimpl idiom to hide unimportant details.
575     pub(crate) imp: ServerSessionImpl,
576 }
578 impl ServerSession {
579     /// Make a new ServerSession.  `config` controls how
580     /// we behave in the TLS protocol.
new(config: &Arc<ServerConfig>) -> ServerSession581     pub fn new(config: &Arc<ServerConfig>) -> ServerSession {
582         ServerSession {
583             imp: ServerSessionImpl::new(config, vec![]),
584         }
585     }
587     /// Retrieves the SNI hostname, if any, used to select the certificate and
588     /// private key.
589     ///
590     /// This returns `None` until some time after the client's SNI extension
591     /// value is processed during the handshake. It will never be `None` when
592     /// the connection is ready to send or process application data, unless the
593     /// client does not support SNI.
594     ///
595     /// This is useful for application protocols that need to enforce that the
596     /// SNI hostname matches an application layer protocol hostname. For
597     /// example, HTTP/1.1 servers commonly expect the `Host:` header field of
598     /// every request on a connection to match the hostname in the SNI extension
599     /// when the client provides the SNI extension.
600     ///
601     /// The SNI hostname is also used to match sessions during session
602     /// resumption.
get_sni_hostname(&self) -> Option<&str>603     pub fn get_sni_hostname(&self) -> Option<&str> {
604         self.imp
605             .get_sni()
606             .map(|s| s.as_ref().into())
607     }
609     /// Application-controlled portion of the resumption ticket supplied by the client, if any.
610     ///
611     /// Recovered from the prior session's `set_resumption_data`. Integrity is guaranteed by rustls.
612     ///
613     /// Returns `Some` iff a valid resumption ticket has been received from the client.
received_resumption_data(&self) -> Option<&[u8]>614     pub fn received_resumption_data(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
615         self.imp
616             .received_resumption_data
617             .as_ref()
618             .map(|x| &x[..])
619     }
621     /// Set the resumption data to embed in future resumption tickets supplied to the client.
622     ///
623     /// Defaults to the empty byte string. Must be less than 2^15 bytes to allow room for other
624     /// data. Should be called while `is_handshaking` returns true to ensure all transmitted
625     /// resumption tickets are affected.
626     ///
627     /// Integrity will be assured by rustls, but the data will be visible to the client. If secrecy
628     /// from the client is desired, encrypt the data separately.
set_resumption_data(&mut self, data: &[u8])629     pub fn set_resumption_data(&mut self, data: &[u8]) {
630         assert!(data.len() < 2usize.pow(15));
631         self.imp.resumption_data = data.into();
632     }
634     /// Explicitly discard early data, notifying the client
635     ///
636     /// Useful if invariants encoded in `received_resumption_data()` cannot be respected.
637     ///
638     /// Must be called while `is_handshaking` is true.
reject_early_data(&mut self)639     pub fn reject_early_data(&mut self) {
640         assert!(
641             self.is_handshaking(),
642             "cannot retroactively reject early data"
643         );
644         self.imp.reject_early_data = true;
645     }
646 }
648 impl Session for ServerSession {
read_tls(&mut self, rd: &mut dyn io::Read) -> io::Result<usize>649     fn read_tls(&mut self, rd: &mut dyn io::Read) -> io::Result<usize> {
650         self.imp.common.read_tls(rd)
651     }
653     /// Writes TLS messages to `wr`.
write_tls(&mut self, wr: &mut dyn io::Write) -> io::Result<usize>654     fn write_tls(&mut self, wr: &mut dyn io::Write) -> io::Result<usize> {
655         self.imp.common.write_tls(wr)
656     }
process_new_packets(&mut self) -> Result<(), TLSError>658     fn process_new_packets(&mut self) -> Result<(), TLSError> {
659         self.imp.process_new_packets()
660     }
wants_read(&self) -> bool662     fn wants_read(&self) -> bool {
663         self.imp.wants_read()
664     }
wants_write(&self) -> bool666     fn wants_write(&self) -> bool {
667         self.imp.wants_write()
668     }
is_handshaking(&self) -> bool670     fn is_handshaking(&self) -> bool {
671         self.imp.is_handshaking()
672     }
set_buffer_limit(&mut self, len: usize)674     fn set_buffer_limit(&mut self, len: usize) {
675         self.imp.set_buffer_limit(len)
676     }
send_close_notify(&mut self)678     fn send_close_notify(&mut self) {
679         self.imp.common.send_close_notify()
680     }
get_peer_certificates(&self) -> Option<Vec<key::Certificate>>682     fn get_peer_certificates(&self) -> Option<Vec<key::Certificate>> {
683         self.imp.get_peer_certificates()
684     }
get_alpn_protocol(&self) -> Option<&[u8]>686     fn get_alpn_protocol(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
687         self.imp.get_alpn_protocol()
688     }
get_protocol_version(&self) -> Option<ProtocolVersion>690     fn get_protocol_version(&self) -> Option<ProtocolVersion> {
691         self.imp.get_protocol_version()
692     }
export_keying_material( &self, output: &mut [u8], label: &[u8], context: Option<&[u8]>, ) -> Result<(), TLSError>694     fn export_keying_material(
695         &self,
696         output: &mut [u8],
697         label: &[u8],
698         context: Option<&[u8]>,
699     ) -> Result<(), TLSError> {
700         self.imp
701             .export_keying_material(output, label, context)
702     }
get_negotiated_ciphersuite(&self) -> Option<&'static SupportedCipherSuite>704     fn get_negotiated_ciphersuite(&self) -> Option<&'static SupportedCipherSuite> {
705         self.imp.get_negotiated_ciphersuite()
706     }
707 }
709 impl io::Read for ServerSession {
710     /// Obtain plaintext data received from the peer over this TLS connection.
711     ///
712     /// If the peer closes the TLS session cleanly, this fails with an error of
713     /// kind ErrorKind::ConnectionAborted once all the pending data has been read.
714     /// No further data can be received on that connection, so the underlying TCP
715     /// connection should closed too.
716     ///
717     /// Note that support close notify varies in peer TLS libraries: many do not
718     /// support it and uncleanly close the TCP connection (this might be
719     /// vulnerable to truncation attacks depending on the application protocol).
720     /// This means applications using rustls must both handle ErrorKind::ConnectionAborted
721     /// from this function, *and* unexpected closure of the underlying TCP connection.
read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize>722     fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
723         self.imp.common.read(buf)
724     }
725 }
727 impl io::Write for ServerSession {
728     /// Send the plaintext `buf` to the peer, encrypting
729     /// and authenticating it.  Once this function succeeds
730     /// you should call `write_tls` which will output the
731     /// corresponding TLS records.
732     ///
733     /// This function buffers plaintext sent before the
734     /// TLS handshake completes, and sends it as soon
735     /// as it can.  This buffer is of *unlimited size* so
736     /// writing much data before it can be sent will
737     /// cause excess memory usage.
write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize>738     fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
739         Ok(self.imp.send_some_plaintext(buf))
740     }
write_vectored(&mut self, bufs: &[IoSlice<'_>]) -> io::Result<usize>742     fn write_vectored(&mut self, bufs: &[IoSlice<'_>]) -> io::Result<usize> {
743         let mut sz = 0;
744         for buf in bufs {
745             sz += self.imp.send_some_plaintext(buf);
746         }
747         Ok(sz)
748     }
flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()>750     fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
751         self.imp.common.flush_plaintext();
752         Ok(())
753     }
754 }