3     Copyright 2010, SIL International
4     All rights reserved.
6     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7     it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
8     by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of License, or
9     (at your option) any later version.
11     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14     Lesser General Public License for more details.
16     You should also have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17     License along with this library in the file named "LICENSE".
18     If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street,
19     Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA or visit their web page on the
20     internet at http://www.fsf.org/licenses/lgpl.html.
22 Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
23 Mozilla Public License (http://mozilla.org/MPL) or the GNU General Public
24 License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
25 of the License or (at your option) any later version.
26 */
27 #include "inc/Main.h"
28 #include "inc/debug.h"
29 #include "inc/Endian.h"
30 #include "inc/Pass.h"
31 #include <cstring>
32 #include <cstdlib>
33 #include <cassert>
34 #include <cmath>
35 #include "inc/Segment.h"
36 #include "inc/Code.h"
37 #include "inc/Rule.h"
38 #include "inc/Error.h"
39 #include "inc/Collider.h"
41 using namespace graphite2;
42 using vm::Machine;
43 typedef Machine::Code  Code;
45 enum KernCollison
46 {
47     None       = 0,
48     CrossSpace = 1,
49     InWord     = 2,
50     reserved   = 3
51 };
Pass()53 Pass::Pass()
54 : m_silf(0),
55   m_cols(0),
56   m_rules(0),
57   m_ruleMap(0),
58   m_startStates(0),
59   m_transitions(0),
60   m_states(0),
61   m_codes(0),
62   m_progs(0),
63   m_numCollRuns(0),
64   m_kernColls(0),
65   m_iMaxLoop(0),
66   m_numGlyphs(0),
67   m_numRules(0),
68   m_numStates(0),
69   m_numTransition(0),
70   m_numSuccess(0),
71   m_successStart(0),
72   m_numColumns(0),
73   m_minPreCtxt(0),
74   m_maxPreCtxt(0),
75   m_colThreshold(0),
76   m_isReverseDir(false)
77 {
78 }
~Pass()80 Pass::~Pass()
81 {
82     free(m_cols);
83     free(m_startStates);
84     free(m_transitions);
85     free(m_states);
86     free(m_ruleMap);
88     if (m_rules) delete [] m_rules;
89     if (m_codes) delete [] m_codes;
90     free(m_progs);
91 }
readPass(const byte * const pass_start,size_t pass_length,size_t subtable_base,GR_MAYBE_UNUSED Face & face,passtype pt,GR_MAYBE_UNUSED uint32 version,Error & e)93 bool Pass::readPass(const byte * const pass_start, size_t pass_length, size_t subtable_base,
94         GR_MAYBE_UNUSED Face & face, passtype pt, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED uint32 version, Error &e)
95 {
96     const byte * p              = pass_start,
97                * const pass_end = p + pass_length;
98     size_t numRanges;
100     if (e.test(pass_length < 40, E_BADPASSLENGTH)) return face.error(e);
101     // Read in basic values
102     const byte flags = be::read<byte>(p);
103     if (e.test((flags & 0x1f) &&
104             (pt < PASS_TYPE_POSITIONING || !m_silf->aCollision() || !face.glyphs().hasBoxes() || !(m_silf->flags() & 0x20)),
105             E_BADCOLLISIONPASS))
106         return face.error(e);
107     m_numCollRuns = flags & 0x7;
108     m_kernColls   = (flags >> 3) & 0x3;
109     m_isReverseDir = (flags >> 5) & 0x1;
110     m_iMaxLoop = be::read<byte>(p);
111     if (m_iMaxLoop < 1) m_iMaxLoop = 1;
112     be::skip<byte>(p,2); // skip maxContext & maxBackup
113     m_numRules = be::read<uint16>(p);
114     if (e.test(!m_numRules && m_numCollRuns == 0, E_BADEMPTYPASS)) return face.error(e);
115     be::skip<uint16>(p);   // fsmOffset - not sure why we would want this
116     const byte * const pcCode = pass_start + be::read<uint32>(p) - subtable_base,
117                * const rcCode = pass_start + be::read<uint32>(p) - subtable_base,
118                * const aCode  = pass_start + be::read<uint32>(p) - subtable_base;
119     be::skip<uint32>(p);
120     m_numStates = be::read<uint16>(p);
121     m_numTransition = be::read<uint16>(p);
122     m_numSuccess = be::read<uint16>(p);
123     m_numColumns = be::read<uint16>(p);
124     numRanges = be::read<uint16>(p);
125     be::skip<uint16>(p, 3); // skip searchRange, entrySelector & rangeShift.
126     assert(p - pass_start == 40);
127     // Perform some sanity checks.
128     if ( e.test(m_numTransition > m_numStates, E_BADNUMTRANS)
129             || e.test(m_numSuccess > m_numStates, E_BADNUMSUCCESS)
130             || e.test(m_numSuccess + m_numTransition < m_numStates, E_BADNUMSTATES)
131             || e.test(m_numRules && numRanges == 0, E_NORANGES)
132             || e.test(m_numColumns > 0x7FFF, E_BADNUMCOLUMNS))
133         return face.error(e);
135     m_successStart = m_numStates - m_numSuccess;
136     // test for beyond end - 1 to account for reading uint16
137     if (e.test(p + numRanges * 6 - 2 > pass_end, E_BADPASSLENGTH)) return face.error(e);
138     m_numGlyphs = be::peek<uint16>(p + numRanges * 6 - 4) + 1;
139     // Calculate the start of various arrays.
140     const byte * const ranges = p;
141     be::skip<uint16>(p, numRanges*3);
142     const byte * const o_rule_map = p;
143     be::skip<uint16>(p, m_numSuccess + 1);
145     // More sanity checks
146     if (e.test(reinterpret_cast<const byte *>(o_rule_map + m_numSuccess*sizeof(uint16)) > pass_end
147             || p > pass_end, E_BADRULEMAPLEN))
148         return face.error(e);
149     const size_t numEntries = be::peek<uint16>(o_rule_map + m_numSuccess*sizeof(uint16));
150     const byte * const   rule_map = p;
151     be::skip<uint16>(p, numEntries);
153     if (e.test(p + 2*sizeof(uint8) > pass_end, E_BADPASSLENGTH)) return face.error(e);
154     m_minPreCtxt = be::read<uint8>(p);
155     m_maxPreCtxt = be::read<uint8>(p);
156     if (e.test(m_minPreCtxt > m_maxPreCtxt, E_BADCTXTLENBOUNDS)) return face.error(e);
157     const byte * const start_states = p;
158     be::skip<int16>(p, m_maxPreCtxt - m_minPreCtxt + 1);
159     const uint16 * const sort_keys = reinterpret_cast<const uint16 *>(p);
160     be::skip<uint16>(p, m_numRules);
161     const byte * const precontext = p;
162     be::skip<byte>(p, m_numRules);
164     if (e.test(p + sizeof(uint16) + sizeof(uint8) > pass_end, E_BADCTXTLENS)) return face.error(e);
165     m_colThreshold = be::read<uint8>(p);
166     if (m_colThreshold == 0) m_colThreshold = 10;       // A default
167     const size_t pass_constraint_len = be::read<uint16>(p);
169     const uint16 * const o_constraint = reinterpret_cast<const uint16 *>(p);
170     be::skip<uint16>(p, m_numRules + 1);
171     const uint16 * const o_actions = reinterpret_cast<const uint16 *>(p);
172     be::skip<uint16>(p, m_numRules + 1);
173     const byte * const states = p;
174     if (e.test(2u*m_numTransition*m_numColumns >= (unsigned)(pass_end - p), E_BADPASSLENGTH)
175             || e.test(p >= pass_end, E_BADPASSLENGTH))
176         return face.error(e);
177     be::skip<int16>(p, m_numTransition*m_numColumns);
178     be::skip<uint8>(p);
179     if (e.test(p != pcCode, E_BADPASSCCODEPTR)) return face.error(e);
180     be::skip<byte>(p, pass_constraint_len);
181     if (e.test(p != rcCode, E_BADRULECCODEPTR)
182         || e.test(size_t(rcCode - pcCode) != pass_constraint_len, E_BADCCODELEN)) return face.error(e);
183     be::skip<byte>(p, be::peek<uint16>(o_constraint + m_numRules));
184     if (e.test(p != aCode, E_BADACTIONCODEPTR)) return face.error(e);
185     be::skip<byte>(p, be::peek<uint16>(o_actions + m_numRules));
187     // We should be at the end or within the pass
188     if (e.test(p > pass_end, E_BADPASSLENGTH)) return face.error(e);
190     // Load the pass constraint if there is one.
191     if (pass_constraint_len)
192     {
193         face.error_context(face.error_context() + 1);
194         m_cPConstraint = vm::Machine::Code(true, pcCode, pcCode + pass_constraint_len,
195                                   precontext[0], be::peek<uint16>(sort_keys), *m_silf, face, PASS_TYPE_UNKNOWN);
196         if (e.test(!m_cPConstraint, E_OUTOFMEM)
197                 || e.test(m_cPConstraint.status() != Code::loaded, m_cPConstraint.status() + E_CODEFAILURE))
198             return face.error(e);
199         face.error_context(face.error_context() - 1);
200     }
201     if (m_numRules)
202     {
203         if (!readRanges(ranges, numRanges, e)) return face.error(e);
204         if (!readRules(rule_map, numEntries,  precontext, sort_keys,
205                    o_constraint, rcCode, o_actions, aCode, face, pt, e)) return false;
206     }
208     telemetry::category _states_cat(face.tele.states);
209 #endif
210     return m_numRules ? readStates(start_states, states, o_rule_map, face, e) : true;
211 }
readRules(const byte * rule_map,const size_t num_entries,const byte * precontext,const uint16 * sort_key,const uint16 * o_constraint,const byte * rc_data,const uint16 * o_action,const byte * ac_data,Face & face,passtype pt,Error & e)214 bool Pass::readRules(const byte * rule_map, const size_t num_entries,
215                      const byte *precontext, const uint16 * sort_key,
216                      const uint16 * o_constraint, const byte *rc_data,
217                      const uint16 * o_action,     const byte * ac_data,
218                      Face & face, passtype pt, Error &e)
219 {
220     const byte * const ac_data_end = ac_data + be::peek<uint16>(o_action + m_numRules);
221     const byte * const rc_data_end = rc_data + be::peek<uint16>(o_constraint + m_numRules);
223     precontext += m_numRules;
224     sort_key   += m_numRules;
225     o_constraint += m_numRules;
226     o_action += m_numRules;
228     // Load rules.
229     const byte * ac_begin = 0, * rc_begin = 0,
230                * ac_end = ac_data + be::peek<uint16>(o_action),
231                * rc_end = rc_data + be::peek<uint16>(o_constraint);
233     // Allocate pools
234     m_rules = new Rule [m_numRules];
235     m_codes = new Code [m_numRules*2];
236     int totalSlots = 0;
237     const uint16 *tsort = sort_key;
238     for (int i = 0; i < m_numRules; ++i)
239         totalSlots += be::peek<uint16>(--tsort);
240     const size_t prog_pool_sz = vm::Machine::Code::estimateCodeDataOut(ac_end - ac_data + rc_end - rc_data, 2 * m_numRules, totalSlots);
241     m_progs = gralloc<byte>(prog_pool_sz);
242     byte * prog_pool_free = m_progs,
243          * prog_pool_end  = m_progs + prog_pool_sz;
244     if (e.test(!(m_rules && m_codes && m_progs), E_OUTOFMEM)) return face.error(e);
246     Rule * r = m_rules + m_numRules - 1;
247     for (size_t n = m_numRules; r >= m_rules; --n, --r, ac_end = ac_begin, rc_end = rc_begin)
248     {
249         face.error_context((face.error_context() & 0xFFFF00) + EC_ARULE + int((n - 1) << 24));
250         r->preContext = *--precontext;
251         r->sort       = be::peek<uint16>(--sort_key);
252 #ifndef NDEBUG
253         r->rule_idx   = uint16(n - 1);
254 #endif
255         if (r->sort > 63 || r->preContext >= r->sort || r->preContext > m_maxPreCtxt || r->preContext < m_minPreCtxt)
256             return false;
257         ac_begin      = ac_data + be::peek<uint16>(--o_action);
258         --o_constraint;
259         rc_begin      = be::peek<uint16>(o_constraint) ? rc_data + be::peek<uint16>(o_constraint) : rc_end;
261         if (ac_begin > ac_end || ac_begin > ac_data_end || ac_end > ac_data_end
262                 || rc_begin > rc_end || rc_begin > rc_data_end || rc_end > rc_data_end
263                 || vm::Machine::Code::estimateCodeDataOut(ac_end - ac_begin + rc_end - rc_begin, 2, r->sort) > size_t(prog_pool_end - prog_pool_free))
264             return false;
265         r->action     = new (m_codes+n*2-2) vm::Machine::Code(false, ac_begin, ac_end, r->preContext, r->sort, *m_silf, face, pt, &prog_pool_free);
266         r->constraint = new (m_codes+n*2-1) vm::Machine::Code(true,  rc_begin, rc_end, r->preContext, r->sort, *m_silf, face, pt, &prog_pool_free);
268         if (e.test(!r->action || !r->constraint, E_OUTOFMEM)
269                 || e.test(r->action->status() != Code::loaded, r->action->status() + E_CODEFAILURE)
270                 || e.test(r->constraint->status() != Code::loaded, r->constraint->status() + E_CODEFAILURE)
271                 || e.test(!r->constraint->immutable(), E_MUTABLECCODE))
272             return face.error(e);
273     }
275     byte * const moved_progs = prog_pool_free > m_progs ? static_cast<byte *>(realloc(m_progs, prog_pool_free - m_progs)) : 0;
276     if (e.test(!moved_progs, E_OUTOFMEM))
277     {
278         free(m_progs);
279         m_progs = 0;
280         return face.error(e);
281     }
283     if (moved_progs != m_progs)
284     {
285         for (Code * c = m_codes, * const ce = c + m_numRules*2; c != ce; ++c)
286         {
287             c->externalProgramMoved(moved_progs - m_progs);
288         }
289         m_progs = moved_progs;
290     }
292     // Load the rule entries map
293     face.error_context((face.error_context() & 0xFFFF00) + EC_APASS);
294     //TODO: Coverity: 1315804: FORWARD_NULL
295     RuleEntry * re = m_ruleMap = gralloc<RuleEntry>(num_entries);
296     if (e.test(!re, E_OUTOFMEM)) return face.error(e);
297     for (size_t n = num_entries; n; --n, ++re)
298     {
299         const ptrdiff_t rn = be::read<uint16>(rule_map);
300         if (e.test(rn >= m_numRules, E_BADRULENUM))  return face.error(e);
301         re->rule = m_rules + rn;
302     }
304     return true;
305 }
cmpRuleEntry(const void * a,const void * b)307 static int cmpRuleEntry(const void *a, const void *b) { return (*(RuleEntry *)a < *(RuleEntry *)b ? -1 :
308                                                                 (*(RuleEntry *)b < *(RuleEntry *)a ? 1 : 0)); }
readStates(const byte * starts,const byte * states,const byte * o_rule_map,GR_MAYBE_UNUSED Face & face,Error & e)310 bool Pass::readStates(const byte * starts, const byte *states, const byte * o_rule_map, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED Face & face, Error &e)
311 {
313     telemetry::category _states_cat(face.tele.starts);
314 #endif
315     m_startStates = gralloc<uint16>(m_maxPreCtxt - m_minPreCtxt + 1);
317     telemetry::set_category(face.tele.states);
318 #endif
319     m_states      = gralloc<State>(m_numStates);
321     telemetry::set_category(face.tele.transitions);
322 #endif
323     m_transitions      = gralloc<uint16>(m_numTransition * m_numColumns);
325     if (e.test(!m_startStates || !m_states || !m_transitions, E_OUTOFMEM)) return face.error(e);
326     // load start states
327     for (uint16 * s = m_startStates,
328                 * const s_end = s + m_maxPreCtxt - m_minPreCtxt + 1; s != s_end; ++s)
329     {
330         *s = be::read<uint16>(starts);
331         if (e.test(*s >= m_numStates, E_BADSTATE))
332         {
333             face.error_context((face.error_context() & 0xFFFF00) + EC_ASTARTS + int((s - m_startStates) << 24));
334             return face.error(e); // true;
335         }
336     }
338     // load state transition table.
339     for (uint16 * t = m_transitions,
340                 * const t_end = t + m_numTransition*m_numColumns; t != t_end; ++t)
341     {
342         *t = be::read<uint16>(states);
343         if (e.test(*t >= m_numStates, E_BADSTATE))
344         {
345             face.error_context((face.error_context() & 0xFFFF00) + EC_ATRANS + int(((t - m_transitions) / m_numColumns) << 8));
346             return face.error(e);
347         }
348     }
350     State * s = m_states,
351           * const success_begin = m_states + m_numStates - m_numSuccess;
352     const RuleEntry * rule_map_end = m_ruleMap + be::peek<uint16>(o_rule_map + m_numSuccess*sizeof(uint16));
353     for (size_t n = m_numStates; n; --n, ++s)
354     {
355         RuleEntry * const begin = s < success_begin ? 0 : m_ruleMap + be::read<uint16>(o_rule_map),
356                   * const end   = s < success_begin ? 0 : m_ruleMap + be::peek<uint16>(o_rule_map);
358         if (e.test(begin >= rule_map_end || end > rule_map_end || begin > end, E_BADRULEMAPPING))
359         {
360             face.error_context((face.error_context() & 0xFFFF00) + EC_ARULEMAP + int(n << 24));
361             return face.error(e);
362         }
363         s->rules = begin;
364         s->rules_end = (end - begin <= FiniteStateMachine::MAX_RULES)? end :
365             begin + FiniteStateMachine::MAX_RULES;
366         if (begin)      // keep UBSan happy can't call qsort with null begin
367             qsort(begin, end - begin, sizeof(RuleEntry), &cmpRuleEntry);
368     }
370     return true;
371 }
readRanges(const byte * ranges,size_t num_ranges,Error & e)373 bool Pass::readRanges(const byte * ranges, size_t num_ranges, Error &e)
374 {
375     m_cols = gralloc<uint16>(m_numGlyphs);
376     if (e.test(!m_cols, E_OUTOFMEM)) return false;
377     memset(m_cols, 0xFF, m_numGlyphs * sizeof(uint16));
378     for (size_t n = num_ranges; n; --n)
379     {
380         uint16     * ci     = m_cols + be::read<uint16>(ranges),
381                    * ci_end = m_cols + be::read<uint16>(ranges) + 1,
382                      col    = be::read<uint16>(ranges);
384         if (e.test(ci >= ci_end || ci_end > m_cols+m_numGlyphs || col >= m_numColumns, E_BADRANGE))
385             return false;
387         // A glyph must only belong to one column at a time
388         while (ci != ci_end && *ci == 0xffff)
389             *ci++ = col;
391         if (e.test(ci != ci_end, E_BADRANGE))
392             return false;
393     }
394     return true;
395 }
runGraphite(vm::Machine & m,FiniteStateMachine & fsm,bool reverse) const398 bool Pass::runGraphite(vm::Machine & m, FiniteStateMachine & fsm, bool reverse) const
399 {
400     Slot *s = m.slotMap().segment.first();
401     if (!s || !testPassConstraint(m)) return true;
402     if (reverse)
403     {
404         m.slotMap().segment.reverseSlots();
405         s = m.slotMap().segment.first();
406     }
407     if (m_numRules)
408     {
409         Slot *currHigh = s->next();
411 #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
412         if (fsm.dbgout)  *fsm.dbgout << "rules" << json::array;
413         json::closer rules_array_closer(fsm.dbgout);
414 #endif
416         m.slotMap().highwater(currHigh);
417         int lc = m_iMaxLoop;
418         do
419         {
420             findNDoRule(s, m, fsm);
421             if (m.status() != Machine::finished) return false;
422             if (s && (s == m.slotMap().highwater() || m.slotMap().highpassed() || --lc == 0)) {
423                 if (!lc)
424                     s = m.slotMap().highwater();
425                 lc = m_iMaxLoop;
426                 if (s)
427                     m.slotMap().highwater(s->next());
428             }
429         } while (s);
430     }
431     //TODO: Use enums for flags
432     const bool collisions = m_numCollRuns || m_kernColls;
434     if (!collisions || !m.slotMap().segment.hasCollisionInfo())
435         return true;
437     if (m_numCollRuns)
438     {
439         if (!(m.slotMap().segment.flags() & Segment::SEG_INITCOLLISIONS))
440         {
441             m.slotMap().segment.positionSlots(0, 0, 0, m.slotMap().dir(), true);
442 //            m.slotMap().segment.flags(m.slotMap().segment.flags() | Segment::SEG_INITCOLLISIONS);
443         }
444         if (!collisionShift(&m.slotMap().segment, m.slotMap().dir(), fsm.dbgout))
445             return false;
446     }
447     if ((m_kernColls) && !collisionKern(&m.slotMap().segment, m.slotMap().dir(), fsm.dbgout))
448         return false;
449     if (collisions && !collisionFinish(&m.slotMap().segment, fsm.dbgout))
450         return false;
451     return true;
452 }
runFSM(FiniteStateMachine & fsm,Slot * slot) const454 bool Pass::runFSM(FiniteStateMachine& fsm, Slot * slot) const
455 {
456     fsm.reset(slot, m_maxPreCtxt);
457     if (fsm.slots.context() < m_minPreCtxt)
458         return false;
460     uint16 state = m_startStates[m_maxPreCtxt - fsm.slots.context()];
461     uint8  free_slots = SlotMap::MAX_SLOTS;
462     do
463     {
464         fsm.slots.pushSlot(slot);
465         if (slot->gid() >= m_numGlyphs
466          || m_cols[slot->gid()] == 0xffffU
467          || --free_slots == 0
468          || state >= m_numTransition)
469             return free_slots != 0;
471         const uint16 * transitions = m_transitions + state*m_numColumns;
472         state = transitions[m_cols[slot->gid()]];
473         if (state >= m_successStart)
474             fsm.rules.accumulate_rules(m_states[state]);
476         slot = slot->next();
477     } while (state != 0 && slot);
479     fsm.slots.pushSlot(slot);
480     return true;
481 }
483 #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
485 inline
input_slot(const SlotMap & slots,const int n)486 Slot * input_slot(const SlotMap &  slots, const int n)
487 {
488     Slot * s = slots[slots.context() + n];
489     if (!s->isCopied())     return s;
491     return s->prev() ? s->prev()->next() : (s->next() ? s->next()->prev() : slots.segment.last());
492 }
494 inline
output_slot(const SlotMap & slots,const int n)495 Slot * output_slot(const SlotMap &  slots, const int n)
496 {
497     Slot * s = slots[slots.context() + n - 1];
498     return s ? s->next() : slots.segment.first();
499 }
501 #endif //!defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
findNDoRule(Slot * & slot,Machine & m,FiniteStateMachine & fsm) const503 void Pass::findNDoRule(Slot * & slot, Machine &m, FiniteStateMachine & fsm) const
504 {
505     assert(slot);
507     if (runFSM(fsm, slot))
508     {
509         // Search for the first rule which passes the constraint
510         const RuleEntry *        r = fsm.rules.begin(),
511                         * const re = fsm.rules.end();
512         while (r != re && !testConstraint(*r->rule, m))
513         {
514             ++r;
515             if (m.status() != Machine::finished)
516                 return;
517         }
519 #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
520         if (fsm.dbgout)
521         {
522             if (fsm.rules.size() != 0)
523             {
524                 *fsm.dbgout << json::item << json::object;
525                 dumpRuleEventConsidered(fsm, *r);
526                 if (r != re)
527                 {
528                     const int adv = doAction(r->rule->action, slot, m);
529                     dumpRuleEventOutput(fsm, *r->rule, slot);
530                     if (r->rule->action->deletes()) fsm.slots.collectGarbage(slot);
531                     adjustSlot(adv, slot, fsm.slots);
532                     *fsm.dbgout << "cursor" << objectid(dslot(&fsm.slots.segment, slot))
533                             << json::close; // Close RuelEvent object
535                     return;
536                 }
537                 else
538                 {
539                     *fsm.dbgout << json::close  // close "considered" array
540                             << "output" << json::null
541                             << "cursor" << objectid(dslot(&fsm.slots.segment, slot->next()))
542                             << json::close;
543                 }
544             }
545         }
546         else
547 #endif
548         {
549             if (r != re)
550             {
551                 const int adv = doAction(r->rule->action, slot, m);
552                 if (m.status() != Machine::finished) return;
553                 if (r->rule->action->deletes()) fsm.slots.collectGarbage(slot);
554                 adjustSlot(adv, slot, fsm.slots);
555                 return;
556             }
557         }
558     }
560     slot = slot->next();
561     return;
562 }
564 #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
dumpRuleEventConsidered(const FiniteStateMachine & fsm,const RuleEntry & re) const566 void Pass::dumpRuleEventConsidered(const FiniteStateMachine & fsm, const RuleEntry & re) const
567 {
568     *fsm.dbgout << "considered" << json::array;
569     for (const RuleEntry *r = fsm.rules.begin(); r != &re; ++r)
570     {
571         if (r->rule->preContext > fsm.slots.context())
572             continue;
573         *fsm.dbgout << json::flat << json::object
574                     << "id" << r->rule - m_rules
575                     << "failed" << true
576                     << "input" << json::flat << json::object
577                         << "start" << objectid(dslot(&fsm.slots.segment, input_slot(fsm.slots, -r->rule->preContext)))
578                         << "length" << r->rule->sort
579                         << json::close  // close "input"
580                     << json::close; // close Rule object
581     }
582 }
dumpRuleEventOutput(const FiniteStateMachine & fsm,const Rule & r,Slot * const last_slot) const585 void Pass::dumpRuleEventOutput(const FiniteStateMachine & fsm, const Rule & r, Slot * const last_slot) const
586 {
587     *fsm.dbgout     << json::item << json::flat << json::object
588                         << "id"     << &r - m_rules
589                         << "failed" << false
590                         << "input" << json::flat << json::object
591                             << "start" << objectid(dslot(&fsm.slots.segment, input_slot(fsm.slots, 0)))
592                             << "length" << r.sort - r.preContext
593                             << json::close // close "input"
594                         << json::close  // close Rule object
595                 << json::close // close considered array
596                 << "output" << json::object
597                     << "range" << json::flat << json::object
598                         << "start"  << objectid(dslot(&fsm.slots.segment, input_slot(fsm.slots, 0)))
599                         << "end"    << objectid(dslot(&fsm.slots.segment, last_slot))
600                     << json::close // close "input"
601                     << "slots"  << json::array;
602     const Position rsb_prepos = last_slot ? last_slot->origin() : fsm.slots.segment.advance();
603     fsm.slots.segment.positionSlots(0, 0, 0, fsm.slots.segment.currdir());
605     for(Slot * slot = output_slot(fsm.slots, 0); slot != last_slot; slot = slot->next())
606         *fsm.dbgout     << dslot(&fsm.slots.segment, slot);
607     *fsm.dbgout         << json::close  // close "slots"
608                     << "postshift"  << (last_slot ? last_slot->origin() : fsm.slots.segment.advance()) - rsb_prepos
609                 << json::close;         // close "output" object
611 }
613 #endif
616 inline
testPassConstraint(Machine & m) const617 bool Pass::testPassConstraint(Machine & m) const
618 {
619     if (!m_cPConstraint) return true;
621     assert(m_cPConstraint.constraint());
623     m.slotMap().reset(*m.slotMap().segment.first(), 0);
624     m.slotMap().pushSlot(m.slotMap().segment.first());
625     vm::slotref * map = m.slotMap().begin();
626     const uint32 ret = m_cPConstraint.run(m, map);
628 #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
629     json * const dbgout = m.slotMap().segment.getFace()->logger();
630     if (dbgout)
631         *dbgout << "constraint" << (ret && m.status() == Machine::finished);
632 #endif
634     return ret && m.status() == Machine::finished;
635 }
testConstraint(const Rule & r,Machine & m) const638 bool Pass::testConstraint(const Rule & r, Machine & m) const
639 {
640     const uint16 curr_context = m.slotMap().context();
641     if (unsigned(r.sort + curr_context - r.preContext) > m.slotMap().size()
642         || curr_context - r.preContext < 0) return false;
644     vm::slotref * map = m.slotMap().begin() + curr_context - r.preContext;
645     if (map[r.sort - 1] == 0)
646         return false;
648     if (!*r.constraint) return true;
649     assert(r.constraint->constraint());
650     for (int n = r.sort; n && map; --n, ++map)
651     {
652         if (!*map) continue;
653         const int32 ret = r.constraint->run(m, map);
654         if (!ret || m.status() != Machine::finished)
655             return false;
656     }
658     return true;
659 }
collectGarbage(Slot * & aSlot)662 void SlotMap::collectGarbage(Slot * &aSlot)
663 {
664     for(Slot **s = begin(), *const *const se = end() - 1; s != se; ++s) {
665         Slot *& slot = *s;
666         if(slot && (slot->isDeleted() || slot->isCopied()))
667         {
668             if (slot == aSlot)
669                 aSlot = slot->prev() ? slot->prev() : slot->next();
670             segment.freeSlot(slot);
671         }
672     }
673 }
doAction(const Code * codeptr,Slot * & slot_out,vm::Machine & m) const677 int Pass::doAction(const Code *codeptr, Slot * & slot_out, vm::Machine & m) const
678 {
679     assert(codeptr);
680     if (!*codeptr) return 0;
681     SlotMap   & smap = m.slotMap();
682     vm::slotref * map = &smap[smap.context()];
683     smap.highpassed(false);
685     int32 ret = codeptr->run(m, map);
687     if (m.status() != Machine::finished)
688     {
689         slot_out = NULL;
690         smap.highwater(0);
691         return 0;
692     }
694     slot_out = *map;
695     return ret;
696 }
adjustSlot(int delta,Slot * & slot_out,SlotMap & smap) const699 void Pass::adjustSlot(int delta, Slot * & slot_out, SlotMap & smap) const
700 {
701     if (!slot_out)
702     {
703         if (smap.highpassed() || slot_out == smap.highwater())
704         {
705             slot_out = smap.segment.last();
706             ++delta;
707             if (!smap.highwater() || smap.highwater() == slot_out)
708                 smap.highpassed(false);
709         }
710         else
711         {
712             slot_out = smap.segment.first();
713             --delta;
714         }
715     }
716     if (delta < 0)
717     {
718         while (++delta <= 0 && slot_out)
719         {
720             slot_out = slot_out->prev();
721             if (smap.highpassed() && smap.highwater() == slot_out)
722                 smap.highpassed(false);
723         }
724     }
725     else if (delta > 0)
726     {
727         while (--delta >= 0 && slot_out)
728         {
729             if (slot_out == smap.highwater() && slot_out)
730                 smap.highpassed(true);
731             slot_out = slot_out->next();
732         }
733     }
734 }
collisionShift(Segment * seg,int dir,json * const dbgout) const736 bool Pass::collisionShift(Segment *seg, int dir, json * const dbgout) const
737 {
738     ShiftCollider shiftcoll(dbgout);
739     // bool isfirst = true;
740     bool hasCollisions = false;
741     Slot *start = seg->first();      // turn on collision fixing for the first slot
742     Slot *end = NULL;
743     bool moved = false;
745 #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
746     if (dbgout)
747         *dbgout << "collisions" << json::array
748             << json::flat << json::object << "num-loops" << m_numCollRuns << json::close;
749 #endif
751     while (start)
752     {
753 #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
754         if (dbgout)  *dbgout << json::object << "phase" << "1" << "moves" << json::array;
755 #endif
756         hasCollisions = false;
757         end = NULL;
758         // phase 1 : position shiftable glyphs, ignoring kernable glyphs
759         for (Slot *s = start; s; s = s->next())
760         {
761             const SlotCollision * c = seg->collisionInfo(s);
762             if (start && (c->flags() & (SlotCollision::COLL_FIX | SlotCollision::COLL_KERN)) == SlotCollision::COLL_FIX
763                       && !resolveCollisions(seg, s, start, shiftcoll, false, dir, moved, hasCollisions, dbgout))
764                 return false;
765             if (s != start && (c->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_END))
766             {
767                 end = s->next();
768                 break;
769             }
770         }
772 #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
773         if (dbgout)
774             *dbgout << json::close << json::close; // phase-1
775 #endif
777         // phase 2 : loop until happy.
778         for (int i = 0; i < m_numCollRuns - 1; ++i)
779         {
780             if (hasCollisions || moved)
781             {
783 #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
784                 if (dbgout)
785                     *dbgout << json::object << "phase" << "2a" << "loop" << i << "moves" << json::array;
786 #endif
787                 // phase 2a : if any shiftable glyphs are in collision, iterate backwards,
788                 // fixing them and ignoring other non-collided glyphs. Note that this handles ONLY
789                 // glyphs that are actually in collision from phases 1 or 2b, and working backwards
790                 // has the intended effect of breaking logjams.
791                 if (hasCollisions)
792                 {
793                     hasCollisions = false;
794                     #if 0
795                     moved = true;
796                     for (Slot *s = start; s != end; s = s->next())
797                     {
798                         SlotCollision * c = seg->collisionInfo(s);
799                         c->setShift(Position(0, 0));
800                     }
801                     #endif
802                     Slot *lend = end ? end->prev() : seg->last();
803                     Slot *lstart = start->prev();
804                     for (Slot *s = lend; s != lstart; s = s->prev())
805                     {
806                         SlotCollision * c = seg->collisionInfo(s);
807                         if (start && (c->flags() & (SlotCollision::COLL_FIX | SlotCollision::COLL_KERN | SlotCollision::COLL_ISCOL))
808                                         == (SlotCollision::COLL_FIX | SlotCollision::COLL_ISCOL)) // ONLY if this glyph is still colliding
809                         {
810                             if (!resolveCollisions(seg, s, lend, shiftcoll, true, dir, moved, hasCollisions, dbgout))
811                                 return false;
812                             c->setFlags(c->flags() | SlotCollision::COLL_TEMPLOCK);
813                         }
814                     }
815                 }
817 #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
818                 if (dbgout)
819                     *dbgout << json::close << json::close // phase 2a
820                         << json::object << "phase" << "2b" << "loop" << i << "moves" << json::array;
821 #endif
823                 // phase 2b : redo basic diacritic positioning pass for ALL glyphs. Each successive loop adjusts
824                 // glyphs from their current adjusted position, which has the effect of gradually minimizing the
825                 // resulting adjustment; ie, the final result will be gradually closer to the original location.
826                 // Also it allows more flexibility in the final adjustment, since it is moving along the
827                 // possible 8 vectors from successively different starting locations.
828                 if (moved)
829                 {
830                     moved = false;
831                     for (Slot *s = start; s != end; s = s->next())
832                     {
833                         SlotCollision * c = seg->collisionInfo(s);
834                         if (start && (c->flags() & (SlotCollision::COLL_FIX | SlotCollision::COLL_TEMPLOCK
835                                                         | SlotCollision::COLL_KERN)) == SlotCollision::COLL_FIX
836                                   && !resolveCollisions(seg, s, start, shiftcoll, false, dir, moved, hasCollisions, dbgout))
837                             return false;
838                         else if (c->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_TEMPLOCK)
839                             c->setFlags(c->flags() & ~SlotCollision::COLL_TEMPLOCK);
840                     }
841                 }
842         //      if (!hasCollisions) // no, don't leave yet because phase 2b will continue to improve things
843         //          break;
844 #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
845                 if (dbgout)
846                     *dbgout << json::close << json::close; // phase 2
847 #endif
848             }
849         }
850         if (!end)
851             break;
852         start = NULL;
853         for (Slot *s = end->prev(); s; s = s->next())
854         {
855             if (seg->collisionInfo(s)->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_START)
856             {
857                 start = s;
858                 break;
859             }
860         }
861     }
862     return true;
863 }
collisionKern(Segment * seg,int dir,json * const dbgout) const865 bool Pass::collisionKern(Segment *seg, int dir, json * const dbgout) const
866 {
867     Slot *start = seg->first();
868     float ymin = 1e38f;
869     float ymax = -1e38f;
870     const GlyphCache &gc = seg->getFace()->glyphs();
872     // phase 3 : handle kerning of clusters
873 #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
874     if (dbgout)
875         *dbgout << json::object << "phase" << "3" << "moves" << json::array;
876 #endif
878     for (Slot *s = seg->first(); s; s = s->next())
879     {
880         if (!gc.check(s->gid()))
881             return false;
882         const SlotCollision * c = seg->collisionInfo(s);
883         const Rect &bbox = seg->theGlyphBBoxTemporary(s->gid());
884         float y = s->origin().y + c->shift().y;
885         if (!(c->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_ISSPACE))
886         {
887             ymax = max(y + bbox.tr.y, ymax);
888             ymin = min(y + bbox.bl.y, ymin);
889         }
890         if (start && (c->flags() & (SlotCollision::COLL_KERN | SlotCollision::COLL_FIX))
891                         == (SlotCollision::COLL_KERN | SlotCollision::COLL_FIX))
892             resolveKern(seg, s, start, dir, ymin, ymax, dbgout);
893         if (c->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_END)
894             start = NULL;
895         if (c->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_START)
896             start = s;
897     }
899 #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
900     if (dbgout)
901         *dbgout << json::close << json::close; // phase 3
902 #endif
903     return true;
904 }
collisionFinish(Segment * seg,GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json * const dbgout) const906 bool Pass::collisionFinish(Segment *seg, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED json * const dbgout) const
907 {
908     for (Slot *s = seg->first(); s; s = s->next())
909     {
910         SlotCollision *c = seg->collisionInfo(s);
911         if (c->shift().x != 0 || c->shift().y != 0)
912         {
913             const Position newOffset = c->shift();
914             const Position nullPosition(0, 0);
915             c->setOffset(newOffset + c->offset());
916             c->setShift(nullPosition);
917         }
918     }
919 //    seg->positionSlots();
921 #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
922         if (dbgout)
923             *dbgout << json::close;
924 #endif
925     return true;
926 }
928 // Can slot s be kerned, or is it attached to something that can be kerned?
inKernCluster(Segment * seg,Slot * s)929 static bool inKernCluster(Segment *seg, Slot *s)
930 {
931     SlotCollision *c = seg->collisionInfo(s);
932     if (c->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_KERN /** && c->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_FIX **/ )
933         return true;
934     while (s->attachedTo())
935     {
936         s = s->attachedTo();
937         c = seg->collisionInfo(s);
938         if (c->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_KERN /** && c->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_FIX **/ )
939             return true;
940     }
941     return false;
942 }
944 // Fix collisions for the given slot.
945 // Return true if everything was fixed, false if there are still collisions remaining.
946 // isRev means be we are processing backwards.
resolveCollisions(Segment * seg,Slot * slotFix,Slot * start,ShiftCollider & coll,GR_MAYBE_UNUSED bool isRev,int dir,bool & moved,bool & hasCol,json * const dbgout) const947 bool Pass::resolveCollisions(Segment *seg, Slot *slotFix, Slot *start,
948         ShiftCollider &coll, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED bool isRev, int dir, bool &moved, bool &hasCol,
949         json * const dbgout) const
950 {
951     Slot * nbor;  // neighboring slot
952     SlotCollision *cFix = seg->collisionInfo(slotFix);
953     if (!coll.initSlot(seg, slotFix, cFix->limit(), cFix->margin(), cFix->marginWt(),
954             cFix->shift(), cFix->offset(), dir, dbgout))
955         return false;
956     bool collides = false;
957     // When we're processing forward, ignore kernable glyphs that preceed the target glyph.
958     // When processing backward, don't ignore these until we pass slotFix.
959     bool ignoreForKern = !isRev;
960     bool rtl = dir & 1;
961     Slot *base = slotFix;
962     while (base->attachedTo())
963         base = base->attachedTo();
964     Position zero(0., 0.);
966     // Look for collisions with the neighboring glyphs.
967     for (nbor = start; nbor; nbor = isRev ? nbor->prev() : nbor->next())
968     {
969         SlotCollision *cNbor = seg->collisionInfo(nbor);
970         bool sameCluster = nbor->isChildOf(base);
971         if (nbor != slotFix         						// don't process if this is the slot of interest
972                       && !(cNbor->ignore())    				// don't process if ignoring
973                       && (nbor == base || sameCluster       // process if in the same cluster as slotFix
974                             || !inKernCluster(seg, nbor))   // or this cluster is not to be kerned
975 //                            || (rtl ^ ignoreForKern))       // or it comes before(ltr) or after(rtl)
976                       && (!isRev    // if processing forwards then good to merge otherwise only:
977                             || !(cNbor->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_FIX)     // merge in immovable stuff
978                             || ((cNbor->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_KERN) && !sameCluster)     // ignore other kernable clusters
979                             || (cNbor->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_ISCOL))   // test against other collided glyphs
980                       && !coll.mergeSlot(seg, nbor, cNbor, cNbor->shift(), !ignoreForKern, sameCluster, collides, false, dbgout))
981             return false;
982         else if (nbor == slotFix)
983             // Switching sides of this glyph - if we were ignoring kernable stuff before, don't anymore.
984             ignoreForKern = !ignoreForKern;
986         if (nbor != start && (cNbor->flags() & (isRev ? SlotCollision::COLL_START : SlotCollision::COLL_END)))
987             break;
988     }
989     bool isCol = false;
990     if (collides || cFix->shift().x != 0.f || cFix->shift().y != 0.f)
991     {
992         Position shift = coll.resolve(seg, isCol, dbgout);
993         // isCol has been set to true if a collision remains.
994         if (std::fabs(shift.x) < 1e38f && std::fabs(shift.y) < 1e38f)
995         {
996             if (sqr(shift.x-cFix->shift().x) + sqr(shift.y-cFix->shift().y) >= m_colThreshold * m_colThreshold)
997                 moved = true;
998             cFix->setShift(shift);
999             if (slotFix->firstChild())
1000             {
1001                 Rect bbox;
1002                 Position here = slotFix->origin() + shift;
1003                 float clusterMin = here.x;
1004                 slotFix->firstChild()->finalise(seg, NULL, here, bbox, 0, clusterMin, rtl, false);
1005             }
1006         }
1007     }
1008     else
1009     {
1010         // This glyph is not colliding with anything.
1011 #if !defined GRAPHITE2_NTRACING
1012         if (dbgout)
1013         {
1014             *dbgout << json::object
1015                             << "missed" << objectid(dslot(seg, slotFix));
1016             coll.outputJsonDbg(dbgout, seg, -1);
1017             *dbgout << json::close;
1018         }
1019 #endif
1020     }
1022     // Set the is-collision flag bit.
1023     if (isCol)
1024     { cFix->setFlags(cFix->flags() | SlotCollision::COLL_ISCOL | SlotCollision::COLL_KNOWN); }
1025     else
1026     { cFix->setFlags((cFix->flags() & ~SlotCollision::COLL_ISCOL) | SlotCollision::COLL_KNOWN); }
1027     hasCol |= isCol;
1028     return true;
1029 }
resolveKern(Segment * seg,Slot * slotFix,GR_MAYBE_UNUSED Slot * start,int dir,float & ymin,float & ymax,json * const dbgout) const1031 float Pass::resolveKern(Segment *seg, Slot *slotFix, GR_MAYBE_UNUSED Slot *start, int dir,
1032     float &ymin, float &ymax, json *const dbgout) const
1033 {
1034     Slot *nbor; // neighboring slot
1035     float currSpace = 0.;
1036     bool collides = false;
1037     unsigned int space_count = 0;
1038     Slot *base = slotFix;
1039     while (base->attachedTo())
1040         base = base->attachedTo();
1041     SlotCollision *cFix = seg->collisionInfo(base);
1042     const GlyphCache &gc = seg->getFace()->glyphs();
1043     const Rect &bbb = seg->theGlyphBBoxTemporary(slotFix->gid());
1044     const float by = slotFix->origin().y + cFix->shift().y;
1046     if (base != slotFix)
1047     {
1048         cFix->setFlags(cFix->flags() | SlotCollision::COLL_KERN | SlotCollision::COLL_FIX);
1049         return 0;
1050     }
1051     bool seenEnd = (cFix->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_END) != 0;
1052     bool isInit = false;
1053     KernCollider coll(dbgout);
1055     ymax = max(by + bbb.tr.y, ymax);
1056     ymin = min(by + bbb.bl.y, ymin);
1057     for (nbor = slotFix->next(); nbor; nbor = nbor->next())
1058     {
1059         if (nbor->isChildOf(base))
1060             continue;
1061         if (!gc.check(nbor->gid()))
1062             return 0.;
1063         const Rect &bb = seg->theGlyphBBoxTemporary(nbor->gid());
1064         SlotCollision *cNbor = seg->collisionInfo(nbor);
1065         if ((bb.bl.y == 0.f && bb.tr.y == 0.f) || (cNbor->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_ISSPACE))
1066         {
1067             if (m_kernColls == InWord)
1068                 break;
1069             // Add space for a space glyph.
1070             currSpace += nbor->advance();
1071             ++space_count;
1072         }
1073         else
1074         {
1075             space_count = 0;
1076             if (nbor != slotFix && !cNbor->ignore())
1077             {
1078                 seenEnd = true;
1079                 if (!isInit)
1080                 {
1081                     if (!coll.initSlot(seg, slotFix, cFix->limit(), cFix->margin(),
1082                                     cFix->shift(), cFix->offset(), dir, ymin, ymax, dbgout))
1083                         return 0.;
1084                     isInit = true;
1085                 }
1086                 collides |= coll.mergeSlot(seg, nbor, cNbor->shift(), currSpace, dir, dbgout);
1087             }
1088         }
1089         if (cNbor->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_END)
1090         {
1091             if (seenEnd && space_count < 2)
1092                 break;
1093             else
1094                 seenEnd = true;
1095         }
1096     }
1097     if (collides)
1098     {
1099         Position mv = coll.resolve(seg, slotFix, dir, dbgout);
1100         coll.shift(mv, dir);
1101         Position delta = slotFix->advancePos() + mv - cFix->shift();
1102         slotFix->advance(delta);
1103         cFix->setShift(mv);
1104         return mv.x;
1105     }
1106     return 0.;
1107 }