1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
4  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
5 #ifndef nsIFragmentContentSink_h___
6 #define nsIFragmentContentSink_h___
8 #include "nsISupports.h"
10 namespace mozilla {
11 namespace dom {
12 class Document;
13 class DocumentFragment;
14 }  // namespace dom
15 }  // namespace mozilla
17 #define NS_I_FRAGMENT_CONTENT_SINK_IID               \
18   {                                                  \
19     0x1a8ce30b, 0x63fc, 0x441a, {                    \
20       0xa3, 0xaa, 0xf7, 0x16, 0xc0, 0xfe, 0x96, 0x69 \
21     }                                                \
22   }
24 /**
25  * The fragment sink allows a client to parse a fragment of sink, possibly
26  * surrounded in context. Also see nsIParser::ParseFragment().
27  * Note: once you've parsed a fragment, the fragment sink must be re-set on
28  * the parser in order to parse another fragment.
29  */
30 class nsIFragmentContentSink : public nsISupports {
31  public:
33   /**
34    * This method is used to obtain the fragment created by
35    * a fragment content sink and to release resources held by the parser.
36    *
37    * The sink drops its reference to the fragment.
38    */
39   NS_IMETHOD FinishFragmentParsing(mozilla::dom::DocumentFragment** aFragment) =
40       0;
42   /**
43    * This method is used to set the target document for this fragment
44    * sink.  This document's nodeinfo manager will be used to create
45    * the content objects.  This MUST be called before the sink is used.
46    *
47    * @param aDocument the document the new nodes will belong to
48    * (should not be null)
49    */
50   NS_IMETHOD SetTargetDocument(mozilla::dom::Document*) = 0;
52   /**
53    * This method is used to indicate to the sink that we're done building
54    * the context and should start paying attention to the incoming content
55    */
56   NS_IMETHOD WillBuildContent() = 0;
58   /**
59    * This method is used to indicate to the sink that we're done building
60    * The real content. This is useful if you want to parse additional context
61    * (such as an end context).
62    */
63   NS_IMETHOD DidBuildContent() = 0;
65   /**
66    * This method is a total hack to help with parsing fragments. It is called to
67    * tell the fragment sink that a container from the context will be delivered
68    * after the call to WillBuildContent(). This is only relevent for HTML
69    * fragments that use nsHTMLTokenizer/CNavDTD.
70    */
71   NS_IMETHOD IgnoreFirstContainer() = 0;
73   /**
74    * Sets whether scripts elements are marked as unexecutable.
75    */
76   NS_IMETHOD SetPreventScriptExecution(bool aPreventScriptExecution) = 0;
77 };
80                               NS_I_FRAGMENT_CONTENT_SINK_IID)
82 nsresult NS_NewXMLFragmentContentSink(
83     nsIFragmentContentSink** aInstancePtrResult);
85 #endif