1 /* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 /*
3  * SSL3 Protocol
4  *
5  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
9 /* TLS extension code moved here from ssl3ecc.c */
11 #include "nssrenam.h"
12 #include "nss.h"
13 #include "pk11pub.h"
14 #include "ssl.h"
15 #include "sslimpl.h"
16 #include "sslproto.h"
17 #include "ssl3exthandle.h"
18 #include "tls13ech.h"
19 #include "tls13err.h"
20 #include "tls13exthandle.h"
21 #include "tls13subcerts.h"
23 /* Callback function that handles a received extension. */
24 typedef SECStatus (*ssl3ExtensionHandlerFunc)(const sslSocket *ss,
25                                               TLSExtensionData *xtnData,
26                                               SECItem *data);
28 /* Row in a table of hello extension handlers. */
29 typedef struct {
30     SSLExtensionType ex_type;
31     ssl3ExtensionHandlerFunc ex_handler;
32 } ssl3ExtensionHandler;
34 /* Table of handlers for received TLS hello extensions, one per extension.
35  * In the second generation, this table will be dynamic, and functions
36  * will be registered here.
37  */
38 /* This table is used by the server, to handle client hello extensions. */
39 static const ssl3ExtensionHandler clientHelloHandlers[] = {
40     { ssl_server_name_xtn, &ssl3_HandleServerNameXtn },
41     { ssl_supported_groups_xtn, &ssl_HandleSupportedGroupsXtn },
42     { ssl_ec_point_formats_xtn, &ssl3_HandleSupportedPointFormatsXtn },
43     { ssl_session_ticket_xtn, &ssl3_ServerHandleSessionTicketXtn },
44     { ssl_renegotiation_info_xtn, &ssl3_HandleRenegotiationInfoXtn },
45     { ssl_app_layer_protocol_xtn, &ssl3_ServerHandleAppProtoXtn },
46     { ssl_use_srtp_xtn, &ssl3_ServerHandleUseSRTPXtn },
47     { ssl_cert_status_xtn, &ssl3_ServerHandleStatusRequestXtn },
48     { ssl_signature_algorithms_xtn, &ssl3_HandleSigAlgsXtn },
49     { ssl_extended_master_secret_xtn, &ssl3_HandleExtendedMasterSecretXtn },
50     { ssl_signed_cert_timestamp_xtn, &ssl3_ServerHandleSignedCertTimestampXtn },
51     { ssl_delegated_credentials_xtn, &tls13_ServerHandleDelegatedCredentialsXtn },
52     { ssl_tls13_key_share_xtn, &tls13_ServerHandleKeyShareXtn },
53     { ssl_tls13_pre_shared_key_xtn, &tls13_ServerHandlePreSharedKeyXtn },
54     { ssl_tls13_early_data_xtn, &tls13_ServerHandleEarlyDataXtn },
55     { ssl_tls13_psk_key_exchange_modes_xtn, &tls13_ServerHandlePskModesXtn },
56     { ssl_tls13_cookie_xtn, &tls13_ServerHandleCookieXtn },
57     { ssl_tls13_post_handshake_auth_xtn, &tls13_ServerHandlePostHandshakeAuthXtn },
58     { ssl_tls13_ech_is_inner_xtn, &tls13_ServerHandleEchIsInnerXtn },
59     { ssl_record_size_limit_xtn, &ssl_HandleRecordSizeLimitXtn },
60     { 0, NULL }
61 };
63 /* These two tables are used by the client, to handle server hello
64  * extensions. */
65 static const ssl3ExtensionHandler serverHelloHandlersTLS[] = {
66     { ssl_server_name_xtn, &ssl3_HandleServerNameXtn },
67     /* TODO: add a handler for ssl_ec_point_formats_xtn */
68     { ssl_session_ticket_xtn, &ssl3_ClientHandleSessionTicketXtn },
69     { ssl_renegotiation_info_xtn, &ssl3_HandleRenegotiationInfoXtn },
70     { ssl_app_layer_protocol_xtn, &ssl3_ClientHandleAppProtoXtn },
71     { ssl_use_srtp_xtn, &ssl3_ClientHandleUseSRTPXtn },
72     { ssl_cert_status_xtn, &ssl3_ClientHandleStatusRequestXtn },
73     { ssl_extended_master_secret_xtn, &ssl3_HandleExtendedMasterSecretXtn },
74     { ssl_signed_cert_timestamp_xtn, &ssl3_ClientHandleSignedCertTimestampXtn },
75     { ssl_tls13_key_share_xtn, &tls13_ClientHandleKeyShareXtn },
76     { ssl_tls13_pre_shared_key_xtn, &tls13_ClientHandlePreSharedKeyXtn },
77     { ssl_tls13_early_data_xtn, &tls13_ClientHandleEarlyDataXtn },
78     { ssl_tls13_encrypted_client_hello_xtn, &tls13_ClientHandleEchXtn },
79     { ssl_record_size_limit_xtn, &ssl_HandleRecordSizeLimitXtn },
80     { 0, NULL }
81 };
83 static const ssl3ExtensionHandler helloRetryRequestHandlers[] = {
84     { ssl_tls13_key_share_xtn, tls13_ClientHandleKeyShareXtnHrr },
85     { ssl_tls13_cookie_xtn, tls13_ClientHandleHrrCookie },
86     { 0, NULL }
87 };
89 static const ssl3ExtensionHandler serverHelloHandlersSSL3[] = {
90     { ssl_renegotiation_info_xtn, &ssl3_HandleRenegotiationInfoXtn },
91     { 0, NULL }
92 };
94 static const ssl3ExtensionHandler newSessionTicketHandlers[] = {
95     { ssl_tls13_early_data_xtn,
96       &tls13_ClientHandleTicketEarlyDataXtn },
97     { 0, NULL }
98 };
100 /* This table is used by the client to handle server certificates in TLS 1.3 */
101 static const ssl3ExtensionHandler serverCertificateHandlers[] = {
102     { ssl_signed_cert_timestamp_xtn, &ssl3_ClientHandleSignedCertTimestampXtn },
103     { ssl_cert_status_xtn, &ssl3_ClientHandleStatusRequestXtn },
104     { ssl_delegated_credentials_xtn, &tls13_ClientHandleDelegatedCredentialsXtn },
105     { 0, NULL }
106 };
108 static const ssl3ExtensionHandler certificateRequestHandlers[] = {
109     { ssl_signature_algorithms_xtn, &ssl3_HandleSigAlgsXtn },
110     { ssl_tls13_certificate_authorities_xtn,
111       &tls13_ClientHandleCertAuthoritiesXtn },
112     { 0, NULL }
113 };
115 /* Tables of functions to format TLS hello extensions, one function per
116  * extension.
117  * These static tables are for the formatting of client hello extensions.
118  * The server's table of hello senders is dynamic, in the socket struct,
119  * and sender functions are registered there.
120  * NB: the order of these extensions can have an impact on compatibility. Some
121  * servers (e.g. Tomcat) will terminate the connection if the last extension in
122  * the client hello is empty (for example, the extended master secret
123  * extension, if it were listed last). See bug 1243641.
124  */
125 static const sslExtensionBuilder clientHelloSendersTLS[] =
126     {
127       { ssl_server_name_xtn, &ssl3_ClientSendServerNameXtn },
128       { ssl_extended_master_secret_xtn, &ssl3_SendExtendedMasterSecretXtn },
129       { ssl_renegotiation_info_xtn, &ssl3_SendRenegotiationInfoXtn },
130       { ssl_supported_groups_xtn, &ssl_SendSupportedGroupsXtn },
131       { ssl_ec_point_formats_xtn, &ssl3_SendSupportedPointFormatsXtn },
132       { ssl_session_ticket_xtn, &ssl3_ClientSendSessionTicketXtn },
133       { ssl_app_layer_protocol_xtn, &ssl3_ClientSendAppProtoXtn },
134       { ssl_use_srtp_xtn, &ssl3_ClientSendUseSRTPXtn },
135       { ssl_cert_status_xtn, &ssl3_ClientSendStatusRequestXtn },
136       { ssl_delegated_credentials_xtn, &tls13_ClientSendDelegatedCredentialsXtn },
137       { ssl_signed_cert_timestamp_xtn, &ssl3_ClientSendSignedCertTimestampXtn },
138       { ssl_tls13_key_share_xtn, &tls13_ClientSendKeyShareXtn },
139       { ssl_tls13_early_data_xtn, &tls13_ClientSendEarlyDataXtn },
140       /* Some servers (e.g. WebSphere Application Server 7.0 and Tomcat) will
141        * time out or terminate the connection if the last extension in the
142        * client hello is empty. They are not intolerant of TLS 1.2, so list
143        * signature_algorithms at the end. See bug 1243641. */
144       { ssl_tls13_supported_versions_xtn, &tls13_ClientSendSupportedVersionsXtn },
145       { ssl_signature_algorithms_xtn, &ssl3_SendSigAlgsXtn },
146       { ssl_tls13_cookie_xtn, &tls13_ClientSendHrrCookieXtn },
147       { ssl_tls13_psk_key_exchange_modes_xtn, &tls13_ClientSendPskModesXtn },
148       { ssl_tls13_post_handshake_auth_xtn, &tls13_ClientSendPostHandshakeAuthXtn },
149       { ssl_record_size_limit_xtn, &ssl_SendRecordSizeLimitXtn },
150       /* The pre_shared_key extension MUST be last. */
151       { ssl_tls13_pre_shared_key_xtn, &tls13_ClientSendPreSharedKeyXtn },
152       { 0, NULL }
153     };
155 static const sslExtensionBuilder clientHelloSendersSSL3[] = {
156     { ssl_renegotiation_info_xtn, &ssl3_SendRenegotiationInfoXtn },
157     { 0, NULL }
158 };
160 static const sslExtensionBuilder tls13_cert_req_senders[] = {
161     { ssl_signature_algorithms_xtn, &ssl3_SendSigAlgsXtn },
162     { ssl_tls13_certificate_authorities_xtn, &tls13_SendCertAuthoritiesXtn },
163     { 0, NULL }
164 };
166 static const sslExtensionBuilder tls13_hrr_senders[] = {
167     { ssl_tls13_key_share_xtn, &tls13_ServerSendHrrKeyShareXtn },
168     { ssl_tls13_cookie_xtn, &tls13_ServerSendHrrCookieXtn },
169     { ssl_tls13_supported_versions_xtn, &tls13_ServerSendSupportedVersionsXtn },
170     { 0, NULL }
171 };
173 static const struct {
174     SSLExtensionType type;
175     SSLExtensionSupport support;
176 } ssl_supported_extensions[] = {
177     { ssl_server_name_xtn, ssl_ext_native_only },
178     { ssl_cert_status_xtn, ssl_ext_native },
179     { ssl_delegated_credentials_xtn, ssl_ext_native },
180     { ssl_supported_groups_xtn, ssl_ext_native_only },
181     { ssl_ec_point_formats_xtn, ssl_ext_native },
182     { ssl_signature_algorithms_xtn, ssl_ext_native_only },
183     { ssl_use_srtp_xtn, ssl_ext_native },
184     { ssl_app_layer_protocol_xtn, ssl_ext_native_only },
185     { ssl_signed_cert_timestamp_xtn, ssl_ext_native },
186     { ssl_padding_xtn, ssl_ext_native },
187     { ssl_extended_master_secret_xtn, ssl_ext_native_only },
188     { ssl_session_ticket_xtn, ssl_ext_native_only },
189     { ssl_tls13_key_share_xtn, ssl_ext_native_only },
190     { ssl_tls13_pre_shared_key_xtn, ssl_ext_native_only },
191     { ssl_tls13_early_data_xtn, ssl_ext_native_only },
192     { ssl_tls13_supported_versions_xtn, ssl_ext_native_only },
193     { ssl_tls13_cookie_xtn, ssl_ext_native_only },
194     { ssl_tls13_psk_key_exchange_modes_xtn, ssl_ext_native_only },
195     { ssl_tls13_ticket_early_data_info_xtn, ssl_ext_native_only },
196     { ssl_tls13_certificate_authorities_xtn, ssl_ext_native },
197     { ssl_renegotiation_info_xtn, ssl_ext_native },
198     { ssl_tls13_encrypted_client_hello_xtn, ssl_ext_native_only },
199 };
201 static SSLExtensionSupport
202 ssl_GetExtensionSupport(PRUint16 type)
203 {
204     unsigned int i;
205     for (i = 0; i < PR_ARRAY_SIZE(ssl_supported_extensions); ++i) {
206         if (type == ssl_supported_extensions[i].type) {
207             return ssl_supported_extensions[i].support;
208         }
209     }
210     return ssl_ext_none;
211 }
213 SECStatus
214 SSLExp_GetExtensionSupport(PRUint16 type, SSLExtensionSupport *support)
215 {
216     *support = ssl_GetExtensionSupport(type);
217     return SECSuccess;
218 }
220 SECStatus
221 SSLExp_InstallExtensionHooks(PRFileDesc *fd, PRUint16 extension,
222                              SSLExtensionWriter writer, void *writerArg,
223                              SSLExtensionHandler handler, void *handlerArg)
224 {
225     sslSocket *ss = ssl_FindSocket(fd);
226     PRCList *cursor;
227     sslCustomExtensionHooks *hook;
229     if (!ss) {
230         return SECFailure; /* Code already set. */
231     }
233     /* Need to specify both or neither, but not just one. */
234     if ((writer && !handler) || (!writer && handler)) {
235         PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);
236         return SECFailure;
237     }
239     if (ssl_GetExtensionSupport(extension) == ssl_ext_native_only) {
240         PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS);
241         return SECFailure;
242     }
244     if (ss->firstHsDone || ((ss->ssl3.hs.ws != idle_handshake) &&
245                             (ss->ssl3.hs.ws != wait_client_hello))) {
246         PORT_SetError(PR_INVALID_STATE_ERROR);
247         return SECFailure;
248     }
250     /* Remove any old handler. */
251     for (cursor = PR_NEXT_LINK(&ss->extensionHooks);
252          cursor != &ss->extensionHooks;
253          cursor = PR_NEXT_LINK(cursor)) {
254         hook = (sslCustomExtensionHooks *)cursor;
255         if (hook->type == extension) {
256             PR_REMOVE_LINK(&hook->link);
257             PORT_Free(hook);
258             break;
259         }
260     }
262     if (!writer && !handler) {
263         return SECSuccess;
264     }
266     hook = PORT_ZNew(sslCustomExtensionHooks);
267     if (!hook) {
268         return SECFailure; /* This removed the old one, oh well. */
269     }
271     hook->type = extension;
272     hook->writer = writer;
273     hook->writerArg = writerArg;
274     hook->handler = handler;
275     hook->handlerArg = handlerArg;
276     PR_APPEND_LINK(&hook->link, &ss->extensionHooks);
277     return SECSuccess;
278 }
280 static sslCustomExtensionHooks *
281 ssl_FindCustomExtensionHooks(sslSocket *ss, PRUint16 extension)
282 {
283     PRCList *cursor;
285     for (cursor = PR_NEXT_LINK(&ss->extensionHooks);
286          cursor != &ss->extensionHooks;
287          cursor = PR_NEXT_LINK(cursor)) {
288         sslCustomExtensionHooks *hook = (sslCustomExtensionHooks *)cursor;
289         if (hook->type == extension) {
290             return hook;
291         }
292     }
294     return NULL;
295 }
297 static PRBool
298 arrayContainsExtension(const PRUint16 *array, PRUint32 len, PRUint16 ex_type)
299 {
300     unsigned int i;
301     for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
302         if (ex_type == array[i])
303             return PR_TRUE;
304     }
305     return PR_FALSE;
306 }
308 PRBool
309 ssl3_ExtensionNegotiated(const sslSocket *ss, PRUint16 ex_type)
310 {
311     const TLSExtensionData *xtnData = &ss->xtnData;
312     return arrayContainsExtension(xtnData->negotiated,
313                                   xtnData->numNegotiated, ex_type);
314 }
316 /* This checks for whether an extension was advertised.  On the client, this
317  * covers extensions that are sent in ClientHello; on the server, extensions
318  * sent in CertificateRequest (TLS 1.3 only). */
319 PRBool
320 ssl3_ExtensionAdvertised(const sslSocket *ss, PRUint16 ex_type)
321 {
322     const TLSExtensionData *xtnData = &ss->xtnData;
323     return arrayContainsExtension(xtnData->advertised,
324                                   xtnData->numAdvertised, ex_type);
325 }
327 /* Go through hello extensions in |b| and deserialize
328  * them into the list in |ss->ssl3.hs.remoteExtensions|.
329  * The only checking we do in this point is for duplicates.
330  *
331  * IMPORTANT: This list just contains pointers to the incoming
332  * buffer so they can only be used during ClientHello processing.
333  */
334 SECStatus
335 ssl3_ParseExtensions(sslSocket *ss, PRUint8 **b, PRUint32 *length)
336 {
337     /* Clean out the extensions list. */
338     ssl3_DestroyRemoteExtensions(&ss->ssl3.hs.remoteExtensions);
340     while (*length) {
341         SECStatus rv;
342         PRUint32 extension_type;
343         SECItem extension_data = { siBuffer, NULL, 0 };
344         TLSExtension *extension;
345         PRCList *cursor;
347         /* Get the extension's type field */
348         rv = ssl3_ConsumeHandshakeNumber(ss, &extension_type, 2, b, length);
349         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
350             return SECFailure; /* alert already sent */
351         }
353         /* Check whether an extension has been sent multiple times. */
354         for (cursor = PR_NEXT_LINK(&ss->ssl3.hs.remoteExtensions);
355              cursor != &ss->ssl3.hs.remoteExtensions;
356              cursor = PR_NEXT_LINK(cursor)) {
357             if (((TLSExtension *)cursor)->type == extension_type) {
358                 (void)SSL3_SendAlert(ss, alert_fatal, illegal_parameter);
360                 return SECFailure;
361             }
362         }
364         /* Get the data for this extension, so we can pass it or skip it. */
365         rv = ssl3_ConsumeHandshakeVariable(ss, &extension_data, 2, b, length);
366         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
367             return rv; /* alert already sent */
368         }
370         SSL_TRC(10, ("%d: SSL3[%d]: parsed extension %d len=%u",
371                      SSL_GETPID(), ss->fd, extension_type, extension_data.len));
373         extension = PORT_ZNew(TLSExtension);
374         if (!extension) {
375             return SECFailure;
376         }
378         extension->type = (PRUint16)extension_type;
379         extension->data = extension_data;
380         PR_APPEND_LINK(&extension->link, &ss->ssl3.hs.remoteExtensions);
381     }
383     return SECSuccess;
384 }
386 TLSExtension *
387 ssl3_FindExtension(sslSocket *ss, SSLExtensionType extension_type)
388 {
389     PRCList *cursor;
391     for (cursor = PR_NEXT_LINK(&ss->ssl3.hs.remoteExtensions);
392          cursor != &ss->ssl3.hs.remoteExtensions;
393          cursor = PR_NEXT_LINK(cursor)) {
394         TLSExtension *extension = (TLSExtension *)cursor;
396         if (extension->type == extension_type) {
397             return extension;
398         }
399     }
401     return NULL;
402 }
404 static SECStatus
405 ssl_CallExtensionHandler(sslSocket *ss, SSLHandshakeType handshakeMessage,
406                          TLSExtension *extension,
407                          const ssl3ExtensionHandler *handler)
408 {
409     SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
410     SSLAlertDescription alert = handshake_failure;
411     sslCustomExtensionHooks *customHooks;
413     customHooks = ssl_FindCustomExtensionHooks(ss, extension->type);
414     if (customHooks) {
415         if (customHooks->handler) {
416             rv = customHooks->handler(ss->fd, handshakeMessage,
417                                       extension->data.data,
418                                       extension->data.len,
419                                       &alert, customHooks->handlerArg);
420         }
421     } else {
422         /* Find extension_type in table of Hello Extension Handlers. */
423         for (; handler->ex_handler != NULL; ++handler) {
424             if (handler->ex_type == extension->type) {
425                 SECItem tmp = extension->data;
427                 rv = (*handler->ex_handler)(ss, &ss->xtnData, &tmp);
428                 break;
429             }
430         }
431     }
433     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
434         if (!ss->ssl3.fatalAlertSent) {
435             /* Send an alert if the handler didn't already. */
436             (void)SSL3_SendAlert(ss, alert_fatal, alert);
437         }
438         return SECFailure;
439     }
441     return SECSuccess;
442 }
444 /* Go through the hello extensions in |ss->ssl3.hs.remoteExtensions|.
445  * For each one, find the extension handler in the table, and
446  * if present, invoke that handler.
447  * Servers ignore any extensions with unknown extension types.
448  * Clients reject any extensions with unadvertised extension types
449  *
450  * In TLS >= 1.3, the client checks that extensions appear in the
451  * right phase.
452  */
453 SECStatus
454 ssl3_HandleParsedExtensions(sslSocket *ss, SSLHandshakeType message)
455 {
456     const ssl3ExtensionHandler *handlers;
457     /* HelloRetryRequest doesn't set ss->version. It might be safe to
458      * do so, but we weren't entirely sure. TODO(ekr@rtfm.com). */
459     PRBool isTLS13 = (ss->version >= SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3) ||
460                      (message == ssl_hs_hello_retry_request);
461     /* The following messages can include extensions that were not included in
462      * the original ClientHello. */
463     PRBool allowNotOffered = (message == ssl_hs_client_hello) ||
464                              (message == ssl_hs_certificate_request) ||
465                              (message == ssl_hs_new_session_ticket);
466     PRCList *cursor;
468     switch (message) {
469         case ssl_hs_client_hello:
470             handlers = clientHelloHandlers;
471             break;
472         case ssl_hs_new_session_ticket:
473             PORT_Assert(ss->version >= SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3);
474             handlers = newSessionTicketHandlers;
475             break;
476         case ssl_hs_hello_retry_request:
477             handlers = helloRetryRequestHandlers;
478             break;
479         case ssl_hs_encrypted_extensions:
480             PORT_Assert(ss->version >= SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3);
481         /* fall through */
482         case ssl_hs_server_hello:
483             if (ss->version > SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_3_0) {
484                 handlers = serverHelloHandlersTLS;
485             } else {
486                 handlers = serverHelloHandlersSSL3;
487             }
488             break;
489         case ssl_hs_certificate:
490             PORT_Assert(!ss->sec.isServer);
491             handlers = serverCertificateHandlers;
492             break;
493         case ssl_hs_certificate_request:
494             PORT_Assert(!ss->sec.isServer);
495             handlers = certificateRequestHandlers;
496             break;
497         default:
498             PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE);
499             PORT_Assert(0);
500             return SECFailure;
501     }
503     for (cursor = PR_NEXT_LINK(&ss->ssl3.hs.remoteExtensions);
504          cursor != &ss->ssl3.hs.remoteExtensions;
505          cursor = PR_NEXT_LINK(cursor)) {
506         TLSExtension *extension = (TLSExtension *)cursor;
507         SECStatus rv;
509         /* Check whether the server sent an extension which was not advertised
510          * in the ClientHello.
511          *
512          * Note that a TLS 1.3 server should check if CertificateRequest
513          * extensions were sent.  But the extensions used for CertificateRequest
514          * do not have any response, so we rely on
515          * ssl3_ExtensionAdvertised to return false on the server.  That
516          * results in the server only rejecting any extension. */
517         if (!allowNotOffered && (extension->type != ssl_tls13_cookie_xtn) &&
518             !ssl3_ExtensionAdvertised(ss, extension->type)) {
519             (void)SSL3_SendAlert(ss, alert_fatal, unsupported_extension);
521             return SECFailure;
522         }
524         /* Check that this is a legal extension in TLS 1.3 */
525         if (isTLS13 &&
526             !ssl_FindCustomExtensionHooks(ss, extension->type)) {
527             switch (tls13_ExtensionStatus(extension->type, message)) {
528                 case tls13_extension_allowed:
529                     break;
530                 case tls13_extension_unknown:
531                     if (allowNotOffered) {
532                         continue; /* Skip over unknown extensions. */
533                     }
534                 /* Fall through. */
535                 case tls13_extension_disallowed:
536                     SSL_TRC(3, ("%d: TLS13: unexpected extension %d in message %d",
537                                 SSL_GETPID(), extension, message));
538                     tls13_FatalError(ss, SSL_ERROR_EXTENSION_DISALLOWED_FOR_VERSION,
539                                      unsupported_extension);
540                     return SECFailure;
541             }
542         }
544         /* Special check for this being the last extension if it's
545          * PreSharedKey */
546         if (ss->sec.isServer && isTLS13 &&
547             (extension->type == ssl_tls13_pre_shared_key_xtn) &&
548             (PR_NEXT_LINK(cursor) != &ss->ssl3.hs.remoteExtensions)) {
549             tls13_FatalError(ss,
550                              SSL_ERROR_RX_MALFORMED_CLIENT_HELLO,
551                              illegal_parameter);
552             return SECFailure;
553         }
555         rv = ssl_CallExtensionHandler(ss, message, extension, handlers);
556         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
557             return SECFailure;
558         }
559     }
560     return SECSuccess;
561 }
563 /* Syntactic sugar around ssl3_ParseExtensions and
564  * ssl3_HandleParsedExtensions. */
565 SECStatus
566 ssl3_HandleExtensions(sslSocket *ss,
567                       PRUint8 **b, PRUint32 *length,
568                       SSLHandshakeType handshakeMessage)
569 {
570     SECStatus rv;
572     rv = ssl3_ParseExtensions(ss, b, length);
573     if (rv != SECSuccess)
574         return rv;
576     rv = ssl3_HandleParsedExtensions(ss, handshakeMessage);
577     if (rv != SECSuccess)
578         return rv;
580     ssl3_DestroyRemoteExtensions(&ss->ssl3.hs.remoteExtensions);
581     return SECSuccess;
582 }
584 /* Add a callback function to the table of senders of server hello extensions.
585  */
586 SECStatus
587 ssl3_RegisterExtensionSender(const sslSocket *ss,
588                              TLSExtensionData *xtnData,
589                              PRUint16 ex_type,
590                              sslExtensionBuilderFunc cb)
591 {
592     int i;
593     sslExtensionBuilder *sender;
594     if (ss->version < SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3) {
595         sender = &xtnData->serverHelloSenders[0];
596     } else {
597         if (tls13_ExtensionStatus(ex_type, ssl_hs_server_hello) ==
598             tls13_extension_allowed) {
599             PORT_Assert(tls13_ExtensionStatus(ex_type,
600                                               ssl_hs_encrypted_extensions) ==
601                         tls13_extension_disallowed);
602             sender = &xtnData->serverHelloSenders[0];
603         } else if (tls13_ExtensionStatus(ex_type,
604                                          ssl_hs_encrypted_extensions) ==
605                    tls13_extension_allowed) {
606             sender = &xtnData->encryptedExtensionsSenders[0];
607         } else if (tls13_ExtensionStatus(ex_type, ssl_hs_certificate) ==
608                    tls13_extension_allowed) {
609             sender = &xtnData->certificateSenders[0];
610         } else {
611             PORT_Assert(0);
612             PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE);
613             return SECFailure;
614         }
615     }
616     for (i = 0; i < SSL_MAX_EXTENSIONS; ++i, ++sender) {
617         if (!sender->ex_sender) {
618             sender->ex_type = ex_type;
619             sender->ex_sender = cb;
620             return SECSuccess;
621         }
622         /* detect duplicate senders */
623         PORT_Assert(sender->ex_type != ex_type);
624         if (sender->ex_type == ex_type) {
625             /* duplicate */
626             break;
627         }
628     }
629     PORT_Assert(i < SSL_MAX_EXTENSIONS); /* table needs to grow */
631     return SECFailure;
632 }
634 static SECStatus
635 ssl_CallCustomExtensionSenders(sslSocket *ss, sslBuffer *buf,
636                                SSLHandshakeType message)
637 {
638     sslBuffer tail = SSL_BUFFER_EMPTY;
639     SECStatus rv;
640     PRCList *cursor;
642     /* Save any extensions that want to be last. */
643     if (ss->xtnData.lastXtnOffset) {
644         rv = sslBuffer_Append(&tail, buf->buf + ss->xtnData.lastXtnOffset,
645                               buf->len - ss->xtnData.lastXtnOffset);
646         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
647             return SECFailure;
648         }
649         buf->len = ss->xtnData.lastXtnOffset;
650     }
652     /* Reserve the maximum amount of space possible. */
653     rv = sslBuffer_Grow(buf, 65535);
654     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
655         return SECFailure;
656     }
658     for (cursor = PR_NEXT_LINK(&ss->extensionHooks);
659          cursor != &ss->extensionHooks;
660          cursor = PR_NEXT_LINK(cursor)) {
661         sslCustomExtensionHooks *hook =
662             (sslCustomExtensionHooks *)cursor;
663         PRBool append = PR_FALSE;
664         unsigned int len = 0;
666         if (hook->writer) {
667             /* The writer writes directly into |buf|.  Provide space that allows
668              * for the existing extensions, any tail, plus type and length. */
669             unsigned int space = buf->space - (buf->len + tail.len + 4);
670             append = (*hook->writer)(ss->fd, message,
671                                      buf->buf + buf->len + 4, &len, space,
672                                      hook->writerArg);
673             if (len > space) {
675                 goto loser;
676             }
677         }
678         if (!append) {
679             continue;
680         }
682         rv = sslBuffer_AppendNumber(buf, hook->type, 2);
683         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
684             goto loser; /* Code already set. */
685         }
686         rv = sslBuffer_AppendNumber(buf, len, 2);
687         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
688             goto loser; /* Code already set. */
689         }
690         buf->len += len;
692         if (message == ssl_hs_client_hello ||
693             message == ssl_hs_certificate_request) {
694             ss->xtnData.advertised[ss->xtnData.numAdvertised++] = hook->type;
695         }
696     }
698     rv = sslBuffer_Append(buf, tail.buf, tail.len);
699     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
700         goto loser; /* Code already set. */
701     }
703     sslBuffer_Clear(&tail);
704     return SECSuccess;
706 loser:
707     sslBuffer_Clear(&tail);
708     return SECFailure;
709 }
711 /* Call extension handlers for the given message. */
712 SECStatus
713 ssl_ConstructExtensions(sslSocket *ss, sslBuffer *buf, SSLHandshakeType message)
714 {
715     const sslExtensionBuilder *sender;
716     SECStatus rv;
718     PORT_Assert(buf->len == 0);
720     /* Clear out any extensions previously advertised */
721     ss->xtnData.numAdvertised = 0;
723     switch (message) {
724         case ssl_hs_client_hello:
725             if (ss->vrange.max > SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_3_0) {
726                 sender = clientHelloSendersTLS;
727             } else {
728                 sender = clientHelloSendersSSL3;
729             }
730             break;
732         case ssl_hs_server_hello:
733             sender = ss->xtnData.serverHelloSenders;
734             break;
736         case ssl_hs_certificate_request:
737             PORT_Assert(ss->version >= SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3);
738             sender = tls13_cert_req_senders;
739             break;
741         case ssl_hs_certificate:
742             PORT_Assert(ss->version >= SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3);
743             sender = ss->xtnData.certificateSenders;
744             break;
746         case ssl_hs_encrypted_extensions:
747             PORT_Assert(ss->version >= SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3);
748             sender = ss->xtnData.encryptedExtensionsSenders;
749             break;
751         case ssl_hs_hello_retry_request:
752             PORT_Assert(ss->version >= SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_3);
753             sender = tls13_hrr_senders;
754             break;
756         default:
757             PORT_Assert(0);
758             PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_LIBRARY_FAILURE);
759             return SECFailure;
760     }
762     for (; sender->ex_sender != NULL; ++sender) {
763         PRBool append = PR_FALSE;
764         unsigned int start = buf->len;
765         unsigned int length;
767         if (ssl_FindCustomExtensionHooks(ss, sender->ex_type)) {
768             continue;
769         }
771         /* Save space for the extension type and length. Note that we don't grow
772          * the buffer now; rely on sslBuffer_Append* to do that. */
773         buf->len += 4;
774         rv = (*sender->ex_sender)(ss, &ss->xtnData, buf, &append);
775         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
776             goto loser;
777         }
779         /* Save the length and go back to the start. */
780         length = buf->len - start - 4;
781         buf->len = start;
782         if (!append) {
783             continue;
784         }
786         buf->len = start;
787         rv = sslBuffer_AppendNumber(buf, sender->ex_type, 2);
788         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
789             goto loser; /* Code already set. */
790         }
791         rv = sslBuffer_AppendNumber(buf, length, 2);
792         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
793             goto loser; /* Code already set. */
794         }
795         /* Skip over the extension body. */
796         buf->len += length;
798         if (message == ssl_hs_client_hello ||
799             message == ssl_hs_certificate_request) {
800             ss->xtnData.advertised[ss->xtnData.numAdvertised++] =
801                 sender->ex_type;
802         }
803     }
805     if (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(&ss->extensionHooks)) {
806         rv = ssl_CallCustomExtensionSenders(ss, buf, message);
807         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
808             goto loser;
809         }
810     }
812     if (buf->len > 0xffff) {
814         goto loser;
815     }
817     return SECSuccess;
819 loser:
820     sslBuffer_Clear(buf);
821     return SECFailure;
822 }
824 /* This extension sender can be used anywhere that an always empty extension is
825  * needed. Mostly that is for ServerHello where sender registration is dynamic;
826  * ClientHello senders are usually conditional in some way. */
827 SECStatus
828 ssl_SendEmptyExtension(const sslSocket *ss, TLSExtensionData *xtnData,
829                        sslBuffer *buf, PRBool *append)
830 {
831     *append = PR_TRUE;
832     return SECSuccess;
833 }
835 /* Takes the size of the ClientHello, less the record header, and determines how
836  * much padding is required. */
837 static unsigned int
838 ssl_CalculatePaddingExtLen(const sslSocket *ss, unsigned int clientHelloLength)
839 {
840     unsigned int extensionLen;
842     /* Don't pad for DTLS, for SSLv3, or for renegotiation. */
843     if (IS_DTLS(ss) ||
844         ss->vrange.max < SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_0 ||
845         ss->firstHsDone) {
846         return 0;
847     }
849     /* A padding extension may be included to ensure that the record containing
850      * the ClientHello doesn't have a length between 256 and 511 bytes
851      * (inclusive). Initial ClientHello records with such lengths trigger bugs
852      * in F5 devices. */
853     if (clientHelloLength < 256 || clientHelloLength >= 512) {
854         return 0;
855     }
857     extensionLen = 512 - clientHelloLength;
858     /* Extensions take at least four bytes to encode. Always include at least
859      * one byte of data if we are padding. Some servers will time out or
860      * terminate the connection if the last ClientHello extension is empty. */
861     if (extensionLen < 5) {
862         extensionLen = 5;
863     }
865     return extensionLen - 4;
866 }
868 /* Manually insert an extension, retaining the position of the PSK
869  * extension, if present. */
870 SECStatus
871 ssl3_EmplaceExtension(sslSocket *ss, sslBuffer *buf, PRUint16 exType,
872                       const PRUint8 *data, unsigned int len, PRBool advertise)
873 {
874     SECStatus rv;
875     unsigned int tailLen;
877     /* Move the tail if there is one. This only happens if we are sending the
878      * TLS 1.3 PSK extension, which needs to be at the end. */
879     if (ss->xtnData.lastXtnOffset) {
880         PORT_Assert(buf->len > ss->xtnData.lastXtnOffset);
881         tailLen = buf->len - ss->xtnData.lastXtnOffset;
882         rv = sslBuffer_Grow(buf, buf->len + 4 + len);
883         if (rv != SECSuccess) {
884             return SECFailure;
885         }
886         PORT_Memmove(buf->buf + ss->xtnData.lastXtnOffset + 4 + len,
887                      buf->buf + ss->xtnData.lastXtnOffset,
888                      tailLen);
889         buf->len = ss->xtnData.lastXtnOffset;
890     } else {
891         tailLen = 0;
892     }
894     rv = sslBuffer_AppendNumber(buf, exType, 2);
895     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
896         return SECFailure; /* Code already set. */
897     }
898     rv = sslBuffer_AppendVariable(buf, data, len, 2);
899     if (rv != SECSuccess) {
900         return SECFailure; /* Code already set. */
901     }
903     if (ss->xtnData.lastXtnOffset) {
904         ss->xtnData.lastXtnOffset += 4 + len;
905     }
907     buf->len += tailLen;
909     /* False only to retain behavior with padding_xtn. Maybe
910      * we can just mark that advertised as well? TODO */
911     if (advertise) {
912         ss->xtnData.advertised[ss->xtnData.numAdvertised++] = exType;
913     }
915     return SECSuccess;
916 }
918 /* ssl3_SendPaddingExtension possibly adds an extension which ensures that a
919  * ClientHello record is either < 256 bytes or is >= 512 bytes. This ensures
920  * that we don't trigger bugs in F5 products.
921  *
922  * This takes an existing extension buffer, |buf|, and the length of the
923  * remainder of the ClientHello, |prefixLen|.  It modifies the extension buffer
924  * to insert padding at the right place.
925  */
926 SECStatus
927 ssl_InsertPaddingExtension(sslSocket *ss, unsigned int prefixLen,
928                            sslBuffer *buf)
929 {
930     static unsigned char padding[252] = { 0 };
931     unsigned int paddingLen;
932     /* Exit early if an application-provided extension hook
933      * already added padding. */
934     if (ssl3_ExtensionAdvertised(ss, ssl_padding_xtn)) {
935         return SECSuccess;
936     }
938     /* Account for the size of the header, the length field of the extensions
939      * block and the size of the existing extensions. */
940     paddingLen = ssl_CalculatePaddingExtLen(ss, prefixLen + 2 + buf->len);
941     if (!paddingLen) {
942         return SECSuccess;
943     }
945     return ssl3_EmplaceExtension(ss, buf, ssl_padding_xtn, padding, paddingLen, PR_FALSE);
946 }
948 void
949 ssl3_MoveRemoteExtensions(PRCList *dst, PRCList *src)
950 {
951     PRCList *cur_p;
952     while (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(src)) {
953         cur_p = PR_LIST_TAIL(src);
954         PR_REMOVE_LINK(cur_p);
955         PR_APPEND_LINK(cur_p, dst);
956     }
957 }
959 void
960 ssl3_DestroyRemoteExtensions(PRCList *list)
961 {
962     PRCList *cur_p;
964     while (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(list)) {
965         cur_p = PR_LIST_TAIL(list);
966         PR_REMOVE_LINK(cur_p);
967         PORT_Free(cur_p);
968     }
969 }
971 /* Initialize the extension data block. */
972 void
973 ssl3_InitExtensionData(TLSExtensionData *xtnData, const sslSocket *ss)
974 {
975     unsigned int advertisedMax;
976     PRCList *cursor;
978     /* Set things up to the right starting state. */
979     PORT_Memset(xtnData, 0, sizeof(*xtnData));
980     xtnData->peerSupportsFfdheGroups = PR_FALSE;
981     PR_INIT_CLIST(&xtnData->remoteKeyShares);
983     /* Allocate enough to allow for native extensions, plus any custom ones. */
984     if (ss->sec.isServer) {
985         advertisedMax = PR_MAX(PR_ARRAY_SIZE(certificateRequestHandlers),
986                                PR_ARRAY_SIZE(tls13_cert_req_senders));
987     } else {
988         advertisedMax = PR_MAX(PR_ARRAY_SIZE(clientHelloHandlers),
989                                PR_ARRAY_SIZE(clientHelloSendersTLS));
990         ++advertisedMax; /* For the RI SCSV, which we also track. */
991     }
992     for (cursor = PR_NEXT_LINK(&ss->extensionHooks);
993          cursor != &ss->extensionHooks;
994          cursor = PR_NEXT_LINK(cursor)) {
995         ++advertisedMax;
996     }
997     xtnData->advertised = PORT_ZNewArray(PRUint16, advertisedMax);
998     xtnData->peerDelegCred = NULL;
999     xtnData->peerRequestedDelegCred = PR_FALSE;
1000     xtnData->sendingDelegCredToPeer = PR_FALSE;
1001     xtnData->selectedPsk = NULL;
1002 }
1004 void
1005 ssl3_DestroyExtensionData(TLSExtensionData *xtnData)
1006 {
1007     ssl3_FreeSniNameArray(xtnData);
1008     PORT_Free(xtnData->sigSchemes);
1009     PORT_Free(xtnData->delegCredSigSchemes);
1010     PORT_Free(xtnData->delegCredSigSchemesAdvertised);
1011     SECITEM_FreeItem(&xtnData->nextProto, PR_FALSE);
1012     tls13_DestroyKeyShares(&xtnData->remoteKeyShares);
1013     SECITEM_FreeItem(&xtnData->certReqContext, PR_FALSE);
1014     SECITEM_FreeItem(&xtnData->applicationToken, PR_FALSE);
1015     if (xtnData->certReqAuthorities.arena) {
1016         PORT_FreeArena(xtnData->certReqAuthorities.arena, PR_FALSE);
1017         xtnData->certReqAuthorities.arena = NULL;
1018     }
1019     PORT_Free(xtnData->advertised);
1020     tls13_DestroyDelegatedCredential(xtnData->peerDelegCred);
1022     tls13_DestroyEchXtnState(xtnData->ech);
1023     xtnData->ech = NULL;
1024 }
1026 /* Free everything that has been allocated and then reset back to
1027  * the starting state. */
1028 void
1029 ssl3_ResetExtensionData(TLSExtensionData *xtnData, const sslSocket *ss)
1030 {
1031     ssl3_DestroyExtensionData(xtnData);
1032     ssl3_InitExtensionData(xtnData, ss);
1033 }
1035 /* Thunks to let extension handlers operate on const sslSocket* objects. */
1036 void
1037 ssl3_ExtSendAlert(const sslSocket *ss, SSL3AlertLevel level,
1038                   SSL3AlertDescription desc)
1039 {
1040     (void)SSL3_SendAlert((sslSocket *)ss, level, desc);
1041 }
1043 void
1044 ssl3_ExtDecodeError(const sslSocket *ss)
1045 {
1046     (void)ssl3_DecodeError((sslSocket *)ss);
1047 }
1049 SECStatus
1050 ssl3_ExtConsumeHandshake(const sslSocket *ss, void *v, PRUint32 bytes,
1051                          PRUint8 **b, PRUint32 *length)
1052 {
1053     return ssl3_ConsumeHandshake((sslSocket *)ss, v, bytes, b, length);
1054 }
1056 SECStatus
1057 ssl3_ExtConsumeHandshakeNumber(const sslSocket *ss, PRUint32 *num,
1058                                PRUint32 bytes, PRUint8 **b, PRUint32 *length)
1059 {
1060     return ssl3_ConsumeHandshakeNumber((sslSocket *)ss, num, bytes, b, length);
1061 }
1063 SECStatus
1064 ssl3_ExtConsumeHandshakeVariable(const sslSocket *ss, SECItem *i,
1065                                  PRUint32 bytes, PRUint8 **b,
1066                                  PRUint32 *length)
1067 {
1068     return ssl3_ConsumeHandshakeVariable((sslSocket *)ss, i, bytes, b, length);
1069 }