1 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3  * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
5 use darling::util::PathList;
6 use derive_common::cg;
7 use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
8 use quote::TokenStreamExt;
9 use syn::{DeriveInput, WhereClause};
10 use synstructure::{Structure, VariantInfo};
derive(mut input: DeriveInput) -> TokenStream12 pub fn derive(mut input: DeriveInput) -> TokenStream {
13     let animation_input_attrs = cg::parse_input_attrs::<AnimationInputAttrs>(&input);
15     let no_bound = animation_input_attrs.no_bound.unwrap_or_default();
16     let mut where_clause = input.generics.where_clause.take();
17     for param in input.generics.type_params() {
18         if !no_bound.iter().any(|name| name.is_ident(&param.ident)) {
19             cg::add_predicate(
20                 &mut where_clause,
21                 parse_quote!(#param: crate::values::animated::Animate),
22             );
23         }
24     }
25     let (mut match_body, needs_catchall_branch) = {
26         let s = Structure::new(&input);
27         let needs_catchall_branch = s.variants().len() > 1;
28         let match_body = s.variants().iter().fold(quote!(), |body, variant| {
29             let arm = derive_variant_arm(variant, &mut where_clause);
30             quote! { #body #arm }
31         });
32         (match_body, needs_catchall_branch)
33     };
35     input.generics.where_clause = where_clause;
37     if needs_catchall_branch {
38         // This ideally shouldn't be needed, but see
39         // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/68867
40         match_body.append_all(quote! { _ => unsafe { debug_unreachable!() } });
41     }
43     let name = &input.ident;
44     let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = input.generics.split_for_impl();
46     quote! {
47         impl #impl_generics crate::values::animated::Animate for #name #ty_generics #where_clause {
48             #[allow(unused_variables, unused_imports)]
49             #[inline]
50             fn animate(
51                 &self,
52                 other: &Self,
53                 procedure: crate::values::animated::Procedure,
54             ) -> Result<Self, ()> {
55                 if std::mem::discriminant(self) != std::mem::discriminant(other) {
56                     return Err(());
57                 }
58                 match (self, other) {
59                     #match_body
60                 }
61             }
62         }
63     }
64 }
derive_variant_arm( variant: &VariantInfo, where_clause: &mut Option<WhereClause>, ) -> TokenStream66 fn derive_variant_arm(
67     variant: &VariantInfo,
68     where_clause: &mut Option<WhereClause>,
69 ) -> TokenStream {
70     let variant_attrs = cg::parse_variant_attrs_from_ast::<AnimationVariantAttrs>(&variant.ast());
71     let (this_pattern, this_info) = cg::ref_pattern(&variant, "this");
72     let (other_pattern, other_info) = cg::ref_pattern(&variant, "other");
74     if variant_attrs.error {
75         return quote! {
76             (&#this_pattern, &#other_pattern) => Err(()),
77         };
78     }
80     let (result_value, result_info) = cg::value(&variant, "result");
81     let mut computations = quote!();
82     let iter = result_info.iter().zip(this_info.iter().zip(&other_info));
83     computations.append_all(iter.map(|(result, (this, other))| {
84         let field_attrs = cg::parse_field_attrs::<AnimationFieldAttrs>(&result.ast());
85         if field_attrs.field_bound {
86             let ty = &this.ast().ty;
87             cg::add_predicate(
88                 where_clause,
89                 parse_quote!(#ty: crate::values::animated::Animate),
90             );
91         }
92         if field_attrs.constant {
93             quote! {
94                 if #this != #other {
95                     return Err(());
96                 }
97                 let #result = std::clone::Clone::clone(#this);
98             }
99         } else {
100             quote! {
101                 let #result =
102                     crate::values::animated::Animate::animate(#this, #other, procedure)?;
103             }
104         }
105     }));
107     quote! {
108         (&#this_pattern, &#other_pattern) => {
109             #computations
110             Ok(#result_value)
111         }
112     }
113 }
115 #[derive(Default, FromDeriveInput)]
116 #[darling(attributes(animation), default)]
117 pub struct AnimationInputAttrs {
118     pub no_bound: Option<PathList>,
119 }
121 #[derive(Default, FromVariant)]
122 #[darling(attributes(animation), default)]
123 pub struct AnimationVariantAttrs {
124     pub error: bool,
125     // Only here because of structs, where the struct definition acts as a
126     // variant itself.
127     pub no_bound: Option<PathList>,
128 }
130 #[derive(Default, FromField)]
131 #[darling(attributes(animation), default)]
132 pub struct AnimationFieldAttrs {
133     pub constant: bool,
134     pub field_bound: bool,
135 }