1import os
2import platform
3from datetime import datetime
4from typing import cast
5from typing import List
6from typing import Tuple
7from xml.dom import minidom
9import py
10import xmlschema
12import pytest
13from _pytest.compat import TYPE_CHECKING
14from _pytest.config import Config
15from _pytest.junitxml import bin_xml_escape
16from _pytest.junitxml import LogXML
17from _pytest.pathlib import Path
18from _pytest.reports import BaseReport
19from _pytest.reports import TestReport
20from _pytest.store import Store
24def schema():
25    """Return an xmlschema.XMLSchema object for the junit-10.xsd file."""
26    fn = Path(__file__).parent / "example_scripts/junit-10.xsd"
27    with fn.open() as f:
28        return xmlschema.XMLSchema(f)
32def run_and_parse(testdir, schema):
33    """Fixture that returns a function that can be used to execute pytest and
34    return the parsed ``DomNode`` of the root xml node.
36    The ``family`` parameter is used to configure the ``junit_family`` of the written report.
37    "xunit2" is also automatically validated against the schema.
38    """
40    def run(*args, family="xunit1"):
41        if family:
42            args = ("-o", "junit_family=" + family) + args
43        xml_path = testdir.tmpdir.join("junit.xml")
44        result = testdir.runpytest("--junitxml=%s" % xml_path, *args)
45        if family == "xunit2":
46            with xml_path.open() as f:
47                schema.validate(f)
48        xmldoc = minidom.parse(str(xml_path))
49        return result, DomNode(xmldoc)
51    return run
54def assert_attr(node, **kwargs):
55    __tracebackhide__ = True
57    def nodeval(node, name):
58        anode = node.getAttributeNode(name)
59        if anode is not None:
60            return anode.value
62    expected = {name: str(value) for name, value in kwargs.items()}
63    on_node = {name: nodeval(node, name) for name in expected}
64    assert on_node == expected
67class DomNode:
68    def __init__(self, dom):
69        self.__node = dom
71    def __repr__(self):
72        return self.__node.toxml()
74    def find_first_by_tag(self, tag):
75        return self.find_nth_by_tag(tag, 0)
77    def _by_tag(self, tag):
78        return self.__node.getElementsByTagName(tag)
80    @property
81    def children(self):
82        return [type(self)(x) for x in self.__node.childNodes]
84    @property
85    def get_unique_child(self):
86        children = self.children
87        assert len(children) == 1
88        return children[0]
90    def find_nth_by_tag(self, tag, n):
91        items = self._by_tag(tag)
92        try:
93            nth = items[n]
94        except IndexError:
95            pass
96        else:
97            return type(self)(nth)
99    def find_by_tag(self, tag):
100        t = type(self)
101        return [t(x) for x in self.__node.getElementsByTagName(tag)]
103    def __getitem__(self, key):
104        node = self.__node.getAttributeNode(key)
105        if node is not None:
106            return node.value
108    def assert_attr(self, **kwargs):
109        __tracebackhide__ = True
110        return assert_attr(self.__node, **kwargs)
112    def toxml(self):
113        return self.__node.toxml()
115    @property
116    def text(self):
117        return self.__node.childNodes[0].wholeText
119    @property
120    def tag(self):
121        return self.__node.tagName
123    @property
124    def next_sibling(self):
125        return type(self)(self.__node.nextSibling)
128parametrize_families = pytest.mark.parametrize("xunit_family", ["xunit1", "xunit2"])
131class TestPython:
132    @parametrize_families
133    def test_summing_simple(self, testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
134        testdir.makepyfile(
135            """
136            import pytest
137            def test_pass():
138                pass
139            def test_fail():
140                assert 0
141            def test_skip():
142                pytest.skip("")
143            @pytest.mark.xfail
144            def test_xfail():
145                assert 0
146            @pytest.mark.xfail
147            def test_xpass():
148                assert 1
149        """
150        )
151        result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
152        assert result.ret
153        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
154        node.assert_attr(name="pytest", errors=0, failures=1, skipped=2, tests=5)
156    @parametrize_families
157    def test_summing_simple_with_errors(self, testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
158        testdir.makepyfile(
159            """
160            import pytest
161            @pytest.fixture
162            def fixture():
163                raise Exception()
164            def test_pass():
165                pass
166            def test_fail():
167                assert 0
168            def test_error(fixture):
169                pass
170            @pytest.mark.xfail
171            def test_xfail():
172                assert False
173            @pytest.mark.xfail(strict=True)
174            def test_xpass():
175                assert True
176        """
177        )
178        result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
179        assert result.ret
180        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
181        node.assert_attr(name="pytest", errors=1, failures=2, skipped=1, tests=5)
183    @parametrize_families
184    def test_hostname_in_xml(self, testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
185        testdir.makepyfile(
186            """
187            def test_pass():
188                pass
189        """
190        )
191        result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
192        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
193        node.assert_attr(hostname=platform.node())
195    @parametrize_families
196    def test_timestamp_in_xml(self, testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
197        testdir.makepyfile(
198            """
199            def test_pass():
200                pass
201        """
202        )
203        start_time = datetime.now()
204        result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
205        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
206        timestamp = datetime.strptime(node["timestamp"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
207        assert start_time <= timestamp < datetime.now()
209    def test_timing_function(self, testdir, run_and_parse, mock_timing):
210        testdir.makepyfile(
211            """
212            from _pytest import timing
213            def setup_module():
214                timing.sleep(1)
215            def teardown_module():
216                timing.sleep(2)
217            def test_sleep():
218                timing.sleep(4)
219        """
220        )
221        result, dom = run_and_parse()
222        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
223        tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
224        val = tnode["time"]
225        assert float(val) == 7.0
227    @pytest.mark.parametrize("duration_report", ["call", "total"])
228    def test_junit_duration_report(
229        self, testdir, monkeypatch, duration_report, run_and_parse
230    ):
232        # mock LogXML.node_reporter so it always sets a known duration to each test report object
233        original_node_reporter = LogXML.node_reporter
235        def node_reporter_wrapper(s, report):
236            report.duration = 1.0
237            reporter = original_node_reporter(s, report)
238            return reporter
240        monkeypatch.setattr(LogXML, "node_reporter", node_reporter_wrapper)
242        testdir.makepyfile(
243            """
244            def test_foo():
245                pass
246        """
247        )
248        result, dom = run_and_parse(
249            "-o", "junit_duration_report={}".format(duration_report)
250        )
251        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
252        tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
253        val = float(tnode["time"])
254        if duration_report == "total":
255            assert val == 3.0
256        else:
257            assert duration_report == "call"
258            assert val == 1.0
260    @parametrize_families
261    def test_setup_error(self, testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
262        testdir.makepyfile(
263            """
264            import pytest
266            @pytest.fixture
267            def arg(request):
268                raise ValueError("Error reason")
269            def test_function(arg):
270                pass
271        """
272        )
273        result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
274        assert result.ret
275        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
276        node.assert_attr(errors=1, tests=1)
277        tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
278        tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_setup_error", name="test_function")
279        fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("error")
280        fnode.assert_attr(message='failed on setup with "ValueError: Error reason"')
281        assert "ValueError" in fnode.toxml()
283    @parametrize_families
284    def test_teardown_error(self, testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
285        testdir.makepyfile(
286            """
287            import pytest
289            @pytest.fixture
290            def arg():
291                yield
292                raise ValueError('Error reason')
293            def test_function(arg):
294                pass
295        """
296        )
297        result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
298        assert result.ret
299        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
300        tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
301        tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_teardown_error", name="test_function")
302        fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("error")
303        fnode.assert_attr(message='failed on teardown with "ValueError: Error reason"')
304        assert "ValueError" in fnode.toxml()
306    @parametrize_families
307    def test_call_failure_teardown_error(self, testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
308        testdir.makepyfile(
309            """
310            import pytest
312            @pytest.fixture
313            def arg():
314                yield
315                raise Exception("Teardown Exception")
316            def test_function(arg):
317                raise Exception("Call Exception")
318        """
319        )
320        result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
321        assert result.ret
322        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
323        node.assert_attr(errors=1, failures=1, tests=1)
324        first, second = dom.find_by_tag("testcase")
325        assert first
326        assert second
327        assert first != second
328        fnode = first.find_first_by_tag("failure")
329        fnode.assert_attr(message="Exception: Call Exception")
330        snode = second.find_first_by_tag("error")
331        snode.assert_attr(
332            message='failed on teardown with "Exception: Teardown Exception"'
333        )
335    @parametrize_families
336    def test_skip_contains_name_reason(self, testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
337        testdir.makepyfile(
338            """
339            import pytest
340            def test_skip():
341                pytest.skip("hello23")
342        """
343        )
344        result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
345        assert result.ret == 0
346        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
347        node.assert_attr(skipped=1)
348        tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
349        tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_skip_contains_name_reason", name="test_skip")
350        snode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("skipped")
351        snode.assert_attr(type="pytest.skip", message="hello23")
353    @parametrize_families
354    def test_mark_skip_contains_name_reason(self, testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
355        testdir.makepyfile(
356            """
357            import pytest
358            @pytest.mark.skip(reason="hello24")
359            def test_skip():
360                assert True
361        """
362        )
363        result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
364        assert result.ret == 0
365        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
366        node.assert_attr(skipped=1)
367        tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
368        tnode.assert_attr(
369            classname="test_mark_skip_contains_name_reason", name="test_skip"
370        )
371        snode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("skipped")
372        snode.assert_attr(type="pytest.skip", message="hello24")
374    @parametrize_families
375    def test_mark_skipif_contains_name_reason(
376        self, testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family
377    ):
378        testdir.makepyfile(
379            """
380            import pytest
381            GLOBAL_CONDITION = True
382            @pytest.mark.skipif(GLOBAL_CONDITION, reason="hello25")
383            def test_skip():
384                assert True
385        """
386        )
387        result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
388        assert result.ret == 0
389        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
390        node.assert_attr(skipped=1)
391        tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
392        tnode.assert_attr(
393            classname="test_mark_skipif_contains_name_reason", name="test_skip"
394        )
395        snode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("skipped")
396        snode.assert_attr(type="pytest.skip", message="hello25")
398    @parametrize_families
399    def test_mark_skip_doesnt_capture_output(
400        self, testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family
401    ):
402        testdir.makepyfile(
403            """
404            import pytest
405            @pytest.mark.skip(reason="foo")
406            def test_skip():
407                print("bar!")
408        """
409        )
410        result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
411        assert result.ret == 0
412        node_xml = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite").toxml()
413        assert "bar!" not in node_xml
415    @parametrize_families
416    def test_classname_instance(self, testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
417        testdir.makepyfile(
418            """
419            class TestClass(object):
420                def test_method(self):
421                    assert 0
422        """
423        )
424        result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
425        assert result.ret
426        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
427        node.assert_attr(failures=1)
428        tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
429        tnode.assert_attr(
430            classname="test_classname_instance.TestClass", name="test_method"
431        )
433    @parametrize_families
434    def test_classname_nested_dir(self, testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
435        p = testdir.tmpdir.ensure("sub", "test_hello.py")
436        p.write("def test_func(): 0/0")
437        result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
438        assert result.ret
439        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
440        node.assert_attr(failures=1)
441        tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
442        tnode.assert_attr(classname="sub.test_hello", name="test_func")
444    @parametrize_families
445    def test_internal_error(self, testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
446        testdir.makeconftest("def pytest_runtest_protocol(): 0 / 0")
447        testdir.makepyfile("def test_function(): pass")
448        result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
449        assert result.ret
450        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
451        node.assert_attr(errors=1, tests=1)
452        tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
453        tnode.assert_attr(classname="pytest", name="internal")
454        fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("error")
455        fnode.assert_attr(message="internal error")
456        assert "Division" in fnode.toxml()
458    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
459        "junit_logging", ["no", "log", "system-out", "system-err", "out-err", "all"]
460    )
461    @parametrize_families
462    def test_failure_function(
463        self, testdir, junit_logging, run_and_parse, xunit_family
464    ):
465        testdir.makepyfile(
466            """
467            import logging
468            import sys
470            def test_fail():
471                print("hello-stdout")
472                sys.stderr.write("hello-stderr\\n")
473                logging.info('info msg')
474                logging.warning('warning msg')
475                raise ValueError(42)
476        """
477        )
479        result, dom = run_and_parse(
480            "-o", "junit_logging=%s" % junit_logging, family=xunit_family
481        )
482        assert result.ret, "Expected ret > 0"
483        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
484        node.assert_attr(failures=1, tests=1)
485        tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
486        tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_failure_function", name="test_fail")
487        fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("failure")
488        fnode.assert_attr(message="ValueError: 42")
489        assert "ValueError" in fnode.toxml(), "ValueError not included"
491        if junit_logging in ["log", "all"]:
492            logdata = tnode.find_first_by_tag("system-out")
493            log_xml = logdata.toxml()
494            assert logdata.tag == "system-out", "Expected tag: system-out"
495            assert "info msg" not in log_xml, "Unexpected INFO message"
496            assert "warning msg" in log_xml, "Missing WARN message"
497        if junit_logging in ["system-out", "out-err", "all"]:
498            systemout = tnode.find_first_by_tag("system-out")
499            systemout_xml = systemout.toxml()
500            assert systemout.tag == "system-out", "Expected tag: system-out"
501            assert "info msg" not in systemout_xml, "INFO message found in system-out"
502            assert (
503                "hello-stdout" in systemout_xml
504            ), "Missing 'hello-stdout' in system-out"
505        if junit_logging in ["system-err", "out-err", "all"]:
506            systemerr = tnode.find_first_by_tag("system-err")
507            systemerr_xml = systemerr.toxml()
508            assert systemerr.tag == "system-err", "Expected tag: system-err"
509            assert "info msg" not in systemerr_xml, "INFO message found in system-err"
510            assert (
511                "hello-stderr" in systemerr_xml
512            ), "Missing 'hello-stderr' in system-err"
513            assert (
514                "warning msg" not in systemerr_xml
515            ), "WARN message found in system-err"
516        if junit_logging == "no":
517            assert not tnode.find_by_tag("log"), "Found unexpected content: log"
518            assert not tnode.find_by_tag(
519                "system-out"
520            ), "Found unexpected content: system-out"
521            assert not tnode.find_by_tag(
522                "system-err"
523            ), "Found unexpected content: system-err"
525    @parametrize_families
526    def test_failure_verbose_message(self, testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
527        testdir.makepyfile(
528            """
529            import sys
530            def test_fail():
531                assert 0, "An error"
532        """
533        )
534        result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
535        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
536        tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
537        fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("failure")
538        fnode.assert_attr(message="AssertionError: An error\nassert 0")
540    @parametrize_families
541    def test_failure_escape(self, testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
542        testdir.makepyfile(
543            """
544            import pytest
545            @pytest.mark.parametrize('arg1', "<&'", ids="<&'")
546            def test_func(arg1):
547                print(arg1)
548                assert 0
549        """
550        )
551        result, dom = run_and_parse(
552            "-o", "junit_logging=system-out", family=xunit_family
553        )
554        assert result.ret
555        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
556        node.assert_attr(failures=3, tests=3)
558        for index, char in enumerate("<&'"):
560            tnode = node.find_nth_by_tag("testcase", index)
561            tnode.assert_attr(
562                classname="test_failure_escape", name="test_func[%s]" % char
563            )
564            sysout = tnode.find_first_by_tag("system-out")
565            text = sysout.text
566            assert "%s\n" % char in text
568    @parametrize_families
569    def test_junit_prefixing(self, testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
570        testdir.makepyfile(
571            """
572            def test_func():
573                assert 0
574            class TestHello(object):
575                def test_hello(self):
576                    pass
577        """
578        )
579        result, dom = run_and_parse("--junitprefix=xyz", family=xunit_family)
580        assert result.ret
581        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
582        node.assert_attr(failures=1, tests=2)
583        tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
584        tnode.assert_attr(classname="xyz.test_junit_prefixing", name="test_func")
585        tnode = node.find_nth_by_tag("testcase", 1)
586        tnode.assert_attr(
587            classname="xyz.test_junit_prefixing.TestHello", name="test_hello"
588        )
590    @parametrize_families
591    def test_xfailure_function(self, testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
592        testdir.makepyfile(
593            """
594            import pytest
595            def test_xfail():
596                pytest.xfail("42")
597        """
598        )
599        result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
600        assert not result.ret
601        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
602        node.assert_attr(skipped=1, tests=1)
603        tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
604        tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_xfailure_function", name="test_xfail")
605        fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("skipped")
606        fnode.assert_attr(type="pytest.xfail", message="42")
608    @parametrize_families
609    def test_xfailure_marker(self, testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
610        testdir.makepyfile(
611            """
612            import pytest
613            @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="42")
614            def test_xfail():
615                assert False
616        """
617        )
618        result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
619        assert not result.ret
620        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
621        node.assert_attr(skipped=1, tests=1)
622        tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
623        tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_xfailure_marker", name="test_xfail")
624        fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("skipped")
625        fnode.assert_attr(type="pytest.xfail", message="42")
627    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
628        "junit_logging", ["no", "log", "system-out", "system-err", "out-err", "all"]
629    )
630    def test_xfail_captures_output_once(self, testdir, junit_logging, run_and_parse):
631        testdir.makepyfile(
632            """
633            import sys
634            import pytest
636            @pytest.mark.xfail()
637            def test_fail():
638                sys.stdout.write('XFAIL This is stdout')
639                sys.stderr.write('XFAIL This is stderr')
640                assert 0
641        """
642        )
643        result, dom = run_and_parse("-o", "junit_logging=%s" % junit_logging)
644        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
645        tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
646        if junit_logging in ["system-err", "out-err", "all"]:
647            assert len(tnode.find_by_tag("system-err")) == 1
648        else:
649            assert len(tnode.find_by_tag("system-err")) == 0
651        if junit_logging in ["log", "system-out", "out-err", "all"]:
652            assert len(tnode.find_by_tag("system-out")) == 1
653        else:
654            assert len(tnode.find_by_tag("system-out")) == 0
656    @parametrize_families
657    def test_xfailure_xpass(self, testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
658        testdir.makepyfile(
659            """
660            import pytest
661            @pytest.mark.xfail
662            def test_xpass():
663                pass
664        """
665        )
666        result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
667        # assert result.ret
668        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
669        node.assert_attr(skipped=0, tests=1)
670        tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
671        tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_xfailure_xpass", name="test_xpass")
673    @parametrize_families
674    def test_xfailure_xpass_strict(self, testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
675        testdir.makepyfile(
676            """
677            import pytest
678            @pytest.mark.xfail(strict=True, reason="This needs to fail!")
679            def test_xpass():
680                pass
681        """
682        )
683        result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
684        # assert result.ret
685        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
686        node.assert_attr(skipped=0, tests=1)
687        tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
688        tnode.assert_attr(classname="test_xfailure_xpass_strict", name="test_xpass")
689        fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("failure")
690        fnode.assert_attr(message="[XPASS(strict)] This needs to fail!")
692    @parametrize_families
693    def test_collect_error(self, testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
694        testdir.makepyfile("syntax error")
695        result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
696        assert result.ret
697        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
698        node.assert_attr(errors=1, tests=1)
699        tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
700        fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("error")
701        fnode.assert_attr(message="collection failure")
702        assert "SyntaxError" in fnode.toxml()
704    def test_unicode(self, testdir, run_and_parse):
705        value = "hx\xc4\x85\xc4\x87\n"
706        testdir.makepyfile(
707            """\
708            # coding: latin1
709            def test_hello():
710                print(%r)
711                assert 0
712            """
713            % value
714        )
715        result, dom = run_and_parse()
716        assert result.ret == 1
717        tnode = dom.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
718        fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("failure")
719        assert "hx" in fnode.toxml()
721    def test_assertion_binchars(self, testdir, run_and_parse):
722        """This test did fail when the escaping wasn't strict."""
723        testdir.makepyfile(
724            """
726            M1 = '\x01\x02\x03\x04'
727            M2 = '\x01\x02\x03\x05'
729            def test_str_compare():
730                assert M1 == M2
731            """
732        )
733        result, dom = run_and_parse()
734        print(dom.toxml())
736    @pytest.mark.parametrize("junit_logging", ["no", "system-out"])
737    def test_pass_captures_stdout(self, testdir, run_and_parse, junit_logging):
738        testdir.makepyfile(
739            """
740            def test_pass():
741                print('hello-stdout')
742        """
743        )
744        result, dom = run_and_parse("-o", "junit_logging=%s" % junit_logging)
745        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
746        pnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
747        if junit_logging == "no":
748            assert not node.find_by_tag(
749                "system-out"
750            ), "system-out should not be generated"
751        if junit_logging == "system-out":
752            systemout = pnode.find_first_by_tag("system-out")
753            assert (
754                "hello-stdout" in systemout.toxml()
755            ), "'hello-stdout' should be in system-out"
757    @pytest.mark.parametrize("junit_logging", ["no", "system-err"])
758    def test_pass_captures_stderr(self, testdir, run_and_parse, junit_logging):
759        testdir.makepyfile(
760            """
761            import sys
762            def test_pass():
763                sys.stderr.write('hello-stderr')
764        """
765        )
766        result, dom = run_and_parse("-o", "junit_logging=%s" % junit_logging)
767        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
768        pnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
769        if junit_logging == "no":
770            assert not node.find_by_tag(
771                "system-err"
772            ), "system-err should not be generated"
773        if junit_logging == "system-err":
774            systemerr = pnode.find_first_by_tag("system-err")
775            assert (
776                "hello-stderr" in systemerr.toxml()
777            ), "'hello-stderr' should be in system-err"
779    @pytest.mark.parametrize("junit_logging", ["no", "system-out"])
780    def test_setup_error_captures_stdout(self, testdir, run_and_parse, junit_logging):
781        testdir.makepyfile(
782            """
783            import pytest
785            @pytest.fixture
786            def arg(request):
787                print('hello-stdout')
788                raise ValueError()
789            def test_function(arg):
790                pass
791        """
792        )
793        result, dom = run_and_parse("-o", "junit_logging=%s" % junit_logging)
794        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
795        pnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
796        if junit_logging == "no":
797            assert not node.find_by_tag(
798                "system-out"
799            ), "system-out should not be generated"
800        if junit_logging == "system-out":
801            systemout = pnode.find_first_by_tag("system-out")
802            assert (
803                "hello-stdout" in systemout.toxml()
804            ), "'hello-stdout' should be in system-out"
806    @pytest.mark.parametrize("junit_logging", ["no", "system-err"])
807    def test_setup_error_captures_stderr(self, testdir, run_and_parse, junit_logging):
808        testdir.makepyfile(
809            """
810            import sys
811            import pytest
813            @pytest.fixture
814            def arg(request):
815                sys.stderr.write('hello-stderr')
816                raise ValueError()
817            def test_function(arg):
818                pass
819        """
820        )
821        result, dom = run_and_parse("-o", "junit_logging=%s" % junit_logging)
822        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
823        pnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
824        if junit_logging == "no":
825            assert not node.find_by_tag(
826                "system-err"
827            ), "system-err should not be generated"
828        if junit_logging == "system-err":
829            systemerr = pnode.find_first_by_tag("system-err")
830            assert (
831                "hello-stderr" in systemerr.toxml()
832            ), "'hello-stderr' should be in system-err"
834    @pytest.mark.parametrize("junit_logging", ["no", "system-out"])
835    def test_avoid_double_stdout(self, testdir, run_and_parse, junit_logging):
836        testdir.makepyfile(
837            """
838            import sys
839            import pytest
841            @pytest.fixture
842            def arg(request):
843                yield
844                sys.stdout.write('hello-stdout teardown')
845                raise ValueError()
846            def test_function(arg):
847                sys.stdout.write('hello-stdout call')
848        """
849        )
850        result, dom = run_and_parse("-o", "junit_logging=%s" % junit_logging)
851        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
852        pnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
853        if junit_logging == "no":
854            assert not node.find_by_tag(
855                "system-out"
856            ), "system-out should not be generated"
857        if junit_logging == "system-out":
858            systemout = pnode.find_first_by_tag("system-out")
859            assert "hello-stdout call" in systemout.toxml()
860            assert "hello-stdout teardown" in systemout.toxml()
863def test_mangle_test_address():
864    from _pytest.junitxml import mangle_test_address
866    address = "::".join(["a/my.py.thing.py", "Class", "()", "method", "[a-1-::]"])
867    newnames = mangle_test_address(address)
868    assert newnames == ["a.my.py.thing", "Class", "method", "[a-1-::]"]
871def test_dont_configure_on_workers(tmpdir) -> None:
872    gotten = []  # type: List[object]
874    class FakeConfig:
875        if TYPE_CHECKING:
876            workerinput = None
878        def __init__(self):
879            self.pluginmanager = self
880            self.option = self
881            self._store = Store()
883        def getini(self, name):
884            return "pytest"
886        junitprefix = None
887        # XXX: shouldn't need tmpdir ?
888        xmlpath = str(tmpdir.join("junix.xml"))
889        register = gotten.append
891    fake_config = cast(Config, FakeConfig())
892    from _pytest import junitxml
894    junitxml.pytest_configure(fake_config)
895    assert len(gotten) == 1
896    FakeConfig.workerinput = None
897    junitxml.pytest_configure(fake_config)
898    assert len(gotten) == 1
901class TestNonPython:
902    @parametrize_families
903    def test_summing_simple(self, testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
904        testdir.makeconftest(
905            """
906            import pytest
907            def pytest_collect_file(path, parent):
908                if path.ext == ".xyz":
909                    return MyItem.from_parent(name=path.basename, parent=parent)
910            class MyItem(pytest.Item):
911                def runtest(self):
912                    raise ValueError(42)
913                def repr_failure(self, excinfo):
914                    return "custom item runtest failed"
915        """
916        )
917        testdir.tmpdir.join("myfile.xyz").write("hello")
918        result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
919        assert result.ret
920        node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
921        node.assert_attr(errors=0, failures=1, skipped=0, tests=1)
922        tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
923        tnode.assert_attr(name="myfile.xyz")
924        fnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("failure")
925        fnode.assert_attr(message="custom item runtest failed")
926        assert "custom item runtest failed" in fnode.toxml()
929@pytest.mark.parametrize("junit_logging", ["no", "system-out"])
930def test_nullbyte(testdir, junit_logging):
931    # A null byte can not occur in XML (see section 2.2 of the spec)
932    testdir.makepyfile(
933        """
934        import sys
935        def test_print_nullbyte():
936            sys.stdout.write('Here the null -->' + chr(0) + '<--')
937            sys.stdout.write('In repr form -->' + repr(chr(0)) + '<--')
938            assert False
939    """
940    )
941    xmlf = testdir.tmpdir.join("junit.xml")
942    testdir.runpytest("--junitxml=%s" % xmlf, "-o", "junit_logging=%s" % junit_logging)
943    text = xmlf.read()
944    assert "\x00" not in text
945    if junit_logging == "system-out":
946        assert "#x00" in text
947    if junit_logging == "no":
948        assert "#x00" not in text
951@pytest.mark.parametrize("junit_logging", ["no", "system-out"])
952def test_nullbyte_replace(testdir, junit_logging):
953    # Check if the null byte gets replaced
954    testdir.makepyfile(
955        """
956        import sys
957        def test_print_nullbyte():
958            sys.stdout.write('Here the null -->' + chr(0) + '<--')
959            sys.stdout.write('In repr form -->' + repr(chr(0)) + '<--')
960            assert False
961    """
962    )
963    xmlf = testdir.tmpdir.join("junit.xml")
964    testdir.runpytest("--junitxml=%s" % xmlf, "-o", "junit_logging=%s" % junit_logging)
965    text = xmlf.read()
966    if junit_logging == "system-out":
967        assert "#x0" in text
968    if junit_logging == "no":
969        assert "#x0" not in text
972def test_invalid_xml_escape():
973    # Test some more invalid xml chars, the full range should be
974    # tested really but let's just test the edges of the ranges
975    # instead.
976    # XXX This only tests low unicode character points for now as
977    #     there are some issues with the testing infrastructure for
978    #     the higher ones.
979    # XXX Testing 0xD (\r) is tricky as it overwrites the just written
980    #     line in the output, so we skip it too.
981    invalid = (
982        0x00,
983        0x1,
984        0xB,
985        0xC,
986        0xE,
987        0x19,
988        27,  # issue #126
989        0xD800,
990        0xDFFF,
991        0xFFFE,
992        0x0FFFF,
993    )  # , 0x110000)
994    valid = (0x9, 0xA, 0x20)
995    # 0xD, 0xD7FF, 0xE000, 0xFFFD, 0x10000, 0x10FFFF)
997    for i in invalid:
998        got = bin_xml_escape(chr(i))
999        if i <= 0xFF:
1000            expected = "#x%02X" % i
1001        else:
1002            expected = "#x%04X" % i
1003        assert got == expected
1004    for i in valid:
1005        assert chr(i) == bin_xml_escape(chr(i))
1008def test_logxml_path_expansion(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
1009    home_tilde = py.path.local(os.path.expanduser("~")).join("test.xml")
1010    xml_tilde = LogXML("~%stest.xml" % tmpdir.sep, None)
1011    assert xml_tilde.logfile == home_tilde
1013    monkeypatch.setenv("HOME", str(tmpdir))
1014    home_var = os.path.normpath(os.path.expandvars("$HOME/test.xml"))
1015    xml_var = LogXML("$HOME%stest.xml" % tmpdir.sep, None)
1016    assert xml_var.logfile == home_var
1019def test_logxml_changingdir(testdir):
1020    testdir.makepyfile(
1021        """
1022        def test_func():
1023            import os
1024            os.chdir("a")
1025    """
1026    )
1027    testdir.tmpdir.mkdir("a")
1028    result = testdir.runpytest("--junitxml=a/x.xml")
1029    assert result.ret == 0
1030    assert testdir.tmpdir.join("a/x.xml").check()
1033def test_logxml_makedir(testdir):
1034    """--junitxml should automatically create directories for the xml file"""
1035    testdir.makepyfile(
1036        """
1037        def test_pass():
1038            pass
1039    """
1040    )
1041    result = testdir.runpytest("--junitxml=path/to/results.xml")
1042    assert result.ret == 0
1043    assert testdir.tmpdir.join("path/to/results.xml").check()
1046def test_logxml_check_isdir(testdir):
1047    """Give an error if --junit-xml is a directory (#2089)"""
1048    result = testdir.runpytest("--junit-xml=.")
1049    result.stderr.fnmatch_lines(["*--junitxml must be a filename*"])
1052def test_escaped_parametrized_names_xml(testdir, run_and_parse):
1053    testdir.makepyfile(
1054        """\
1055        import pytest
1056        @pytest.mark.parametrize('char', ["\\x00"])
1057        def test_func(char):
1058            assert char
1059        """
1060    )
1061    result, dom = run_and_parse()
1062    assert result.ret == 0
1063    node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
1064    node.assert_attr(name="test_func[\\x00]")
1067def test_double_colon_split_function_issue469(testdir, run_and_parse):
1068    testdir.makepyfile(
1069        """
1070        import pytest
1071        @pytest.mark.parametrize('param', ["double::colon"])
1072        def test_func(param):
1073            pass
1074    """
1075    )
1076    result, dom = run_and_parse()
1077    assert result.ret == 0
1078    node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
1079    node.assert_attr(classname="test_double_colon_split_function_issue469")
1080    node.assert_attr(name="test_func[double::colon]")
1083def test_double_colon_split_method_issue469(testdir, run_and_parse):
1084    testdir.makepyfile(
1085        """
1086        import pytest
1087        class TestClass(object):
1088            @pytest.mark.parametrize('param', ["double::colon"])
1089            def test_func(self, param):
1090                pass
1091    """
1092    )
1093    result, dom = run_and_parse()
1094    assert result.ret == 0
1095    node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
1096    node.assert_attr(classname="test_double_colon_split_method_issue469.TestClass")
1097    node.assert_attr(name="test_func[double::colon]")
1100def test_unicode_issue368(testdir) -> None:
1101    path = testdir.tmpdir.join("test.xml")
1102    log = LogXML(str(path), None)
1103    ustr = "ВНИ!"
1105    class Report(BaseReport):
1106        longrepr = ustr
1107        sections = []  # type: List[Tuple[str, str]]
1108        nodeid = "something"
1109        location = "tests/filename.py", 42, "TestClass.method"
1111    test_report = cast(TestReport, Report())
1113    # hopefully this is not too brittle ...
1114    log.pytest_sessionstart()
1115    node_reporter = log._opentestcase(test_report)
1116    node_reporter.append_failure(test_report)
1117    node_reporter.append_collect_error(test_report)
1118    node_reporter.append_collect_skipped(test_report)
1119    node_reporter.append_error(test_report)
1120    test_report.longrepr = "filename", 1, ustr
1121    node_reporter.append_skipped(test_report)
1122    test_report.longrepr = "filename", 1, "Skipped: 卡嘣嘣"
1123    node_reporter.append_skipped(test_report)
1124    test_report.wasxfail = ustr  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
1125    node_reporter.append_skipped(test_report)
1126    log.pytest_sessionfinish()
1129def test_record_property(testdir, run_and_parse):
1130    testdir.makepyfile(
1131        """
1132        import pytest
1134        @pytest.fixture
1135        def other(record_property):
1136            record_property("bar", 1)
1137        def test_record(record_property, other):
1138            record_property("foo", "<1");
1139    """
1140    )
1141    result, dom = run_and_parse()
1142    node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
1143    tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
1144    psnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("properties")
1145    pnodes = psnode.find_by_tag("property")
1146    pnodes[0].assert_attr(name="bar", value="1")
1147    pnodes[1].assert_attr(name="foo", value="<1")
1148    result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*= 1 passed in *"])
1151def test_record_property_same_name(testdir, run_and_parse):
1152    testdir.makepyfile(
1153        """
1154        def test_record_with_same_name(record_property):
1155            record_property("foo", "bar")
1156            record_property("foo", "baz")
1157    """
1158    )
1159    result, dom = run_and_parse()
1160    node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
1161    tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
1162    psnode = tnode.find_first_by_tag("properties")
1163    pnodes = psnode.find_by_tag("property")
1164    pnodes[0].assert_attr(name="foo", value="bar")
1165    pnodes[1].assert_attr(name="foo", value="baz")
1168@pytest.mark.parametrize("fixture_name", ["record_property", "record_xml_attribute"])
1169def test_record_fixtures_without_junitxml(testdir, fixture_name):
1170    testdir.makepyfile(
1171        """
1172        def test_record({fixture_name}):
1173            {fixture_name}("foo", "bar")
1174    """.format(
1175            fixture_name=fixture_name
1176        )
1177    )
1178    result = testdir.runpytest()
1179    assert result.ret == 0
1183def test_record_attribute(testdir, run_and_parse):
1184    testdir.makeini(
1185        """
1186        [pytest]
1187        junit_family = xunit1
1188    """
1189    )
1190    testdir.makepyfile(
1191        """
1192        import pytest
1194        @pytest.fixture
1195        def other(record_xml_attribute):
1196            record_xml_attribute("bar", 1)
1197        def test_record(record_xml_attribute, other):
1198            record_xml_attribute("foo", "<1");
1199    """
1200    )
1201    result, dom = run_and_parse()
1202    node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
1203    tnode = node.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
1204    tnode.assert_attr(bar="1")
1205    tnode.assert_attr(foo="<1")
1206    result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(
1207        ["*test_record_attribute.py:6:*record_xml_attribute is an experimental feature"]
1208    )
1212@pytest.mark.parametrize("fixture_name", ["record_xml_attribute", "record_property"])
1213def test_record_fixtures_xunit2(testdir, fixture_name, run_and_parse):
1214    """Ensure record_xml_attribute and record_property drop values when outside of legacy family."""
1215    testdir.makeini(
1216        """
1217        [pytest]
1218        junit_family = xunit2
1219    """
1220    )
1221    testdir.makepyfile(
1222        """
1223        import pytest
1225        @pytest.fixture
1226        def other({fixture_name}):
1227            {fixture_name}("bar", 1)
1228        def test_record({fixture_name}, other):
1229            {fixture_name}("foo", "<1");
1230    """.format(
1231            fixture_name=fixture_name
1232        )
1233    )
1235    result, dom = run_and_parse(family=None)
1236    expected_lines = []
1237    if fixture_name == "record_xml_attribute":
1238        expected_lines.append(
1239            "*test_record_fixtures_xunit2.py:6:*record_xml_attribute is an experimental feature"
1240        )
1241    expected_lines = [
1242        "*test_record_fixtures_xunit2.py:6:*{fixture_name} is incompatible "
1243        "with junit_family 'xunit2' (use 'legacy' or 'xunit1')".format(
1244            fixture_name=fixture_name
1245        )
1246    ]
1247    result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(expected_lines)
1250def test_random_report_log_xdist(testdir, monkeypatch, run_and_parse):
1251    """`xdist` calls pytest_runtest_logreport as they are executed by the workers,
1252    with nodes from several nodes overlapping, so junitxml must cope with that
1253    to produce correct reports (#1064)."""
1254    pytest.importorskip("xdist")
1255    monkeypatch.delenv("PYTEST_DISABLE_PLUGIN_AUTOLOAD", raising=False)
1256    testdir.makepyfile(
1257        """
1258        import pytest, time
1259        @pytest.mark.parametrize('i', list(range(30)))
1260        def test_x(i):
1261            assert i != 22
1262    """
1263    )
1264    _, dom = run_and_parse("-n2")
1265    suite_node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
1266    failed = []
1267    for case_node in suite_node.find_by_tag("testcase"):
1268        if case_node.find_first_by_tag("failure"):
1269            failed.append(case_node["name"])
1271    assert failed == ["test_x[22]"]
1275def test_root_testsuites_tag(testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
1276    testdir.makepyfile(
1277        """
1278        def test_x():
1279            pass
1280    """
1281    )
1282    _, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
1283    root = dom.get_unique_child
1284    assert root.tag == "testsuites"
1285    suite_node = root.get_unique_child
1286    assert suite_node.tag == "testsuite"
1289def test_runs_twice(testdir, run_and_parse):
1290    f = testdir.makepyfile(
1291        """
1292        def test_pass():
1293            pass
1294    """
1295    )
1297    result, dom = run_and_parse(f, f)
1298    result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*INTERNALERROR*")
1299    first, second = [x["classname"] for x in dom.find_by_tag("testcase")]
1300    assert first == second
1303def test_runs_twice_xdist(testdir, run_and_parse):
1304    pytest.importorskip("xdist")
1305    testdir.monkeypatch.delenv("PYTEST_DISABLE_PLUGIN_AUTOLOAD")
1306    f = testdir.makepyfile(
1307        """
1308        def test_pass():
1309            pass
1310    """
1311    )
1313    result, dom = run_and_parse(f, "--dist", "each", "--tx", "2*popen")
1314    result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*INTERNALERROR*")
1315    first, second = [x["classname"] for x in dom.find_by_tag("testcase")]
1316    assert first == second
1319def test_fancy_items_regression(testdir, run_and_parse):
1320    # issue 1259
1321    testdir.makeconftest(
1322        """
1323        import pytest
1324        class FunItem(pytest.Item):
1325            def runtest(self):
1326                pass
1327        class NoFunItem(pytest.Item):
1328            def runtest(self):
1329                pass
1331        class FunCollector(pytest.File):
1332            def collect(self):
1333                return [
1334                    FunItem.from_parent(name='a', parent=self),
1335                    NoFunItem.from_parent(name='a', parent=self),
1336                    NoFunItem.from_parent(name='b', parent=self),
1337                ]
1339        def pytest_collect_file(path, parent):
1340            if path.check(ext='.py'):
1341                return FunCollector.from_parent(fspath=path, parent=parent)
1342    """
1343    )
1345    testdir.makepyfile(
1346        """
1347        def test_pass():
1348            pass
1349    """
1350    )
1352    result, dom = run_and_parse()
1354    result.stdout.no_fnmatch_line("*INTERNALERROR*")
1356    items = sorted("%(classname)s %(name)s" % x for x in dom.find_by_tag("testcase"))
1357    import pprint
1359    pprint.pprint(items)
1360    assert items == [
1361        "conftest a",
1362        "conftest a",
1363        "conftest b",
1364        "test_fancy_items_regression a",
1365        "test_fancy_items_regression a",
1366        "test_fancy_items_regression b",
1367        "test_fancy_items_regression test_pass",
1368    ]
1372def test_global_properties(testdir, xunit_family) -> None:
1373    path = testdir.tmpdir.join("test_global_properties.xml")
1374    log = LogXML(str(path), None, family=xunit_family)
1376    class Report(BaseReport):
1377        sections = []  # type: List[Tuple[str, str]]
1378        nodeid = "test_node_id"
1380    log.pytest_sessionstart()
1381    log.add_global_property("foo", "1")
1382    log.add_global_property("bar", "2")
1383    log.pytest_sessionfinish()
1385    dom = minidom.parse(str(path))
1387    properties = dom.getElementsByTagName("properties")
1389    assert properties.length == 1, "There must be one <properties> node"
1391    property_list = dom.getElementsByTagName("property")
1393    assert property_list.length == 2, "There most be only 2 property nodes"
1395    expected = {"foo": "1", "bar": "2"}
1396    actual = {}
1398    for p in property_list:
1399        k = str(p.getAttribute("name"))
1400        v = str(p.getAttribute("value"))
1401        actual[k] = v
1403    assert actual == expected
1406def test_url_property(testdir) -> None:
1407    test_url = "http://www.github.com/pytest-dev"
1408    path = testdir.tmpdir.join("test_url_property.xml")
1409    log = LogXML(str(path), None)
1411    class Report(BaseReport):
1412        longrepr = "FooBarBaz"
1413        sections = []  # type: List[Tuple[str, str]]
1414        nodeid = "something"
1415        location = "tests/filename.py", 42, "TestClass.method"
1416        url = test_url
1418    test_report = cast(TestReport, Report())
1420    log.pytest_sessionstart()
1421    node_reporter = log._opentestcase(test_report)
1422    node_reporter.append_failure(test_report)
1423    log.pytest_sessionfinish()
1425    test_case = minidom.parse(str(path)).getElementsByTagName("testcase")[0]
1427    assert (
1428        test_case.getAttribute("url") == test_url
1429    ), "The URL did not get written to the xml"
1433def test_record_testsuite_property(testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
1434    testdir.makepyfile(
1435        """
1436        def test_func1(record_testsuite_property):
1437            record_testsuite_property("stats", "all good")
1439        def test_func2(record_testsuite_property):
1440            record_testsuite_property("stats", 10)
1441    """
1442    )
1443    result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
1444    assert result.ret == 0
1445    node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
1446    properties_node = node.find_first_by_tag("properties")
1447    p1_node = properties_node.find_nth_by_tag("property", 0)
1448    p2_node = properties_node.find_nth_by_tag("property", 1)
1449    p1_node.assert_attr(name="stats", value="all good")
1450    p2_node.assert_attr(name="stats", value="10")
1453def test_record_testsuite_property_junit_disabled(testdir):
1454    testdir.makepyfile(
1455        """
1456        def test_func1(record_testsuite_property):
1457            record_testsuite_property("stats", "all good")
1458    """
1459    )
1460    result = testdir.runpytest()
1461    assert result.ret == 0
1464@pytest.mark.parametrize("junit", [True, False])
1465def test_record_testsuite_property_type_checking(testdir, junit):
1466    testdir.makepyfile(
1467        """
1468        def test_func1(record_testsuite_property):
1469            record_testsuite_property(1, 2)
1470    """
1471    )
1472    args = ("--junitxml=tests.xml",) if junit else ()
1473    result = testdir.runpytest(*args)
1474    assert result.ret == 1
1475    result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(
1476        ["*TypeError: name parameter needs to be a string, but int given"]
1477    )
1480@pytest.mark.parametrize("suite_name", ["my_suite", ""])
1482def test_set_suite_name(testdir, suite_name, run_and_parse, xunit_family):
1483    if suite_name:
1484        testdir.makeini(
1485            """
1486            [pytest]
1487            junit_suite_name={suite_name}
1488            junit_family={family}
1489        """.format(
1490                suite_name=suite_name, family=xunit_family
1491            )
1492        )
1493        expected = suite_name
1494    else:
1495        expected = "pytest"
1496    testdir.makepyfile(
1497        """
1498        import pytest
1500        def test_func():
1501            pass
1502    """
1503    )
1504    result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
1505    assert result.ret == 0
1506    node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testsuite")
1507    node.assert_attr(name=expected)
1510def test_escaped_skipreason_issue3533(testdir, run_and_parse):
1511    testdir.makepyfile(
1512        """
1513        import pytest
1514        @pytest.mark.skip(reason='1 <> 2')
1515        def test_skip():
1516            pass
1517    """
1518    )
1519    _, dom = run_and_parse()
1520    node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
1521    snode = node.find_first_by_tag("skipped")
1522    assert "1 <> 2" in snode.text
1523    snode.assert_attr(message="1 <> 2")
1527def test_logging_passing_tests_disabled_does_not_log_test_output(
1528    testdir, run_and_parse, xunit_family
1530    testdir.makeini(
1531        """
1532        [pytest]
1533        junit_log_passing_tests=False
1534        junit_logging=system-out
1535        junit_family={family}
1536    """.format(
1537            family=xunit_family
1538        )
1539    )
1540    testdir.makepyfile(
1541        """
1542        import pytest
1543        import logging
1544        import sys
1546        def test_func():
1547            sys.stdout.write('This is stdout')
1548            sys.stderr.write('This is stderr')
1549            logging.warning('hello')
1550    """
1551    )
1552    result, dom = run_and_parse(family=xunit_family)
1553    assert result.ret == 0
1554    node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
1555    assert len(node.find_by_tag("system-err")) == 0
1556    assert len(node.find_by_tag("system-out")) == 0
1560@pytest.mark.parametrize("junit_logging", ["no", "system-out", "system-err"])
1561def test_logging_passing_tests_disabled_logs_output_for_failing_test_issue5430(
1562    testdir, junit_logging, run_and_parse, xunit_family
1564    testdir.makeini(
1565        """
1566        [pytest]
1567        junit_log_passing_tests=False
1568        junit_family={family}
1569    """.format(
1570            family=xunit_family
1571        )
1572    )
1573    testdir.makepyfile(
1574        """
1575        import pytest
1576        import logging
1577        import sys
1579        def test_func():
1580            logging.warning('hello')
1581            assert 0
1582    """
1583    )
1584    result, dom = run_and_parse(
1585        "-o", "junit_logging=%s" % junit_logging, family=xunit_family
1586    )
1587    assert result.ret == 1
1588    node = dom.find_first_by_tag("testcase")
1589    if junit_logging == "system-out":
1590        assert len(node.find_by_tag("system-err")) == 0
1591        assert len(node.find_by_tag("system-out")) == 1
1592    elif junit_logging == "system-err":
1593        assert len(node.find_by_tag("system-err")) == 1
1594        assert len(node.find_by_tag("system-out")) == 0
1595    else:
1596        assert junit_logging == "no"
1597        assert len(node.find_by_tag("system-err")) == 0
1598        assert len(node.find_by_tag("system-out")) == 0