2Primary classes for performing signing and verification operations.
4.. glossary::
6    raw encoding
7        Conversion of public, private keys and signatures (which in
8        mathematical sense are integers or pairs of integers) to strings of
9        bytes that does not use any special tags or encoding rules.
10        For any given curve, all keys of the same type or signatures will be
11        encoded to byte strings of the same length. In more formal sense,
12        the integers are encoded as big-endian, constant length byte strings,
13        where the string length is determined by the curve order (e.g.
14        for NIST256p the order is 256 bits long, so the private key will be 32
15        bytes long while public key will be 64 bytes long). The encoding of a
16        single integer is zero-padded on the left if the numerical value is
17        low. In case of public keys and signatures, which are comprised of two
18        integers, the integers are simply concatenated.
20    uncompressed
21        The most common formatting specified in PKIX standards. Specified in
22        X9.62 and SEC1 standards. The only difference between it and
23        :term:`raw encoding` is the prepending of a 0x04 byte. Thus an
24        uncompressed NIST256p public key encoding will be 65 bytes long.
26    compressed
27        The public point representation that uses half of bytes of the
28        :term:`uncompressed` encoding (rounded up). It uses the first byte of
29        the encoding to specify the sign of the y coordinate and encodes the
30        x coordinate as-is. The first byte of the encoding is equal to
31        0x02 or 0x03. Compressed encoding of NIST256p public key will be 33
32        bytes long.
34    hybrid
35        A combination of :term:`uncompressed` and :term:`compressed` encodings.
36        Both x and y coordinates are stored just as in :term:`compressed`
37        encoding, but the first byte reflects the sign of the y coordinate. The
38        first byte of the encoding will be equal to 0x06 or 0x7. Hybrid
39        encoding of NIST256p public key will be 65 bytes long.
41    PEM
42        The acronym stands for Privacy Enhanced Email, but currently it is used
43        primarily as the way to encode :term:`DER` objects into text that can
44        be either easily copy-pasted or transferred over email.
45        It uses headers like ``-----BEGIN <type of contents>-----`` and footers
46        like ``-----END <type of contents>-----`` to separate multiple
47        types of objects in the same file or the object from the surrounding
48        comments. The actual object stored is base64 encoded.
50    DER
51        Distinguished Encoding Rules, the way to encode :term:`ASN.1` objects
52        deterministically and uniquely into byte strings.
54    ASN.1
55        Abstract Syntax Notation 1 is a standard description language for
56        specifying serialisation and deserialisation of data structures in a
57        portable and cross-platform way.
59    bytes-like object
60        All the types that implement the buffer protocol. That includes
61        ``str`` (only on python2), ``bytes``, ``bytesarray``, ``array.array`
62        and ``memoryview`` of those objects.
63        Please note that ``array.array` serialisation (converting it to byte
64        string) is endianess dependant! Signature computed over ``array.array``
65        of integers on a big-endian system will not be verified on a
66        little-endian system and vice-versa.
69import binascii
70from hashlib import sha1
71from six import PY3, b
72from . import ecdsa
73from . import der
74from . import rfc6979
75from . import ellipticcurve
76from .curves import NIST192p, find_curve
77from .numbertheory import square_root_mod_prime, SquareRootError
78from .ecdsa import RSZeroError
79from .util import string_to_number, number_to_string, randrange
80from .util import sigencode_string, sigdecode_string
81from .util import oid_ecPublicKey, encoded_oid_ecPublicKey, MalformedSignature
82from ._compat import normalise_bytes
85__all__ = ["BadSignatureError", "BadDigestError", "VerifyingKey", "SigningKey",
86           "MalformedPointError"]
89class BadSignatureError(Exception):
90    """
91    Raised when verification of signature failed.
93    Will be raised irrespective of reason of the failure:
95    * the calculated or provided hash does not match the signature
96    * the signature does not match the curve/public key
97    * the encoding of the signature is malformed
98    * the size of the signature does not match the curve of the VerifyingKey
99    """
101    pass
104class BadDigestError(Exception):
105    """Raised in case the selected hash is too large for the curve."""
107    pass
110class MalformedPointError(AssertionError):
111    """Raised in case the encoding of private or public key is malformed."""
113    pass
116class VerifyingKey(object):
117    """
118    Class for handling keys that can verify signatures (public keys).
120    :ivar ecdsa.curves.Curve curve: The Curve over which all the cryptographic
121        operations will take place
122    :ivar default_hashfunc: the function that will be used for hashing the
123        data. Should implement the same API as hashlib.sha1
124    :vartype default_hashfunc: callable
125    :ivar pubkey: the actual public key
126    :vartype pubkey: ecdsa.ecdsa.Public_key
127    """
129    def __init__(self, _error__please_use_generate=None):
130        """Unsupported, please use one of the classmethods to initialise."""
131        if not _error__please_use_generate:
132            raise TypeError("Please use VerifyingKey.generate() to "
133                            "construct me")
134        self.curve = None
135        self.default_hashfunc = None
136        self.pubkey = None
138    def __repr__(self):
139        pub_key = self.to_string("compressed")
140        return "VerifyingKey.from_string({0!r}, {1!r}, {2})".format(
141            pub_key, self.curve, self.default_hashfunc().name)
143    def __eq__(self, other):
144        """Return True if the points are identical, False otherwise."""
145        if isinstance(other, VerifyingKey):
146            return self.curve == other.curve \
147                and self.pubkey == other.pubkey
148        return NotImplemented
150    @classmethod
151    def from_public_point(cls, point, curve=NIST192p, hashfunc=sha1,
152                          validate_point=True):
153        """
154        Initialise the object from a Point object.
156        This is a low-level method, generally you will not want to use it.
158        :param point: The point to wrap around, the actual public key
159        :type point: ecdsa.ellipticcurve.Point
160        :param curve: The curve on which the point needs to reside, defaults
161            to NIST192p
162        :type curve: ecdsa.curves.Curve
163        :param hashfunc: The default hash function that will be used for
164            verification, needs to implement the same interface
165            as hashlib.sha1
166        :type hashfunc: callable
167        :type bool validate_point: whether to check if the point lies on curve
168            should always be used if the public point is not a result
169            of our own calculation
171        :raises MalformedPointError: if the public point does not lie on the
172            curve
174        :return: Initialised VerifyingKey object
175        :rtype: VerifyingKey
176        """
177        self = cls(_error__please_use_generate=True)
178        if not isinstance(point, ellipticcurve.PointJacobi):
179            point = ellipticcurve.PointJacobi.from_affine(point)
180        self.curve = curve
181        self.default_hashfunc = hashfunc
182        try:
183            self.pubkey = ecdsa.Public_key(curve.generator, point,
184                                           validate_point)
185        except ecdsa.InvalidPointError:
186            raise MalformedPointError("Point does not lie on the curve")
187        self.pubkey.order = curve.order
188        return self
190    def precompute(self):
191        self.pubkey.point = ellipticcurve.PointJacobi.from_affine(
192            self.pubkey.point, True)
194    @staticmethod
195    def _from_raw_encoding(string, curve):
196        """
197        Decode public point from :term:`raw encoding`.
199        :term:`raw encoding` is the same as the :term:`uncompressed` encoding,
200        but without the 0x04 byte at the beginning.
201        """
202        order = curve.order
203        # real assert, from_string() should not call us with different length
204        assert len(string) == curve.verifying_key_length
205        xs = string[:curve.baselen]
206        ys = string[curve.baselen:]
207        if len(xs) != curve.baselen:
208            raise MalformedPointError("Unexpected length of encoded x")
209        if len(ys) != curve.baselen:
210            raise MalformedPointError("Unexpected length of encoded y")
211        x = string_to_number(xs)
212        y = string_to_number(ys)
214        return ellipticcurve.PointJacobi(curve.curve, x, y, 1, order)
216    @staticmethod
217    def _from_compressed(string, curve):
218        """Decode public point from compressed encoding."""
219        if string[:1] not in (b('\x02'), b('\x03')):
220            raise MalformedPointError("Malformed compressed point encoding")
222        is_even = string[:1] == b('\x02')
223        x = string_to_number(string[1:])
224        order = curve.order
225        p = curve.curve.p()
226        alpha = (pow(x, 3, p) + (curve.curve.a() * x) + curve.curve.b()) % p
227        try:
228            beta = square_root_mod_prime(alpha, p)
229        except SquareRootError as e:
230            raise MalformedPointError(
231                "Encoding does not correspond to a point on curve", e)
232        if is_even == bool(beta & 1):
233            y = p - beta
234        else:
235            y = beta
236        return ellipticcurve.PointJacobi(curve.curve, x, y, 1, order)
238    @classmethod
239    def _from_hybrid(cls, string, curve, validate_point):
240        """Decode public point from hybrid encoding."""
241        # real assert, from_string() should not call us with different types
242        assert string[:1] in (b('\x06'), b('\x07'))
244        # primarily use the uncompressed as it's easiest to handle
245        point = cls._from_raw_encoding(string[1:], curve)
247        # but validate if it's self-consistent if we're asked to do that
248        if validate_point \
249                and (point.y() & 1 and string[:1] != b('\x07')
250                     or (not point.y() & 1) and string[:1] != b('\x06')):
251            raise MalformedPointError("Inconsistent hybrid point encoding")
253        return point
255    @classmethod
256    def from_string(cls, string, curve=NIST192p, hashfunc=sha1,
257                    validate_point=True):
258        """
259        Initialise the object from byte encoding of public key.
261        The method does accept and automatically detect the type of point
262        encoding used. It supports the :term:`raw encoding`,
263        :term:`uncompressed`, :term:`compressed` and :term:`hybrid` encodings.
265        Note, while the method is named "from_string" it's a misnomer from
266        Python 2 days when there were no binary strings. In Python 3 the
267        input needs to be a bytes-like object.
269        :param string: single point encoding of the public key
270        :type string: :term:`bytes-like object`
271        :param curve: the curve on which the public key is expected to lie
272        :type curve: ecdsa.curves.Curve
273        :param hashfunc: The default hash function that will be used for
274            verification, needs to implement the same interface as hashlib.sha1
275        :type hashfunc: callable
276        :param validate_point: whether to verify that the point lies on the
277            provided curve or not, defaults to True
278        :type validate_point: bool
280        :raises MalformedPointError: if the public point does not lie on the
281            curve or the encoding is invalid
283        :return: Initialised VerifyingKey object
284        :rtype: VerifyingKey
285        """
286        string = normalise_bytes(string)
287        sig_len = len(string)
288        if sig_len == curve.verifying_key_length:
289            point = cls._from_raw_encoding(string, curve)
290        elif sig_len == curve.verifying_key_length + 1:
291            if string[:1] in (b('\x06'), b('\x07')):
292                point = cls._from_hybrid(string, curve, validate_point)
293            elif string[:1] == b('\x04'):
294                point = cls._from_raw_encoding(string[1:], curve)
295            else:
296                raise MalformedPointError(
297                    "Invalid X9.62 encoding of the public point")
298        elif sig_len == curve.baselen + 1:
299            point = cls._from_compressed(string, curve)
300        else:
301            raise MalformedPointError(
302                "Length of string does not match lengths of "
303                "any of the supported encodings of {0} "
304                "curve.".format(curve.name))
305        return cls.from_public_point(point, curve, hashfunc,
306                                     validate_point)
308    @classmethod
309    def from_pem(cls, string, hashfunc=sha1):
310        """
311        Initialise from public key stored in :term:`PEM` format.
313        The PEM header of the key should be ``BEGIN PUBLIC KEY``.
315        See the :func:`~VerifyingKey.from_der()` method for details of the
316        format supported.
318        Note: only a single PEM object encoding is supported in provided
319        string.
321        :param string: text with PEM-encoded public ECDSA key
322        :type string: str
324        :return: Initialised VerifyingKey object
325        :rtype: VerifyingKey
326        """
327        return cls.from_der(der.unpem(string), hashfunc=hashfunc)
329    @classmethod
330    def from_der(cls, string, hashfunc=sha1):
331        """
332        Initialise the key stored in :term:`DER` format.
334        The expected format of the key is the SubjectPublicKeyInfo structure
335        from RFC5912 (for RSA keys, it's known as the PKCS#1 format)::
337           SubjectPublicKeyInfo {PUBLIC-KEY: IOSet} ::= SEQUENCE {
338               algorithm        AlgorithmIdentifier {PUBLIC-KEY, {IOSet}},
339               subjectPublicKey BIT STRING
340           }
342        Note: only public EC keys are supported by this method. The
343        SubjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithm field must specify
344        id-ecPublicKey (see RFC3279).
346        Only the named curve encoding is supported, thus the
347        SubjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm.parameters field needs to be an
348        object identifier. A sequence in that field indicates an explicit
349        parameter curve encoding, this format is not supported. A NULL object
350        in that field indicates an "implicitlyCA" encoding, where the curve
351        parameters come from CA certificate, those, again, are not supported.
353        :param string: binary string with the DER encoding of public ECDSA key
354        :type string: bytes-like object
356        :return: Initialised VerifyingKey object
357        :rtype: VerifyingKey
358        """
359        string = normalise_bytes(string)
360        # [[oid_ecPublicKey,oid_curve], point_str_bitstring]
361        s1, empty = der.remove_sequence(string)
362        if empty != b"":
363            raise der.UnexpectedDER("trailing junk after DER pubkey: %s" %
364                                    binascii.hexlify(empty))
365        s2, point_str_bitstring = der.remove_sequence(s1)
366        # s2 = oid_ecPublicKey,oid_curve
367        oid_pk, rest = der.remove_object(s2)
368        oid_curve, empty = der.remove_object(rest)
369        if empty != b"":
370            raise der.UnexpectedDER("trailing junk after DER pubkey objects: %s" %
371                                    binascii.hexlify(empty))
372        if not oid_pk == oid_ecPublicKey:
373            raise der.UnexpectedDER("Unexpected object identifier in DER "
374                                    "encoding: {0!r}".format(oid_pk))
375        curve = find_curve(oid_curve)
376        point_str, empty = der.remove_bitstring(point_str_bitstring, 0)
377        if empty != b"":
378            raise der.UnexpectedDER("trailing junk after pubkey pointstring: %s" %
379                                    binascii.hexlify(empty))
380        # raw encoding of point is invalid in DER files
381        if len(point_str) == curve.verifying_key_length:
382            raise der.UnexpectedDER("Malformed encoding of public point")
383        return cls.from_string(point_str, curve, hashfunc=hashfunc)
385    @classmethod
386    def from_public_key_recovery(cls, signature, data, curve, hashfunc=sha1,
387                                 sigdecode=sigdecode_string):
388        """
389        Return keys that can be used as verifiers of the provided signature.
391        Tries to recover the public key that can be used to verify the
392        signature, usually returns two keys like that.
394        :param signature: the byte string with the encoded signature
395        :type signature: bytes-like object
396        :param data: the data to be hashed for signature verification
397        :type data: bytes-like object
398        :param curve: the curve over which the signature was performed
399        :type curve: ecdsa.curves.Curve
400        :param hashfunc: The default hash function that will be used for
401            verification, needs to implement the same interface as hashlib.sha1
402        :type hashfunc: callable
403        :param sigdecode: Callable to define the way the signature needs to
404            be decoded to an object, needs to handle `signature` as the
405            first parameter, the curve order (an int) as the second and return
406            a tuple with two integers, "r" as the first one and "s" as the
407            second one. See :func:`ecdsa.util.sigdecode_string` and
408            :func:`ecdsa.util.sigdecode_der` for examples.
409        :type sigdecode: callable
411        :return: Initialised VerifyingKey objects
412        :rtype: list of VerifyingKey
413        """
414        data = normalise_bytes(data)
415        digest = hashfunc(data).digest()
416        return cls.from_public_key_recovery_with_digest(
417            signature, digest, curve, hashfunc=hashfunc,
418            sigdecode=sigdecode)
420    @classmethod
421    def from_public_key_recovery_with_digest(
422            cls, signature, digest, curve,
423            hashfunc=sha1, sigdecode=sigdecode_string):
424        """
425        Return keys that can be used as verifiers of the provided signature.
427        Tries to recover the public key that can be used to verify the
428        signature, usually returns two keys like that.
430        :param signature: the byte string with the encoded signature
431        :type signature: bytes-like object
432        :param digest: the hash value of the message signed by the signature
433        :type digest: bytes-like object
434        :param curve: the curve over which the signature was performed
435        :type curve: ecdsa.curves.Curve
436        :param hashfunc: The default hash function that will be used for
437            verification, needs to implement the same interface as hashlib.sha1
438        :type hashfunc: callable
439        :param sigdecode: Callable to define the way the signature needs to
440            be decoded to an object, needs to handle `signature` as the
441            first parameter, the curve order (an int) as the second and return
442            a tuple with two integers, "r" as the first one and "s" as the
443            second one. See :func:`ecdsa.util.sigdecode_string` and
444            :func:`ecdsa.util.sigdecode_der` for examples.
445        :type sigdecode: callable
448        :return: Initialised VerifyingKey object
449        :rtype: VerifyingKey
450        """
451        generator = curve.generator
452        r, s = sigdecode(signature, generator.order())
453        sig = ecdsa.Signature(r, s)
455        digest = normalise_bytes(digest)
456        digest_as_number = string_to_number(digest)
457        pks = sig.recover_public_keys(digest_as_number, generator)
459        # Transforms the ecdsa.Public_key object into a VerifyingKey
460        verifying_keys = [cls.from_public_point(pk.point, curve, hashfunc)
461                          for pk in pks]
462        return verifying_keys
464    def _raw_encode(self):
465        """Convert the public key to the :term:`raw encoding`."""
466        order = self.pubkey.order
467        x_str = number_to_string(self.pubkey.point.x(), order)
468        y_str = number_to_string(self.pubkey.point.y(), order)
469        return x_str + y_str
471    def _compressed_encode(self):
472        """Encode the public point into the compressed form."""
473        order = self.pubkey.order
474        x_str = number_to_string(self.pubkey.point.x(), order)
475        if self.pubkey.point.y() & 1:
476            return b('\x03') + x_str
477        else:
478            return b('\x02') + x_str
480    def _hybrid_encode(self):
481        """Encode the public point into the hybrid form."""
482        raw_enc = self._raw_encode()
483        if self.pubkey.point.y() & 1:
484            return b('\x07') + raw_enc
485        else:
486            return b('\x06') + raw_enc
488    def to_string(self, encoding="raw"):
489        """
490        Convert the public key to a byte string.
492        The method by default uses the :term:`raw encoding` (specified
493        by `encoding="raw"`. It can also output keys in :term:`uncompressed`,
494        :term:`compressed` and :term:`hybrid` formats.
496        Remember that the curve identification is not part of the encoding
497        so to decode the point using :func:`~VerifyingKey.from_string`, curve
498        needs to be specified.
500        Note: while the method is called "to_string", it's a misnomer from
501        Python 2 days when character strings and byte strings shared type.
502        On Python 3 the returned type will be `bytes`.
504        :return: :term:`raw encoding` of the public key (public point) on the
505            curve
506        :rtype: bytes
507        """
508        assert encoding in ("raw", "uncompressed", "compressed", "hybrid")
509        if encoding == "raw":
510            return self._raw_encode()
511        elif encoding == "uncompressed":
512            return b('\x04') + self._raw_encode()
513        elif encoding == "hybrid":
514            return self._hybrid_encode()
515        else:
516            return self._compressed_encode()
518    def to_pem(self, point_encoding="uncompressed"):
519        """
520        Convert the public key to the :term:`PEM` format.
522        The PEM header of the key will be ``BEGIN PUBLIC KEY``.
524        The format of the key is described in the
525        :func:`~VerifyingKey.from_der()` method.
526        This method supports only "named curve" encoding of keys.
528        :param str point_encoding: specification of the encoding format
529            of public keys. "uncompressed" is most portable, "compressed" is
530            smallest. "hybrid" is uncommon and unsupported by most
531            implementations, it is as big as "uncompressed".
533        :return: portable encoding of the public key
534        :rtype: str
535        """
536        return der.topem(self.to_der(point_encoding), "PUBLIC KEY")
538    def to_der(self, point_encoding="uncompressed"):
539        """
540        Convert the public key to the :term:`DER` format.
542        The format of the key is described in the
543        :func:`~VerifyingKey.from_der()` method.
544        This method supports only "named curve" encoding of keys.
546        :param str point_encoding: specification of the encoding format
547            of public keys. "uncompressed" is most portable, "compressed" is
548            smallest. "hybrid" is uncommon and unsupported by most
549            implementations, it is as big as "uncompressed".
551        :return: DER encoding of the public key
552        :rtype: bytes
553        """
554        if point_encoding == "raw":
555            raise ValueError("raw point_encoding not allowed in DER")
556        point_str = self.to_string(point_encoding)
557        return der.encode_sequence(der.encode_sequence(encoded_oid_ecPublicKey,
558                                                       self.curve.encoded_oid),
559                                   # 0 is the number of unused bits in the
560                                   # bit string
561                                   der.encode_bitstring(point_str, 0))
563    def verify(self, signature, data, hashfunc=None,
564               sigdecode=sigdecode_string):
565        """
566        Verify a signature made over provided data.
568        Will hash `data` to verify the signature.
570        By default expects signature in :term:`raw encoding`. Can also be used
571        to verify signatures in ASN.1 DER encoding by using
572        :func:`ecdsa.util.sigdecode_der`
573        as the `sigdecode` parameter.
575        :param signature: encoding of the signature
576        :type signature: sigdecode method dependant
577        :param data: data signed by the `signature`, will be hashed using
578            `hashfunc`, if specified, or default hash function
579        :type data: bytes like object
580        :param hashfunc: The default hash function that will be used for
581            verification, needs to implement the same interface as hashlib.sha1
582        :type hashfunc: callable
583        :param sigdecode: Callable to define the way the signature needs to
584            be decoded to an object, needs to handle `signature` as the
585            first parameter, the curve order (an int) as the second and return
586            a tuple with two integers, "r" as the first one and "s" as the
587            second one. See :func:`ecdsa.util.sigdecode_string` and
588            :func:`ecdsa.util.sigdecode_der` for examples.
589        :type sigdecode: callable
591        :raises BadSignatureError: if the signature is invalid or malformed
593        :return: True if the verification was successful
594        :rtype: bool
595        """
596        # signature doesn't have to be a bytes-like-object so don't normalise
597        # it, the decoders will do that
598        data = normalise_bytes(data)
600        hashfunc = hashfunc or self.default_hashfunc
601        digest = hashfunc(data).digest()
602        return self.verify_digest(signature, digest, sigdecode, True)
604    def verify_digest(self, signature, digest, sigdecode=sigdecode_string,
605                      allow_truncate=False):
606        """
607        Verify a signature made over provided hash value.
609        By default expects signature in :term:`raw encoding`. Can also be used
610        to verify signatures in ASN.1 DER encoding by using
611        :func:`ecdsa.util.sigdecode_der`
612        as the `sigdecode` parameter.
614        :param signature: encoding of the signature
615        :type signature: sigdecode method dependant
616        :param digest: raw hash value that the signature authenticates.
617        :type digest: bytes like object
618        :param sigdecode: Callable to define the way the signature needs to
619            be decoded to an object, needs to handle `signature` as the
620            first parameter, the curve order (an int) as the second and return
621            a tuple with two integers, "r" as the first one and "s" as the
622            second one. See :func:`ecdsa.util.sigdecode_string` and
623            :func:`ecdsa.util.sigdecode_der` for examples.
624        :type sigdecode: callable
625        :param bool allow_truncate: if True, the provided digest can have
626            bigger bit-size than the order of the curve, the extra bits (at
627            the end of the digest) will be truncated. Use it when verifying
628            SHA-384 output using NIST256p or in similar situations.
630        :raises BadSignatureError: if the signature is invalid or malformed
631        :raises BadDigestError: if the provided digest is too big for the curve
632            associated with this VerifyingKey and allow_truncate was not set
634        :return: True if the verification was successful
635        :rtype: bool
636        """
637        # signature doesn't have to be a bytes-like-object so don't normalise
638        # it, the decoders will do that
639        digest = normalise_bytes(digest)
640        if allow_truncate:
641            digest = digest[:self.curve.baselen]
642        if len(digest) > self.curve.baselen:
643            raise BadDigestError("this curve (%s) is too short "
644                                 "for your digest (%d)" % (self.curve.name,
645                                                           8 * len(digest)))
646        number = string_to_number(digest)
647        try:
648            r, s = sigdecode(signature, self.pubkey.order)
649        except (der.UnexpectedDER, MalformedSignature) as e:
650            raise BadSignatureError("Malformed formatting of signature", e)
651        sig = ecdsa.Signature(r, s)
652        if self.pubkey.verifies(number, sig):
653            return True
654        raise BadSignatureError("Signature verification failed")
657class SigningKey(object):
658    """
659    Class for handling keys that can create signatures (private keys).
661    :ivar ecdsa.curves.Curve curve: The Curve over which all the cryptographic
662        operations will take place
663    :ivar default_hashfunc: the function that will be used for hashing the
664        data. Should implement the same API as hashlib.sha1
665    :ivar int baselen: the length of a :term:`raw encoding` of private key
666    :ivar ecdsa.keys.VerifyingKey verifying_key: the public key
667        associated with this private key
668    :ivar ecdsa.ecdsa.Private_key privkey: the actual private key
669    """
671    def __init__(self, _error__please_use_generate=None):
672        """Unsupported, please use one of the classmethods to initialise."""
673        if not _error__please_use_generate:
674            raise TypeError("Please use SigningKey.generate() to construct me")
675        self.curve = None
676        self.default_hashfunc = None
677        self.baselen = None
678        self.verifying_key = None
679        self.privkey = None
681    def __eq__(self, other):
682        """Return True if the points are identical, False otherwise."""
683        if isinstance(other, SigningKey):
684            return self.curve == other.curve \
685                and self.verifying_key == other.verifying_key \
686                and self.privkey == other.privkey
687        return NotImplemented
689    @classmethod
690    def generate(cls, curve=NIST192p, entropy=None, hashfunc=sha1):
691        """
692        Generate a random private key.
694        :param curve: The curve on which the point needs to reside, defaults
695            to NIST192p
696        :type curve: ecdsa.curves.Curve
697        :param entropy: Source of randomness for generating the private keys,
698            should provide cryptographically secure random numbers if the keys
699            need to be secure. Uses os.urandom() by default.
700        :type entropy: callable
701        :param hashfunc: The default hash function that will be used for
702            signing, needs to implement the same interface
703            as hashlib.sha1
704        :type hashfunc: callable
706        :return: Initialised SigningKey object
707        :rtype: SigningKey
708        """
709        secexp = randrange(curve.order, entropy)
710        return cls.from_secret_exponent(secexp, curve, hashfunc)
712    @classmethod
713    def from_secret_exponent(cls, secexp, curve=NIST192p, hashfunc=sha1):
714        """
715        Create a private key from a random integer.
717        Note: it's a low level method, it's recommended to use the
718        :func:`~SigningKey.generate` method to create private keys.
720        :param int secexp: secret multiplier (the actual private key in ECDSA).
721            Needs to be an integer between 1 and the curve order.
722        :param curve: The curve on which the point needs to reside
723        :type curve: ecdsa.curves.Curve
724        :param hashfunc: The default hash function that will be used for
725            signing, needs to implement the same interface
726            as hashlib.sha1
727        :type hashfunc: callable
729        :raises MalformedPointError: when the provided secexp is too large
730            or too small for the curve selected
731        :raises RuntimeError: if the generation of public key from private
732            key failed
734        :return: Initialised SigningKey object
735        :rtype: SigningKey
736        """
737        self = cls(_error__please_use_generate=True)
738        self.curve = curve
739        self.default_hashfunc = hashfunc
740        self.baselen = curve.baselen
741        n = curve.order
742        if not 1 <= secexp < n:
743            raise MalformedPointError(
744                "Invalid value for secexp, expected integer between 1 and {0}"
745                .format(n))
746        pubkey_point = curve.generator * secexp
747        if hasattr(pubkey_point, "scale"):
748            pubkey_point = pubkey_point.scale()
749        self.verifying_key = VerifyingKey.from_public_point(pubkey_point, curve,
750                                                            hashfunc, False)
751        pubkey = self.verifying_key.pubkey
752        self.privkey = ecdsa.Private_key(pubkey, secexp)
753        self.privkey.order = n
754        return self
756    @classmethod
757    def from_string(cls, string, curve=NIST192p, hashfunc=sha1):
758        """
759        Decode the private key from :term:`raw encoding`.
761        Note: the name of this method is a misnomer coming from days of
762        Python 2, when binary strings and character strings shared a type.
763        In Python 3, the expected type is `bytes`.
765        :param string: the raw encoding of the private key
766        :type string: bytes like object
767        :param curve: The curve on which the point needs to reside
768        :type curve: ecdsa.curves.Curve
769        :param hashfunc: The default hash function that will be used for
770            signing, needs to implement the same interface
771            as hashlib.sha1
772        :type hashfunc: callable
774        :raises MalformedPointError: if the length of encoding doesn't match
775            the provided curve or the encoded values is too large
776        :raises RuntimeError: if the generation of public key from private
777            key failed
779        :return: Initialised SigningKey object
780        :rtype: SigningKey
781        """
782        string = normalise_bytes(string)
783        if len(string) != curve.baselen:
784            raise MalformedPointError(
785                "Invalid length of private key, received {0}, expected {1}"
786                .format(len(string), curve.baselen))
787        secexp = string_to_number(string)
788        return cls.from_secret_exponent(secexp, curve, hashfunc)
790    @classmethod
791    def from_pem(cls, string, hashfunc=sha1):
792        """
793        Initialise from key stored in :term:`PEM` format.
795        Note, the only PEM format supported is the un-encrypted RFC5915
796        (the sslay format) supported by OpenSSL, the more common PKCS#8 format
797        is NOT supported (see:
798        https://github.com/warner/python-ecdsa/issues/113 )
800        ``openssl ec -in pkcs8.pem -out sslay.pem`` can be used to
801        convert PKCS#8 file to this legacy format.
803        The legacy format files have the header with the string
804        ``BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY``.
805        Encrypted files (ones that include the string
806        ``Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED``
807        right after the PEM header) are not supported.
809        See :func:`~SigningKey.from_der` for ASN.1 syntax of the objects in
810        this files.
812        :param string: text with PEM-encoded private ECDSA key
813        :type string: str
815        :raises MalformedPointError: if the length of encoding doesn't match
816            the provided curve or the encoded values is too large
817        :raises RuntimeError: if the generation of public key from private
818            key failed
819        :raises UnexpectedDER: if the encoding of the PEM file is incorrect
821        :return: Initialised VerifyingKey object
822        :rtype: VerifyingKey
823        """
824        # the privkey pem may have multiple sections, commonly it also has
825        # "EC PARAMETERS", we need just "EC PRIVATE KEY".
826        if PY3 and isinstance(string, str):
827            string = string.encode()
828        privkey_pem = string[string.index(b("-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----")):]
829        return cls.from_der(der.unpem(privkey_pem), hashfunc)
831    @classmethod
832    def from_der(cls, string, hashfunc=sha1):
833        """
834        Initialise from key stored in :term:`DER` format.
836        Note, the only DER format supported is the RFC5915
837        (the sslay format) supported by OpenSSL, the more common PKCS#8 format
838        is NOT supported (see:
839        https://github.com/warner/python-ecdsa/issues/113 )
841        ``openssl ec -in pkcs8.pem -outform der -out sslay.der`` can be
842        used to convert PKCS#8 file to this legacy format.
844        The encoding of the ASN.1 object in those files follows following
845        syntax specified in RFC5915::
847            ECPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
848              version        INTEGER { ecPrivkeyVer1(1) }} (ecPrivkeyVer1),
849              privateKey     OCTET STRING,
850              parameters [0] ECParameters {{ NamedCurve }} OPTIONAL,
851              publicKey  [1] BIT STRING OPTIONAL
852            }
854        The only format supported for the `parameters` field is the named
855        curve method. Explicit encoding of curve parameters is not supported.
857        While `parameters` field is defined as optional, this implementation
858        requires its presence for correct parsing of the keys.
860        `publicKey` field is ignored completely (errors, if any, in it will
861        be undetected).
863        :param string: binary string with DER-encoded private ECDSA key
864        :type string: bytes like object
866        :raises MalformedPointError: if the length of encoding doesn't match
867            the provided curve or the encoded values is too large
868        :raises RuntimeError: if the generation of public key from private
869            key failed
870        :raises UnexpectedDER: if the encoding of the DER file is incorrect
872        :return: Initialised VerifyingKey object
873        :rtype: VerifyingKey
874        """
875        string = normalise_bytes(string)
876        s, empty = der.remove_sequence(string)
877        if empty != b(""):
878            raise der.UnexpectedDER("trailing junk after DER privkey: %s" %
879                                    binascii.hexlify(empty))
880        one, s = der.remove_integer(s)
881        if one != 1:
882            raise der.UnexpectedDER("expected '1' at start of DER privkey,"
883                                    " got %d" % one)
884        privkey_str, s = der.remove_octet_string(s)
885        tag, curve_oid_str, s = der.remove_constructed(s)
886        if tag != 0:
887            raise der.UnexpectedDER("expected tag 0 in DER privkey,"
888                                    " got %d" % tag)
889        curve_oid, empty = der.remove_object(curve_oid_str)
890        if empty != b(""):
891            raise der.UnexpectedDER("trailing junk after DER privkey "
892                                    "curve_oid: %s" % binascii.hexlify(empty))
893        curve = find_curve(curve_oid)
895        # we don't actually care about the following fields
896        #
897        # tag, pubkey_bitstring, s = der.remove_constructed(s)
898        # if tag != 1:
899        #     raise der.UnexpectedDER("expected tag 1 in DER privkey, got %d"
900        #                             % tag)
901        # pubkey_str = der.remove_bitstring(pubkey_bitstring, 0)
902        # if empty != "":
903        #     raise der.UnexpectedDER("trailing junk after DER privkey "
904        #                             "pubkeystr: %s" % binascii.hexlify(empty))
906        # our from_string method likes fixed-length privkey strings
907        if len(privkey_str) < curve.baselen:
908            privkey_str = b("\x00") * (curve.baselen - len(privkey_str)) + privkey_str
909        return cls.from_string(privkey_str, curve, hashfunc)
911    def to_string(self):
912        """
913        Convert the private key to :term:`raw encoding`.
915        Note: while the method is named "to_string", its name comes from
916        Python 2 days, when binary and character strings used the same type.
917        The type used in Python 3 is `bytes`.
919        :return: raw encoding of private key
920        :rtype: bytes
921        """
922        secexp = self.privkey.secret_multiplier
923        s = number_to_string(secexp, self.privkey.order)
924        return s
926    def to_pem(self, point_encoding="uncompressed"):
927        """
928        Convert the private key to the :term:`PEM` format.
930        See :func:`~SigningKey.from_pem` method for format description.
932        Only the named curve format is supported.
933        The public key will be included in generated string.
935        The PEM header will specify ``BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY``
937        :param str point_encoding: format to use for encoding public point
939        :return: PEM encoded private key
940        :rtype: str
941        """
943        return der.topem(self.to_der(point_encoding), "EC PRIVATE KEY")
945    def to_der(self, point_encoding="uncompressed"):
946        """
947        Convert the private key to the :term:`DER` format.
949        See :func:`~SigningKey.from_der` method for format specification.
951        Only the named curve format is supported.
952        The public key will be included in the generated string.
954        :param str point_encoding: format to use for encoding public point
956        :return: DER encoded private key
957        :rtype: bytes
958        """
959        # SEQ([int(1), octetstring(privkey),cont[0], oid(secp224r1),
960        #      cont[1],bitstring])
961        if point_encoding == "raw":
962            raise ValueError("raw encoding not allowed in DER")
963        encoded_vk = self.get_verifying_key().to_string(point_encoding)
964        # the 0 in encode_bitstring specifies the number of unused bits
965        # in the `encoded_vk` string
966        return der.encode_sequence(
967            der.encode_integer(1),
968            der.encode_octet_string(self.to_string()),
969            der.encode_constructed(0, self.curve.encoded_oid),
970            der.encode_constructed(1, der.encode_bitstring(encoded_vk, 0)))
972    def get_verifying_key(self):
973        """
974        Return the VerifyingKey associated with this private key.
976        Equivalent to reading the `verifying_key` field of an instance.
978        :return: a public key that can be used to verify the signatures made
979            with this SigningKey
980        :rtype: VerifyingKey
981        """
982        return self.verifying_key
984    def sign_deterministic(self, data, hashfunc=None,
985                           sigencode=sigencode_string,
986                           extra_entropy=b''):
987        """
988        Create signature over data using the deterministic RFC6679 algorithm.
990        The data will be hashed using the `hashfunc` function before signing.
992        This is the recommended method for performing signatures when hashing
993        of data is necessary.
995        :param data: data to be hashed and computed signature over
996        :type data: bytes like object
997        :param hashfunc: hash function to use for computing the signature,
998            if unspecified, the default hash function selected during
999            object initialisation will be used (see
1000            `VerifyingKey.default_hashfunc`). The object needs to implement
1001            the same interface as hashlib.sha1.
1002        :type hashfunc: callable
1003        :param sigencode: function used to encode the signature.
1004            The function needs to accept three parameters: the two integers
1005            that are the signature and the order of the curve over which the
1006            signature was computed. It needs to return an encoded signature.
1007            See `ecdsa.util.sigencode_string` and `ecdsa.util.sigencode_der`
1008            as examples of such functions.
1009        :type sigencode: callable
1010        :param extra_entropy: additional data that will be fed into the random
1011            number generator used in the RFC6979 process. Entirely optional.
1012        :type extra_entropy: bytes like object
1014        :return: encoded signature over `data`
1015        :rtype: bytes or sigencode function dependant type
1016        """
1017        hashfunc = hashfunc or self.default_hashfunc
1018        data = normalise_bytes(data)
1019        extra_entropy = normalise_bytes(extra_entropy)
1020        digest = hashfunc(data).digest()
1022        return self.sign_digest_deterministic(
1023            digest, hashfunc=hashfunc, sigencode=sigencode,
1024            extra_entropy=extra_entropy, allow_truncate=True)
1026    def sign_digest_deterministic(self, digest, hashfunc=None,
1027                                  sigencode=sigencode_string,
1028                                  extra_entropy=b'', allow_truncate=False):
1029        """
1030        Create signature for digest using the deterministic RFC6679 algorithm.
1032        `digest` should be the output of cryptographically secure hash function
1033        like SHA256 or SHA-3-256.
1035        This is the recommended method for performing signatures when no
1036        hashing of data is necessary.
1038        :param digest: hash of data that will be signed
1039        :type digest: bytes like object
1040        :param hashfunc: hash function to use for computing the random "k"
1041            value from RFC6979 process,
1042            if unspecified, the default hash function selected during
1043            object initialisation will be used (see
1044            `VerifyingKey.default_hashfunc`). The object needs to implement
1045            the same interface as hashlib.sha1.
1046        :type hashfunc: callable
1047        :param sigencode: function used to encode the signature.
1048            The function needs to accept three parameters: the two integers
1049            that are the signature and the order of the curve over which the
1050            signature was computed. It needs to return an encoded signature.
1051            See `ecdsa.util.sigencode_string` and `ecdsa.util.sigencode_der`
1052            as examples of such functions.
1053        :type sigencode: callable
1054        :param extra_entropy: additional data that will be fed into the random
1055            number generator used in the RFC6979 process. Entirely optional.
1056        :type extra_entropy: bytes like object
1057        :param bool allow_truncate: if True, the provided digest can have
1058            bigger bit-size than the order of the curve, the extra bits (at
1059            the end of the digest) will be truncated. Use it when signing
1060            SHA-384 output using NIST256p or in similar situations.
1062        :return: encoded signature for the `digest` hash
1063        :rtype: bytes or sigencode function dependant type
1064        """
1065        secexp = self.privkey.secret_multiplier
1066        hashfunc = hashfunc or self.default_hashfunc
1067        digest = normalise_bytes(digest)
1068        extra_entropy = normalise_bytes(extra_entropy)
1070        def simple_r_s(r, s, order):
1071            return r, s, order
1073        retry_gen = 0
1074        while True:
1075            k = rfc6979.generate_k(
1076                self.curve.generator.order(), secexp, hashfunc, digest,
1077                retry_gen=retry_gen, extra_entropy=extra_entropy)
1078            try:
1079                r, s, order = self.sign_digest(digest,
1080                                               sigencode=simple_r_s,
1081                                               k=k,
1082                                               allow_truncate=allow_truncate)
1083                break
1084            except RSZeroError:
1085                retry_gen += 1
1087        return sigencode(r, s, order)
1089    def sign(self, data, entropy=None, hashfunc=None,
1090             sigencode=sigencode_string, k=None):
1091        """
1092        Create signature over data using the probabilistic ECDSA algorithm.
1094        This method uses the standard ECDSA algorithm that requires a
1095        cryptographically secure random number generator.
1097        It's recommended to use the :func:`~SigningKey.sign_deterministic`
1098        method instead of this one.
1100        :param data: data that will be hashed for signing
1101        :type data: bytes like object
1102        :param callable entropy: randomness source, os.urandom by default
1103        :param hashfunc: hash function to use for hashing the provided `data`.
1104            If unspecified the default hash function selected during
1105            object initialisation will be used (see
1106            `VerifyingKey.default_hashfunc`).
1107            Should behave like hashlib.sha1. The output length of the
1108            hash (in bytes) must not be longer than the length of the curve
1109            order (rounded up to the nearest byte), so using SHA256 with
1110            NIST256p is ok, but SHA256 with NIST192p is not. (In the 2**-96ish
1111            unlikely event of a hash output larger than the curve order, the
1112            hash will effectively be wrapped mod n).
1113            Use hashfunc=hashlib.sha1 to match openssl's -ecdsa-with-SHA1 mode,
1114            or hashfunc=hashlib.sha256 for openssl-1.0.0's -ecdsa-with-SHA256.
1115        :type hashfunc: callable
1116        :param sigencode: function used to encode the signature.
1117            The function needs to accept three parameters: the two integers
1118            that are the signature and the order of the curve over which the
1119            signature was computed. It needs to return an encoded signature.
1120            See `ecdsa.util.sigencode_string` and `ecdsa.util.sigencode_der`
1121            as examples of such functions.
1122        :type sigencode: callable
1123        :param int k: a pre-selected nonce for calculating the signature.
1124            In typical use cases, it should be set to None (the default) to
1125            allow its generation from an entropy source.
1127        :raises RSZeroError: in the unlikely event when "r" parameter or
1128            "s" parameter is equal 0 as that would leak the key. Calee should
1129            try a better entropy source or different 'k' in such case.
1131        :return: encoded signature of the hash of `data`
1132        :rtype: bytes or sigencode function dependant type
1133        """
1134        hashfunc = hashfunc or self.default_hashfunc
1135        data = normalise_bytes(data)
1136        h = hashfunc(data).digest()
1137        return self.sign_digest(h, entropy, sigencode, k, allow_truncate=True)
1139    def sign_digest(self, digest, entropy=None, sigencode=sigencode_string,
1140                    k=None, allow_truncate=False):
1141        """
1142        Create signature over digest using the probabilistic ECDSA algorithm.
1144        This method uses the standard ECDSA algorithm that requires a
1145        cryptographically secure random number generator.
1147        This method does not hash the input.
1149        It's recommended to use the
1150        :func:`~SigningKey.sign_digest_deterministic` method
1151        instead of this one.
1153        :param digest: hash value that will be signed
1154        :type digest: bytes like object
1155        :param callable entropy: randomness source, os.urandom by default
1156        :param sigencode: function used to encode the signature.
1157            The function needs to accept three parameters: the two integers
1158            that are the signature and the order of the curve over which the
1159            signature was computed. It needs to return an encoded signature.
1160            See `ecdsa.util.sigencode_string` and `ecdsa.util.sigencode_der`
1161            as examples of such functions.
1162        :type sigencode: callable
1163        :param int k: a pre-selected nonce for calculating the signature.
1164            In typical use cases, it should be set to None (the default) to
1165            allow its generation from an entropy source.
1166        :param bool allow_truncate: if True, the provided digest can have
1167            bigger bit-size than the order of the curve, the extra bits (at
1168            the end of the digest) will be truncated. Use it when signing
1169            SHA-384 output using NIST256p or in similar situations.
1171        :raises RSZeroError: in the unlikely event when "r" parameter or
1172            "s" parameter is equal 0 as that would leak the key. Calee should
1173            try a better entropy source in such case.
1175        :return: encoded signature for the `digest` hash
1176        :rtype: bytes or sigencode function dependant type
1177        """
1178        digest = normalise_bytes(digest)
1179        if allow_truncate:
1180            digest = digest[:self.curve.baselen]
1181        if len(digest) > self.curve.baselen:
1182            raise BadDigestError("this curve (%s) is too short "
1183                                 "for your digest (%d)" % (self.curve.name,
1184                                                           8 * len(digest)))
1185        number = string_to_number(digest)
1186        r, s = self.sign_number(number, entropy, k)
1187        return sigencode(r, s, self.privkey.order)
1189    def sign_number(self, number, entropy=None, k=None):
1190        """
1191        Sign an integer directly.
1193        Note, this is a low level method, usually you will want to use
1194        :func:`~SigningKey.sign_deterministic` or
1195        :func:`~SigningKey.sign_digest_deterministic`.
1197        :param int number: number to sign using the probabilistic ECDSA
1198            algorithm.
1199        :param callable entropy: entropy source, os.urandom by default
1200        :param int k: pre-selected nonce for signature operation. If unset
1201            it will be selected at random using the entropy source.
1203        :raises RSZeroError: in the unlikely event when "r" parameter or
1204            "s" parameter is equal 0 as that would leak the key. Calee should
1205            try a different 'k' in such case.
1207        :return: the "r" and "s" parameters of the signature
1208        :rtype: tuple of ints
1209        """
1210        order = self.privkey.order
1212        if k is not None:
1213            _k = k
1214        else:
1215            _k = randrange(order, entropy)
1217        assert 1 <= _k < order
1218        sig = self.privkey.sign(number, _k)
1219        return sig.r, sig.s