1 //! This module contains the bulk of the interesting code performing the translation between
2 //! WebAssembly and Cranelift IR.
3 //!
4 //! The translation is done in one pass, opcode by opcode. Two main data structures are used during
5 //! code translations: the value stack and the control stack. The value stack mimics the execution
6 //! of the WebAssembly stack machine: each instruction result is pushed onto the stack and
7 //! instruction arguments are popped off the stack. Similarly, when encountering a control flow
8 //! block, it is pushed onto the control stack and popped off when encountering the corresponding
9 //! `End`.
10 //!
11 //! Another data structure, the translation state, records information concerning unreachable code
12 //! status and about if inserting a return at the end of the function is necessary.
13 //!
14 //! Some of the WebAssembly instructions need information about the environment for which they
15 //! are being translated:
16 //!
17 //! - the loads and stores need the memory base address;
18 //! - the `get_global` and `set_global` instructions depend on how the globals are implemented;
19 //! - `memory.size` and `memory.grow` are runtime functions;
20 //! - `call_indirect` has to translate the function index into the address of where this
21 //!    is;
22 //!
23 //! That is why `translate_function_body` takes an object having the `WasmRuntime` trait as
24 //! argument.
25 //!
26 //! There is extra complexity associated with translation of 128-bit SIMD instructions.
27 //! Wasm only considers there to be a single 128-bit vector type.  But CLIF's type system
28 //! distinguishes different lane configurations, so considers 8X16, 16X8, 32X4 and 64X2 to be
29 //! different types.  The result is that, in wasm, it's perfectly OK to take the output of (eg)
30 //! an `add.16x8` and use that as an operand of a `sub.32x4`, without using any cast.  But when
31 //! translated into CLIF, that will cause a verifier error due to the apparent type mismatch.
32 //!
33 //! This file works around that problem by liberally inserting `bitcast` instructions in many
34 //! places -- mostly, before the use of vector values, either as arguments to CLIF instructions
35 //! or as block actual parameters.  These are no-op casts which nevertheless have different
36 //! input and output types, and are used (mostly) to "convert" 16X8, 32X4 and 64X2-typed vectors
37 //! to the "canonical" type, 8X16.  Hence the functions `optionally_bitcast_vector`,
38 //! `bitcast_arguments`, `pop*_with_bitcast`, `canonicalise_then_jump`,
39 //! `canonicalise_then_br{z,nz}`, `is_non_canonical_v128` and `canonicalise_v128_values`.
40 //! Note that the `bitcast*` functions are occasionally used to convert to some type other than
41 //! 8X16, but the `canonicalise*` functions always convert to type 8X16.
42 //!
43 //! Be careful when adding support for new vector instructions.  And when adding new jumps, even
44 //! if they are apparently don't have any connection to vectors.  Never generate any kind of
45 //! (inter-block) jump directly.  Instead use `canonicalise_then_jump` and
46 //! `canonicalise_then_br{z,nz}`.
47 //!
48 //! The use of bitcasts is ugly and inefficient, but currently unavoidable:
49 //!
50 //! * they make the logic in this file fragile: miss out a bitcast for any reason, and there is
51 //!   the risk of the system failing in the verifier.  At least for debug builds.
52 //!
53 //! * in the new backends, they potentially interfere with pattern matching on CLIF -- the
54 //!   patterns need to take into account the presence of bitcast nodes.
55 //!
56 //! * in the new backends, they get translated into machine-level vector-register-copy
57 //!   instructions, none of which are actually necessary.  We then depend on the register
58 //!   allocator to coalesce them all out.
59 //!
60 //! * they increase the total number of CLIF nodes that have to be processed, hence slowing down
61 //!   the compilation pipeline.  Also, the extra coalescing work generates a slowdown.
62 //!
63 //! A better solution which would avoid all four problems would be to remove the 8X16, 16X8,
64 //! 32X4 and 64X2 types from CLIF and instead have a single V128 type.
65 //!
66 //! For further background see also:
67 //!   <https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/issues/1147>
68 //!     ("Too many raw_bitcasts in SIMD code")
69 //!   <https://github.com/bytecodealliance/cranelift/pull/1251>
70 //!     ("Add X128 type to represent WebAssembly's V128 type")
71 //!   <https://github.com/bytecodealliance/cranelift/pull/1236>
72 //!     ("Relax verification to allow I8X16 to act as a default vector type")
74 use super::{hash_map, HashMap};
75 use crate::environ::{FuncEnvironment, GlobalVariable, ReturnMode, WasmResult};
76 use crate::state::{ControlStackFrame, ElseData, FuncTranslationState};
77 use crate::translation_utils::{
78     block_with_params, blocktype_params_results, f32_translation, f64_translation,
79 };
80 use crate::translation_utils::{FuncIndex, GlobalIndex, MemoryIndex, TableIndex, TypeIndex};
81 use crate::wasm_unsupported;
82 use core::convert::TryInto;
83 use core::{i32, u32};
84 use cranelift_codegen::ir::condcodes::{FloatCC, IntCC};
85 use cranelift_codegen::ir::immediates::Offset32;
86 use cranelift_codegen::ir::types::*;
87 use cranelift_codegen::ir::{
88     self, AtomicRmwOp, ConstantData, InstBuilder, JumpTableData, MemFlags, Value, ValueLabel,
89 };
90 use cranelift_codegen::packed_option::ReservedValue;
91 use cranelift_frontend::{FunctionBuilder, Variable};
92 use smallvec::SmallVec;
93 use std::cmp;
94 use std::convert::TryFrom;
95 use std::vec::Vec;
96 use wasmparser::{FuncValidator, MemoryImmediate, Operator, WasmModuleResources};
98 // Clippy warns about "align: _" but its important to document that the flags field is ignored
99 #[cfg_attr(
100     feature = "cargo-clippy",
101     allow(clippy::unneeded_field_pattern, clippy::cognitive_complexity)
102 )]
103 /// Translates wasm operators into Cranelift IR instructions. Returns `true` if it inserted
104 /// a return.
translate_operator<FE: FuncEnvironment + ?Sized>( validator: &mut FuncValidator<impl WasmModuleResources>, op: &Operator, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, state: &mut FuncTranslationState, environ: &mut FE, ) -> WasmResult<()>105 pub fn translate_operator<FE: FuncEnvironment + ?Sized>(
106     validator: &mut FuncValidator<impl WasmModuleResources>,
107     op: &Operator,
108     builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
109     state: &mut FuncTranslationState,
110     environ: &mut FE,
111 ) -> WasmResult<()> {
112     if !state.reachable {
113         translate_unreachable_operator(validator, &op, builder, state, environ)?;
114         return Ok(());
115     }
117     // This big match treats all Wasm code operators.
118     match op {
119         /********************************** Locals ****************************************
120          *  `get_local` and `set_local` are treated as non-SSA variables and will completely
121          *  disappear in the Cranelift Code
122          ***********************************************************************************/
123         Operator::LocalGet { local_index } => {
124             let val = builder.use_var(Variable::with_u32(*local_index));
125             state.push1(val);
126             let label = ValueLabel::from_u32(*local_index);
127             builder.set_val_label(val, label);
128         }
129         Operator::LocalSet { local_index } => {
130             let mut val = state.pop1();
132             // Ensure SIMD values are cast to their default Cranelift type, I8x16.
133             let ty = builder.func.dfg.value_type(val);
134             if ty.is_vector() {
135                 val = optionally_bitcast_vector(val, I8X16, builder);
136             }
138             builder.def_var(Variable::with_u32(*local_index), val);
139             let label = ValueLabel::from_u32(*local_index);
140             builder.set_val_label(val, label);
141         }
142         Operator::LocalTee { local_index } => {
143             let mut val = state.peek1();
145             // Ensure SIMD values are cast to their default Cranelift type, I8x16.
146             let ty = builder.func.dfg.value_type(val);
147             if ty.is_vector() {
148                 val = optionally_bitcast_vector(val, I8X16, builder);
149             }
151             builder.def_var(Variable::with_u32(*local_index), val);
152             let label = ValueLabel::from_u32(*local_index);
153             builder.set_val_label(val, label);
154         }
155         /********************************** Globals ****************************************
156          *  `get_global` and `set_global` are handled by the environment.
157          ***********************************************************************************/
158         Operator::GlobalGet { global_index } => {
159             let val = match state.get_global(builder.func, *global_index, environ)? {
160                 GlobalVariable::Const(val) => val,
161                 GlobalVariable::Memory { gv, offset, ty } => {
162                     let addr = builder.ins().global_value(environ.pointer_type(), gv);
163                     let flags = ir::MemFlags::trusted();
164                     builder.ins().load(ty, flags, addr, offset)
165                 }
166                 GlobalVariable::Custom => environ.translate_custom_global_get(
167                     builder.cursor(),
168                     GlobalIndex::from_u32(*global_index),
169                 )?,
170             };
171             state.push1(val);
172         }
173         Operator::GlobalSet { global_index } => {
174             match state.get_global(builder.func, *global_index, environ)? {
175                 GlobalVariable::Const(_) => panic!("global #{} is a constant", *global_index),
176                 GlobalVariable::Memory { gv, offset, ty } => {
177                     let addr = builder.ins().global_value(environ.pointer_type(), gv);
178                     let flags = ir::MemFlags::trusted();
179                     let mut val = state.pop1();
180                     // Ensure SIMD values are cast to their default Cranelift type, I8x16.
181                     if ty.is_vector() {
182                         val = optionally_bitcast_vector(val, I8X16, builder);
183                     }
184                     debug_assert_eq!(ty, builder.func.dfg.value_type(val));
185                     builder.ins().store(flags, val, addr, offset);
186                 }
187                 GlobalVariable::Custom => {
188                     let val = state.pop1();
189                     environ.translate_custom_global_set(
190                         builder.cursor(),
191                         GlobalIndex::from_u32(*global_index),
192                         val,
193                     )?;
194                 }
195             }
196         }
197         /********************************* Stack misc ***************************************
198          *  `drop`, `nop`, `unreachable` and `select`.
199          ***********************************************************************************/
200         Operator::Drop => {
201             state.pop1();
202         }
203         Operator::Select => {
204             let (mut arg1, mut arg2, cond) = state.pop3();
205             if builder.func.dfg.value_type(arg1).is_vector() {
206                 arg1 = optionally_bitcast_vector(arg1, I8X16, builder);
207             }
208             if builder.func.dfg.value_type(arg2).is_vector() {
209                 arg2 = optionally_bitcast_vector(arg2, I8X16, builder);
210             }
211             state.push1(builder.ins().select(cond, arg1, arg2));
212         }
213         Operator::TypedSelect { ty: _ } => {
214             // We ignore the explicit type parameter as it is only needed for
215             // validation, which we require to have been performed before
216             // translation.
217             let (mut arg1, mut arg2, cond) = state.pop3();
218             if builder.func.dfg.value_type(arg1).is_vector() {
219                 arg1 = optionally_bitcast_vector(arg1, I8X16, builder);
220             }
221             if builder.func.dfg.value_type(arg2).is_vector() {
222                 arg2 = optionally_bitcast_vector(arg2, I8X16, builder);
223             }
224             state.push1(builder.ins().select(cond, arg1, arg2));
225         }
226         Operator::Nop => {
227             // We do nothing
228         }
229         Operator::Unreachable => {
230             builder.ins().trap(ir::TrapCode::UnreachableCodeReached);
231             state.reachable = false;
232         }
233         /***************************** Control flow blocks **********************************
234          *  When starting a control flow block, we create a new `Block` that will hold the code
235          *  after the block, and we push a frame on the control stack. Depending on the type
236          *  of block, we create a new `Block` for the body of the block with an associated
237          *  jump instruction.
238          *
239          *  The `End` instruction pops the last control frame from the control stack, seals
240          *  the destination block (since `br` instructions targeting it only appear inside the
241          *  block and have already been translated) and modify the value stack to use the
242          *  possible `Block`'s arguments values.
243          ***********************************************************************************/
244         Operator::Block { ty } => {
245             let (params, results) = blocktype_params_results(validator, *ty)?;
246             let next = block_with_params(builder, results.clone(), environ)?;
247             state.push_block(next, params.len(), results.len());
248         }
249         Operator::Loop { ty } => {
250             let (params, results) = blocktype_params_results(validator, *ty)?;
251             let loop_body = block_with_params(builder, params.clone(), environ)?;
252             let next = block_with_params(builder, results.clone(), environ)?;
253             canonicalise_then_jump(builder, loop_body, state.peekn(params.len()));
254             state.push_loop(loop_body, next, params.len(), results.len());
256             // Pop the initial `Block` actuals and replace them with the `Block`'s
257             // params since control flow joins at the top of the loop.
258             state.popn(params.len());
259             state
260                 .stack
261                 .extend_from_slice(builder.block_params(loop_body));
263             builder.switch_to_block(loop_body);
264             environ.translate_loop_header(builder)?;
265         }
266         Operator::If { ty } => {
267             let val = state.pop1();
269             let (params, results) = blocktype_params_results(validator, *ty)?;
270             let (destination, else_data) = if params.clone().eq(results.clone()) {
271                 // It is possible there is no `else` block, so we will only
272                 // allocate a block for it if/when we find the `else`. For now,
273                 // we if the condition isn't true, then we jump directly to the
274                 // destination block following the whole `if...end`. If we do end
275                 // up discovering an `else`, then we will allocate a block for it
276                 // and go back and patch the jump.
277                 let destination = block_with_params(builder, results.clone(), environ)?;
278                 let branch_inst =
279                     canonicalise_then_brz(builder, val, destination, state.peekn(params.len()));
280                 (destination, ElseData::NoElse { branch_inst })
281             } else {
282                 // The `if` type signature is not valid without an `else` block,
283                 // so we eagerly allocate the `else` block here.
284                 let destination = block_with_params(builder, results.clone(), environ)?;
285                 let else_block = block_with_params(builder, params.clone(), environ)?;
286                 canonicalise_then_brz(builder, val, else_block, state.peekn(params.len()));
287                 builder.seal_block(else_block);
288                 (destination, ElseData::WithElse { else_block })
289             };
291             let next_block = builder.create_block();
292             canonicalise_then_jump(builder, next_block, &[]);
293             builder.seal_block(next_block); // Only predecessor is the current block.
294             builder.switch_to_block(next_block);
296             // Here we append an argument to a Block targeted by an argumentless jump instruction
297             // But in fact there are two cases:
298             // - either the If does not have a Else clause, in that case ty = EmptyBlock
299             //   and we add nothing;
300             // - either the If have an Else clause, in that case the destination of this jump
301             //   instruction will be changed later when we translate the Else operator.
302             state.push_if(destination, else_data, params.len(), results.len(), *ty);
303         }
304         Operator::Else => {
305             let i = state.control_stack.len() - 1;
306             match state.control_stack[i] {
307                 ControlStackFrame::If {
308                     ref else_data,
309                     head_is_reachable,
310                     ref mut consequent_ends_reachable,
311                     num_return_values,
312                     blocktype,
313                     destination,
314                     ..
315                 } => {
316                     // We finished the consequent, so record its final
317                     // reachability state.
318                     debug_assert!(consequent_ends_reachable.is_none());
319                     *consequent_ends_reachable = Some(state.reachable);
321                     if head_is_reachable {
322                         // We have a branch from the head of the `if` to the `else`.
323                         state.reachable = true;
325                         // Ensure we have a block for the `else` block (it may have
326                         // already been pre-allocated, see `ElseData` for details).
327                         let else_block = match *else_data {
328                             ElseData::NoElse { branch_inst } => {
329                                 let (params, _results) =
330                                     blocktype_params_results(validator, blocktype)?;
331                                 debug_assert_eq!(params.len(), num_return_values);
332                                 let else_block =
333                                     block_with_params(builder, params.clone(), environ)?;
334                                 canonicalise_then_jump(
335                                     builder,
336                                     destination,
337                                     state.peekn(params.len()),
338                                 );
339                                 state.popn(params.len());
341                                 builder.change_jump_destination(branch_inst, else_block);
342                                 builder.seal_block(else_block);
343                                 else_block
344                             }
345                             ElseData::WithElse { else_block } => {
346                                 canonicalise_then_jump(
347                                     builder,
348                                     destination,
349                                     state.peekn(num_return_values),
350                                 );
351                                 state.popn(num_return_values);
352                                 else_block
353                             }
354                         };
356                         // You might be expecting that we push the parameters for this
357                         // `else` block here, something like this:
358                         //
359                         //     state.pushn(&control_stack_frame.params);
360                         //
361                         // We don't do that because they are already on the top of the stack
362                         // for us: we pushed the parameters twice when we saw the initial
363                         // `if` so that we wouldn't have to save the parameters in the
364                         // `ControlStackFrame` as another `Vec` allocation.
366                         builder.switch_to_block(else_block);
368                         // We don't bother updating the control frame's `ElseData`
369                         // to `WithElse` because nothing else will read it.
370                     }
371                 }
372                 _ => unreachable!(),
373             }
374         }
375         Operator::End => {
376             let frame = state.control_stack.pop().unwrap();
377             let next_block = frame.following_code();
379             if !builder.is_unreachable() || !builder.is_pristine() {
380                 let return_count = frame.num_return_values();
381                 let return_args = state.peekn_mut(return_count);
382                 canonicalise_then_jump(builder, frame.following_code(), return_args);
383                 // You might expect that if we just finished an `if` block that
384                 // didn't have a corresponding `else` block, then we would clean
385                 // up our duplicate set of parameters that we pushed earlier
386                 // right here. However, we don't have to explicitly do that,
387                 // since we truncate the stack back to the original height
388                 // below.
389             }
391             builder.switch_to_block(next_block);
392             builder.seal_block(next_block);
394             // If it is a loop we also have to seal the body loop block
395             if let ControlStackFrame::Loop { header, .. } = frame {
396                 builder.seal_block(header)
397             }
399             frame.truncate_value_stack_to_original_size(&mut state.stack);
400             state
401                 .stack
402                 .extend_from_slice(builder.block_params(next_block));
403         }
404         /**************************** Branch instructions *********************************
405          * The branch instructions all have as arguments a target nesting level, which
406          * corresponds to how many control stack frames do we have to pop to get the
407          * destination `Block`.
408          *
409          * Once the destination `Block` is found, we sometimes have to declare a certain depth
410          * of the stack unreachable, because some branch instructions are terminator.
411          *
412          * The `br_table` case is much more complicated because Cranelift's `br_table` instruction
413          * does not support jump arguments like all the other branch instructions. That is why, in
414          * the case where we would use jump arguments for every other branch instruction, we
415          * need to split the critical edges leaving the `br_tables` by creating one `Block` per
416          * table destination; the `br_table` will point to these newly created `Blocks` and these
417          * `Block`s contain only a jump instruction pointing to the final destination, this time with
418          * jump arguments.
419          *
420          * This system is also implemented in Cranelift's SSA construction algorithm, because
421          * `use_var` located in a destination `Block` of a `br_table` might trigger the addition
422          * of jump arguments in each predecessor branch instruction, one of which might be a
423          * `br_table`.
424          ***********************************************************************************/
425         Operator::Br { relative_depth } => {
426             let i = state.control_stack.len() - 1 - (*relative_depth as usize);
427             let (return_count, br_destination) = {
428                 let frame = &mut state.control_stack[i];
429                 // We signal that all the code that follows until the next End is unreachable
430                 frame.set_branched_to_exit();
431                 let return_count = if frame.is_loop() {
432                     frame.num_param_values()
433                 } else {
434                     frame.num_return_values()
435                 };
436                 (return_count, frame.br_destination())
437             };
438             let destination_args = state.peekn_mut(return_count);
439             canonicalise_then_jump(builder, br_destination, destination_args);
440             state.popn(return_count);
441             state.reachable = false;
442         }
443         Operator::BrIf { relative_depth } => translate_br_if(*relative_depth, builder, state),
444         Operator::BrTable { table } => {
445             let mut depths = table.targets().collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
446             let default = depths.pop().unwrap().0;
447             let mut min_depth = default;
448             for (depth, _) in depths.iter() {
449                 if *depth < min_depth {
450                     min_depth = *depth;
451                 }
452             }
453             let jump_args_count = {
454                 let i = state.control_stack.len() - 1 - (min_depth as usize);
455                 let min_depth_frame = &state.control_stack[i];
456                 if min_depth_frame.is_loop() {
457                     min_depth_frame.num_param_values()
458                 } else {
459                     min_depth_frame.num_return_values()
460                 }
461             };
462             let val = state.pop1();
463             let mut data = JumpTableData::with_capacity(depths.len());
464             if jump_args_count == 0 {
465                 // No jump arguments
466                 for (depth, _) in depths.iter() {
467                     let block = {
468                         let i = state.control_stack.len() - 1 - (*depth as usize);
469                         let frame = &mut state.control_stack[i];
470                         frame.set_branched_to_exit();
471                         frame.br_destination()
472                     };
473                     data.push_entry(block);
474                 }
475                 let jt = builder.create_jump_table(data);
476                 let block = {
477                     let i = state.control_stack.len() - 1 - (default as usize);
478                     let frame = &mut state.control_stack[i];
479                     frame.set_branched_to_exit();
480                     frame.br_destination()
481                 };
482                 builder.ins().br_table(val, block, jt);
483             } else {
484                 // Here we have jump arguments, but Cranelift's br_table doesn't support them
485                 // We then proceed to split the edges going out of the br_table
486                 let return_count = jump_args_count;
487                 let mut dest_block_sequence = vec![];
488                 let mut dest_block_map = HashMap::new();
489                 for (depth, _) in depths.iter() {
490                     let branch_block = match dest_block_map.entry(*depth as usize) {
491                         hash_map::Entry::Occupied(entry) => *entry.get(),
492                         hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
493                             let block = builder.create_block();
494                             dest_block_sequence.push((*depth as usize, block));
495                             *entry.insert(block)
496                         }
497                     };
498                     data.push_entry(branch_block);
499                 }
500                 let default_branch_block = match dest_block_map.entry(default as usize) {
501                     hash_map::Entry::Occupied(entry) => *entry.get(),
502                     hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
503                         let block = builder.create_block();
504                         dest_block_sequence.push((default as usize, block));
505                         *entry.insert(block)
506                     }
507                 };
508                 let jt = builder.create_jump_table(data);
509                 builder.ins().br_table(val, default_branch_block, jt);
510                 for (depth, dest_block) in dest_block_sequence {
511                     builder.switch_to_block(dest_block);
512                     builder.seal_block(dest_block);
513                     let real_dest_block = {
514                         let i = state.control_stack.len() - 1 - depth;
515                         let frame = &mut state.control_stack[i];
516                         frame.set_branched_to_exit();
517                         frame.br_destination()
518                     };
519                     let destination_args = state.peekn_mut(return_count);
520                     canonicalise_then_jump(builder, real_dest_block, destination_args);
521                 }
522                 state.popn(return_count);
523             }
524             state.reachable = false;
525         }
526         Operator::Return => {
527             let (return_count, br_destination) = {
528                 let frame = &mut state.control_stack[0];
529                 if environ.return_mode() == ReturnMode::FallthroughReturn {
530                     frame.set_branched_to_exit();
531                 }
532                 let return_count = frame.num_return_values();
533                 (return_count, frame.br_destination())
534             };
535             {
536                 let return_args = state.peekn_mut(return_count);
537                 let return_types = wasm_param_types(&builder.func.signature.returns, |i| {
538                     environ.is_wasm_return(&builder.func.signature, i)
539                 });
540                 bitcast_arguments(return_args, &return_types, builder);
541                 match environ.return_mode() {
542                     ReturnMode::NormalReturns => builder.ins().return_(return_args),
543                     ReturnMode::FallthroughReturn => {
544                         canonicalise_then_jump(builder, br_destination, return_args)
545                     }
546                 };
547             }
548             state.popn(return_count);
549             state.reachable = false;
550         }
551         /********************************** Exception handing **********************************/
552         Operator::Try { .. }
553         | Operator::Catch { .. }
554         | Operator::Throw { .. }
555         | Operator::Unwind
556         | Operator::Rethrow { .. }
557         | Operator::Delegate { .. }
558         | Operator::CatchAll => {
559             return Err(wasm_unsupported!(
560                 "proposed exception handling operator {:?}",
561                 op
562             ));
563         }
564         /************************************ Calls ****************************************
565          * The call instructions pop off their arguments from the stack and append their
566          * return values to it. `call_indirect` needs environment support because there is an
567          * argument referring to an index in the external functions table of the module.
568          ************************************************************************************/
569         Operator::Call { function_index } => {
570             let (fref, num_args) = state.get_direct_func(builder.func, *function_index, environ)?;
572             // Bitcast any vector arguments to their default type, I8X16, before calling.
573             let callee_signature =
574                 &builder.func.dfg.signatures[builder.func.dfg.ext_funcs[fref].signature];
575             let args = state.peekn_mut(num_args);
576             let types = wasm_param_types(&callee_signature.params, |i| {
577                 environ.is_wasm_parameter(&callee_signature, i)
578             });
579             bitcast_arguments(args, &types, builder);
581             let call = environ.translate_call(
582                 builder.cursor(),
583                 FuncIndex::from_u32(*function_index),
584                 fref,
585                 args,
586             )?;
587             let inst_results = builder.inst_results(call);
588             debug_assert_eq!(
589                 inst_results.len(),
590                 builder.func.dfg.signatures[builder.func.dfg.ext_funcs[fref].signature]
591                     .returns
592                     .len(),
593                 "translate_call results should match the call signature"
594             );
595             state.popn(num_args);
596             state.pushn(inst_results);
597         }
598         Operator::CallIndirect { index, table_index } => {
599             // `index` is the index of the function's signature and `table_index` is the index of
600             // the table to search the function in.
601             let (sigref, num_args) = state.get_indirect_sig(builder.func, *index, environ)?;
602             let table = state.get_or_create_table(builder.func, *table_index, environ)?;
603             let callee = state.pop1();
605             // Bitcast any vector arguments to their default type, I8X16, before calling.
606             let callee_signature = &builder.func.dfg.signatures[sigref];
607             let args = state.peekn_mut(num_args);
608             let types = wasm_param_types(&callee_signature.params, |i| {
609                 environ.is_wasm_parameter(&callee_signature, i)
610             });
611             bitcast_arguments(args, &types, builder);
613             let call = environ.translate_call_indirect(
614                 builder.cursor(),
615                 TableIndex::from_u32(*table_index),
616                 table,
617                 TypeIndex::from_u32(*index),
618                 sigref,
619                 callee,
620                 state.peekn(num_args),
621             )?;
622             let inst_results = builder.inst_results(call);
623             debug_assert_eq!(
624                 inst_results.len(),
625                 builder.func.dfg.signatures[sigref].returns.len(),
626                 "translate_call_indirect results should match the call signature"
627             );
628             state.popn(num_args);
629             state.pushn(inst_results);
630         }
631         /******************************* Memory management ***********************************
632          * Memory management is handled by environment. It is usually translated into calls to
633          * special functions.
634          ************************************************************************************/
635         Operator::MemoryGrow { mem, mem_byte: _ } => {
636             // The WebAssembly MVP only supports one linear memory, but we expect the reserved
637             // argument to be a memory index.
638             let heap_index = MemoryIndex::from_u32(*mem);
639             let heap = state.get_heap(builder.func, *mem, environ)?;
640             let val = state.pop1();
641             state.push1(environ.translate_memory_grow(builder.cursor(), heap_index, heap, val)?)
642         }
643         Operator::MemorySize { mem, mem_byte: _ } => {
644             let heap_index = MemoryIndex::from_u32(*mem);
645             let heap = state.get_heap(builder.func, *mem, environ)?;
646             state.push1(environ.translate_memory_size(builder.cursor(), heap_index, heap)?);
647         }
648         /******************************* Load instructions ***********************************
649          * Wasm specifies an integer alignment flag but we drop it in Cranelift.
650          * The memory base address is provided by the environment.
651          ************************************************************************************/
652         Operator::I32Load8U { memarg } => {
653             translate_load(memarg, ir::Opcode::Uload8, I32, builder, state, environ)?;
654         }
655         Operator::I32Load16U { memarg } => {
656             translate_load(memarg, ir::Opcode::Uload16, I32, builder, state, environ)?;
657         }
658         Operator::I32Load8S { memarg } => {
659             translate_load(memarg, ir::Opcode::Sload8, I32, builder, state, environ)?;
660         }
661         Operator::I32Load16S { memarg } => {
662             translate_load(memarg, ir::Opcode::Sload16, I32, builder, state, environ)?;
663         }
664         Operator::I64Load8U { memarg } => {
665             translate_load(memarg, ir::Opcode::Uload8, I64, builder, state, environ)?;
666         }
667         Operator::I64Load16U { memarg } => {
668             translate_load(memarg, ir::Opcode::Uload16, I64, builder, state, environ)?;
669         }
670         Operator::I64Load8S { memarg } => {
671             translate_load(memarg, ir::Opcode::Sload8, I64, builder, state, environ)?;
672         }
673         Operator::I64Load16S { memarg } => {
674             translate_load(memarg, ir::Opcode::Sload16, I64, builder, state, environ)?;
675         }
676         Operator::I64Load32S { memarg } => {
677             translate_load(memarg, ir::Opcode::Sload32, I64, builder, state, environ)?;
678         }
679         Operator::I64Load32U { memarg } => {
680             translate_load(memarg, ir::Opcode::Uload32, I64, builder, state, environ)?;
681         }
682         Operator::I32Load { memarg } => {
683             translate_load(memarg, ir::Opcode::Load, I32, builder, state, environ)?;
684         }
685         Operator::F32Load { memarg } => {
686             translate_load(memarg, ir::Opcode::Load, F32, builder, state, environ)?;
687         }
688         Operator::I64Load { memarg } => {
689             translate_load(memarg, ir::Opcode::Load, I64, builder, state, environ)?;
690         }
691         Operator::F64Load { memarg } => {
692             translate_load(memarg, ir::Opcode::Load, F64, builder, state, environ)?;
693         }
694         Operator::V128Load { memarg } => {
695             translate_load(memarg, ir::Opcode::Load, I8X16, builder, state, environ)?;
696         }
697         Operator::V128Load8x8S { memarg } => {
698             let (flags, base, offset) = prepare_load(memarg, 8, builder, state, environ)?;
699             let loaded = builder.ins().sload8x8(flags, base, offset);
700             state.push1(loaded);
701         }
702         Operator::V128Load8x8U { memarg } => {
703             let (flags, base, offset) = prepare_load(memarg, 8, builder, state, environ)?;
704             let loaded = builder.ins().uload8x8(flags, base, offset);
705             state.push1(loaded);
706         }
707         Operator::V128Load16x4S { memarg } => {
708             let (flags, base, offset) = prepare_load(memarg, 8, builder, state, environ)?;
709             let loaded = builder.ins().sload16x4(flags, base, offset);
710             state.push1(loaded);
711         }
712         Operator::V128Load16x4U { memarg } => {
713             let (flags, base, offset) = prepare_load(memarg, 8, builder, state, environ)?;
714             let loaded = builder.ins().uload16x4(flags, base, offset);
715             state.push1(loaded);
716         }
717         Operator::V128Load32x2S { memarg } => {
718             let (flags, base, offset) = prepare_load(memarg, 8, builder, state, environ)?;
719             let loaded = builder.ins().sload32x2(flags, base, offset);
720             state.push1(loaded);
721         }
722         Operator::V128Load32x2U { memarg } => {
723             let (flags, base, offset) = prepare_load(memarg, 8, builder, state, environ)?;
724             let loaded = builder.ins().uload32x2(flags, base, offset);
725             state.push1(loaded);
726         }
727         /****************************** Store instructions ***********************************
728          * Wasm specifies an integer alignment flag but we drop it in Cranelift.
729          * The memory base address is provided by the environment.
730          ************************************************************************************/
731         Operator::I32Store { memarg }
732         | Operator::I64Store { memarg }
733         | Operator::F32Store { memarg }
734         | Operator::F64Store { memarg } => {
735             translate_store(memarg, ir::Opcode::Store, builder, state, environ)?;
736         }
737         Operator::I32Store8 { memarg } | Operator::I64Store8 { memarg } => {
738             translate_store(memarg, ir::Opcode::Istore8, builder, state, environ)?;
739         }
740         Operator::I32Store16 { memarg } | Operator::I64Store16 { memarg } => {
741             translate_store(memarg, ir::Opcode::Istore16, builder, state, environ)?;
742         }
743         Operator::I64Store32 { memarg } => {
744             translate_store(memarg, ir::Opcode::Istore32, builder, state, environ)?;
745         }
746         Operator::V128Store { memarg } => {
747             translate_store(memarg, ir::Opcode::Store, builder, state, environ)?;
748         }
749         /****************************** Nullary Operators ************************************/
750         Operator::I32Const { value } => state.push1(builder.ins().iconst(I32, i64::from(*value))),
751         Operator::I64Const { value } => state.push1(builder.ins().iconst(I64, *value)),
752         Operator::F32Const { value } => {
753             state.push1(builder.ins().f32const(f32_translation(*value)));
754         }
755         Operator::F64Const { value } => {
756             state.push1(builder.ins().f64const(f64_translation(*value)));
757         }
758         /******************************* Unary Operators *************************************/
759         Operator::I32Clz | Operator::I64Clz => {
760             let arg = state.pop1();
761             state.push1(builder.ins().clz(arg));
762         }
763         Operator::I32Ctz | Operator::I64Ctz => {
764             let arg = state.pop1();
765             state.push1(builder.ins().ctz(arg));
766         }
767         Operator::I32Popcnt | Operator::I64Popcnt => {
768             let arg = state.pop1();
769             state.push1(builder.ins().popcnt(arg));
770         }
771         Operator::I64ExtendI32S => {
772             let val = state.pop1();
773             state.push1(builder.ins().sextend(I64, val));
774         }
775         Operator::I64ExtendI32U => {
776             let val = state.pop1();
777             state.push1(builder.ins().uextend(I64, val));
778         }
779         Operator::I32WrapI64 => {
780             let val = state.pop1();
781             state.push1(builder.ins().ireduce(I32, val));
782         }
783         Operator::F32Sqrt | Operator::F64Sqrt => {
784             let arg = state.pop1();
785             state.push1(builder.ins().sqrt(arg));
786         }
787         Operator::F32Ceil | Operator::F64Ceil => {
788             let arg = state.pop1();
789             state.push1(builder.ins().ceil(arg));
790         }
791         Operator::F32Floor | Operator::F64Floor => {
792             let arg = state.pop1();
793             state.push1(builder.ins().floor(arg));
794         }
795         Operator::F32Trunc | Operator::F64Trunc => {
796             let arg = state.pop1();
797             state.push1(builder.ins().trunc(arg));
798         }
799         Operator::F32Nearest | Operator::F64Nearest => {
800             let arg = state.pop1();
801             state.push1(builder.ins().nearest(arg));
802         }
803         Operator::F32Abs | Operator::F64Abs => {
804             let val = state.pop1();
805             state.push1(builder.ins().fabs(val));
806         }
807         Operator::F32Neg | Operator::F64Neg => {
808             let arg = state.pop1();
809             state.push1(builder.ins().fneg(arg));
810         }
811         Operator::F64ConvertI64U | Operator::F64ConvertI32U => {
812             let val = state.pop1();
813             state.push1(builder.ins().fcvt_from_uint(F64, val));
814         }
815         Operator::F64ConvertI64S | Operator::F64ConvertI32S => {
816             let val = state.pop1();
817             state.push1(builder.ins().fcvt_from_sint(F64, val));
818         }
819         Operator::F32ConvertI64S | Operator::F32ConvertI32S => {
820             let val = state.pop1();
821             state.push1(builder.ins().fcvt_from_sint(F32, val));
822         }
823         Operator::F32ConvertI64U | Operator::F32ConvertI32U => {
824             let val = state.pop1();
825             state.push1(builder.ins().fcvt_from_uint(F32, val));
826         }
827         Operator::F64PromoteF32 => {
828             let val = state.pop1();
829             state.push1(builder.ins().fpromote(F64, val));
830         }
831         Operator::F32DemoteF64 => {
832             let val = state.pop1();
833             state.push1(builder.ins().fdemote(F32, val));
834         }
835         Operator::I64TruncF64S | Operator::I64TruncF32S => {
836             let val = state.pop1();
837             state.push1(builder.ins().fcvt_to_sint(I64, val));
838         }
839         Operator::I32TruncF64S | Operator::I32TruncF32S => {
840             let val = state.pop1();
841             state.push1(builder.ins().fcvt_to_sint(I32, val));
842         }
843         Operator::I64TruncF64U | Operator::I64TruncF32U => {
844             let val = state.pop1();
845             state.push1(builder.ins().fcvt_to_uint(I64, val));
846         }
847         Operator::I32TruncF64U | Operator::I32TruncF32U => {
848             let val = state.pop1();
849             state.push1(builder.ins().fcvt_to_uint(I32, val));
850         }
851         Operator::I64TruncSatF64S | Operator::I64TruncSatF32S => {
852             let val = state.pop1();
853             state.push1(builder.ins().fcvt_to_sint_sat(I64, val));
854         }
855         Operator::I32TruncSatF64S | Operator::I32TruncSatF32S => {
856             let val = state.pop1();
857             state.push1(builder.ins().fcvt_to_sint_sat(I32, val));
858         }
859         Operator::I64TruncSatF64U | Operator::I64TruncSatF32U => {
860             let val = state.pop1();
861             state.push1(builder.ins().fcvt_to_uint_sat(I64, val));
862         }
863         Operator::I32TruncSatF64U | Operator::I32TruncSatF32U => {
864             let val = state.pop1();
865             state.push1(builder.ins().fcvt_to_uint_sat(I32, val));
866         }
867         Operator::F32ReinterpretI32 => {
868             let val = state.pop1();
869             state.push1(builder.ins().bitcast(F32, val));
870         }
871         Operator::F64ReinterpretI64 => {
872             let val = state.pop1();
873             state.push1(builder.ins().bitcast(F64, val));
874         }
875         Operator::I32ReinterpretF32 => {
876             let val = state.pop1();
877             state.push1(builder.ins().bitcast(I32, val));
878         }
879         Operator::I64ReinterpretF64 => {
880             let val = state.pop1();
881             state.push1(builder.ins().bitcast(I64, val));
882         }
883         Operator::I32Extend8S => {
884             let val = state.pop1();
885             state.push1(builder.ins().ireduce(I8, val));
886             let val = state.pop1();
887             state.push1(builder.ins().sextend(I32, val));
888         }
889         Operator::I32Extend16S => {
890             let val = state.pop1();
891             state.push1(builder.ins().ireduce(I16, val));
892             let val = state.pop1();
893             state.push1(builder.ins().sextend(I32, val));
894         }
895         Operator::I64Extend8S => {
896             let val = state.pop1();
897             state.push1(builder.ins().ireduce(I8, val));
898             let val = state.pop1();
899             state.push1(builder.ins().sextend(I64, val));
900         }
901         Operator::I64Extend16S => {
902             let val = state.pop1();
903             state.push1(builder.ins().ireduce(I16, val));
904             let val = state.pop1();
905             state.push1(builder.ins().sextend(I64, val));
906         }
907         Operator::I64Extend32S => {
908             let val = state.pop1();
909             state.push1(builder.ins().ireduce(I32, val));
910             let val = state.pop1();
911             state.push1(builder.ins().sextend(I64, val));
912         }
913         /****************************** Binary Operators ************************************/
914         Operator::I32Add | Operator::I64Add => {
915             let (arg1, arg2) = state.pop2();
916             state.push1(builder.ins().iadd(arg1, arg2));
917         }
918         Operator::I32And | Operator::I64And => {
919             let (arg1, arg2) = state.pop2();
920             state.push1(builder.ins().band(arg1, arg2));
921         }
922         Operator::I32Or | Operator::I64Or => {
923             let (arg1, arg2) = state.pop2();
924             state.push1(builder.ins().bor(arg1, arg2));
925         }
926         Operator::I32Xor | Operator::I64Xor => {
927             let (arg1, arg2) = state.pop2();
928             state.push1(builder.ins().bxor(arg1, arg2));
929         }
930         Operator::I32Shl | Operator::I64Shl => {
931             let (arg1, arg2) = state.pop2();
932             state.push1(builder.ins().ishl(arg1, arg2));
933         }
934         Operator::I32ShrS | Operator::I64ShrS => {
935             let (arg1, arg2) = state.pop2();
936             state.push1(builder.ins().sshr(arg1, arg2));
937         }
938         Operator::I32ShrU | Operator::I64ShrU => {
939             let (arg1, arg2) = state.pop2();
940             state.push1(builder.ins().ushr(arg1, arg2));
941         }
942         Operator::I32Rotl | Operator::I64Rotl => {
943             let (arg1, arg2) = state.pop2();
944             state.push1(builder.ins().rotl(arg1, arg2));
945         }
946         Operator::I32Rotr | Operator::I64Rotr => {
947             let (arg1, arg2) = state.pop2();
948             state.push1(builder.ins().rotr(arg1, arg2));
949         }
950         Operator::F32Add | Operator::F64Add => {
951             let (arg1, arg2) = state.pop2();
952             state.push1(builder.ins().fadd(arg1, arg2));
953         }
954         Operator::I32Sub | Operator::I64Sub => {
955             let (arg1, arg2) = state.pop2();
956             state.push1(builder.ins().isub(arg1, arg2));
957         }
958         Operator::F32Sub | Operator::F64Sub => {
959             let (arg1, arg2) = state.pop2();
960             state.push1(builder.ins().fsub(arg1, arg2));
961         }
962         Operator::I32Mul | Operator::I64Mul => {
963             let (arg1, arg2) = state.pop2();
964             state.push1(builder.ins().imul(arg1, arg2));
965         }
966         Operator::F32Mul | Operator::F64Mul => {
967             let (arg1, arg2) = state.pop2();
968             state.push1(builder.ins().fmul(arg1, arg2));
969         }
970         Operator::F32Div | Operator::F64Div => {
971             let (arg1, arg2) = state.pop2();
972             state.push1(builder.ins().fdiv(arg1, arg2));
973         }
974         Operator::I32DivS | Operator::I64DivS => {
975             let (arg1, arg2) = state.pop2();
976             state.push1(builder.ins().sdiv(arg1, arg2));
977         }
978         Operator::I32DivU | Operator::I64DivU => {
979             let (arg1, arg2) = state.pop2();
980             state.push1(builder.ins().udiv(arg1, arg2));
981         }
982         Operator::I32RemS | Operator::I64RemS => {
983             let (arg1, arg2) = state.pop2();
984             state.push1(builder.ins().srem(arg1, arg2));
985         }
986         Operator::I32RemU | Operator::I64RemU => {
987             let (arg1, arg2) = state.pop2();
988             state.push1(builder.ins().urem(arg1, arg2));
989         }
990         Operator::F32Min | Operator::F64Min => {
991             let (arg1, arg2) = state.pop2();
992             state.push1(builder.ins().fmin(arg1, arg2));
993         }
994         Operator::F32Max | Operator::F64Max => {
995             let (arg1, arg2) = state.pop2();
996             state.push1(builder.ins().fmax(arg1, arg2));
997         }
998         Operator::F32Copysign | Operator::F64Copysign => {
999             let (arg1, arg2) = state.pop2();
1000             state.push1(builder.ins().fcopysign(arg1, arg2));
1001         }
1002         /**************************** Comparison Operators **********************************/
1003         Operator::I32LtS | Operator::I64LtS => {
1004             translate_icmp(IntCC::SignedLessThan, builder, state)
1005         }
1006         Operator::I32LtU | Operator::I64LtU => {
1007             translate_icmp(IntCC::UnsignedLessThan, builder, state)
1008         }
1009         Operator::I32LeS | Operator::I64LeS => {
1010             translate_icmp(IntCC::SignedLessThanOrEqual, builder, state)
1011         }
1012         Operator::I32LeU | Operator::I64LeU => {
1013             translate_icmp(IntCC::UnsignedLessThanOrEqual, builder, state)
1014         }
1015         Operator::I32GtS | Operator::I64GtS => {
1016             translate_icmp(IntCC::SignedGreaterThan, builder, state)
1017         }
1018         Operator::I32GtU | Operator::I64GtU => {
1019             translate_icmp(IntCC::UnsignedGreaterThan, builder, state)
1020         }
1021         Operator::I32GeS | Operator::I64GeS => {
1022             translate_icmp(IntCC::SignedGreaterThanOrEqual, builder, state)
1023         }
1024         Operator::I32GeU | Operator::I64GeU => {
1025             translate_icmp(IntCC::UnsignedGreaterThanOrEqual, builder, state)
1026         }
1027         Operator::I32Eqz | Operator::I64Eqz => {
1028             let arg = state.pop1();
1029             let val = builder.ins().icmp_imm(IntCC::Equal, arg, 0);
1030             state.push1(builder.ins().bint(I32, val));
1031         }
1032         Operator::I32Eq | Operator::I64Eq => translate_icmp(IntCC::Equal, builder, state),
1033         Operator::F32Eq | Operator::F64Eq => translate_fcmp(FloatCC::Equal, builder, state),
1034         Operator::I32Ne | Operator::I64Ne => translate_icmp(IntCC::NotEqual, builder, state),
1035         Operator::F32Ne | Operator::F64Ne => translate_fcmp(FloatCC::NotEqual, builder, state),
1036         Operator::F32Gt | Operator::F64Gt => translate_fcmp(FloatCC::GreaterThan, builder, state),
1037         Operator::F32Ge | Operator::F64Ge => {
1038             translate_fcmp(FloatCC::GreaterThanOrEqual, builder, state)
1039         }
1040         Operator::F32Lt | Operator::F64Lt => translate_fcmp(FloatCC::LessThan, builder, state),
1041         Operator::F32Le | Operator::F64Le => {
1042             translate_fcmp(FloatCC::LessThanOrEqual, builder, state)
1043         }
1044         Operator::RefNull { ty } => {
1045             state.push1(environ.translate_ref_null(builder.cursor(), (*ty).try_into()?)?)
1046         }
1047         Operator::RefIsNull => {
1048             let value = state.pop1();
1049             state.push1(environ.translate_ref_is_null(builder.cursor(), value)?);
1050         }
1051         Operator::RefFunc { function_index } => {
1052             let index = FuncIndex::from_u32(*function_index);
1053             state.push1(environ.translate_ref_func(builder.cursor(), index)?);
1054         }
1055         Operator::MemoryAtomicWait32 { memarg } | Operator::MemoryAtomicWait64 { memarg } => {
1056             // The WebAssembly MVP only supports one linear memory and
1057             // wasmparser will ensure that the memory indices specified are
1058             // zero.
1059             let implied_ty = match op {
1060                 Operator::MemoryAtomicWait64 { .. } => I64,
1061                 Operator::MemoryAtomicWait32 { .. } => I32,
1062                 _ => unreachable!(),
1063             };
1064             let heap_index = MemoryIndex::from_u32(memarg.memory);
1065             let heap = state.get_heap(builder.func, memarg.memory, environ)?;
1066             let timeout = state.pop1(); // 64 (fixed)
1067             let expected = state.pop1(); // 32 or 64 (per the `Ixx` in `IxxAtomicWait`)
1068             let addr = state.pop1(); // 32 (fixed)
1069             let addr = fold_atomic_mem_addr(addr, memarg, implied_ty, builder);
1070             assert!(builder.func.dfg.value_type(expected) == implied_ty);
1071             // `fn translate_atomic_wait` can inspect the type of `expected` to figure out what
1072             // code it needs to generate, if it wants.
1073             let res = environ.translate_atomic_wait(
1074                 builder.cursor(),
1075                 heap_index,
1076                 heap,
1077                 addr,
1078                 expected,
1079                 timeout,
1080             )?;
1081             state.push1(res);
1082         }
1083         Operator::MemoryAtomicNotify { memarg } => {
1084             let heap_index = MemoryIndex::from_u32(memarg.memory);
1085             let heap = state.get_heap(builder.func, memarg.memory, environ)?;
1086             let count = state.pop1(); // 32 (fixed)
1087             let addr = state.pop1(); // 32 (fixed)
1088             let addr = fold_atomic_mem_addr(addr, memarg, I32, builder);
1089             let res =
1090                 environ.translate_atomic_notify(builder.cursor(), heap_index, heap, addr, count)?;
1091             state.push1(res);
1092         }
1093         Operator::I32AtomicLoad { memarg } => {
1094             translate_atomic_load(I32, I32, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1095         }
1096         Operator::I64AtomicLoad { memarg } => {
1097             translate_atomic_load(I64, I64, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1098         }
1099         Operator::I32AtomicLoad8U { memarg } => {
1100             translate_atomic_load(I32, I8, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1101         }
1102         Operator::I32AtomicLoad16U { memarg } => {
1103             translate_atomic_load(I32, I16, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1104         }
1105         Operator::I64AtomicLoad8U { memarg } => {
1106             translate_atomic_load(I64, I8, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1107         }
1108         Operator::I64AtomicLoad16U { memarg } => {
1109             translate_atomic_load(I64, I16, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1110         }
1111         Operator::I64AtomicLoad32U { memarg } => {
1112             translate_atomic_load(I64, I32, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1113         }
1115         Operator::I32AtomicStore { memarg } => {
1116             translate_atomic_store(I32, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1117         }
1118         Operator::I64AtomicStore { memarg } => {
1119             translate_atomic_store(I64, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1120         }
1121         Operator::I32AtomicStore8 { memarg } => {
1122             translate_atomic_store(I8, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1123         }
1124         Operator::I32AtomicStore16 { memarg } => {
1125             translate_atomic_store(I16, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1126         }
1127         Operator::I64AtomicStore8 { memarg } => {
1128             translate_atomic_store(I8, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1129         }
1130         Operator::I64AtomicStore16 { memarg } => {
1131             translate_atomic_store(I16, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1132         }
1133         Operator::I64AtomicStore32 { memarg } => {
1134             translate_atomic_store(I32, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1135         }
1137         Operator::I32AtomicRmwAdd { memarg } => {
1138             translate_atomic_rmw(I32, I32, AtomicRmwOp::Add, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1139         }
1140         Operator::I64AtomicRmwAdd { memarg } => {
1141             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I64, AtomicRmwOp::Add, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1142         }
1143         Operator::I32AtomicRmw8AddU { memarg } => {
1144             translate_atomic_rmw(I32, I8, AtomicRmwOp::Add, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1145         }
1146         Operator::I32AtomicRmw16AddU { memarg } => {
1147             translate_atomic_rmw(I32, I16, AtomicRmwOp::Add, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1148         }
1149         Operator::I64AtomicRmw8AddU { memarg } => {
1150             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I8, AtomicRmwOp::Add, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1151         }
1152         Operator::I64AtomicRmw16AddU { memarg } => {
1153             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I16, AtomicRmwOp::Add, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1154         }
1155         Operator::I64AtomicRmw32AddU { memarg } => {
1156             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I32, AtomicRmwOp::Add, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1157         }
1159         Operator::I32AtomicRmwSub { memarg } => {
1160             translate_atomic_rmw(I32, I32, AtomicRmwOp::Sub, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1161         }
1162         Operator::I64AtomicRmwSub { memarg } => {
1163             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I64, AtomicRmwOp::Sub, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1164         }
1165         Operator::I32AtomicRmw8SubU { memarg } => {
1166             translate_atomic_rmw(I32, I8, AtomicRmwOp::Sub, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1167         }
1168         Operator::I32AtomicRmw16SubU { memarg } => {
1169             translate_atomic_rmw(I32, I16, AtomicRmwOp::Sub, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1170         }
1171         Operator::I64AtomicRmw8SubU { memarg } => {
1172             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I8, AtomicRmwOp::Sub, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1173         }
1174         Operator::I64AtomicRmw16SubU { memarg } => {
1175             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I16, AtomicRmwOp::Sub, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1176         }
1177         Operator::I64AtomicRmw32SubU { memarg } => {
1178             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I32, AtomicRmwOp::Sub, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1179         }
1181         Operator::I32AtomicRmwAnd { memarg } => {
1182             translate_atomic_rmw(I32, I32, AtomicRmwOp::And, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1183         }
1184         Operator::I64AtomicRmwAnd { memarg } => {
1185             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I64, AtomicRmwOp::And, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1186         }
1187         Operator::I32AtomicRmw8AndU { memarg } => {
1188             translate_atomic_rmw(I32, I8, AtomicRmwOp::And, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1189         }
1190         Operator::I32AtomicRmw16AndU { memarg } => {
1191             translate_atomic_rmw(I32, I16, AtomicRmwOp::And, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1192         }
1193         Operator::I64AtomicRmw8AndU { memarg } => {
1194             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I8, AtomicRmwOp::And, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1195         }
1196         Operator::I64AtomicRmw16AndU { memarg } => {
1197             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I16, AtomicRmwOp::And, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1198         }
1199         Operator::I64AtomicRmw32AndU { memarg } => {
1200             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I32, AtomicRmwOp::And, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1201         }
1203         Operator::I32AtomicRmwOr { memarg } => {
1204             translate_atomic_rmw(I32, I32, AtomicRmwOp::Or, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1205         }
1206         Operator::I64AtomicRmwOr { memarg } => {
1207             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I64, AtomicRmwOp::Or, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1208         }
1209         Operator::I32AtomicRmw8OrU { memarg } => {
1210             translate_atomic_rmw(I32, I8, AtomicRmwOp::Or, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1211         }
1212         Operator::I32AtomicRmw16OrU { memarg } => {
1213             translate_atomic_rmw(I32, I16, AtomicRmwOp::Or, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1214         }
1215         Operator::I64AtomicRmw8OrU { memarg } => {
1216             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I8, AtomicRmwOp::Or, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1217         }
1218         Operator::I64AtomicRmw16OrU { memarg } => {
1219             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I16, AtomicRmwOp::Or, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1220         }
1221         Operator::I64AtomicRmw32OrU { memarg } => {
1222             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I32, AtomicRmwOp::Or, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1223         }
1225         Operator::I32AtomicRmwXor { memarg } => {
1226             translate_atomic_rmw(I32, I32, AtomicRmwOp::Xor, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1227         }
1228         Operator::I64AtomicRmwXor { memarg } => {
1229             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I64, AtomicRmwOp::Xor, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1230         }
1231         Operator::I32AtomicRmw8XorU { memarg } => {
1232             translate_atomic_rmw(I32, I8, AtomicRmwOp::Xor, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1233         }
1234         Operator::I32AtomicRmw16XorU { memarg } => {
1235             translate_atomic_rmw(I32, I16, AtomicRmwOp::Xor, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1236         }
1237         Operator::I64AtomicRmw8XorU { memarg } => {
1238             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I8, AtomicRmwOp::Xor, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1239         }
1240         Operator::I64AtomicRmw16XorU { memarg } => {
1241             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I16, AtomicRmwOp::Xor, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1242         }
1243         Operator::I64AtomicRmw32XorU { memarg } => {
1244             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I32, AtomicRmwOp::Xor, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1245         }
1247         Operator::I32AtomicRmwXchg { memarg } => {
1248             translate_atomic_rmw(I32, I32, AtomicRmwOp::Xchg, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1249         }
1250         Operator::I64AtomicRmwXchg { memarg } => {
1251             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I64, AtomicRmwOp::Xchg, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1252         }
1253         Operator::I32AtomicRmw8XchgU { memarg } => {
1254             translate_atomic_rmw(I32, I8, AtomicRmwOp::Xchg, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1255         }
1256         Operator::I32AtomicRmw16XchgU { memarg } => {
1257             translate_atomic_rmw(I32, I16, AtomicRmwOp::Xchg, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1258         }
1259         Operator::I64AtomicRmw8XchgU { memarg } => {
1260             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I8, AtomicRmwOp::Xchg, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1261         }
1262         Operator::I64AtomicRmw16XchgU { memarg } => {
1263             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I16, AtomicRmwOp::Xchg, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1264         }
1265         Operator::I64AtomicRmw32XchgU { memarg } => {
1266             translate_atomic_rmw(I64, I32, AtomicRmwOp::Xchg, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1267         }
1269         Operator::I32AtomicRmwCmpxchg { memarg } => {
1270             translate_atomic_cas(I32, I32, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1271         }
1272         Operator::I64AtomicRmwCmpxchg { memarg } => {
1273             translate_atomic_cas(I64, I64, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1274         }
1275         Operator::I32AtomicRmw8CmpxchgU { memarg } => {
1276             translate_atomic_cas(I32, I8, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1277         }
1278         Operator::I32AtomicRmw16CmpxchgU { memarg } => {
1279             translate_atomic_cas(I32, I16, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1280         }
1281         Operator::I64AtomicRmw8CmpxchgU { memarg } => {
1282             translate_atomic_cas(I64, I8, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1283         }
1284         Operator::I64AtomicRmw16CmpxchgU { memarg } => {
1285             translate_atomic_cas(I64, I16, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1286         }
1287         Operator::I64AtomicRmw32CmpxchgU { memarg } => {
1288             translate_atomic_cas(I64, I32, memarg, builder, state, environ)?
1289         }
1291         Operator::AtomicFence { .. } => {
1292             builder.ins().fence();
1293         }
1294         Operator::MemoryCopy { src, dst } => {
1295             let src_index = MemoryIndex::from_u32(*src);
1296             let dst_index = MemoryIndex::from_u32(*dst);
1297             let src_heap = state.get_heap(builder.func, *src, environ)?;
1298             let dst_heap = state.get_heap(builder.func, *dst, environ)?;
1299             let len = state.pop1();
1300             let src_pos = state.pop1();
1301             let dst_pos = state.pop1();
1302             environ.translate_memory_copy(
1303                 builder.cursor(),
1304                 src_index,
1305                 src_heap,
1306                 dst_index,
1307                 dst_heap,
1308                 dst_pos,
1309                 src_pos,
1310                 len,
1311             )?;
1312         }
1313         Operator::MemoryFill { mem } => {
1314             let heap_index = MemoryIndex::from_u32(*mem);
1315             let heap = state.get_heap(builder.func, *mem, environ)?;
1316             let len = state.pop1();
1317             let val = state.pop1();
1318             let dest = state.pop1();
1319             environ.translate_memory_fill(builder.cursor(), heap_index, heap, dest, val, len)?;
1320         }
1321         Operator::MemoryInit { segment, mem } => {
1322             let heap_index = MemoryIndex::from_u32(*mem);
1323             let heap = state.get_heap(builder.func, *mem, environ)?;
1324             let len = state.pop1();
1325             let src = state.pop1();
1326             let dest = state.pop1();
1327             environ.translate_memory_init(
1328                 builder.cursor(),
1329                 heap_index,
1330                 heap,
1331                 *segment,
1332                 dest,
1333                 src,
1334                 len,
1335             )?;
1336         }
1337         Operator::DataDrop { segment } => {
1338             environ.translate_data_drop(builder.cursor(), *segment)?;
1339         }
1340         Operator::TableSize { table: index } => {
1341             let table = state.get_or_create_table(builder.func, *index, environ)?;
1342             state.push1(environ.translate_table_size(
1343                 builder.cursor(),
1344                 TableIndex::from_u32(*index),
1345                 table,
1346             )?);
1347         }
1348         Operator::TableGrow { table: index } => {
1349             let table_index = TableIndex::from_u32(*index);
1350             let table = state.get_or_create_table(builder.func, *index, environ)?;
1351             let delta = state.pop1();
1352             let init_value = state.pop1();
1353             state.push1(environ.translate_table_grow(
1354                 builder.cursor(),
1355                 table_index,
1356                 table,
1357                 delta,
1358                 init_value,
1359             )?);
1360         }
1361         Operator::TableGet { table: index } => {
1362             let table_index = TableIndex::from_u32(*index);
1363             let table = state.get_or_create_table(builder.func, *index, environ)?;
1364             let index = state.pop1();
1365             state.push1(environ.translate_table_get(builder, table_index, table, index)?);
1366         }
1367         Operator::TableSet { table: index } => {
1368             let table_index = TableIndex::from_u32(*index);
1369             let table = state.get_or_create_table(builder.func, *index, environ)?;
1370             let value = state.pop1();
1371             let index = state.pop1();
1372             environ.translate_table_set(builder, table_index, table, value, index)?;
1373         }
1374         Operator::TableCopy {
1375             dst_table: dst_table_index,
1376             src_table: src_table_index,
1377         } => {
1378             let dst_table = state.get_or_create_table(builder.func, *dst_table_index, environ)?;
1379             let src_table = state.get_or_create_table(builder.func, *src_table_index, environ)?;
1380             let len = state.pop1();
1381             let src = state.pop1();
1382             let dest = state.pop1();
1383             environ.translate_table_copy(
1384                 builder.cursor(),
1385                 TableIndex::from_u32(*dst_table_index),
1386                 dst_table,
1387                 TableIndex::from_u32(*src_table_index),
1388                 src_table,
1389                 dest,
1390                 src,
1391                 len,
1392             )?;
1393         }
1394         Operator::TableFill { table } => {
1395             let table_index = TableIndex::from_u32(*table);
1396             let len = state.pop1();
1397             let val = state.pop1();
1398             let dest = state.pop1();
1399             environ.translate_table_fill(builder.cursor(), table_index, dest, val, len)?;
1400         }
1401         Operator::TableInit {
1402             segment,
1403             table: table_index,
1404         } => {
1405             let table = state.get_or_create_table(builder.func, *table_index, environ)?;
1406             let len = state.pop1();
1407             let src = state.pop1();
1408             let dest = state.pop1();
1409             environ.translate_table_init(
1410                 builder.cursor(),
1411                 *segment,
1412                 TableIndex::from_u32(*table_index),
1413                 table,
1414                 dest,
1415                 src,
1416                 len,
1417             )?;
1418         }
1419         Operator::ElemDrop { segment } => {
1420             environ.translate_elem_drop(builder.cursor(), *segment)?;
1421         }
1422         Operator::V128Const { value } => {
1423             let data = value.bytes().to_vec().into();
1424             let handle = builder.func.dfg.constants.insert(data);
1425             let value = builder.ins().vconst(I8X16, handle);
1426             // the v128.const is typed in CLIF as a I8x16 but raw_bitcast to a different type
1427             // before use
1428             state.push1(value)
1429         }
1430         Operator::I8x16Splat | Operator::I16x8Splat => {
1431             let reduced = builder.ins().ireduce(type_of(op).lane_type(), state.pop1());
1432             let splatted = builder.ins().splat(type_of(op), reduced);
1433             state.push1(splatted)
1434         }
1435         Operator::I32x4Splat
1436         | Operator::I64x2Splat
1437         | Operator::F32x4Splat
1438         | Operator::F64x2Splat => {
1439             let splatted = builder.ins().splat(type_of(op), state.pop1());
1440             state.push1(splatted)
1441         }
1442         Operator::V128Load8Splat { memarg }
1443         | Operator::V128Load16Splat { memarg }
1444         | Operator::V128Load32Splat { memarg }
1445         | Operator::V128Load64Splat { memarg } => {
1446             translate_load(
1447                 memarg,
1448                 ir::Opcode::Load,
1449                 type_of(op).lane_type(),
1450                 builder,
1451                 state,
1452                 environ,
1453             )?;
1454             let splatted = builder.ins().splat(type_of(op), state.pop1());
1455             state.push1(splatted)
1456         }
1457         Operator::V128Load32Zero { memarg } | Operator::V128Load64Zero { memarg } => {
1458             translate_load(
1459                 memarg,
1460                 ir::Opcode::Load,
1461                 type_of(op).lane_type(),
1462                 builder,
1463                 state,
1464                 environ,
1465             )?;
1466             let as_vector = builder.ins().scalar_to_vector(type_of(op), state.pop1());
1467             state.push1(as_vector)
1468         }
1469         Operator::V128Load8Lane { memarg, lane }
1470         | Operator::V128Load16Lane { memarg, lane }
1471         | Operator::V128Load32Lane { memarg, lane }
1472         | Operator::V128Load64Lane { memarg, lane } => {
1473             let vector = pop1_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1474             translate_load(
1475                 memarg,
1476                 ir::Opcode::Load,
1477                 type_of(op).lane_type(),
1478                 builder,
1479                 state,
1480                 environ,
1481             )?;
1482             let replacement = state.pop1();
1483             state.push1(builder.ins().insertlane(vector, replacement, *lane))
1484         }
1485         Operator::V128Store8Lane { memarg, lane }
1486         | Operator::V128Store16Lane { memarg, lane }
1487         | Operator::V128Store32Lane { memarg, lane }
1488         | Operator::V128Store64Lane { memarg, lane } => {
1489             let vector = pop1_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1490             state.push1(builder.ins().extractlane(vector, lane.clone()));
1491             translate_store(memarg, ir::Opcode::Store, builder, state, environ)?;
1492         }
1493         Operator::I8x16ExtractLaneS { lane } | Operator::I16x8ExtractLaneS { lane } => {
1494             let vector = pop1_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1495             let extracted = builder.ins().extractlane(vector, lane.clone());
1496             state.push1(builder.ins().sextend(I32, extracted))
1497         }
1498         Operator::I8x16ExtractLaneU { lane } | Operator::I16x8ExtractLaneU { lane } => {
1499             let vector = pop1_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1500             let extracted = builder.ins().extractlane(vector, lane.clone());
1501             state.push1(builder.ins().uextend(I32, extracted));
1502             // On x86, PEXTRB zeroes the upper bits of the destination register of extractlane so
1503             // uextend could be elided; for now, uextend is needed for Cranelift's type checks to
1504             // work.
1505         }
1506         Operator::I32x4ExtractLane { lane }
1507         | Operator::I64x2ExtractLane { lane }
1508         | Operator::F32x4ExtractLane { lane }
1509         | Operator::F64x2ExtractLane { lane } => {
1510             let vector = pop1_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1511             state.push1(builder.ins().extractlane(vector, lane.clone()))
1512         }
1513         Operator::I8x16ReplaceLane { lane } | Operator::I16x8ReplaceLane { lane } => {
1514             let (vector, replacement) = state.pop2();
1515             let ty = type_of(op);
1516             let reduced = builder.ins().ireduce(ty.lane_type(), replacement);
1517             let vector = optionally_bitcast_vector(vector, ty, builder);
1518             state.push1(builder.ins().insertlane(vector, reduced, *lane))
1519         }
1520         Operator::I32x4ReplaceLane { lane }
1521         | Operator::I64x2ReplaceLane { lane }
1522         | Operator::F32x4ReplaceLane { lane }
1523         | Operator::F64x2ReplaceLane { lane } => {
1524             let (vector, replacement) = state.pop2();
1525             let vector = optionally_bitcast_vector(vector, type_of(op), builder);
1526             state.push1(builder.ins().insertlane(vector, replacement, *lane))
1527         }
1528         Operator::I8x16Shuffle { lanes, .. } => {
1529             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, I8X16, builder);
1530             let lanes = ConstantData::from(lanes.as_ref());
1531             let mask = builder.func.dfg.immediates.push(lanes);
1532             let shuffled = builder.ins().shuffle(a, b, mask);
1533             state.push1(shuffled)
1534             // At this point the original types of a and b are lost; users of this value (i.e. this
1535             // WASM-to-CLIF translator) may need to raw_bitcast for type-correctness. This is due
1536             // to WASM using the less specific v128 type for certain operations and more specific
1537             // types (e.g. i8x16) for others.
1538         }
1539         Operator::I8x16Swizzle => {
1540             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, I8X16, builder);
1541             state.push1(builder.ins().swizzle(I8X16, a, b))
1542         }
1543         Operator::I8x16Add | Operator::I16x8Add | Operator::I32x4Add | Operator::I64x2Add => {
1544             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1545             state.push1(builder.ins().iadd(a, b))
1546         }
1547         Operator::I8x16AddSatS | Operator::I16x8AddSatS => {
1548             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1549             state.push1(builder.ins().sadd_sat(a, b))
1550         }
1551         Operator::I8x16AddSatU | Operator::I16x8AddSatU => {
1552             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1553             state.push1(builder.ins().uadd_sat(a, b))
1554         }
1555         Operator::I8x16Sub | Operator::I16x8Sub | Operator::I32x4Sub | Operator::I64x2Sub => {
1556             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1557             state.push1(builder.ins().isub(a, b))
1558         }
1559         Operator::I8x16SubSatS | Operator::I16x8SubSatS => {
1560             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1561             state.push1(builder.ins().ssub_sat(a, b))
1562         }
1563         Operator::I8x16SubSatU | Operator::I16x8SubSatU => {
1564             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1565             state.push1(builder.ins().usub_sat(a, b))
1566         }
1567         Operator::I8x16MinS | Operator::I16x8MinS | Operator::I32x4MinS => {
1568             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1569             state.push1(builder.ins().imin(a, b))
1570         }
1571         Operator::I8x16MinU | Operator::I16x8MinU | Operator::I32x4MinU => {
1572             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1573             state.push1(builder.ins().umin(a, b))
1574         }
1575         Operator::I8x16MaxS | Operator::I16x8MaxS | Operator::I32x4MaxS => {
1576             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1577             state.push1(builder.ins().imax(a, b))
1578         }
1579         Operator::I8x16MaxU | Operator::I16x8MaxU | Operator::I32x4MaxU => {
1580             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1581             state.push1(builder.ins().umax(a, b))
1582         }
1583         Operator::I8x16RoundingAverageU | Operator::I16x8RoundingAverageU => {
1584             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1585             state.push1(builder.ins().avg_round(a, b))
1586         }
1587         Operator::I8x16Neg | Operator::I16x8Neg | Operator::I32x4Neg | Operator::I64x2Neg => {
1588             let a = pop1_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1589             state.push1(builder.ins().ineg(a))
1590         }
1591         Operator::I8x16Abs | Operator::I16x8Abs | Operator::I32x4Abs | Operator::I64x2Abs => {
1592             let a = pop1_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1593             state.push1(builder.ins().iabs(a))
1594         }
1595         Operator::I16x8Mul | Operator::I32x4Mul | Operator::I64x2Mul => {
1596             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1597             state.push1(builder.ins().imul(a, b))
1598         }
1599         Operator::V128Or => {
1600             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1601             state.push1(builder.ins().bor(a, b))
1602         }
1603         Operator::V128Xor => {
1604             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1605             state.push1(builder.ins().bxor(a, b))
1606         }
1607         Operator::V128And => {
1608             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1609             state.push1(builder.ins().band(a, b))
1610         }
1611         Operator::V128AndNot => {
1612             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1613             state.push1(builder.ins().band_not(a, b))
1614         }
1615         Operator::V128Not => {
1616             let a = state.pop1();
1617             state.push1(builder.ins().bnot(a));
1618         }
1619         Operator::I8x16Shl | Operator::I16x8Shl | Operator::I32x4Shl | Operator::I64x2Shl => {
1620             let (a, b) = state.pop2();
1621             let bitcast_a = optionally_bitcast_vector(a, type_of(op), builder);
1622             let bitwidth = i64::from(type_of(op).lane_bits());
1623             // The spec expects to shift with `b mod lanewidth`; so, e.g., for 16 bit lane-width
1624             // we do `b AND 15`; this means fewer instructions than `iconst + urem`.
1625             let b_mod_bitwidth = builder.ins().band_imm(b, bitwidth - 1);
1626             state.push1(builder.ins().ishl(bitcast_a, b_mod_bitwidth))
1627         }
1628         Operator::I8x16ShrU | Operator::I16x8ShrU | Operator::I32x4ShrU | Operator::I64x2ShrU => {
1629             let (a, b) = state.pop2();
1630             let bitcast_a = optionally_bitcast_vector(a, type_of(op), builder);
1631             let bitwidth = i64::from(type_of(op).lane_bits());
1632             // The spec expects to shift with `b mod lanewidth`; so, e.g., for 16 bit lane-width
1633             // we do `b AND 15`; this means fewer instructions than `iconst + urem`.
1634             let b_mod_bitwidth = builder.ins().band_imm(b, bitwidth - 1);
1635             state.push1(builder.ins().ushr(bitcast_a, b_mod_bitwidth))
1636         }
1637         Operator::I8x16ShrS | Operator::I16x8ShrS | Operator::I32x4ShrS | Operator::I64x2ShrS => {
1638             let (a, b) = state.pop2();
1639             let bitcast_a = optionally_bitcast_vector(a, type_of(op), builder);
1640             let bitwidth = i64::from(type_of(op).lane_bits());
1641             // The spec expects to shift with `b mod lanewidth`; so, e.g., for 16 bit lane-width
1642             // we do `b AND 15`; this means fewer instructions than `iconst + urem`.
1643             let b_mod_bitwidth = builder.ins().band_imm(b, bitwidth - 1);
1644             state.push1(builder.ins().sshr(bitcast_a, b_mod_bitwidth))
1645         }
1646         Operator::V128Bitselect => {
1647             let (a, b, c) = state.pop3();
1648             let bitcast_a = optionally_bitcast_vector(a, I8X16, builder);
1649             let bitcast_b = optionally_bitcast_vector(b, I8X16, builder);
1650             let bitcast_c = optionally_bitcast_vector(c, I8X16, builder);
1651             // The CLIF operand ordering is slightly different and the types of all three
1652             // operands must match (hence the bitcast).
1653             state.push1(builder.ins().bitselect(bitcast_c, bitcast_a, bitcast_b))
1654         }
1655         Operator::V128AnyTrue => {
1656             let a = pop1_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1657             let bool_result = builder.ins().vany_true(a);
1658             state.push1(builder.ins().bint(I32, bool_result))
1659         }
1660         Operator::I8x16AllTrue
1661         | Operator::I16x8AllTrue
1662         | Operator::I32x4AllTrue
1663         | Operator::I64x2AllTrue => {
1664             let a = pop1_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1665             let bool_result = builder.ins().vall_true(a);
1666             state.push1(builder.ins().bint(I32, bool_result))
1667         }
1668         Operator::I8x16Bitmask
1669         | Operator::I16x8Bitmask
1670         | Operator::I32x4Bitmask
1671         | Operator::I64x2Bitmask => {
1672             let a = pop1_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1673             state.push1(builder.ins().vhigh_bits(I32, a));
1674         }
1675         Operator::I8x16Eq | Operator::I16x8Eq | Operator::I32x4Eq | Operator::I64x2Eq => {
1676             translate_vector_icmp(IntCC::Equal, type_of(op), builder, state)
1677         }
1678         Operator::I8x16Ne | Operator::I16x8Ne | Operator::I32x4Ne | Operator::I64x2Ne => {
1679             translate_vector_icmp(IntCC::NotEqual, type_of(op), builder, state)
1680         }
1681         Operator::I8x16GtS | Operator::I16x8GtS | Operator::I32x4GtS | Operator::I64x2GtS => {
1682             translate_vector_icmp(IntCC::SignedGreaterThan, type_of(op), builder, state)
1683         }
1684         Operator::I8x16LtS | Operator::I16x8LtS | Operator::I32x4LtS | Operator::I64x2LtS => {
1685             translate_vector_icmp(IntCC::SignedLessThan, type_of(op), builder, state)
1686         }
1687         Operator::I8x16GtU | Operator::I16x8GtU | Operator::I32x4GtU => {
1688             translate_vector_icmp(IntCC::UnsignedGreaterThan, type_of(op), builder, state)
1689         }
1690         Operator::I8x16LtU | Operator::I16x8LtU | Operator::I32x4LtU => {
1691             translate_vector_icmp(IntCC::UnsignedLessThan, type_of(op), builder, state)
1692         }
1693         Operator::I8x16GeS | Operator::I16x8GeS | Operator::I32x4GeS | Operator::I64x2GeS => {
1694             translate_vector_icmp(IntCC::SignedGreaterThanOrEqual, type_of(op), builder, state)
1695         }
1696         Operator::I8x16LeS | Operator::I16x8LeS | Operator::I32x4LeS | Operator::I64x2LeS => {
1697             translate_vector_icmp(IntCC::SignedLessThanOrEqual, type_of(op), builder, state)
1698         }
1699         Operator::I8x16GeU | Operator::I16x8GeU | Operator::I32x4GeU => translate_vector_icmp(
1700             IntCC::UnsignedGreaterThanOrEqual,
1701             type_of(op),
1702             builder,
1703             state,
1704         ),
1705         Operator::I8x16LeU | Operator::I16x8LeU | Operator::I32x4LeU => {
1706             translate_vector_icmp(IntCC::UnsignedLessThanOrEqual, type_of(op), builder, state)
1707         }
1708         Operator::F32x4Eq | Operator::F64x2Eq => {
1709             translate_vector_fcmp(FloatCC::Equal, type_of(op), builder, state)
1710         }
1711         Operator::F32x4Ne | Operator::F64x2Ne => {
1712             translate_vector_fcmp(FloatCC::NotEqual, type_of(op), builder, state)
1713         }
1714         Operator::F32x4Lt | Operator::F64x2Lt => {
1715             translate_vector_fcmp(FloatCC::LessThan, type_of(op), builder, state)
1716         }
1717         Operator::F32x4Gt | Operator::F64x2Gt => {
1718             translate_vector_fcmp(FloatCC::GreaterThan, type_of(op), builder, state)
1719         }
1720         Operator::F32x4Le | Operator::F64x2Le => {
1721             translate_vector_fcmp(FloatCC::LessThanOrEqual, type_of(op), builder, state)
1722         }
1723         Operator::F32x4Ge | Operator::F64x2Ge => {
1724             translate_vector_fcmp(FloatCC::GreaterThanOrEqual, type_of(op), builder, state)
1725         }
1726         Operator::F32x4Add | Operator::F64x2Add => {
1727             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1728             state.push1(builder.ins().fadd(a, b))
1729         }
1730         Operator::F32x4Sub | Operator::F64x2Sub => {
1731             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1732             state.push1(builder.ins().fsub(a, b))
1733         }
1734         Operator::F32x4Mul | Operator::F64x2Mul => {
1735             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1736             state.push1(builder.ins().fmul(a, b))
1737         }
1738         Operator::F32x4Div | Operator::F64x2Div => {
1739             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1740             state.push1(builder.ins().fdiv(a, b))
1741         }
1742         Operator::F32x4Max | Operator::F64x2Max => {
1743             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1744             state.push1(builder.ins().fmax(a, b))
1745         }
1746         Operator::F32x4Min | Operator::F64x2Min => {
1747             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1748             state.push1(builder.ins().fmin(a, b))
1749         }
1750         Operator::F32x4PMax | Operator::F64x2PMax => {
1751             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1752             state.push1(builder.ins().fmax_pseudo(a, b))
1753         }
1754         Operator::F32x4PMin | Operator::F64x2PMin => {
1755             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1756             state.push1(builder.ins().fmin_pseudo(a, b))
1757         }
1758         Operator::F32x4Sqrt | Operator::F64x2Sqrt => {
1759             let a = pop1_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1760             state.push1(builder.ins().sqrt(a))
1761         }
1762         Operator::F32x4Neg | Operator::F64x2Neg => {
1763             let a = pop1_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1764             state.push1(builder.ins().fneg(a))
1765         }
1766         Operator::F32x4Abs | Operator::F64x2Abs => {
1767             let a = pop1_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1768             state.push1(builder.ins().fabs(a))
1769         }
1770         Operator::F32x4ConvertI32x4S => {
1771             let a = pop1_with_bitcast(state, I32X4, builder);
1772             state.push1(builder.ins().fcvt_from_sint(F32X4, a))
1773         }
1774         Operator::F32x4ConvertI32x4U => {
1775             let a = pop1_with_bitcast(state, I32X4, builder);
1776             state.push1(builder.ins().fcvt_from_uint(F32X4, a))
1777         }
1778         Operator::F64x2ConvertLowI32x4S => {
1779             let a = pop1_with_bitcast(state, I32X4, builder);
1780             state.push1(builder.ins().fcvt_low_from_sint(F64X2, a));
1781         }
1782         Operator::I32x4TruncSatF32x4S => {
1783             let a = pop1_with_bitcast(state, F32X4, builder);
1784             state.push1(builder.ins().fcvt_to_sint_sat(I32X4, a))
1785         }
1786         Operator::I32x4TruncSatF32x4U => {
1787             let a = pop1_with_bitcast(state, F32X4, builder);
1788             state.push1(builder.ins().fcvt_to_uint_sat(I32X4, a))
1789         }
1790         Operator::I8x16NarrowI16x8S => {
1791             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, I16X8, builder);
1792             state.push1(builder.ins().snarrow(a, b))
1793         }
1794         Operator::I16x8NarrowI32x4S => {
1795             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, I32X4, builder);
1796             state.push1(builder.ins().snarrow(a, b))
1797         }
1798         Operator::I8x16NarrowI16x8U => {
1799             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, I16X8, builder);
1800             state.push1(builder.ins().unarrow(a, b))
1801         }
1802         Operator::I16x8NarrowI32x4U => {
1803             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, I32X4, builder);
1804             state.push1(builder.ins().unarrow(a, b))
1805         }
1806         Operator::I16x8ExtendLowI8x16S => {
1807             let a = pop1_with_bitcast(state, I8X16, builder);
1808             state.push1(builder.ins().swiden_low(a))
1809         }
1810         Operator::I16x8ExtendHighI8x16S => {
1811             let a = pop1_with_bitcast(state, I8X16, builder);
1812             state.push1(builder.ins().swiden_high(a))
1813         }
1814         Operator::I16x8ExtendLowI8x16U => {
1815             let a = pop1_with_bitcast(state, I8X16, builder);
1816             state.push1(builder.ins().uwiden_low(a))
1817         }
1818         Operator::I16x8ExtendHighI8x16U => {
1819             let a = pop1_with_bitcast(state, I8X16, builder);
1820             state.push1(builder.ins().uwiden_high(a))
1821         }
1822         Operator::I32x4ExtendLowI16x8S => {
1823             let a = pop1_with_bitcast(state, I16X8, builder);
1824             state.push1(builder.ins().swiden_low(a))
1825         }
1826         Operator::I32x4ExtendHighI16x8S => {
1827             let a = pop1_with_bitcast(state, I16X8, builder);
1828             state.push1(builder.ins().swiden_high(a))
1829         }
1830         Operator::I32x4ExtendLowI16x8U => {
1831             let a = pop1_with_bitcast(state, I16X8, builder);
1832             state.push1(builder.ins().uwiden_low(a))
1833         }
1834         Operator::I32x4ExtendHighI16x8U => {
1835             let a = pop1_with_bitcast(state, I16X8, builder);
1836             state.push1(builder.ins().uwiden_high(a))
1837         }
1839         Operator::F32x4Ceil | Operator::F64x2Ceil => {
1840             // This is something of a misuse of `type_of`, because that produces the return type
1841             // of `op`.  In this case we want the arg type, but we know it's the same as the
1842             // return type.  Same for the 3 cases below.
1843             let arg = pop1_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1844             state.push1(builder.ins().ceil(arg));
1845         }
1846         Operator::F32x4Floor | Operator::F64x2Floor => {
1847             let arg = pop1_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1848             state.push1(builder.ins().floor(arg));
1849         }
1850         Operator::F32x4Trunc | Operator::F64x2Trunc => {
1851             let arg = pop1_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1852             state.push1(builder.ins().trunc(arg));
1853         }
1854         Operator::F32x4Nearest | Operator::F64x2Nearest => {
1855             let arg = pop1_with_bitcast(state, type_of(op), builder);
1856             state.push1(builder.ins().nearest(arg));
1857         }
1858         Operator::I32x4DotI16x8S => {
1859             let (a, b) = pop2_with_bitcast(state, I16X8, builder);
1860             state.push1(builder.ins().widening_pairwise_dot_product_s(a, b));
1861         }
1862         Operator::I64x2ExtendLowI32x4S
1863         | Operator::I64x2ExtendHighI32x4S
1864         | Operator::I64x2ExtendLowI32x4U
1865         | Operator::I64x2ExtendHighI32x4U
1866         | Operator::I16x8Q15MulrSatS
1867         | Operator::I16x8ExtMulLowI8x16S
1868         | Operator::I16x8ExtMulHighI8x16S
1869         | Operator::I16x8ExtMulLowI8x16U
1870         | Operator::I16x8ExtMulHighI8x16U
1871         | Operator::I32x4ExtMulLowI16x8S
1872         | Operator::I32x4ExtMulHighI16x8S
1873         | Operator::I32x4ExtMulLowI16x8U
1874         | Operator::I32x4ExtMulHighI16x8U
1875         | Operator::I64x2ExtMulLowI32x4S
1876         | Operator::I64x2ExtMulHighI32x4S
1877         | Operator::I64x2ExtMulLowI32x4U
1878         | Operator::I64x2ExtMulHighI32x4U
1879         | Operator::I16x8ExtAddPairwiseI8x16S
1880         | Operator::I16x8ExtAddPairwiseI8x16U
1881         | Operator::I32x4ExtAddPairwiseI16x8S
1882         | Operator::I32x4ExtAddPairwiseI16x8U
1883         | Operator::F32x4DemoteF64x2Zero
1884         | Operator::F64x2PromoteLowF32x4
1885         | Operator::F64x2ConvertLowI32x4U
1886         | Operator::I32x4TruncSatF64x2SZero
1887         | Operator::I32x4TruncSatF64x2UZero
1888         | Operator::I8x16Popcnt => {
1889             return Err(wasm_unsupported!("proposed simd operator {:?}", op));
1890         }
1891         Operator::ReturnCall { .. } | Operator::ReturnCallIndirect { .. } => {
1892             return Err(wasm_unsupported!("proposed tail-call operator {:?}", op));
1893         }
1894     };
1895     Ok(())
1896 }
1898 // Clippy warns us of some fields we are deliberately ignoring
1899 #[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(clippy::unneeded_field_pattern))]
1900 /// Deals with a Wasm instruction located in an unreachable portion of the code. Most of them
1901 /// are dropped but special ones like `End` or `Else` signal the potential end of the unreachable
1902 /// portion so the translation state must be updated accordingly.
translate_unreachable_operator<FE: FuncEnvironment + ?Sized>( validator: &FuncValidator<impl WasmModuleResources>, op: &Operator, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, state: &mut FuncTranslationState, environ: &mut FE, ) -> WasmResult<()>1903 fn translate_unreachable_operator<FE: FuncEnvironment + ?Sized>(
1904     validator: &FuncValidator<impl WasmModuleResources>,
1905     op: &Operator,
1906     builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
1907     state: &mut FuncTranslationState,
1908     environ: &mut FE,
1909 ) -> WasmResult<()> {
1910     debug_assert!(!state.reachable);
1911     match *op {
1912         Operator::If { ty } => {
1913             // Push a placeholder control stack entry. The if isn't reachable,
1914             // so we don't have any branches anywhere.
1915             state.push_if(
1916                 ir::Block::reserved_value(),
1917                 ElseData::NoElse {
1918                     branch_inst: ir::Inst::reserved_value(),
1919                 },
1920                 0,
1921                 0,
1922                 ty,
1923             );
1924         }
1925         Operator::Loop { ty: _ } | Operator::Block { ty: _ } => {
1926             state.push_block(ir::Block::reserved_value(), 0, 0);
1927         }
1928         Operator::Else => {
1929             let i = state.control_stack.len() - 1;
1930             match state.control_stack[i] {
1931                 ControlStackFrame::If {
1932                     ref else_data,
1933                     head_is_reachable,
1934                     ref mut consequent_ends_reachable,
1935                     blocktype,
1936                     ..
1937                 } => {
1938                     debug_assert!(consequent_ends_reachable.is_none());
1939                     *consequent_ends_reachable = Some(state.reachable);
1941                     if head_is_reachable {
1942                         // We have a branch from the head of the `if` to the `else`.
1943                         state.reachable = true;
1945                         let else_block = match *else_data {
1946                             ElseData::NoElse { branch_inst } => {
1947                                 let (params, _results) =
1948                                     blocktype_params_results(validator, blocktype)?;
1949                                 let else_block = block_with_params(builder, params, environ)?;
1950                                 let frame = state.control_stack.last().unwrap();
1951                                 frame.truncate_value_stack_to_else_params(&mut state.stack);
1953                                 // We change the target of the branch instruction.
1954                                 builder.change_jump_destination(branch_inst, else_block);
1955                                 builder.seal_block(else_block);
1956                                 else_block
1957                             }
1958                             ElseData::WithElse { else_block } => {
1959                                 let frame = state.control_stack.last().unwrap();
1960                                 frame.truncate_value_stack_to_else_params(&mut state.stack);
1961                                 else_block
1962                             }
1963                         };
1965                         builder.switch_to_block(else_block);
1967                         // Again, no need to push the parameters for the `else`,
1968                         // since we already did when we saw the original `if`. See
1969                         // the comment for translating `Operator::Else` in
1970                         // `translate_operator` for details.
1971                     }
1972                 }
1973                 _ => unreachable!(),
1974             }
1975         }
1976         Operator::End => {
1977             let stack = &mut state.stack;
1978             let control_stack = &mut state.control_stack;
1979             let frame = control_stack.pop().unwrap();
1981             // Pop unused parameters from stack.
1982             frame.truncate_value_stack_to_original_size(stack);
1984             let reachable_anyway = match frame {
1985                 // If it is a loop we also have to seal the body loop block
1986                 ControlStackFrame::Loop { header, .. } => {
1987                     builder.seal_block(header);
1988                     // And loops can't have branches to the end.
1989                     false
1990                 }
1991                 // If we never set `consequent_ends_reachable` then that means
1992                 // we are finishing the consequent now, and there was no
1993                 // `else`. Whether the following block is reachable depends only
1994                 // on if the head was reachable.
1995                 ControlStackFrame::If {
1996                     head_is_reachable,
1997                     consequent_ends_reachable: None,
1998                     ..
1999                 } => head_is_reachable,
2000                 // Since we are only in this function when in unreachable code,
2001                 // we know that the alternative just ended unreachable. Whether
2002                 // the following block is reachable depends on if the consequent
2003                 // ended reachable or not.
2004                 ControlStackFrame::If {
2005                     head_is_reachable,
2006                     consequent_ends_reachable: Some(consequent_ends_reachable),
2007                     ..
2008                 } => head_is_reachable && consequent_ends_reachable,
2009                 // All other control constructs are already handled.
2010                 _ => false,
2011             };
2013             if frame.exit_is_branched_to() || reachable_anyway {
2014                 builder.switch_to_block(frame.following_code());
2015                 builder.seal_block(frame.following_code());
2017                 // And add the return values of the block but only if the next block is reachable
2018                 // (which corresponds to testing if the stack depth is 1)
2019                 stack.extend_from_slice(builder.block_params(frame.following_code()));
2020                 state.reachable = true;
2021             }
2022         }
2023         _ => {
2024             // We don't translate because this is unreachable code
2025         }
2026     }
2028     Ok(())
2029 }
2031 /// Get the address+offset to use for a heap access.
get_heap_addr( heap: ir::Heap, addr32: ir::Value, offset: u32, width: u32, addr_ty: Type, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, ) -> (ir::Value, i32)2032 fn get_heap_addr(
2033     heap: ir::Heap,
2034     addr32: ir::Value,
2035     offset: u32,
2036     width: u32,
2037     addr_ty: Type,
2038     builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
2039 ) -> (ir::Value, i32) {
2040     let offset_guard_size: u64 = builder.func.heaps[heap].offset_guard_size.into();
2042     // How exactly the bounds check is performed here and what it's performed
2043     // on is a bit tricky. Generally we want to rely on access violations (e.g.
2044     // segfaults) to generate traps since that means we don't have to bounds
2045     // check anything explicitly.
2046     //
2047     // If we don't have a guard page of unmapped memory, though, then we can't
2048     // rely on this trapping behavior through segfaults. Instead we need to
2049     // bounds-check the entire memory access here which is everything from
2050     // `addr32 + offset` to `addr32 + offset + width` (not inclusive). In this
2051     // scenario our adjusted offset that we're checking is `offset + width`.
2052     //
2053     // If we have a guard page, however, then we can perform a further
2054     // optimization of the generated code by only checking multiples of the
2055     // offset-guard size to be more CSE-friendly. Knowing that we have at least
2056     // 1 page of a guard page we're then able to disregard the `width` since we
2057     // know it's always less than one page. Our bounds check will be for the
2058     // first byte which will either succeed and be guaranteed to fault if it's
2059     // actually out of bounds, or the bounds check itself will fail. In any case
2060     // we assert that the width is reasonably small for now so this assumption
2061     // can be adjusted in the future if we get larger widths.
2062     //
2063     // Put another way we can say, where `y < offset_guard_size`:
2064     //
2065     //      n * offset_guard_size + y = offset
2066     //
2067     // We'll then pass `n * offset_guard_size` as the bounds check value. If
2068     // this traps then our `offset` would have trapped anyway. If this check
2069     // passes we know
2070     //
2071     //      addr32 + n * offset_guard_size < bound
2072     //
2073     // which means
2074     //
2075     //      addr32 + n * offset_guard_size + y < bound + offset_guard_size
2076     //
2077     // because `y < offset_guard_size`, which then means:
2078     //
2079     //      addr32 + offset < bound + offset_guard_size
2080     //
2081     // Since we know that that guard size bytes are all unmapped we're
2082     // guaranteed that `offset` and the `width` bytes after it are either
2083     // in-bounds or will hit the guard page, meaning we'll get the desired
2084     // semantics we want.
2085     //
2086     // As one final comment on the bits with the guard size here, another goal
2087     // of this is to hit an optimization in `heap_addr` where if the heap size
2088     // minus the offset is >= 4GB then bounds checks are 100% eliminated. This
2089     // means that with huge guard regions (e.g. our 2GB default) most adjusted
2090     // offsets we're checking here are zero. This means that we'll hit the fast
2091     // path and emit zero conditional traps for bounds checks
2092     let adjusted_offset = if offset_guard_size == 0 {
2093         u64::from(offset) + u64::from(width)
2094     } else {
2095         assert!(width < 1024);
2096         cmp::max(u64::from(offset) / offset_guard_size * offset_guard_size, 1)
2097     };
2098     debug_assert!(adjusted_offset > 0); // want to bounds check at least 1 byte
2099     let check_size = u32::try_from(adjusted_offset).unwrap_or(u32::MAX);
2100     let base = builder.ins().heap_addr(addr_ty, heap, addr32, check_size);
2102     // Native load/store instructions take a signed `Offset32` immediate, so adjust the base
2103     // pointer if necessary.
2104     if offset > i32::MAX as u32 {
2105         // Offset doesn't fit in the load/store instruction.
2106         let adj = builder.ins().iadd_imm(base, i64::from(i32::MAX) + 1);
2107         (adj, (offset - (i32::MAX as u32 + 1)) as i32)
2108     } else {
2109         (base, offset as i32)
2110     }
2111 }
2113 /// Prepare for a load; factors out common functionality between load and load_extend operations.
prepare_load<FE: FuncEnvironment + ?Sized>( memarg: &MemoryImmediate, loaded_bytes: u32, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, state: &mut FuncTranslationState, environ: &mut FE, ) -> WasmResult<(MemFlags, Value, Offset32)>2114 fn prepare_load<FE: FuncEnvironment + ?Sized>(
2115     memarg: &MemoryImmediate,
2116     loaded_bytes: u32,
2117     builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
2118     state: &mut FuncTranslationState,
2119     environ: &mut FE,
2120 ) -> WasmResult<(MemFlags, Value, Offset32)> {
2121     let addr32 = state.pop1();
2123     let heap = state.get_heap(builder.func, memarg.memory, environ)?;
2124     let (base, offset) = get_heap_addr(
2125         heap,
2126         addr32,
2127         memarg.offset,
2128         loaded_bytes,
2129         environ.pointer_type(),
2130         builder,
2131     );
2133     // Note that we don't set `is_aligned` here, even if the load instruction's
2134     // alignment immediate says it's aligned, because WebAssembly's immediate
2135     // field is just a hint, while Cranelift's aligned flag needs a guarantee.
2136     // WebAssembly memory accesses are always little-endian.
2137     let mut flags = MemFlags::new();
2138     flags.set_endianness(ir::Endianness::Little);
2140     Ok((flags, base, offset.into()))
2141 }
2143 /// Translate a load instruction.
translate_load<FE: FuncEnvironment + ?Sized>( memarg: &MemoryImmediate, opcode: ir::Opcode, result_ty: Type, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, state: &mut FuncTranslationState, environ: &mut FE, ) -> WasmResult<()>2144 fn translate_load<FE: FuncEnvironment + ?Sized>(
2145     memarg: &MemoryImmediate,
2146     opcode: ir::Opcode,
2147     result_ty: Type,
2148     builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
2149     state: &mut FuncTranslationState,
2150     environ: &mut FE,
2151 ) -> WasmResult<()> {
2152     let (flags, base, offset) = prepare_load(
2153         memarg,
2154         mem_op_size(opcode, result_ty),
2155         builder,
2156         state,
2157         environ,
2158     )?;
2159     let (load, dfg) = builder.ins().Load(opcode, result_ty, flags, offset, base);
2160     state.push1(dfg.first_result(load));
2161     Ok(())
2162 }
2164 /// Translate a store instruction.
translate_store<FE: FuncEnvironment + ?Sized>( memarg: &MemoryImmediate, opcode: ir::Opcode, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, state: &mut FuncTranslationState, environ: &mut FE, ) -> WasmResult<()>2165 fn translate_store<FE: FuncEnvironment + ?Sized>(
2166     memarg: &MemoryImmediate,
2167     opcode: ir::Opcode,
2168     builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
2169     state: &mut FuncTranslationState,
2170     environ: &mut FE,
2171 ) -> WasmResult<()> {
2172     let (addr32, val) = state.pop2();
2173     let val_ty = builder.func.dfg.value_type(val);
2175     let heap = state.get_heap(builder.func, memarg.memory, environ)?;
2176     let (base, offset) = get_heap_addr(
2177         heap,
2178         addr32,
2179         memarg.offset,
2180         mem_op_size(opcode, val_ty),
2181         environ.pointer_type(),
2182         builder,
2183     );
2184     // See the comments in `prepare_load` about the flags.
2185     let mut flags = MemFlags::new();
2186     flags.set_endianness(ir::Endianness::Little);
2187     builder
2188         .ins()
2189         .Store(opcode, val_ty, flags, offset.into(), val, base);
2190     Ok(())
2191 }
mem_op_size(opcode: ir::Opcode, ty: Type) -> u322193 fn mem_op_size(opcode: ir::Opcode, ty: Type) -> u32 {
2194     match opcode {
2195         ir::Opcode::Istore8 | ir::Opcode::Sload8 | ir::Opcode::Uload8 => 1,
2196         ir::Opcode::Istore16 | ir::Opcode::Sload16 | ir::Opcode::Uload16 => 2,
2197         ir::Opcode::Istore32 | ir::Opcode::Sload32 | ir::Opcode::Uload32 => 4,
2198         ir::Opcode::Store | ir::Opcode::Load => ty.bytes(),
2199         _ => panic!("unknown size of mem op for {:?}", opcode),
2200     }
2201 }
translate_icmp(cc: IntCC, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, state: &mut FuncTranslationState)2203 fn translate_icmp(cc: IntCC, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, state: &mut FuncTranslationState) {
2204     let (arg0, arg1) = state.pop2();
2205     let val = builder.ins().icmp(cc, arg0, arg1);
2206     state.push1(builder.ins().bint(I32, val));
2207 }
fold_atomic_mem_addr( linear_mem_addr: Value, memarg: &MemoryImmediate, access_ty: Type, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, ) -> Value2209 fn fold_atomic_mem_addr(
2210     linear_mem_addr: Value,
2211     memarg: &MemoryImmediate,
2212     access_ty: Type,
2213     builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
2214 ) -> Value {
2215     let access_ty_bytes = access_ty.bytes();
2216     let final_lma = if memarg.offset > 0 {
2217         assert!(builder.func.dfg.value_type(linear_mem_addr) == I32);
2218         let linear_mem_addr = builder.ins().uextend(I64, linear_mem_addr);
2219         let a = builder
2220             .ins()
2221             .iadd_imm(linear_mem_addr, i64::from(memarg.offset));
2222         let cflags = builder.ins().ifcmp_imm(a, 0x1_0000_0000i64);
2223         builder.ins().trapif(
2224             IntCC::UnsignedGreaterThanOrEqual,
2225             cflags,
2226             ir::TrapCode::HeapOutOfBounds,
2227         );
2228         builder.ins().ireduce(I32, a)
2229     } else {
2230         linear_mem_addr
2231     };
2232     assert!(access_ty_bytes == 4 || access_ty_bytes == 8);
2233     let final_lma_misalignment = builder
2234         .ins()
2235         .band_imm(final_lma, i64::from(access_ty_bytes - 1));
2236     let f = builder
2237         .ins()
2238         .ifcmp_imm(final_lma_misalignment, i64::from(0));
2239     builder
2240         .ins()
2241         .trapif(IntCC::NotEqual, f, ir::TrapCode::HeapMisaligned);
2242     final_lma
2243 }
2245 // For an atomic memory operation, emit an alignment check for the linear memory address,
2246 // and then compute the final effective address.
finalise_atomic_mem_addr<FE: FuncEnvironment + ?Sized>( linear_mem_addr: Value, memarg: &MemoryImmediate, access_ty: Type, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, state: &mut FuncTranslationState, environ: &mut FE, ) -> WasmResult<Value>2247 fn finalise_atomic_mem_addr<FE: FuncEnvironment + ?Sized>(
2248     linear_mem_addr: Value,
2249     memarg: &MemoryImmediate,
2250     access_ty: Type,
2251     builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
2252     state: &mut FuncTranslationState,
2253     environ: &mut FE,
2254 ) -> WasmResult<Value> {
2255     // Check the alignment of `linear_mem_addr`.
2256     let access_ty_bytes = access_ty.bytes();
2257     let final_lma = builder
2258         .ins()
2259         .iadd_imm(linear_mem_addr, i64::from(memarg.offset));
2260     if access_ty_bytes != 1 {
2261         assert!(access_ty_bytes == 2 || access_ty_bytes == 4 || access_ty_bytes == 8);
2262         let final_lma_misalignment = builder
2263             .ins()
2264             .band_imm(final_lma, i64::from(access_ty_bytes - 1));
2265         let f = builder
2266             .ins()
2267             .ifcmp_imm(final_lma_misalignment, i64::from(0));
2268         builder
2269             .ins()
2270             .trapif(IntCC::NotEqual, f, ir::TrapCode::HeapMisaligned);
2271     }
2273     // Compute the final effective address.
2274     let heap = state.get_heap(builder.func, memarg.memory, environ)?;
2275     let (base, offset) = get_heap_addr(
2276         heap,
2277         final_lma,
2278         /*offset=*/ 0,
2279         access_ty.bytes(),
2280         environ.pointer_type(),
2281         builder,
2282     );
2284     let final_effective_address = builder.ins().iadd_imm(base, i64::from(offset));
2285     Ok(final_effective_address)
2286 }
translate_atomic_rmw<FE: FuncEnvironment + ?Sized>( widened_ty: Type, access_ty: Type, op: AtomicRmwOp, memarg: &MemoryImmediate, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, state: &mut FuncTranslationState, environ: &mut FE, ) -> WasmResult<()>2288 fn translate_atomic_rmw<FE: FuncEnvironment + ?Sized>(
2289     widened_ty: Type,
2290     access_ty: Type,
2291     op: AtomicRmwOp,
2292     memarg: &MemoryImmediate,
2293     builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
2294     state: &mut FuncTranslationState,
2295     environ: &mut FE,
2296 ) -> WasmResult<()> {
2297     let (linear_mem_addr, mut arg2) = state.pop2();
2298     let arg2_ty = builder.func.dfg.value_type(arg2);
2300     // The operation is performed at type `access_ty`, and the old value is zero-extended
2301     // to type `widened_ty`.
2302     match access_ty {
2303         I8 | I16 | I32 | I64 => {}
2304         _ => {
2305             return Err(wasm_unsupported!(
2306                 "atomic_rmw: unsupported access type {:?}",
2307                 access_ty
2308             ))
2309         }
2310     };
2311     let w_ty_ok = match widened_ty {
2312         I32 | I64 => true,
2313         _ => false,
2314     };
2315     assert!(w_ty_ok && widened_ty.bytes() >= access_ty.bytes());
2317     assert!(arg2_ty.bytes() >= access_ty.bytes());
2318     if arg2_ty.bytes() > access_ty.bytes() {
2319         arg2 = builder.ins().ireduce(access_ty, arg2);
2320     }
2322     let final_effective_address =
2323         finalise_atomic_mem_addr(linear_mem_addr, memarg, access_ty, builder, state, environ)?;
2325     // See the comments in `prepare_load` about the flags.
2326     let mut flags = MemFlags::new();
2327     flags.set_endianness(ir::Endianness::Little);
2328     let mut res = builder
2329         .ins()
2330         .atomic_rmw(access_ty, flags, op, final_effective_address, arg2);
2331     if access_ty != widened_ty {
2332         res = builder.ins().uextend(widened_ty, res);
2333     }
2334     state.push1(res);
2335     Ok(())
2336 }
translate_atomic_cas<FE: FuncEnvironment + ?Sized>( widened_ty: Type, access_ty: Type, memarg: &MemoryImmediate, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, state: &mut FuncTranslationState, environ: &mut FE, ) -> WasmResult<()>2338 fn translate_atomic_cas<FE: FuncEnvironment + ?Sized>(
2339     widened_ty: Type,
2340     access_ty: Type,
2341     memarg: &MemoryImmediate,
2342     builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
2343     state: &mut FuncTranslationState,
2344     environ: &mut FE,
2345 ) -> WasmResult<()> {
2346     let (linear_mem_addr, mut expected, mut replacement) = state.pop3();
2347     let expected_ty = builder.func.dfg.value_type(expected);
2348     let replacement_ty = builder.func.dfg.value_type(replacement);
2350     // The compare-and-swap is performed at type `access_ty`, and the old value is zero-extended
2351     // to type `widened_ty`.
2352     match access_ty {
2353         I8 | I16 | I32 | I64 => {}
2354         _ => {
2355             return Err(wasm_unsupported!(
2356                 "atomic_cas: unsupported access type {:?}",
2357                 access_ty
2358             ))
2359         }
2360     };
2361     let w_ty_ok = match widened_ty {
2362         I32 | I64 => true,
2363         _ => false,
2364     };
2365     assert!(w_ty_ok && widened_ty.bytes() >= access_ty.bytes());
2367     assert!(expected_ty.bytes() >= access_ty.bytes());
2368     if expected_ty.bytes() > access_ty.bytes() {
2369         expected = builder.ins().ireduce(access_ty, expected);
2370     }
2371     assert!(replacement_ty.bytes() >= access_ty.bytes());
2372     if replacement_ty.bytes() > access_ty.bytes() {
2373         replacement = builder.ins().ireduce(access_ty, replacement);
2374     }
2376     let final_effective_address =
2377         finalise_atomic_mem_addr(linear_mem_addr, memarg, access_ty, builder, state, environ)?;
2379     // See the comments in `prepare_load` about the flags.
2380     let mut flags = MemFlags::new();
2381     flags.set_endianness(ir::Endianness::Little);
2382     let mut res = builder
2383         .ins()
2384         .atomic_cas(flags, final_effective_address, expected, replacement);
2385     if access_ty != widened_ty {
2386         res = builder.ins().uextend(widened_ty, res);
2387     }
2388     state.push1(res);
2389     Ok(())
2390 }
translate_atomic_load<FE: FuncEnvironment + ?Sized>( widened_ty: Type, access_ty: Type, memarg: &MemoryImmediate, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, state: &mut FuncTranslationState, environ: &mut FE, ) -> WasmResult<()>2392 fn translate_atomic_load<FE: FuncEnvironment + ?Sized>(
2393     widened_ty: Type,
2394     access_ty: Type,
2395     memarg: &MemoryImmediate,
2396     builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
2397     state: &mut FuncTranslationState,
2398     environ: &mut FE,
2399 ) -> WasmResult<()> {
2400     let linear_mem_addr = state.pop1();
2402     // The load is performed at type `access_ty`, and the loaded value is zero extended
2403     // to `widened_ty`.
2404     match access_ty {
2405         I8 | I16 | I32 | I64 => {}
2406         _ => {
2407             return Err(wasm_unsupported!(
2408                 "atomic_load: unsupported access type {:?}",
2409                 access_ty
2410             ))
2411         }
2412     };
2413     let w_ty_ok = match widened_ty {
2414         I32 | I64 => true,
2415         _ => false,
2416     };
2417     assert!(w_ty_ok && widened_ty.bytes() >= access_ty.bytes());
2419     let final_effective_address =
2420         finalise_atomic_mem_addr(linear_mem_addr, memarg, access_ty, builder, state, environ)?;
2422     // See the comments in `prepare_load` about the flags.
2423     let mut flags = MemFlags::new();
2424     flags.set_endianness(ir::Endianness::Little);
2425     let mut res = builder
2426         .ins()
2427         .atomic_load(access_ty, flags, final_effective_address);
2428     if access_ty != widened_ty {
2429         res = builder.ins().uextend(widened_ty, res);
2430     }
2431     state.push1(res);
2432     Ok(())
2433 }
translate_atomic_store<FE: FuncEnvironment + ?Sized>( access_ty: Type, memarg: &MemoryImmediate, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, state: &mut FuncTranslationState, environ: &mut FE, ) -> WasmResult<()>2435 fn translate_atomic_store<FE: FuncEnvironment + ?Sized>(
2436     access_ty: Type,
2437     memarg: &MemoryImmediate,
2438     builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
2439     state: &mut FuncTranslationState,
2440     environ: &mut FE,
2441 ) -> WasmResult<()> {
2442     let (linear_mem_addr, mut data) = state.pop2();
2443     let data_ty = builder.func.dfg.value_type(data);
2445     // The operation is performed at type `access_ty`, and the data to be stored may first
2446     // need to be narrowed accordingly.
2447     match access_ty {
2448         I8 | I16 | I32 | I64 => {}
2449         _ => {
2450             return Err(wasm_unsupported!(
2451                 "atomic_store: unsupported access type {:?}",
2452                 access_ty
2453             ))
2454         }
2455     };
2456     let d_ty_ok = match data_ty {
2457         I32 | I64 => true,
2458         _ => false,
2459     };
2460     assert!(d_ty_ok && data_ty.bytes() >= access_ty.bytes());
2462     if data_ty.bytes() > access_ty.bytes() {
2463         data = builder.ins().ireduce(access_ty, data);
2464     }
2466     let final_effective_address =
2467         finalise_atomic_mem_addr(linear_mem_addr, memarg, access_ty, builder, state, environ)?;
2469     // See the comments in `prepare_load` about the flags.
2470     let mut flags = MemFlags::new();
2471     flags.set_endianness(ir::Endianness::Little);
2472     builder
2473         .ins()
2474         .atomic_store(flags, data, final_effective_address);
2475     Ok(())
2476 }
translate_vector_icmp( cc: IntCC, needed_type: Type, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, state: &mut FuncTranslationState, )2478 fn translate_vector_icmp(
2479     cc: IntCC,
2480     needed_type: Type,
2481     builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
2482     state: &mut FuncTranslationState,
2483 ) {
2484     let (a, b) = state.pop2();
2485     let bitcast_a = optionally_bitcast_vector(a, needed_type, builder);
2486     let bitcast_b = optionally_bitcast_vector(b, needed_type, builder);
2487     state.push1(builder.ins().icmp(cc, bitcast_a, bitcast_b))
2488 }
translate_fcmp(cc: FloatCC, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, state: &mut FuncTranslationState)2490 fn translate_fcmp(cc: FloatCC, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, state: &mut FuncTranslationState) {
2491     let (arg0, arg1) = state.pop2();
2492     let val = builder.ins().fcmp(cc, arg0, arg1);
2493     state.push1(builder.ins().bint(I32, val));
2494 }
translate_vector_fcmp( cc: FloatCC, needed_type: Type, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, state: &mut FuncTranslationState, )2496 fn translate_vector_fcmp(
2497     cc: FloatCC,
2498     needed_type: Type,
2499     builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
2500     state: &mut FuncTranslationState,
2501 ) {
2502     let (a, b) = state.pop2();
2503     let bitcast_a = optionally_bitcast_vector(a, needed_type, builder);
2504     let bitcast_b = optionally_bitcast_vector(b, needed_type, builder);
2505     state.push1(builder.ins().fcmp(cc, bitcast_a, bitcast_b))
2506 }
translate_br_if( relative_depth: u32, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, state: &mut FuncTranslationState, )2508 fn translate_br_if(
2509     relative_depth: u32,
2510     builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
2511     state: &mut FuncTranslationState,
2512 ) {
2513     let val = state.pop1();
2514     let (br_destination, inputs) = translate_br_if_args(relative_depth, state);
2515     canonicalise_then_brnz(builder, val, br_destination, inputs);
2517     let next_block = builder.create_block();
2518     canonicalise_then_jump(builder, next_block, &[]);
2519     builder.seal_block(next_block); // The only predecessor is the current block.
2520     builder.switch_to_block(next_block);
2521 }
translate_br_if_args( relative_depth: u32, state: &mut FuncTranslationState, ) -> (ir::Block, &mut [ir::Value])2523 fn translate_br_if_args(
2524     relative_depth: u32,
2525     state: &mut FuncTranslationState,
2526 ) -> (ir::Block, &mut [ir::Value]) {
2527     let i = state.control_stack.len() - 1 - (relative_depth as usize);
2528     let (return_count, br_destination) = {
2529         let frame = &mut state.control_stack[i];
2530         // The values returned by the branch are still available for the reachable
2531         // code that comes after it
2532         frame.set_branched_to_exit();
2533         let return_count = if frame.is_loop() {
2534             frame.num_param_values()
2535         } else {
2536             frame.num_return_values()
2537         };
2538         (return_count, frame.br_destination())
2539     };
2540     let inputs = state.peekn_mut(return_count);
2541     (br_destination, inputs)
2542 }
2544 /// Determine the returned value type of a WebAssembly operator
type_of(operator: &Operator) -> Type2545 fn type_of(operator: &Operator) -> Type {
2546     match operator {
2547         Operator::V128Load { .. }
2548         | Operator::V128Store { .. }
2549         | Operator::V128Const { .. }
2550         | Operator::V128Not
2551         | Operator::V128And
2552         | Operator::V128AndNot
2553         | Operator::V128Or
2554         | Operator::V128Xor
2555         | Operator::V128AnyTrue
2556         | Operator::V128Bitselect => I8X16, // default type representing V128
2558         Operator::I8x16Shuffle { .. }
2559         | Operator::I8x16Splat
2560         | Operator::V128Load8Splat { .. }
2561         | Operator::V128Load8Lane { .. }
2562         | Operator::V128Store8Lane { .. }
2563         | Operator::I8x16ExtractLaneS { .. }
2564         | Operator::I8x16ExtractLaneU { .. }
2565         | Operator::I8x16ReplaceLane { .. }
2566         | Operator::I8x16Eq
2567         | Operator::I8x16Ne
2568         | Operator::I8x16LtS
2569         | Operator::I8x16LtU
2570         | Operator::I8x16GtS
2571         | Operator::I8x16GtU
2572         | Operator::I8x16LeS
2573         | Operator::I8x16LeU
2574         | Operator::I8x16GeS
2575         | Operator::I8x16GeU
2576         | Operator::I8x16Neg
2577         | Operator::I8x16Abs
2578         | Operator::I8x16AllTrue
2579         | Operator::I8x16Shl
2580         | Operator::I8x16ShrS
2581         | Operator::I8x16ShrU
2582         | Operator::I8x16Add
2583         | Operator::I8x16AddSatS
2584         | Operator::I8x16AddSatU
2585         | Operator::I8x16Sub
2586         | Operator::I8x16SubSatS
2587         | Operator::I8x16SubSatU
2588         | Operator::I8x16MinS
2589         | Operator::I8x16MinU
2590         | Operator::I8x16MaxS
2591         | Operator::I8x16MaxU
2592         | Operator::I8x16RoundingAverageU
2593         | Operator::I8x16Bitmask => I8X16,
2595         Operator::I16x8Splat
2596         | Operator::V128Load16Splat { .. }
2597         | Operator::V128Load16Lane { .. }
2598         | Operator::V128Store16Lane { .. }
2599         | Operator::I16x8ExtractLaneS { .. }
2600         | Operator::I16x8ExtractLaneU { .. }
2601         | Operator::I16x8ReplaceLane { .. }
2602         | Operator::I16x8Eq
2603         | Operator::I16x8Ne
2604         | Operator::I16x8LtS
2605         | Operator::I16x8LtU
2606         | Operator::I16x8GtS
2607         | Operator::I16x8GtU
2608         | Operator::I16x8LeS
2609         | Operator::I16x8LeU
2610         | Operator::I16x8GeS
2611         | Operator::I16x8GeU
2612         | Operator::I16x8Neg
2613         | Operator::I16x8Abs
2614         | Operator::I16x8AllTrue
2615         | Operator::I16x8Shl
2616         | Operator::I16x8ShrS
2617         | Operator::I16x8ShrU
2618         | Operator::I16x8Add
2619         | Operator::I16x8AddSatS
2620         | Operator::I16x8AddSatU
2621         | Operator::I16x8Sub
2622         | Operator::I16x8SubSatS
2623         | Operator::I16x8SubSatU
2624         | Operator::I16x8MinS
2625         | Operator::I16x8MinU
2626         | Operator::I16x8MaxS
2627         | Operator::I16x8MaxU
2628         | Operator::I16x8RoundingAverageU
2629         | Operator::I16x8Mul
2630         | Operator::I16x8Bitmask => I16X8,
2632         Operator::I32x4Splat
2633         | Operator::V128Load32Splat { .. }
2634         | Operator::V128Load32Lane { .. }
2635         | Operator::V128Store32Lane { .. }
2636         | Operator::I32x4ExtractLane { .. }
2637         | Operator::I32x4ReplaceLane { .. }
2638         | Operator::I32x4Eq
2639         | Operator::I32x4Ne
2640         | Operator::I32x4LtS
2641         | Operator::I32x4LtU
2642         | Operator::I32x4GtS
2643         | Operator::I32x4GtU
2644         | Operator::I32x4LeS
2645         | Operator::I32x4LeU
2646         | Operator::I32x4GeS
2647         | Operator::I32x4GeU
2648         | Operator::I32x4Neg
2649         | Operator::I32x4Abs
2650         | Operator::I32x4AllTrue
2651         | Operator::I32x4Shl
2652         | Operator::I32x4ShrS
2653         | Operator::I32x4ShrU
2654         | Operator::I32x4Add
2655         | Operator::I32x4Sub
2656         | Operator::I32x4Mul
2657         | Operator::I32x4MinS
2658         | Operator::I32x4MinU
2659         | Operator::I32x4MaxS
2660         | Operator::I32x4MaxU
2661         | Operator::F32x4ConvertI32x4S
2662         | Operator::F32x4ConvertI32x4U
2663         | Operator::I32x4Bitmask
2664         | Operator::V128Load32Zero { .. } => I32X4,
2666         Operator::I64x2Splat
2667         | Operator::V128Load64Splat { .. }
2668         | Operator::V128Load64Lane { .. }
2669         | Operator::V128Store64Lane { .. }
2670         | Operator::I64x2ExtractLane { .. }
2671         | Operator::I64x2ReplaceLane { .. }
2672         | Operator::I64x2Eq
2673         | Operator::I64x2Ne
2674         | Operator::I64x2LtS
2675         | Operator::I64x2GtS
2676         | Operator::I64x2LeS
2677         | Operator::I64x2GeS
2678         | Operator::I64x2Neg
2679         | Operator::I64x2Abs
2680         | Operator::I64x2AllTrue
2681         | Operator::I64x2Shl
2682         | Operator::I64x2ShrS
2683         | Operator::I64x2ShrU
2684         | Operator::I64x2Add
2685         | Operator::I64x2Sub
2686         | Operator::I64x2Mul
2687         | Operator::I64x2Bitmask
2688         | Operator::V128Load64Zero { .. } => I64X2,
2690         Operator::F32x4Splat
2691         | Operator::F32x4ExtractLane { .. }
2692         | Operator::F32x4ReplaceLane { .. }
2693         | Operator::F32x4Eq
2694         | Operator::F32x4Ne
2695         | Operator::F32x4Lt
2696         | Operator::F32x4Gt
2697         | Operator::F32x4Le
2698         | Operator::F32x4Ge
2699         | Operator::F32x4Abs
2700         | Operator::F32x4Neg
2701         | Operator::F32x4Sqrt
2702         | Operator::F32x4Add
2703         | Operator::F32x4Sub
2704         | Operator::F32x4Mul
2705         | Operator::F32x4Div
2706         | Operator::F32x4Min
2707         | Operator::F32x4Max
2708         | Operator::F32x4PMin
2709         | Operator::F32x4PMax
2710         | Operator::I32x4TruncSatF32x4S
2711         | Operator::I32x4TruncSatF32x4U
2712         | Operator::F32x4Ceil
2713         | Operator::F32x4Floor
2714         | Operator::F32x4Trunc
2715         | Operator::F32x4Nearest => F32X4,
2717         Operator::F64x2Splat
2718         | Operator::F64x2ExtractLane { .. }
2719         | Operator::F64x2ReplaceLane { .. }
2720         | Operator::F64x2Eq
2721         | Operator::F64x2Ne
2722         | Operator::F64x2Lt
2723         | Operator::F64x2Gt
2724         | Operator::F64x2Le
2725         | Operator::F64x2Ge
2726         | Operator::F64x2Abs
2727         | Operator::F64x2Neg
2728         | Operator::F64x2Sqrt
2729         | Operator::F64x2Add
2730         | Operator::F64x2Sub
2731         | Operator::F64x2Mul
2732         | Operator::F64x2Div
2733         | Operator::F64x2Min
2734         | Operator::F64x2Max
2735         | Operator::F64x2PMin
2736         | Operator::F64x2PMax
2737         | Operator::F64x2Ceil
2738         | Operator::F64x2Floor
2739         | Operator::F64x2Trunc
2740         | Operator::F64x2Nearest => F64X2,
2742         _ => unimplemented!(
2743             "Currently only SIMD instructions are mapped to their return type; the \
2744              following instruction is not mapped: {:?}",
2745             operator
2746         ),
2747     }
2748 }
2750 /// Some SIMD operations only operate on I8X16 in CLIF; this will convert them to that type by
2751 /// adding a raw_bitcast if necessary.
optionally_bitcast_vector( value: Value, needed_type: Type, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, ) -> Value2752 fn optionally_bitcast_vector(
2753     value: Value,
2754     needed_type: Type,
2755     builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
2756 ) -> Value {
2757     if builder.func.dfg.value_type(value) != needed_type {
2758         builder.ins().raw_bitcast(needed_type, value)
2759     } else {
2760         value
2761     }
2762 }
2764 #[inline(always)]
is_non_canonical_v128(ty: ir::Type) -> bool2765 fn is_non_canonical_v128(ty: ir::Type) -> bool {
2766     match ty {
2767         B8X16 | B16X8 | B32X4 | B64X2 | I64X2 | I32X4 | I16X8 | F32X4 | F64X2 => true,
2768         _ => false,
2769     }
2770 }
2772 /// Cast to I8X16, any vector values in `values` that are of "non-canonical" type (meaning, not
2773 /// I8X16), and return them in a slice.  A pre-scan is made to determine whether any casts are
2774 /// actually necessary, and if not, the original slice is returned.  Otherwise the cast values
2775 /// are returned in a slice that belongs to the caller-supplied `SmallVec`.
canonicalise_v128_values<'a>( tmp_canonicalised: &'a mut SmallVec<[ir::Value; 16]>, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, values: &'a [ir::Value], ) -> &'a [ir::Value]2776 fn canonicalise_v128_values<'a>(
2777     tmp_canonicalised: &'a mut SmallVec<[ir::Value; 16]>,
2778     builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
2779     values: &'a [ir::Value],
2780 ) -> &'a [ir::Value] {
2781     debug_assert!(tmp_canonicalised.is_empty());
2782     // First figure out if any of the parameters need to be cast.  Mostly they don't need to be.
2783     let any_non_canonical = values
2784         .iter()
2785         .any(|v| is_non_canonical_v128(builder.func.dfg.value_type(*v)));
2786     // Hopefully we take this exit most of the time, hence doing no heap allocation.
2787     if !any_non_canonical {
2788         return values;
2789     }
2790     // Otherwise we'll have to cast, and push the resulting `Value`s into `canonicalised`.
2791     for v in values {
2792         tmp_canonicalised.push(if is_non_canonical_v128(builder.func.dfg.value_type(*v)) {
2793             builder.ins().raw_bitcast(I8X16, *v)
2794         } else {
2795             *v
2796         });
2797     }
2798     tmp_canonicalised.as_slice()
2799 }
2801 /// Generate a `jump` instruction, but first cast all 128-bit vector values to I8X16 if they
2802 /// don't have that type.  This is done in somewhat roundabout way so as to ensure that we
2803 /// almost never have to do any heap allocation.
canonicalise_then_jump( builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, destination: ir::Block, params: &[ir::Value], ) -> ir::Inst2804 fn canonicalise_then_jump(
2805     builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
2806     destination: ir::Block,
2807     params: &[ir::Value],
2808 ) -> ir::Inst {
2809     let mut tmp_canonicalised = SmallVec::<[ir::Value; 16]>::new();
2810     let canonicalised = canonicalise_v128_values(&mut tmp_canonicalised, builder, params);
2811     builder.ins().jump(destination, canonicalised)
2812 }
2814 /// The same but for a `brz` instruction.
canonicalise_then_brz( builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, cond: ir::Value, destination: ir::Block, params: &[Value], ) -> ir::Inst2815 fn canonicalise_then_brz(
2816     builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
2817     cond: ir::Value,
2818     destination: ir::Block,
2819     params: &[Value],
2820 ) -> ir::Inst {
2821     let mut tmp_canonicalised = SmallVec::<[ir::Value; 16]>::new();
2822     let canonicalised = canonicalise_v128_values(&mut tmp_canonicalised, builder, params);
2823     builder.ins().brz(cond, destination, canonicalised)
2824 }
2826 /// The same but for a `brnz` instruction.
canonicalise_then_brnz( builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, cond: ir::Value, destination: ir::Block, params: &[Value], ) -> ir::Inst2827 fn canonicalise_then_brnz(
2828     builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
2829     cond: ir::Value,
2830     destination: ir::Block,
2831     params: &[Value],
2832 ) -> ir::Inst {
2833     let mut tmp_canonicalised = SmallVec::<[ir::Value; 16]>::new();
2834     let canonicalised = canonicalise_v128_values(&mut tmp_canonicalised, builder, params);
2835     builder.ins().brnz(cond, destination, canonicalised)
2836 }
2838 /// A helper for popping and bitcasting a single value; since SIMD values can lose their type by
2839 /// using v128 (i.e. CLIF's I8x16) we must re-type the values using a bitcast to avoid CLIF
2840 /// typing issues.
pop1_with_bitcast( state: &mut FuncTranslationState, needed_type: Type, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, ) -> Value2841 fn pop1_with_bitcast(
2842     state: &mut FuncTranslationState,
2843     needed_type: Type,
2844     builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
2845 ) -> Value {
2846     optionally_bitcast_vector(state.pop1(), needed_type, builder)
2847 }
2849 /// A helper for popping and bitcasting two values; since SIMD values can lose their type by
2850 /// using v128 (i.e. CLIF's I8x16) we must re-type the values using a bitcast to avoid CLIF
2851 /// typing issues.
pop2_with_bitcast( state: &mut FuncTranslationState, needed_type: Type, builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, ) -> (Value, Value)2852 fn pop2_with_bitcast(
2853     state: &mut FuncTranslationState,
2854     needed_type: Type,
2855     builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
2856 ) -> (Value, Value) {
2857     let (a, b) = state.pop2();
2858     let bitcast_a = optionally_bitcast_vector(a, needed_type, builder);
2859     let bitcast_b = optionally_bitcast_vector(b, needed_type, builder);
2860     (bitcast_a, bitcast_b)
2861 }
2863 /// A helper for bitcasting a sequence of values (e.g. function arguments). If a value is a
2864 /// vector type that does not match its expected type, this will modify the value in place to point
2865 /// to the result of a `raw_bitcast`. This conversion is necessary to translate Wasm code that
2866 /// uses `V128` as function parameters (or implicitly in block parameters) and still use specific
2867 /// CLIF types (e.g. `I32X4`) in the function body.
bitcast_arguments( arguments: &mut [Value], expected_types: &[Type], builder: &mut FunctionBuilder, )2868 pub fn bitcast_arguments(
2869     arguments: &mut [Value],
2870     expected_types: &[Type],
2871     builder: &mut FunctionBuilder,
2872 ) {
2873     assert_eq!(arguments.len(), expected_types.len());
2874     for (i, t) in expected_types.iter().enumerate() {
2875         if t.is_vector() {
2876             assert!(
2877                 builder.func.dfg.value_type(arguments[i]).is_vector(),
2878                 "unexpected type mismatch: expected {}, argument {} was actually of type {}",
2879                 t,
2880                 arguments[i],
2881                 builder.func.dfg.value_type(arguments[i])
2882             );
2883             arguments[i] = optionally_bitcast_vector(arguments[i], *t, builder)
2884         }
2885     }
2886 }
2888 /// A helper to extract all the `Type` listings of each variable in `params`
2889 /// for only parameters the return true for `is_wasm`, typically paired with
2890 /// `is_wasm_return` or `is_wasm_parameter`.
wasm_param_types(params: &[ir::AbiParam], is_wasm: impl Fn(usize) -> bool) -> Vec<Type>2891 pub fn wasm_param_types(params: &[ir::AbiParam], is_wasm: impl Fn(usize) -> bool) -> Vec<Type> {
2892     let mut ret = Vec::with_capacity(params.len());
2893     for (i, param) in params.iter().enumerate() {
2894         if is_wasm(i) {
2895             ret.push(param.value_type);
2896         }
2897     }
2898     ret
2899 }