1 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3 // file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
5 use inherent::inherent;
6 use std::sync::Arc;
8 use glean_core::metrics::MetricType;
9 use glean_core::ErrorType;
11 // We need to wrap the glean-core type, otherwise if we try to implement
12 // the trait for the metric in `glean_core::metrics` we hit error[E0117]:
13 // only traits defined in the current crate can be implemented for arbitrary
14 // types.
16 /// Developer-facing API for recording UUID metrics.
17 ///
18 /// Instances of this class type are automatically generated by the parsers
19 /// at build time, allowing developers to record values that were previously
20 /// registered in the metrics.yaml file.
21 #[derive(Clone)]
22 pub struct UuidMetric(pub(crate) Arc<glean_core::metrics::UuidMetric>);
24 impl UuidMetric {
25     /// The public constructor used by automatically generated metrics.
new(meta: glean_core::CommonMetricData) -> Self26     pub fn new(meta: glean_core::CommonMetricData) -> Self {
27         Self(Arc::new(glean_core::metrics::UuidMetric::new(meta)))
28     }
29 }
31 #[inherent(pub)]
32 impl glean_core::traits::Uuid for UuidMetric {
set(&self, value: uuid::Uuid)33     fn set(&self, value: uuid::Uuid) {
34         let metric = Arc::clone(&self.0);
35         crate::launch_with_glean(move |glean| metric.set(glean, value));
36     }
generate_and_set(&self) -> uuid::Uuid38     fn generate_and_set(&self) -> uuid::Uuid {
39         // TODO: We can use glean-core's generate_and_set after bug 1673017.
40         let uuid = uuid::Uuid::new_v4();
41         self.set(uuid);
42         uuid
43     }
test_get_value<'a, S: Into<Option<&'a str>>>(&self, ping_name: S) -> Option<uuid::Uuid>45     fn test_get_value<'a, S: Into<Option<&'a str>>>(&self, ping_name: S) -> Option<uuid::Uuid> {
46         crate::block_on_dispatcher();
48         let queried_ping_name = ping_name
49             .into()
50             .unwrap_or_else(|| &self.0.meta().send_in_pings[0]);
52         crate::with_glean(|glean| self.0.test_get_value(glean, queried_ping_name))
53     }
test_get_num_recorded_errors<'a, S: Into<Option<&'a str>>>( &self, error: ErrorType, ping_name: S, ) -> i3255     fn test_get_num_recorded_errors<'a, S: Into<Option<&'a str>>>(
56         &self,
57         error: ErrorType,
58         ping_name: S,
59     ) -> i32 {
60         crate::block_on_dispatcher();
62         crate::with_glean_mut(|glean| {
63             glean_core::test_get_num_recorded_errors(&glean, self.0.meta(), error, ping_name.into())
64                 .unwrap_or(0)
65         })
66     }
67 }