1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
4  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
9 #include <ostream>
11 #include "Types.h"
13 namespace mozilla {
15 /**
16  * Sides represents a set of physical sides.
17  */
18 struct Sides final {
Sidesfinal19   Sides() : mBits(0) {}
Sidesfinal20   explicit Sides(SideBits aSideBits)
21   {
22     MOZ_ASSERT((aSideBits & ~eSideBitsAll) == 0, "illegal side bits");
23     mBits = aSideBits;
24   }
IsEmptyfinal25   bool IsEmpty() const { return mBits == 0; }
Topfinal26   bool Top()     const { return (mBits & eSideBitsTop) != 0; }
Rightfinal27   bool Right()   const { return (mBits & eSideBitsRight) != 0; }
Bottomfinal28   bool Bottom()  const { return (mBits & eSideBitsBottom) != 0; }
Leftfinal29   bool Left()    const { return (mBits & eSideBitsLeft) != 0; }
Containsfinal30   bool Contains(SideBits aSideBits) const
31   {
32     MOZ_ASSERT((aSideBits & ~eSideBitsAll) == 0, "illegal side bits");
33     return (mBits & aSideBits) == aSideBits;
34   }
35   Sides operator|(Sides aOther) const
36   {
37     return Sides(SideBits(mBits | aOther.mBits));
38   }
39   Sides operator|(SideBits aSideBits) const
40   {
41     return *this | Sides(aSideBits);
42   }
43   Sides& operator|=(Sides aOther)
44   {
45     mBits |= aOther.mBits;
46     return *this;
47   }
48   Sides& operator|=(SideBits aSideBits)
49   {
50     return *this |= Sides(aSideBits);
51   }
52   bool operator==(Sides aOther) const
53   {
54     return mBits == aOther.mBits;
55   }
56   bool operator!=(Sides aOther) const
57   {
58     return !(*this == aOther);
59   }
61 private:
62   uint8_t mBits;
63 };
65 namespace gfx {
67 /**
68  * Do not use this class directly. Subclass it, pass that subclass as the
69  * Sub parameter, and only use that subclass.
70  */
71 template <class T, class Sub>
72 struct BaseMargin {
73   typedef mozilla::Side SideT; // because we have a method named Side
75   // Do not change the layout of these members; the Side() methods below
76   // depend on this order.
77   T top, right, bottom, left;
79   // Constructors
BaseMarginBaseMargin80   BaseMargin() : top(0), right(0), bottom(0), left(0) {}
BaseMarginBaseMargin81   BaseMargin(T aTop, T aRight, T aBottom, T aLeft) :
82       top(aTop), right(aRight), bottom(aBottom), left(aLeft) {}
SizeToBaseMargin84   void SizeTo(T aTop, T aRight, T aBottom, T aLeft)
85   {
86     top = aTop; right = aRight; bottom = aBottom; left = aLeft;
87   }
LeftRightBaseMargin89   T LeftRight() const { return left + right; }
TopBottomBaseMargin90   T TopBottom() const { return top + bottom; }
SideBaseMargin92   T& Side(SideT aSide) {
93     // This is ugly!
94     return *(&top + int(aSide));
95   }
SideBaseMargin96   T Side(SideT aSide) const {
97     // This is ugly!
98     return *(&top + int(aSide));
99   }
ApplySkipSidesBaseMargin101   void ApplySkipSides(Sides aSkipSides)
102   {
103     if (aSkipSides.Top()) {
104       top = 0;
105     }
106     if (aSkipSides.Right()) {
107       right = 0;
108     }
109     if (aSkipSides.Bottom()) {
110       bottom = 0;
111     }
112     if (aSkipSides.Left()) {
113       left = 0;
114     }
115   }
117   // Overloaded operators. Note that '=' isn't defined so we'll get the
118   // compiler generated default assignment operator
119   bool operator==(const Sub& aMargin) const {
120     return top == aMargin.top && right == aMargin.right &&
121            bottom == aMargin.bottom && left == aMargin.left;
122   }
123   bool operator!=(const Sub& aMargin) const {
124     return !(*this == aMargin);
125   }
126   Sub operator+(const Sub& aMargin) const {
127     return Sub(top + aMargin.top, right + aMargin.right,
128                bottom + aMargin.bottom, left + aMargin.left);
129   }
130   Sub operator-(const Sub& aMargin) const {
131     return Sub(top - aMargin.top, right - aMargin.right,
132                bottom - aMargin.bottom, left - aMargin.left);
133   }
134   Sub& operator+=(const Sub& aMargin) {
135     top += aMargin.top;
136     right += aMargin.right;
137     bottom += aMargin.bottom;
138     left += aMargin.left;
139     return *static_cast<Sub*>(this);
140   }
142   friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& aStream,
143       const BaseMargin& aMargin) {
144     return aStream << '(' << aMargin.top << ',' << aMargin.right << ','
145                   << aMargin.bottom << ',' << aMargin.left << ')';
146   }
147 };
149 } // namespace gfx
150 } // namespace mozilla
152 #endif /* MOZILLA_GFX_BASEMARGIN_H_ */