1# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
3# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
5from StringIO import StringIO
6import json
7import fnmatch
8import os
9import shutil
10import sys
11import types
13from .ini import read_ini
14from .filters import (
16    enabled,
17    exists as _exists,
18    filterlist,
21__all__ = ['ManifestParser', 'TestManifest', 'convert']
23relpath = os.path.relpath
24string = (basestring,)
27# path normalization
29def normalize_path(path):
30    """normalize a relative path"""
31    if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
32        return path.replace('/', os.path.sep)
33    return path
36def denormalize_path(path):
37    """denormalize a relative path"""
38    if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
39        return path.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
40    return path
43# objects for parsing manifests
45class ManifestParser(object):
46    """read .ini manifests"""
48    def __init__(self, manifests=(), defaults=None, strict=True, rootdir=None,
49                 finder=None, handle_defaults=True):
50        """Creates a ManifestParser from the given manifest files.
52        :param manifests: An iterable of file paths or file objects corresponding
53                          to manifests. If a file path refers to a manifest file that
54                          does not exist, an IOError is raised.
55        :param defaults: Variables to pre-define in the environment for evaluating
56                         expressions in manifests.
57        :param strict: If False, the provided manifests may contain references to
58                       listed (test) files that do not exist without raising an
59                       IOError during reading, and certain errors in manifests
60                       are not considered fatal. Those errors include duplicate
61                       section names, redefining variables, and defining empty
62                       variables.
63        :param rootdir: The directory used as the basis for conversion to and from
64                        relative paths during manifest reading.
65        :param finder: If provided, this finder object will be used for filesystem
66                       interactions. Finder objects are part of the mozpack package,
67                       documented at
68                       http://gecko.readthedocs.org/en/latest/python/mozpack.html#module-mozpack.files
69        :param handle_defaults: If not set, do not propagate manifest defaults to individual
70                                test objects. Callers are expected to manage per-manifest
71                                defaults themselves via the manifest_defaults member
72                                variable in this case.
73        """
74        self._defaults = defaults or {}
75        self._ancestor_defaults = {}
76        self.tests = []
77        self.manifest_defaults = {}
78        self.strict = strict
79        self.rootdir = rootdir
80        self.relativeRoot = None
81        self.finder = finder
82        self._handle_defaults = handle_defaults
83        if manifests:
84            self.read(*manifests)
86    def path_exists(self, path):
87        if self.finder:
88            return self.finder.get(path) is not None
89        return os.path.exists(path)
91    # methods for reading manifests
93    def _read(self, root, filename, defaults, defaults_only=False, parentmanifest=None):
94        """
95        Internal recursive method for reading and parsing manifests.
96        Stores all found tests in self.tests
97        :param root: The base path
98        :param filename: File object or string path for the base manifest file
99        :param defaults: Options that apply to all items
100        :param defaults_only: If True will only gather options, not include
101                              tests. Used for upstream parent includes
102                              (default False)
103        :param parentmanifest: Filename of the parent manifest (default None)
104        """
105        def read_file(type):
106            include_file = section.split(type, 1)[-1]
107            include_file = normalize_path(include_file)
108            if not os.path.isabs(include_file):
109                include_file = os.path.join(here, include_file)
110            if not self.path_exists(include_file):
111                message = "Included file '%s' does not exist" % include_file
112                if self.strict:
113                    raise IOError(message)
114                else:
115                    sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % message)
116                    return
117            return include_file
119        # get directory of this file if not file-like object
120        if isinstance(filename, string):
121            # If we're using mercurial as our filesystem via a finder
122            # during manifest reading, the getcwd() calls that happen
123            # with abspath calls will not be meaningful, so absolute
124            # paths are required.
125            if self.finder:
126                assert os.path.isabs(filename)
127            filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
128            if self.finder:
129                fp = self.finder.get(filename)
130            else:
131                fp = open(filename)
132            here = os.path.dirname(filename)
133        else:
134            fp = filename
135            filename = here = None
136        defaults['here'] = here
138        # Rootdir is needed for relative path calculation. Precompute it for
139        # the microoptimization used below.
140        if self.rootdir is None:
141            rootdir = ""
142        else:
143            assert os.path.isabs(self.rootdir)
144            rootdir = self.rootdir + os.path.sep
146        # read the configuration
147        sections = read_ini(fp=fp, variables=defaults, strict=self.strict,
148                            handle_defaults=self._handle_defaults)
149        self.manifest_defaults[filename] = defaults
151        parent_section_found = False
153        # get the tests
154        for section, data in sections:
155            # In case of defaults only, no other section than parent: has to
156            # be processed.
157            if defaults_only and not section.startswith('parent:'):
158                continue
160            # read the parent manifest if specified
161            if section.startswith('parent:'):
162                parent_section_found = True
164                include_file = read_file('parent:')
165                if include_file:
166                    self._read(root, include_file, {}, True)
167                continue
169            # a file to include
170            # TODO: keep track of included file structure:
171            # self.manifests = {'manifest.ini': 'relative/path.ini'}
172            if section.startswith('include:'):
173                include_file = read_file('include:')
174                if include_file:
175                    include_defaults = data.copy()
176                    self._read(root, include_file, include_defaults, parentmanifest=filename)
177                continue
179            # otherwise an item
180            # apply ancestor defaults, while maintaining current file priority
181            data = dict(self._ancestor_defaults.items() + data.items())
183            test = data
184            test['name'] = section
186            # Will be None if the manifest being read is a file-like object.
187            test['manifest'] = filename
189            # determine the path
190            path = test.get('path', section)
191            _relpath = path
192            if '://' not in path:  # don't futz with URLs
193                path = normalize_path(path)
194                if here and not os.path.isabs(path):
195                    # Profiling indicates 25% of manifest parsing is spent
196                    # in this call to normpath, but almost all calls return
197                    # their argument unmodified, so we avoid the call if
198                    # '..' if not present in the path.
199                    path = os.path.join(here, path)
200                    if '..' in path:
201                        path = os.path.normpath(path)
203                # Microoptimization, because relpath is quite expensive.
204                # We know that rootdir is an absolute path or empty. If path
205                # starts with rootdir, then path is also absolute and the tail
206                # of the path is the relative path (possibly non-normalized,
207                # when here is unknown).
208                # For this to work rootdir needs to be terminated with a path
209                # separator, so that references to sibling directories with
210                # a common prefix don't get misscomputed (e.g. /root and
211                # /rootbeer/file).
212                # When the rootdir is unknown, the relpath needs to be left
213                # unchanged. We use an empty string as rootdir in that case,
214                # which leaves relpath unchanged after slicing.
215                if path.startswith(rootdir):
216                    _relpath = path[len(rootdir):]
217                else:
218                    _relpath = relpath(path, rootdir)
220            test['path'] = path
221            test['relpath'] = _relpath
223            if parentmanifest is not None:
224                # If a test was included by a parent manifest we may need to
225                # indicate that in the test object for the sake of identifying
226                # a test, particularly in the case a test file is included by
227                # multiple manifests.
228                test['ancestor-manifest'] = parentmanifest
230            # append the item
231            self.tests.append(test)
233        # if no parent: section was found for defaults-only, only read the
234        # defaults section of the manifest without interpreting variables
235        if defaults_only and not parent_section_found:
236            sections = read_ini(fp=fp, variables=defaults, defaults_only=True,
237                                strict=self.strict)
238            (section, self._ancestor_defaults) = sections[0]
240    def read(self, *filenames, **defaults):
241        """
242        read and add manifests from file paths or file-like objects
244        filenames -- file paths or file-like objects to read as manifests
245        defaults -- default variables
246        """
248        # ensure all files exist
249        missing = [filename for filename in filenames
250                   if isinstance(filename, string) and not self.path_exists(filename)]
251        if missing:
252            raise IOError('Missing files: %s' % ', '.join(missing))
254        # default variables
255        _defaults = defaults.copy() or self._defaults.copy()
256        _defaults.setdefault('here', None)
258        # process each file
259        for filename in filenames:
260            # set the per file defaults
261            defaults = _defaults.copy()
262            here = None
263            if isinstance(filename, string):
264                here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename))
265                defaults['here'] = here  # directory of master .ini file
267            if self.rootdir is None:
268                # set the root directory
269                # == the directory of the first manifest given
270                self.rootdir = here
272            self._read(here, filename, defaults)
274    # methods for querying manifests
276    def query(self, *checks, **kw):
277        """
278        general query function for tests
279        - checks : callable conditions to test if the test fulfills the query
280        """
281        tests = kw.get('tests', None)
282        if tests is None:
283            tests = self.tests
284        retval = []
285        for test in tests:
286            for check in checks:
287                if not check(test):
288                    break
289            else:
290                retval.append(test)
291        return retval
293    def get(self, _key=None, inverse=False, tags=None, tests=None, **kwargs):
294        # TODO: pass a dict instead of kwargs since you might hav
295        # e.g. 'inverse' as a key in the dict
297        # TODO: tags should just be part of kwargs with None values
298        # (None == any is kinda weird, but probably still better)
300        # fix up tags
301        if tags:
302            tags = set(tags)
303        else:
304            tags = set()
306        # make some check functions
307        if inverse:
308            def has_tags(test):
309                return not tags.intersection(test.keys())
311            def dict_query(test):
312                for key, value in kwargs.items():
313                    if test.get(key) == value:
314                        return False
315                return True
316        else:
317            def has_tags(test):
318                return tags.issubset(test.keys())
320            def dict_query(test):
321                for key, value in kwargs.items():
322                    if test.get(key) != value:
323                        return False
324                return True
326        # query the tests
327        tests = self.query(has_tags, dict_query, tests=tests)
329        # if a key is given, return only a list of that key
330        # useful for keys like 'name' or 'path'
331        if _key:
332            return [test[_key] for test in tests]
334        # return the tests
335        return tests
337    def manifests(self, tests=None):
338        """
339        return manifests in order in which they appear in the tests
340        """
341        if tests is None:
342            # Make sure to return all the manifests, even ones without tests.
343            return self.manifest_defaults.keys()
345        manifests = []
346        for test in tests:
347            manifest = test.get('manifest')
348            if not manifest:
349                continue
350            if manifest not in manifests:
351                manifests.append(manifest)
352        return manifests
354    def paths(self):
355        return [i['path'] for i in self.tests]
357    # methods for auditing
359    def missing(self, tests=None):
360        """
361        return list of tests that do not exist on the filesystem
362        """
363        if tests is None:
364            tests = self.tests
365        existing = list(_exists(tests, {}))
366        return [t for t in tests if t not in existing]
368    def check_missing(self, tests=None):
369        missing = self.missing(tests=tests)
370        if missing:
371            missing_paths = [test['path'] for test in missing]
372            if self.strict:
373                raise IOError("Strict mode enabled, test paths must exist. "
374                              "The following test(s) are missing: %s" %
375                              json.dumps(missing_paths, indent=2))
376            print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: The following test(s) are missing: %s" % \
377                json.dumps(missing_paths, indent=2)
378        return missing
380    def verifyDirectory(self, directories, pattern=None, extensions=None):
381        """
382        checks what is on the filesystem vs what is in a manifest
383        returns a 2-tuple of sets:
384        (missing_from_filesystem, missing_from_manifest)
385        """
387        files = set([])
388        if isinstance(directories, basestring):
389            directories = [directories]
391        # get files in directories
392        for directory in directories:
393            for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory, topdown=True):
395                # only add files that match a pattern
396                if pattern:
397                    filenames = fnmatch.filter(filenames, pattern)
399                # only add files that have one of the extensions
400                if extensions:
401                    filenames = [filename for filename in filenames
402                                 if os.path.splitext(filename)[-1] in extensions]
404                files.update([os.path.join(dirpath, filename) for filename in filenames])
406        paths = set(self.paths())
407        missing_from_filesystem = paths.difference(files)
408        missing_from_manifest = files.difference(paths)
409        return (missing_from_filesystem, missing_from_manifest)
411    # methods for output
413    def write(self, fp=sys.stdout, rootdir=None,
414              global_tags=None, global_kwargs=None,
415              local_tags=None, local_kwargs=None):
416        """
417        write a manifest given a query
418        global and local options will be munged to do the query
419        globals will be written to the top of the file
420        locals (if given) will be written per test
421        """
423        # open file if `fp` given as string
424        close = False
425        if isinstance(fp, string):
426            fp = file(fp, 'w')
427            close = True
429        # root directory
430        if rootdir is None:
431            rootdir = self.rootdir
433        # sanitize input
434        global_tags = global_tags or set()
435        local_tags = local_tags or set()
436        global_kwargs = global_kwargs or {}
437        local_kwargs = local_kwargs or {}
439        # create the query
440        tags = set([])
441        tags.update(global_tags)
442        tags.update(local_tags)
443        kwargs = {}
444        kwargs.update(global_kwargs)
445        kwargs.update(local_kwargs)
447        # get matching tests
448        tests = self.get(tags=tags, **kwargs)
450        # print the .ini manifest
451        if global_tags or global_kwargs:
452            print >> fp, '[DEFAULT]'
453            for tag in global_tags:
454                print >> fp, '%s =' % tag
455            for key, value in global_kwargs.items():
456                print >> fp, '%s = %s' % (key, value)
457            print >> fp
459        for test in tests:
460            test = test.copy()  # don't overwrite
462            path = test['name']
463            if not os.path.isabs(path):
464                path = test['path']
465                if self.rootdir:
466                    path = relpath(test['path'], self.rootdir)
467                path = denormalize_path(path)
468            print >> fp, '[%s]' % path
470            # reserved keywords:
471            reserved = ['path', 'name', 'here', 'manifest', 'relpath', 'ancestor-manifest']
472            for key in sorted(test.keys()):
473                if key in reserved:
474                    continue
475                if key in global_kwargs:
476                    continue
477                if key in global_tags and not test[key]:
478                    continue
479                print >> fp, '%s = %s' % (key, test[key])
480            print >> fp
482        if close:
483            # close the created file
484            fp.close()
486    def __str__(self):
487        fp = StringIO()
488        self.write(fp=fp)
489        value = fp.getvalue()
490        return value
492    def copy(self, directory, rootdir=None, *tags, **kwargs):
493        """
494        copy the manifests and associated tests
495        - directory : directory to copy to
496        - rootdir : root directory to copy to (if not given from manifests)
497        - tags : keywords the tests must have
498        - kwargs : key, values the tests must match
499        """
500        # XXX note that copy does *not* filter the tests out of the
501        # resulting manifest; it just stupidly copies them over.
502        # ideally, it would reread the manifests and filter out the
503        # tests that don't match *tags and **kwargs
505        # destination
506        if not os.path.exists(directory):
507            os.path.makedirs(directory)
508        else:
509            # sanity check
510            assert os.path.isdir(directory)
512        # tests to copy
513        tests = self.get(tags=tags, **kwargs)
514        if not tests:
515            return  # nothing to do!
517        # root directory
518        if rootdir is None:
519            rootdir = self.rootdir
521        # copy the manifests + tests
522        manifests = [relpath(manifest, rootdir) for manifest in self.manifests()]
523        for manifest in manifests:
524            destination = os.path.join(directory, manifest)
525            dirname = os.path.dirname(destination)
526            if not os.path.exists(dirname):
527                os.makedirs(dirname)
528            else:
529                # sanity check
530                assert os.path.isdir(dirname)
531            shutil.copy(os.path.join(rootdir, manifest), destination)
533        missing = self.check_missing(tests)
534        tests = [test for test in tests if test not in missing]
535        for test in tests:
536            if os.path.isabs(test['name']):
537                continue
538            source = test['path']
539            destination = os.path.join(directory, relpath(test['path'], rootdir))
540            shutil.copy(source, destination)
541            # TODO: ensure that all of the tests are below the from_dir
543    def update(self, from_dir, rootdir=None, *tags, **kwargs):
544        """
545        update the tests as listed in a manifest from a directory
546        - from_dir : directory where the tests live
547        - rootdir : root directory to copy to (if not given from manifests)
548        - tags : keys the tests must have
549        - kwargs : key, values the tests must match
550        """
552        # get the tests
553        tests = self.get(tags=tags, **kwargs)
555        # get the root directory
556        if not rootdir:
557            rootdir = self.rootdir
559        # copy them!
560        for test in tests:
561            if not os.path.isabs(test['name']):
562                _relpath = relpath(test['path'], rootdir)
563                source = os.path.join(from_dir, _relpath)
564                if not os.path.exists(source):
565                    message = "Missing test: '%s' does not exist!"
566                    if self.strict:
567                        raise IOError(message)
568                    print >> sys.stderr, message + " Skipping."
569                    continue
570                destination = os.path.join(rootdir, _relpath)
571                shutil.copy(source, destination)
573    # directory importers
575    @classmethod
576    def _walk_directories(cls, directories, callback, pattern=None, ignore=()):
577        """
578        internal function to import directories
579        """
581        if isinstance(pattern, basestring):
582            patterns = [pattern]
583        else:
584            patterns = pattern
585        ignore = set(ignore)
587        if not patterns:
588            def accept_filename(filename):
589                return True
590        else:
591            def accept_filename(filename):
592                for pattern in patterns:
593                    if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, pattern):
594                        return True
596        if not ignore:
597            def accept_dirname(dirname):
598                return True
599        else:
600            def accept_dirname(dirname):
601                return dirname not in ignore
603        rootdirectories = directories[:]
604        seen_directories = set()
605        for rootdirectory in rootdirectories:
606            # let's recurse directories using list
607            directories = [os.path.realpath(rootdirectory)]
608            while directories:
609                directory = directories.pop(0)
610                if directory in seen_directories:
611                    # eliminate possible infinite recursion due to
612                    # symbolic links
613                    continue
614                seen_directories.add(directory)
616                files = []
617                subdirs = []
618                for name in sorted(os.listdir(directory)):
619                    path = os.path.join(directory, name)
620                    if os.path.isfile(path):
621                        # os.path.isfile follow symbolic links, we don't
622                        # need to handle them here.
623                        if accept_filename(name):
624                            files.append(name)
625                        continue
626                    elif os.path.islink(path):
627                        # eliminate symbolic links
628                        path = os.path.realpath(path)
630                    # we must have a directory here
631                    if accept_dirname(name):
632                        subdirs.append(name)
633                        # this subdir is added for recursion
634                        directories.insert(0, path)
636                # here we got all subdirs and files filtered, we can
637                # call the callback function if directory is not empty
638                if subdirs or files:
639                    callback(rootdirectory, directory, subdirs, files)
641    @classmethod
642    def populate_directory_manifests(cls, directories, filename, pattern=None, ignore=(),
643                                     overwrite=False):
644        """
645        walks directories and writes manifests of name `filename` in-place;
646        returns `cls` instance populated with the given manifests
648        filename -- filename of manifests to write
649        pattern -- shell pattern (glob) or patterns of filenames to match
650        ignore -- directory names to ignore
651        overwrite -- whether to overwrite existing files of given name
652        """
654        manifest_dict = {}
656        if os.path.basename(filename) != filename:
657            raise IOError("filename should not include directory name")
659        # no need to hit directories more than once
660        _directories = directories
661        directories = []
662        for directory in _directories:
663            if directory not in directories:
664                directories.append(directory)
666        def callback(directory, dirpath, dirnames, filenames):
667            """write a manifest for each directory"""
669            manifest_path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
670            if (dirnames or filenames) and not (os.path.exists(manifest_path) and overwrite):
671                with file(manifest_path, 'w') as manifest:
672                    for dirname in dirnames:
673                        print >> manifest, '[include:%s]' % os.path.join(dirname, filename)
674                    for _filename in filenames:
675                        print >> manifest, '[%s]' % _filename
677                # add to list of manifests
678                manifest_dict.setdefault(directory, manifest_path)
680        # walk the directories to gather files
681        cls._walk_directories(directories, callback, pattern=pattern, ignore=ignore)
682        # get manifests
683        manifests = [manifest_dict[directory] for directory in _directories]
685        # create a `cls` instance with the manifests
686        return cls(manifests=manifests)
688    @classmethod
689    def from_directories(cls, directories, pattern=None, ignore=(), write=None, relative_to=None):
690        """
691        convert directories to a simple manifest; returns ManifestParser instance
693        pattern -- shell pattern (glob) or patterns of filenames to match
694        ignore -- directory names to ignore
695        write -- filename or file-like object of manifests to write;
696                 if `None` then a StringIO instance will be created
697        relative_to -- write paths relative to this path;
698                       if false then the paths are absolute
699        """
701        # determine output
702        opened_manifest_file = None  # name of opened manifest file
703        absolute = not relative_to  # whether to output absolute path names as names
704        if isinstance(write, string):
705            opened_manifest_file = write
706            write = file(write, 'w')
707        if write is None:
708            write = StringIO()
710        # walk the directories, generating manifests
711        def callback(directory, dirpath, dirnames, filenames):
713            # absolute paths
714            filenames = [os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
715                         for filename in filenames]
716            # ensure new manifest isn't added
717            filenames = [filename for filename in filenames
718                         if filename != opened_manifest_file]
719            # normalize paths
720            if not absolute and relative_to:
721                filenames = [relpath(filename, relative_to)
722                             for filename in filenames]
724            # write to manifest
725            print >> write, '\n'.join(['[%s]' % denormalize_path(filename)
726                                       for filename in filenames])
728        cls._walk_directories(directories, callback, pattern=pattern, ignore=ignore)
730        if opened_manifest_file:
731            # close file
732            write.close()
733            manifests = [opened_manifest_file]
734        else:
735            # manifests/write is a file-like object;
736            # rewind buffer
737            write.flush()
738            write.seek(0)
739            manifests = [write]
741        # make a ManifestParser instance
742        return cls(manifests=manifests)
744convert = ManifestParser.from_directories
747class TestManifest(ManifestParser):
748    """
749    apply logic to manifests;  this is your integration layer :)
750    specific harnesses may subclass from this if they need more logic
751    """
753    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
754        ManifestParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
755        self.filters = filterlist(DEFAULT_FILTERS)
756        self.last_used_filters = []
758    def active_tests(self, exists=True, disabled=True, filters=None, **values):
759        """
760        Run all applied filters on the set of tests.
762        :param exists: filter out non-existing tests (default True)
763        :param disabled: whether to return disabled tests (default True)
764        :param values: keys and values to filter on (e.g. `os = linux mac`)
765        :param filters: list of filters to apply to the tests
766        :returns: list of test objects that were not filtered out
767        """
768        tests = [i.copy() for i in self.tests]  # shallow copy
770        # mark all tests as passing
771        for test in tests:
772            test['expected'] = test.get('expected', 'pass')
774        # make a copy so original doesn't get modified
775        fltrs = self.filters[:]
776        if exists:
777            if self.strict:
778                self.check_missing(tests)
779            else:
780                fltrs.append(_exists)
782        if not disabled:
783            fltrs.append(enabled)
785        if filters:
786            fltrs += filters
788        self.last_used_filters = fltrs[:]
789        for fn in fltrs:
790            tests = fn(tests, values)
791        return list(tests)
793    def test_paths(self):
794        return [test['path'] for test in self.active_tests()]
796    def fmt_filters(self, filters=None):
797        filters = filters or self.last_used_filters
798        names = []
799        for f in filters:
800            if isinstance(f, types.FunctionType):
801                names.append(f.__name__)
802            else:
803                names.append(str(f))
804        return ', '.join(names)