1# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
3# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
5import os
6import re
7import time
9from abc import ABCMeta
11import version_codes
13from adb import ADBDevice, ADBError
16class ADBAndroid(ADBDevice):
17    """ADBAndroid implements :class:`ADBDevice` providing Android-specific
18    functionality.
20    ::
22       from mozdevice import ADBAndroid
24       adbdevice = ADBAndroid()
25       print adbdevice.list_files("/mnt/sdcard")
26       if adbdevice.process_exist("org.mozilla.fennec"):
27           print "Fennec is running"
28    """
29    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
31    def __init__(self,
32                 device=None,
33                 adb='adb',
34                 adb_host=None,
35                 adb_port=None,
36                 test_root='',
37                 logger_name='adb',
38                 timeout=300,
39                 verbose=False,
40                 device_ready_retry_wait=20,
41                 device_ready_retry_attempts=3):
42        """Initializes the ADBAndroid object.
44        :param device: When a string is passed, it is interpreted as the
45            device serial number. This form is not compatible with
46            devices containing a ":" in the serial; in this case
47            ValueError will be raised.
48            When a dictionary is passed it must have one or both of
49            the keys "device_serial" and "usb". This is compatible
50            with the dictionaries in the list returned by
51            ADBHost.devices(). If the value of device_serial is a
52            valid serial not containing a ":" it will be used to
53            identify the device, otherwise the value of the usb key,
54            prefixed with "usb:" is used.
55            If None is passed and there is exactly one device attached
56            to the host, that device is used. If there is more than one
57            device attached, ValueError is raised. If no device is
58            attached the constructor will block until a device is
59            attached or the timeout is reached.
60        :type device: dict, str or None
61        :param adb_host: host of the adb server to connect to.
62        :type adb_host: str or None
63        :param adb_port: port of the adb server to connect to.
64        :type adb_port: integer or None
65        :param str logger_name: logging logger name. Defaults to 'adb'.
66        :param integer device_ready_retry_wait: number of seconds to wait
67            between attempts to check if the device is ready after a
68            reboot.
69        :param integer device_ready_retry_attempts: number of attempts when
70            checking if a device is ready.
72        :raises: * ADBError
73                 * ADBTimeoutError
74                 * ValueError
75        """
76        ADBDevice.__init__(self, device=device, adb=adb,
77                           adb_host=adb_host, adb_port=adb_port,
78                           test_root=test_root,
79                           logger_name=logger_name, timeout=timeout,
80                           verbose=verbose,
81                           device_ready_retry_wait=device_ready_retry_wait,
82                           device_ready_retry_attempts=device_ready_retry_attempts)
83        # https://source.android.com/devices/tech/security/selinux/index.html
84        # setenforce
85        # usage:  setenforce [ Enforcing | Permissive | 1 | 0 ]
86        # getenforce returns either Enforcing or Permissive
88        try:
89            self.selinux = True
90            if self.shell_output('getenforce', timeout=timeout) != 'Permissive':
91                self._logger.info('Setting SELinux Permissive Mode')
92                self.shell_output("setenforce Permissive", timeout=timeout, root=True)
93        except ADBError:
94            self.selinux = False
96        self.version = int(self.shell_output("getprop ro.build.version.sdk",
97                                             timeout=timeout))
99    def reboot(self, timeout=None):
100        """Reboots the device.
102        :param timeout: optional integer specifying the maximum time in
103            seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
104            throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
105            This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
106            may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
107            set in the ADB constructor is used.
108        :raises: * ADBTimeoutError
109                 * ADBError
111        reboot() reboots the device, issues an adb wait-for-device in order to
112        wait for the device to complete rebooting, then calls is_device_ready()
113        to determine if the device has completed booting.
115        If the device supports running adbd as root, adbd will be
116        restarted running as root. Then, if the device supports
117        SELinux, setenforce Permissive will be called to change
118        SELinux to permissive. This must be done after adbd is
119        restarted in order for the SELinux Permissive setting to
120        persist.
122        """
123        ready = ADBDevice.reboot(self, timeout=timeout)
124        self._check_adb_root(timeout=timeout)
125        return ready
127    # Informational methods
129    def get_battery_percentage(self, timeout=None):
130        """Returns the battery charge as a percentage.
132        :param timeout: The maximum time in
133            seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
134            throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
135            This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
136            may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
137            set in the ADBDevice constructor is used.
138        :type timeout: integer or None
139        :returns: battery charge as a percentage.
140        :raises: * ADBTimeoutError
141                 * ADBError
142        """
143        level = None
144        scale = None
145        percentage = 0
146        cmd = "dumpsys battery"
147        re_parameter = re.compile(r'\s+(\w+):\s+(\d+)')
148        lines = self.shell_output(cmd, timeout=timeout).split('\r')
149        for line in lines:
150            match = re_parameter.match(line)
151            if match:
152                parameter = match.group(1)
153                value = match.group(2)
154                if parameter == 'level':
155                    level = float(value)
156                elif parameter == 'scale':
157                    scale = float(value)
158                if parameter is not None and scale is not None:
159                    percentage = 100.0 * level / scale
160                    break
161        return percentage
163    # System control methods
165    def is_device_ready(self, timeout=None):
166        """Checks if a device is ready for testing.
168        This method uses the android only package manager to check for
169        readiness.
171        :param timeout: The maximum time
172            in seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
173            throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
174            This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
175            may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
176            set in the ADB constructor is used.
177        :type timeout: integer or None
178        :raises: * ADBTimeoutError
179                 * ADBError
180        """
181        # command_output automatically inserts a 'wait-for-device'
182        # argument to adb. Issuing an empty command is the same as adb
183        # -s <device> wait-for-device. We don't send an explicit
184        # 'wait-for-device' since that would add duplicate
185        # 'wait-for-device' arguments which is an error in newer
186        # versions of adb.
187        self.command_output([], timeout=timeout)
188        pm_error_string = "Error: Could not access the Package Manager"
189        pm_list_commands = ["packages", "permission-groups", "permissions",
190                            "instrumentation", "features", "libraries"]
191        ready_path = os.path.join(self.test_root, "ready")
192        for attempt in range(self._device_ready_retry_attempts):
193            failure = 'Unknown failure'
194            success = True
195            try:
196                state = self.get_state(timeout=timeout)
197                if state != 'device':
198                    failure = "Device state: %s" % state
199                    success = False
200                else:
201                    if (self.selinux and self.shell_output('getenforce',
202                                                           timeout=timeout) != 'Permissive'):
203                        self._logger.info('Setting SELinux Permissive Mode')
204                        self.shell_output("setenforce Permissive", timeout=timeout, root=True)
205                    if self.is_dir(ready_path, timeout=timeout, root=True):
206                        self.rmdir(ready_path, timeout=timeout, root=True)
207                    self.mkdir(ready_path, timeout=timeout, root=True)
208                    self.rmdir(ready_path, timeout=timeout, root=True)
209                    # Invoke the pm list commands to see if it is up and
210                    # running.
211                    for pm_list_cmd in pm_list_commands:
212                        data = self.shell_output("pm list %s" % pm_list_cmd,
213                                                 timeout=timeout)
214                        if pm_error_string in data:
215                            failure = data
216                            success = False
217                            break
218            except ADBError as e:
219                success = False
220                failure = e.message
222            if not success:
223                self._logger.debug('Attempt %s of %s device not ready: %s' % (
224                    attempt + 1, self._device_ready_retry_attempts,
225                    failure))
226                time.sleep(self._device_ready_retry_wait)
228        return success
230    def power_on(self, timeout=None):
231        """Sets the device's power stayon value.
233        :param timeout: The maximum time in
234            seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
235            throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
236            This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
237            may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
238            set in the ADB constructor is used.
239        :type timeout: integer or None
240        :raises: * ADBTimeoutError
241                 * ADBError
242        """
243        try:
244            self.shell_output('svc power stayon true',
245                              timeout=timeout,
246                              root=True)
247        except ADBError as e:
248            # Executing this via adb shell errors, but not interactively.
249            # Any other exitcode is a real error.
250            if 'exitcode: 137' not in e.message:
251                raise
252            self._logger.warning('Unable to set power stayon true: %s' % e)
254    # Application management methods
256    def install_app(self, apk_path, timeout=None):
257        """Installs an app on the device.
259        :param str apk_path: The apk file name to be installed.
260        :param timeout: The maximum time in
261            seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
262            throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
263            This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
264            may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
265            set in the ADB constructor is used.
266        :type timeout: integer or None
267        :raises: * ADBTimeoutError
268                 * ADBError
269        """
270        cmd = ["install"]
271        if self.version >= version_codes.M:
272            cmd.append("-g")
273        cmd.append(apk_path)
274        data = self.command_output(cmd, timeout=timeout)
275        if data.find('Success') == -1:
276            raise ADBError("install failed for %s. Got: %s" %
277                           (apk_path, data))
279    def is_app_installed(self, app_name, timeout=None):
280        """Returns True if an app is installed on the device.
282        :param str app_name: The name of the app to be checked.
283        :param timeout: The maximum time in
284            seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
285            throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
286            This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
287            may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
288            set in the ADB constructor is used.
289        :type timeout: integer or None
290        :raises: * ADBTimeoutError
291                 * ADBError
292        """
293        pm_error_string = 'Error: Could not access the Package Manager'
294        data = self.shell_output("pm list package %s" % app_name, timeout=timeout)
295        if pm_error_string in data:
296            raise ADBError(pm_error_string)
297        if app_name not in data:
298            return False
299        return True
301    def launch_application(self, app_name, activity_name, intent, url=None,
302                           extras=None, wait=True, fail_if_running=True,
303                           timeout=None):
304        """Launches an Android application
306        :param str app_name: Name of application (e.g. `com.android.chrome`)
307        :param str activity_name: Name of activity to launch (e.g. `.Main`)
308        :param str intent: Intent to launch application with
309        :param url: URL to open
310        :type url: str or None
311        :param extras: Extra arguments for application.
312        :type extras: dict or None
313        :param bool wait: If True, wait for application to start before
314            returning.
315        :param bool fail_if_running: Raise an exception if instance of
316            application is already running.
317        :param timeout: The maximum time in
318            seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
319            throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
320            This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
321            may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
322            set in the ADB constructor is used.
323        :type timeout: integer or None
324        :raises: * ADBTimeoutError
325                 * ADBError
326        """
327        # If fail_if_running is True, we throw an exception here. Only one
328        # instance of an application can be running at once on Android,
329        # starting a new instance may not be what we want depending on what
330        # we want to do
331        if fail_if_running and self.process_exist(app_name, timeout=timeout):
332            raise ADBError("Only one instance of an application may be running "
333                           "at once")
335        acmd = ["am", "start"] + \
336            ["-W" if wait else '', "-n", "%s/%s" % (app_name, activity_name)]
338        if intent:
339            acmd.extend(["-a", intent])
341        if extras:
342            for (key, val) in extras.iteritems():
343                if isinstance(val, int):
344                    extra_type_param = "--ei"
345                elif isinstance(val, bool):
346                    extra_type_param = "--ez"
347                else:
348                    extra_type_param = "--es"
349                acmd.extend([extra_type_param, str(key), str(val)])
351        if url:
352            acmd.extend(["-d", url])
354        cmd = self._escape_command_line(acmd)
355        self.shell_output(cmd, timeout=timeout)
357    def launch_fennec(self, app_name, intent="android.intent.action.VIEW",
358                      moz_env=None, extra_args=None, url=None, wait=True,
359                      fail_if_running=True, timeout=None):
360        """Convenience method to launch Fennec on Android with various
361        debugging arguments
363        :param str app_name: Name of fennec application (e.g.
364            `org.mozilla.fennec`)
365        :param str intent: Intent to launch application.
366        :param moz_env: Mozilla specific environment to pass into
367            application.
368        :type moz_env: str or None
369        :param extra_args: Extra arguments to be parsed by fennec.
370        :type extra_args: str or None
371        :param url: URL to open
372        :type url: str or None
373        :param bool wait: If True, wait for application to start before
374            returning.
375        :param bool fail_if_running: Raise an exception if instance of
376            application is already running.
377        :param timeout: The maximum time in
378            seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
379            throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
380            This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
381            may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
382            set in the ADB constructor is used.
383        :type timeout: integer or None
384        :raises: * ADBTimeoutError
385                 * ADBError
386        """
387        extras = {}
389        if moz_env:
390            # moz_env is expected to be a dictionary of environment variables:
391            # Fennec itself will set them when launched
392            for (env_count, (env_key, env_val)) in enumerate(moz_env.iteritems()):
393                extras["env" + str(env_count)] = env_key + "=" + env_val
395        # Additional command line arguments that fennec will read and use (e.g.
396        # with a custom profile)
397        if extra_args:
398            extras['args'] = " ".join(extra_args)
400        self.launch_application(app_name, "org.mozilla.gecko.BrowserApp",
401                                intent, url=url, extras=extras,
402                                wait=wait, fail_if_running=fail_if_running,
403                                timeout=timeout)
405    def stop_application(self, app_name, timeout=None, root=False):
406        """Stops the specified application
408        For Android 3.0+, we use the "am force-stop" to do this, which
409        is reliable and does not require root. For earlier versions of
410        Android, we simply try to manually kill the processes started
411        by the app repeatedly until none is around any more. This is
412        less reliable and does require root.
414        :param str app_name: Name of application (e.g. `com.android.chrome`)
415        :param timeout: The maximum time in
416            seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
417            throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
418            This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
419            may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
420            set in the ADB constructor is used.
421        :type timeout: integer or None
422        :param bool root: Flag specifying if the command should be
423            executed as root.
424        :raises: * ADBTimeoutError
425                 * ADBError
426        """
427        if self.version >= version_codes.HONEYCOMB:
428            self.shell_output("am force-stop %s" % app_name,
429                              timeout=timeout, root=root)
430        else:
431            num_tries = 0
432            max_tries = 5
433            while self.process_exist(app_name, timeout=timeout):
434                if num_tries > max_tries:
435                    raise ADBError("Couldn't successfully kill %s after %s "
436                                   "tries" % (app_name, max_tries))
437                self.pkill(app_name, timeout=timeout, root=root)
438                num_tries += 1
440                # sleep for a short duration to make sure there are no
441                # additional processes in the process of being launched
442                # (this is not 100% guaranteed to work since it is inherently
443                # racey, but it's the best we can do)
444                time.sleep(1)
446    def uninstall_app(self, app_name, reboot=False, timeout=None):
447        """Uninstalls an app on the device.
449        :param str app_name: The name of the app to be
450            uninstalled.
451        :param bool reboot: Flag indicating that the device should
452            be rebooted after the app is uninstalled. No reboot occurs
453            if the app is not installed.
454        :param timeout: The maximum time in
455            seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
456            throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
457            This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
458            may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
459            set in the ADB constructor is used.
460        :type timeout: integer or None
461        :raises: * ADBTimeoutError
462                 * ADBError
463        """
464        if self.is_app_installed(app_name, timeout=timeout):
465            data = self.command_output(["uninstall", app_name], timeout=timeout)
466            if data.find('Success') == -1:
467                self._logger.debug('uninstall_app failed: %s' % data)
468                raise ADBError("uninstall failed for %s. Got: %s" % (app_name, data))
469            if reboot:
470                self.reboot(timeout=timeout)
472    def update_app(self, apk_path, timeout=None):
473        """Updates an app on the device and reboots.
475        :param str apk_path: The apk file name to be
476            updated.
477        :param timeout: The maximum time in
478            seconds for any spawned adb process to complete before
479            throwing an ADBTimeoutError.
480            This timeout is per adb call. The total time spent
481            may exceed this value. If it is not specified, the value
482            set in the ADB constructor is used.
483        :type timeout: integer or None
484        :raises: * ADBTimeoutError
485                 * ADBError
486        """
487        cmd = ["install", "-r"]
488        if self.version >= version_codes.M:
489            cmd.append("-g")
490        cmd.append(apk_path)
491        output = self.command_output(cmd, timeout=timeout)
492        self.reboot(timeout=timeout)
493        return output