1/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
4"use strict";
6const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import(
7  "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"
10  this,
11  "NewTabUtils",
12  "resource://gre/modules/NewTabUtils.jsm"
15  this,
16  "RemoteSettings",
17  "resource://services-settings/remote-settings.js"
19const { setTimeout, clearTimeout } = ChromeUtils.import(
20  "resource://gre/modules/Timer.jsm"
23  this,
24  "Services",
25  "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"
27XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGlobalGetters(this, ["fetch"]);
28const { actionTypes: at, actionCreators: ac } = ChromeUtils.import(
29  "resource://activity-stream/common/Actions.jsm"
32  this,
33  "Region",
34  "resource://gre/modules/Region.jsm"
37  this,
38  "PersistentCache",
39  "resource://activity-stream/lib/PersistentCache.jsm"
42const CACHE_KEY = "discovery_stream";
43const LAYOUT_UPDATE_TIME = 30 * 60 * 1000; // 30 minutes
44const STARTUP_CACHE_EXPIRE_TIME = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 1 week
45const COMPONENT_FEEDS_UPDATE_TIME = 30 * 60 * 1000; // 30 minutes
46const SPOCS_FEEDS_UPDATE_TIME = 30 * 60 * 1000; // 30 minutes
47const DEFAULT_RECS_EXPIRE_TIME = 60 * 60 * 1000; // 1 hour
48const MIN_PERSONALIZATION_UPDATE_TIME = 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 12 hours
49const MAX_LIFETIME_CAP = 500; // Guard against misconfiguration on the server
50const FETCH_TIMEOUT = 45 * 1000;
51const PREF_CONFIG = "discoverystream.config";
52const PREF_ENDPOINTS = "discoverystream.endpoints";
53const PREF_IMPRESSION_ID = "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.impressionId";
54const PREF_ENABLED = "discoverystream.enabled";
55const PREF_HARDCODED_BASIC_LAYOUT = "discoverystream.hardcoded-basic-layout";
56const PREF_SPOCS_ENDPOINT = "discoverystream.spocs-endpoint";
57const PREF_SPOCS_ENDPOINT_QUERY = "discoverystream.spocs-endpoint-query";
58const PREF_REGION_BASIC_LAYOUT = "discoverystream.region-basic-layout";
59const PREF_USER_TOPSTORIES = "feeds.section.topstories";
60const PREF_SYSTEM_TOPSTORIES = "feeds.system.topstories";
61const PREF_SPOCS_CLEAR_ENDPOINT = "discoverystream.endpointSpocsClear";
62const PREF_SHOW_SPONSORED = "showSponsored";
63const PREF_SPOC_IMPRESSIONS = "discoverystream.spoc.impressions";
64const PREF_FLIGHT_BLOCKS = "discoverystream.flight.blocks";
65const PREF_REC_IMPRESSIONS = "discoverystream.rec.impressions";
67  "discoverystream.sponsored-collections.enabled";
68const PREF_COLLECTION_DISMISSIBLE = "discoverystream.isCollectionDismissible";
69const PREF_PERSONALIZATION = "discoverystream.personalization.enabled";
71  "discoverystream.personalization.override";
73let getHardcodedLayout;
75this.DiscoveryStreamFeed = class DiscoveryStreamFeed {
76  constructor() {
77    // Internal state for checking if we've intialized all our data
78    this.loaded = false;
80    // Persistent cache for remote endpoint data.
81    this.cache = new PersistentCache(CACHE_KEY, true);
82    this.locale = Services.locale.appLocaleAsBCP47;
83    this._impressionId = this.getOrCreateImpressionId();
84    // Internal in-memory cache for parsing json prefs.
85    this._prefCache = {};
86  }
88  getOrCreateImpressionId() {
89    let impressionId = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_IMPRESSION_ID, "");
90    if (!impressionId) {
91      impressionId = String(Services.uuid.generateUUID());
92      Services.prefs.setCharPref(PREF_IMPRESSION_ID, impressionId);
93    }
94    return impressionId;
95  }
97  finalLayoutEndpoint(url, apiKey) {
98    if (url.includes("$apiKey") && !apiKey) {
99      throw new Error(
100        `Layout Endpoint - An API key was specified but none configured: ${url}`
101      );
102    }
103    return url.replace("$apiKey", apiKey);
104  }
106  get config() {
107    if (this._prefCache.config) {
108      return this._prefCache.config;
109    }
110    try {
111      this._prefCache.config = JSON.parse(
112        this.store.getState().Prefs.values[PREF_CONFIG]
113      );
114      const layoutUrl = this._prefCache.config.layout_endpoint;
116      const apiKeyPref = this._prefCache.config.api_key_pref;
117      if (layoutUrl && apiKeyPref) {
118        const apiKey = Services.prefs.getCharPref(apiKeyPref, "");
119        this._prefCache.config.layout_endpoint = this.finalLayoutEndpoint(
120          layoutUrl,
121          apiKey
122        );
123      }
124    } catch (e) {
125      // istanbul ignore next
126      this._prefCache.config = {};
127      // istanbul ignore next
128      Cu.reportError(
129        `Could not parse preference. Try resetting ${PREF_CONFIG} in about:config. ${e}`
130      );
131    }
132    this._prefCache.config.enabled =
133      this._prefCache.config.enabled &&
134      this.store.getState().Prefs.values[PREF_ENABLED];
136    return this._prefCache.config;
137  }
139  resetConfigDefauts() {
140    this.store.dispatch({
141      type: at.CLEAR_PREF,
142      data: {
143        name: PREF_CONFIG,
144      },
145    });
146  }
148  get region() {
149    return Region.home;
150  }
152  get showSpocs() {
153    // Combine user-set sponsored opt-out with Mozilla-set config
154    return (
155      this.store.getState().Prefs.values[PREF_SHOW_SPONSORED] &&
156      this.config.show_spocs
157    );
158  }
160  get showStories() {
161    // Combine user-set sponsored opt-out with Mozilla-set config
162    return (
163      this.store.getState().Prefs.values[PREF_SYSTEM_TOPSTORIES] &&
164      this.store.getState().Prefs.values[PREF_USER_TOPSTORIES]
165    );
166  }
168  get personalized() {
169    // If both spocs and recs are not personalized, we might as well return false here.
170    const spocsPersonalized = this.store.getState().Prefs.values?.pocketConfig
171      ?.spocsPersonalized;
172    const recsPersonalized = this.store.getState().Prefs.values?.pocketConfig
173      ?.recsPersonalized;
174    const personalization = this.store.getState().Prefs.values[
176    ];
178    // There is a server sent flag to keep personalization on.
179    // If the server stops sending this, we turn personalization off,
180    // until the server starts returning the signal.
181    const overrideState = this.store.getState().Prefs.values[
183    ];
185    return (
186      personalization &&
187      !overrideState &&
188      !!this.recommendationProvider &&
189      (spocsPersonalized || recsPersonalized)
190    );
191  }
193  get recommendationProvider() {
194    if (this._recommendationProvider) {
195      return this._recommendationProvider;
196    }
197    this._recommendationProvider = this.store.feeds.get(
198      "feeds.recommendationprovider"
199    );
200    return this._recommendationProvider;
201  }
203  setupPrefs(isStartup = false) {
204    // Send the initial state of the pref on our reducer
205    this.store.dispatch(
206      ac.BroadcastToContent({
208        data: this.config,
209        meta: {
210          isStartup,
211        },
212      })
213    );
214    this.store.dispatch(
215      ac.BroadcastToContent({
217        data: {
218          value: this.store.getState().Prefs.values[
220          ],
221        },
222        meta: {
223          isStartup,
224        },
225      })
226    );
227  }
229  uninitPrefs() {
230    // Reset in-memory cache
231    this._prefCache = {};
232  }
234  async fetchFromEndpoint(rawEndpoint, options = {}) {
235    if (!rawEndpoint) {
236      Cu.reportError("Tried to fetch endpoint but none was configured.");
237      return null;
238    }
240    const apiKeyPref = this._prefCache.config.api_key_pref;
241    const apiKey = Services.prefs.getCharPref(apiKeyPref, "");
243    // The server somtimes returns this value already replaced, but we try this for two reasons:
244    // 1. Layout endpoints are not from the server.
245    // 2. Hardcoded layouts don't have this already done for us.
246    const endpoint = rawEndpoint
247      .replace("$apiKey", apiKey)
248      .replace("$locale", this.locale)
249      .replace("$region", this.region);
251    try {
252      // Make sure the requested endpoint is allowed
253      const allowed = this.store
254        .getState()
255        .Prefs.values[PREF_ENDPOINTS].split(",");
256      if (!allowed.some(prefix => endpoint.startsWith(prefix))) {
257        throw new Error(`Not one of allowed prefixes (${allowed})`);
258      }
260      const controller = new AbortController();
261      const { signal } = controller;
263      const fetchPromise = fetch(endpoint, {
264        ...options,
265        credentials: "omit",
266        signal,
267      });
268      // istanbul ignore next
269      const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
270        controller.abort();
271      }, FETCH_TIMEOUT);
273      const response = await fetchPromise;
274      if (!response.ok) {
275        throw new Error(`Unexpected status (${response.status})`);
276      }
277      clearTimeout(timeoutId);
278      return response.json();
279    } catch (error) {
280      Cu.reportError(`Failed to fetch ${endpoint}: ${error.message}`);
281    }
282    return null;
283  }
285  /**
286   * Returns true if data in the cache for a particular key has expired or is missing.
287   * @param {object} cachedData data returned from cache.get()
288   * @param {string} key a cache key
289   * @param {string?} url for "feed" only, the URL of the feed.
290   * @param {boolean} is this check done at initial browser load
291   */
292  isExpired({ cachedData, key, url, isStartup }) {
293    const { layout, spocs, feeds } = cachedData;
294    const updateTimePerComponent = {
295      layout: LAYOUT_UPDATE_TIME,
296      spocs: SPOCS_FEEDS_UPDATE_TIME,
298    };
299    const EXPIRATION_TIME = isStartup
301      : updateTimePerComponent[key];
302    switch (key) {
303      case "layout":
304        // This never needs to expire, as it's not expected to change.
305        if (this.config.hardcoded_layout) {
306          return false;
307        }
308        return !layout || !(Date.now() - layout.lastUpdated < EXPIRATION_TIME);
309      case "spocs":
310        return !spocs || !(Date.now() - spocs.lastUpdated < EXPIRATION_TIME);
311      case "feed":
312        return (
313          !feeds ||
314          !feeds[url] ||
315          !(Date.now() - feeds[url].lastUpdated < EXPIRATION_TIME)
316        );
317      default:
318        // istanbul ignore next
319        throw new Error(`${key} is not a valid key`);
320    }
321  }
323  async _checkExpirationPerComponent() {
324    const cachedData = (await this.cache.get()) || {};
325    const { feeds } = cachedData;
326    return {
327      layout: this.isExpired({ cachedData, key: "layout" }),
328      spocs: this.isExpired({ cachedData, key: "spocs" }),
329      feeds:
330        !feeds ||
331        Object.keys(feeds).some(url =>
332          this.isExpired({ cachedData, key: "feed", url })
333        ),
334    };
335  }
337  /**
338   * Returns true if any data for the cached endpoints has expired or is missing.
339   */
340  async checkIfAnyCacheExpired() {
341    const expirationPerComponent = await this._checkExpirationPerComponent();
342    return (
343      expirationPerComponent.layout ||
344      expirationPerComponent.spocs ||
345      expirationPerComponent.feeds
346    );
347  }
349  async fetchLayout(isStartup) {
350    const cachedData = (await this.cache.get()) || {};
351    let { layout } = cachedData;
352    if (this.isExpired({ cachedData, key: "layout", isStartup })) {
353      const layoutResponse = await this.fetchFromEndpoint(
354        this.config.layout_endpoint
355      );
356      if (layoutResponse && layoutResponse.layout) {
357        layout = {
358          lastUpdated: Date.now(),
359          spocs: layoutResponse.spocs,
360          layout: layoutResponse.layout,
361          status: "success",
362        };
364        await this.cache.set("layout", layout);
365      } else {
366        Cu.reportError("No response for response.layout prop");
367      }
368    }
369    return layout;
370  }
372  updatePlacements(sendUpdate, layout, isStartup = false) {
373    const placements = [];
374    const placementsMap = {};
375    for (const row of layout.filter(r => r.components && r.components.length)) {
376      for (const component of row.components) {
377        if (component.placement) {
378          // Throw away any dupes for the request.
379          if (!placementsMap[component.placement.name]) {
380            placementsMap[component.placement.name] = component.placement;
381            placements.push(component.placement);
382          }
383        }
384      }
385    }
386    if (placements.length) {
387      sendUpdate({
389        data: { placements },
390        meta: {
391          isStartup,
392        },
393      });
394    }
395  }
397  /**
398   * Adds a query string to a URL.
399   * A query can be any string literal accepted by https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/URLSearchParams
400   * Examples: "?foo=1&bar=2", "&foo=1&bar=2", "foo=1&bar=2", "?bar=2" or "bar=2"
401   */
402  addEndpointQuery(url, query) {
403    if (!query) {
404      return url;
405    }
407    const urlObject = new URL(url);
408    const params = new URLSearchParams(query);
410    for (let [key, val] of params.entries()) {
411      urlObject.searchParams.append(key, val);
412    }
414    return urlObject.toString();
415  }
417  parseSpocPositions(csvPositions) {
418    let spocPositions;
420    // Only accept parseable non-negative integers
421    try {
422      spocPositions = csvPositions.map(index => {
423        let parsedInt = parseInt(index, 10);
425        if (!isNaN(parsedInt) && parsedInt >= 0) {
426          return parsedInt;
427        }
429        throw new Error("Bad input");
430      });
431    } catch (e) {
432      // Catch spoc positions that are not numbers or negative, and do nothing.
433      // We have hard coded backup positions.
434      spocPositions = undefined;
435    }
437    return spocPositions;
438  }
440  async loadLayout(sendUpdate, isStartup) {
441    let layoutResp = {};
442    let url = "";
444    if (!this.config.hardcoded_layout) {
445      layoutResp = await this.fetchLayout(isStartup);
446    }
448    if (!layoutResp || !layoutResp.layout) {
449      const isBasicLayout =
450        this.config.hardcoded_basic_layout ||
451        this.store.getState().Prefs.values[PREF_HARDCODED_BASIC_LAYOUT] ||
452        this.store.getState().Prefs.values[PREF_REGION_BASIC_LAYOUT];
454      const sponsoredCollectionsEnabled = this.store.getState().Prefs.values[
456      ];
458      const pocketConfig =
459        this.store.getState().Prefs.values?.pocketConfig || {};
461      let items = isBasicLayout ? 3 : 21;
462      if (
463        pocketConfig.compactLayout ||
464        pocketConfig.fourCardLayout ||
465        pocketConfig.hybridLayout
466      ) {
467        items = isBasicLayout ? 4 : 24;
468      }
470      // Set a hardcoded layout if one is needed.
471      // Changing values in this layout in memory object is unnecessary.
472      layoutResp = getHardcodedLayout({
473        items,
474        sponsoredCollectionsEnabled,
475        spocPositions: this.parseSpocPositions(
476          pocketConfig.spocPositions?.split(`,`)
477        ),
478        compactLayout: pocketConfig.compactLayout,
479        hybridLayout: pocketConfig.hybridLayout,
480        hideCardBackground: pocketConfig.hideCardBackground,
481        fourCardLayout: pocketConfig.fourCardLayout,
482        loadMore: pocketConfig.loadMore,
483        lastCardMessageEnabled: pocketConfig.lastCardMessageEnabled,
484        saveToPocketCard: pocketConfig.saveToPocketCard,
485        newFooterSection: pocketConfig.newFooterSection,
486        hideDescriptions: pocketConfig.hideDescriptions,
487        compactGrid: pocketConfig.compactGrid,
488        compactImages: pocketConfig.compactImages,
489        imageGradient: pocketConfig.imageGradient,
490        newSponsoredLabel: pocketConfig.newSponsoredLabel,
491        titleLines: pocketConfig.titleLines,
492        descLines: pocketConfig.descLines,
493        // For now essentialReadsHeader and editorsPicksHeader are English only.
494        essentialReadsHeader:
495          this.locale.startsWith("en-") && pocketConfig.essentialReadsHeader,
496        editorsPicksHeader:
497          this.locale.startsWith("en-") && pocketConfig.editorsPicksHeader,
498        readTime: pocketConfig.readTime,
499      });
500    }
502    sendUpdate({
504      data: layoutResp,
505      meta: {
506        isStartup,
507      },
508    });
510    if (layoutResp.spocs) {
511      url =
512        this.store.getState().Prefs.values[PREF_SPOCS_ENDPOINT] ||
513        this.config.spocs_endpoint ||
514        layoutResp.spocs.url;
516      const spocsEndpointQuery = this.store.getState().Prefs.values[
518      ];
520      // For QA, testing, or debugging purposes, there may be a query string to add.
521      url = this.addEndpointQuery(url, spocsEndpointQuery);
523      if (
524        url &&
525        url !== this.store.getState().DiscoveryStream.spocs.spocs_endpoint
526      ) {
527        sendUpdate({
529          data: {
530            url,
531          },
532          meta: {
533            isStartup,
534          },
535        });
536        this.updatePlacements(sendUpdate, layoutResp.layout, isStartup);
537      }
538    }
539  }
541  /**
542   * buildFeedPromise - Adds the promise result to newFeeds and
543   *                    pushes a promise to newsFeedsPromises.
544   * @param {Object} Has both newFeedsPromises (Array) and newFeeds (Object)
545   * @param {Boolean} isStartup We have different cache handling for startup.
546   * @returns {Function} We return a function so we can contain
547   *                     the scope for isStartup and the promises object.
548   *                     Combines feed results and promises for each component with a feed.
549   */
550  buildFeedPromise(
551    { newFeedsPromises, newFeeds },
552    isStartup = false,
553    sendUpdate
554  ) {
555    return component => {
556      const { url } = component.feed;
558      if (!newFeeds[url]) {
559        // We initially stub this out so we don't fetch dupes,
560        // we then fill in with the proper object inside the promise.
561        newFeeds[url] = {};
562        const feedPromise = this.getComponentFeed(url, isStartup);
564        feedPromise
565          .then(feed => {
566            // If we stored the result of filter in feed cache as it happened,
567            // I think we could reduce doing this for cache fetches.
568            // Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1606277
569            newFeeds[url] = this.filterRecommendations(feed);
570            sendUpdate({
571              type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_FEED_UPDATE,
572              data: {
573                feed: newFeeds[url],
574                url,
575              },
576              meta: {
577                isStartup,
578              },
579            });
580          })
581          .catch(
582            /* istanbul ignore next */ error => {
583              Cu.reportError(
584                `Error trying to load component feed ${url}: ${error}`
585              );
586            }
587          );
588        newFeedsPromises.push(feedPromise);
589      }
590    };
591  }
593  filterRecommendations(feed) {
594    if (
595      feed &&
596      feed.data &&
597      feed.data.recommendations &&
598      feed.data.recommendations.length
599    ) {
600      const { data: recommendations } = this.filterBlocked(
601        feed.data.recommendations
602      );
603      return {
604        ...feed,
605        data: {
606          ...feed.data,
607          recommendations,
608        },
609      };
610    }
611    return feed;
612  }
614  /**
615   * reduceFeedComponents - Filters out components with no feeds, and combines
616   *                        all feeds on this component with the feeds from other components.
617   * @param {Boolean} isStartup We have different cache handling for startup.
618   * @returns {Function} We return a function so we can contain the scope for isStartup.
619   *                     Reduces feeds into promises and feed data.
620   */
621  reduceFeedComponents(isStartup, sendUpdate) {
622    return (accumulator, row) => {
623      row.components
624        .filter(component => component && component.feed)
625        .forEach(this.buildFeedPromise(accumulator, isStartup, sendUpdate));
626      return accumulator;
627    };
628  }
630  /**
631   * buildFeedPromises - Filters out rows with no components,
632   *                     and gets us a promise for each unique feed.
633   * @param {Object} layout This is the Discovery Stream layout object.
634   * @param {Boolean} isStartup We have different cache handling for startup.
635   * @returns {Object} An object with newFeedsPromises (Array) and newFeeds (Object),
636   *                   we can Promise.all newFeedsPromises to get completed data in newFeeds.
637   */
638  buildFeedPromises(layout, isStartup, sendUpdate) {
639    const initialData = {
640      newFeedsPromises: [],
641      newFeeds: {},
642    };
643    return layout
644      .filter(row => row && row.components)
645      .reduce(this.reduceFeedComponents(isStartup, sendUpdate), initialData);
646  }
648  async loadComponentFeeds(sendUpdate, isStartup = false) {
649    const { DiscoveryStream } = this.store.getState();
651    if (!DiscoveryStream || !DiscoveryStream.layout) {
652      return;
653    }
655    // Reset the flag that indicates whether or not at least one API request
656    // was issued to fetch the component feed in `getComponentFeed()`.
657    this.componentFeedFetched = false;
658    const { newFeedsPromises, newFeeds } = this.buildFeedPromises(
659      DiscoveryStream.layout,
660      isStartup,
661      sendUpdate
662    );
664    // Each promise has a catch already built in, so no need to catch here.
665    await Promise.all(newFeedsPromises);
667    if (this.componentFeedFetched) {
668      this.cleanUpTopRecImpressionPref(newFeeds);
669    }
670    await this.cache.set("feeds", newFeeds);
671    sendUpdate({
673      meta: {
674        isStartup,
675      },
676    });
677  }
679  getPlacements() {
680    const { placements } = this.store.getState().DiscoveryStream.spocs;
681    // Backwards comp for before we had placements, assume just a single spocs placement.
682    if (!placements || !placements.length) {
683      return [{ name: "spocs" }];
684    }
685    return placements;
686  }
688  // I wonder, can this be better as a reducer?
689  // See Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1606717
690  placementsForEach(callback) {
691    this.getPlacements().forEach(callback);
692  }
694  // Bug 1567271 introduced meta data on a list of spocs.
695  // This involved moving the spocs array into an items prop.
696  // However, old data could still be returned, and cached data might also be old.
697  // For ths reason, we want to ensure if we don't find an items array,
698  // we use the previous array placement, and then stub out title and context to empty strings.
699  // We need to do this *after* both fresh fetches and cached data to reduce repetition.
700  normalizeSpocsItems(spocs) {
701    const items = spocs.items || spocs;
702    const title = spocs.title || "";
703    const context = spocs.context || "";
704    const sponsor = spocs.sponsor || "";
705    // We do not stub sponsored_by_override with an empty string. It is an override, and an empty string
706    // explicitly means to override the client to display an empty string.
707    // An empty string is not an no op in this case. Undefined is the proper no op here.
708    const { sponsored_by_override } = spocs;
709    // Undefined is fine here. It's optional and only used by collections.
710    // If we leave it out, you get a collection that cannot be dismissed.
711    const { flight_id } = spocs;
712    return {
713      items,
714      title,
715      context,
716      sponsor,
717      sponsored_by_override,
718      ...(flight_id ? { flight_id } : {}),
719    };
720  }
722  // This turns personalization on/off if the server sends the override command.
723  // The server sends a true signal to keep personalization on. So a malfunctioning
724  // server would more likely mistakenly turn off personalization, and not turn it on.
725  // This is safer, because the override is for cases where personalization is causing issues.
726  // So having it mistakenly go off is safe, but it mistakenly going on could be bad.
727  personalizationOverride(overrideCommand) {
728    // Are we currently in an override state.
729    // This is useful to know if we want to do a cleanup.
730    const overrideState = this.store.getState().Prefs.values[
732    ];
734    // Is this profile currently set to be personalized.
735    const personalization = this.store.getState().Prefs.values[
737    ];
739    // If we have an override command, profile is currently personalized,
740    // and is not currently being overridden, we can set the override pref.
741    if (overrideCommand && personalization && !overrideState) {
742      this.store.dispatch(ac.SetPref(PREF_PERSONALIZATION_OVERRIDE, true));
743    }
745    // This is if we need to revert an override and do cleanup.
746    // We do this if we are in an override state,
747    // but not currently receiving the override signal.
748    if (!overrideCommand && overrideState) {
749      this.store.dispatch({
750        type: at.CLEAR_PREF,
751        data: { name: PREF_PERSONALIZATION_OVERRIDE },
752      });
753    }
754  }
756  updateSponsoredCollectionsPref(collectionEnabled = false) {
757    const currentState = this.store.getState().Prefs.values[
759    ];
761    // If the current state does not match the new state, update the pref.
762    if (currentState !== collectionEnabled) {
763      this.store.dispatch(
764        ac.SetPref(PREF_COLLECTIONS_ENABLED, collectionEnabled)
765      );
766    }
767  }
769  async loadSpocs(sendUpdate, isStartup) {
770    const cachedData = (await this.cache.get()) || {};
771    let spocsState;
773    const { placements } = this.store.getState().DiscoveryStream.spocs;
775    if (this.showSpocs) {
776      spocsState = cachedData.spocs;
777      if (this.isExpired({ cachedData, key: "spocs", isStartup })) {
778        const endpoint = this.store.getState().DiscoveryStream.spocs
779          .spocs_endpoint;
781        const headers = new Headers();
782        headers.append("content-type", "application/json");
784        const apiKeyPref = this._prefCache.config.api_key_pref;
785        const apiKey = Services.prefs.getCharPref(apiKeyPref, "");
787        const spocsResponse = await this.fetchFromEndpoint(endpoint, {
788          method: "POST",
789          headers,
790          body: JSON.stringify({
791            pocket_id: this._impressionId,
792            version: 2,
793            consumer_key: apiKey,
794            ...(placements.length ? { placements } : {}),
795          }),
796        });
798        if (spocsResponse) {
799          spocsState = {
800            lastUpdated: Date.now(),
801            spocs: {
802              ...spocsResponse,
803            },
804          };
806          if (spocsResponse.settings && spocsResponse.settings.feature_flags) {
807            this.personalizationOverride(
808              // The server's old signal was for a version override.
809              // When we removed version 1, version 2 was now the defacto only version.
810              // Without a version 1, the override is now a command to turn off personalization.
811              !spocsResponse.settings.feature_flags.spoc_v2
812            );
813            this.updateSponsoredCollectionsPref(
814              spocsResponse.settings.feature_flags.collections
815            );
816          }
818          const spocsResultPromises = this.getPlacements().map(
819            async placement => {
820              const freshSpocs = spocsState.spocs[placement.name];
822              if (!freshSpocs) {
823                return;
824              }
826              // spocs can be returns as an array, or an object with an items array.
827              // We want to normalize this so all our spocs have an items array.
828              // There can also be some meta data for title and context.
829              // This is mostly because of backwards compat.
830              const {
831                items: normalizedSpocsItems,
832                title,
833                context,
834                sponsor,
835                sponsored_by_override,
836              } = this.normalizeSpocsItems(freshSpocs);
838              if (!normalizedSpocsItems || !normalizedSpocsItems.length) {
839                // In the case of old data, we still want to ensure we normalize the data structure,
840                // even if it's empty. We expect the empty data to be an object with items array,
841                // and not just an empty array.
842                spocsState.spocs = {
843                  ...spocsState.spocs,
844                  [placement.name]: {
845                    title,
846                    context,
847                    items: [],
848                  },
849                };
850                return;
851              }
853              // Migrate flight_id
854              const { data: migratedSpocs } = this.migrateFlightId(
855                normalizedSpocsItems
856              );
858              const { data: capResult } = this.frequencyCapSpocs(migratedSpocs);
860              const { data: blockedResults } = this.filterBlocked(capResult);
862              const { data: scoredResults } = await this.scoreItems(
863                blockedResults,
864                "spocs"
865              );
867              spocsState.spocs = {
868                ...spocsState.spocs,
869                [placement.name]: {
870                  title,
871                  context,
872                  sponsor,
873                  sponsored_by_override,
874                  items: scoredResults,
875                },
876              };
877            }
878          );
879          await Promise.all(spocsResultPromises);
881          this.cleanUpFlightImpressionPref(spocsState.spocs);
882          await this.cache.set("spocs", {
883            lastUpdated: spocsState.lastUpdated,
884            spocs: spocsState.spocs,
885          });
886        } else {
887          Cu.reportError("No response for spocs_endpoint prop");
888        }
889      }
890    }
892    // Use good data if we have it, otherwise nothing.
893    // We can have no data if spocs set to off.
894    // We can have no data if request fails and there is no good cache.
895    // We want to send an update spocs or not, so client can render something.
896    spocsState =
897      spocsState && spocsState.spocs
898        ? spocsState
899        : {
900            lastUpdated: Date.now(),
901            spocs: {},
902          };
904    sendUpdate({
906      data: {
907        lastUpdated: spocsState.lastUpdated,
908        spocs: spocsState.spocs,
909      },
910      meta: {
911        isStartup,
912      },
913    });
914  }
916  async clearSpocs() {
917    const endpoint = this.store.getState().Prefs.values[
919    ];
920    if (!endpoint) {
921      return;
922    }
923    const headers = new Headers();
924    headers.append("content-type", "application/json");
926    await this.fetchFromEndpoint(endpoint, {
927      method: "DELETE",
928      headers,
929      body: JSON.stringify({
930        pocket_id: this._impressionId,
931      }),
932    });
933  }
935  /*
936   * This just re hydrates the provider from cache.
937   * We can call this on startup because it's generally fast.
938   * It reports to devtools the last time the data in the cache was updated.
939   */
940  async loadPersonalizationScoresCache(isStartup = false) {
941    const cachedData = (await this.cache.get()) || {};
942    const { personalization } = cachedData;
944    if (this.personalized && personalization && personalization.scores) {
945      this.recommendationProvider.setProvider(personalization.scores);
947      this.personalizationLastUpdated = personalization._timestamp;
949      this.store.dispatch(
950        ac.BroadcastToContent({
952          data: {
953            lastUpdated: this.personalizationLastUpdated,
954          },
955          meta: {
956            isStartup,
957          },
958        })
959      );
960    }
961  }
963  /*
964   * This creates a new recommendationProvider using fresh data,
965   * It's run on a last updated timer. This is the opposite of loadPersonalizationScoresCache.
966   * This is also much slower so we only trigger this in the background on idle-daily.
967   * It causes new profiles to pick up personalization slowly because the first time
968   * a new profile is run you don't have any old cache to use, so it needs to wait for the first
969   * idle-daily. Older profiles can rely on cache during the idle-daily gap. Idle-daily is
970   * usually run once every 24 hours.
971   */
972  async updatePersonalizationScores() {
973    if (
974      !this.personalized ||
975      Date.now() - this.personalizationLastUpdated <
977    ) {
978      return;
979    }
981    this.recommendationProvider.setProvider();
983    await this.recommendationProvider.init();
985    const personalization = { scores: this.recommendationProvider.getScores() };
986    this.personalizationLastUpdated = Date.now();
988    this.store.dispatch(
989      ac.BroadcastToContent({
991        data: {
992          lastUpdated: this.personalizationLastUpdated,
993        },
994      })
995    );
996    personalization._timestamp = this.personalizationLastUpdated;
997    this.cache.set("personalization", personalization);
998  }
1000  observe(subject, topic, data) {
1001    switch (topic) {
1002      case "idle-daily":
1003        this.updatePersonalizationScores();
1004        break;
1005    }
1006  }
1008  /*
1009   * This function is used to sort any type of story, both spocs and recs.
1010   * This uses hierarchical sorting, first sorting by priority, then by score within a priority.
1011   * This function could be sorting an array of spocs or an array of recs.
1012   * A rec would have priority undefined, and a spoc would probably have a priority set.
1013   * Priority is sorted ascending, so low numbers are the highest priority.
1014   * Score is sorted descending, so high numbers are the highest score.
1015   * Undefined priority values are considered the lowest priority.
1016   * A negative priority is considered the same as undefined, lowest priority.
1017   * A negative priority is unlikely and not currently supported or expected.
1018   * A negative score is a possible use case.
1019   */
1020  sortItem(a, b) {
1021    // If the priorities are the same, sort based on score.
1022    // If both item priorities are undefined,
1023    // we can safely sort via score.
1024    if (a.priority === b.priority) {
1025      return b.score - a.score;
1026    } else if (!a.priority || a.priority <= 0) {
1027      // If priority is undefined or an unexpected value,
1028      // consider it lowest priority.
1029      return 1;
1030    } else if (!b.priority || b.priority <= 0) {
1031      // Also consider this case lowest priority.
1032      return -1;
1033    }
1034    // Our primary sort for items with priority.
1035    return a.priority - b.priority;
1036  }
1038  async scoreItems(items, type) {
1039    const spocsPersonalized = this.store.getState().Prefs.values?.pocketConfig
1040      ?.spocsPersonalized;
1041    const recsPersonalized = this.store.getState().Prefs.values?.pocketConfig
1042      ?.recsPersonalized;
1043    const personalizedByType =
1044      type === "feed" ? recsPersonalized : spocsPersonalized;
1046    const data = (
1047      await Promise.all(
1048        items.map(item => this.scoreItem(item, personalizedByType))
1049      )
1050    )
1051      // Sort by highest scores.
1052      .sort(this.sortItem);
1054    return { data };
1055  }
1057  async scoreItem(item, personalizedByType) {
1058    item.score = item.item_score;
1059    if (item.score !== 0 && !item.score) {
1060      item.score = 1;
1061    }
1062    if (this.personalized && personalizedByType) {
1063      await this.recommendationProvider.calculateItemRelevanceScore(item);
1064    }
1065    return item;
1066  }
1068  filterBlocked(data) {
1069    if (data && data.length) {
1070      let flights = this.readDataPref(PREF_FLIGHT_BLOCKS);
1071      const filteredItems = data.filter(item => {
1072        const blocked =
1073          NewTabUtils.blockedLinks.isBlocked({ url: item.url }) ||
1074          flights[item.flight_id];
1075        return !blocked;
1076      });
1077      return { data: filteredItems };
1078    }
1079    return { data };
1080  }
1082  // For backwards compatibility, older spoc endpoint don't have flight_id,
1083  // but instead had campaign_id we can use
1084  //
1085  // @param {Object} data  An object that might have a SPOCS array.
1086  // @returns {Object} An object with a property `data` as the result.
1087  migrateFlightId(spocs) {
1088    if (spocs && spocs.length) {
1089      return {
1090        data: spocs.map(s => {
1091          return {
1092            ...s,
1093            ...(s.flight_id || s.campaign_id
1094              ? {
1095                  flight_id: s.flight_id || s.campaign_id,
1096                }
1097              : {}),
1098            ...(s.caps
1099              ? {
1100                  caps: {
1101                    ...s.caps,
1102                    flight: s.caps.flight || s.caps.campaign,
1103                  },
1104                }
1105              : {}),
1106          };
1107        }),
1108      };
1109    }
1110    return { data: spocs };
1111  }
1113  // Filter spocs based on frequency caps
1114  //
1115  // @param {Object} data  An object that might have a SPOCS array.
1116  // @returns {Object} An object with a property `data` as the result, and a property
1117  //                   `filterItems` as the frequency capped items.
1118  frequencyCapSpocs(spocs) {
1119    if (spocs && spocs.length) {
1120      const impressions = this.readDataPref(PREF_SPOC_IMPRESSIONS);
1121      const caps = [];
1122      const result = spocs.filter(s => {
1123        const isBelow = this.isBelowFrequencyCap(impressions, s);
1124        if (!isBelow) {
1125          caps.push(s);
1126        }
1127        return isBelow;
1128      });
1129      // send caps to redux if any.
1130      if (caps.length) {
1131        this.store.dispatch({
1132          type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_CAPS,
1133          data: caps,
1134        });
1135      }
1136      return { data: result, filtered: caps };
1137    }
1138    return { data: spocs, filtered: [] };
1139  }
1141  // Frequency caps are based on flight, which may include multiple spocs.
1142  // We currently support two types of frequency caps:
1143  // - lifetime: Indicates how many times spocs from a flight can be shown in total
1144  // - period: Indicates how many times spocs from a flight can be shown within a period
1145  //
1146  // So, for example, the feed configuration below defines that for flight 1 no more
1147  // than 5 spocs can be shown in total, and no more than 2 per hour.
1148  // "flight_id": 1,
1149  // "caps": {
1150  //  "lifetime": 5,
1151  //  "flight": {
1152  //    "count": 2,
1153  //    "period": 3600
1154  //  }
1155  // }
1156  isBelowFrequencyCap(impressions, spoc) {
1157    const flightImpressions = impressions[spoc.flight_id];
1158    if (!flightImpressions) {
1159      return true;
1160    }
1162    const lifetime = spoc.caps && spoc.caps.lifetime;
1164    const lifeTimeCap = Math.min(
1165      lifetime || MAX_LIFETIME_CAP,
1167    );
1168    const lifeTimeCapExceeded = flightImpressions.length >= lifeTimeCap;
1169    if (lifeTimeCapExceeded) {
1170      return false;
1171    }
1173    const flightCap = spoc.caps && spoc.caps.flight;
1174    if (flightCap) {
1175      const flightCapExceeded =
1176        flightImpressions.filter(i => Date.now() - i < flightCap.period * 1000)
1177          .length >= flightCap.count;
1178      return !flightCapExceeded;
1179    }
1180    return true;
1181  }
1183  async retryFeed(feed) {
1184    const { url } = feed;
1185    const result = await this.getComponentFeed(url);
1186    const newFeed = this.filterRecommendations(result);
1187    this.store.dispatch(
1188      ac.BroadcastToContent({
1189        type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_FEED_UPDATE,
1190        data: {
1191          feed: newFeed,
1192          url,
1193        },
1194      })
1195    );
1196  }
1198  async getComponentFeed(feedUrl, isStartup) {
1199    const cachedData = (await this.cache.get()) || {};
1200    const { feeds } = cachedData;
1202    let feed = feeds ? feeds[feedUrl] : null;
1203    if (this.isExpired({ cachedData, key: "feed", url: feedUrl, isStartup })) {
1204      const feedResponse = await this.fetchFromEndpoint(feedUrl);
1205      if (feedResponse) {
1206        const { data: scoredItems } = await this.scoreItems(
1207          feedResponse.recommendations,
1208          "feed"
1209        );
1210        const { recsExpireTime } = feedResponse.settings;
1211        const recommendations = this.rotate(scoredItems, recsExpireTime);
1212        this.componentFeedFetched = true;
1213        feed = {
1214          lastUpdated: Date.now(),
1215          data: {
1216            settings: feedResponse.settings,
1217            recommendations,
1218            status: "success",
1219          },
1220        };
1221      } else {
1222        Cu.reportError("No response for feed");
1223      }
1224    }
1226    // If we have no feed at this point, both fetch and cache failed for some reason.
1227    return (
1228      feed || {
1229        data: {
1230          status: "failed",
1231        },
1232      }
1233    );
1234  }
1236  /**
1237   * Called at startup to update cached data in the background.
1238   */
1239  async _maybeUpdateCachedData() {
1240    const expirationPerComponent = await this._checkExpirationPerComponent();
1241    // Pass in `store.dispatch` to send the updates only to main
1242    if (expirationPerComponent.layout) {
1243      await this.loadLayout(this.store.dispatch);
1244    }
1245    if (expirationPerComponent.spocs) {
1246      await this.loadSpocs(this.store.dispatch);
1247    }
1248    if (expirationPerComponent.feeds) {
1249      await this.loadComponentFeeds(this.store.dispatch);
1250    }
1251  }
1253  /**
1254   * @typedef {Object} RefreshAll
1255   * @property {boolean} updateOpenTabs - Sends updates to open tabs immediately if true,
1256   *                                      updates in background if false
1257   * @property {boolean} isStartup - When the function is called at browser startup
1258   *
1259   * Refreshes layout, component feeds, and spocs in order if caches have expired.
1260   * @param {RefreshAll} options
1261   */
1262  async refreshAll(options = {}) {
1263    const personalizationCacheLoadPromise = this.loadPersonalizationScoresCache(
1264      options.isStartup
1265    );
1267    const spocsPersonalized = this.store.getState().Prefs.values?.pocketConfig
1268      ?.spocsPersonalized;
1269    const recsPersonalized = this.store.getState().Prefs.values?.pocketConfig
1270      ?.recsPersonalized;
1272    let expirationPerComponent = {};
1273    if (this.personalized) {
1274      // We store this before we refresh content.
1275      // This way, we can know what and if something got updated,
1276      // so we can know to score the results.
1277      expirationPerComponent = await this._checkExpirationPerComponent();
1278    }
1279    await this.refreshContent(options);
1281    if (this.personalized) {
1282      // personalizationCacheLoadPromise is probably done, because of the refreshContent await above,
1283      // but to be sure, we should check that it's done, without making the parent function wait.
1284      personalizationCacheLoadPromise.then(() => {
1285        // If we don't have expired stories or feeds, we don't need to score after init.
1286        // If we do have expired stories, we want to score after init.
1287        // In both cases, we don't want these to block the parent function.
1288        // This is why we store the promise, and call then to do our scoring work.
1289        const initPromise = this.recommendationProvider.init();
1290        initPromise.then(() => {
1291          // Both scoreFeeds and scoreSpocs are promises,
1292          // but they don't need to wait for each other.
1293          // We can just fire them and forget at this point.
1294          const { feeds, spocs } = this.store.getState().DiscoveryStream;
1295          if (
1296            recsPersonalized &&
1297            feeds.loaded &&
1298            expirationPerComponent.feeds
1299          ) {
1300            this.scoreFeeds(feeds);
1301          }
1302          if (
1303            spocsPersonalized &&
1304            spocs.loaded &&
1305            expirationPerComponent.spocs
1306          ) {
1307            this.scoreSpocs(spocs);
1308          }
1309        });
1310      });
1311    }
1312  }
1314  async scoreFeeds(feedsState) {
1315    if (feedsState.data) {
1316      const feeds = {};
1317      const feedsPromises = Object.keys(feedsState.data).map(url => {
1318        let feed = feedsState.data[url];
1319        const feedPromise = this.scoreItems(feed.data.recommendations, "feed");
1320        feedPromise.then(({ data: scoredItems }) => {
1321          const { recsExpireTime } = feed.data.settings;
1322          const recommendations = this.rotate(scoredItems, recsExpireTime);
1323          feed = {
1324            ...feed,
1325            data: {
1326              ...feed.data,
1327              recommendations,
1328            },
1329          };
1331          feeds[url] = feed;
1333          this.store.dispatch(
1334            ac.AlsoToPreloaded({
1335              type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_FEED_UPDATE,
1336              data: {
1337                feed,
1338                url,
1339              },
1340            })
1341          );
1342        });
1343        return feedPromise;
1344      });
1345      await Promise.all(feedsPromises);
1346      await this.cache.set("feeds", feeds);
1347    }
1348  }
1350  async scoreSpocs(spocsState) {
1351    const spocsResultPromises = this.getPlacements().map(async placement => {
1352      const nextSpocs = spocsState.data[placement.name] || {};
1353      const { items } = nextSpocs;
1355      if (!items || !items.length) {
1356        return;
1357      }
1359      const { data: scoreResult } = await this.scoreItems(items, "spocs");
1361      spocsState.data = {
1362        ...spocsState.data,
1363        [placement.name]: {
1364          ...nextSpocs,
1365          items: scoreResult,
1366        },
1367      };
1368    });
1369    await Promise.all(spocsResultPromises);
1371    // Update cache here so we don't need to re calculate scores on loads from cache.
1372    // Related Bug 1606276
1373    await this.cache.set("spocs", {
1374      lastUpdated: spocsState.lastUpdated,
1375      spocs: spocsState.data,
1376    });
1377    this.store.dispatch(
1378      ac.AlsoToPreloaded({
1380        data: {
1381          lastUpdated: spocsState.lastUpdated,
1382          spocs: spocsState.data,
1383        },
1384      })
1385    );
1386  }
1388  async refreshContent(options = {}) {
1389    const { updateOpenTabs, isStartup } = options;
1391    const dispatch = updateOpenTabs
1392      ? action => this.store.dispatch(ac.BroadcastToContent(action))
1393      : this.store.dispatch;
1395    await this.loadLayout(dispatch, isStartup);
1396    if (this.showStories) {
1397      await Promise.all([
1398        this.loadSpocs(dispatch, isStartup).catch(error =>
1399          Cu.reportError(`Error trying to load spocs feeds: ${error}`)
1400        ),
1401        this.loadComponentFeeds(dispatch, isStartup).catch(error =>
1402          Cu.reportError(`Error trying to load component feeds: ${error}`)
1403        ),
1404      ]);
1405      if (isStartup) {
1406        await this._maybeUpdateCachedData();
1407      }
1408    }
1409  }
1411  // We have to rotate stories on the client so that
1412  // active stories are at the front of the list, followed by stories that have expired
1413  // impressions i.e. have been displayed for longer than recsExpireTime.
1414  rotate(recommendations, recsExpireTime) {
1415    const maxImpressionAge = Math.max(
1416      recsExpireTime * 1000 || DEFAULT_RECS_EXPIRE_TIME,
1418    );
1419    const impressions = this.readDataPref(PREF_REC_IMPRESSIONS);
1420    const expired = [];
1421    const active = [];
1422    for (const item of recommendations) {
1423      if (
1424        impressions[item.id] &&
1425        Date.now() - impressions[item.id] >= maxImpressionAge
1426      ) {
1427        expired.push(item);
1428      } else {
1429        active.push(item);
1430      }
1431    }
1432    return active.concat(expired);
1433  }
1435  enableStories() {
1436    if (this.config.enabled && this.loaded) {
1437      // If stories are being re enabled, ensure we have stories.
1438      this.refreshAll({ updateOpenTabs: true });
1439    }
1440  }
1442  async enable() {
1443    await this.refreshAll({ updateOpenTabs: true, isStartup: true });
1444    Services.obs.addObserver(this, "idle-daily");
1445    this.loaded = true;
1446  }
1448  async reset() {
1449    this.resetDataPrefs();
1450    await this.resetCache();
1451    if (this.loaded) {
1452      Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "idle-daily");
1453    }
1454    this.resetState();
1455  }
1457  async resetCache() {
1458    await this.resetAllCache();
1459  }
1461  async resetContentCache() {
1462    await this.cache.set("layout", {});
1463    await this.cache.set("feeds", {});
1464    await this.cache.set("spocs", {});
1465  }
1467  async resetAllCache() {
1468    await this.resetContentCache();
1469    await this.cache.set("personalization", {});
1470  }
1472  resetDataPrefs() {
1473    this.writeDataPref(PREF_SPOC_IMPRESSIONS, {});
1474    this.writeDataPref(PREF_REC_IMPRESSIONS, {});
1475    this.writeDataPref(PREF_FLIGHT_BLOCKS, {});
1476  }
1478  resetState() {
1479    // Reset reducer
1480    this.store.dispatch(
1481      ac.BroadcastToContent({ type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_LAYOUT_RESET })
1482    );
1483    this.store.dispatch(
1484      ac.BroadcastToContent({
1486        data: {
1487          value: this.store.getState().Prefs.values[
1489          ],
1490        },
1491      })
1492    );
1493    this.personalizationLastUpdated = null;
1494    this.loaded = false;
1495  }
1497  async onPrefChange() {
1498    // We always want to clear the cache/state if the pref has changed
1499    await this.reset();
1500    if (this.config.enabled) {
1501      // Load data from all endpoints
1502      await this.enable();
1503    }
1504  }
1506  // This is a request to change the config from somewhere.
1507  // Can be from a spefic pref related to Discovery Stream,
1508  // or can be a generic request from an external feed that
1509  // something changed.
1510  configReset() {
1511    this._prefCache.config = null;
1512    this.store.dispatch(
1513      ac.BroadcastToContent({
1515        data: this.config,
1516      })
1517    );
1518  }
1520  recordFlightImpression(flightId) {
1521    let impressions = this.readDataPref(PREF_SPOC_IMPRESSIONS);
1523    const timeStamps = impressions[flightId] || [];
1524    timeStamps.push(Date.now());
1525    impressions = { ...impressions, [flightId]: timeStamps };
1527    this.writeDataPref(PREF_SPOC_IMPRESSIONS, impressions);
1528  }
1530  recordTopRecImpressions(recId) {
1531    let impressions = this.readDataPref(PREF_REC_IMPRESSIONS);
1532    if (!impressions[recId]) {
1533      impressions = { ...impressions, [recId]: Date.now() };
1534      this.writeDataPref(PREF_REC_IMPRESSIONS, impressions);
1535    }
1536  }
1538  recordBlockFlightId(flightId) {
1539    const flights = this.readDataPref(PREF_FLIGHT_BLOCKS);
1540    if (!flights[flightId]) {
1541      flights[flightId] = 1;
1542      this.writeDataPref(PREF_FLIGHT_BLOCKS, flights);
1543    }
1544  }
1546  cleanUpFlightImpressionPref(data) {
1547    let flightIds = [];
1548    this.placementsForEach(placement => {
1549      const newSpocs = data[placement.name];
1550      if (!newSpocs) {
1551        return;
1552      }
1554      const items = newSpocs.items || [];
1555      flightIds = [...flightIds, ...items.map(s => `${s.flight_id}`)];
1556    });
1557    if (flightIds && flightIds.length) {
1558      this.cleanUpImpressionPref(
1559        id => !flightIds.includes(id),
1561      );
1562    }
1563  }
1565  // Clean up rec impression pref by removing all stories that are no
1566  // longer part of the response.
1567  cleanUpTopRecImpressionPref(newFeeds) {
1568    // Need to build a single list of stories.
1569    const activeStories = Object.keys(newFeeds)
1570      .filter(currentValue => newFeeds[currentValue].data)
1571      .reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => {
1572        const { recommendations } = newFeeds[currentValue].data;
1573        return accumulator.concat(recommendations.map(i => `${i.id}`));
1574      }, []);
1575    this.cleanUpImpressionPref(
1576      id => !activeStories.includes(id),
1578    );
1579  }
1581  writeDataPref(pref, impressions) {
1582    this.store.dispatch(ac.SetPref(pref, JSON.stringify(impressions)));
1583  }
1585  readDataPref(pref) {
1586    const prefVal = this.store.getState().Prefs.values[pref];
1587    return prefVal ? JSON.parse(prefVal) : {};
1588  }
1590  cleanUpImpressionPref(isExpired, pref) {
1591    const impressions = this.readDataPref(pref);
1592    let changed = false;
1594    Object.keys(impressions).forEach(id => {
1595      if (isExpired(id)) {
1596        changed = true;
1597        delete impressions[id];
1598      }
1599    });
1601    if (changed) {
1602      this.writeDataPref(pref, impressions);
1603    }
1604  }
1606  onPocketConfigChanged() {
1607    // Update layout, and reload any off screen tabs.
1608    // This does not change any existing open tabs.
1609    // It also doesn't update any spoc or rec data, just the layout.
1610    const dispatch = action => this.store.dispatch(ac.AlsoToPreloaded(action));
1611    this.loadLayout(dispatch, false);
1612  }
1614  async onPrefChangedAction(action) {
1615    switch (action.data.name) {
1616      case PREF_CONFIG:
1617      case PREF_ENABLED:
1619      case PREF_SPOCS_ENDPOINT:
1622        // This is a config reset directly related to Discovery Stream pref.
1623        this.configReset();
1624        break;
1626        this.onPocketConfigChanged();
1627        break;
1628      case PREF_USER_TOPSTORIES:
1630        if (!action.data.value) {
1631          // Ensure we delete any remote data potentially related to spocs.
1632          this.clearSpocs();
1633        } else {
1634          this.enableStories();
1635        }
1636        break;
1637      // Check if spocs was disabled. Remove them if they were.
1638      case PREF_SHOW_SPONSORED:
1639        if (!action.data.value) {
1640          // Ensure we delete any remote data potentially related to spocs.
1641          this.clearSpocs();
1642        }
1643        await this.loadSpocs(update =>
1644          this.store.dispatch(ac.BroadcastToContent(update))
1645        );
1646        break;
1647    }
1648  }
1650  async onAction(action) {
1651    switch (action.type) {
1652      case at.INIT:
1653        // During the initialization of Firefox:
1654        // 1. Set-up listeners and initialize the redux state for config;
1655        this.setupPrefs(true /* isStartup */);
1656        // 2. If config.enabled is true, start loading data.
1657        if (this.config.enabled) {
1658          await this.enable();
1659        }
1660        break;
1662      case at.SYSTEM_TICK:
1663        // Only refresh if we loaded once in .enable()
1664        if (
1665          this.config.enabled &&
1666          this.loaded &&
1667          (await this.checkIfAnyCacheExpired())
1668        ) {
1669          await this.refreshAll({ updateOpenTabs: false });
1670        }
1671        break;
1673        Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "idle-daily");
1674        break;
1676        RemoteSettings.pollChanges();
1677        break;
1679        // Personalization scores update at a slower interval than content, so in order to debug,
1680        // we want to be able to expire just content to trigger the earlier expire times.
1681        await this.resetContentCache();
1682        break;
1684        // Use the original string pref to then set a value instead of
1685        // this.config which has some modifications
1686        this.store.dispatch(
1687          ac.SetPref(
1688            PREF_CONFIG,
1689            JSON.stringify({
1690              ...JSON.parse(this.store.getState().Prefs.values[PREF_CONFIG]),
1691              [action.data.name]: action.data.value,
1692            })
1693          )
1694        );
1695        break;
1698        // This is a generic config reset likely related to an external feed pref.
1699        this.configReset();
1700        break;
1702        this.resetConfigDefauts();
1703        break;
1705        this.retryFeed(action.data.feed);
1706        break;
1708        // When the config pref changes, load or unload data as needed.
1709        await this.onPrefChange();
1710        break;
1712        if (
1713          action.data.tiles &&
1714          action.data.tiles[0] &&
1715          action.data.tiles[0].id
1716        ) {
1717          this.recordTopRecImpressions(action.data.tiles[0].id);
1718        }
1719        break;
1721        if (this.showSpocs) {
1722          this.recordFlightImpression(action.data.flightId);
1724          // Apply frequency capping to SPOCs in the redux store, only update the
1725          // store if the SPOCs are changed.
1726          const spocsState = this.store.getState().DiscoveryStream.spocs;
1728          let frequencyCapped = [];
1729          this.placementsForEach(placement => {
1730            const spocs = spocsState.data[placement.name];
1731            if (!spocs || !spocs.items) {
1732              return;
1733            }
1735            const { data: capResult, filtered } = this.frequencyCapSpocs(
1736              spocs.items
1737            );
1738            frequencyCapped = [...frequencyCapped, ...filtered];
1740            spocsState.data = {
1741              ...spocsState.data,
1742              [placement.name]: {
1743                ...spocs,
1744                items: capResult,
1745              },
1746            };
1747          });
1749          if (frequencyCapped.length) {
1750            // Update cache here so we don't need to re calculate frequency caps on loads from cache.
1751            await this.cache.set("spocs", {
1752              lastUpdated: spocsState.lastUpdated,
1753              spocs: spocsState.data,
1754            });
1756            this.store.dispatch(
1757              ac.AlsoToPreloaded({
1758                type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_UPDATE,
1759                data: {
1760                  lastUpdated: spocsState.lastUpdated,
1761                  spocs: spocsState.data,
1762                },
1763              })
1764            );
1765          }
1766        }
1767        break;
1768      // This is fired from the browser, it has no concept of spocs, flight or pocket.
1769      // We match the blocked url with our available spoc urls to see if there is a match.
1770      // I suspect we *could* instead do this in BLOCK_URL but I'm not sure.
1771      case at.PLACES_LINK_BLOCKED:
1772        if (this.showSpocs) {
1773          let blockedItems = [];
1774          const spocsState = this.store.getState().DiscoveryStream.spocs;
1776          this.placementsForEach(placement => {
1777            const spocs = spocsState.data[placement.name];
1778            if (spocs && spocs.items && spocs.items.length) {
1779              const blockedResults = [];
1780              const blocks = spocs.items.filter(s => {
1781                const blocked = s.url === action.data.url;
1782                if (!blocked) {
1783                  blockedResults.push(s);
1784                }
1785                return blocked;
1786              });
1788              blockedItems = [...blockedItems, ...blocks];
1790              spocsState.data = {
1791                ...spocsState.data,
1792                [placement.name]: {
1793                  ...spocs,
1794                  items: blockedResults,
1795                },
1796              };
1797            }
1798          });
1800          if (blockedItems.length) {
1801            // Update cache here so we don't need to re calculate blocks on loads from cache.
1802            await this.cache.set("spocs", {
1803              lastUpdated: spocsState.lastUpdated,
1804              spocs: spocsState.data,
1805            });
1807            // If we're blocking a spoc, we want open tabs to have
1808            // a slightly different treatment from future tabs.
1809            // AlsoToPreloaded updates the source data and preloaded tabs with a new spoc.
1810            // BroadcastToContent updates open tabs with a non spoc instead of a new spoc.
1811            this.store.dispatch(
1812              ac.AlsoToPreloaded({
1813                type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_LINK_BLOCKED,
1814                data: action.data,
1815              })
1816            );
1817            this.store.dispatch(
1818              ac.BroadcastToContent({
1819                type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOC_BLOCKED,
1820                data: action.data,
1821              })
1822            );
1823            break;
1824          }
1825        }
1827        this.store.dispatch(
1828          ac.BroadcastToContent({
1829            type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_LINK_BLOCKED,
1830            data: action.data,
1831          })
1832        );
1833        break;
1834      case at.UNINIT:
1835        // When this feed is shutting down:
1836        this.uninitPrefs();
1837        this._recommendationProvider = null;
1838        break;
1839      case at.BLOCK_URL: {
1840        // If we block a story that also has a flight_id
1841        // we want to record that as blocked too.
1842        // This is because a single flight might have slightly different urls.
1843        action.data.forEach(site => {
1844          const { flight_id } = site;
1845          if (flight_id) {
1846            this.recordBlockFlightId(flight_id);
1847          }
1848        });
1849        break;
1850      }
1851      case at.PREF_CHANGED:
1852        await this.onPrefChangedAction(action);
1853        if (action.data.name === "pocketConfig") {
1854          await this.onPocketConfigChanged(action.data.value);
1855        }
1856        break;
1857    }
1858  }
1861/* This function generates a hardcoded layout each call.
1862   This is because modifying the original object would
1863   persist across pref changes and system_tick updates.
1865   NOTE: There is some branching logic in the template.
1866     `items` How many items to include in the primary card grid.
1867     `spocPositions` Changes the position of spoc cards.
1868     `sponsoredCollectionsEnabled` Tuns on and off the sponsored collection section.
1869     `compactLayout` Changes cards to smaller more compact cards.
1870     `hybridLayout` Changes cards to smaller more compact cards only for specific breakpoints.
1871     `hideCardBackground` Removes Pocket card background and borders.
1872     `fourCardLayout` Enable four Pocket cards per row.
1873     `loadMore` Hide half the Pocket stories behind a load more button.
1874     `lastCardMessageEnabled` Shows a message card at the end of the feed.
1875     `newFooterSection` Changes the layout of the topics section.
1876     `saveToPocketCard` Cards have a save to Pocket button over their thumbnail on hover.
1877     `hideDescriptions` Hide or display descriptions for Pocket stories.
1878     `compactGrid` Reduce the number of pixels between the Pocket cards.
1879     `compactImages` Reduce the height on Pocket card images.
1880     `imageGradient` Add a gradient to the bottom of Pocket card images to blend the image in with the card.
1881     `newSponsoredLabel` Updates the sponsored label position to below the image.
1882     `titleLines` Changes the maximum number of lines a title can be for Pocket cards.
1883     `descLines` Changes the maximum number of lines a description can be for Pocket cards.
1884     `essentialReadsHeader` Updates the Pocket section header and title to say "Today’s Essential Reads", moves the "Recommended by Pocket" header to the right side.
1885     `editorsPicksHeader` Updates the Pocket section header and title to say "Editor’s Picks", if used with essentialReadsHeader, creates a second section 2 rows down for editorsPicks.
1887getHardcodedLayout = ({
1888  items = 21,
1889  spocPositions = [2, 4, 11, 20],
1890  sponsoredCollectionsEnabled = false,
1891  compactLayout = false,
1892  hybridLayout = false,
1893  hideCardBackground = false,
1894  fourCardLayout = false,
1895  loadMore = false,
1896  lastCardMessageEnabled = false,
1897  newFooterSection = false,
1898  saveToPocketCard = false,
1899  hideDescriptions = true,
1900  compactGrid = false,
1901  compactImages = false,
1902  imageGradient = false,
1903  newSponsoredLabel = false,
1904  titleLines = 3,
1905  descLines = 3,
1906  essentialReadsHeader = false,
1907  editorsPicksHeader = false,
1908  readTime = false,
1909}) => ({
1910  lastUpdate: Date.now(),
1911  spocs: {
1912    url: "https://spocs.getpocket.com/spocs",
1913  },
1914  layout: [
1915    {
1916      width: 12,
1917      components: [
1918        {
1919          type: "TopSites",
1920          header: {
1921            title: {
1922              id: "newtab-section-header-topsites",
1923            },
1924          },
1925          properties: {},
1926        },
1927        ...(sponsoredCollectionsEnabled
1928          ? [
1929              {
1930                type: "CollectionCardGrid",
1931                properties: {
1932                  items: 3,
1933                },
1934                header: {
1935                  title: "",
1936                },
1937                placement: {
1938                  name: "sponsored-collection",
1939                  ad_types: [3617],
1940                  zone_ids: [217759, 218031],
1941                },
1942                spocs: {
1943                  probability: 1,
1944                  positions: [
1945                    {
1946                      index: 0,
1947                    },
1948                    {
1949                      index: 1,
1950                    },
1951                    {
1952                      index: 2,
1953                    },
1954                  ],
1955                },
1956              },
1957            ]
1958          : []),
1959        {
1960          type: "Message",
1961          essentialReadsHeader,
1962          editorsPicksHeader,
1963          header: {
1964            title: {
1965              id: "newtab-section-header-pocket",
1966              values: { provider: "Pocket" },
1967            },
1968            subtitle: "",
1969            link_text: {
1970              id: "newtab-pocket-learn-more",
1971            },
1972            link_url: "https://getpocket.com/firefox/new_tab_learn_more",
1973            icon: "chrome://global/skin/icons/pocket.svg",
1974          },
1975          properties: {},
1976          styles: {
1977            ".ds-message": "margin-bottom: -20px",
1978          },
1979        },
1980        {
1981          type: "CardGrid",
1982          properties: {
1983            items,
1984            hybridLayout,
1985            hideCardBackground: hideCardBackground || compactLayout,
1986            fourCardLayout: fourCardLayout || compactLayout,
1987            hideDescriptions: hideDescriptions || compactLayout,
1988            compactImages,
1989            imageGradient,
1990            newSponsoredLabel: newSponsoredLabel || compactLayout,
1991            titleLines: (compactLayout && 3) || titleLines,
1992            descLines,
1993            compactGrid,
1994            essentialReadsHeader,
1995            editorsPicksHeader,
1996            readTime: readTime || compactLayout,
1997          },
1998          loadMore,
1999          lastCardMessageEnabled,
2000          saveToPocketCard,
2001          cta_variant: "link",
2002          header: {
2003            title: "",
2004          },
2005          placement: {
2006            name: "spocs",
2007            ad_types: [3617],
2008            zone_ids: [217758, 217995],
2009          },
2010          feed: {
2011            embed_reference: null,
2012            url:
2013              "https://getpocket.cdn.mozilla.net/v3/firefox/global-recs?version=3&consumer_key=$apiKey&locale_lang=$locale&region=$region&count=30",
2014          },
2015          spocs: {
2016            probability: 1,
2017            positions: spocPositions.map(position => {
2018              return { index: position };
2019            }),
2020          },
2021        },
2022        {
2023          type: "Navigation",
2024          newFooterSection,
2025          properties: {
2026            alignment: "left-align",
2027            links: [
2028              {
2029                name: "Self improvement",
2030                url:
2031                  "https://getpocket.com/explore/self-improvement?utm_source=pocket-newtab",
2032              },
2033              {
2034                name: "Food",
2035                url:
2036                  "https://getpocket.com/explore/food?utm_source=pocket-newtab",
2037              },
2038              {
2039                name: "Entertainment",
2040                url:
2041                  "https://getpocket.com/explore/entertainment?utm_source=pocket-newtab",
2042              },
2043              {
2044                name: "Health & fitness",
2045                url:
2046                  "https://getpocket.com/explore/health?utm_source=pocket-newtab",
2047              },
2048              {
2049                name: "Science",
2050                url:
2051                  "https://getpocket.com/explore/science?utm_source=pocket-newtab",
2052              },
2053              {
2054                name: "More recommendations ›",
2055                url: "https://getpocket.com/explore?utm_source=pocket-newtab",
2056              },
2057            ],
2058            extraLinks: [
2059              {
2060                name: "Career",
2061                url:
2062                  "https://getpocket.com/explore/career?utm_source=pocket-newtab",
2063              },
2064              {
2065                name: "Technology",
2066                url:
2067                  "https://getpocket.com/explore/technology?utm_source=pocket-newtab",
2068              },
2069            ],
2070            privacyNoticeURL: {
2071              url:
2072                "https://www.mozilla.org/privacy/firefox/#suggest-relevant-content",
2073              title: {
2074                id: "newtab-section-menu-privacy-notice",
2075              },
2076            },
2077          },
2078          header: {
2079            title: {
2080              id: "newtab-pocket-read-more",
2081            },
2082          },
2083          styles: {
2084            ".ds-navigation": "margin-top: -10px;",
2085          },
2086        },
2087        ...(newFooterSection
2088          ? [
2089              {
2090                type: "PrivacyLink",
2091                properties: {
2092                  url: "https://www.mozilla.org/privacy/firefox/",
2093                  title: {
2094                    id: "newtab-section-menu-privacy-notice",
2095                  },
2096                },
2097              },
2098            ]
2099          : []),
2100      ],
2101    },
2102  ],
2105const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["DiscoveryStreamFeed"];