1.. _mozilla_projects_nss_pkcs_7_functions:
3PKCS 7 functions
6.. container::
8   The public functions listed here perform PKCS #7 operations required by mail and news
9   applications and by some of the NSS tools.
11   The `Mozilla Cross Reference <http://mxr.mozilla.org/>`__ (MXR) link for each function provides
12   access to the function definition, prototype definition, and source code references. The NSS
13   version column indicates which versions of NSS support the function.
15   ==================================== =========== ===============
16   Function name/documentation          Source code NSS versions
17   ``SEC_PKCS7AddCertificate``          MXR         3.3 and later
18   ``SEC_PKCS7AddRecipient``            MXR         3.2 and later
19   ``SEC_PKCS7AddSigningTime``          MXR         3.2 and later
20   ``SEC_PKCS7ContainsCertsOrCrls``     MXR         3.4 and later
21   ``SEC_PKCS7ContentIsEncrypted``      MXR         3.4 and later
22   ``SEC_PKCS7ContentIsSigned``         MXR         3.4 and later
23   ``SEC_PKCS7ContentType``             MXR         3.2 and later
24   ``SEC_PKCS7CopyContentInfo``         MXR         3.4 and later
25   ``SEC_PKCS7CreateCertsOnly``         MXR         3.3 and later
26   ``SEC_PKCS7CreateData``              MXR         3.2 and later
27   ``SEC_PKCS7CreateEncryptedData``     MXR         3.2 and later
28   ``SEC_PKCS7CreateEnvelopedData``     MXR         3.2 and later
29   ``SEC_PKCS7CreateSignedData``        MXR         3.2 and later
30   ``SEC_PKCS7DecodeItem``              MXR         3.2 and later
31   ``SEC_PKCS7DecoderAbort``            MXR         3.9 and later
32   ``SEC_PKCS7DecoderFinish``           MXR         3.2 and later
33   ``SEC_PKCS7DecoderStart``            MXR         3.2 and later
34   ``SEC_PKCS7DecoderUpdate``           MXR         3.2 and later
35   ``SEC_PKCS7DecryptContents``         MXR         3.2 and later
36   ``SEC_PKCS7DestroyContentInfo``      MXR         3.2 and later
37   ``SEC_PKCS7Encode``                  MXR         3.3 and later
38   ``SEC_PKCS7EncodeItem``              MXR         3.9.3 and later
39   ``SEC_PKCS7EncoderAbort``            MXR         3.9 and later
40   ``SEC_PKCS7EncoderFinish``           MXR         3.2 and later
41   ``SEC_PKCS7EncoderStart``            MXR         3.2 and later
42   ``SEC_PKCS7EncoderUpdate``           MXR         3.2 and later
43   ``SEC_PKCS7GetCertificateList``      MXR         3.2 and later
44   ``SEC_PKCS7GetContent``              MXR         3.2 and later
45   ``SEC_PKCS7GetEncryptionAlgorithm``  MXR         3.2 and later
46   ``SEC_PKCS7GetSignerCommonName``     MXR         3.4 and later
47   ``SEC_PKCS7GetSignerEmailAddress``   MXR         3.4 and later
48   ``SEC_PKCS7GetSigningTime``          MXR         3.4 and later
49   ``SEC_PKCS7IncludeCertChain``        MXR         3.2 and later
50   ``SEC_PKCS7IsContentEmpty``          MXR         3.2 and later
51   ``SEC_PKCS7SetContent``              MXR         3.4 and later
52   ``SEC_PKCS7VerifyDetachedSignature`` MXR         3.4 and later
53   ``SEC_PKCS7VerifySignature``         MXR         3.2 and later
54   ``SECMIME_DecryptionAllowed``        MXR         3.4 and later
55   ==================================== =========== ===============