1 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3  * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
5 //! [Calc expressions][calc].
6 //!
7 //! [calc]: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values/#calc-notation
9 use crate::Zero;
10 use smallvec::SmallVec;
11 use std::fmt::{self, Write};
12 use std::ops::Add;
13 use std::{cmp, mem};
14 use style_traits::{CssWriter, ToCss};
16 /// Whether we're a `min` or `max` function.
17 #[derive(
18     Clone,
19     Copy,
20     Debug,
21     Deserialize,
22     MallocSizeOf,
23     PartialEq,
24     Serialize,
25     ToAnimatedZero,
26     ToResolvedValue,
27     ToShmem,
28 )]
29 #[repr(u8)]
30 pub enum MinMaxOp {
31     /// `min()`
32     Min,
33     /// `max()`
34     Max,
35 }
37 /// This determines the order in which we serialize members of a calc() sum.
38 ///
39 /// See https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#sort-a-calculations-children
40 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
41 #[allow(missing_docs)]
42 pub enum SortKey {
43     Number,
44     Percentage,
45     Cap,
46     Ch,
47     Deg,
48     Em,
49     Ex,
50     Ic,
51     Px,
52     Rem,
53     Sec,
54     Vh,
55     Vmax,
56     Vmin,
57     Vw,
58     Other,
59 }
61 /// A generic node in a calc expression.
62 ///
63 /// FIXME: This would be much more elegant if we used `Self` in the types below,
64 /// but we can't because of https://github.com/serde-rs/serde/issues/1565.
65 ///
66 /// FIXME: The following annotations are to workaround an LLVM inlining bug, see
67 /// bug 1631929.
68 ///
69 /// cbindgen:destructor-attributes=MOZ_NEVER_INLINE
70 /// cbindgen:copy-constructor-attributes=MOZ_NEVER_INLINE
71 /// cbindgen:eq-attributes=MOZ_NEVER_INLINE
72 #[repr(u8)]
73 #[derive(
74     Clone,
75     Debug,
76     Deserialize,
77     MallocSizeOf,
78     PartialEq,
79     Serialize,
80     ToAnimatedZero,
81     ToResolvedValue,
82     ToShmem,
83 )]
84 pub enum GenericCalcNode<L> {
85     /// A leaf node.
86     Leaf(L),
87     /// A sum node, representing `a + b + c` where a, b, and c are the
88     /// arguments.
89     Sum(crate::OwnedSlice<GenericCalcNode<L>>),
90     /// A `min` or `max` function.
91     MinMax(crate::OwnedSlice<GenericCalcNode<L>>, MinMaxOp),
92     /// A `clamp()` function.
93     Clamp {
94         /// The minimum value.
95         min: Box<GenericCalcNode<L>>,
96         /// The central value.
97         center: Box<GenericCalcNode<L>>,
98         /// The maximum value.
99         max: Box<GenericCalcNode<L>>,
100     },
101 }
103 pub use self::GenericCalcNode as CalcNode;
105 /// A trait that represents all the stuff a valid leaf of a calc expression.
106 pub trait CalcNodeLeaf: Clone + Sized + PartialOrd + PartialEq + ToCss {
107     /// Whether this value is known-negative.
is_negative(&self) -> bool108     fn is_negative(&self) -> bool;
110     /// Tries to merge one sum to another, that is, perform `x` + `y`.
try_sum_in_place(&mut self, other: &Self) -> Result<(), ()>111     fn try_sum_in_place(&mut self, other: &Self) -> Result<(), ()>;
113     /// Multiplies the leaf by a given scalar number.
mul_by(&mut self, scalar: f32)114     fn mul_by(&mut self, scalar: f32);
116     /// Negates the leaf.
negate(&mut self)117     fn negate(&mut self) {
118         self.mul_by(-1.);
119     }
121     /// Canonicalizes the expression if necessary.
simplify(&mut self)122     fn simplify(&mut self);
124     /// Returns the sort key for simplification.
sort_key(&self) -> SortKey125     fn sort_key(&self) -> SortKey;
126 }
128 impl<L: CalcNodeLeaf> CalcNode<L> {
129     /// Negates the node.
negate(&mut self)130     pub fn negate(&mut self) {
131         self.mul_by(-1.);
132     }
sort_key(&self) -> SortKey134     fn sort_key(&self) -> SortKey {
135         match *self {
136             Self::Leaf(ref l) => l.sort_key(),
137             _ => SortKey::Other,
138         }
139     }
141     /// Tries to merge one sum to another, that is, perform `x` + `y`.
try_sum_in_place(&mut self, other: &Self) -> Result<(), ()>142     fn try_sum_in_place(&mut self, other: &Self) -> Result<(), ()> {
143         match (self, other) {
144             (&mut CalcNode::Leaf(ref mut one), &CalcNode::Leaf(ref other)) => {
145                 one.try_sum_in_place(other)
146             },
147             _ => Err(()),
148         }
149     }
151     /// Convert this `CalcNode` into a `CalcNode` with a different leaf kind.
map_leaves<O, F>(&self, mut map: F) -> CalcNode<O> where O: CalcNodeLeaf, F: FnMut(&L) -> O,152     pub fn map_leaves<O, F>(&self, mut map: F) -> CalcNode<O>
153     where
154         O: CalcNodeLeaf,
155         F: FnMut(&L) -> O,
156     {
157         self.map_leaves_internal(&mut map)
158     }
map_leaves_internal<O, F>(&self, map: &mut F) -> CalcNode<O> where O: CalcNodeLeaf, F: FnMut(&L) -> O,160     fn map_leaves_internal<O, F>(&self, map: &mut F) -> CalcNode<O>
161     where
162         O: CalcNodeLeaf,
163         F: FnMut(&L) -> O,
164     {
165         fn map_children<L, O, F>(
166             children: &[CalcNode<L>],
167             map: &mut F,
168         ) -> crate::OwnedSlice<CalcNode<O>>
169         where
170             L: CalcNodeLeaf,
171             O: CalcNodeLeaf,
172             F: FnMut(&L) -> O,
173         {
174             children
175                 .iter()
176                 .map(|c| c.map_leaves_internal(map))
177                 .collect()
178         }
180         match *self {
181             Self::Leaf(ref l) => CalcNode::Leaf(map(l)),
182             Self::Sum(ref c) => CalcNode::Sum(map_children(c, map)),
183             Self::MinMax(ref c, op) => CalcNode::MinMax(map_children(c, map), op),
184             Self::Clamp {
185                 ref min,
186                 ref center,
187                 ref max,
188             } => {
189                 let min = Box::new(min.map_leaves_internal(map));
190                 let center = Box::new(center.map_leaves_internal(map));
191                 let max = Box::new(max.map_leaves_internal(map));
192                 CalcNode::Clamp { min, center, max }
193             },
194         }
195     }
197     /// Resolves the expression returning a value of `O`, given a function to
198     /// turn a leaf into the relevant value.
resolve<O>( &self, mut leaf_to_output_fn: impl FnMut(&L) -> Result<O, ()>, ) -> Result<O, ()> where O: PartialOrd + PartialEq + Add<Output = O> + Zero,199     pub fn resolve<O>(
200         &self,
201         mut leaf_to_output_fn: impl FnMut(&L) -> Result<O, ()>,
202     ) -> Result<O, ()>
203     where
204         O: PartialOrd + PartialEq + Add<Output = O> + Zero,
205     {
206         self.resolve_internal(&mut leaf_to_output_fn)
207     }
resolve_internal<O, F>(&self, leaf_to_output_fn: &mut F) -> Result<O, ()> where O: PartialOrd + PartialEq + Add<Output = O> + Zero, F: FnMut(&L) -> Result<O, ()>,209     fn resolve_internal<O, F>(&self, leaf_to_output_fn: &mut F) -> Result<O, ()>
210     where
211         O: PartialOrd + PartialEq + Add<Output = O> + Zero,
212         F: FnMut(&L) -> Result<O, ()>,
213     {
214         Ok(match *self {
215             Self::Leaf(ref l) => return leaf_to_output_fn(l),
216             Self::Sum(ref c) => {
217                 let mut result = Zero::zero();
218                 for child in &**c {
219                     result = result + child.resolve_internal(leaf_to_output_fn)?;
220                 }
221                 result
222             },
223             Self::MinMax(ref nodes, op) => {
224                 let mut result = nodes[0].resolve_internal(leaf_to_output_fn)?;
225                 for node in nodes.iter().skip(1) {
226                     let candidate = node.resolve_internal(leaf_to_output_fn)?;
227                     let candidate_wins = match op {
228                         MinMaxOp::Min => candidate < result,
229                         MinMaxOp::Max => candidate > result,
230                     };
231                     if candidate_wins {
232                         result = candidate;
233                     }
234                 }
235                 result
236             },
237             Self::Clamp {
238                 ref min,
239                 ref center,
240                 ref max,
241             } => {
242                 let min = min.resolve_internal(leaf_to_output_fn)?;
243                 let center = center.resolve_internal(leaf_to_output_fn)?;
244                 let max = max.resolve_internal(leaf_to_output_fn)?;
246                 let mut result = center;
247                 if result > max {
248                     result = max;
249                 }
250                 if result < min {
251                     result = min
252                 }
253                 result
254             },
255         })
256     }
is_negative_leaf(&self) -> bool258     fn is_negative_leaf(&self) -> bool {
259         match *self {
260             Self::Leaf(ref l) => l.is_negative(),
261             _ => false,
262         }
263     }
265     /// Multiplies the node by a scalar.
mul_by(&mut self, scalar: f32)266     pub fn mul_by(&mut self, scalar: f32) {
267         match *self {
268             Self::Leaf(ref mut l) => l.mul_by(scalar),
269             // Multiplication is distributive across this.
270             Self::Sum(ref mut children) => {
271                 for node in &mut **children {
272                     node.mul_by(scalar);
273                 }
274             },
275             // This one is a bit trickier.
276             Self::MinMax(ref mut children, ref mut op) => {
277                 for node in &mut **children {
278                     node.mul_by(scalar);
279                 }
281                 // For negatives we need to invert the operation.
282                 if scalar < 0. {
283                     *op = match *op {
284                         MinMaxOp::Min => MinMaxOp::Max,
285                         MinMaxOp::Max => MinMaxOp::Min,
286                     }
287                 }
288             },
289             // This one is slightly tricky too.
290             Self::Clamp {
291                 ref mut min,
292                 ref mut center,
293                 ref mut max,
294             } => {
295                 min.mul_by(scalar);
296                 center.mul_by(scalar);
297                 max.mul_by(scalar);
298                 // For negatives we need to swap min / max.
299                 if scalar < 0. {
300                     mem::swap(min, max);
301                 }
302             },
303         }
304     }
306     /// Visits all the nodes in this calculation tree recursively, starting by
307     /// the leaves and bubbling all the way up.
308     ///
309     /// This is useful for simplification, but can also be used for validation
310     /// and such.
visit_depth_first(&mut self, mut f: impl FnMut(&mut Self))311     pub fn visit_depth_first(&mut self, mut f: impl FnMut(&mut Self)) {
312         self.visit_depth_first_internal(&mut f);
313     }
visit_depth_first_internal(&mut self, f: &mut impl FnMut(&mut Self))315     fn visit_depth_first_internal(&mut self, f: &mut impl FnMut(&mut Self)) {
316         match *self {
317             Self::Clamp {
318                 ref mut min,
319                 ref mut center,
320                 ref mut max,
321             } => {
322                 min.visit_depth_first_internal(f);
323                 center.visit_depth_first_internal(f);
324                 max.visit_depth_first_internal(f);
325             },
326             Self::Sum(ref mut children) | Self::MinMax(ref mut children, _) => {
327                 for child in &mut **children {
328                     child.visit_depth_first_internal(f);
329                 }
330             },
331             Self::Leaf(..) => {},
332         }
333         f(self);
334     }
336     /// Simplifies and sorts the calculation of a given node. All the nodes
337     /// below it should be simplified already, this only takes care of
338     /// simplifying directly nested nodes. So, probably should always be used in
339     /// combination with `visit_depth_first()`.
340     ///
341     /// This is only needed if it's going to be preserved after parsing (so, for
342     /// `<length-percentage>`). Otherwise we can just evaluate it using
343     /// `resolve()`, and we'll come up with a simplified value anyways.
simplify_and_sort_direct_children(&mut self)344     pub fn simplify_and_sort_direct_children(&mut self) {
345         macro_rules! replace_self_with {
346             ($slot:expr) => {{
347                 let dummy = Self::MinMax(Default::default(), MinMaxOp::Max);
348                 let result = mem::replace($slot, dummy);
349                 *self = result;
350             }};
351         }
352         match *self {
353             Self::Clamp {
354                 ref mut min,
355                 ref mut center,
356                 ref mut max,
357             } => {
358                 // NOTE: clamp() is max(min, min(center, max))
359                 let min_cmp_center = match min.partial_cmp(&center) {
360                     Some(o) => o,
361                     None => return,
362                 };
364                 // So if we can prove that min is more than center, then we won,
365                 // as that's what we should always return.
366                 if matches!(min_cmp_center, cmp::Ordering::Greater) {
367                     return replace_self_with!(&mut **min);
368                 }
370                 // Otherwise try with max.
371                 let max_cmp_center = match max.partial_cmp(&center) {
372                     Some(o) => o,
373                     None => return,
374                 };
376                 if matches!(max_cmp_center, cmp::Ordering::Less) {
377                     // max is less than center, so we need to return effectively
378                     // `max(min, max)`.
379                     let max_cmp_min = match max.partial_cmp(&min) {
380                         Some(o) => o,
381                         None => {
382                             debug_assert!(
383                                 false,
384                                 "We compared center with min and max, how are \
385                                  min / max not comparable with each other?"
386                             );
387                             return;
388                         },
389                     };
391                     if matches!(max_cmp_min, cmp::Ordering::Less) {
392                         return replace_self_with!(&mut **min);
393                     }
395                     return replace_self_with!(&mut **max);
396                 }
398                 // Otherwise we're the center node.
399                 return replace_self_with!(&mut **center);
400             },
401             Self::MinMax(ref mut children, op) => {
402                 let winning_order = match op {
403                     MinMaxOp::Min => cmp::Ordering::Less,
404                     MinMaxOp::Max => cmp::Ordering::Greater,
405                 };
407                 let mut result = 0;
408                 for i in 1..children.len() {
409                     let o = match children[i].partial_cmp(&children[result]) {
410                         // We can't compare all the children, so we can't
411                         // know which one will actually win. Bail out and
412                         // keep ourselves as a min / max function.
413                         //
414                         // TODO: Maybe we could simplify compatible children,
415                         // see https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4756
416                         None => return,
417                         Some(o) => o,
418                     };
420                     if o == winning_order {
421                         result = i;
422                     }
423                 }
425                 replace_self_with!(&mut children[result]);
426             },
427             Self::Sum(ref mut children_slot) => {
428                 let mut sums_to_merge = SmallVec::<[_; 3]>::new();
429                 let mut extra_kids = 0;
430                 for (i, child) in children_slot.iter().enumerate() {
431                     if let Self::Sum(ref children) = *child {
432                         extra_kids += children.len();
433                         sums_to_merge.push(i);
434                     }
435                 }
437                 // If we only have one kid, we've already simplified it, and it
438                 // doesn't really matter whether it's a sum already or not, so
439                 // lift it up and continue.
440                 if children_slot.len() == 1 {
441                     return replace_self_with!(&mut children_slot[0]);
442                 }
444                 let mut children = mem::replace(children_slot, Default::default()).into_vec();
446                 if !sums_to_merge.is_empty() {
447                     children.reserve(extra_kids - sums_to_merge.len());
448                     // Merge all our nested sums, in reverse order so that the
449                     // list indices are not invalidated.
450                     for i in sums_to_merge.drain(..).rev() {
451                         let kid_children = match children.swap_remove(i) {
452                             Self::Sum(c) => c,
453                             _ => unreachable!(),
454                         };
456                         // This would be nicer with
457                         // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/59878 fixed.
458                         children.extend(kid_children.into_vec());
459                     }
460                 }
462                 debug_assert!(children.len() >= 2, "Should still have multiple kids!");
464                 // Sort by spec order.
465                 children.sort_unstable_by_key(|c| c.sort_key());
467                 // NOTE: if the function returns true, by the docs of dedup_by,
468                 // a is removed.
469                 children.dedup_by(|a, b| b.try_sum_in_place(a).is_ok());
471                 if children.len() == 1 {
472                     // If only one children remains, lift it up, and carry on.
473                     replace_self_with!(&mut children[0]);
474                 } else {
475                     // Else put our simplified children back.
476                     *children_slot = children.into_boxed_slice().into();
477                 }
478             },
479             Self::Leaf(ref mut l) => {
480                 l.simplify();
481             },
482         }
483     }
485     /// Simplifies and sorts the kids in the whole calculation subtree.
simplify_and_sort(&mut self)486     pub fn simplify_and_sort(&mut self) {
487         self.visit_depth_first(|node| node.simplify_and_sort_direct_children())
488     }
to_css_impl<W>(&self, dest: &mut CssWriter<W>, is_outermost: bool) -> fmt::Result where W: Write,490     fn to_css_impl<W>(&self, dest: &mut CssWriter<W>, is_outermost: bool) -> fmt::Result
491     where
492         W: Write,
493     {
494         let write_closing_paren = match *self {
495             Self::MinMax(_, op) => {
496                 dest.write_str(match op {
497                     MinMaxOp::Max => "max(",
498                     MinMaxOp::Min => "min(",
499                 })?;
500                 true
501             },
502             Self::Clamp { .. } => {
503                 dest.write_str("clamp(")?;
504                 true
505             },
506             _ => {
507                 if is_outermost {
508                     dest.write_str("calc(")?;
509                 }
510                 is_outermost
511             },
512         };
514         match *self {
515             Self::MinMax(ref children, _) => {
516                 let mut first = true;
517                 for child in &**children {
518                     if !first {
519                         dest.write_str(", ")?;
520                     }
521                     first = false;
522                     child.to_css_impl(dest, false)?;
523                 }
524             },
525             Self::Sum(ref children) => {
526                 let mut first = true;
527                 for child in &**children {
528                     if !first {
529                         if child.is_negative_leaf() {
530                             dest.write_str(" - ")?;
531                             let mut c = child.clone();
532                             c.negate();
533                             c.to_css_impl(dest, false)?;
534                         } else {
535                             dest.write_str(" + ")?;
536                             child.to_css_impl(dest, false)?;
537                         }
538                     } else {
539                         first = false;
540                         child.to_css_impl(dest, false)?;
541                     }
542                 }
543             },
544             Self::Clamp {
545                 ref min,
546                 ref center,
547                 ref max,
548             } => {
549                 min.to_css_impl(dest, false)?;
550                 dest.write_str(", ")?;
551                 center.to_css_impl(dest, false)?;
552                 dest.write_str(", ")?;
553                 max.to_css_impl(dest, false)?;
554             },
555             Self::Leaf(ref l) => l.to_css(dest)?,
556         }
558         if write_closing_paren {
559             dest.write_str(")")?;
560         }
561         Ok(())
562     }
563 }
565 impl<L: CalcNodeLeaf> PartialOrd for CalcNode<L> {
partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<cmp::Ordering>566     fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<cmp::Ordering> {
567         match (self, other) {
568             (&CalcNode::Leaf(ref one), &CalcNode::Leaf(ref other)) => one.partial_cmp(other),
569             _ => None,
570         }
571     }
572 }
574 impl<L: CalcNodeLeaf> ToCss for CalcNode<L> {
575     /// <https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values/#calc-serialize>
to_css<W>(&self, dest: &mut CssWriter<W>) -> fmt::Result where W: Write,576     fn to_css<W>(&self, dest: &mut CssWriter<W>) -> fmt::Result
577     where
578         W: Write,
579     {
580         self.to_css_impl(dest, /* is_outermost = */ true)
581     }
582 }