1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
14 #include <map>
16 #include "rtc_base/deprecation.h"
18 namespace webrtc {
20 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
21 // enum ACMVADMode
22 // An enumerator for aggressiveness of VAD
23 // -VADNormal                : least aggressive mode.
24 // -VADLowBitrate            : more aggressive than "VADNormal" to save on
25 //                             bit-rate.
26 // -VADAggr                  : an aggressive mode.
27 // -VADVeryAggr              : the most agressive mode.
28 //
29 enum ACMVADMode {
30   VADNormal = 0,
31   VADLowBitrate = 1,
32   VADAggr = 2,
33   VADVeryAggr = 3
34 };
36 enum class AudioFrameType {
37   kEmptyFrame = 0,
38   kAudioFrameSpeech = 1,
39   kAudioFrameCN = 2,
40 };
42 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
43 //
44 // Enumeration of Opus mode for intended application.
45 //
46 // kVoip              : optimized for voice signals.
47 // kAudio             : optimized for non-voice signals like music.
48 //
49 enum OpusApplicationMode {
50   kVoip = 0,
51   kAudio = 1,
52 };
54 // Statistics for calls to AudioCodingModule::PlayoutData10Ms().
55 struct AudioDecodingCallStats {
AudioDecodingCallStatsAudioDecodingCallStats56   AudioDecodingCallStats()
57       : calls_to_silence_generator(0),
58         calls_to_neteq(0),
59         decoded_normal(0),
60         decoded_neteq_plc(0),
61         decoded_codec_plc(0),
62         decoded_cng(0),
63         decoded_plc_cng(0),
64         decoded_muted_output(0) {}
66   int calls_to_silence_generator;  // Number of calls where silence generated,
67                                    // and NetEq was disengaged from decoding.
68   int calls_to_neteq;              // Number of calls to NetEq.
69   int decoded_normal;  // Number of calls where audio RTP packet decoded.
70   int decoded_neteq_plc;  // Number of calls resulted in NetEq PLC.
71   int decoded_codec_plc;  // Number of calls resulted in codec PLC.
72   int decoded_cng;  // Number of calls where comfort noise generated due to DTX.
73   int decoded_plc_cng;       // Number of calls resulted where PLC faded to CNG.
74   int decoded_muted_output;  // Number of calls returning a muted state output.
75 };
77 // NETEQ statistics.
78 struct NetworkStatistics {
79   // current jitter buffer size in ms
80   uint16_t currentBufferSize;
81   // preferred (optimal) buffer size in ms
82   uint16_t preferredBufferSize;
83   // adding extra delay due to "peaky jitter"
84   bool jitterPeaksFound;
85   // Stats below correspond to similarly-named fields in the WebRTC stats spec.
86   // https://w3c.github.io/webrtc-stats/#dom-rtcinboundrtpstreamstats
87   uint64_t totalSamplesReceived;
88   uint64_t concealedSamples;
89   uint64_t silentConcealedSamples;
90   uint64_t concealmentEvents;
91   uint64_t jitterBufferDelayMs;
92   uint64_t jitterBufferEmittedCount;
93   uint64_t insertedSamplesForDeceleration;
94   uint64_t removedSamplesForAcceleration;
95   uint64_t fecPacketsReceived;
96   uint64_t fecPacketsDiscarded;
97   // Stats below correspond to similarly-named fields in the WebRTC stats spec.
98   // https://w3c.github.io/webrtc-stats/#dom-rtcreceivedrtpstreamstats
99   uint64_t packetsDiscarded;
100   // Non standard stats propagated to spec complaint GetStats API.
101   uint64_t jitterBufferTargetDelayMs;
102   // Stats below DO NOT correspond directly to anything in the WebRTC stats
103   // fraction (of original stream) of synthesized audio inserted through
104   // expansion (in Q14)
105   uint16_t currentExpandRate;
106   // fraction (of original stream) of synthesized speech inserted through
107   // expansion (in Q14)
108   uint16_t currentSpeechExpandRate;
109   // fraction of synthesized speech inserted through pre-emptive expansion
110   // (in Q14)
111   uint16_t currentPreemptiveRate;
112   // fraction of data removed through acceleration (in Q14)
113   uint16_t currentAccelerateRate;
114   // fraction of data coming from secondary decoding (in Q14)
115   uint16_t currentSecondaryDecodedRate;
116   // Fraction of secondary data, including FEC and RED, that is discarded (in
117   // Q14). Discarding of secondary data can be caused by the reception of the
118   // primary data, obsoleting the secondary data. It can also be caused by early
119   // or late arrival of secondary data.
120   uint16_t currentSecondaryDiscardedRate;
121   // average packet waiting time in the jitter buffer (ms)
122   int meanWaitingTimeMs;
123   // median packet waiting time in the jitter buffer (ms)
124   int medianWaitingTimeMs;
125   // min packet waiting time in the jitter buffer (ms)
126   int minWaitingTimeMs;
127   // max packet waiting time in the jitter buffer (ms)
128   int maxWaitingTimeMs;
129   // count of the number of buffer flushes
130   uint64_t packetBufferFlushes;
131   // number of samples expanded due to delayed packets
132   uint64_t delayedPacketOutageSamples;
133   // arrival delay of incoming packets
134   uint64_t relativePacketArrivalDelayMs;
135   // number of audio interruptions
136   int32_t interruptionCount;
137   // total duration of audio interruptions
138   int32_t totalInterruptionDurationMs;
139 };
141 }  // namespace webrtc