1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2020 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
11 #include <stddef.h>
12 #include <stdint.h>
14 #include <map>
15 #include <memory>
16 #include <ostream>
17 #include <tuple>
18 #include <vector>
20 #include "absl/types/optional.h"
21 #include "api/units/data_size.h"
22 #include "api/units/time_delta.h"
23 #include "api/video_codecs/video_codec.h"
24 #include "api/video_codecs/video_encoder.h"
25 #include "modules/video_coding/codecs/av1/create_scalability_structure.h"
26 #include "modules/video_coding/codecs/av1/libaom_av1_decoder.h"
27 #include "modules/video_coding/codecs/av1/libaom_av1_encoder.h"
28 #include "modules/video_coding/codecs/av1/scalable_video_controller.h"
29 #include "modules/video_coding/codecs/av1/scalable_video_controller_no_layering.h"
30 #include "modules/video_coding/codecs/test/encoded_video_frame_producer.h"
31 #include "modules/video_coding/include/video_codec_interface.h"
32 #include "modules/video_coding/include/video_error_codes.h"
33 #include "test/gmock.h"
34 #include "test/gtest.h"
36 namespace webrtc {
37 namespace {
39 using ::testing::ContainerEq;
40 using ::testing::Each;
41 using ::testing::ElementsAreArray;
42 using ::testing::Ge;
43 using ::testing::IsEmpty;
44 using ::testing::Not;
45 using ::testing::NotNull;
46 using ::testing::Pointwise;
47 using ::testing::SizeIs;
48 using ::testing::Truly;
49 using ::testing::Values;
51 // Use small resolution for this test to make it faster.
52 constexpr int kWidth = 320;
53 constexpr int kHeight = 180;
54 constexpr int kFramerate = 30;
DefaultCodecSettings()56 VideoCodec DefaultCodecSettings() {
57   VideoCodec codec_settings;
58   codec_settings.width = kWidth;
59   codec_settings.height = kHeight;
60   codec_settings.maxFramerate = kFramerate;
61   codec_settings.maxBitrate = 1000;
62   codec_settings.qpMax = 63;
63   return codec_settings;
64 }
DefaultEncoderSettings()65 VideoEncoder::Settings DefaultEncoderSettings() {
66   return VideoEncoder::Settings(
67       VideoEncoder::Capabilities(/*loss_notification=*/false),
68       /*number_of_cores=*/1, /*max_payload_size=*/1200);
69 }
71 class TestAv1Decoder {
72  public:
TestAv1Decoder(int decoder_id)73   explicit TestAv1Decoder(int decoder_id)
74       : decoder_id_(decoder_id), decoder_(CreateLibaomAv1Decoder()) {
75     if (decoder_ == nullptr) {
76       ADD_FAILURE() << "Failed to create a decoder#" << decoder_id_;
77       return;
78     }
79     EXPECT_EQ(decoder_->InitDecode(/*codec_settings=*/nullptr,
80                                    /*number_of_cores=*/1),
81               WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK);
82     EXPECT_EQ(decoder_->RegisterDecodeCompleteCallback(&callback_),
83               WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK);
84   }
85   // This class requires pointer stability and thus not copyable nor movable.
86   TestAv1Decoder(const TestAv1Decoder&) = delete;
87   TestAv1Decoder& operator=(const TestAv1Decoder&) = delete;
Decode(int64_t frame_id,const EncodedImage & image)89   void Decode(int64_t frame_id, const EncodedImage& image) {
90     ASSERT_THAT(decoder_, NotNull());
91     int32_t error = decoder_->Decode(image, /*missing_frames=*/false,
92                                      /*render_time_ms=*/image.capture_time_ms_);
93     if (error != WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK) {
94       ADD_FAILURE() << "Failed to decode frame id " << frame_id
95                     << " with error code " << error << " by decoder#"
96                     << decoder_id_;
97       return;
98     }
99     decoded_ids_.push_back(frame_id);
100   }
decoded_frame_ids() const102   const std::vector<int64_t>& decoded_frame_ids() const { return decoded_ids_; }
num_output_frames() const103   size_t num_output_frames() const { return callback_.num_called(); }
105  private:
106   // Decoder callback that only counts how many times it was called.
107   // While it is tempting to replace it with a simple mock, that one requires
108   // to set expectation on number of calls in advance. Tests below unsure about
109   // expected number of calls until after calls are done.
110   class DecoderCallback : public DecodedImageCallback {
111    public:
num_called() const112     size_t num_called() const { return num_called_; }
114    private:
Decoded(VideoFrame &)115     int32_t Decoded(VideoFrame& /*decoded_image*/) override {
116       ++num_called_;
117       return 0;
118     }
Decoded(VideoFrame &,absl::optional<int32_t>,absl::optional<uint8_t>)119     void Decoded(VideoFrame& /*decoded_image*/,
120                  absl::optional<int32_t> /*decode_time_ms*/,
121                  absl::optional<uint8_t> /*qp*/) override {
122       ++num_called_;
123     }
125     int num_called_ = 0;
126   };
128   const int decoder_id_;
129   std::vector<int64_t> decoded_ids_;
130   DecoderCallback callback_;
131   const std::unique_ptr<VideoDecoder> decoder_;
132 };
TEST(LibaomAv1Test,EncodeDecode)134 TEST(LibaomAv1Test, EncodeDecode) {
135   TestAv1Decoder decoder(0);
136   std::unique_ptr<VideoEncoder> encoder = CreateLibaomAv1Encoder();
137   VideoCodec codec_settings = DefaultCodecSettings();
138   ASSERT_EQ(encoder->InitEncode(&codec_settings, DefaultEncoderSettings()),
139             WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK);
141   std::vector<EncodedVideoFrameProducer::EncodedFrame> encoded_frames =
142       EncodedVideoFrameProducer(*encoder).SetNumInputFrames(4).Encode();
143   for (size_t frame_id = 0; frame_id < encoded_frames.size(); ++frame_id) {
144     decoder.Decode(static_cast<int64_t>(frame_id),
145                    encoded_frames[frame_id].encoded_image);
146   }
148   // Check encoder produced some frames for decoder to decode.
149   ASSERT_THAT(encoded_frames, Not(IsEmpty()));
150   // Check decoder found all of them valid.
151   EXPECT_THAT(decoder.decoded_frame_ids(), SizeIs(encoded_frames.size()));
152   // Check each of them produced an output frame.
153   EXPECT_EQ(decoder.num_output_frames(), decoder.decoded_frame_ids().size());
154 }
156 struct LayerId {
operator ==(const LayerId & lhs,const LayerId & rhs)157   friend bool operator==(const LayerId& lhs, const LayerId& rhs) {
158     return std::tie(lhs.spatial_id, lhs.temporal_id) ==
159            std::tie(rhs.spatial_id, rhs.temporal_id);
160   }
operator <(const LayerId & lhs,const LayerId & rhs)161   friend bool operator<(const LayerId& lhs, const LayerId& rhs) {
162     return std::tie(lhs.spatial_id, lhs.temporal_id) <
163            std::tie(rhs.spatial_id, rhs.temporal_id);
164   }
operator <<(std::ostream & s,const LayerId & layer)165   friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const LayerId& layer) {
166     return s << "S" << layer.spatial_id << "T" << layer.temporal_id;
167   }
169   int spatial_id = 0;
170   int temporal_id = 0;
171 };
173 struct SvcTestParam {
174   std::string name;
175   int num_frames_to_generate;
176   std::map<LayerId, DataRate> configured_bitrates;
177 };
179 class LibaomAv1SvcTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<SvcTestParam> {};
TEST_P(LibaomAv1SvcTest,EncodeAndDecodeAllDecodeTargets)181 TEST_P(LibaomAv1SvcTest, EncodeAndDecodeAllDecodeTargets) {
182   std::unique_ptr<ScalableVideoController> svc_controller =
183       CreateScalabilityStructure(GetParam().name);
184   size_t num_decode_targets =
185       svc_controller->DependencyStructure().num_decode_targets;
187   std::unique_ptr<VideoEncoder> encoder =
188       CreateLibaomAv1Encoder(std::move(svc_controller));
189   VideoCodec codec_settings = DefaultCodecSettings();
190   ASSERT_EQ(encoder->InitEncode(&codec_settings, DefaultEncoderSettings()),
191             WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK);
192   std::vector<EncodedVideoFrameProducer::EncodedFrame> encoded_frames =
193       EncodedVideoFrameProducer(*encoder)
194           .SetNumInputFrames(GetParam().num_frames_to_generate)
195           .SetResolution({kWidth, kHeight})
196           .Encode();
199       encoded_frames,
200       Each(Truly([&](const EncodedVideoFrameProducer::EncodedFrame& frame) {
201         return frame.codec_specific_info.generic_frame_info &&
202                frame.codec_specific_info.generic_frame_info
203                        ->decode_target_indications.size() == num_decode_targets;
204       })));
206   for (size_t dt = 0; dt < num_decode_targets; ++dt) {
207     TestAv1Decoder decoder(dt);
208     std::vector<int64_t> requested_ids;
209     for (int64_t frame_id = 0;
210          frame_id < static_cast<int64_t>(encoded_frames.size()); ++frame_id) {
211       const EncodedVideoFrameProducer::EncodedFrame& frame =
212           encoded_frames[frame_id];
213       if (frame.codec_specific_info.generic_frame_info
214               ->decode_target_indications[dt] !=
215           DecodeTargetIndication::kNotPresent) {
216         requested_ids.push_back(frame_id);
217         decoder.Decode(frame_id, frame.encoded_image);
218       }
219     }
221     ASSERT_THAT(requested_ids, SizeIs(Ge(2u)));
222     // Check decoder found all of them valid.
223     EXPECT_THAT(decoder.decoded_frame_ids(), ContainerEq(requested_ids))
224         << "Decoder#" << dt;
225     // Check each of them produced an output frame.
226     EXPECT_EQ(decoder.num_output_frames(), decoder.decoded_frame_ids().size())
227         << "Decoder#" << dt;
228   }
229 }
231 MATCHER(SameLayerIdAndBitrateIsNear, "") {
232   // First check if layer id is the same.
233   return std::get<0>(arg).first == std::get<1>(arg).first &&
234          // check measured bitrate is not much lower than requested.
235          std::get<0>(arg).second >= std::get<1>(arg).second * 0.8 &&
236          // check measured bitrate is not much larger than requested.
237          std::get<0>(arg).second <= std::get<1>(arg).second * 1.1;
238 }
TEST_P(LibaomAv1SvcTest,SetRatesMatchMeasuredBitrate)240 TEST_P(LibaomAv1SvcTest, SetRatesMatchMeasuredBitrate) {
241   const SvcTestParam param = GetParam();
242   if (param.configured_bitrates.empty()) {
243     // Rates are not configured for this particular structure, skip the test.
244     return;
245   }
246   constexpr TimeDelta kDuration = TimeDelta::Seconds(5);
248   VideoBitrateAllocation allocation;
249   for (const auto& kv : param.configured_bitrates) {
250     allocation.SetBitrate(kv.first.spatial_id, kv.first.temporal_id,
251                           kv.second.bps());
252   }
254   std::unique_ptr<VideoEncoder> encoder =
255       CreateLibaomAv1Encoder(CreateScalabilityStructure(param.name));
256   ASSERT_TRUE(encoder);
257   VideoCodec codec_settings = DefaultCodecSettings();
258   codec_settings.maxBitrate = allocation.get_sum_kbps();
259   codec_settings.maxFramerate = 30;
260   ASSERT_EQ(encoder->InitEncode(&codec_settings, DefaultEncoderSettings()),
261             WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK);
263   encoder->SetRates(VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters(
264       allocation, codec_settings.maxFramerate));
266   std::vector<EncodedVideoFrameProducer::EncodedFrame> encoded_frames =
267       EncodedVideoFrameProducer(*encoder)
268           .SetNumInputFrames(codec_settings.maxFramerate * kDuration.seconds())
269           .SetResolution({codec_settings.width, codec_settings.height})
270           .SetFramerateFps(codec_settings.maxFramerate)
271           .Encode();
273   // Calculate size of each layer.
274   std::map<LayerId, DataSize> layer_size;
275   for (const auto& frame : encoded_frames) {
276     ASSERT_TRUE(frame.codec_specific_info.generic_frame_info);
277     const auto& layer = *frame.codec_specific_info.generic_frame_info;
278     LayerId layer_id = {layer.spatial_id, layer.temporal_id};
279     // This is almost same as
280     // layer_size[layer_id] += DataSize::Bytes(frame.encoded_image.size());
281     // but avoids calling deleted default constructor for DataSize.
282     layer_size.emplace(layer_id, DataSize::Zero()).first->second +=
283         DataSize::Bytes(frame.encoded_image.size());
284   }
285   // Convert size of the layer into bitrate of that layer.
286   std::vector<std::pair<LayerId, DataRate>> measured_bitrates;
287   for (const auto& kv : layer_size) {
288     measured_bitrates.emplace_back(kv.first, kv.second / kDuration);
289   }
290   EXPECT_THAT(measured_bitrates, Pointwise(SameLayerIdAndBitrateIsNear(),
291                                            param.configured_bitrates));
292 }
295     Svc,
296     LibaomAv1SvcTest,
297     Values(SvcTestParam{"NONE", /*num_frames_to_generate=*/4},
298            SvcTestParam{"L1T2",
299                         /*num_frames_to_generate=*/4,
300                         /*configured_bitrates=*/
301                         {{{0, 0}, DataRate::KilobitsPerSec(60)},
302                          {{0, 1}, DataRate::KilobitsPerSec(40)}}},
303            SvcTestParam{"L1T3", /*num_frames_to_generate=*/8},
304            SvcTestParam{"L2T1",
305                         /*num_frames_to_generate=*/3,
306                         /*configured_bitrates=*/
307                         {{{0, 0}, DataRate::KilobitsPerSec(30)},
308                          {{1, 0}, DataRate::KilobitsPerSec(70)}}},
309            SvcTestParam{"L2T1h",
310                         /*num_frames_to_generate=*/3,
311                         /*configured_bitrates=*/
312                         {{{0, 0}, DataRate::KilobitsPerSec(30)},
313                          {{1, 0}, DataRate::KilobitsPerSec(70)}}},
314            SvcTestParam{"L2T1_KEY", /*num_frames_to_generate=*/3},
315            SvcTestParam{"L3T1", /*num_frames_to_generate=*/3},
316            SvcTestParam{"L3T3", /*num_frames_to_generate=*/8},
317            SvcTestParam{"S2T1", /*num_frames_to_generate=*/3},
318            SvcTestParam{"L2T2", /*num_frames_to_generate=*/4},
319            SvcTestParam{"L2T2_KEY", /*num_frames_to_generate=*/4},
320            SvcTestParam{"L2T2_KEY_SHIFT",
321                         /*num_frames_to_generate=*/4,
322                         /*configured_bitrates=*/
323                         {{{0, 0}, DataRate::KilobitsPerSec(70)},
324                          {{0, 1}, DataRate::KilobitsPerSec(30)},
325                          {{1, 0}, DataRate::KilobitsPerSec(110)},
326                          {{1, 1}, DataRate::KilobitsPerSec(80)}}}),
__anon715b9c6b0302(const testing::TestParamInfo<SvcTestParam>& info) 327     [](const testing::TestParamInfo<SvcTestParam>& info) {
328       return info.param.name;
329     });
331 }  // namespace
332 }  // namespace webrtc