1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  *
10  */
12 #ifdef RTC_ENABLE_VP9
14 #include "modules/video_coding/codecs/vp9/vp9_impl.h"
16 #include <algorithm>
17 #include <limits>
18 #include <utility>
19 #include <vector>
21 #include "absl/memory/memory.h"
22 #include "api/video/color_space.h"
23 #include "api/video/i010_buffer.h"
24 #include "common_video/include/video_frame_buffer.h"
25 #include "common_video/libyuv/include/webrtc_libyuv.h"
26 #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_rtcp_defines.h"
27 #include "modules/video_coding/codecs/vp9/svc_rate_allocator.h"
28 #include "modules/video_coding/utility/vp9_uncompressed_header_parser.h"
29 #include "rtc_base/checks.h"
30 #include "rtc_base/experiments/rate_control_settings.h"
31 #include "rtc_base/keep_ref_until_done.h"
32 #include "rtc_base/logging.h"
33 #include "rtc_base/time_utils.h"
34 #include "rtc_base/trace_event.h"
35 #include "system_wrappers/include/field_trial.h"
36 #include "vpx/vp8cx.h"
37 #include "vpx/vp8dx.h"
38 #include "vpx/vpx_decoder.h"
39 #include "vpx/vpx_encoder.h"
41 namespace webrtc {
43 namespace {
44 // Maps from gof_idx to encoder internal reference frame buffer index. These
45 // maps work for 1,2 and 3 temporal layers with GOF length of 1,2 and 4 frames.
46 uint8_t kRefBufIdx[4] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
47 uint8_t kUpdBufIdx[4] = {0, 0, 1, 0};
49 // Maximum allowed PID difference for differnet per-layer frame-rate case.
50 const int kMaxAllowedPidDiff = 30;
52 constexpr double kLowRateFactor = 1.0;
53 constexpr double kHighRateFactor = 2.0;
55 // TODO(ilink): Tune these thresholds further.
56 // Selected using ConverenceMotion_1280_720_50.yuv clip.
57 // No toggling observed on any link capacity from 100-2000kbps.
58 // HD was reached consistently when link capacity was 1500kbps.
59 // Set resolutions are a bit more conservative than svc_config.cc sets, e.g.
60 // for 300kbps resolution converged to 270p instead of 360p.
61 constexpr int kLowVp9QpThreshold = 149;
62 constexpr int kHighVp9QpThreshold = 205;
64 // These settings correspond to the settings in vpx_codec_enc_cfg.
65 struct Vp9RateSettings {
66   uint32_t rc_undershoot_pct;
67   uint32_t rc_overshoot_pct;
68   uint32_t rc_buf_sz;
69   uint32_t rc_buf_optimal_sz;
70   uint32_t rc_dropframe_thresh;
71 };
73 // Only positive speeds, range for real-time coding currently is: 5 - 8.
74 // Lower means slower/better quality, higher means fastest/lower quality.
GetCpuSpeed(int width,int height)75 int GetCpuSpeed(int width, int height) {
76 #if defined(WEBRTC_ARCH_ARM) || defined(WEBRTC_ARCH_ARM64) || defined(ANDROID)
77   return 8;
78 #else
79   // For smaller resolutions, use lower speed setting (get some coding gain at
80   // the cost of increased encoding complexity).
81   if (width * height <= 352 * 288)
82     return 5;
83   else
84     return 7;
85 #endif
86 }
87 // Helper class for extracting VP9 colorspace.
ExtractVP9ColorSpace(vpx_color_space_t space_t,vpx_color_range_t range_t,unsigned int bit_depth)88 ColorSpace ExtractVP9ColorSpace(vpx_color_space_t space_t,
89                                 vpx_color_range_t range_t,
90                                 unsigned int bit_depth) {
91   ColorSpace::PrimaryID primaries = ColorSpace::PrimaryID::kUnspecified;
92   ColorSpace::TransferID transfer = ColorSpace::TransferID::kUnspecified;
93   ColorSpace::MatrixID matrix = ColorSpace::MatrixID::kUnspecified;
94   switch (space_t) {
95     case VPX_CS_BT_601:
96     case VPX_CS_SMPTE_170:
97       primaries = ColorSpace::PrimaryID::kSMPTE170M;
98       transfer = ColorSpace::TransferID::kSMPTE170M;
99       matrix = ColorSpace::MatrixID::kSMPTE170M;
100       break;
101     case VPX_CS_SMPTE_240:
102       primaries = ColorSpace::PrimaryID::kSMPTE240M;
103       transfer = ColorSpace::TransferID::kSMPTE240M;
104       matrix = ColorSpace::MatrixID::kSMPTE240M;
105       break;
106     case VPX_CS_BT_709:
107       primaries = ColorSpace::PrimaryID::kBT709;
108       transfer = ColorSpace::TransferID::kBT709;
109       matrix = ColorSpace::MatrixID::kBT709;
110       break;
111     case VPX_CS_BT_2020:
112       primaries = ColorSpace::PrimaryID::kBT2020;
113       switch (bit_depth) {
114         case 8:
115           transfer = ColorSpace::TransferID::kBT709;
116           break;
117         case 10:
118           transfer = ColorSpace::TransferID::kBT2020_10;
119           break;
120         default:
121           RTC_NOTREACHED();
122           break;
123       }
124       matrix = ColorSpace::MatrixID::kBT2020_NCL;
125       break;
126     case VPX_CS_SRGB:
127       primaries = ColorSpace::PrimaryID::kBT709;
128       transfer = ColorSpace::TransferID::kIEC61966_2_1;
129       matrix = ColorSpace::MatrixID::kBT709;
130       break;
131     default:
132       break;
133   }
135   ColorSpace::RangeID range = ColorSpace::RangeID::kInvalid;
136   switch (range_t) {
137     case VPX_CR_STUDIO_RANGE:
138       range = ColorSpace::RangeID::kLimited;
139       break;
140     case VPX_CR_FULL_RANGE:
141       range = ColorSpace::RangeID::kFull;
142       break;
143     default:
144       break;
145   }
146   return ColorSpace(primaries, transfer, matrix, range);
147 }
GetActiveLayers(const VideoBitrateAllocation & allocation)149 std::pair<size_t, size_t> GetActiveLayers(
150     const VideoBitrateAllocation& allocation) {
151   for (size_t sl_idx = 0; sl_idx < kMaxSpatialLayers; ++sl_idx) {
152     if (allocation.GetSpatialLayerSum(sl_idx) > 0) {
153       size_t last_layer = sl_idx + 1;
154       while (last_layer < kMaxSpatialLayers &&
155              allocation.GetSpatialLayerSum(last_layer) > 0) {
156         ++last_layer;
157       }
158       return std::make_pair(sl_idx, last_layer);
159     }
160   }
161   return {0, 0};
162 }
Interpolate(uint32_t low,uint32_t high,double bandwidth_headroom_factor)164 uint32_t Interpolate(uint32_t low,
165                      uint32_t high,
166                      double bandwidth_headroom_factor) {
167   RTC_DCHECK_GE(bandwidth_headroom_factor, kLowRateFactor);
168   RTC_DCHECK_LE(bandwidth_headroom_factor, kHighRateFactor);
170   // |factor| is between 0.0 and 1.0.
171   const double factor = bandwidth_headroom_factor - kLowRateFactor;
173   return static_cast<uint32_t>(((1.0 - factor) * low) + (factor * high) + 0.5);
174 }
GetRateSettings(double bandwidth_headroom_factor)176 Vp9RateSettings GetRateSettings(double bandwidth_headroom_factor) {
177   static const Vp9RateSettings low_settings{100u, 0u, 100u, 33u, 40u};
178   static const Vp9RateSettings high_settings{50u, 50u, 1000u, 700u, 5u};
180   if (bandwidth_headroom_factor <= kLowRateFactor) {
181     return low_settings;
182   } else if (bandwidth_headroom_factor >= kHighRateFactor) {
183     return high_settings;
184   }
186   Vp9RateSettings settings;
187   settings.rc_undershoot_pct =
188       Interpolate(low_settings.rc_undershoot_pct,
189                   high_settings.rc_undershoot_pct, bandwidth_headroom_factor);
190   settings.rc_overshoot_pct =
191       Interpolate(low_settings.rc_overshoot_pct, high_settings.rc_overshoot_pct,
192                   bandwidth_headroom_factor);
193   settings.rc_buf_sz =
194       Interpolate(low_settings.rc_buf_sz, high_settings.rc_buf_sz,
195                   bandwidth_headroom_factor);
196   settings.rc_buf_optimal_sz =
197       Interpolate(low_settings.rc_buf_optimal_sz,
198                   high_settings.rc_buf_optimal_sz, bandwidth_headroom_factor);
199   settings.rc_dropframe_thresh =
200       Interpolate(low_settings.rc_dropframe_thresh,
201                   high_settings.rc_dropframe_thresh, bandwidth_headroom_factor);
202   return settings;
203 }
UpdateRateSettings(vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t * config,const Vp9RateSettings & new_settings)205 void UpdateRateSettings(vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t* config,
206                         const Vp9RateSettings& new_settings) {
207   config->rc_undershoot_pct = new_settings.rc_undershoot_pct;
208   config->rc_overshoot_pct = new_settings.rc_overshoot_pct;
209   config->rc_buf_sz = new_settings.rc_buf_sz;
210   config->rc_buf_optimal_sz = new_settings.rc_buf_optimal_sz;
211   config->rc_dropframe_thresh = new_settings.rc_dropframe_thresh;
212 }
214 }  // namespace
EncoderOutputCodedPacketCallback(vpx_codec_cx_pkt * pkt,void * user_data)216 void VP9EncoderImpl::EncoderOutputCodedPacketCallback(vpx_codec_cx_pkt* pkt,
217                                                       void* user_data) {
218   VP9EncoderImpl* enc = static_cast<VP9EncoderImpl*>(user_data);
219   enc->GetEncodedLayerFrame(pkt);
220 }
VP9EncoderImpl(const cricket::VideoCodec & codec)222 VP9EncoderImpl::VP9EncoderImpl(const cricket::VideoCodec& codec)
223     : encoded_image_(),
224       encoded_complete_callback_(nullptr),
225       profile_(
226           ParseSdpForVP9Profile(codec.params).value_or(VP9Profile::kProfile0)),
227       inited_(false),
228       timestamp_(0),
229       cpu_speed_(3),
230       rc_max_intra_target_(0),
231       encoder_(nullptr),
232       config_(nullptr),
233       raw_(nullptr),
234       input_image_(nullptr),
235       force_key_frame_(true),
236       pics_since_key_(0),
237       num_temporal_layers_(0),
238       num_spatial_layers_(0),
239       num_active_spatial_layers_(0),
240       first_active_layer_(0),
241       layer_deactivation_requires_key_frame_(
242           field_trial::IsEnabled("WebRTC-Vp9IssueKeyFrameOnLayerDeactivation")),
243       is_svc_(false),
244       inter_layer_pred_(InterLayerPredMode::kOn),
245       external_ref_control_(false),  // Set in InitEncode because of tests.
246       trusted_rate_controller_(RateControlSettings::ParseFromFieldTrials()
247                                    .LibvpxVp9TrustedRateController()),
248       dynamic_rate_settings_(
249           RateControlSettings::ParseFromFieldTrials().Vp9DynamicRateSettings()),
250       layer_buffering_(false),
251       full_superframe_drop_(true),
252       first_frame_in_picture_(true),
253       ss_info_needed_(false),
254       force_all_active_layers_(false),
255       num_cores_(0),
256       is_flexible_mode_(false),
257       variable_framerate_experiment_(ParseVariableFramerateConfig(
258           "WebRTC-VP9VariableFramerateScreenshare")),
259       variable_framerate_controller_(
260           variable_framerate_experiment_.framerate_limit),
261       quality_scaler_experiment_(
262           ParseQualityScalerConfig("WebRTC-VP9QualityScaler")),
263       num_steady_state_frames_(0),
264       config_changed_(true) {
265   codec_ = {};
266   memset(&svc_params_, 0, sizeof(vpx_svc_extra_cfg_t));
267 }
~VP9EncoderImpl()269 VP9EncoderImpl::~VP9EncoderImpl() {
270   Release();
271 }
SetFecControllerOverride(FecControllerOverride * fec_controller_override)273 void VP9EncoderImpl::SetFecControllerOverride(
274     FecControllerOverride* fec_controller_override) {
275   // Ignored.
276 }
Release()278 int VP9EncoderImpl::Release() {
279   int ret_val = WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK;
281   if (encoder_ != nullptr) {
282     if (inited_) {
283       if (vpx_codec_destroy(encoder_)) {
284         ret_val = WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_MEMORY;
285       }
286     }
287     delete encoder_;
288     encoder_ = nullptr;
289   }
290   if (config_ != nullptr) {
291     delete config_;
292     config_ = nullptr;
293   }
294   if (raw_ != nullptr) {
295     vpx_img_free(raw_);
296     raw_ = nullptr;
297   }
298   inited_ = false;
299   return ret_val;
300 }
ExplicitlyConfiguredSpatialLayers() const302 bool VP9EncoderImpl::ExplicitlyConfiguredSpatialLayers() const {
303   // We check target_bitrate_bps of the 0th layer to see if the spatial layers
304   // (i.e. bitrates) were explicitly configured.
305   return codec_.spatialLayers[0].targetBitrate > 0;
306 }
SetSvcRates(const VideoBitrateAllocation & bitrate_allocation)308 bool VP9EncoderImpl::SetSvcRates(
309     const VideoBitrateAllocation& bitrate_allocation) {
310   std::pair<size_t, size_t> current_layers =
311       GetActiveLayers(current_bitrate_allocation_);
312   std::pair<size_t, size_t> new_layers = GetActiveLayers(bitrate_allocation);
314   const bool layer_activation_requires_key_frame =
315       inter_layer_pred_ == InterLayerPredMode::kOff ||
316       inter_layer_pred_ == InterLayerPredMode::kOnKeyPic;
317   const bool lower_layers_enabled = new_layers.first < current_layers.first;
318   const bool higher_layers_enabled = new_layers.second > current_layers.second;
319   const bool disabled_layers = new_layers.first > current_layers.first ||
320                                new_layers.second < current_layers.second;
322   if (lower_layers_enabled ||
323       (higher_layers_enabled && layer_activation_requires_key_frame) ||
324       (disabled_layers && layer_deactivation_requires_key_frame_)) {
325     force_key_frame_ = true;
326   }
328   if (current_layers != new_layers) {
329     ss_info_needed_ = true;
330   }
332   config_->rc_target_bitrate = bitrate_allocation.get_sum_kbps();
334   if (ExplicitlyConfiguredSpatialLayers()) {
335     for (size_t sl_idx = 0; sl_idx < num_spatial_layers_; ++sl_idx) {
336       const bool was_layer_active = (config_->ss_target_bitrate[sl_idx] > 0);
337       config_->ss_target_bitrate[sl_idx] =
338           bitrate_allocation.GetSpatialLayerSum(sl_idx) / 1000;
340       for (size_t tl_idx = 0; tl_idx < num_temporal_layers_; ++tl_idx) {
341         config_->layer_target_bitrate[sl_idx * num_temporal_layers_ + tl_idx] =
342             bitrate_allocation.GetTemporalLayerSum(sl_idx, tl_idx) / 1000;
343       }
345       if (!was_layer_active) {
346         // Reset frame rate controller if layer is resumed after pause.
347         framerate_controller_[sl_idx].Reset();
348       }
350       framerate_controller_[sl_idx].SetTargetRate(
351           codec_.spatialLayers[sl_idx].maxFramerate);
352     }
353   } else {
354     float rate_ratio[VPX_MAX_LAYERS] = {0};
355     float total = 0;
356     for (int i = 0; i < num_spatial_layers_; ++i) {
357       if (svc_params_.scaling_factor_num[i] <= 0 ||
358           svc_params_.scaling_factor_den[i] <= 0) {
359         RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Scaling factors not specified!";
360         return false;
361       }
362       rate_ratio[i] = static_cast<float>(svc_params_.scaling_factor_num[i]) /
363                       svc_params_.scaling_factor_den[i];
364       total += rate_ratio[i];
365     }
367     for (int i = 0; i < num_spatial_layers_; ++i) {
368       RTC_CHECK_GT(total, 0);
369       config_->ss_target_bitrate[i] = static_cast<unsigned int>(
370           config_->rc_target_bitrate * rate_ratio[i] / total);
371       if (num_temporal_layers_ == 1) {
372         config_->layer_target_bitrate[i] = config_->ss_target_bitrate[i];
373       } else if (num_temporal_layers_ == 2) {
374         config_->layer_target_bitrate[i * num_temporal_layers_] =
375             config_->ss_target_bitrate[i] * 2 / 3;
376         config_->layer_target_bitrate[i * num_temporal_layers_ + 1] =
377             config_->ss_target_bitrate[i];
378       } else if (num_temporal_layers_ == 3) {
379         config_->layer_target_bitrate[i * num_temporal_layers_] =
380             config_->ss_target_bitrate[i] / 2;
381         config_->layer_target_bitrate[i * num_temporal_layers_ + 1] =
382             config_->layer_target_bitrate[i * num_temporal_layers_] +
383             (config_->ss_target_bitrate[i] / 4);
384         config_->layer_target_bitrate[i * num_temporal_layers_ + 2] =
385             config_->ss_target_bitrate[i];
386       } else {
387         RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Unsupported number of temporal layers: "
388                           << num_temporal_layers_;
389         return false;
390       }
392       framerate_controller_[i].SetTargetRate(codec_.maxFramerate);
393     }
394   }
396   num_active_spatial_layers_ = 0;
397   first_active_layer_ = 0;
398   bool seen_active_layer = false;
399   bool expect_no_more_active_layers = false;
400   for (int i = 0; i < num_spatial_layers_; ++i) {
401     if (config_->ss_target_bitrate[i] > 0) {
402       RTC_DCHECK(!expect_no_more_active_layers) << "Only middle layer is "
403                                                    "deactivated.";
404       if (!seen_active_layer) {
405         first_active_layer_ = i;
406       }
407       num_active_spatial_layers_ = i + 1;
408       seen_active_layer = true;
409     } else {
410       expect_no_more_active_layers = seen_active_layer;
411     }
412   }
414   if (higher_layers_enabled && !force_key_frame_) {
415     // Prohibit drop of all layers for the next frame, so newly enabled
416     // layer would have a valid spatial reference.
417     for (size_t i = 0; i < num_spatial_layers_; ++i) {
418       svc_drop_frame_.framedrop_thresh[i] = 0;
419     }
420     force_all_active_layers_ = true;
421   }
423   current_bitrate_allocation_ = bitrate_allocation;
424   config_changed_ = true;
425   return true;
426 }
SetRates(const RateControlParameters & parameters)428 void VP9EncoderImpl::SetRates(const RateControlParameters& parameters) {
429   if (!inited_) {
430     RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "SetRates() calll while uninitialzied.";
431     return;
432   }
433   if (encoder_->err) {
434     RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Encoder in error state: " << encoder_->err;
435     return;
436   }
437   if (parameters.framerate_fps < 1.0) {
438     RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Unsupported framerate: "
439                         << parameters.framerate_fps;
440     return;
441   }
443   codec_.maxFramerate = static_cast<uint32_t>(parameters.framerate_fps + 0.5);
445   if (dynamic_rate_settings_) {
446     // Tweak rate control settings based on available network headroom.
447     UpdateRateSettings(
448         config_, GetRateSettings(parameters.bandwidth_allocation.bps<double>() /
449                                  parameters.bitrate.get_sum_bps()));
450   }
452   bool res = SetSvcRates(parameters.bitrate);
453   RTC_DCHECK(res) << "Failed to set new bitrate allocation";
454   config_changed_ = true;
455 }
457 // TODO(eladalon): s/inst/codec_settings/g.
InitEncode(const VideoCodec * inst,const Settings & settings)458 int VP9EncoderImpl::InitEncode(const VideoCodec* inst,
459                                const Settings& settings) {
460   if (inst == nullptr) {
462   }
463   if (inst->maxFramerate < 1) {
465   }
466   // Allow zero to represent an unspecified maxBitRate
467   if (inst->maxBitrate > 0 && inst->startBitrate > inst->maxBitrate) {
469   }
470   if (inst->width < 1 || inst->height < 1) {
472   }
473   if (settings.number_of_cores < 1) {
475   }
476   if (inst->VP9().numberOfTemporalLayers > 3) {
478   }
479   // libvpx probably does not support more than 3 spatial layers.
480   if (inst->VP9().numberOfSpatialLayers > 3) {
482   }
484   int ret_val = Release();
485   if (ret_val < 0) {
486     return ret_val;
487   }
488   if (encoder_ == nullptr) {
489     encoder_ = new vpx_codec_ctx_t;
490   }
491   if (config_ == nullptr) {
492     config_ = new vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t;
493   }
494   timestamp_ = 0;
495   if (&codec_ != inst) {
496     codec_ = *inst;
497   }
499   force_key_frame_ = true;
500   pics_since_key_ = 0;
501   num_cores_ = settings.number_of_cores;
502   num_spatial_layers_ = inst->VP9().numberOfSpatialLayers;
503   RTC_DCHECK_GT(num_spatial_layers_, 0);
504   num_temporal_layers_ = inst->VP9().numberOfTemporalLayers;
505   if (num_temporal_layers_ == 0) {
506     num_temporal_layers_ = 1;
507   }
509   framerate_controller_ = std::vector<FramerateController>(
510       num_spatial_layers_, FramerateController(codec_.maxFramerate));
512   is_svc_ = (num_spatial_layers_ > 1 || num_temporal_layers_ > 1);
514   encoded_image_._completeFrame = true;
515   // Populate encoder configuration with default values.
516   if (vpx_codec_enc_config_default(vpx_codec_vp9_cx(), config_, 0)) {
518   }
520   vpx_img_fmt img_fmt = VPX_IMG_FMT_NONE;
521   unsigned int bits_for_storage = 8;
522   switch (profile_) {
523     case VP9Profile::kProfile0:
524       img_fmt = VPX_IMG_FMT_I420;
525       bits_for_storage = 8;
526       config_->g_bit_depth = VPX_BITS_8;
527       config_->g_profile = 0;
528       config_->g_input_bit_depth = 8;
529       break;
530     case VP9Profile::kProfile1:
531       // Encoding of profile 1 is not implemented. It would require extended
532       // support for I444, I422, and I440 buffers.
533       RTC_NOTREACHED();
534       break;
535     case VP9Profile::kProfile2:
536       img_fmt = VPX_IMG_FMT_I42016;
537       bits_for_storage = 16;
538       config_->g_bit_depth = VPX_BITS_10;
539       config_->g_profile = 2;
540       config_->g_input_bit_depth = 10;
541       break;
542   }
544   // Creating a wrapper to the image - setting image data to nullptr. Actual
545   // pointer will be set in encode. Setting align to 1, as it is meaningless
546   // (actual memory is not allocated).
547   raw_ =
548       vpx_img_wrap(nullptr, img_fmt, codec_.width, codec_.height, 1, nullptr);
549   raw_->bit_depth = bits_for_storage;
551   config_->g_w = codec_.width;
552   config_->g_h = codec_.height;
553   config_->rc_target_bitrate = inst->startBitrate;  // in kbit/s
554   config_->g_error_resilient = is_svc_ ? VPX_ERROR_RESILIENT_DEFAULT : 0;
555   // Setting the time base of the codec.
556   config_->g_timebase.num = 1;
557   config_->g_timebase.den = 90000;
558   config_->g_lag_in_frames = 0;  // 0- no frame lagging
559   config_->g_threads = 1;
560   // Rate control settings.
561   config_->rc_dropframe_thresh = inst->VP9().frameDroppingOn ? 30 : 0;
562   config_->rc_end_usage = VPX_CBR;
563   config_->g_pass = VPX_RC_ONE_PASS;
564   config_->rc_min_quantizer =
565       codec_.mode == VideoCodecMode::kScreensharing ? 8 : 2;
566   config_->rc_max_quantizer = 52;
567   config_->rc_undershoot_pct = 50;
568   config_->rc_overshoot_pct = 50;
569   config_->rc_buf_initial_sz = 500;
570   config_->rc_buf_optimal_sz = 600;
571   config_->rc_buf_sz = 1000;
572   // Set the maximum target size of any key-frame.
573   rc_max_intra_target_ = MaxIntraTarget(config_->rc_buf_optimal_sz);
574   // Key-frame interval is enforced manually by this wrapper.
575   config_->kf_mode = VPX_KF_DISABLED;
576   // TODO(webm:1592): work-around for libvpx issue, as it can still
577   // put some key-frames at will even in VPX_KF_DISABLED kf_mode.
578   config_->kf_max_dist = inst->VP9().keyFrameInterval;
579   config_->kf_min_dist = config_->kf_max_dist;
580   if (quality_scaler_experiment_.enabled) {
581     // In that experiment webrtc wide quality scaler is used instead of libvpx
582     // internal scaler.
583     config_->rc_resize_allowed = 0;
584   } else {
585     config_->rc_resize_allowed = inst->VP9().automaticResizeOn ? 1 : 0;
586   }
587   // Determine number of threads based on the image size and #cores.
588   config_->g_threads =
589       NumberOfThreads(config_->g_w, config_->g_h, settings.number_of_cores);
591   cpu_speed_ = GetCpuSpeed(config_->g_w, config_->g_h);
593   is_flexible_mode_ = inst->VP9().flexibleMode;
595   inter_layer_pred_ = inst->VP9().interLayerPred;
597   if (num_spatial_layers_ > 1 &&
598       codec_.mode == VideoCodecMode::kScreensharing && !is_flexible_mode_) {
599     RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Flexible mode is required for screenshare with "
600                          "several spatial layers";
602   }
604   // External reference control is required for different frame rate on spatial
605   // layers because libvpx generates rtp incompatible references in this case.
606   external_ref_control_ =
607       !field_trial::IsDisabled("WebRTC-Vp9ExternalRefCtrl") ||
608       (num_spatial_layers_ > 1 &&
609        codec_.mode == VideoCodecMode::kScreensharing) ||
610       inter_layer_pred_ == InterLayerPredMode::kOn;
612   if (num_temporal_layers_ == 1) {
613     gof_.SetGofInfoVP9(kTemporalStructureMode1);
614     config_->temporal_layering_mode = VP9E_TEMPORAL_LAYERING_MODE_NOLAYERING;
615     config_->ts_number_layers = 1;
616     config_->ts_rate_decimator[0] = 1;
617     config_->ts_periodicity = 1;
618     config_->ts_layer_id[0] = 0;
619   } else if (num_temporal_layers_ == 2) {
620     gof_.SetGofInfoVP9(kTemporalStructureMode2);
621     config_->temporal_layering_mode = VP9E_TEMPORAL_LAYERING_MODE_0101;
622     config_->ts_number_layers = 2;
623     config_->ts_rate_decimator[0] = 2;
624     config_->ts_rate_decimator[1] = 1;
625     config_->ts_periodicity = 2;
626     config_->ts_layer_id[0] = 0;
627     config_->ts_layer_id[1] = 1;
628   } else if (num_temporal_layers_ == 3) {
629     gof_.SetGofInfoVP9(kTemporalStructureMode3);
630     config_->temporal_layering_mode = VP9E_TEMPORAL_LAYERING_MODE_0212;
631     config_->ts_number_layers = 3;
632     config_->ts_rate_decimator[0] = 4;
633     config_->ts_rate_decimator[1] = 2;
634     config_->ts_rate_decimator[2] = 1;
635     config_->ts_periodicity = 4;
636     config_->ts_layer_id[0] = 0;
637     config_->ts_layer_id[1] = 2;
638     config_->ts_layer_id[2] = 1;
639     config_->ts_layer_id[3] = 2;
640   } else {
642   }
644   if (external_ref_control_) {
645     config_->temporal_layering_mode = VP9E_TEMPORAL_LAYERING_MODE_BYPASS;
646     if (num_temporal_layers_ > 1 && num_spatial_layers_ > 1 &&
647         codec_.mode == VideoCodecMode::kScreensharing) {
648       // External reference control for several temporal layers with different
649       // frame rates on spatial layers is not implemented yet.
651     }
652   }
653   ref_buf_.clear();
655   return InitAndSetControlSettings(inst);
656 }
NumberOfThreads(int width,int height,int number_of_cores)658 int VP9EncoderImpl::NumberOfThreads(int width,
659                                     int height,
660                                     int number_of_cores) {
661   // Keep the number of encoder threads equal to the possible number of column
662   // tiles, which is (1, 2, 4, 8). See comments below for VP9E_SET_TILE_COLUMNS.
663   if (width * height >= 1280 * 720 && number_of_cores > 4) {
664     return 4;
665   } else if (width * height >= 640 * 360 && number_of_cores > 2) {
666     return 2;
667   } else {
668 // Use 2 threads for low res on ARM.
669 #if defined(WEBRTC_ARCH_ARM) || defined(WEBRTC_ARCH_ARM64) || \
670     defined(WEBRTC_ANDROID)
671     if (width * height >= 320 * 180 && number_of_cores > 2) {
672       return 2;
673     }
674 #endif
675     // 1 thread less than VGA.
676     return 1;
677   }
678 }
InitAndSetControlSettings(const VideoCodec * inst)680 int VP9EncoderImpl::InitAndSetControlSettings(const VideoCodec* inst) {
681   // Set QP-min/max per spatial and temporal layer.
682   int tot_num_layers = num_spatial_layers_ * num_temporal_layers_;
683   for (int i = 0; i < tot_num_layers; ++i) {
684     svc_params_.max_quantizers[i] = config_->rc_max_quantizer;
685     svc_params_.min_quantizers[i] = config_->rc_min_quantizer;
686   }
687   config_->ss_number_layers = num_spatial_layers_;
688   if (ExplicitlyConfiguredSpatialLayers()) {
689     for (int i = 0; i < num_spatial_layers_; ++i) {
690       const auto& layer = codec_.spatialLayers[i];
691       RTC_CHECK_GT(layer.width, 0);
692       const int scale_factor = codec_.width / layer.width;
693       RTC_DCHECK_GT(scale_factor, 0);
695       // Ensure scaler factor is integer.
696       if (scale_factor * layer.width != codec_.width) {
698       }
700       // Ensure scale factor is the same in both dimensions.
701       if (scale_factor * layer.height != codec_.height) {
703       }
705       // Ensure scale factor is power of two.
706       const bool is_pow_of_two = (scale_factor & (scale_factor - 1)) == 0;
707       if (!is_pow_of_two) {
709       }
711       svc_params_.scaling_factor_num[i] = 1;
712       svc_params_.scaling_factor_den[i] = scale_factor;
714       RTC_DCHECK_GT(codec_.spatialLayers[i].maxFramerate, 0);
715       RTC_DCHECK_LE(codec_.spatialLayers[i].maxFramerate, codec_.maxFramerate);
716       if (i > 0) {
717         // Frame rate of high spatial layer is supposed to be equal or higher
718         // than frame rate of low spatial layer.
719         RTC_DCHECK_GE(codec_.spatialLayers[i].maxFramerate,
720                       codec_.spatialLayers[i - 1].maxFramerate);
721       }
722     }
723   } else {
724     int scaling_factor_num = 256;
725     for (int i = num_spatial_layers_ - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
726       // 1:2 scaling in each dimension.
727       svc_params_.scaling_factor_num[i] = scaling_factor_num;
728       svc_params_.scaling_factor_den[i] = 256;
729     }
730   }
732   SvcRateAllocator init_allocator(codec_);
733   current_bitrate_allocation_ =
734       init_allocator.Allocate(VideoBitrateAllocationParameters(
735           inst->startBitrate * 1000, inst->maxFramerate));
736   if (!SetSvcRates(current_bitrate_allocation_)) {
738   }
740   const vpx_codec_err_t rv = vpx_codec_enc_init(
741       encoder_, vpx_codec_vp9_cx(), config_,
742       config_->g_bit_depth == VPX_BITS_8 ? 0 : VPX_CODEC_USE_HIGHBITDEPTH);
743   if (rv != VPX_CODEC_OK) {
744     RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Init error: " << vpx_codec_err_to_string(rv);
746   }
747   vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP8E_SET_CPUUSED, cpu_speed_);
748   vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP8E_SET_MAX_INTRA_BITRATE_PCT,
749                     rc_max_intra_target_);
750   vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP9E_SET_AQ_MODE,
751                     inst->VP9().adaptiveQpMode ? 3 : 0);
753   vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP9E_SET_FRAME_PARALLEL_DECODING, 0);
754   vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP9E_SET_SVC_GF_TEMPORAL_REF, 0);
756   if (is_svc_) {
757     vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP9E_SET_SVC, 1);
758     vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP9E_SET_SVC_PARAMETERS, &svc_params_);
759   }
761   if (num_spatial_layers_ > 1) {
762     switch (inter_layer_pred_) {
763       case InterLayerPredMode::kOn:
764         vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP9E_SET_SVC_INTER_LAYER_PRED, 0);
765         break;
766       case InterLayerPredMode::kOff:
767         vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP9E_SET_SVC_INTER_LAYER_PRED, 1);
768         break;
769       case InterLayerPredMode::kOnKeyPic:
770         vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP9E_SET_SVC_INTER_LAYER_PRED, 2);
771         break;
772       default:
773         RTC_NOTREACHED();
774     }
776     memset(&svc_drop_frame_, 0, sizeof(svc_drop_frame_));
777     const bool reverse_constrained_drop_mode =
778         inter_layer_pred_ == InterLayerPredMode::kOn &&
779         codec_.mode == VideoCodecMode::kScreensharing &&
780         num_spatial_layers_ > 1;
781     if (reverse_constrained_drop_mode) {
782       // Screenshare dropping mode: drop a layer only together with all lower
783       // layers. This ensures that drops on lower layers won't reduce frame-rate
784       // for higher layers and reference structure is RTP-compatible.
785       svc_drop_frame_.framedrop_mode = CONSTRAINED_FROM_ABOVE_DROP;
786       svc_drop_frame_.max_consec_drop = 5;
787       for (size_t i = 0; i < num_spatial_layers_; ++i) {
788         svc_drop_frame_.framedrop_thresh[i] = config_->rc_dropframe_thresh;
789       }
790       // No buffering is needed because the highest layer is always present in
791       // all frames in CONSTRAINED_FROM_ABOVE drop mode.
792       layer_buffering_ = false;
793     } else {
794       // Configure encoder to drop entire superframe whenever it needs to drop
795       // a layer. This mode is preferred over per-layer dropping which causes
796       // quality flickering and is not compatible with RTP non-flexible mode.
797       svc_drop_frame_.framedrop_mode =
798           full_superframe_drop_ ? FULL_SUPERFRAME_DROP : CONSTRAINED_LAYER_DROP;
799       // Buffering is needed only for constrained layer drop, as it's not clear
800       // which frame is the last.
801       layer_buffering_ = !full_superframe_drop_;
802       svc_drop_frame_.max_consec_drop = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
803       for (size_t i = 0; i < num_spatial_layers_; ++i) {
804         svc_drop_frame_.framedrop_thresh[i] = config_->rc_dropframe_thresh;
805       }
806     }
807     vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP9E_SET_SVC_FRAME_DROP_LAYER,
808                       &svc_drop_frame_);
809   }
811   // Register callback for getting each spatial layer.
812   vpx_codec_priv_output_cx_pkt_cb_pair_t cbp = {
813       VP9EncoderImpl::EncoderOutputCodedPacketCallback,
814       reinterpret_cast<void*>(this)};
815   vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP9E_REGISTER_CX_CALLBACK,
816                     reinterpret_cast<void*>(&cbp));
818   // Control function to set the number of column tiles in encoding a frame, in
819   // log2 unit: e.g., 0 = 1 tile column, 1 = 2 tile columns, 2 = 4 tile columns.
820   // The number tile columns will be capped by the encoder based on image size
821   // (minimum width of tile column is 256 pixels, maximum is 4096).
822   vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP9E_SET_TILE_COLUMNS, (config_->g_threads >> 1));
824   // Turn on row-based multithreading.
825   vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP9E_SET_ROW_MT, 1);
827 #if !defined(WEBRTC_ARCH_ARM) && !defined(WEBRTC_ARCH_ARM64) && \
828     !defined(ANDROID)
829   // Do not enable the denoiser on ARM since optimization is pending.
830   // Denoiser is on by default on other platforms.
831   vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP9E_SET_NOISE_SENSITIVITY,
832                     inst->VP9().denoisingOn ? 1 : 0);
833 #endif
835   if (codec_.mode == VideoCodecMode::kScreensharing) {
836     // Adjust internal parameters to screen content.
837     vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP9E_SET_TUNE_CONTENT, 1);
838   }
839   // Enable encoder skip of static/low content blocks.
840   vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP8E_SET_STATIC_THRESHOLD, 1);
841   inited_ = true;
842   config_changed_ = true;
844 }
MaxIntraTarget(uint32_t optimal_buffer_size)846 uint32_t VP9EncoderImpl::MaxIntraTarget(uint32_t optimal_buffer_size) {
847   // Set max to the optimal buffer level (normalized by target BR),
848   // and scaled by a scale_par.
849   // Max target size = scale_par * optimal_buffer_size * targetBR[Kbps].
850   // This value is presented in percentage of perFrameBw:
851   // perFrameBw = targetBR[Kbps] * 1000 / framerate.
852   // The target in % is as follows:
853   float scale_par = 0.5;
854   uint32_t target_pct =
855       optimal_buffer_size * scale_par * codec_.maxFramerate / 10;
856   // Don't go below 3 times the per frame bandwidth.
857   const uint32_t min_intra_size = 300;
858   return (target_pct < min_intra_size) ? min_intra_size : target_pct;
859 }
Encode(const VideoFrame & input_image,const std::vector<VideoFrameType> * frame_types)861 int VP9EncoderImpl::Encode(const VideoFrame& input_image,
862                            const std::vector<VideoFrameType>* frame_types) {
863   if (!inited_) {
865   }
866   if (encoded_complete_callback_ == nullptr) {
868   }
869   if (num_active_spatial_layers_ == 0) {
870     // All spatial layers are disabled, return without encoding anything.
871     return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK;
872   }
874   // We only support one stream at the moment.
875   if (frame_types && !frame_types->empty()) {
876     if ((*frame_types)[0] == VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey) {
877       force_key_frame_ = true;
878     }
879   }
881   if (pics_since_key_ + 1 ==
882       static_cast<size_t>(codec_.VP9()->keyFrameInterval)) {
883     force_key_frame_ = true;
884   }
886   vpx_svc_layer_id_t layer_id = {0};
887   if (!force_key_frame_) {
888     const size_t gof_idx = (pics_since_key_ + 1) % gof_.num_frames_in_gof;
889     layer_id.temporal_layer_id = gof_.temporal_idx[gof_idx];
891     if (VideoCodecMode::kScreensharing == codec_.mode) {
892       const uint32_t frame_timestamp_ms =
893           1000 * input_image.timestamp() / kVideoPayloadTypeFrequency;
895       // To ensure that several rate-limiters with different limits don't
896       // interfere, they must be queried in order of increasing limit.
898       bool use_steady_state_limiter =
899           variable_framerate_experiment_.enabled &&
900           input_image.update_rect().IsEmpty() &&
901           num_steady_state_frames_ >=
902               variable_framerate_experiment_.frames_before_steady_state;
904       // Need to check all frame limiters, even if lower layers are disabled,
905       // because variable frame-rate limiter should be checked after the first
906       // layer. It's easier to overwrite active layers after, then check all
907       // cases.
908       for (uint8_t sl_idx = 0; sl_idx < num_active_spatial_layers_; ++sl_idx) {
909         const float layer_fps =
910             framerate_controller_[layer_id.spatial_layer_id].GetTargetRate();
911         // Use steady state rate-limiter at the correct place.
912         if (use_steady_state_limiter &&
913             layer_fps > variable_framerate_experiment_.framerate_limit - 1e-9) {
914           if (variable_framerate_controller_.DropFrame(frame_timestamp_ms)) {
915             layer_id.spatial_layer_id = num_active_spatial_layers_;
916           }
917           // Break always: if rate limiter triggered frame drop, no need to
918           // continue; otherwise, the rate is less than the next limiters.
919           break;
920         }
921         if (framerate_controller_[sl_idx].DropFrame(frame_timestamp_ms)) {
922           ++layer_id.spatial_layer_id;
923         } else {
924           break;
925         }
926       }
928       if (use_steady_state_limiter &&
929           layer_id.spatial_layer_id < num_active_spatial_layers_) {
930         variable_framerate_controller_.AddFrame(frame_timestamp_ms);
931       }
932     }
934     if (force_all_active_layers_) {
935       layer_id.spatial_layer_id = first_active_layer_;
936       force_all_active_layers_ = false;
937     }
939     RTC_DCHECK_LE(layer_id.spatial_layer_id, num_active_spatial_layers_);
940     if (layer_id.spatial_layer_id >= num_active_spatial_layers_) {
941       // Drop entire picture.
942       return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK;
943     }
944   }
946   // Need to set temporal layer id on ALL layers, even disabled ones.
947   // Otherwise libvpx might produce frames on a disabled layer:
948   // http://crbug.com/1051476
949   for (int sl_idx = 0; sl_idx < num_spatial_layers_; ++sl_idx) {
950     layer_id.temporal_layer_id_per_spatial[sl_idx] = layer_id.temporal_layer_id;
951   }
953   if (layer_id.spatial_layer_id < first_active_layer_) {
954     layer_id.spatial_layer_id = first_active_layer_;
955   }
957   vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP9E_SET_SVC_LAYER_ID, &layer_id);
959   if (num_spatial_layers_ > 1) {
960     // Update frame dropping settings as they may change on per-frame basis.
961     vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP9E_SET_SVC_FRAME_DROP_LAYER,
962                       &svc_drop_frame_);
963   }
965   if (config_changed_) {
966     if (vpx_codec_enc_config_set(encoder_, config_)) {
967       return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_ERROR;
968     }
969     config_changed_ = false;
970   }
972   if (input_image.width() != codec_.width ||
973       input_image.height() != codec_.height) {
974     int ret = UpdateCodecFrameSize(input_image);
975     if (ret < 0) {
976       return ret;
977     }
978   }
980   RTC_DCHECK_EQ(input_image.width(), raw_->d_w);
981   RTC_DCHECK_EQ(input_image.height(), raw_->d_h);
983   // Set input image for use in the callback.
984   // This was necessary since you need some information from input_image.
985   // You can save only the necessary information (such as timestamp) instead of
986   // doing this.
987   input_image_ = &input_image;
989   // Keep reference to buffer until encode completes.
990   rtc::scoped_refptr<I420BufferInterface> i420_buffer;
991   const I010BufferInterface* i010_buffer;
992   rtc::scoped_refptr<const I010BufferInterface> i010_copy;
993   switch (profile_) {
994     case VP9Profile::kProfile0: {
995       i420_buffer = input_image.video_frame_buffer()->ToI420();
996       // Image in vpx_image_t format.
997       // Input image is const. VPX's raw image is not defined as const.
998       raw_->planes[VPX_PLANE_Y] = const_cast<uint8_t*>(i420_buffer->DataY());
999       raw_->planes[VPX_PLANE_U] = const_cast<uint8_t*>(i420_buffer->DataU());
1000       raw_->planes[VPX_PLANE_V] = const_cast<uint8_t*>(i420_buffer->DataV());
1001       raw_->stride[VPX_PLANE_Y] = i420_buffer->StrideY();
1002       raw_->stride[VPX_PLANE_U] = i420_buffer->StrideU();
1003       raw_->stride[VPX_PLANE_V] = i420_buffer->StrideV();
1004       break;
1005     }
1006     case VP9Profile::kProfile1: {
1007       RTC_NOTREACHED();
1008       break;
1009     }
1010     case VP9Profile::kProfile2: {
1011       // We can inject kI010 frames directly for encode. All other formats
1012       // should be converted to it.
1013       switch (input_image.video_frame_buffer()->type()) {
1014         case VideoFrameBuffer::Type::kI010: {
1015           i010_buffer = input_image.video_frame_buffer()->GetI010();
1016           break;
1017         }
1018         default: {
1019           i010_copy =
1020               I010Buffer::Copy(*input_image.video_frame_buffer()->ToI420());
1021           i010_buffer = i010_copy.get();
1022         }
1023       }
1024       raw_->planes[VPX_PLANE_Y] = const_cast<uint8_t*>(
1025           reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(i010_buffer->DataY()));
1026       raw_->planes[VPX_PLANE_U] = const_cast<uint8_t*>(
1027           reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(i010_buffer->DataU()));
1028       raw_->planes[VPX_PLANE_V] = const_cast<uint8_t*>(
1029           reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(i010_buffer->DataV()));
1030       raw_->stride[VPX_PLANE_Y] = i010_buffer->StrideY() * 2;
1031       raw_->stride[VPX_PLANE_U] = i010_buffer->StrideU() * 2;
1032       raw_->stride[VPX_PLANE_V] = i010_buffer->StrideV() * 2;
1033       break;
1034     }
1035   }
1037   vpx_enc_frame_flags_t flags = 0;
1038   if (force_key_frame_) {
1039     flags = VPX_EFLAG_FORCE_KF;
1040   }
1042   if (external_ref_control_) {
1043     vpx_svc_ref_frame_config_t ref_config =
1044         SetReferences(force_key_frame_, layer_id.spatial_layer_id);
1046     if (VideoCodecMode::kScreensharing == codec_.mode) {
1047       for (uint8_t sl_idx = 0; sl_idx < num_active_spatial_layers_; ++sl_idx) {
1048         ref_config.duration[sl_idx] = static_cast<int64_t>(
1049             90000 / (std::min(static_cast<float>(codec_.maxFramerate),
1050                               framerate_controller_[sl_idx].GetTargetRate())));
1051       }
1052     }
1054     vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP9E_SET_SVC_REF_FRAME_CONFIG, &ref_config);
1055   }
1057   first_frame_in_picture_ = true;
1059   // TODO(ssilkin): Frame duration should be specified per spatial layer
1060   // since their frame rate can be different. For now calculate frame duration
1061   // based on target frame rate of the highest spatial layer, which frame rate
1062   // is supposed to be equal or higher than frame rate of low spatial layers.
1063   // Also, timestamp should represent actual time passed since previous frame
1064   // (not 'expected' time). Then rate controller can drain buffer more
1065   // accurately.
1066   RTC_DCHECK_GE(framerate_controller_.size(), num_active_spatial_layers_);
1067   float target_framerate_fps =
1068       (codec_.mode == VideoCodecMode::kScreensharing)
1069           ? std::min(static_cast<float>(codec_.maxFramerate),
1070                      framerate_controller_[num_active_spatial_layers_ - 1]
1071                          .GetTargetRate())
1072           : codec_.maxFramerate;
1073   uint32_t duration = static_cast<uint32_t>(90000 / target_framerate_fps);
1074   const vpx_codec_err_t rv = vpx_codec_encode(encoder_, raw_, timestamp_,
1075                                               duration, flags, VPX_DL_REALTIME);
1076   if (rv != VPX_CODEC_OK) {
1077     RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Encoding error: " << vpx_codec_err_to_string(rv)
1078                       << "\n"
1079                          "Details: "
1080                       << vpx_codec_error(encoder_) << "\n"
1081                       << vpx_codec_error_detail(encoder_);
1083   }
1084   timestamp_ += duration;
1086   if (layer_buffering_) {
1087     const bool end_of_picture = true;
1088     DeliverBufferedFrame(end_of_picture);
1089   }
1091   return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK;
1092 }
UpdateCodecFrameSize(const VideoFrame & input_image)1094 int VP9EncoderImpl::UpdateCodecFrameSize(
1095     const VideoFrame& input_image) {
1096   RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Reconfiging VP from " <<
1097           codec_.width << "x" << codec_.height << " to " <<
1098           input_image.width() << "x" << input_image.height();
1099   // Preserve latest bitrate/framerate setting
1100   // TODO: Mozilla - see below, we need to save more state here.
1101   //uint32_t old_bitrate_kbit = config_->rc_target_bitrate;
1102   //uint32_t old_framerate = codec_.maxFramerate;
1104   codec_.width = input_image.width();
1105   codec_.height = input_image.height();
1107   vpx_img_free(raw_);
1108   raw_ = vpx_img_wrap(NULL, VPX_IMG_FMT_I420, codec_.width, codec_.height,
1109                       1, NULL);
1110   // Update encoder context for new frame size.
1111   config_->g_w = codec_.width;
1112   config_->g_h = codec_.height;
1114   // Determine number of threads based on the image size and #cores.
1115   config_->g_threads = NumberOfThreads(codec_.width, codec_.height,
1116                                        num_cores_);
1117   // Update the cpu_speed setting for resolution change.
1118   cpu_speed_ = GetCpuSpeed(codec_.width, codec_.height);
1120   // NOTE: We would like to do this the same way vp8 does it
1121   // (with vpx_codec_enc_config_set()), but that causes asserts
1122   // in AQ 3 (cyclic); and in AQ 0 it works, but on a resize to smaller
1123   // than 1/2 x 1/2 original it asserts in convolve().  Given these
1124   // bugs in trying to do it the "right" way, we basically re-do
1125   // the initialization.
1126   vpx_codec_destroy(encoder_); // clean up old state
1127   int result = InitAndSetControlSettings(&codec_);
1128   if (result == WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK) {
1129     // TODO: Mozilla rates have become much more complicated, we need to store
1130     // more state or find another way of doing this.
1131     //return SetRates(old_bitrate_kbit, old_framerate);
1132     RTC_CHECK(false);
1134   }
1135   return result;
1136 }
PopulateCodecSpecific(CodecSpecificInfo * codec_specific,absl::optional<int> * spatial_idx,const vpx_codec_cx_pkt & pkt,uint32_t timestamp)1138 void VP9EncoderImpl::PopulateCodecSpecific(CodecSpecificInfo* codec_specific,
1139                                            absl::optional<int>* spatial_idx,
1140                                            const vpx_codec_cx_pkt& pkt,
1141                                            uint32_t timestamp) {
1142   RTC_CHECK(codec_specific != nullptr);
1143   codec_specific->codecType = kVideoCodecVP9;
1144   CodecSpecificInfoVP9* vp9_info = &(codec_specific->codecSpecific.VP9);
1146   vp9_info->first_frame_in_picture = first_frame_in_picture_;
1147   vp9_info->flexible_mode = is_flexible_mode_;
1149   if (pkt.data.frame.flags & VPX_FRAME_IS_KEY) {
1150     pics_since_key_ = 0;
1151   } else if (first_frame_in_picture_) {
1152     ++pics_since_key_;
1153   }
1155   vpx_svc_layer_id_t layer_id = {0};
1156   vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP9E_GET_SVC_LAYER_ID, &layer_id);
1158   // Can't have keyframe with non-zero temporal layer.
1159   RTC_DCHECK(pics_since_key_ != 0 || layer_id.temporal_layer_id == 0);
1161   RTC_CHECK_GT(num_temporal_layers_, 0);
1162   RTC_CHECK_GT(num_active_spatial_layers_, 0);
1163   if (num_temporal_layers_ == 1) {
1164     RTC_CHECK_EQ(layer_id.temporal_layer_id, 0);
1165     vp9_info->temporal_idx = kNoTemporalIdx;
1166   } else {
1167     vp9_info->temporal_idx = layer_id.temporal_layer_id;
1168   }
1169   if (num_active_spatial_layers_ == 1) {
1170     RTC_CHECK_EQ(layer_id.spatial_layer_id, 0);
1171     *spatial_idx = absl::nullopt;
1172   } else {
1173     *spatial_idx = layer_id.spatial_layer_id;
1174   }
1176   // TODO(asapersson): this info has to be obtained from the encoder.
1177   vp9_info->temporal_up_switch = false;
1179   const bool is_key_pic = (pics_since_key_ == 0);
1180   const bool is_inter_layer_pred_allowed =
1181       (inter_layer_pred_ == InterLayerPredMode::kOn ||
1182        (inter_layer_pred_ == InterLayerPredMode::kOnKeyPic && is_key_pic));
1184   // Always set inter_layer_predicted to true on high layer frame if inter-layer
1185   // prediction (ILP) is allowed even if encoder didn't actually use it.
1186   // Setting inter_layer_predicted to false would allow receiver to decode high
1187   // layer frame without decoding low layer frame. If that would happen (e.g.
1188   // if low layer frame is lost) then receiver won't be able to decode next high
1189   // layer frame which uses ILP.
1190   vp9_info->inter_layer_predicted =
1191       first_frame_in_picture_ ? false : is_inter_layer_pred_allowed;
1193   // Mark all low spatial layer frames as references (not just frames of
1194   // active low spatial layers) if inter-layer prediction is enabled since
1195   // these frames are indirect references of high spatial layer, which can
1196   // later be enabled without key frame.
1197   vp9_info->non_ref_for_inter_layer_pred =
1198       !is_inter_layer_pred_allowed ||
1199       layer_id.spatial_layer_id + 1 == num_spatial_layers_;
1201   // Always populate this, so that the packetizer can properly set the marker
1202   // bit.
1203   vp9_info->num_spatial_layers = num_active_spatial_layers_;
1204   vp9_info->first_active_layer = first_active_layer_;
1206   vp9_info->num_ref_pics = 0;
1207   FillReferenceIndices(pkt, pics_since_key_, vp9_info->inter_layer_predicted,
1208                        vp9_info);
1209   if (vp9_info->flexible_mode) {
1210     vp9_info->gof_idx = kNoGofIdx;
1211   } else {
1212     vp9_info->gof_idx =
1213         static_cast<uint8_t>(pics_since_key_ % gof_.num_frames_in_gof);
1214     vp9_info->temporal_up_switch = gof_.temporal_up_switch[vp9_info->gof_idx];
1215     RTC_DCHECK(vp9_info->num_ref_pics == gof_.num_ref_pics[vp9_info->gof_idx] ||
1216                vp9_info->num_ref_pics == 0);
1217   }
1219   vp9_info->inter_pic_predicted = (!is_key_pic && vp9_info->num_ref_pics > 0);
1221   // Write SS on key frame of independently coded spatial layers and on base
1222   // temporal/spatial layer frame if number of layers changed without issuing
1223   // of key picture (inter-layer prediction is enabled).
1224   const bool is_key_frame = is_key_pic && !vp9_info->inter_layer_predicted;
1225   if (is_key_frame || (ss_info_needed_ && layer_id.temporal_layer_id == 0 &&
1226                        layer_id.spatial_layer_id == first_active_layer_)) {
1227     vp9_info->ss_data_available = true;
1228     vp9_info->spatial_layer_resolution_present = true;
1229     // Signal disabled layers.
1230     for (size_t i = 0; i < first_active_layer_; ++i) {
1231       vp9_info->width[i] = 0;
1232       vp9_info->height[i] = 0;
1233     }
1234     for (size_t i = first_active_layer_; i < num_active_spatial_layers_; ++i) {
1235       vp9_info->width[i] = codec_.width * svc_params_.scaling_factor_num[i] /
1236                            svc_params_.scaling_factor_den[i];
1237       vp9_info->height[i] = codec_.height * svc_params_.scaling_factor_num[i] /
1238                             svc_params_.scaling_factor_den[i];
1239     }
1240     if (vp9_info->flexible_mode) {
1241       vp9_info->gof.num_frames_in_gof = 0;
1242     } else {
1243       vp9_info->gof.CopyGofInfoVP9(gof_);
1244     }
1246     ss_info_needed_ = false;
1247   } else {
1248     vp9_info->ss_data_available = false;
1249   }
1251   first_frame_in_picture_ = false;
1252 }
FillReferenceIndices(const vpx_codec_cx_pkt & pkt,const size_t pic_num,const bool inter_layer_predicted,CodecSpecificInfoVP9 * vp9_info)1254 void VP9EncoderImpl::FillReferenceIndices(const vpx_codec_cx_pkt& pkt,
1255                                           const size_t pic_num,
1256                                           const bool inter_layer_predicted,
1257                                           CodecSpecificInfoVP9* vp9_info) {
1258   vpx_svc_layer_id_t layer_id = {0};
1259   vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP9E_GET_SVC_LAYER_ID, &layer_id);
1261   const bool is_key_frame =
1262       (pkt.data.frame.flags & VPX_FRAME_IS_KEY) ? true : false;
1264   std::vector<RefFrameBuffer> ref_buf_list;
1266   if (is_svc_) {
1267     vpx_svc_ref_frame_config_t enc_layer_conf = {{0}};
1268     vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP9E_GET_SVC_REF_FRAME_CONFIG, &enc_layer_conf);
1269     int ref_buf_flags = 0;
1271     if (enc_layer_conf.reference_last[layer_id.spatial_layer_id]) {
1272       const size_t fb_idx =
1273           enc_layer_conf.lst_fb_idx[layer_id.spatial_layer_id];
1274       RTC_DCHECK(ref_buf_.find(fb_idx) != ref_buf_.end());
1275       if (std::find(ref_buf_list.begin(), ref_buf_list.end(),
1276                     ref_buf_.at(fb_idx)) == ref_buf_list.end()) {
1277         ref_buf_list.push_back(ref_buf_.at(fb_idx));
1278         ref_buf_flags |= 1 << fb_idx;
1279       }
1280     }
1282     if (enc_layer_conf.reference_alt_ref[layer_id.spatial_layer_id]) {
1283       const size_t fb_idx =
1284           enc_layer_conf.alt_fb_idx[layer_id.spatial_layer_id];
1285       RTC_DCHECK(ref_buf_.find(fb_idx) != ref_buf_.end());
1286       if (std::find(ref_buf_list.begin(), ref_buf_list.end(),
1287                     ref_buf_.at(fb_idx)) == ref_buf_list.end()) {
1288         ref_buf_list.push_back(ref_buf_.at(fb_idx));
1289         ref_buf_flags |= 1 << fb_idx;
1290       }
1291     }
1293     if (enc_layer_conf.reference_golden[layer_id.spatial_layer_id]) {
1294       const size_t fb_idx =
1295           enc_layer_conf.gld_fb_idx[layer_id.spatial_layer_id];
1296       RTC_DCHECK(ref_buf_.find(fb_idx) != ref_buf_.end());
1297       if (std::find(ref_buf_list.begin(), ref_buf_list.end(),
1298                     ref_buf_.at(fb_idx)) == ref_buf_list.end()) {
1299         ref_buf_list.push_back(ref_buf_.at(fb_idx));
1300         ref_buf_flags |= 1 << fb_idx;
1301       }
1302     }
1304     RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Frame " << pic_num << " sl "
1305                         << layer_id.spatial_layer_id << " tl "
1306                         << layer_id.temporal_layer_id << " refered buffers "
1307                         << (ref_buf_flags & (1 << 0) ? 1 : 0)
1308                         << (ref_buf_flags & (1 << 1) ? 1 : 0)
1309                         << (ref_buf_flags & (1 << 2) ? 1 : 0)
1310                         << (ref_buf_flags & (1 << 3) ? 1 : 0)
1311                         << (ref_buf_flags & (1 << 4) ? 1 : 0)
1312                         << (ref_buf_flags & (1 << 5) ? 1 : 0)
1313                         << (ref_buf_flags & (1 << 6) ? 1 : 0)
1314                         << (ref_buf_flags & (1 << 7) ? 1 : 0);
1316   } else if (!is_key_frame) {
1317     RTC_DCHECK_EQ(num_spatial_layers_, 1);
1318     RTC_DCHECK_EQ(num_temporal_layers_, 1);
1319     // In non-SVC mode encoder doesn't provide reference list. Assume each frame
1320     // refers previous one, which is stored in buffer 0.
1321     ref_buf_list.push_back(ref_buf_.at(0));
1322   }
1324   size_t max_ref_temporal_layer_id = 0;
1326   std::vector<size_t> ref_pid_list;
1328   vp9_info->num_ref_pics = 0;
1329   for (const RefFrameBuffer& ref_buf : ref_buf_list) {
1330     RTC_DCHECK_LE(ref_buf.pic_num, pic_num);
1331     if (ref_buf.pic_num < pic_num) {
1332       if (inter_layer_pred_ != InterLayerPredMode::kOn) {
1333         // RTP spec limits temporal prediction to the same spatial layer.
1334         // It is safe to ignore this requirement if inter-layer prediction is
1335         // enabled for all frames when all base frames are relayed to receiver.
1336         RTC_DCHECK_EQ(ref_buf.spatial_layer_id, layer_id.spatial_layer_id);
1337       } else {
1338         RTC_DCHECK_LE(ref_buf.spatial_layer_id, layer_id.spatial_layer_id);
1339       }
1340       RTC_DCHECK_LE(ref_buf.temporal_layer_id, layer_id.temporal_layer_id);
1342       // Encoder may reference several spatial layers on the same previous
1343       // frame in case if some spatial layers are skipped on the current frame.
1344       // We shouldn't put duplicate references as it may break some old
1345       // clients and isn't RTP compatible.
1346       if (std::find(ref_pid_list.begin(), ref_pid_list.end(),
1347                     ref_buf.pic_num) != ref_pid_list.end()) {
1348         continue;
1349       }
1350       ref_pid_list.push_back(ref_buf.pic_num);
1352       const size_t p_diff = pic_num - ref_buf.pic_num;
1353       RTC_DCHECK_LE(p_diff, 127UL);
1355       vp9_info->p_diff[vp9_info->num_ref_pics] = static_cast<uint8_t>(p_diff);
1356       ++vp9_info->num_ref_pics;
1358       max_ref_temporal_layer_id =
1359           std::max(max_ref_temporal_layer_id, ref_buf.temporal_layer_id);
1360     } else {
1361       RTC_DCHECK(inter_layer_predicted);
1362       // RTP spec only allows to use previous spatial layer for inter-layer
1363       // prediction.
1364       RTC_DCHECK_EQ(ref_buf.spatial_layer_id + 1, layer_id.spatial_layer_id);
1365     }
1366   }
1368   vp9_info->temporal_up_switch =
1369       (max_ref_temporal_layer_id <
1370        static_cast<size_t>(layer_id.temporal_layer_id));
1371 }
UpdateReferenceBuffers(const vpx_codec_cx_pkt & pkt,const size_t pic_num)1373 void VP9EncoderImpl::UpdateReferenceBuffers(const vpx_codec_cx_pkt& pkt,
1374                                             const size_t pic_num) {
1375   vpx_svc_layer_id_t layer_id = {0};
1376   vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP9E_GET_SVC_LAYER_ID, &layer_id);
1378   RefFrameBuffer frame_buf(pic_num, layer_id.spatial_layer_id,
1379                            layer_id.temporal_layer_id);
1381   if (is_svc_) {
1382     vpx_svc_ref_frame_config_t enc_layer_conf = {{0}};
1383     vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP9E_GET_SVC_REF_FRAME_CONFIG, &enc_layer_conf);
1384     const int update_buffer_slot =
1385         enc_layer_conf.update_buffer_slot[layer_id.spatial_layer_id];
1387     for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumVp9Buffers; ++i) {
1388       if (update_buffer_slot & (1 << i)) {
1389         ref_buf_[i] = frame_buf;
1390       }
1391     }
1393     RTC_LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Frame " << pic_num << " sl "
1394                         << layer_id.spatial_layer_id << " tl "
1395                         << layer_id.temporal_layer_id << " updated buffers "
1396                         << (update_buffer_slot & (1 << 0) ? 1 : 0)
1397                         << (update_buffer_slot & (1 << 1) ? 1 : 0)
1398                         << (update_buffer_slot & (1 << 2) ? 1 : 0)
1399                         << (update_buffer_slot & (1 << 3) ? 1 : 0)
1400                         << (update_buffer_slot & (1 << 4) ? 1 : 0)
1401                         << (update_buffer_slot & (1 << 5) ? 1 : 0)
1402                         << (update_buffer_slot & (1 << 6) ? 1 : 0)
1403                         << (update_buffer_slot & (1 << 7) ? 1 : 0);
1404   } else {
1405     RTC_DCHECK_EQ(num_spatial_layers_, 1);
1406     RTC_DCHECK_EQ(num_temporal_layers_, 1);
1407     // In non-svc mode encoder doesn't provide reference list. Assume each frame
1408     // is reference and stored in buffer 0.
1409     ref_buf_[0] = frame_buf;
1410   }
1411 }
SetReferences(bool is_key_pic,size_t first_active_spatial_layer_id)1413 vpx_svc_ref_frame_config_t VP9EncoderImpl::SetReferences(
1414     bool is_key_pic,
1415     size_t first_active_spatial_layer_id) {
1416   // kRefBufIdx, kUpdBufIdx need to be updated to support longer GOFs.
1417   RTC_DCHECK_LE(gof_.num_frames_in_gof, 4);
1419   vpx_svc_ref_frame_config_t ref_config;
1420   memset(&ref_config, 0, sizeof(ref_config));
1422   const size_t num_temporal_refs = std::max(1, num_temporal_layers_ - 1);
1423   const bool is_inter_layer_pred_allowed =
1424       inter_layer_pred_ == InterLayerPredMode::kOn ||
1425       (inter_layer_pred_ == InterLayerPredMode::kOnKeyPic && is_key_pic);
1426   absl::optional<int> last_updated_buf_idx;
1428   // Put temporal reference to LAST and spatial reference to GOLDEN. Update
1429   // frame buffer (i.e. store encoded frame) if current frame is a temporal
1430   // reference (i.e. it belongs to a low temporal layer) or it is a spatial
1431   // reference. In later case, always store spatial reference in the last
1432   // reference frame buffer.
1433   // For the case of 3 temporal and 3 spatial layers we need 6 frame buffers
1434   // for temporal references plus 1 buffer for spatial reference. 7 buffers
1435   // in total.
1437   for (size_t sl_idx = first_active_spatial_layer_id;
1438        sl_idx < num_active_spatial_layers_; ++sl_idx) {
1439     const size_t curr_pic_num = is_key_pic ? 0 : pics_since_key_ + 1;
1440     const size_t gof_idx = curr_pic_num % gof_.num_frames_in_gof;
1442     if (!is_key_pic) {
1443       // Set up temporal reference.
1444       const int buf_idx = sl_idx * num_temporal_refs + kRefBufIdx[gof_idx];
1446       // Last reference frame buffer is reserved for spatial reference. It is
1447       // not supposed to be used for temporal prediction.
1448       RTC_DCHECK_LT(buf_idx, kNumVp9Buffers - 1);
1450       const int pid_diff = curr_pic_num - ref_buf_[buf_idx].pic_num;
1451       // Incorrect spatial layer may be in the buffer due to a key-frame.
1452       const bool same_spatial_layer =
1453           ref_buf_[buf_idx].spatial_layer_id == sl_idx;
1454       bool correct_pid = false;
1455       if (is_flexible_mode_) {
1456         correct_pid = pid_diff > 0 && pid_diff < kMaxAllowedPidDiff;
1457       } else {
1458         // Below code assumes single temporal referecence.
1459         RTC_DCHECK_EQ(gof_.num_ref_pics[gof_idx], 1);
1460         correct_pid = pid_diff == gof_.pid_diff[gof_idx][0];
1461       }
1463       if (same_spatial_layer && correct_pid) {
1464         ref_config.lst_fb_idx[sl_idx] = buf_idx;
1465         ref_config.reference_last[sl_idx] = 1;
1466       } else {
1467         // This reference doesn't match with one specified by GOF. This can
1468         // only happen if spatial layer is enabled dynamically without key
1469         // frame. Spatial prediction is supposed to be enabled in this case.
1470         RTC_DCHECK(is_inter_layer_pred_allowed &&
1471                    sl_idx > first_active_spatial_layer_id);
1472       }
1473     }
1475     if (is_inter_layer_pred_allowed && sl_idx > first_active_spatial_layer_id) {
1476       // Set up spatial reference.
1477       RTC_DCHECK(last_updated_buf_idx);
1478       ref_config.gld_fb_idx[sl_idx] = *last_updated_buf_idx;
1479       ref_config.reference_golden[sl_idx] = 1;
1480     } else {
1481       RTC_DCHECK(ref_config.reference_last[sl_idx] != 0 ||
1482                  sl_idx == first_active_spatial_layer_id ||
1483                  inter_layer_pred_ == InterLayerPredMode::kOff);
1484     }
1486     last_updated_buf_idx.reset();
1488     if (gof_.temporal_idx[gof_idx] < num_temporal_layers_ - 1 ||
1489         num_temporal_layers_ == 1) {
1490       last_updated_buf_idx = sl_idx * num_temporal_refs + kUpdBufIdx[gof_idx];
1492       // Ensure last frame buffer is not used for temporal prediction (it is
1493       // reserved for spatial reference).
1494       RTC_DCHECK_LT(*last_updated_buf_idx, kNumVp9Buffers - 1);
1495     } else if (is_inter_layer_pred_allowed) {
1496       last_updated_buf_idx = kNumVp9Buffers - 1;
1497     }
1499     if (last_updated_buf_idx) {
1500       ref_config.update_buffer_slot[sl_idx] = 1 << *last_updated_buf_idx;
1501     }
1502   }
1504   return ref_config;
1505 }
GetEncodedLayerFrame(const vpx_codec_cx_pkt * pkt)1507 int VP9EncoderImpl::GetEncodedLayerFrame(const vpx_codec_cx_pkt* pkt) {
1510   if (pkt->data.frame.sz == 0) {
1511     // Ignore dropped frame.
1512     return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK;
1513   }
1515   vpx_svc_layer_id_t layer_id = {0};
1516   vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP9E_GET_SVC_LAYER_ID, &layer_id);
1518   if (layer_buffering_) {
1519     // Deliver buffered low spatial layer frame.
1520     const bool end_of_picture = false;
1521     DeliverBufferedFrame(end_of_picture);
1522   }
1524   // TODO(nisse): Introduce some buffer cache or buffer pool, to reduce
1525   // allocations and/or copy operations.
1526   encoded_image_.SetEncodedData(EncodedImageBuffer::Create(
1527       static_cast<const uint8_t*>(pkt->data.frame.buf), pkt->data.frame.sz));
1529   const bool is_key_frame =
1530       (pkt->data.frame.flags & VPX_FRAME_IS_KEY) ? true : false;
1531   // Ensure encoder issued key frame on request.
1532   RTC_DCHECK(is_key_frame || !force_key_frame_);
1534   // Check if encoded frame is a key frame.
1535   encoded_image_._frameType = VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameDelta;
1536   if (is_key_frame) {
1537     encoded_image_._frameType = VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey;
1538     force_key_frame_ = false;
1539   }
1540   RTC_DCHECK_LE(encoded_image_.size(), encoded_image_.capacity());
1542   codec_specific_ = {};
1543   absl::optional<int> spatial_index;
1544   PopulateCodecSpecific(&codec_specific_, &spatial_index, *pkt,
1545                         input_image_->timestamp());
1546   encoded_image_.SetSpatialIndex(spatial_index);
1548   UpdateReferenceBuffers(*pkt, pics_since_key_);
1550   TRACE_COUNTER1("webrtc", "EncodedFrameSize", encoded_image_.size());
1551   encoded_image_.SetTimestamp(input_image_->timestamp());
1552   encoded_image_._encodedHeight =
1553       pkt->data.frame.height[layer_id.spatial_layer_id];
1554   encoded_image_._encodedWidth =
1555       pkt->data.frame.width[layer_id.spatial_layer_id];
1556   int qp = -1;
1557   vpx_codec_control(encoder_, VP8E_GET_LAST_QUANTIZER, &qp);
1558   encoded_image_.qp_ = qp;
1560   if (!layer_buffering_) {
1561     const bool end_of_picture = encoded_image_.SpatialIndex().value_or(0) + 1 ==
1562                                 num_active_spatial_layers_;
1563     DeliverBufferedFrame(end_of_picture);
1564   }
1566   return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK;
1567 }
DeliverBufferedFrame(bool end_of_picture)1569 void VP9EncoderImpl::DeliverBufferedFrame(bool end_of_picture) {
1570   if (encoded_image_.size() > 0) {
1571     if (num_spatial_layers_ > 1) {
1572       // Restore frame dropping settings, as dropping may be temporary forbidden
1573       // due to dynamically enabled layers.
1574       for (size_t i = 0; i < num_spatial_layers_; ++i) {
1575         svc_drop_frame_.framedrop_thresh[i] = config_->rc_dropframe_thresh;
1576       }
1577     }
1579     codec_specific_.codecSpecific.VP9.end_of_picture = end_of_picture;
1581     encoded_complete_callback_->OnEncodedImage(encoded_image_,
1582                                                &codec_specific_);
1584     if (codec_.mode == VideoCodecMode::kScreensharing) {
1585       const uint8_t spatial_idx = encoded_image_.SpatialIndex().value_or(0);
1586       const uint32_t frame_timestamp_ms =
1587           1000 * encoded_image_.Timestamp() / kVideoPayloadTypeFrequency;
1588       framerate_controller_[spatial_idx].AddFrame(frame_timestamp_ms);
1590       const size_t steady_state_size = SteadyStateSize(
1591           spatial_idx, codec_specific_.codecSpecific.VP9.temporal_idx);
1593       // Only frames on spatial layers, which may be limited in a steady state
1594       // are considered for steady state detection.
1595       if (framerate_controller_[spatial_idx].GetTargetRate() >
1596           variable_framerate_experiment_.framerate_limit + 1e-9) {
1597         if (encoded_image_.qp_ <=
1598                 variable_framerate_experiment_.steady_state_qp &&
1599             encoded_image_.size() <= steady_state_size) {
1600           ++num_steady_state_frames_;
1601         } else {
1602           num_steady_state_frames_ = 0;
1603         }
1604       }
1605     }
1606     encoded_image_.set_size(0);
1607   }
1608 }
RegisterEncodeCompleteCallback(EncodedImageCallback * callback)1610 int VP9EncoderImpl::RegisterEncodeCompleteCallback(
1611     EncodedImageCallback* callback) {
1612   encoded_complete_callback_ = callback;
1613   return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK;
1614 }
GetEncoderInfo() const1616 VideoEncoder::EncoderInfo VP9EncoderImpl::GetEncoderInfo() const {
1617   EncoderInfo info;
1618   info.supports_native_handle = false;
1619   info.implementation_name = "libvpx";
1620   if (quality_scaler_experiment_.enabled) {
1621     info.scaling_settings = VideoEncoder::ScalingSettings(
1622         quality_scaler_experiment_.low_qp, quality_scaler_experiment_.high_qp);
1623   } else {
1624     info.scaling_settings = VideoEncoder::ScalingSettings::kOff;
1625   }
1626   info.has_trusted_rate_controller = trusted_rate_controller_;
1627   info.is_hardware_accelerated = false;
1628   info.has_internal_source = false;
1629   if (inited_) {
1630     // Find the max configured fps of any active spatial layer.
1631     float max_fps = 0.0;
1632     for (size_t si = 0; si < num_spatial_layers_; ++si) {
1633       if (codec_.spatialLayers[si].active &&
1634           codec_.spatialLayers[si].maxFramerate > max_fps) {
1635         max_fps = codec_.spatialLayers[si].maxFramerate;
1636       }
1637     }
1639     for (size_t si = 0; si < num_spatial_layers_; ++si) {
1640       info.fps_allocation[si].clear();
1641       if (!codec_.spatialLayers[si].active) {
1642         continue;
1643       }
1645       // This spatial layer may already use a fraction of the total frame rate.
1646       const float sl_fps_fraction =
1647           codec_.spatialLayers[si].maxFramerate / max_fps;
1648       for (size_t ti = 0; ti < num_temporal_layers_; ++ti) {
1649         const uint32_t decimator =
1650             num_temporal_layers_ <= 1 ? 1 : config_->ts_rate_decimator[ti];
1651         RTC_DCHECK_GT(decimator, 0);
1652         info.fps_allocation[si].push_back(
1653             rtc::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(EncoderInfo::kMaxFramerateFraction *
1654                                          (sl_fps_fraction / decimator)));
1655       }
1656     }
1657   }
1658   return info;
1659 }
SteadyStateSize(int sid,int tid)1661 size_t VP9EncoderImpl::SteadyStateSize(int sid, int tid) {
1662   const size_t bitrate_bps = current_bitrate_allocation_.GetBitrate(
1663       sid, tid == kNoTemporalIdx ? 0 : tid);
1664   const float fps = (codec_.mode == VideoCodecMode::kScreensharing)
1665                         ? std::min(static_cast<float>(codec_.maxFramerate),
1666                                    framerate_controller_[sid].GetTargetRate())
1667                         : codec_.maxFramerate;
1668   return static_cast<size_t>(
1669       bitrate_bps / (8 * fps) *
1670           (100 -
1671            variable_framerate_experiment_.steady_state_undershoot_percentage) /
1672           100 +
1673       0.5);
1674 }
1676 // static
1677 VP9EncoderImpl::VariableFramerateExperiment
ParseVariableFramerateConfig(std::string group_name)1678 VP9EncoderImpl::ParseVariableFramerateConfig(std::string group_name) {
1679   FieldTrialFlag enabled = FieldTrialFlag("Enabled");
1680   FieldTrialParameter<double> framerate_limit("min_fps", 5.0);
1681   FieldTrialParameter<int> qp("min_qp", 32);
1682   FieldTrialParameter<int> undershoot_percentage("undershoot", 30);
1683   FieldTrialParameter<int> frames_before_steady_state(
1684       "frames_before_steady_state", 5);
1685   ParseFieldTrial({&enabled, &framerate_limit, &qp, &undershoot_percentage,
1686                    &frames_before_steady_state},
1687                   field_trial::FindFullName(group_name));
1688   VariableFramerateExperiment config;
1689   config.enabled = enabled.Get();
1690   config.framerate_limit = framerate_limit.Get();
1691   config.steady_state_qp = qp.Get();
1692   config.steady_state_undershoot_percentage = undershoot_percentage.Get();
1693   config.frames_before_steady_state = frames_before_steady_state.Get();
1695   return config;
1696 }
1698 // static
1699 VP9EncoderImpl::QualityScalerExperiment
ParseQualityScalerConfig(std::string group_name)1700 VP9EncoderImpl::ParseQualityScalerConfig(std::string group_name) {
1701   FieldTrialFlag disabled = FieldTrialFlag("Disabled");
1702   FieldTrialParameter<int> low_qp("low_qp", kLowVp9QpThreshold);
1703   FieldTrialParameter<int> high_qp("hihg_qp", kHighVp9QpThreshold);
1704   ParseFieldTrial({&disabled, &low_qp, &high_qp},
1705                   field_trial::FindFullName(group_name));
1706   QualityScalerExperiment config;
1707   config.enabled = !disabled.Get();
1708   RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Webrtc quality scaler for vp9 is "
1709                    << (config.enabled ? "enabled." : "disabled");
1710   config.low_qp = low_qp.Get();
1711   config.high_qp = high_qp.Get();
1713   return config;
1714 }
VP9DecoderImpl()1716 VP9DecoderImpl::VP9DecoderImpl()
1717     : decode_complete_callback_(nullptr),
1718       inited_(false),
1719       decoder_(nullptr),
1720       key_frame_required_(true) {}
~VP9DecoderImpl()1722 VP9DecoderImpl::~VP9DecoderImpl() {
1723   inited_ = true;  // in order to do the actual release
1724   Release();
1725   int num_buffers_in_use = frame_buffer_pool_.GetNumBuffersInUse();
1726   if (num_buffers_in_use > 0) {
1727     // The frame buffers are reference counted and frames are exposed after
1728     // decoding. There may be valid usage cases where previous frames are still
1729     // referenced after ~VP9DecoderImpl that is not a leak.
1730     RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << num_buffers_in_use
1731                      << " Vp9FrameBuffers are still "
1732                         "referenced during ~VP9DecoderImpl.";
1733   }
1734 }
InitDecode(const VideoCodec * inst,int number_of_cores)1736 int VP9DecoderImpl::InitDecode(const VideoCodec* inst, int number_of_cores) {
1737   int ret_val = Release();
1738   if (ret_val < 0) {
1739     return ret_val;
1740   }
1742   if (decoder_ == nullptr) {
1743     decoder_ = new vpx_codec_ctx_t;
1744   }
1745   vpx_codec_dec_cfg_t cfg;
1746   memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(cfg));
1749   // We focus on webrtc fuzzing here, not libvpx itself. Use single thread for
1750   // fuzzing, because:
1751   //  - libvpx's VP9 single thread decoder is more fuzzer friendly. It detects
1752   //    errors earlier than the multi-threads version.
1753   //  - Make peak CPU usage under control (not depending on input)
1754   cfg.threads = 1;
1755 #else
1756   if (!inst) {
1757     // No config provided - don't know resolution to decode yet.
1758     // Set thread count to one in the meantime.
1759     cfg.threads = 1;
1760   } else {
1761     // We want to use multithreading when decoding high resolution videos. But
1762     // not too many in order to avoid overhead when many stream are decoded
1763     // concurrently.
1764     // Set 2 thread as target for 1280x720 pixel count, and then scale up
1765     // linearly from there - but cap at physical core count.
1766     // For common resolutions this results in:
1767     // 1 for 360p
1768     // 2 for 720p
1769     // 4 for 1080p
1770     // 8 for 1440p
1771     // 18 for 4K
1772     int num_threads =
1773         std::max(1, 2 * (inst->width * inst->height) / (1280 * 720));
1774     cfg.threads = std::min(number_of_cores, num_threads);
1775     current_codec_ = *inst;
1776   }
1777 #endif
1779   num_cores_ = number_of_cores;
1781   vpx_codec_flags_t flags = 0;
1782   if (vpx_codec_dec_init(decoder_, vpx_codec_vp9_dx(), &cfg, flags)) {
1784   }
1786   if (!frame_buffer_pool_.InitializeVpxUsePool(decoder_)) {
1788   }
1790   inited_ = true;
1791   // Always start with a complete key frame.
1792   key_frame_required_ = true;
1793   if (inst && inst->buffer_pool_size) {
1794     if (!frame_buffer_pool_.Resize(*inst->buffer_pool_size)) {
1796     }
1797   }
1799   vpx_codec_err_t status =
1800       vpx_codec_control(decoder_, VP9D_SET_LOOP_FILTER_OPT, 1);
1801   if (status != VPX_CODEC_OK) {
1802     RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to enable VP9D_SET_LOOP_FILTER_OPT. "
1803                       << vpx_codec_error(decoder_);
1805   }
1807   return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK;
1808 }
Decode(const EncodedImage & input_image,bool missing_frames,int64_t)1810 int VP9DecoderImpl::Decode(const EncodedImage& input_image,
1811                            bool missing_frames,
1812                            int64_t /*render_time_ms*/) {
1813   if (!inited_) {
1815   }
1816   if (decode_complete_callback_ == nullptr) {
1818   }
1820   if (input_image._frameType == VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey) {
1821     absl::optional<vp9::FrameInfo> frame_info =
1822         vp9::ParseIntraFrameInfo(input_image.data(), input_image.size());
1823     if (frame_info) {
1824       if (frame_info->frame_width != current_codec_.width ||
1825           frame_info->frame_height != current_codec_.height) {
1826         // Resolution has changed, tear down and re-init a new decoder in
1827         // order to get correct sizing.
1828         Release();
1829         current_codec_.width = frame_info->frame_width;
1830         current_codec_.height = frame_info->frame_height;
1831         int reinit_status = InitDecode(&current_codec_, num_cores_);
1832         if (reinit_status != WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK) {
1833           RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to re-init decoder.";
1834           return reinit_status;
1835         }
1836       }
1837     } else {
1838       RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Failed to parse VP9 header from key-frame.";
1839     }
1840   }
1842   // Always start with a complete key frame.
1843   if (key_frame_required_) {
1844     if (input_image._frameType != VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey)
1845       return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_ERROR;
1846     // We have a key frame - is it complete?
1847     if (input_image._completeFrame) {
1848       key_frame_required_ = false;
1849     } else {
1850       return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_ERROR;
1851     }
1852   }
1853   vpx_codec_iter_t iter = nullptr;
1854   vpx_image_t* img;
1855   const uint8_t* buffer = input_image.data();
1856   if (input_image.size() == 0) {
1857     buffer = nullptr;  // Triggers full frame concealment.
1858   }
1859   // During decode libvpx may get and release buffers from |frame_buffer_pool_|.
1860   // In practice libvpx keeps a few (~3-4) buffers alive at a time.
1861   if (vpx_codec_decode(decoder_, buffer,
1862                        static_cast<unsigned int>(input_image.size()), 0,
1863                        VPX_DL_REALTIME)) {
1865   }
1866   // |img->fb_priv| contains the image data, a reference counted Vp9FrameBuffer.
1867   // It may be released by libvpx during future vpx_codec_decode or
1868   // vpx_codec_destroy calls.
1869   img = vpx_codec_get_frame(decoder_, &iter);
1870   int qp;
1871   vpx_codec_err_t vpx_ret =
1872       vpx_codec_control(decoder_, VPXD_GET_LAST_QUANTIZER, &qp);
1873   RTC_DCHECK_EQ(vpx_ret, VPX_CODEC_OK);
1874   int ret =
1875       ReturnFrame(img, input_image.Timestamp(), qp, input_image.ColorSpace());
1876   if (ret != 0) {
1877     return ret;
1878   }
1879   return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK;
1880 }
ReturnFrame(const vpx_image_t * img,uint32_t timestamp,int qp,const webrtc::ColorSpace * explicit_color_space)1882 int VP9DecoderImpl::ReturnFrame(
1883     const vpx_image_t* img,
1884     uint32_t timestamp,
1885     int qp,
1886     const webrtc::ColorSpace* explicit_color_space) {
1887   if (img == nullptr) {
1888     // Decoder OK and nullptr image => No show frame.
1890   }
1892   // This buffer contains all of |img|'s image data, a reference counted
1893   // Vp9FrameBuffer. (libvpx is done with the buffers after a few
1894   // vpx_codec_decode calls or vpx_codec_destroy).
1895   Vp9FrameBufferPool::Vp9FrameBuffer* img_buffer =
1896       static_cast<Vp9FrameBufferPool::Vp9FrameBuffer*>(img->fb_priv);
1898   // The buffer can be used directly by the VideoFrame (without copy) by
1899   // using a Wrapped*Buffer.
1900   rtc::scoped_refptr<VideoFrameBuffer> img_wrapped_buffer;
1901   switch (img->bit_depth) {
1902     case 8:
1903       if (img->fmt == VPX_IMG_FMT_I420) {
1904         img_wrapped_buffer = WrapI420Buffer(
1905             img->d_w, img->d_h, img->planes[VPX_PLANE_Y],
1906             img->stride[VPX_PLANE_Y], img->planes[VPX_PLANE_U],
1907             img->stride[VPX_PLANE_U], img->planes[VPX_PLANE_V],
1908             img->stride[VPX_PLANE_V],
1909             // WrappedI420Buffer's mechanism for allowing the release of its
1910             // frame buffer is through a callback function. This is where we
1911             // should release |img_buffer|.
1912             rtc::KeepRefUntilDone(img_buffer));
1913       } else if (img->fmt == VPX_IMG_FMT_I444) {
1914         img_wrapped_buffer = WrapI444Buffer(
1915             img->d_w, img->d_h, img->planes[VPX_PLANE_Y],
1916             img->stride[VPX_PLANE_Y], img->planes[VPX_PLANE_U],
1917             img->stride[VPX_PLANE_U], img->planes[VPX_PLANE_V],
1918             img->stride[VPX_PLANE_V],
1919             // WrappedI444Buffer's mechanism for allowing the release of its
1920             // frame buffer is through a callback function. This is where we
1921             // should release |img_buffer|.
1922             rtc::KeepRefUntilDone(img_buffer));
1923       } else {
1924         RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR)
1925             << "Unsupported pixel format produced by the decoder: "
1926             << static_cast<int>(img->fmt);
1927         return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_NO_OUTPUT;
1928       }
1929       break;
1930     case 10:
1931       img_wrapped_buffer = WrapI010Buffer(
1932           img->d_w, img->d_h,
1933           reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(img->planes[VPX_PLANE_Y]),
1934           img->stride[VPX_PLANE_Y] / 2,
1935           reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(img->planes[VPX_PLANE_U]),
1936           img->stride[VPX_PLANE_U] / 2,
1937           reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(img->planes[VPX_PLANE_V]),
1938           img->stride[VPX_PLANE_V] / 2, rtc::KeepRefUntilDone(img_buffer));
1939       break;
1940     default:
1941       RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Unsupported bit depth produced by the decoder: "
1942                         << img->bit_depth;
1944   }
1946   auto builder = VideoFrame::Builder()
1947                      .set_video_frame_buffer(img_wrapped_buffer)
1948                      .set_timestamp_rtp(timestamp);
1949   if (explicit_color_space) {
1950     builder.set_color_space(*explicit_color_space);
1951   } else {
1952     builder.set_color_space(
1953         ExtractVP9ColorSpace(img->cs, img->range, img->bit_depth));
1954   }
1955   VideoFrame decoded_image = builder.build();
1957   decode_complete_callback_->Decoded(decoded_image, absl::nullopt, qp);
1958   return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK;
1959 }
RegisterDecodeCompleteCallback(DecodedImageCallback * callback)1961 int VP9DecoderImpl::RegisterDecodeCompleteCallback(
1962     DecodedImageCallback* callback) {
1963   decode_complete_callback_ = callback;
1964   return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK;
1965 }
Release()1967 int VP9DecoderImpl::Release() {
1968   int ret_val = WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK;
1970   if (decoder_ != nullptr) {
1971     if (inited_) {
1972       // When a codec is destroyed libvpx will release any buffers of
1973       // |frame_buffer_pool_| it is currently using.
1974       if (vpx_codec_destroy(decoder_)) {
1975         ret_val = WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_MEMORY;
1976       }
1977     }
1978     delete decoder_;
1979     decoder_ = nullptr;
1980   }
1981   // Releases buffers from the pool. Any buffers not in use are deleted. Buffers
1982   // still referenced externally are deleted once fully released, not returning
1983   // to the pool.
1984   frame_buffer_pool_.ClearPool();
1985   inited_ = false;
1986   return ret_val;
1987 }
ImplementationName() const1989 const char* VP9DecoderImpl::ImplementationName() const {
1990   return "libvpx";
1991 }
1993 }  // namespace webrtc
1995 #endif  // RTC_ENABLE_VP9