1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 /* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */
3 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
10 #include <cstdint>
11 #include <windows.h>
13 #include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
14 #include "mozilla/Result.h"
15 #include "mozilla/WinHeaderOnlyUtils.h"
17 // Indicates whether or not a registry value name is prefixed with the install
18 // directory path (Prefixed), or not (Unprefixed). Prefixing a registry value
19 // name with the install directory makes that value specific to this
20 // installation's default browser agent.
21 enum class IsPrefixed {
22   Prefixed,
23   Unprefixed,
24 };
26 // The result of an operation only, containing no other data on success.
27 using VoidResult = mozilla::WindowsErrorResult<mozilla::Ok>;
29 using MaybeString = mozilla::Maybe<std::string>;
30 using MaybeStringResult = mozilla::WindowsErrorResult<MaybeString>;
31 // Get a string from the registry. If necessary, value name prefixing will be
32 // performed automatically.
33 // Strings are stored as wide strings, but are converted to narrow UTF-8 before
34 // being returned.
35 MaybeStringResult RegistryGetValueString(IsPrefixed isPrefixed,
36                                          const wchar_t* registryValueName,
37                                          const wchar_t* subKey = nullptr);
39 // Set a string in the registry. If necessary, value name prefixing will be
40 // performed automatically.
41 // Strings are converted to wide strings for registry storage.
42 VoidResult RegistrySetValueString(IsPrefixed isPrefixed,
43                                   const wchar_t* registryValueName,
44                                   const char* newValue,
45                                   const wchar_t* subKey = nullptr);
47 using MaybeBoolResult = mozilla::WindowsErrorResult<mozilla::Maybe<bool>>;
48 // Get a bool from the registry.
49 // Bools are stored as a single DWORD, with 0 meaning false and any other value
50 // meaning true.
51 MaybeBoolResult RegistryGetValueBool(IsPrefixed isPrefixed,
52                                      const wchar_t* registryValueName,
53                                      const wchar_t* subKey = nullptr);
55 // Set a bool in the registry. If necessary, value name prefixing will be
56 // performed automatically.
57 // Bools are stored as a single DWORD, with 0 meaning false and any other value
58 // meaning true.
59 VoidResult RegistrySetValueBool(IsPrefixed isPrefixed,
60                                 const wchar_t* registryValueName, bool newValue,
61                                 const wchar_t* subKey = nullptr);
63 using MaybeQwordResult = mozilla::WindowsErrorResult<mozilla::Maybe<ULONGLONG>>;
64 // Get a QWORD (ULONGLONG) from the registry. If necessary, value name prefixing
65 // will be performed automatically.
66 MaybeQwordResult RegistryGetValueQword(IsPrefixed isPrefixed,
67                                        const wchar_t* registryValueName,
68                                        const wchar_t* subKey = nullptr);
70 // Get a QWORD (ULONGLONG) in the registry. If necessary, value name prefixing
71 // will be performed automatically.
72 VoidResult RegistrySetValueQword(IsPrefixed isPrefixed,
73                                  const wchar_t* registryValueName,
74                                  ULONGLONG newValue,
75                                  const wchar_t* subKey = nullptr);
77 using MaybeDword = mozilla::Maybe<uint32_t>;
78 using MaybeDwordResult = mozilla::WindowsErrorResult<MaybeDword>;
79 // Get a DWORD (uint32_t) from the registry. If necessary, value name prefixing
80 // will be performed automatically.
81 MaybeDwordResult RegistryGetValueDword(IsPrefixed isPrefixed,
82                                        const wchar_t* registryValueName,
83                                        const wchar_t* subKey = nullptr);
85 // Get a DWORD (uint32_t) in the registry. If necessary, value name prefixing
86 // will be performed automatically.
87 VoidResult RegistrySetValueDword(IsPrefixed isPrefixed,
88                                  const wchar_t* registryValueName,
89                                  uint32_t newValue,
90                                  const wchar_t* subKey = nullptr);
92 VoidResult RegistryDeleteValue(IsPrefixed isPrefixed,
93                                const wchar_t* registryValueName,
94                                const wchar_t* subKey = nullptr);