1from loguru import logger
3from flexget import plugin
4from flexget.event import event
6from . import db
8logger = logger.bind(name='seen')
11class FilterSeen:
12    """
13    Remembers previously downloaded content and rejects them in
14    subsequent executions. Without this plugin FlexGet would
15    download all matching content on every execution.
17    This plugin is enabled on all tasks by default.
18    See wiki for more information.
19    """
21    schema = {
22        'oneOf': [
23            {'type': 'boolean'},
24            {'type': 'string', 'enum': ['global', 'local']},
25            {
26                'type': 'object',
27                'properties': {
28                    'local': {'type': 'boolean'},
29                    'fields': {
30                        'type': 'array',
31                        'items': {'type': 'string'},
32                        "minItems": 1,
33                        "uniqueItems": True,
34                    },
35                },
36            },
37        ]
38    }
40    def __init__(self):
41        # remember and filter by these fields
42        self.fields = ['title', 'url', 'original_url']
43        self.keyword = 'seen'
45    def prepare_config(self, config):
46        if config is None:
47            config = {}
48        elif isinstance(config, bool):
49            if config is False:
50                return config
51            else:
52                config = {'local': False}
53        elif isinstance(config, str):
54            config = {'local': config == 'local'}
56        config.setdefault('local', False)
57        config.setdefault('fields', self.fields)
58        return config
60    @plugin.priority(plugin.PRIORITY_FIRST)
61    def on_task_filter(self, task, config, remember_rejected=False):
62        """Filter entries already accepted on previous runs."""
63        config = self.prepare_config(config)
64        if config is False:
65            logger.debug('{} is disabled', self.keyword)
66            return
68        fields = config.get('fields')
69        local = config.get('local')
71        for entry in task.entries:
72            # construct list of values looked
73            values = []
74            for field in fields:
75                if field not in entry:
76                    continue
77                if entry[field] not in values and entry[field]:
78                    values.append(str(entry[field]))
79            if values:
80                logger.trace('querying for: {}', ', '.join(values))
81                # check if SeenField.value is any of the values
82                found = db.search_by_field_values(
83                    field_value_list=values, task_name=task.name, local=local, session=task.session
84                )
85                if found:
86                    logger.debug(
87                        "Rejecting '{}' '{}' because of seen '{}'",
88                        entry['url'],
89                        entry['title'],
90                        found.value,
91                    )
92                    se = (
93                        task.session.query(db.SeenEntry)
94                        .filter(db.SeenEntry.id == found.seen_entry_id)
95                        .one()
96                    )
97                    entry.reject(
98                        'Entry with %s `%s` is already marked seen in the task %s at %s'
99                        % (found.field, found.value, se.task, se.added.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')),
100                        remember=remember_rejected,
101                    )
103    def on_task_learn(self, task, config):
104        """Remember succeeded entries"""
105        config = self.prepare_config(config)
106        if config is False:
107            logger.debug('disabled')
108            return
110        fields = config.get('fields')
111        local = config.get('local')
113        if isinstance(config, list):
114            fields.extend(config)
116        for entry in task.accepted:
117            self.learn(task, entry, fields=fields, local=local)
118            # verbose if in learning mode
119            if task.options.learn:
120                logger.info("Learned '{}' (will skip this in the future)", entry['title'])
122    def learn(self, task, entry, fields=None, reason=None, local=False):
123        """Marks entry as seen"""
124        # no explicit fields given, use default
125        if not fields:
126            fields = self.fields
127        se = db.SeenEntry(entry['title'], str(task.name), reason, local)
128        remembered = []
129        for field in fields:
130            if field not in entry:
131                continue
132            # removes duplicate values (eg. url, original_url are usually same)
133            if entry[field] in remembered:
134                continue
135            remembered.append(entry[field])
136            sf = db.SeenField(str(field), str(entry[field]))
137            se.fields.append(sf)
138            logger.debug("Learned '{}' (field: {}, local: {})", entry[field], field, local)
139        # Only add the entry to the session if it has one of the required fields
140        if se.fields:
141            task.session.add(se)
143    def forget(self, task, title):
144        """Forget SeenEntry with :title:. Return True if forgotten."""
145        se = task.session.query(db.SeenEntry).filter(db.SeenEntry.title == title).first()
146        if se:
147            logger.debug("Forgotten '{}' ({} fields)", title, len(se.fields))
148            task.session.delete(se)
149            return True
153def register_plugin():
154    plugin.register(FilterSeen, 'seen', builtin=True, api_ver=2)