3	FusionPBX
4	Version: MPL 1.1
6	The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
7	1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
8	the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9	http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
11	Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
12	WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
13	for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
14	License.
16	The Original Code is FusionPBX
18	The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
19	Mark J Crane <markjcrane@fusionpbx.com>
20	Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008-2015
21	the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
23	Contributor(s):
24	Mark J Crane <markjcrane@fusionpbx.com>
26require_once "root.php";
27require_once "resources/require.php";
28require_once "resources/check_auth.php";
29if (!permission_exists('contact_time_add')) { echo "access denied"; exit; }
31//add multi-lingual support
32	$language = new text;
33	$text = $language->get();
35//get contact uuid
36	$domain_uuid = check_str($_REQUEST['domain_uuid']);
37	$contact_uuid = check_str($_REQUEST['contact_uuid']);
39//get posted variables & set time status
40	if (sizeof($_POST) > 0) {
41		$contact_time_uuid = check_str($_POST['contact_time_uuid']);
42		$contact_uuid = check_str($_POST['contact_uuid']);
43		$time_action = check_str($_POST['time_action']);
44		$time_description = check_str($_POST['time_description']);
46		if ($time_description == 'Description...') { unset($time_description); }
48		if ($time_action == 'start') {
49			$contact_time_uuid = uuid();
50			$sql = "insert into v_contact_times ";
51			$sql .= "( ";
52			$sql .= "domain_uuid, ";
53			$sql .= "contact_time_uuid, ";
54			$sql .= "contact_uuid, ";
55			$sql .= "user_uuid, ";
56			$sql .= "time_start, ";
57			$sql .= "time_description ";
58			$sql .= ") ";
59			$sql .= "values ";
60			$sql .= "( ";
61			$sql .= "'".$domain_uuid."', ";
62			$sql .= "'".$contact_time_uuid."', ";
63			$sql .= "'".$contact_uuid."', ";
64			$sql .= "'".$_SESSION["user"]["user_uuid"]."', ";
65			$sql .= "'".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."', ";
66			$sql .= "'".$time_description."' ";
67			$sql .= ")";
68			$db->exec(check_sql($sql));
69			unset($sql);
70		}
71		if ($time_action == 'stop') {
72			$sql = "update v_contact_times ";
73			$sql .= "set ";
74			$sql .= "time_stop = '".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."', ";
75			$sql .= "time_description = '".$time_description."' ";
76			$sql .= "where ";
77			$sql .= "contact_time_uuid = '".$contact_time_uuid."' ";
78			$sql .= "and domain_uuid = '".$domain_uuid."' ";
79			$sql .= "and contact_uuid = '".$contact_uuid."' ";
80			$sql .= "and user_uuid = '".$_SESSION["user"]["user_uuid"]."' ";
81			$db->exec(check_sql($sql));
82			unset($sql);
83		}
84		header("Location: contact_timer.php?domain_uuid=".$domain_uuid."&contact_uuid=".$contact_uuid);
85	}
87//get contact details
88	$sql = "select ";
89	$sql .= "contact_organization, ";
90	$sql .= "contact_name_given, ";
91	$sql .= "contact_name_family, ";
92	$sql .= "contact_nickname ";
93	$sql .= "from v_contacts ";
94	$sql .= "where domain_uuid = '".$domain_uuid."' ";
95	$sql .= "and contact_uuid = '".$contact_uuid."' ";
96	$prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
97	$prep_statement->execute();
98	$result = $prep_statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NAMED);
99	if (sizeof($result) > 0) {
100		$contact_organization = $result["contact_organization"];
101		$contact_name_given = $result["contact_name_given"];
102		$contact_name_family = $result["contact_name_family"];
103		$contact_nickname = $result["contact_nickname"];
104	}
105	else {
106		exit;
107	}
108	unset ($sql, $prep_statement, $result);
110//determine timer state and action
111	$sql = "select ";
112	$sql .= "contact_time_uuid, ";
113	$sql .= "time_description ";
114	$sql .= "from v_contact_times ";
115	$sql .= "where domain_uuid = '".$domain_uuid."' ";
116	$sql .= "and user_uuid = '".$_SESSION['user']['user_uuid']."' ";
117	$sql .= "and contact_uuid = '".$contact_uuid."' ";
118	$sql .= "and time_start is not null ";
119	$sql .= "and time_stop is null ";
120	$prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
121	$prep_statement->execute();
122	$result = $prep_statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NAMED);
123	if (sizeof($result) > 0) {
124		$contact_time_uuid = $result["contact_time_uuid"];
125		$time_description = $result["time_description"];
126	}
127	unset ($sql, $prep_statement, $result);
129	$timer_state = ($contact_time_uuid != '') ? 'running' : 'stopped';
130	$timer_action = ($timer_state == 'running') ? 'stop' : 'start';
132//determine contact name to display
133	if ($contact_nickname != '') {
134		$contact = $contact_nickname;
135	}
136	else if ($contact_name_given != '') {
137		$contact = $contact_name_given;
138	}
139	if ($contact_name_family != '') {
140		$contact .= ($contact != '') ? ' '.$contact_name_family : $contact_name_family;
141	}
142	if ($contact_organization != '') {
143		$contact .= ($contact != '') ? ', '.$contact_organization : $contact_organization;
144	}
147<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xml:lang='en'>
149	<title><?php echo $text['label-time_timer']; ?>: <?php echo $contact; ?></title>
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244		.vncell {
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252			border-radius: 4px;
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256		DIV.timer_running {
257			vertical-align: middle;
258			padding-top: 7px;
259			line-height: 50px;
260			width: 100%;
261			height: 53px;
262			text-align: center;
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264			font-size: 50px;
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272			-moz-border-radius: 4px;
273			-webkit-border-radius: 4px;
274			border-radius: 4px;
275			}
277		DIV.timer_stopped {
278			vertical-align: middle;
279			padding-top: 7px;
280			line-height: 50px;
281			width: 100%;
282			height: 53px;
283			text-align: center;
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285			font-size: 50px;
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294			-webkit-border-radius: 4px;
295			border-radius: 4px;
296			}
298	</style>
300	<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo PROJECT_PATH; ?>/resources/jquery/jquery-1.11.1.js"></script>
301	<script type="text/javascript">
302		$(document).ready(function(){
303			//ajax for refresh
304			var refresh = 1500;
305			var source_url = 'contact_timer_inc.php?domain_uuid=<?php echo $domain_uuid; ?>&contact_uuid=<?php echo $contact_uuid; ?>&contact_time_uuid=<?php echo $contact_time_uuid; ?>';
307			var ajax_get = function () {
308				$.ajax({
309					url: source_url, success: function(response){
310						$("#ajax_reponse").html(response);
311					}
312				});
313				setTimeout(ajax_get, refresh);
314			};
315			<?php if ($timer_state == 'running') { ?>
316				ajax_get();
317			<?php } ?>
318		});
320	//set window title to time when timer is running
321		function set_title(title_text) {
322			window.document.title = title_text;
323		}
325	</script>
328	<img src='resources/images/icon_timer.png' style='width: 24px; height: 24px; border: none; margin-left: 15px;' alt="<?php echo $text['label-time_timer']; ?>" align='right'>
329	<b><?php echo $text['label-time_timer']; ?></b>
330	<br><br>
331	<?php echo $text['description_timer']; ?>
332	<br><br>
333	<strong><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="window.opener.location.href='contact_edit.php?id=<?php echo $contact_uuid; ?>';"><?php echo $contact; ?></a></strong>
334	<br><br>
335	<div id='ajax_reponse' class='timer_<?php echo $timer_state;?>'>00:00:00</div>
336	<br>
337	<form name='frm' id='frm' method='post' action=''>
338	<input type='hidden' name='domain_uuid' value="<?php echo $domain_uuid; ?>">
339	<input type='hidden' name='contact_time_uuid' value="<?php echo $contact_time_uuid; ?>">
340	<input type='hidden' name='contact_uuid' value="<?php echo $contact_uuid; ?>">
341	<input type='hidden' name='time_action' value="<?php echo $timer_action; ?>">
342	<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' style='width: 100%;'>
343		<tr>
344			<td class='vncell' style='text-align: center; padding: 10px;'>
345				<?php echo $text['label-description']; ?>
346				<textarea name='time_description' id='timer_description' class='formfld' style='width: 100%; height: 50px; margin-top: 5px;'><?php echo $time_description; ?></textarea>
347				<? if ($timer_state == 'stopped') { ?><script>document.getElementById('timer_description').focus();</script><? } ?>
348			</td>
349		</tr>
350	</table>
351	<br>
352	<center>
353	<?php if ($timer_state == 'running') { ?>
354		<input type='submit' class='btn' value="<?php echo $text['button-stop']; ?>">
355	<?php } else if ($timer_state == 'stopped') { ?>
356		<input type='submit' class='btn' value="<?php echo $text['button-start']; ?>">
357	<?php } ?>
358	</center>
359	</form>