2--	FusionPBX
3--	Version: MPL 1.1
5--	The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
6--	1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7--	the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
8--	http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
10--	Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
11--	WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
12--	for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
13--	License.
15--	The Original Code is FusionPBX
17--	The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
18--	Mark J Crane <markjcrane@fusionpbx.com>
19--	Copyright (C) 2010
20--	the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
22--	Contributor(s):
23--	Mark J Crane <markjcrane@fusionpbx.com>
25--get the argv values
26script_name = argv[0];
27domain_name = argv[1];
28wakeup_destination = argv[2];
29wakeup_call_sound = argv[3];
31--define the trim function
32require "resources.functions.trim";
34--add is_numeric
35function is_numeric(text)
36	if type(text)~="string" and type(text)~="number" then return false end
37	return tonumber(text) and true or false
40--set the default values for the variables
41pin_number = "";
42max_tries = 3;
43digit_timeout = 3000;
45--check whether originate the wakeup call or to request details for it
46if (wakeup_destination) then
47	--begin the wakeup call
48	if ( session:ready() ) then
49		--prepare the api object
50			api = freeswitch.API();
52		--set session settings
53			session:answer();
54			session:setAutoHangup(false);
56		--sleep
57			session:sleep('500');
59		--wakeup confirm press 1 to 3
60			min_digits = 1;
61			max_digits = 1;
62			max_tries = 3;
63			digit_timeout = 20000;
64			digits = session:playAndGetDigits(min_digits, max_digits, max_tries, digit_timeout, "#", wakeup_call_sound, "", "\\d+");
66		--get the dialplan variables and set them as local variables
67			domain_name = session:getVariable("domain_name");
68			sip_auto_answer = session:getVariable("sip_auto_answer");
69			snooze_time = session:getVariable("snooze_time");
70			wakeup_caller_id_name = session:getVariable("wakeup_caller_id_name");
71			wakeup_caller_id_number = session:getVariable("wakeup_caller_id_number");
73		--handle auto answer
74			if (sip_auto_answer == "true") then
75				auto_answer = "sip_auto_answer=true,sip_h_Alert-Info='Ring Answer'";
76			else
77				auto_answer = "sip_auto_answer=false";
78			end
80		--reschedule the call for snooze
81			if (digits == "2") then
82				freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE", "wakeup call: snooze selected - rescheduled the call\n");
83				api = freeswitch.API();
84				cmd_string = "sched_api +"..snooze_time.." wakeup-call-"..wakeup_destination.." originate {hangup_after_bridge=false,"..auto_answer..",snooze_time="..snooze_time..",origination_caller_id_name='"..wakeup_caller_id_name.."',origination_caller_id_number="..wakeup_caller_id_number..",wakeup_caller_id_name='".. wakeup_caller_id_name.."',wakeup_caller_id_number=".. wakeup_caller_id_number.."}user/"..wakeup_destination.."@"..domain_name.." &lua('wakeup.lua "..domain_name.." "..wakeup_destination.." "..wakeup_call_sound.."') ";
85				freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE", "wakeup: "..cmd_string.."\n");
86				reply = api:executeString(cmd_string);
87			end
88	end
90	--prompt for the wakeup call information
91	if (session:ready()) then
92		--session commands
93			session:answer();
94			session:setAutoHangup(false);
96		--get the dialplan variables and set them as local variables
97			domain_name = session:getVariable("domain_name");
98			time_zone_offset = session:getVariable("time_zone_offset");
99			sip_number_alias = session:getVariable("sip_number_alias");
100			destination_number = session:getVariable("destination_number");
101			wakeup_destination = session:getVariable("wakeup_destination");
102			sip_from_user = session:getVariable("sip_from_user");
103			sip_auto_answer = session:getVariable("sip_auto_answer");
104			snooze_time = session:getVariable("snooze_time");
105			wakeup_caller_id_name = session:getVariable("wakeup_caller_id_name");
106			wakeup_caller_id_number = session:getVariable("wakeup_caller_id_name");
107			wakeup_destination_sound = session:getVariable("wakeup_destination_sound");
108			wakeup_greeting_sound = session:getVariable("wakeup_greeting_sound");
109			wakeup_call_sound = session:getVariable("wakeup_call_sound");
110			wakeup_scheduled_sound = session:getVariable("wakeup_scheduled_sound");
111			wakeup_accept_sound = session:getVariable("wakeup_accept_sound");
112			wakeup_cancelled_sound = session:getVariable("wakeup_cancelled_sound");
114		--set the defaults
115			if (not time_zone_offset) then time_zone_offset = ''; end
116			if (not sip_number_alias) then sip_number_alias = ''; end
117			if (not sip_auto_answer) then sip_auto_answer = ''; end
118			if (not snooze_time) then snooze_time = '600'; end
119			if (not wakeup_caller_id_name) then wakeup_caller_id_name = 'wakeup call'; end
120			if (not wakeup_caller_id_number) then wakeup_caller_id_number = destination_number; end
121			if (not wakeup_destination_sound) then wakeup_destination_sound = 'phrase:wakeup-destination'; end
122			if (not wakeup_greeting_sound) then wakeup_greeting_sound = 'phrase:wakeup-greeting'; end
123			if (not wakeup_call_sound) then wakeup_call_sound = 'phrase:wakeup-call'; end
124			if (not wakeup_scheduled_sound) then wakeup_scheduled_sound = 'phrase:wakeup-scheduled'; end
125			if (not wakeup_accept_sound) then wakeup_accept_sound = 'phrase:wakeup-accept'; end
126			if (not wakeup_cancelled_sound) then wakeup_cancelled_sound = 'phrase:wakeup-cancelled'; end
128		--sleep
129			session:sleep('500');
130	end
131	if (session:ready()) then
132		--set the wakeup destination
133			if (wakeup_destination == "prompt") then
134				min_digits = 1;
135				max_digits = 11;
136				--if (wakeup_destination_sound == nil and string.len(wakeup_destination_sound) == 0) then
137				--	wakeup_destination_sound = "phrase:wakeup-destination";
138				--end
139				wakeup_destination = session:playAndGetDigits(min_digits, max_digits, max_tries, digit_timeout, "#", wakeup_destination_sound, "", "\\d+");
140			else
141				if (is_numeric(wakeup_destination)) then
142					--use the provided wakeup id
143				else
144					if (is_numeric(sip_number_alias)) then
145						wakeup_destination = sip_number_alias;
146					else
147						wakeup_destination = sip_from_user;
148					end
149				end
150			end
152		--sleep
153			session:sleep('500');
154	end
155	if (session:ready()) then
156		--play the wakeup greeting
157			min_digits = 0;
158			max_digits = 1;
159			max_tries = 1;
160			digit_timeout = '1000';
161			session:streamFile(wakeup_greeting_sound);
162			--wakeup_greeting = session:playAndGetDigits(min_digits, max_digits, max_tries, digit_timeout, "#", wakeup_greeting_sound, "", "\\d+");
163	end
164	if (session:ready()) then
165		--get the wakeup hours
166			min_digits = 2;
167			max_digits = 2;
168			max_tries = 3;
169			digit_timeout = '3000';
170			if (wakeup_hours_sound == nil) then
171				wakeup_hours_sound = "phrase:wakeup-hours";
172			end
173			wakeup_hours = session:playAndGetDigits(min_digits, max_digits, max_tries, digit_timeout, "#", wakeup_hours_sound, "", "\\d+");
174	end
175	if (session:ready()) then
176		--get the wakeup minutes
177			min_digits = 2;
178			max_digits = 2;
179			max_tries = 3;
180			if (wakeup_minutes_sound == nil) then
181				wakeup_minutes_sound = "phrase:wakeup-minutes";
182			end
183			wakeup_minutes = session:playAndGetDigits(min_digits, max_digits, max_tries, digit_timeout, "#", wakeup_minutes_sound, "", "\\d+");
184	end
185	if (session:ready()) then
186		--send the time to the log
187			freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE", "wakeup time: "..wakeup_hours.."\n");
189		--get the current time
190			current_hours = tonumber(os.date("%H"));
191			current_minutes = tonumber(os.date("%M"));
192			current_seconds = tonumber(os.date("%S"));
194		--adjust the time zone offset
195			if (time_zone_offset) then
196				current_hours = time_zone_offset + current_hours;
197				if (current_hours < 0) then
198					current_hours = current_hours + 24;
199				end
200				if (current_hours > 23) then
201					current_hours = current_hours - 24;
202				end
203			end
205		--show the current hours minutes and seconds to the log
206			--freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE", "Hours: " .. current_hours .. "\n");
207			--freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE", "Mins: " .. current_minutes .. "\n");
208			--freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE", "Seconds: " .. current_seconds .. "\n");
210		--prepare the current time
211			current_time = (current_hours * 100) + current_minutes;
213		--get the wakeup hours and minutes
214			--wakeup_hours = string.sub(wakeup_time, 1, 2);
215			--wakeup_minutes = string.sub(wakeup_time, 3);
217		--show the wakeup time, hours, and minutes to the log
218			--freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE", "wakeup_time "..wakeup_time.."\n");
219			--freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE", "wakeup_hours "..wakeup_hours.."\n");
220			--freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE", "wakeup_minutes "..wakeup_minutes.."\n");
222		--convert the time, hours and minutes to numbers
223			wakeup_time = tonumber(tostring(wakeup_hours)..tostring(wakeup_minutes));
224			--wakeup_hours = tonumber(wakeup_hours);
225			--wakeup_minutes = tonumber(wakeup_minutes);
227		--set the time
228			if (current_time > wakeup_time) then
229				--get the current_time_in_seconds
230					current_time_in_seconds = (current_hours * 3600) + (current_minutes * 60);
231					--freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE", "sched_api_time = ("..current_hours.." * 3600) + ("..current_minutes.." * 60)\n");
232				--get the seconds until midnight
233					seconds_until_midnight = (24 * 3600) - current_time_in_seconds;
234					--freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE", "sched_api_time = (24 * 3600) - "..current_time_in_seconds.."\n");
235				--get the wakeup_time_in_seconds
236					wakeup_time_in_seconds = (wakeup_hours * 3600) + (wakeup_minutes * 60);
237					--freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE", "sched_api_time = ("..wakeup_hours.." * 3600) + ("..wakeup_minutes.." * 60)\n");
238				--add the seconds_until_midnight to the wakeup_time_in_seconds
239					sched_api_time = wakeup_time_in_seconds + seconds_until_midnight;
240					--freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE", "sched_api_time = "..wakeup_time_in_seconds.." + "..seconds_until_midnight.."\n");
241			else
242				--get the current_time_in_seconds
243					current_time_in_seconds = (current_hours * 3600) + (current_minutes * 60);
244					--freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE", "current_time_in_seconds = ("..current_hours.." * 3600) + ("..current_minutes.." * 60);\n");
245				--get the wakeup_time_in_seconds
246					wakeup_time_in_seconds = (wakeup_hours * 3600) + (wakeup_minutes * 60);
247					--freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE", "wakeup_time_in_seconds = ("..wakeup_hours.." * 3600) + ("..wakeup_minutes.." * 60);\n");
248				--subtract the current time from wakeup_time_in_seconds
249					sched_api_time =  wakeup_time_in_seconds - current_time_in_seconds;
250					--freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE", "sched_api_time = "..wakeup_time_in_seconds.." - "..current_time_in_seconds.."\n");
251			end
252			--freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE", "sched_api_time "..sched_api_time.."\n");
253	end
254	if (session:ready()) then
255		--wakeup call has been scheduled
256			session:streamFile(wakeup_scheduled_sound);
257			session:say(wakeup_time, "en", "number", "ITERATED");
259		--handle auto answer
260			if (sip_auto_answer == "true") then
261				auto_answer = "sip_auto_answer=true,sip_h_Alert-Info='Ring Answer'";
262			else
263				auto_answer = "sip_auto_answer=false";
264			end
266		--schedule the wakeup call
267			cmd_string = "sched_api +"..sched_api_time.." wakeup-call-"..wakeup_destination.." originate {hangup_after_bridge=false,"..auto_answer..",snooze_time="..snooze_time..",origination_caller_id_name='".. wakeup_caller_id_name.."',origination_caller_id_number=".. wakeup_caller_id_number..",wakeup_caller_id_name='".. wakeup_caller_id_name.."',wakeup_caller_id_number=".. wakeup_caller_id_number.."}user/"..wakeup_destination.."@"..domain_name.." &lua('wakeup.lua "..domain_name.." "..wakeup_destination.." "..wakeup_call_sound.."') ";
268			freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE", "wakeup: "..cmd_string.."\n");
269			api = freeswitch.API();
270			reply = api:executeString(cmd_string);
272		--wakeup confirm press 1 to 3
273			min_digits = 1;
274			max_digits = 1;
275			wakeup_accept = session:playAndGetDigits(min_digits, max_digits, max_tries, digit_timeout, "#", wakeup_accept_sound, "", "\\d+");
277		--accept
278			if (wakeup_accept == "1") then
279				--send a message to the console
280					freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE", "wakeup: accepted\n");
281				--hangup
282					session:hangup();
283			end
285		--cancel
286			if (wakeup_accept == "2") then
287				--send a message to the console
288					freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE", "wakeup: cancelled\n");
290				--unschedule the call
291					cmd_string = "sched_del wakeup-call-"..wakeup_destination;
292					freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE", "wakeup: "..cmd_string.."\n");
293					api = freeswitch.API();
294					reply = api:executeString(cmd_string);
296				--play the cancel message
297					session:streamFile(wakeup_cancelled_sound);
299				--hangup
300					session:hangup();
301			end
302	end