1 use libc::{
2     c_uint,
3     size_t,
4 };
5 use std::ffi::CString;
6 #[cfg(windows)]
7 use std::ffi::OsStr;
8 #[cfg(unix)]
9 use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
10 use std::path::Path;
11 use std::sync::Mutex;
12 use std::{
13     fmt,
14     mem,
15     ptr,
16     result,
17 };
19 use ffi;
21 use byteorder::{
22     ByteOrder,
23     NativeEndian,
24 };
26 use cursor::Cursor;
27 use database::Database;
28 use error::{
29     lmdb_result,
30     Error,
31     Result,
32 };
33 use flags::{
34     DatabaseFlags,
35     EnvironmentFlags,
36 };
37 use transaction::{
38     RoTransaction,
39     RwTransaction,
40     Transaction,
41 };
43 #[cfg(windows)]
44 /// Adding a 'missing' trait from windows OsStrExt
45 trait OsStrExtLmdb {
as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8]46     fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8];
47 }
48 #[cfg(windows)]
49 impl OsStrExtLmdb for OsStr {
as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8]50     fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
51         &self.to_str().unwrap().as_bytes()
52     }
53 }
55 /// An LMDB environment.
56 ///
57 /// An environment supports multiple databases, all residing in the same shared-memory map.
58 pub struct Environment {
59     env: *mut ffi::MDB_env,
60     dbi_open_mutex: Mutex<()>,
61 }
63 impl Environment {
64     /// Creates a new builder for specifying options for opening an LMDB environment.
65     #[allow(clippy::new_ret_no_self)]
new() -> EnvironmentBuilder66     pub fn new() -> EnvironmentBuilder {
67         EnvironmentBuilder {
68             flags: EnvironmentFlags::empty(),
69             max_readers: None,
70             max_dbs: None,
71             map_size: None,
72         }
73     }
75     /// Returns a raw pointer to the underlying LMDB environment.
76     ///
77     /// The caller **must** ensure that the pointer is not dereferenced after the lifetime of the
78     /// environment.
env(&self) -> *mut ffi::MDB_env79     pub fn env(&self) -> *mut ffi::MDB_env {
80         self.env
81     }
83     /// Opens a handle to an LMDB database.
84     ///
85     /// If `name` is `None`, then the returned handle will be for the default database.
86     ///
87     /// If `name` is not `None`, then the returned handle will be for a named database. In this
88     /// case the environment must be configured to allow named databases through
89     /// `EnvironmentBuilder::set_max_dbs`.
90     ///
91     /// The returned database handle may be shared among any transaction in the environment.
92     ///
93     /// This function will fail with `Error::BadRslot` if called by a thread which has an ongoing
94     /// transaction.
95     ///
96     /// The database name may not contain the null character.
open_db<'env>(&'env self, name: Option<&str>) -> Result<Database>97     pub fn open_db<'env>(&'env self, name: Option<&str>) -> Result<Database> {
98         let mutex = self.dbi_open_mutex.lock();
99         let txn = self.begin_ro_txn()?;
100         let db = unsafe { txn.open_db(name)? };
101         txn.commit()?;
102         drop(mutex);
103         Ok(db)
104     }
106     /// Opens a handle to an LMDB database, creating the database if necessary.
107     ///
108     /// If the database is already created, the given option flags will be added to it.
109     ///
110     /// If `name` is `None`, then the returned handle will be for the default database.
111     ///
112     /// If `name` is not `None`, then the returned handle will be for a named database. In this
113     /// case the environment must be configured to allow named databases through
114     /// `EnvironmentBuilder::set_max_dbs`.
115     ///
116     /// The returned database handle may be shared among any transaction in the environment.
117     ///
118     /// This function will fail with `Error::BadRslot` if called by a thread with an open
119     /// transaction.
create_db<'env>(&'env self, name: Option<&str>, flags: DatabaseFlags) -> Result<Database>120     pub fn create_db<'env>(&'env self, name: Option<&str>, flags: DatabaseFlags) -> Result<Database> {
121         let mutex = self.dbi_open_mutex.lock();
122         let txn = self.begin_rw_txn()?;
123         let db = unsafe { txn.create_db(name, flags)? };
124         txn.commit()?;
125         drop(mutex);
126         Ok(db)
127     }
129     /// Retrieves the set of flags which the database is opened with.
130     ///
131     /// The database must belong to to this environment.
get_db_flags(&self, db: Database) -> Result<DatabaseFlags>132     pub fn get_db_flags(&self, db: Database) -> Result<DatabaseFlags> {
133         let txn = self.begin_ro_txn()?;
134         let mut flags: c_uint = 0;
135         unsafe {
136             lmdb_result(ffi::mdb_dbi_flags(txn.txn(), db.dbi(), &mut flags))?;
137         }
138         Ok(DatabaseFlags::from_bits(flags).unwrap())
139     }
141     /// Create a read-only transaction for use with the environment.
begin_ro_txn<'env>(&'env self) -> Result<RoTransaction<'env>>142     pub fn begin_ro_txn<'env>(&'env self) -> Result<RoTransaction<'env>> {
143         RoTransaction::new(self)
144     }
146     /// Create a read-write transaction for use with the environment. This method will block while
147     /// there are any other read-write transactions open on the environment.
begin_rw_txn<'env>(&'env self) -> Result<RwTransaction<'env>>148     pub fn begin_rw_txn<'env>(&'env self) -> Result<RwTransaction<'env>> {
149         RwTransaction::new(self)
150     }
152     /// Flush data buffers to disk.
153     ///
154     /// Data is always written to disk when `Transaction::commit` is called, but the operating
155     /// system may keep it buffered. LMDB always flushes the OS buffers upon commit as well, unless
156     /// the environment was opened with `MDB_NOSYNC` or in part `MDB_NOMETASYNC`.
sync(&self, force: bool) -> Result<()>157     pub fn sync(&self, force: bool) -> Result<()> {
158         unsafe {
159             lmdb_result(ffi::mdb_env_sync(
160                 self.env(),
161                 if force {
162                     1
163                 } else {
164                     0
165                 },
166             ))
167         }
168     }
170     /// Closes the database handle. Normally unnecessary.
171     ///
172     /// Closing a database handle is not necessary, but lets `Transaction::open_database` reuse the
173     /// handle value. Usually it's better to set a bigger `EnvironmentBuilder::set_max_dbs`, unless
174     /// that value would be large.
175     ///
176     /// ## Safety
177     ///
178     /// This call is not mutex protected. Databases should only be closed by a single thread, and
179     /// only if no other threads are going to reference the database handle or one of its cursors
180     /// any further. Do not close a handle if an existing transaction has modified its database.
181     /// Doing so can cause misbehavior from database corruption to errors like
182     /// `Error::BadValSize` (since the DB name is gone).
close_db(&mut self, db: Database)183     pub unsafe fn close_db(&mut self, db: Database) {
184         ffi::mdb_dbi_close(self.env, db.dbi());
185     }
187     /// Retrieves statistics about this environment.
stat(&self) -> Result<Stat>188     pub fn stat(&self) -> Result<Stat> {
189         unsafe {
190             let mut stat = Stat::new();
191             lmdb_try!(ffi::mdb_env_stat(self.env(), stat.mdb_stat()));
192             Ok(stat)
193         }
194     }
196     /// Retrieves info about this environment.
info(&self) -> Result<Info>197     pub fn info(&self) -> Result<Info> {
198         unsafe {
199             let mut info = Info(mem::zeroed());
200             lmdb_try!(ffi::mdb_env_info(self.env(), &mut info.0));
201             Ok(info)
202         }
203     }
205     /// Retrieves the total number of pages on the freelist.
206     ///
207     /// Along with `Environment::info()`, this can be used to calculate the exact number
208     /// of used pages as well as free pages in this environment.
209     ///
210     /// ```ignore
211     /// let env = Environment::new().open("/tmp/test").unwrap();
212     /// let info = env.info().unwrap();
213     /// let stat = env.stat().unwrap();
214     /// let freelist = env.freelist().unwrap();
215     /// let last_pgno = info.last_pgno() + 1; // pgno is 0 based.
216     /// let total_pgs = info.map_size() / stat.page_size() as usize;
217     /// let pgs_in_use = last_pgno - freelist;
218     /// let pgs_free = total_pgs - pgs_in_use;
219     /// ```
220     ///
221     /// Note:
222     ///
223     /// * LMDB stores all the freelists in the designated database 0 in each environment,
224     ///   and the freelist count is stored at the beginning of the value as `libc::size_t`
225     ///   in the native byte order.
226     ///
227     /// * It will create a read transaction to traverse the freelist database.
freelist(&self) -> Result<size_t>228     pub fn freelist(&self) -> Result<size_t> {
229         let mut freelist: size_t = 0;
230         let db = Database::freelist_db();
231         let txn = self.begin_ro_txn()?;
232         let mut cursor = txn.open_ro_cursor(db)?;
234         for result in cursor.iter() {
235             let (_key, value) = result?;
236             if value.len() < mem::size_of::<size_t>() {
237                 return Err(Error::Corrupted);
238             }
240             let s = &value[..mem::size_of::<size_t>()];
241             if cfg!(target_pointer_width = "64") {
242                 freelist += NativeEndian::read_u64(s) as size_t;
243             } else {
244                 freelist += NativeEndian::read_u32(s) as size_t;
245             }
246         }
248         Ok(freelist)
249     }
251     /// Sets the size of the memory map to use for the environment.
252     ///
253     /// This could be used to resize the map when the environment is already open.
254     ///
255     /// Note:
256     ///
257     /// * No active transactions allowed when performing resizing in this process.
258     ///
259     /// * The size should be a multiple of the OS page size. Any attempt to set
260     ///   a size smaller than the space already consumed by the environment will
261     ///   be silently changed to the current size of the used space.
262     ///
263     /// * In the multi-process case, once a process resizes the map, other
264     ///   processes need to either re-open the environment, or call set_map_size
265     ///   with size 0 to update the environment. Otherwise, new transaction creation
266     ///   will fail with `Error::MapResized`.
set_map_size(&self, size: size_t) -> Result<()>267     pub fn set_map_size(&self, size: size_t) -> Result<()> {
268         unsafe { lmdb_result(ffi::mdb_env_set_mapsize(self.env(), size)) }
269     }
270 }
272 /// Environment statistics.
273 ///
274 /// Contains information about the size and layout of an LMDB environment or database.
275 pub struct Stat(ffi::MDB_stat);
277 impl Stat {
278     /// Create a new Stat with zero'd inner struct `ffi::MDB_stat`.
new() -> Stat279     pub(crate) fn new() -> Stat {
280         unsafe { Stat(mem::zeroed()) }
281     }
283     /// Returns a mut pointer to `ffi::MDB_stat`.
mdb_stat(&mut self) -> *mut ffi::MDB_stat284     pub(crate) fn mdb_stat(&mut self) -> *mut ffi::MDB_stat {
285         &mut self.0
286     }
287 }
289 impl Stat {
290     /// Size of a database page. This is the same for all databases in the environment.
291     #[inline]
page_size(&self) -> u32292     pub fn page_size(&self) -> u32 {
293         self.0.ms_psize
294     }
296     /// Depth (height) of the B-tree.
297     #[inline]
depth(&self) -> u32298     pub fn depth(&self) -> u32 {
299         self.0.ms_depth
300     }
302     /// Number of internal (non-leaf) pages.
303     #[inline]
branch_pages(&self) -> usize304     pub fn branch_pages(&self) -> usize {
305         self.0.ms_branch_pages
306     }
308     /// Number of leaf pages.
309     #[inline]
leaf_pages(&self) -> usize310     pub fn leaf_pages(&self) -> usize {
311         self.0.ms_leaf_pages
312     }
314     /// Number of overflow pages.
315     #[inline]
overflow_pages(&self) -> usize316     pub fn overflow_pages(&self) -> usize {
317         self.0.ms_overflow_pages
318     }
320     /// Number of data items.
321     #[inline]
entries(&self) -> usize322     pub fn entries(&self) -> usize {
323         self.0.ms_entries
324     }
325 }
327 /// Environment information.
328 ///
329 /// Contains environment information about the map size, readers, last txn id etc.
330 pub struct Info(ffi::MDB_envinfo);
332 impl Info {
333     /// Size of memory map.
334     #[inline]
map_size(&self) -> usize335     pub fn map_size(&self) -> usize {
336         self.0.me_mapsize
337     }
339     /// Last used page number
340     #[inline]
last_pgno(&self) -> usize341     pub fn last_pgno(&self) -> usize {
342         self.0.me_last_pgno
343     }
345     /// Last transaction ID
346     #[inline]
last_txnid(&self) -> usize347     pub fn last_txnid(&self) -> usize {
348         self.0.me_last_txnid
349     }
351     /// Max reader slots in the environment
352     #[inline]
max_readers(&self) -> u32353     pub fn max_readers(&self) -> u32 {
354         self.0.me_maxreaders
355     }
357     /// Max reader slots used in the environment
358     #[inline]
num_readers(&self) -> u32359     pub fn num_readers(&self) -> u32 {
360         self.0.me_numreaders
361     }
362 }
364 unsafe impl Send for Environment {}
365 unsafe impl Sync for Environment {}
367 impl fmt::Debug for Environment {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> result::Result<(), fmt::Error>368     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> result::Result<(), fmt::Error> {
369         f.debug_struct("Environment").finish()
370     }
371 }
373 impl Drop for Environment {
drop(&mut self)374     fn drop(&mut self) {
375         unsafe { ffi::mdb_env_close(self.env) }
376     }
377 }
379 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
380 //// Environment Builder
381 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
383 /// Options for opening or creating an environment.
384 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
385 pub struct EnvironmentBuilder {
386     flags: EnvironmentFlags,
387     max_readers: Option<c_uint>,
388     max_dbs: Option<c_uint>,
389     map_size: Option<size_t>,
390 }
392 impl EnvironmentBuilder {
393     /// Open an environment.
394     ///
395     /// On UNIX, the database files will be opened with 644 permissions.
396     ///
397     /// The path may not contain the null character, Windows UNC (Uniform Naming Convention)
398     /// paths are not supported either.
open(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<Environment>399     pub fn open(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<Environment> {
400         self.open_with_permissions(path, 0o644)
401     }
403     /// Open an environment with the provided UNIX permissions.
404     ///
405     /// On Windows, the permissions will be ignored.
406     ///
407     /// The path may not contain the null character, Windows UNC (Uniform Naming Convention)
408     /// paths are not supported either.
open_with_permissions(&self, path: &Path, mode: ffi::mode_t) -> Result<Environment>409     pub fn open_with_permissions(&self, path: &Path, mode: ffi::mode_t) -> Result<Environment> {
410         let mut env: *mut ffi::MDB_env = ptr::null_mut();
411         unsafe {
412             lmdb_try!(ffi::mdb_env_create(&mut env));
413             if let Some(max_readers) = self.max_readers {
414                 lmdb_try_with_cleanup!(ffi::mdb_env_set_maxreaders(env, max_readers), ffi::mdb_env_close(env))
415             }
416             if let Some(max_dbs) = self.max_dbs {
417                 lmdb_try_with_cleanup!(ffi::mdb_env_set_maxdbs(env, max_dbs), ffi::mdb_env_close(env))
418             }
419             if let Some(map_size) = self.map_size {
420                 lmdb_try_with_cleanup!(ffi::mdb_env_set_mapsize(env, map_size), ffi::mdb_env_close(env))
421             }
422             let path = match CString::new(path.as_os_str().as_bytes()) {
423                 Ok(path) => path,
424                 Err(..) => return Err(::Error::Invalid),
425             };
426             lmdb_try_with_cleanup!(
427                 ffi::mdb_env_open(env, path.as_ptr(), self.flags.bits(), mode),
428                 ffi::mdb_env_close(env)
429             );
430         }
431         Ok(Environment {
432             env,
433             dbi_open_mutex: Mutex::new(()),
434         })
435     }
437     /// Sets the provided options in the environment.
set_flags(&mut self, flags: EnvironmentFlags) -> &mut EnvironmentBuilder438     pub fn set_flags(&mut self, flags: EnvironmentFlags) -> &mut EnvironmentBuilder {
439         self.flags = flags;
440         self
441     }
443     /// Sets the maximum number of threads or reader slots for the environment.
444     ///
445     /// This defines the number of slots in the lock table that is used to track readers in the
446     /// the environment. The default is 126. Starting a read-only transaction normally ties a lock
447     /// table slot to the current thread until the environment closes or the thread exits. If
448     /// `MDB_NOTLS` is in use, `Environment::open_txn` instead ties the slot to the `Transaction`
449     /// object until it or the `Environment` object is destroyed.
set_max_readers(&mut self, max_readers: c_uint) -> &mut EnvironmentBuilder450     pub fn set_max_readers(&mut self, max_readers: c_uint) -> &mut EnvironmentBuilder {
451         self.max_readers = Some(max_readers);
452         self
453     }
455     /// Sets the maximum number of named databases for the environment.
456     ///
457     /// This function is only needed if multiple databases will be used in the
458     /// environment. Simpler applications that use the environment as a single
459     /// unnamed database can ignore this option.
460     ///
461     /// Currently a moderate number of slots are cheap but a huge number gets
462     /// expensive: 7-120 words per transaction, and every `Transaction::open_db`
463     /// does a linear search of the opened slots.
set_max_dbs(&mut self, max_dbs: c_uint) -> &mut EnvironmentBuilder464     pub fn set_max_dbs(&mut self, max_dbs: c_uint) -> &mut EnvironmentBuilder {
465         self.max_dbs = Some(max_dbs);
466         self
467     }
469     /// Sets the size of the memory map to use for the environment.
470     ///
471     /// The size should be a multiple of the OS page size. The default is
472     /// 1048576 bytes. The size of the memory map is also the maximum size
473     /// of the database. The value should be chosen as large as possible,
474     /// to accommodate future growth of the database. It may be increased at
475     /// later times.
476     ///
477     /// Any attempt to set a size smaller than the space already consumed
478     /// by the environment will be silently changed to the current size of the used space.
set_map_size(&mut self, map_size: size_t) -> &mut EnvironmentBuilder479     pub fn set_map_size(&mut self, map_size: size_t) -> &mut EnvironmentBuilder {
480         self.map_size = Some(map_size);
481         self
482     }
483 }
485 #[cfg(test)]
486 mod test {
488     extern crate byteorder;
490     use self::byteorder::{
491         ByteOrder,
492         LittleEndian,
493     };
494     use tempdir::TempDir;
496     use flags::*;
498     use super::*;
500     #[test]
test_open()501     fn test_open() {
502         let dir = TempDir::new("test").unwrap();
504         // opening non-existent env with read-only should fail
505         assert!(Environment::new().set_flags(EnvironmentFlags::READ_ONLY).open(dir.path()).is_err());
507         // opening non-existent env should succeed
508         assert!(Environment::new().open(dir.path()).is_ok());
510         // opening env with read-only should succeed
511         assert!(Environment::new().set_flags(EnvironmentFlags::READ_ONLY).open(dir.path()).is_ok());
512     }
514     #[test]
test_begin_txn()515     fn test_begin_txn() {
516         let dir = TempDir::new("test").unwrap();
518         {
519             // writable environment
520             let env = Environment::new().open(dir.path()).unwrap();
522             assert!(env.begin_rw_txn().is_ok());
523             assert!(env.begin_ro_txn().is_ok());
524         }
526         {
527             // read-only environment
528             let env = Environment::new().set_flags(EnvironmentFlags::READ_ONLY).open(dir.path()).unwrap();
530             assert!(env.begin_rw_txn().is_err());
531             assert!(env.begin_ro_txn().is_ok());
532         }
533     }
535     #[test]
test_open_db()536     fn test_open_db() {
537         let dir = TempDir::new("test").unwrap();
538         let env = Environment::new().set_max_dbs(1).open(dir.path()).unwrap();
540         assert!(env.open_db(None).is_ok());
541         assert!(env.open_db(Some("testdb")).is_err());
542     }
544     #[test]
test_create_db()545     fn test_create_db() {
546         let dir = TempDir::new("test").unwrap();
547         let env = Environment::new().set_max_dbs(11).open(dir.path()).unwrap();
548         assert!(env.open_db(Some("testdb")).is_err());
549         assert!(env.create_db(Some("testdb"), DatabaseFlags::empty()).is_ok());
550         assert!(env.open_db(Some("testdb")).is_ok())
551     }
553     #[test]
test_close_database()554     fn test_close_database() {
555         let dir = TempDir::new("test").unwrap();
556         let mut env = Environment::new().set_max_dbs(10).open(dir.path()).unwrap();
558         let db = env.create_db(Some("db"), DatabaseFlags::empty()).unwrap();
559         unsafe {
560             env.close_db(db);
561         }
562         assert!(env.open_db(Some("db")).is_ok());
563     }
565     #[test]
test_sync()566     fn test_sync() {
567         let dir = TempDir::new("test").unwrap();
568         {
569             let env = Environment::new().open(dir.path()).unwrap();
570             assert!(env.sync(true).is_ok());
571         }
572         {
573             let env = Environment::new().set_flags(EnvironmentFlags::READ_ONLY).open(dir.path()).unwrap();
574             assert!(env.sync(true).is_err());
575         }
576     }
578     #[test]
test_stat()579     fn test_stat() {
580         let dir = TempDir::new("test").unwrap();
581         let env = Environment::new().open(dir.path()).unwrap();
583         // Stats should be empty initially.
584         let stat = env.stat().unwrap();
585         assert_eq!(stat.page_size(), 4096);
586         assert_eq!(stat.depth(), 0);
587         assert_eq!(stat.branch_pages(), 0);
588         assert_eq!(stat.leaf_pages(), 0);
589         assert_eq!(stat.overflow_pages(), 0);
590         assert_eq!(stat.entries(), 0);
592         let db = env.open_db(None).unwrap();
594         // Write a few small values.
595         for i in 0..64 {
596             let mut value = [0u8; 8];
597             LittleEndian::write_u64(&mut value, i);
598             let mut tx = env.begin_rw_txn().expect("begin_rw_txn");
599             tx.put(db, &value, &value, WriteFlags::default()).expect("tx.put");
600             tx.commit().expect("tx.commit")
601         }
603         // Stats should now reflect inserted values.
604         let stat = env.stat().unwrap();
605         assert_eq!(stat.page_size(), 4096);
606         assert_eq!(stat.depth(), 1);
607         assert_eq!(stat.branch_pages(), 0);
608         assert_eq!(stat.leaf_pages(), 1);
609         assert_eq!(stat.overflow_pages(), 0);
610         assert_eq!(stat.entries(), 64);
611     }
613     #[test]
test_info()614     fn test_info() {
615         let map_size = 1024 * 1024;
616         let dir = TempDir::new("test").unwrap();
617         let env = Environment::new().set_map_size(map_size).open(dir.path()).unwrap();
619         let info = env.info().unwrap();
620         assert_eq!(info.map_size(), map_size);
621         assert_eq!(info.last_pgno(), 1);
622         assert_eq!(info.last_txnid(), 0);
623         // The default max readers is 126.
624         assert_eq!(info.max_readers(), 126);
625         assert_eq!(info.num_readers(), 0);
626     }
628     #[test]
test_freelist()629     fn test_freelist() {
630         let dir = TempDir::new("test").unwrap();
631         let env = Environment::new().open(dir.path()).unwrap();
633         let db = env.open_db(None).unwrap();
634         let mut freelist = env.freelist().unwrap();
635         assert_eq!(freelist, 0);
637         // Write a few small values.
638         for i in 0..64 {
639             let mut value = [0u8; 8];
640             LittleEndian::write_u64(&mut value, i);
641             let mut tx = env.begin_rw_txn().expect("begin_rw_txn");
642             tx.put(db, &value, &value, WriteFlags::default()).expect("tx.put");
643             tx.commit().expect("tx.commit")
644         }
645         let mut tx = env.begin_rw_txn().expect("begin_rw_txn");
646         tx.clear_db(db).expect("clear");
647         tx.commit().expect("tx.commit");
649         // Freelist should not be empty after clear_db.
650         freelist = env.freelist().unwrap();
651         assert!(freelist > 0);
652     }
654     #[test]
test_set_map_size()655     fn test_set_map_size() {
656         let dir = TempDir::new("test").unwrap();
657         let env = Environment::new().open(dir.path()).unwrap();
659         let mut info = env.info().unwrap();
660         let default_size = info.map_size();
662         // Resizing to 0 merely reloads the map size
663         env.set_map_size(0).unwrap();
664         info = env.info().unwrap();
665         assert_eq!(info.map_size(), default_size);
667         env.set_map_size(2 * default_size).unwrap();
668         info = env.info().unwrap();
669         assert_eq!(info.map_size(), 2 * default_size);
671         env.set_map_size(4 * default_size).unwrap();
672         info = env.info().unwrap();
673         assert_eq!(info.map_size(), 4 * default_size);
675         // Decreasing is also fine if the space hasn't been consumed.
676         env.set_map_size(2 * default_size).unwrap();
677         info = env.info().unwrap();
678         assert_eq!(info.map_size(), 2 * default_size);
679     }
680 }