1// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
3// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5// Package private includes all internal routes. The package name internal is ideal but Golang is not allowed, so we use private as package name instead.
6package private
8import (
9	"fmt"
10	"net/http"
11	"strings"
13	"code.gitea.io/gitea/models"
14	asymkey_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/asymkey"
15	"code.gitea.io/gitea/models/perm"
16	repo_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/repo"
17	"code.gitea.io/gitea/models/unit"
18	user_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/user"
19	"code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/context"
20	"code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/git"
21	"code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/log"
22	"code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/private"
23	"code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting"
24	repo_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/repository"
25	wiki_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/wiki"
28// ServNoCommand returns information about the provided keyid
29func ServNoCommand(ctx *context.PrivateContext) {
30	keyID := ctx.ParamsInt64(":keyid")
31	if keyID <= 0 {
32		ctx.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, private.Response{
33			Err: fmt.Sprintf("Bad key id: %d", keyID),
34		})
35	}
36	results := private.KeyAndOwner{}
38	key, err := asymkey_model.GetPublicKeyByID(keyID)
39	if err != nil {
40		if asymkey_model.IsErrKeyNotExist(err) {
41			ctx.JSON(http.StatusUnauthorized, private.Response{
42				Err: fmt.Sprintf("Cannot find key: %d", keyID),
43			})
44			return
45		}
46		log.Error("Unable to get public key: %d Error: %v", keyID, err)
47		ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.Response{
48			Err: err.Error(),
49		})
50		return
51	}
52	results.Key = key
54	if key.Type == asymkey_model.KeyTypeUser || key.Type == asymkey_model.KeyTypePrincipal {
55		user, err := user_model.GetUserByID(key.OwnerID)
56		if err != nil {
57			if user_model.IsErrUserNotExist(err) {
58				ctx.JSON(http.StatusUnauthorized, private.Response{
59					Err: fmt.Sprintf("Cannot find owner with id: %d for key: %d", key.OwnerID, keyID),
60				})
61				return
62			}
63			log.Error("Unable to get owner with id: %d for public key: %d Error: %v", key.OwnerID, keyID, err)
64			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.Response{
65				Err: err.Error(),
66			})
67			return
68		}
69		if !user.IsActive || user.ProhibitLogin {
70			ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.Response{
71				Err: "Your account is disabled.",
72			})
73			return
74		}
75		results.Owner = user
76	}
77	ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, &results)
80// ServCommand returns information about the provided keyid
81func ServCommand(ctx *context.PrivateContext) {
82	keyID := ctx.ParamsInt64(":keyid")
83	ownerName := ctx.Params(":owner")
84	repoName := ctx.Params(":repo")
85	mode := perm.AccessMode(ctx.FormInt("mode"))
87	// Set the basic parts of the results to return
88	results := private.ServCommandResults{
89		RepoName:  repoName,
90		OwnerName: ownerName,
91		KeyID:     keyID,
92	}
94	// Now because we're not translating things properly let's just default some English strings here
95	modeString := "read"
96	if mode > perm.AccessModeRead {
97		modeString = "write to"
98	}
100	// The default unit we're trying to look at is code
101	unitType := unit.TypeCode
103	// Unless we're a wiki...
104	if strings.HasSuffix(repoName, ".wiki") {
105		// in which case we need to look at the wiki
106		unitType = unit.TypeWiki
107		// And we'd better munge the reponame and tell downstream we're looking at a wiki
108		results.IsWiki = true
109		results.RepoName = repoName[:len(repoName)-5]
110	}
112	owner, err := user_model.GetUserByName(results.OwnerName)
113	if err != nil {
114		if user_model.IsErrUserNotExist(err) {
115			// User is fetching/cloning a non-existent repository
116			log.Warn("Failed authentication attempt (cannot find repository: %s/%s) from %s", results.OwnerName, results.RepoName, ctx.RemoteAddr())
117			ctx.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, private.ErrServCommand{
118				Results: results,
119				Err:     fmt.Sprintf("Cannot find repository: %s/%s", results.OwnerName, results.RepoName),
120			})
121			return
122		}
123		log.Error("Unable to get repository owner: %s/%s Error: %v", results.OwnerName, results.RepoName, err)
124		ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.ErrServCommand{
125			Results: results,
126			Err:     fmt.Sprintf("Unable to get repository owner: %s/%s %v", results.OwnerName, results.RepoName, err),
127		})
128		return
129	}
130	if !owner.IsOrganization() && !owner.IsActive {
131		ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.ErrServCommand{
132			Results: results,
133			Err:     "Repository cannot be accessed, you could retry it later",
134		})
135		return
136	}
138	// Now get the Repository and set the results section
139	repoExist := true
140	repo, err := repo_model.GetRepositoryByName(owner.ID, results.RepoName)
141	if err != nil {
142		if repo_model.IsErrRepoNotExist(err) {
143			repoExist = false
144			for _, verb := range ctx.FormStrings("verb") {
145				if "git-upload-pack" == verb {
146					// User is fetching/cloning a non-existent repository
147					log.Warn("Failed authentication attempt (cannot find repository: %s/%s) from %s", results.OwnerName, results.RepoName, ctx.RemoteAddr())
148					ctx.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, private.ErrServCommand{
149						Results: results,
150						Err:     fmt.Sprintf("Cannot find repository: %s/%s", results.OwnerName, results.RepoName),
151					})
152					return
153				}
154			}
155		} else {
156			log.Error("Unable to get repository: %s/%s Error: %v", results.OwnerName, results.RepoName, err)
157			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.ErrServCommand{
158				Results: results,
159				Err:     fmt.Sprintf("Unable to get repository: %s/%s %v", results.OwnerName, results.RepoName, err),
160			})
161			return
162		}
163	}
165	if repoExist {
166		repo.Owner = owner
167		repo.OwnerName = ownerName
168		results.RepoID = repo.ID
170		if repo.IsBeingCreated() {
171			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.ErrServCommand{
172				Results: results,
173				Err:     "Repository is being created, you could retry after it finished",
174			})
175			return
176		}
178		if repo.IsBroken() {
179			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.ErrServCommand{
180				Results: results,
181				Err:     "Repository is in a broken state",
182			})
183			return
184		}
186		// We can shortcut at this point if the repo is a mirror
187		if mode > perm.AccessModeRead && repo.IsMirror {
188			ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.ErrServCommand{
189				Results: results,
190				Err:     fmt.Sprintf("Mirror Repository %s/%s is read-only", results.OwnerName, results.RepoName),
191			})
192			return
193		}
194	}
196	// Get the Public Key represented by the keyID
197	key, err := asymkey_model.GetPublicKeyByID(keyID)
198	if err != nil {
199		if asymkey_model.IsErrKeyNotExist(err) {
200			ctx.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, private.ErrServCommand{
201				Results: results,
202				Err:     fmt.Sprintf("Cannot find key: %d", keyID),
203			})
204			return
205		}
206		log.Error("Unable to get public key: %d Error: %v", keyID, err)
207		ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.ErrServCommand{
208			Results: results,
209			Err:     fmt.Sprintf("Unable to get key: %d  Error: %v", keyID, err),
210		})
211		return
212	}
213	results.KeyName = key.Name
214	results.KeyID = key.ID
215	results.UserID = key.OwnerID
217	// If repo doesn't exist, deploy key doesn't make sense
218	if !repoExist && key.Type == asymkey_model.KeyTypeDeploy {
219		ctx.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, private.ErrServCommand{
220			Results: results,
221			Err:     fmt.Sprintf("Cannot find repository %s/%s", results.OwnerName, results.RepoName),
222		})
223		return
224	}
226	// Deploy Keys have ownerID set to 0 therefore we can't use the owner
227	// So now we need to check if the key is a deploy key
228	// We'll keep hold of the deploy key here for permissions checking
229	var deployKey *asymkey_model.DeployKey
230	var user *user_model.User
231	if key.Type == asymkey_model.KeyTypeDeploy {
232		var err error
233		deployKey, err = asymkey_model.GetDeployKeyByRepo(key.ID, repo.ID)
234		if err != nil {
235			if asymkey_model.IsErrDeployKeyNotExist(err) {
236				ctx.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, private.ErrServCommand{
237					Results: results,
238					Err:     fmt.Sprintf("Public (Deploy) Key: %d:%s is not authorized to %s %s/%s.", key.ID, key.Name, modeString, results.OwnerName, results.RepoName),
239				})
240				return
241			}
242			log.Error("Unable to get deploy for public (deploy) key: %d in %-v Error: %v", key.ID, repo, err)
243			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.ErrServCommand{
244				Results: results,
245				Err:     fmt.Sprintf("Unable to get Deploy Key for Public Key: %d:%s in %s/%s.", key.ID, key.Name, results.OwnerName, results.RepoName),
246			})
247			return
248		}
249		results.DeployKeyID = deployKey.ID
250		results.KeyName = deployKey.Name
252		// FIXME: Deploy keys aren't really the owner of the repo pushing changes
253		// however we don't have good way of representing deploy keys in hook.go
254		// so for now use the owner of the repository
255		results.UserName = results.OwnerName
256		results.UserID = repo.OwnerID
257		if !repo.Owner.KeepEmailPrivate {
258			results.UserEmail = repo.Owner.Email
259		}
260	} else {
261		// Get the user represented by the Key
262		var err error
263		user, err = user_model.GetUserByID(key.OwnerID)
264		if err != nil {
265			if user_model.IsErrUserNotExist(err) {
266				ctx.JSON(http.StatusUnauthorized, private.ErrServCommand{
267					Results: results,
268					Err:     fmt.Sprintf("Public Key: %d:%s owner %d does not exist.", key.ID, key.Name, key.OwnerID),
269				})
270				return
271			}
272			log.Error("Unable to get owner: %d for public key: %d:%s Error: %v", key.OwnerID, key.ID, key.Name, err)
273			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.ErrServCommand{
274				Results: results,
275				Err:     fmt.Sprintf("Unable to get Owner: %d for Deploy Key: %d:%s in %s/%s.", key.OwnerID, key.ID, key.Name, ownerName, repoName),
276			})
277			return
278		}
280		if !user.IsActive || user.ProhibitLogin {
281			ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.Response{
282				Err: "Your account is disabled.",
283			})
284			return
285		}
287		results.UserName = user.Name
288		if !user.KeepEmailPrivate {
289			results.UserEmail = user.Email
290		}
291	}
293	// Don't allow pushing if the repo is archived
294	if repoExist && mode > perm.AccessModeRead && repo.IsArchived {
295		ctx.JSON(http.StatusUnauthorized, private.ErrServCommand{
296			Results: results,
297			Err:     fmt.Sprintf("Repo: %s/%s is archived.", results.OwnerName, results.RepoName),
298		})
299		return
300	}
302	// Permissions checking:
303	if repoExist &&
304		(mode > perm.AccessModeRead ||
305			repo.IsPrivate ||
306			owner.Visibility.IsPrivate() ||
307			(user != nil && user.IsRestricted) || // user will be nil if the key is a deploykey
308			setting.Service.RequireSignInView) {
309		if key.Type == asymkey_model.KeyTypeDeploy {
310			if deployKey.Mode < mode {
311				ctx.JSON(http.StatusUnauthorized, private.ErrServCommand{
312					Results: results,
313					Err:     fmt.Sprintf("Deploy Key: %d:%s is not authorized to %s %s/%s.", key.ID, key.Name, modeString, results.OwnerName, results.RepoName),
314				})
315				return
316			}
317		} else {
318			// Because of the special ref "refs/for" we will need to delay write permission check
319			if git.SupportProcReceive && unitType == unit.TypeCode {
320				mode = perm.AccessModeRead
321			}
323			perm, err := models.GetUserRepoPermission(repo, user)
324			if err != nil {
325				log.Error("Unable to get permissions for %-v with key %d in %-v Error: %v", user, key.ID, repo, err)
326				ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.ErrServCommand{
327					Results: results,
328					Err:     fmt.Sprintf("Unable to get permissions for user %d:%s with key %d in %s/%s Error: %v", user.ID, user.Name, key.ID, results.OwnerName, results.RepoName, err),
329				})
330				return
331			}
333			userMode := perm.UnitAccessMode(unitType)
335			if userMode < mode {
336				log.Warn("Failed authentication attempt for %s with key %s (not authorized to %s %s/%s) from %s", user.Name, key.Name, modeString, ownerName, repoName, ctx.RemoteAddr())
337				ctx.JSON(http.StatusUnauthorized, private.ErrServCommand{
338					Results: results,
339					Err:     fmt.Sprintf("User: %d:%s with Key: %d:%s is not authorized to %s %s/%s.", user.ID, user.Name, key.ID, key.Name, modeString, ownerName, repoName),
340				})
341				return
342			}
343		}
344	}
346	// We already know we aren't using a deploy key
347	if !repoExist {
348		owner, err := user_model.GetUserByName(ownerName)
349		if err != nil {
350			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.ErrServCommand{
351				Results: results,
352				Err:     fmt.Sprintf("Unable to get owner: %s %v", results.OwnerName, err),
353			})
354			return
355		}
357		if owner.IsOrganization() && !setting.Repository.EnablePushCreateOrg {
358			ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.ErrServCommand{
359				Results: results,
360				Err:     "Push to create is not enabled for organizations.",
361			})
362			return
363		}
364		if !owner.IsOrganization() && !setting.Repository.EnablePushCreateUser {
365			ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.ErrServCommand{
366				Results: results,
367				Err:     "Push to create is not enabled for users.",
368			})
369			return
370		}
372		repo, err = repo_service.PushCreateRepo(user, owner, results.RepoName)
373		if err != nil {
374			log.Error("pushCreateRepo: %v", err)
375			ctx.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, private.ErrServCommand{
376				Results: results,
377				Err:     fmt.Sprintf("Cannot find repository: %s/%s", results.OwnerName, results.RepoName),
378			})
379			return
380		}
381		results.RepoID = repo.ID
382	}
384	if results.IsWiki {
385		// Ensure the wiki is enabled before we allow access to it
386		if _, err := repo.GetUnit(unit.TypeWiki); err != nil {
387			if repo_model.IsErrUnitTypeNotExist(err) {
388				ctx.JSON(http.StatusForbidden, private.ErrServCommand{
389					Results: results,
390					Err:     "repository wiki is disabled",
391				})
392				return
393			}
394			log.Error("Failed to get the wiki unit in %-v Error: %v", repo, err)
395			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.ErrServCommand{
396				Results: results,
397				Err:     fmt.Sprintf("Failed to get the wiki unit in %s/%s Error: %v", ownerName, repoName, err),
398			})
399			return
400		}
402		// Finally if we're trying to touch the wiki we should init it
403		if err = wiki_service.InitWiki(repo); err != nil {
404			log.Error("Failed to initialize the wiki in %-v Error: %v", repo, err)
405			ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, private.ErrServCommand{
406				Results: results,
407				Err:     fmt.Sprintf("Failed to initialize the wiki in %s/%s Error: %v", ownerName, repoName, err),
408			})
409			return
410		}
411	}
412	log.Debug("Serv Results:\nIsWiki: %t\nDeployKeyID: %d\nKeyID: %d\tKeyName: %s\nUserName: %s\nUserID: %d\nOwnerName: %s\nRepoName: %s\nRepoID: %d",
413		results.IsWiki,
414		results.DeployKeyID,
415		results.KeyID,
416		results.KeyName,
417		results.UserName,
418		results.UserID,
419		results.OwnerName,
420		results.RepoName,
421		results.RepoID)
423	ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, results)
424	// We will update the keys in a different call.