1# rubocop:disable Naming/FileName
2# frozen_string_literal: true
4module Gitlab
5  module TemplateParser
6    # AST nodes to evaluate when rendering a template.
7    #
8    # Evaluating an AST is done by walking over the nodes and calling
9    # `evaluate`. This method takes two arguments:
10    #
11    # 1. An instance of `EvalState`, used for tracking data such as the number
12    #    of nested loops.
13    # 2. An object used as the data for the current scope. This can be an Array,
14    #    Hash, String, or something else. It's up to the AST node to determine
15    #    what to do with it.
16    #
17    # While tree walking interpreters (such as implemented here) aren't usually
18    # the fastest type of interpreter, they are:
19    #
20    # 1. Fast enough for our use case
21    # 2. Easy to implement and maintain
22    #
23    # In addition, our AST interpreter doesn't allow for arbitrary code
24    # execution, unlike existing template engines such as Mustache
25    # (https://github.com/mustache/mustache/issues/244) or ERB.
26    #
27    # Our interpreter also takes care of limiting the number of nested loops.
28    # And unlike Liquid, our interpreter is much smaller and thus has a smaller
29    # attack surface. Liquid isn't without its share of issues, such as
30    # https://github.com/Shopify/liquid/pull/1071.
31    #
32    # We also evaluated using Handlebars using the project
33    # https://github.com/SmartBear/ruby-handlebars. Sadly, this implementation
34    # of Handlebars doesn't support control of whitespace
35    # (https://github.com/SmartBear/ruby-handlebars/issues/37), and the project
36    # didn't appear to be maintained that much.
37    #
38    # This doesn't mean these template engines aren't good, instead it means
39    # they won't work for our use case. For more information, refer to the
40    # comment https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/50063#note_469293322.
41    module AST
42      # An identifier in a selector.
43      Identifier = Struct.new(:name) do
44        def evaluate(state, data)
45          return data if name == 'it'
47          data[name] if data.is_a?(Hash)
48        end
49      end
51      # An integer used in a selector.
52      Integer = Struct.new(:value) do
53        def evaluate(state, data)
54          data[value] if data.is_a?(Array)
55        end
56      end
58      # A selector used for loading a value.
59      Selector = Struct.new(:steps) do
60        def evaluate(state, data)
61          steps.reduce(data) do |current, step|
62            break if current.nil?
64            step.evaluate(state, current)
65          end
66        end
67      end
69      # A tag used for displaying a value in the output.
70      Variable = Struct.new(:selector) do
71        def evaluate(state, data)
72          selector.evaluate(state, data).to_s
73        end
74      end
76      # A collection of zero or more expressions.
77      Expressions = Struct.new(:nodes) do
78        def evaluate(state, data)
79          nodes.map { |node| node.evaluate(state, data) }.join('')
80        end
81      end
83      # A single text node.
84      Text = Struct.new(:text) do
85        def evaluate(*)
86          text
87        end
88      end
90      # An `if` expression, with an optional `else` clause.
91      If = Struct.new(:condition, :true_body, :false_body) do
92        def evaluate(state, data)
93          result =
94            if truthy?(condition.evaluate(state, data))
95              true_body.evaluate(state, data)
96            elsif false_body
97              false_body.evaluate(state, data)
98            end
100          result.to_s
101        end
103        def truthy?(value)
104          # We treat empty collections and such as false, removing the need for
105          # some sort of `if length(x) > 0` expression.
106          value.respond_to?(:empty?) ? !value.empty? : !!value
107        end
108      end
110      # An `each` expression.
111      Each = Struct.new(:collection, :body) do
112        def evaluate(state, data)
113          values = collection.evaluate(state, data)
115          return '' unless values.respond_to?(:each)
117          # While unlikely to happen, it's possible users attempt to nest many
118          # loops in order to negatively impact the GitLab instance. To make
119          # this more difficult, we limit the number of nested loops a user can
120          # create.
121          state.enter_loop do
122            values.map { |value| body.evaluate(state, value) }.join('')
123          end
124        end
125      end
127      # A class for transforming a raw Parslet AST into a more structured/easier
128      # to work with AST.
129      #
130      # For more information about Parslet transformations, refer to the
131      # documentation at http://kschiess.github.io/parslet/transform.html.
132      class Transformer < Parslet::Transform
133        rule(ident: simple(:name)) { Identifier.new(name.to_s) }
134        rule(int: simple(:name)) { Integer.new(name.to_i) }
135        rule(text: simple(:text)) { Text.new(text.to_s) }
136        rule(exprs: subtree(:nodes)) { Expressions.new(nodes) }
137        rule(selector: sequence(:steps)) { Selector.new(steps) }
138        rule(selector: simple(:step)) { Selector.new([step]) }
139        rule(variable: simple(:selector)) { Variable.new(selector) }
140        rule(each: simple(:values), body: simple(:body)) do
141          Each.new(values, body)
142        end
144        rule(if: simple(:cond), true_body: simple(:true_body)) do
145          If.new(cond, true_body)
146        end
148        rule(
149          if: simple(:cond),
150          true_body: simple(:true_body),
151          false_body: simple(:false_body)
152        ) do
153          If.new(cond, true_body, false_body)
154        end
155      end
156    end
157  end
160# rubocop:enable Naming/FileName