2  "version": "2.0",
3  "service": "<p>Welcome to the AWS Ground Station API Reference. AWS Ground Station is a fully managed service that enables you to control satellite communications, downlink and process satellite data, and scale your satellite operations efficiently and cost-effectively without having to build or manage your own ground station infrastructure.</p>",
4  "operations": {
5    "CancelContact": "<p>Cancels a contact with a specified contact ID.</p>",
6    "CreateConfig": "<p>Creates a <code>Config</code> with the specified <code>configData</code> parameters.</p> <p>Only one type of <code>configData</code> can be specified.</p>",
7    "CreateDataflowEndpointGroup": "<p>Creates a <code>DataflowEndpoint</code> group containing the specified list of <code>DataflowEndpoint</code> objects.</p> <p>The <code>name</code> field in each endpoint is used in your mission profile <code>DataflowEndpointConfig</code> to specify which endpoints to use during a contact.</p> <p>When a contact uses multiple <code>DataflowEndpointConfig</code> objects, each <code>Config</code> must match a <code>DataflowEndpoint</code> in the same group.</p>",
8    "CreateMissionProfile": "<p>Creates a mission profile.</p> <p> <code>dataflowEdges</code> is a list of lists of strings. Each lower level list of strings has two elements: a <i>from</i> ARN and a <i>to</i> ARN.</p>",
9    "DeleteConfig": "<p>Deletes a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
10    "DeleteDataflowEndpointGroup": "<p>Deletes a dataflow endpoint group.</p>",
11    "DeleteMissionProfile": "<p>Deletes a mission profile.</p>",
12    "DescribeContact": "<p>Describes an existing contact.</p>",
13    "GetConfig": "<p>Returns <code>Config</code> information.</p> <p>Only one <code>Config</code> response can be returned.</p>",
14    "GetDataflowEndpointGroup": "<p>Returns the dataflow endpoint group.</p>",
15    "GetMinuteUsage": "<p>Returns the number of minutes used by account.</p>",
16    "GetMissionProfile": "<p>Returns a mission profile.</p>",
17    "GetSatellite": "<p>Returns a satellite.</p>",
18    "ListConfigs": "<p>Returns a list of <code>Config</code> objects.</p>",
19    "ListContacts": "<p>Returns a list of contacts.</p> <p>If <code>statusList</code> contains AVAILABLE, the request must include <code>groundStation</code>, <code>missionprofileArn</code>, and <code>satelliteArn</code>. </p>",
20    "ListDataflowEndpointGroups": "<p>Returns a list of <code>DataflowEndpoint</code> groups.</p>",
21    "ListGroundStations": "<p>Returns a list of ground stations. </p>",
22    "ListMissionProfiles": "<p>Returns a list of mission profiles.</p>",
23    "ListSatellites": "<p>Returns a list of satellites.</p>",
24    "ListTagsForResource": "<p>Returns a list of tags for a specified resource.</p>",
25    "ReserveContact": "<p>Reserves a contact using specified parameters.</p>",
26    "TagResource": "<p>Assigns a tag to a resource.</p>",
27    "UntagResource": "<p>Deassigns a resource tag.</p>",
28    "UpdateConfig": "<p>Updates the <code>Config</code> used when scheduling contacts.</p> <p>Updating a <code>Config</code> will not update the execution parameters for existing future contacts scheduled with this <code>Config</code>.</p>",
29    "UpdateMissionProfile": "<p>Updates a mission profile.</p> <p>Updating a mission profile will not update the execution parameters for existing future contacts.</p>"
30  },
31  "shapes": {
32    "AngleUnits": {
33      "base": null,
34      "refs": {
35        "Elevation$unit": "<p>Elevation angle units.</p>"
36      }
37    },
38    "AntennaDemodDecodeDetails": {
39      "base": "<p>Details about an antenna demod decode <code>Config</code> used in a contact.</p>",
40      "refs": {
41        "ConfigDetails$antennaDemodDecodeDetails": "<p>Details for antenna demod decode <code>Config</code> in a contact.</p>"
42      }
43    },
44    "AntennaDownlinkConfig": {
45      "base": "<p>Information about how AWS Ground Station should configure an antenna for downlink during a contact.</p>",
46      "refs": {
47        "ConfigTypeData$antennaDownlinkConfig": "<p>Information about how AWS Ground Station should configure an antenna for downlink during a contact.</p>"
48      }
49    },
50    "AntennaDownlinkDemodDecodeConfig": {
51      "base": "<p>Information about how AWS Ground Station should configure an antenna for downlink demod decode during a contact.</p>",
52      "refs": {
53        "ConfigTypeData$antennaDownlinkDemodDecodeConfig": "<p>Information about how AWS Ground Station should configure an antenna for downlink demod decode during a contact.</p>"
54      }
55    },
56    "AntennaUplinkConfig": {
57      "base": "<p>Information about the uplink <code>Config</code> of an antenna.</p>",
58      "refs": {
59        "ConfigTypeData$antennaUplinkConfig": "<p>Information about how AWS Ground Station should configure an antenna for uplink during a contact.</p>"
60      }
61    },
62    "BandwidthUnits": {
63      "base": null,
64      "refs": {
65        "FrequencyBandwidth$units": "<p>Frequency bandwidth units.</p>"
66      }
67    },
68    "Boolean": {
69      "base": null,
70      "refs": {
71        "AntennaUplinkConfig$transmitDisabled": "<p>Whether or not uplink transmit is disabled.</p>",
72        "GetMinuteUsageResponse$isReservedMinutesCustomer": "<p>Returns whether or not an account has signed up for the reserved minutes pricing plan, specific to the month being requested.</p>",
73        "UplinkEchoConfig$enabled": "<p>Whether or not an uplink <code>Config</code> is enabled.</p>"
74      }
75    },
76    "BucketArn": {
77      "base": null,
78      "refs": {
79        "S3RecordingConfig$bucketArn": "<p>ARN of the bucket to record to.</p>",
80        "S3RecordingDetails$bucketArn": "<p>ARN of the bucket used.</p>"
81      }
82    },
83    "CancelContactRequest": {
84      "base": "<p/>",
85      "refs": {
86      }
87    },
88    "ConfigArn": {
89      "base": null,
90      "refs": {
91        "ConfigIdResponse$configArn": "<p>ARN of a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
92        "ConfigListItem$configArn": "<p>ARN of a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
93        "CreateMissionProfileRequest$trackingConfigArn": "<p>ARN of a tracking <code>Config</code>.</p>",
94        "DataflowEdge$member": null,
95        "GetConfigResponse$configArn": "<p>ARN of a <code>Config</code> </p>",
96        "GetMissionProfileResponse$trackingConfigArn": "<p>ARN of a tracking <code>Config</code>.</p>",
97        "UpdateMissionProfileRequest$trackingConfigArn": "<p>ARN of a tracking <code>Config</code>.</p>",
98        "UplinkEchoConfig$antennaUplinkConfigArn": "<p>ARN of an uplink <code>Config</code>.</p>"
99      }
100    },
101    "ConfigCapabilityType": {
102      "base": null,
103      "refs": {
104        "ConfigIdResponse$configType": "<p>Type of a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
105        "ConfigListItem$configType": "<p>Type of a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
106        "DeleteConfigRequest$configType": "<p>Type of a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
107        "Destination$configType": "<p>Type of a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
108        "GetConfigRequest$configType": "<p>Type of a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
109        "GetConfigResponse$configType": "<p>Type of a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
110        "Source$configType": "<p>Type of a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
111        "UpdateConfigRequest$configType": "<p>Type of a <code>Config</code>.</p>"
112      }
113    },
114    "ConfigDetails": {
115      "base": "<p>Details for certain <code>Config</code> object types in a contact.</p>",
116      "refs": {
117        "Destination$configDetails": "<p>Additional details for a <code>Config</code>, if type is dataflow endpoint or antenna demod decode.</p>",
118        "Source$configDetails": "<p>Additional details for a <code>Config</code>, if type is dataflow endpoint or antenna demod decode.</p>"
119      }
120    },
121    "ConfigIdResponse": {
122      "base": "<p/>",
123      "refs": {
124      }
125    },
126    "ConfigList": {
127      "base": null,
128      "refs": {
129        "ListConfigsResponse$configList": "<p>List of <code>Config</code> items.</p>"
130      }
131    },
132    "ConfigListItem": {
133      "base": "<p>An item in a list of <code>Config</code> objects.</p>",
134      "refs": {
135        "ConfigList$member": null
136      }
137    },
138    "ConfigTypeData": {
139      "base": "<p>Object containing the parameters of a <code>Config</code>.</p> <p>See the subtype definitions for what each type of <code>Config</code> contains.</p>",
140      "refs": {
141        "CreateConfigRequest$configData": "<p>Parameters of a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
142        "GetConfigResponse$configData": "<p>Data elements in a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
143        "UpdateConfigRequest$configData": "<p>Parameters of a <code>Config</code>.</p>"
144      }
145    },
146    "ContactData": {
147      "base": "<p>Data describing a contact.</p>",
148      "refs": {
149        "ContactList$member": null
150      }
151    },
152    "ContactIdResponse": {
153      "base": "<p/>",
154      "refs": {
155      }
156    },
157    "ContactList": {
158      "base": null,
159      "refs": {
160        "ListContactsResponse$contactList": "<p>List of contacts.</p>"
161      }
162    },
163    "ContactStatus": {
164      "base": null,
165      "refs": {
166        "ContactData$contactStatus": "<p>Status of a contact.</p>",
167        "DescribeContactResponse$contactStatus": "<p>Status of a contact.</p>",
168        "StatusList$member": null
169      }
170    },
171    "CreateConfigRequest": {
172      "base": "<p/>",
173      "refs": {
174      }
175    },
176    "CreateDataflowEndpointGroupRequest": {
177      "base": "<p/>",
178      "refs": {
179      }
180    },
181    "CreateMissionProfileRequest": {
182      "base": "<p/>",
183      "refs": {
184      }
185    },
186    "Criticality": {
187      "base": null,
188      "refs": {
189        "TrackingConfig$autotrack": "<p>Current setting for autotrack.</p>"
190      }
191    },
192    "DataflowDetail": {
193      "base": "<p>Information about a dataflow edge used in a contact.</p>",
194      "refs": {
195        "DataflowList$member": null
196      }
197    },
198    "DataflowEdge": {
199      "base": null,
200      "refs": {
201        "DataflowEdgeList$member": null
202      }
203    },
204    "DataflowEdgeList": {
205      "base": null,
206      "refs": {
207        "CreateMissionProfileRequest$dataflowEdges": "<p>A list of lists of ARNs. Each list of ARNs is an edge, with a <i>from</i> <code>Config</code> and a <i>to</i> <code>Config</code>.</p>",
208        "GetMissionProfileResponse$dataflowEdges": "<p>A list of lists of ARNs. Each list of ARNs is an edge, with a <i>from</i> <code>Config</code> and a <i>to</i> <code>Config</code>.</p>",
209        "UpdateMissionProfileRequest$dataflowEdges": "<p>A list of lists of ARNs. Each list of ARNs is an edge, with a <i>from</i> <code>Config</code> and a <i>to</i> <code>Config</code>.</p>"
210      }
211    },
212    "DataflowEndpoint": {
213      "base": "<p>Information about a dataflow endpoint.</p>",
214      "refs": {
215        "EndpointDetails$endpoint": "<p>A dataflow endpoint.</p>"
216      }
217    },
218    "DataflowEndpointConfig": {
219      "base": "<p>Information about the dataflow endpoint <code>Config</code>.</p>",
220      "refs": {
221        "ConfigTypeData$dataflowEndpointConfig": "<p>Information about the dataflow endpoint <code>Config</code>.</p>"
222      }
223    },
224    "DataflowEndpointGroupArn": {
225      "base": null,
226      "refs": {
227        "DataflowEndpointListItem$dataflowEndpointGroupArn": "<p>ARN of a dataflow endpoint group.</p>",
228        "GetDataflowEndpointGroupResponse$dataflowEndpointGroupArn": "<p>ARN of a dataflow endpoint group.</p>"
229      }
230    },
231    "DataflowEndpointGroupIdResponse": {
232      "base": "<p/>",
233      "refs": {
234      }
235    },
236    "DataflowEndpointGroupList": {
237      "base": null,
238      "refs": {
239        "ListDataflowEndpointGroupsResponse$dataflowEndpointGroupList": "<p>A list of dataflow endpoint groups.</p>"
240      }
241    },
242    "DataflowEndpointListItem": {
243      "base": "<p>Item in a list of <code>DataflowEndpoint</code> groups.</p>",
244      "refs": {
245        "DataflowEndpointGroupList$member": null
246      }
247    },
248    "DataflowEndpointMtuInteger": {
249      "base": null,
250      "refs": {
251        "DataflowEndpoint$mtu": "<p>Maximum transmission unit (MTU) size in bytes of a dataflow endpoint.</p>"
252      }
253    },
254    "DataflowList": {
255      "base": null,
256      "refs": {
257        "DescribeContactResponse$dataflowList": "<p>List describing source and destination details for each dataflow edge.</p>"
258      }
259    },
260    "DecodeConfig": {
261      "base": "<p>Information about the decode <code>Config</code>.</p>",
262      "refs": {
263        "AntennaDownlinkDemodDecodeConfig$decodeConfig": "<p>Information about the decode <code>Config</code>.</p>"
264      }
265    },
266    "DeleteConfigRequest": {
267      "base": "<p/>",
268      "refs": {
269      }
270    },
271    "DeleteDataflowEndpointGroupRequest": {
272      "base": "<p/>",
273      "refs": {
274      }
275    },
276    "DeleteMissionProfileRequest": {
277      "base": "<p/>",
278      "refs": {
279      }
280    },
281    "DemodulationConfig": {
282      "base": "<p>Information about the demodulation <code>Config</code>.</p>",
283      "refs": {
284        "AntennaDownlinkDemodDecodeConfig$demodulationConfig": "<p>Information about the demodulation <code>Config</code>.</p>"
285      }
286    },
287    "DependencyException": {
288      "base": "<p>Dependency encountered an error.</p>",
289      "refs": {
290      }
291    },
292    "DescribeContactRequest": {
293      "base": "<p/>",
294      "refs": {
295      }
296    },
297    "DescribeContactResponse": {
298      "base": "<p/>",
299      "refs": {
300      }
301    },
302    "Destination": {
303      "base": "<p>Dataflow details for the destination side.</p>",
304      "refs": {
305        "DataflowDetail$destination": null
306      }
307    },
308    "Double": {
309      "base": null,
310      "refs": {
311        "Eirp$value": "<p>Value of an EIRP. Valid values are between 20.0 to 50.0 dBW.</p>",
312        "Elevation$value": "<p>Elevation angle value.</p>",
313        "Frequency$value": "<p>Frequency value. Valid values are between 2200 to 2300 MHz and 7750 to 8400 MHz for downlink and 2025 to 2120 MHz for uplink.</p>",
314        "FrequencyBandwidth$value": "<p>Frequency bandwidth value. AWS Ground Station currently has the following bandwidth limitations:</p> <ul> <li> <p>For <code>AntennaDownlinkDemodDecodeconfig</code>, valid values are between 125 kHz to 650 MHz.</p> </li> <li> <p>For <code>AntennaDownlinkconfig</code>, valid values are between 10 kHz to 54 MHz.</p> </li> <li> <p>For <code>AntennaUplinkConfig</code>, valid values are between 10 kHz to 54 MHz.</p> </li> </ul>"
315      }
316    },
317    "DurationInSeconds": {
318      "base": null,
319      "refs": {
320        "CreateMissionProfileRequest$contactPostPassDurationSeconds": "<p>Amount of time after a contact ends that you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating the pass has finished.</p>",
321        "CreateMissionProfileRequest$contactPrePassDurationSeconds": "<p>Amount of time prior to contact start you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating an upcoming pass.</p>",
322        "CreateMissionProfileRequest$minimumViableContactDurationSeconds": "<p>Smallest amount of time in seconds that you’d like to see for an available contact. AWS Ground Station will not present you with contacts shorter than this duration.</p>",
323        "GetMissionProfileResponse$contactPostPassDurationSeconds": "<p>Amount of time after a contact ends that you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating the pass has finished.</p>",
324        "GetMissionProfileResponse$contactPrePassDurationSeconds": "<p>Amount of time prior to contact start you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating an upcoming pass.</p>",
325        "GetMissionProfileResponse$minimumViableContactDurationSeconds": "<p>Smallest amount of time in seconds that you’d like to see for an available contact. AWS Ground Station will not present you with contacts shorter than this duration.</p>",
326        "UpdateMissionProfileRequest$contactPostPassDurationSeconds": "<p>Amount of time after a contact ends that you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating the pass has finished.</p>",
327        "UpdateMissionProfileRequest$contactPrePassDurationSeconds": "<p>Amount of time after a contact ends that you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating the pass has finished.</p>",
328        "UpdateMissionProfileRequest$minimumViableContactDurationSeconds": "<p>Smallest amount of time in seconds that you’d like to see for an available contact. AWS Ground Station will not present you with contacts shorter than this duration.</p>"
329      }
330    },
331    "Eirp": {
332      "base": "<p>Object that represents EIRP.</p>",
333      "refs": {
334        "AntennaUplinkConfig$targetEirp": "<p>EIRP of the target.</p>"
335      }
336    },
337    "EirpUnits": {
338      "base": null,
339      "refs": {
340        "Eirp$units": "<p>Units of an EIRP.</p>"
341      }
342    },
343    "Elevation": {
344      "base": "<p>Elevation angle of the satellite in the sky during a contact.</p>",
345      "refs": {
346        "ContactData$maximumElevation": "<p>Maximum elevation angle of a contact.</p>",
347        "DescribeContactResponse$maximumElevation": "<p>Maximum elevation angle of a contact.</p>"
348      }
349    },
350    "EndpointDetails": {
351      "base": "<p>Information about the endpoint details.</p>",
352      "refs": {
353        "ConfigDetails$endpointDetails": null,
354        "EndpointDetailsList$member": null
355      }
356    },
357    "EndpointDetailsList": {
358      "base": null,
359      "refs": {
360        "CreateDataflowEndpointGroupRequest$endpointDetails": "<p>Endpoint details of each endpoint in the dataflow endpoint group.</p>",
361        "GetDataflowEndpointGroupResponse$endpointsDetails": "<p>Details of a dataflow endpoint.</p>"
362      }
363    },
364    "EndpointStatus": {
365      "base": null,
366      "refs": {
367        "DataflowEndpoint$status": "<p>Status of a dataflow endpoint.</p>"
368      }
369    },
370    "Frequency": {
371      "base": "<p>Object that describes the frequency.</p>",
372      "refs": {
373        "SpectrumConfig$centerFrequency": "<p>Center frequency of a spectral <code>Config</code>. Valid values are between 2200 to 2300 MHz and 7750 to 8400 MHz for downlink and 2025 to 2120 MHz for uplink.</p>",
374        "UplinkSpectrumConfig$centerFrequency": "<p>Center frequency of an uplink spectral <code>Config</code>. Valid values are between 2025 to 2120 MHz.</p>"
375      }
376    },
377    "FrequencyBandwidth": {
378      "base": "<p>Object that describes the frequency bandwidth. </p>",
379      "refs": {
380        "SpectrumConfig$bandwidth": "<p>Bandwidth of a spectral <code>Config</code>. AWS Ground Station currently has the following bandwidth limitations:</p> <ul> <li> <p>For <code>AntennaDownlinkDemodDecodeconfig</code>, valid values are between 125 kHz to 650 MHz.</p> </li> <li> <p>For <code>AntennaDownlinkconfig</code> valid values are between 10 kHz to 54 MHz.</p> </li> <li> <p>For <code>AntennaUplinkConfig</code>, valid values are between 10 kHz to 54 MHz.</p> </li> </ul>"
381      }
382    },
383    "FrequencyUnits": {
384      "base": null,
385      "refs": {
386        "Frequency$units": "<p>Frequency units.</p>"
387      }
388    },
389    "GetConfigRequest": {
390      "base": "<p/>",
391      "refs": {
392      }
393    },
394    "GetConfigResponse": {
395      "base": "<p/>",
396      "refs": {
397      }
398    },
399    "GetDataflowEndpointGroupRequest": {
400      "base": "<p/>",
401      "refs": {
402      }
403    },
404    "GetDataflowEndpointGroupResponse": {
405      "base": "<p/>",
406      "refs": {
407      }
408    },
409    "GetMinuteUsageRequest": {
410      "base": "<p/>",
411      "refs": {
412      }
413    },
414    "GetMinuteUsageResponse": {
415      "base": "<p/>",
416      "refs": {
417      }
418    },
419    "GetMissionProfileRequest": {
420      "base": "<p/>",
421      "refs": {
422      }
423    },
424    "GetMissionProfileResponse": {
425      "base": "<p/>",
426      "refs": {
427      }
428    },
429    "GetSatelliteRequest": {
430      "base": "<p/>",
431      "refs": {
432      }
433    },
434    "GetSatelliteResponse": {
435      "base": "<p/>",
436      "refs": {
437      }
438    },
439    "GroundStationData": {
440      "base": "<p>Information about the ground station data.</p>",
441      "refs": {
442        "GroundStationList$member": null
443      }
444    },
445    "GroundStationIdList": {
446      "base": null,
447      "refs": {
448        "GetSatelliteResponse$groundStations": "<p>A list of ground stations to which the satellite is on-boarded.</p>",
449        "SatelliteListItem$groundStations": "<p>A list of ground stations to which the satellite is on-boarded.</p>"
450      }
451    },
452    "GroundStationList": {
453      "base": null,
454      "refs": {
455        "ListGroundStationsResponse$groundStationList": "<p>List of ground stations.</p>"
456      }
457    },
458    "Integer": {
459      "base": null,
460      "refs": {
461        "GetMinuteUsageRequest$month": "<p>The month being requested, with a value of 1-12.</p>",
462        "GetMinuteUsageRequest$year": "<p>The year being requested, in the format of YYYY.</p>",
463        "GetMinuteUsageResponse$estimatedMinutesRemaining": "<p>Estimated number of minutes remaining for an account, specific to the month being requested.</p>",
464        "GetMinuteUsageResponse$totalReservedMinuteAllocation": "<p>Total number of reserved minutes allocated, specific to the month being requested.</p>",
465        "GetMinuteUsageResponse$totalScheduledMinutes": "<p>Total scheduled minutes for an account, specific to the month being requested.</p>",
466        "GetMinuteUsageResponse$upcomingMinutesScheduled": "<p>Upcoming minutes scheduled for an account, specific to the month being requested.</p>",
467        "ListConfigsRequest$maxResults": "<p>Maximum number of <code>Configs</code> returned.</p>",
468        "ListContactsRequest$maxResults": "<p>Maximum number of contacts returned.</p>",
469        "ListDataflowEndpointGroupsRequest$maxResults": "<p>Maximum number of dataflow endpoint groups returned.</p>",
470        "ListGroundStationsRequest$maxResults": "<p>Maximum number of ground stations returned.</p>",
471        "ListMissionProfilesRequest$maxResults": "<p>Maximum number of mission profiles returned.</p>",
472        "ListSatellitesRequest$maxResults": "<p>Maximum number of satellites returned.</p>",
473        "SocketAddress$port": "<p>Port of a socket address.</p>"
474      }
475    },
476    "InvalidParameterException": {
477      "base": "<p>One or more parameters are not valid.</p>",
478      "refs": {
479      }
480    },
481    "JsonString": {
482      "base": null,
483      "refs": {
484        "DecodeConfig$unvalidatedJSON": "<p>Unvalidated JSON of a decode <code>Config</code>.</p>",
485        "DemodulationConfig$unvalidatedJSON": "<p>Unvalidated JSON of a demodulation <code>Config</code>.</p>"
486      }
487    },
488    "ListConfigsRequest": {
489      "base": "<p/>",
490      "refs": {
491      }
492    },
493    "ListConfigsResponse": {
494      "base": "<p/>",
495      "refs": {
496      }
497    },
498    "ListContactsRequest": {
499      "base": "<p/>",
500      "refs": {
501      }
502    },
503    "ListContactsResponse": {
504      "base": "<p/>",
505      "refs": {
506      }
507    },
508    "ListDataflowEndpointGroupsRequest": {
509      "base": "<p/>",
510      "refs": {
511      }
512    },
513    "ListDataflowEndpointGroupsResponse": {
514      "base": "<p/>",
515      "refs": {
516      }
517    },
518    "ListGroundStationsRequest": {
519      "base": "<p/>",
520      "refs": {
521      }
522    },
523    "ListGroundStationsResponse": {
524      "base": "<p/>",
525      "refs": {
526      }
527    },
528    "ListMissionProfilesRequest": {
529      "base": "<p/>",
530      "refs": {
531      }
532    },
533    "ListMissionProfilesResponse": {
534      "base": "<p/>",
535      "refs": {
536      }
537    },
538    "ListSatellitesRequest": {
539      "base": "<p/>",
540      "refs": {
541      }
542    },
543    "ListSatellitesResponse": {
544      "base": "<p/>",
545      "refs": {
546      }
547    },
548    "ListTagsForResourceRequest": {
549      "base": "<p/>",
550      "refs": {
551      }
552    },
553    "ListTagsForResourceResponse": {
554      "base": "<p/>",
555      "refs": {
556      }
557    },
558    "MissionProfileArn": {
559      "base": null,
560      "refs": {
561        "ContactData$missionProfileArn": "<p>ARN of a mission profile.</p>",
562        "DescribeContactResponse$missionProfileArn": "<p>ARN of a mission profile.</p>",
563        "GetMissionProfileResponse$missionProfileArn": "<p>ARN of a mission profile.</p>",
564        "ListContactsRequest$missionProfileArn": "<p>ARN of a mission profile.</p>",
565        "MissionProfileListItem$missionProfileArn": "<p>ARN of a mission profile.</p>",
566        "ReserveContactRequest$missionProfileArn": "<p>ARN of a mission profile.</p>"
567      }
568    },
569    "MissionProfileIdResponse": {
570      "base": "<p/>",
571      "refs": {
572      }
573    },
574    "MissionProfileList": {
575      "base": null,
576      "refs": {
577        "ListMissionProfilesResponse$missionProfileList": "<p>List of mission profiles.</p>"
578      }
579    },
580    "MissionProfileListItem": {
581      "base": "<p>Item in a list of mission profiles.</p>",
582      "refs": {
583        "MissionProfileList$member": null
584      }
585    },
586    "Polarization": {
587      "base": null,
588      "refs": {
589        "SpectrumConfig$polarization": "<p>Polarization of a spectral <code>Config</code>. Capturing both <code>\"RIGHT_HAND\"</code> and <code>\"LEFT_HAND\"</code> polarization requires two separate configs.</p>",
590        "UplinkSpectrumConfig$polarization": "<p>Polarization of an uplink spectral <code>Config</code>. Capturing both <code>\"RIGHT_HAND\"</code> and <code>\"LEFT_HAND\"</code> polarization requires two separate configs.</p>"
591      }
592    },
593    "ReserveContactRequest": {
594      "base": "<p/>",
595      "refs": {
596      }
597    },
598    "ResourceLimitExceededException": {
599      "base": "<p>Account limits for this resource have been exceeded.</p>",
600      "refs": {
601      }
602    },
603    "ResourceNotFoundException": {
604      "base": "<p>Resource was not found.</p>",
605      "refs": {
606      }
607    },
608    "RoleArn": {
609      "base": null,
610      "refs": {
611        "S3RecordingConfig$roleArn": "<p>ARN of the role Ground Station assumes to write data to the bucket.</p>",
612        "SecurityDetails$roleArn": "<p>ARN to a role needed for connecting streams to your instances. </p>"
613      }
614    },
615    "S3KeyPrefix": {
616      "base": null,
617      "refs": {
618        "S3RecordingConfig$prefix": "<p>S3 Key prefix to prefice data files.</p>"
619      }
620    },
621    "S3RecordingConfig": {
622      "base": "<p>Information about an S3 recording <code>Config</code>.</p>",
623      "refs": {
624        "ConfigTypeData$s3RecordingConfig": "<p>Information about an S3 recording <code>Config</code>.</p>"
625      }
626    },
627    "S3RecordingDetails": {
628      "base": "<p>Details about an S3 recording <code>Config</code> used in a contact.</p>",
629      "refs": {
630        "ConfigDetails$s3RecordingDetails": "<p>Details for an S3 recording <code>Config</code> in a contact.</p>"
631      }
632    },
633    "SafeName": {
634      "base": null,
635      "refs": {
636        "CreateConfigRequest$name": "<p>Name of a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
637        "CreateMissionProfileRequest$name": "<p>Name of a mission profile.</p>",
638        "DataflowEndpoint$name": "<p>Name of a dataflow endpoint.</p>",
639        "UpdateConfigRequest$name": "<p>Name of a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
640        "UpdateMissionProfileRequest$name": "<p>Name of a mission profile.</p>"
641      }
642    },
643    "SatelliteList": {
644      "base": null,
645      "refs": {
646        "ListSatellitesResponse$satellites": "<p>List of satellites.</p>"
647      }
648    },
649    "SatelliteListItem": {
650      "base": "<p>Item in a list of satellites.</p>",
651      "refs": {
652        "SatelliteList$member": null
653      }
654    },
655    "SecurityDetails": {
656      "base": "<p>Information about endpoints.</p>",
657      "refs": {
658        "EndpointDetails$securityDetails": "<p>Endpoint security details.</p>"
659      }
660    },
661    "SecurityGroupIdList": {
662      "base": null,
663      "refs": {
664        "SecurityDetails$securityGroupIds": "<p>The security groups to attach to the elastic network interfaces.</p>"
665      }
666    },
667    "SocketAddress": {
668      "base": "<p>Information about the socket address.</p>",
669      "refs": {
670        "DataflowEndpoint$address": "<p>Socket address of a dataflow endpoint.</p>"
671      }
672    },
673    "Source": {
674      "base": "<p>Dataflow details for the source side.</p>",
675      "refs": {
676        "DataflowDetail$source": null
677      }
678    },
679    "SpectrumConfig": {
680      "base": "<p>Object that describes a spectral <code>Config</code>.</p>",
681      "refs": {
682        "AntennaDownlinkConfig$spectrumConfig": "<p>Object that describes a spectral <code>Config</code>.</p>",
683        "AntennaDownlinkDemodDecodeConfig$spectrumConfig": "<p>Information about the spectral <code>Config</code>.</p>"
684      }
685    },
686    "StatusList": {
687      "base": null,
688      "refs": {
689        "ListContactsRequest$statusList": "<p>Status of a contact reservation.</p>"
690      }
691    },
692    "String": {
693      "base": null,
694      "refs": {
695        "AntennaDemodDecodeDetails$outputNode": "<p>Name of an antenna demod decode output node used in a contact.</p>",
696        "CancelContactRequest$contactId": "<p>UUID of a contact.</p>",
697        "ConfigIdResponse$configId": "<p>UUID of a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
698        "ConfigListItem$configId": "<p>UUID of a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
699        "ConfigListItem$name": "<p>Name of a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
700        "ContactData$contactId": "<p>UUID of a contact.</p>",
701        "ContactData$errorMessage": "<p>Error message of a contact.</p>",
702        "ContactData$groundStation": "<p>Name of a ground station.</p>",
703        "ContactData$region": "<p>Region of a contact.</p>",
704        "ContactIdResponse$contactId": "<p>UUID of a contact.</p>",
705        "DataflowDetail$errorMessage": "<p>Error message for a dataflow.</p>",
706        "DataflowEndpointConfig$dataflowEndpointName": "<p>Name of a dataflow endpoint.</p>",
707        "DataflowEndpointConfig$dataflowEndpointRegion": "<p>Region of a dataflow endpoint.</p>",
708        "DataflowEndpointGroupIdResponse$dataflowEndpointGroupId": "<p>UUID of a dataflow endpoint group.</p>",
709        "DataflowEndpointListItem$dataflowEndpointGroupId": "<p>UUID of a dataflow endpoint group.</p>",
710        "DeleteConfigRequest$configId": "<p>UUID of a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
711        "DeleteDataflowEndpointGroupRequest$dataflowEndpointGroupId": "<p>UUID of a dataflow endpoint group.</p>",
712        "DeleteMissionProfileRequest$missionProfileId": "<p>UUID of a mission profile.</p>",
713        "DependencyException$message": null,
714        "DependencyException$parameterName": "<p/>",
715        "DescribeContactRequest$contactId": "<p>UUID of a contact.</p>",
716        "DescribeContactResponse$contactId": "<p>UUID of a contact.</p>",
717        "DescribeContactResponse$errorMessage": "<p>Error message for a contact.</p>",
718        "DescribeContactResponse$groundStation": "<p>Ground station for a contact.</p>",
719        "DescribeContactResponse$region": "<p>Region of a contact.</p>",
720        "Destination$configId": "<p>UUID of a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
721        "Destination$dataflowDestinationRegion": "<p>Region of a dataflow destination.</p>",
722        "GetConfigRequest$configId": "<p>UUID of a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
723        "GetConfigResponse$configId": "<p>UUID of a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
724        "GetConfigResponse$name": "<p>Name of a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
725        "GetDataflowEndpointGroupRequest$dataflowEndpointGroupId": "<p>UUID of a dataflow endpoint group.</p>",
726        "GetDataflowEndpointGroupResponse$dataflowEndpointGroupId": "<p>UUID of a dataflow endpoint group.</p>",
727        "GetMissionProfileRequest$missionProfileId": "<p>UUID of a mission profile.</p>",
728        "GetMissionProfileResponse$missionProfileId": "<p>UUID of a mission profile.</p>",
729        "GetMissionProfileResponse$name": "<p>Name of a mission profile.</p>",
730        "GetMissionProfileResponse$region": "<p>Region of a mission profile.</p>",
731        "GetSatelliteRequest$satelliteId": "<p>UUID of a satellite.</p>",
732        "GroundStationData$groundStationId": "<p>UUID of a ground station.</p>",
733        "GroundStationData$groundStationName": "<p>Name of a ground station.</p>",
734        "GroundStationData$region": "<p>Ground station Region.</p>",
735        "GroundStationIdList$member": null,
736        "InvalidParameterException$message": null,
737        "InvalidParameterException$parameterName": "<p/>",
738        "ListConfigsRequest$nextToken": "<p>Next token returned in the request of a previous <code>ListConfigs</code> call. Used to get the next page of results.</p>",
739        "ListConfigsResponse$nextToken": "<p>Next token returned in the response of a previous <code>ListConfigs</code> call. Used to get the next page of results.</p>",
740        "ListContactsRequest$groundStation": "<p>Name of a ground station.</p>",
741        "ListContactsRequest$nextToken": "<p>Next token returned in the request of a previous <code>ListContacts</code> call. Used to get the next page of results.</p>",
742        "ListContactsResponse$nextToken": "<p>Next token returned in the response of a previous <code>ListContacts</code> call. Used to get the next page of results.</p>",
743        "ListDataflowEndpointGroupsRequest$nextToken": "<p>Next token returned in the request of a previous <code>ListDataflowEndpointGroups</code> call. Used to get the next page of results.</p>",
744        "ListDataflowEndpointGroupsResponse$nextToken": "<p>Next token returned in the response of a previous <code>ListDataflowEndpointGroups</code> call. Used to get the next page of results.</p>",
745        "ListGroundStationsRequest$nextToken": "<p>Next token that can be supplied in the next call to get the next page of ground stations.</p>",
746        "ListGroundStationsRequest$satelliteId": "<p>Satellite ID to retrieve on-boarded ground stations.</p>",
747        "ListGroundStationsResponse$nextToken": "<p>Next token that can be supplied in the next call to get the next page of ground stations.</p>",
748        "ListMissionProfilesRequest$nextToken": "<p>Next token returned in the request of a previous <code>ListMissionProfiles</code> call. Used to get the next page of results.</p>",
749        "ListMissionProfilesResponse$nextToken": "<p>Next token returned in the response of a previous <code>ListMissionProfiles</code> call. Used to get the next page of results.</p>",
750        "ListSatellitesRequest$nextToken": "<p>Next token that can be supplied in the next call to get the next page of satellites.</p>",
751        "ListSatellitesResponse$nextToken": "<p>Next token that can be supplied in the next call to get the next page of satellites.</p>",
752        "ListTagsForResourceRequest$resourceArn": "<p>ARN of a resource.</p>",
753        "MissionProfileIdResponse$missionProfileId": "<p>UUID of a mission profile.</p>",
754        "MissionProfileListItem$missionProfileId": "<p>UUID of a mission profile.</p>",
755        "MissionProfileListItem$name": "<p>Name of a mission profile.</p>",
756        "MissionProfileListItem$region": "<p>Region of a mission profile.</p>",
757        "ReserveContactRequest$groundStation": "<p>Name of a ground station.</p>",
758        "ResourceLimitExceededException$message": null,
759        "ResourceLimitExceededException$parameterName": "<p/>",
760        "ResourceNotFoundException$message": null,
761        "S3RecordingDetails$keyTemplate": "<p>Template of the S3 key used.</p>",
762        "SecurityGroupIdList$member": null,
763        "SocketAddress$name": "<p>Name of a socket address.</p>",
764        "Source$configId": "<p>UUID of a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
765        "Source$dataflowSourceRegion": "<p>Region of a dataflow source.</p>",
766        "SubnetList$member": null,
767        "TagKeys$member": null,
768        "TagResourceRequest$resourceArn": "<p>ARN of a resource tag.</p>",
769        "TagsMap$key": null,
770        "TagsMap$value": null,
771        "UntagResourceRequest$resourceArn": "<p>ARN of a resource.</p>",
772        "UpdateConfigRequest$configId": "<p>UUID of a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
773        "UpdateMissionProfileRequest$missionProfileId": "<p>UUID of a mission profile.</p>"
774      }
775    },
776    "SubnetList": {
777      "base": null,
778      "refs": {
779        "SecurityDetails$subnetIds": "<p>A list of subnets where AWS Ground Station places elastic network interfaces to send streams to your instances.</p>"
780      }
781    },
782    "TagKeys": {
783      "base": null,
784      "refs": {
785        "UntagResourceRequest$tagKeys": "<p>Keys of a resource tag.</p>"
786      }
787    },
788    "TagResourceRequest": {
789      "base": "<p/>",
790      "refs": {
791      }
792    },
793    "TagResourceResponse": {
794      "base": "<p/>",
795      "refs": {
796      }
797    },
798    "TagsMap": {
799      "base": null,
800      "refs": {
801        "ContactData$tags": "<p>Tags assigned to a contact.</p>",
802        "CreateConfigRequest$tags": "<p>Tags assigned to a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
803        "CreateDataflowEndpointGroupRequest$tags": "<p>Tags of a dataflow endpoint group.</p>",
804        "CreateMissionProfileRequest$tags": "<p>Tags assigned to a mission profile.</p>",
805        "DescribeContactResponse$tags": "<p>Tags assigned to a contact.</p>",
806        "GetConfigResponse$tags": "<p>Tags assigned to a <code>Config</code>.</p>",
807        "GetDataflowEndpointGroupResponse$tags": "<p>Tags assigned to a dataflow endpoint group.</p>",
808        "GetMissionProfileResponse$tags": "<p>Tags assigned to a mission profile.</p>",
809        "ListTagsForResourceResponse$tags": "<p>Tags assigned to a resource.</p>",
810        "ReserveContactRequest$tags": "<p>Tags assigned to a contact.</p>",
811        "TagResourceRequest$tags": "<p>Tags assigned to a resource.</p>"
812      }
813    },
814    "Timestamp": {
815      "base": null,
816      "refs": {
817        "ContactData$endTime": "<p>End time of a contact.</p>",
818        "ContactData$postPassEndTime": "<p>Amount of time after a contact ends that you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating the pass has finished.</p>",
819        "ContactData$prePassStartTime": "<p>Amount of time prior to contact start you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating an upcoming pass.</p>",
820        "ContactData$startTime": "<p>Start time of a contact.</p>",
821        "DescribeContactResponse$endTime": "<p>End time of a contact.</p>",
822        "DescribeContactResponse$postPassEndTime": "<p>Amount of time after a contact ends that you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating the pass has finished.</p>",
823        "DescribeContactResponse$prePassStartTime": "<p>Amount of time prior to contact start you’d like to receive a CloudWatch event indicating an upcoming pass.</p>",
824        "DescribeContactResponse$startTime": "<p>Start time of a contact.</p>",
825        "ListContactsRequest$endTime": "<p>End time of a contact.</p>",
826        "ListContactsRequest$startTime": "<p>Start time of a contact.</p>",
827        "ReserveContactRequest$endTime": "<p>End time of a contact.</p>",
828        "ReserveContactRequest$startTime": "<p>Start time of a contact.</p>"
829      }
830    },
831    "TrackingConfig": {
832      "base": "<p>Object that determines whether tracking should be used during a contact executed with this <code>Config</code> in the mission profile.</p>",
833      "refs": {
834        "ConfigTypeData$trackingConfig": "<p>Object that determines whether tracking should be used during a contact executed with this <code>Config</code> in the mission profile. </p>"
835      }
836    },
837    "UntagResourceRequest": {
838      "base": "<p/>",
839      "refs": {
840      }
841    },
842    "UntagResourceResponse": {
843      "base": "<p/>",
844      "refs": {
845      }
846    },
847    "UpdateConfigRequest": {
848      "base": "<p/>",
849      "refs": {
850      }
851    },
852    "UpdateMissionProfileRequest": {
853      "base": "<p/>",
854      "refs": {
855      }
856    },
857    "UplinkEchoConfig": {
858      "base": "<p>Information about an uplink echo <code>Config</code>.</p> <p>Parameters from the <code>AntennaUplinkConfig</code>, corresponding to the specified <code>AntennaUplinkConfigArn</code>, are used when this <code>UplinkEchoConfig</code> is used in a contact.</p>",
859      "refs": {
860        "ConfigTypeData$uplinkEchoConfig": "<p>Information about an uplink echo <code>Config</code>.</p> <p>Parameters from the <code>AntennaUplinkConfig</code>, corresponding to the specified <code>AntennaUplinkConfigArn</code>, are used when this <code>UplinkEchoConfig</code> is used in a contact.</p>"
861      }
862    },
863    "UplinkSpectrumConfig": {
864      "base": "<p>Information about the uplink spectral <code>Config</code>.</p>",
865      "refs": {
866        "AntennaUplinkConfig$spectrumConfig": "<p>Information about the uplink spectral <code>Config</code>.</p>"
867      }
868    },
869    "Uuid": {
870      "base": null,
871      "refs": {
872        "GetSatelliteResponse$satelliteId": "<p>UUID of a satellite.</p>",
873        "SatelliteListItem$satelliteId": "<p>UUID of a satellite.</p>"
874      }
875    },
876    "noradSatelliteID": {
877      "base": null,
878      "refs": {
879        "GetSatelliteResponse$noradSatelliteID": "<p>NORAD satellite ID number.</p>",
880        "SatelliteListItem$noradSatelliteID": "<p>NORAD satellite ID number.</p>"
881      }
882    },
883    "satelliteArn": {
884      "base": null,
885      "refs": {
886        "ContactData$satelliteArn": "<p>ARN of a satellite.</p>",
887        "DescribeContactResponse$satelliteArn": "<p>ARN of a satellite.</p>",
888        "GetSatelliteResponse$satelliteArn": "<p>ARN of a satellite.</p>",
889        "ListContactsRequest$satelliteArn": "<p>ARN of a satellite.</p>",
890        "ReserveContactRequest$satelliteArn": "<p>ARN of a satellite</p>",
891        "SatelliteListItem$satelliteArn": "<p>ARN of a satellite.</p>"
892      }
893    }
894  }