1package face
3// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
4// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
6// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
7// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.
9import (
10	"github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest"
11	"github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/date"
12	"github.com/gofrs/uuid"
15// The package's fully qualified name.
16const fqdn = "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/cognitiveservices/v1.0/face"
18// Accessory accessory item and corresponding confidence level.
19type Accessory struct {
20	// Type - Type of an accessory. Possible values include: 'HeadWear', 'Glasses', 'Mask'
21	Type AccessoryType `json:"type,omitempty"`
22	// Confidence - Confidence level of an accessory
23	Confidence *float64 `json:"confidence,omitempty"`
26// APIError error information returned by the API
27type APIError struct {
28	Error *Error `json:"error,omitempty"`
31// ApplySnapshotRequest request body for applying snapshot operation.
32type ApplySnapshotRequest struct {
33	// ObjectID - User specified target object id to be created from the snapshot.
34	ObjectID *string `json:"objectId,omitempty"`
35	// Mode - Snapshot applying mode. Currently only CreateNew is supported, which means the apply operation will fail if target subscription already contains an object of same type and using the same objectId. Users can specify the "objectId" in request body to avoid such conflicts. Possible values include: 'CreateNew'
36	Mode SnapshotApplyMode `json:"mode,omitempty"`
39// Attributes face Attributes
40type Attributes struct {
41	// Age - Age in years
42	Age *float64 `json:"age,omitempty"`
43	// Gender - Possible gender of the face. Possible values include: 'Male', 'Female'
44	Gender Gender `json:"gender,omitempty"`
45	// Smile - Smile intensity, a number between [0,1]
46	Smile *float64 `json:"smile,omitempty"`
47	// FacialHair - Properties describing facial hair attributes.
48	FacialHair *FacialHair `json:"facialHair,omitempty"`
49	// Glasses - Glasses type if any of the face. Possible values include: 'NoGlasses', 'ReadingGlasses', 'Sunglasses', 'SwimmingGoggles'
50	Glasses GlassesType `json:"glasses,omitempty"`
51	// HeadPose - Properties indicating head pose of the face.
52	HeadPose *HeadPose `json:"headPose,omitempty"`
53	// Emotion - Properties describing facial emotion in form of confidence ranging from 0 to 1.
54	Emotion *Emotion `json:"emotion,omitempty"`
55	// Hair - Properties describing hair attributes.
56	Hair *Hair `json:"hair,omitempty"`
57	// Makeup - Properties describing present makeups on a given face.
58	Makeup *Makeup `json:"makeup,omitempty"`
59	// Occlusion - Properties describing occlusions on a given face.
60	Occlusion *Occlusion `json:"occlusion,omitempty"`
61	// Accessories - Properties describing any accessories on a given face.
62	Accessories *[]Accessory `json:"accessories,omitempty"`
63	// Blur - Properties describing any presence of blur within the image.
64	Blur *Blur `json:"blur,omitempty"`
65	// Exposure - Properties describing exposure level of the image.
66	Exposure *Exposure `json:"exposure,omitempty"`
67	// Noise - Properties describing noise level of the image.
68	Noise *Noise `json:"noise,omitempty"`
71// Blur properties describing any presence of blur within the image.
72type Blur struct {
73	// BlurLevel - An enum value indicating level of blurriness. Possible values include: 'Low', 'Medium', 'High'
74	BlurLevel BlurLevel `json:"blurLevel,omitempty"`
75	// Value - A number indicating level of blurriness ranging from 0 to 1.
76	Value *float64 `json:"value,omitempty"`
79// Coordinate coordinates within an image
80type Coordinate struct {
81	// X - The horizontal component, in pixels.
82	X *float64 `json:"x,omitempty"`
83	// Y - The vertical component, in pixels.
84	Y *float64 `json:"y,omitempty"`
87// DetectedFace detected Face object.
88type DetectedFace struct {
89	FaceID *uuid.UUID `json:"faceId,omitempty"`
90	// RecognitionModel - Possible values include: 'Recognition01', 'Recognition02', 'Recognition03'
91	RecognitionModel RecognitionModel `json:"recognitionModel,omitempty"`
92	FaceRectangle    *Rectangle       `json:"faceRectangle,omitempty"`
93	FaceLandmarks    *Landmarks       `json:"faceLandmarks,omitempty"`
94	FaceAttributes   *Attributes      `json:"faceAttributes,omitempty"`
97// Emotion properties describing facial emotion in form of confidence ranging from 0 to 1.
98type Emotion struct {
99	Anger     *float64 `json:"anger,omitempty"`
100	Contempt  *float64 `json:"contempt,omitempty"`
101	Disgust   *float64 `json:"disgust,omitempty"`
102	Fear      *float64 `json:"fear,omitempty"`
103	Happiness *float64 `json:"happiness,omitempty"`
104	Neutral   *float64 `json:"neutral,omitempty"`
105	Sadness   *float64 `json:"sadness,omitempty"`
106	Surprise  *float64 `json:"surprise,omitempty"`
109// Error error body.
110type Error struct {
111	Code    *string `json:"code,omitempty"`
112	Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"`
115// Exposure properties describing exposure level of the image.
116type Exposure struct {
117	// ExposureLevel - An enum value indicating level of exposure. Possible values include: 'UnderExposure', 'GoodExposure', 'OverExposure'
118	ExposureLevel ExposureLevel `json:"exposureLevel,omitempty"`
119	// Value - A number indicating level of exposure level ranging from 0 to 1. [0, 0.25) is under exposure. [0.25, 0.75) is good exposure. [0.75, 1] is over exposure.
120	Value *float64 `json:"value,omitempty"`
123// FacialHair properties describing facial hair attributes.
124type FacialHair struct {
125	Moustache *float64 `json:"moustache,omitempty"`
126	Beard     *float64 `json:"beard,omitempty"`
127	Sideburns *float64 `json:"sideburns,omitempty"`
130// FindSimilarRequest request body for find similar operation.
131type FindSimilarRequest struct {
132	// FaceID - FaceId of the query face. User needs to call Face - Detect first to get a valid faceId. Note that this faceId is not persisted and will expire 24 hours after the detection call
133	FaceID *uuid.UUID `json:"faceId,omitempty"`
134	// FaceListID - An existing user-specified unique candidate face list, created in Face List - Create a Face List. Face list contains a set of persistedFaceIds which are persisted and will never expire. Parameter faceListId, largeFaceListId and faceIds should not be provided at the same time.
135	FaceListID *string `json:"faceListId,omitempty"`
136	// LargeFaceListID - An existing user-specified unique candidate large face list, created in LargeFaceList - Create. Large face list contains a set of persistedFaceIds which are persisted and will never expire. Parameter faceListId, largeFaceListId and faceIds should not be provided at the same time.
137	LargeFaceListID *string `json:"largeFaceListId,omitempty"`
138	// FaceIds - An array of candidate faceIds. All of them are created by Face - Detect and the faceIds will expire 24 hours after the detection call. The number of faceIds is limited to 1000. Parameter faceListId, largeFaceListId and faceIds should not be provided at the same time.
139	FaceIds *[]uuid.UUID `json:"faceIds,omitempty"`
140	// MaxNumOfCandidatesReturned - The number of top similar faces returned. The valid range is [1, 1000].
141	MaxNumOfCandidatesReturned *int32 `json:"maxNumOfCandidatesReturned,omitempty"`
142	// Mode - Similar face searching mode. It can be "matchPerson" or "matchFace". Possible values include: 'MatchPerson', 'MatchFace'
143	Mode FindSimilarMatchMode `json:"mode,omitempty"`
146// GroupRequest request body for group request.
147type GroupRequest struct {
148	// FaceIds - Array of candidate faceId created by Face - Detect. The maximum is 1000 faces
149	FaceIds *[]uuid.UUID `json:"faceIds,omitempty"`
152// GroupResult an array of face groups based on face similarity.
153type GroupResult struct {
154	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
155	// Groups - A partition of the original faces based on face similarity. Groups are ranked by number of faces
156	Groups *[][]uuid.UUID `json:"groups,omitempty"`
157	// MessyGroup - Face ids array of faces that cannot find any similar faces from original faces.
158	MessyGroup *[]uuid.UUID `json:"messyGroup,omitempty"`
161// Hair properties describing hair attributes.
162type Hair struct {
163	// Bald - A number describing confidence level of whether the person is bald.
164	Bald *float64 `json:"bald,omitempty"`
165	// Invisible - A boolean value describing whether the hair is visible in the image.
166	Invisible *bool `json:"invisible,omitempty"`
167	// HairColor - An array of candidate colors and confidence level in the presence of each.
168	HairColor *[]HairColor `json:"hairColor,omitempty"`
171// HairColor hair color and associated confidence
172type HairColor struct {
173	// Color - Name of the hair color. Possible values include: 'Unknown', 'White', 'Gray', 'Blond', 'Brown', 'Red', 'Black', 'Other'
174	Color HairColorType `json:"color,omitempty"`
175	// Confidence - Confidence level of the color
176	Confidence *float64 `json:"confidence,omitempty"`
179// HeadPose properties indicating head pose of the face.
180type HeadPose struct {
181	Roll  *float64 `json:"roll,omitempty"`
182	Yaw   *float64 `json:"yaw,omitempty"`
183	Pitch *float64 `json:"pitch,omitempty"`
186// IdentifyCandidate all possible faces that may qualify.
187type IdentifyCandidate struct {
188	// PersonID - Id of candidate
189	PersonID *uuid.UUID `json:"personId,omitempty"`
190	// Confidence - Confidence threshold of identification, used to judge whether one face belong to one person. The range of confidenceThreshold is [0, 1] (default specified by algorithm).
191	Confidence *float64 `json:"confidence,omitempty"`
194// IdentifyRequest request body for identify face operation.
195type IdentifyRequest struct {
196	// FaceIds - Array of query faces faceIds, created by the Face - Detect. Each of the faces are identified independently. The valid number of faceIds is between [1, 10].
197	FaceIds *[]uuid.UUID `json:"faceIds,omitempty"`
198	// PersonGroupID - PersonGroupId of the target person group, created by PersonGroup - Create. Parameter personGroupId and largePersonGroupId should not be provided at the same time.
199	PersonGroupID *string `json:"personGroupId,omitempty"`
200	// LargePersonGroupID - LargePersonGroupId of the target large person group, created by LargePersonGroup - Create. Parameter personGroupId and largePersonGroupId should not be provided at the same time.
201	LargePersonGroupID *string `json:"largePersonGroupId,omitempty"`
202	// MaxNumOfCandidatesReturned - The range of maxNumOfCandidatesReturned is between 1 and 5 (default is 1).
203	MaxNumOfCandidatesReturned *int32 `json:"maxNumOfCandidatesReturned,omitempty"`
204	// ConfidenceThreshold - Confidence threshold of identification, used to judge whether one face belong to one person. The range of confidenceThreshold is [0, 1] (default specified by algorithm).
205	ConfidenceThreshold *float64 `json:"confidenceThreshold,omitempty"`
208// IdentifyResult response body for identify face operation.
209type IdentifyResult struct {
210	// FaceID - FaceId of the query face
211	FaceID *uuid.UUID `json:"faceId,omitempty"`
212	// Candidates - Identified person candidates for that face (ranked by confidence). Array size should be no larger than input maxNumOfCandidatesReturned. If no person is identified, will return an empty array.
213	Candidates *[]IdentifyCandidate `json:"candidates,omitempty"`
216// ImageURL ...
217type ImageURL struct {
218	// URL - Publicly reachable URL of an image
219	URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"`
222// Landmarks a collection of 27-point face landmarks pointing to the important positions of face
223// components.
224type Landmarks struct {
225	PupilLeft           *Coordinate `json:"pupilLeft,omitempty"`
226	PupilRight          *Coordinate `json:"pupilRight,omitempty"`
227	NoseTip             *Coordinate `json:"noseTip,omitempty"`
228	MouthLeft           *Coordinate `json:"mouthLeft,omitempty"`
229	MouthRight          *Coordinate `json:"mouthRight,omitempty"`
230	EyebrowLeftOuter    *Coordinate `json:"eyebrowLeftOuter,omitempty"`
231	EyebrowLeftInner    *Coordinate `json:"eyebrowLeftInner,omitempty"`
232	EyeLeftOuter        *Coordinate `json:"eyeLeftOuter,omitempty"`
233	EyeLeftTop          *Coordinate `json:"eyeLeftTop,omitempty"`
234	EyeLeftBottom       *Coordinate `json:"eyeLeftBottom,omitempty"`
235	EyeLeftInner        *Coordinate `json:"eyeLeftInner,omitempty"`
236	EyebrowRightInner   *Coordinate `json:"eyebrowRightInner,omitempty"`
237	EyebrowRightOuter   *Coordinate `json:"eyebrowRightOuter,omitempty"`
238	EyeRightInner       *Coordinate `json:"eyeRightInner,omitempty"`
239	EyeRightTop         *Coordinate `json:"eyeRightTop,omitempty"`
240	EyeRightBottom      *Coordinate `json:"eyeRightBottom,omitempty"`
241	EyeRightOuter       *Coordinate `json:"eyeRightOuter,omitempty"`
242	NoseRootLeft        *Coordinate `json:"noseRootLeft,omitempty"`
243	NoseRootRight       *Coordinate `json:"noseRootRight,omitempty"`
244	NoseLeftAlarTop     *Coordinate `json:"noseLeftAlarTop,omitempty"`
245	NoseRightAlarTop    *Coordinate `json:"noseRightAlarTop,omitempty"`
246	NoseLeftAlarOutTip  *Coordinate `json:"noseLeftAlarOutTip,omitempty"`
247	NoseRightAlarOutTip *Coordinate `json:"noseRightAlarOutTip,omitempty"`
248	UpperLipTop         *Coordinate `json:"upperLipTop,omitempty"`
249	UpperLipBottom      *Coordinate `json:"upperLipBottom,omitempty"`
250	UnderLipTop         *Coordinate `json:"underLipTop,omitempty"`
251	UnderLipBottom      *Coordinate `json:"underLipBottom,omitempty"`
254// LargeFaceList large face list object.
255type LargeFaceList struct {
256	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
257	// LargeFaceListID - LargeFaceListId of the target large face list.
258	LargeFaceListID *string `json:"largeFaceListId,omitempty"`
259	// RecognitionModel - Possible values include: 'Recognition01', 'Recognition02', 'Recognition03'
260	RecognitionModel RecognitionModel `json:"recognitionModel,omitempty"`
261	// Name - User defined name, maximum length is 128.
262	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
263	// UserData - User specified data. Length should not exceed 16KB.
264	UserData *string `json:"userData,omitempty"`
267// LargePersonGroup large person group object.
268type LargePersonGroup struct {
269	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
270	// LargePersonGroupID - LargePersonGroupId of the target large person groups
271	LargePersonGroupID *string `json:"largePersonGroupId,omitempty"`
272	// RecognitionModel - Possible values include: 'Recognition01', 'Recognition02', 'Recognition03'
273	RecognitionModel RecognitionModel `json:"recognitionModel,omitempty"`
274	// Name - User defined name, maximum length is 128.
275	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
276	// UserData - User specified data. Length should not exceed 16KB.
277	UserData *string `json:"userData,omitempty"`
280// List face list object.
281type List struct {
282	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
283	// FaceListID - FaceListId of the target face list.
284	FaceListID *string `json:"faceListId,omitempty"`
285	// PersistedFaces - Persisted faces within the face list.
286	PersistedFaces *[]PersistedFace `json:"persistedFaces,omitempty"`
287	// RecognitionModel - Possible values include: 'Recognition01', 'Recognition02', 'Recognition03'
288	RecognitionModel RecognitionModel `json:"recognitionModel,omitempty"`
289	// Name - User defined name, maximum length is 128.
290	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
291	// UserData - User specified data. Length should not exceed 16KB.
292	UserData *string `json:"userData,omitempty"`
295// ListDetectedFace ...
296type ListDetectedFace struct {
297	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
298	Value             *[]DetectedFace `json:"value,omitempty"`
301// ListIdentifyResult ...
302type ListIdentifyResult struct {
303	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
304	Value             *[]IdentifyResult `json:"value,omitempty"`
307// ListLargeFaceList ...
308type ListLargeFaceList struct {
309	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
310	Value             *[]LargeFaceList `json:"value,omitempty"`
313// ListLargePersonGroup ...
314type ListLargePersonGroup struct {
315	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
316	Value             *[]LargePersonGroup `json:"value,omitempty"`
319// ListList ...
320type ListList struct {
321	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
322	Value             *[]List `json:"value,omitempty"`
325// ListPersistedFace ...
326type ListPersistedFace struct {
327	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
328	Value             *[]PersistedFace `json:"value,omitempty"`
331// ListPerson ...
332type ListPerson struct {
333	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
334	Value             *[]Person `json:"value,omitempty"`
337// ListPersonGroup ...
338type ListPersonGroup struct {
339	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
340	Value             *[]PersonGroup `json:"value,omitempty"`
343// ListSimilarFace ...
344type ListSimilarFace struct {
345	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
346	Value             *[]SimilarFace `json:"value,omitempty"`
349// ListSnapshot ...
350type ListSnapshot struct {
351	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
352	Value             *[]Snapshot `json:"value,omitempty"`
355// Makeup properties describing present makeups on a given face.
356type Makeup struct {
357	// EyeMakeup - A boolean value describing whether eye makeup is present on a face.
358	EyeMakeup *bool `json:"eyeMakeup,omitempty"`
359	// LipMakeup - A boolean value describing whether lip makeup is present on a face.
360	LipMakeup *bool `json:"lipMakeup,omitempty"`
363// MetaDataContract a combination of user defined name and user specified data and recognition model name
364// for largePersonGroup/personGroup, and largeFaceList/faceList.
365type MetaDataContract struct {
366	// RecognitionModel - Possible values include: 'Recognition01', 'Recognition02', 'Recognition03'
367	RecognitionModel RecognitionModel `json:"recognitionModel,omitempty"`
368	// Name - User defined name, maximum length is 128.
369	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
370	// UserData - User specified data. Length should not exceed 16KB.
371	UserData *string `json:"userData,omitempty"`
374// NameAndUserDataContract a combination of user defined name and user specified data for the person,
375// largePersonGroup/personGroup, and largeFaceList/faceList.
376type NameAndUserDataContract struct {
377	// Name - User defined name, maximum length is 128.
378	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
379	// UserData - User specified data. Length should not exceed 16KB.
380	UserData *string `json:"userData,omitempty"`
383// Noise properties describing noise level of the image.
384type Noise struct {
385	// NoiseLevel - An enum value indicating level of noise. Possible values include: 'NoiseLevelLow', 'NoiseLevelMedium', 'NoiseLevelHigh'
386	NoiseLevel NoiseLevel `json:"noiseLevel,omitempty"`
387	// Value - A number indicating level of noise level ranging from 0 to 1. [0, 0.25) is under exposure. [0.25, 0.75) is good exposure. [0.75, 1] is over exposure. [0, 0.3) is low noise level. [0.3, 0.7) is medium noise level. [0.7, 1] is high noise level.
388	Value *float64 `json:"value,omitempty"`
391// Occlusion properties describing occlusions on a given face.
392type Occlusion struct {
393	// ForeheadOccluded - A boolean value indicating whether forehead is occluded.
394	ForeheadOccluded *bool `json:"foreheadOccluded,omitempty"`
395	// EyeOccluded - A boolean value indicating whether eyes are occluded.
396	EyeOccluded *bool `json:"eyeOccluded,omitempty"`
397	// MouthOccluded - A boolean value indicating whether the mouth is occluded.
398	MouthOccluded *bool `json:"mouthOccluded,omitempty"`
401// OperationStatus operation status object. Operation refers to the asynchronous backend task including
402// taking a snapshot and applying a snapshot.
403type OperationStatus struct {
404	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
405	// Status - Operation status: notstarted, running, succeeded, failed. If the operation is requested and waiting to perform, the status is notstarted. If the operation is ongoing in backend, the status is running. Status succeeded means the operation is completed successfully, specifically for snapshot taking operation, it illustrates the snapshot is well taken and ready to apply, and for snapshot applying operation, it presents the target object has finished creating by the snapshot and ready to be used. Status failed is often caused by editing the source object while taking the snapshot or editing the target object while applying the snapshot before completion, see the field "message" to check the failure reason. Possible values include: 'Notstarted', 'Running', 'Succeeded', 'Failed'
406	Status OperationStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`
407	// CreatedTime - A combined UTC date and time string that describes the time when the operation (take or apply a snapshot) is requested. E.g. 2018-12-25T11:41:02.2331413Z.
408	CreatedTime *date.Time `json:"createdTime,omitempty"`
409	// LastActionTime - A combined UTC date and time string that describes the last time the operation (take or apply a snapshot) is actively migrating data. The lastActionTime will keep increasing until the operation finishes. E.g. 2018-12-25T11:51:27.8705696Z.
410	LastActionTime *date.Time `json:"lastActionTime,omitempty"`
411	// ResourceLocation - When the operation succeeds successfully, for snapshot taking operation the snapshot id will be included in this field, and for snapshot applying operation, the path to get the target object will be returned in this field.
412	ResourceLocation *string `json:"resourceLocation,omitempty"`
413	// Message - Show failure message when operation fails (omitted when operation succeeds).
414	Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"`
417// PersistedFace personFace object.
418type PersistedFace struct {
419	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
420	// PersistedFaceID - The persistedFaceId of the target face, which is persisted and will not expire. Different from faceId created by Face - Detect and will expire in 24 hours after the detection call.
421	PersistedFaceID *uuid.UUID `json:"persistedFaceId,omitempty"`
422	// UserData - User-provided data attached to the face. The size limit is 1KB.
423	UserData *string `json:"userData,omitempty"`
426// Person person object.
427type Person struct {
428	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
429	// PersonID - PersonId of the target face list.
430	PersonID *uuid.UUID `json:"personId,omitempty"`
431	// PersistedFaceIds - PersistedFaceIds of registered faces in the person. These persistedFaceIds are returned from Person - Add a Person Face, and will not expire.
432	PersistedFaceIds *[]uuid.UUID `json:"persistedFaceIds,omitempty"`
433	// Name - User defined name, maximum length is 128.
434	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
435	// UserData - User specified data. Length should not exceed 16KB.
436	UserData *string `json:"userData,omitempty"`
439// PersonGroup person group object.
440type PersonGroup struct {
441	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
442	// PersonGroupID - PersonGroupId of the target person group.
443	PersonGroupID *string `json:"personGroupId,omitempty"`
444	// RecognitionModel - Possible values include: 'Recognition01', 'Recognition02', 'Recognition03'
445	RecognitionModel RecognitionModel `json:"recognitionModel,omitempty"`
446	// Name - User defined name, maximum length is 128.
447	Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
448	// UserData - User specified data. Length should not exceed 16KB.
449	UserData *string `json:"userData,omitempty"`
452// Rectangle a rectangle within which a face can be found
453type Rectangle struct {
454	// Width - The width of the rectangle, in pixels.
455	Width *int32 `json:"width,omitempty"`
456	// Height - The height of the rectangle, in pixels.
457	Height *int32 `json:"height,omitempty"`
458	// Left - The distance from the left edge if the image to the left edge of the rectangle, in pixels.
459	Left *int32 `json:"left,omitempty"`
460	// Top - The distance from the top edge if the image to the top edge of the rectangle, in pixels.
461	Top *int32 `json:"top,omitempty"`
464// SimilarFace response body for find similar face operation.
465type SimilarFace struct {
466	// FaceID - FaceId of candidate face when find by faceIds. faceId is created by Face - Detect and will expire 24 hours after the detection call
467	FaceID *uuid.UUID `json:"faceId,omitempty"`
468	// PersistedFaceID - PersistedFaceId of candidate face when find by faceListId. persistedFaceId in face list is persisted and will not expire. As showed in below response
469	PersistedFaceID *uuid.UUID `json:"persistedFaceId,omitempty"`
470	// Confidence - Similarity confidence of the candidate face. The higher confidence, the more similar. Range between [0,1].
471	Confidence *float64 `json:"confidence,omitempty"`
474// Snapshot snapshot object.
475type Snapshot struct {
476	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
477	// ID - Snapshot id.
478	ID *uuid.UUID `json:"id,omitempty"`
479	// Account - Azure Cognitive Service Face account id of the subscriber who created the snapshot by Snapshot - Take.
480	Account *string `json:"account,omitempty"`
481	// Type - Type of the source object in the snapshot, specified by the subscriber who created the snapshot when calling Snapshot - Take. Currently FaceList, PersonGroup, LargeFaceList and LargePersonGroup are supported. Possible values include: 'SnapshotObjectTypeFaceList', 'SnapshotObjectTypeLargeFaceList', 'SnapshotObjectTypeLargePersonGroup', 'SnapshotObjectTypePersonGroup'
482	Type SnapshotObjectType `json:"type,omitempty"`
483	// ApplyScope - Array of the target Face subscription ids for the snapshot, specified by the user who created the snapshot when calling Snapshot - Take. For each snapshot, only subscriptions included in the applyScope of Snapshot - Take can apply it.
484	ApplyScope *[]uuid.UUID `json:"applyScope,omitempty"`
485	// UserData - User specified data about the snapshot for any purpose. Length should not exceed 16KB.
486	UserData *string `json:"userData,omitempty"`
487	// CreatedTime - A combined UTC date and time string that describes the created time of the snapshot. E.g. 2018-12-25T11:41:02.2331413Z.
488	CreatedTime *date.Time `json:"createdTime,omitempty"`
489	// LastUpdateTime - A combined UTC date and time string that describes the last time when the snapshot was created or updated by Snapshot - Update. E.g. 2018-12-25T11:51:27.8705696Z.
490	LastUpdateTime *date.Time `json:"lastUpdateTime,omitempty"`
493// TakeSnapshotRequest request body for taking snapshot operation.
494type TakeSnapshotRequest struct {
495	// Type - User specified type for the source object to take snapshot from. Currently FaceList, PersonGroup, LargeFaceList and LargePersonGroup are supported. Possible values include: 'SnapshotObjectTypeFaceList', 'SnapshotObjectTypeLargeFaceList', 'SnapshotObjectTypeLargePersonGroup', 'SnapshotObjectTypePersonGroup'
496	Type SnapshotObjectType `json:"type,omitempty"`
497	// ObjectID - User specified source object id to take snapshot from.
498	ObjectID *string `json:"objectId,omitempty"`
499	// ApplyScope - User specified array of target Face subscription ids for the snapshot. For each snapshot, only subscriptions included in the applyScope of Snapshot - Take can apply it.
500	ApplyScope *[]uuid.UUID `json:"applyScope,omitempty"`
501	// UserData - User specified data about the snapshot for any purpose. Length should not exceed 16KB.
502	UserData *string `json:"userData,omitempty"`
505// TrainingStatus training status object.
506type TrainingStatus struct {
507	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
508	// Status - Training status: notstarted, running, succeeded, failed. If the training process is waiting to perform, the status is notstarted. If the training is ongoing, the status is running. Status succeed means this person group or large person group is ready for Face - Identify, or this large face list is ready for Face - Find Similar. Status failed is often caused by no person or no persisted face exist in the person group or large person group, or no persisted face exist in the large face list. Possible values include: 'TrainingStatusTypeNonstarted', 'TrainingStatusTypeRunning', 'TrainingStatusTypeSucceeded', 'TrainingStatusTypeFailed'
509	Status TrainingStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`
510	// Created - A combined UTC date and time string that describes the created time of the person group, large person group or large face list.
511	Created *date.Time `json:"createdDateTime,omitempty"`
512	// LastAction - A combined UTC date and time string that describes the last modify time of the person group, large person group or large face list, could be null value when the group is not successfully trained.
513	LastAction *date.Time `json:"lastActionDateTime,omitempty"`
514	// LastSuccessfulTraining - A combined UTC date and time string that describes the last successful training time of the person group, large person group or large face list.
515	LastSuccessfulTraining *date.Time `json:"lastSuccessfulTrainingDateTime,omitempty"`
516	// Message - Show failure message when training failed (omitted when training succeed).
517	Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"`
520// UpdateFaceRequest request to update face data.
521type UpdateFaceRequest struct {
522	// UserData - User-provided data attached to the face. The size limit is 1KB.
523	UserData *string `json:"userData,omitempty"`
526// UpdateSnapshotRequest request body for updating a snapshot, with a combination of user defined apply
527// scope and user specified data.
528type UpdateSnapshotRequest struct {
529	// ApplyScope - Array of the target Face subscription ids for the snapshot, specified by the user who created the snapshot when calling Snapshot - Take. For each snapshot, only subscriptions included in the applyScope of Snapshot - Take can apply it.
530	ApplyScope *[]uuid.UUID `json:"applyScope,omitempty"`
531	// UserData - User specified data about the snapshot for any purpose. Length should not exceed 16KB.
532	UserData *string `json:"userData,omitempty"`
535// VerifyFaceToFaceRequest request body for face to face verification.
536type VerifyFaceToFaceRequest struct {
537	// FaceID1 - FaceId of the first face, comes from Face - Detect
538	FaceID1 *uuid.UUID `json:"faceId1,omitempty"`
539	// FaceID2 - FaceId of the second face, comes from Face - Detect
540	FaceID2 *uuid.UUID `json:"faceId2,omitempty"`
543// VerifyFaceToPersonRequest request body for face to person verification.
544type VerifyFaceToPersonRequest struct {
545	// FaceID - FaceId of the face, comes from Face - Detect
546	FaceID *uuid.UUID `json:"faceId,omitempty"`
547	// PersonGroupID - Using existing personGroupId and personId for fast loading a specified person. personGroupId is created in PersonGroup - Create. Parameter personGroupId and largePersonGroupId should not be provided at the same time.
548	PersonGroupID *string `json:"personGroupId,omitempty"`
549	// LargePersonGroupID - Using existing largePersonGroupId and personId for fast loading a specified person. largePersonGroupId is created in LargePersonGroup - Create. Parameter personGroupId and largePersonGroupId should not be provided at the same time.
550	LargePersonGroupID *string `json:"largePersonGroupId,omitempty"`
551	// PersonID - Specify a certain person in a person group or a large person group. personId is created in PersonGroup Person - Create or LargePersonGroup Person - Create.
552	PersonID *uuid.UUID `json:"personId,omitempty"`
555// VerifyResult result of the verify operation.
556type VerifyResult struct {
557	autorest.Response `json:"-"`
558	// IsIdentical - True if the two faces belong to the same person or the face belongs to the person, otherwise false.
559	IsIdentical *bool `json:"isIdentical,omitempty"`
560	// Confidence - A number indicates the similarity confidence of whether two faces belong to the same person, or whether the face belongs to the person. By default, isIdentical is set to True if similarity confidence is greater than or equal to 0.5. This is useful for advanced users to override "isIdentical" and fine-tune the result on their own data.
561	Confidence *float64 `json:"confidence,omitempty"`