1package schema
3// Use this file as a big TODO list - if it's still in here, it's a TODO to
4// separate it out into a discrete file.
6TableSortByFieldState: {
7	displayName: string
8	desc?:       bool
9} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
11SingleStatBaseOptions: {
12	OptionsWithTextFormatting
13	reduceOptions: ReduceDataOptions
14	orientation:   VizOrientation
15} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
16// TODO copy back to appropriate place
17ReduceDataOptions: {
18	// If true show each row value
19	values?: bool
20	// if showing all values limit
21	limit?: number
22	// When !values, pick one value for the whole field
23	calcs: [...string]
24	// Which fields to show.  By default this is only numeric fields
25	fields?: string
26} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
27// TODO copy back to appropriate place
28VizOrientation: "auto" | "vertical" | "horizontal" @cuetsy(kind="enum")
29// TODO copy back to appropriate place
30OptionsWithTooltip: {
31	// FIXME this field is non-optional in the corresponding TS type
32	tooltip?: VizTooltipOptions
33} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
34// TODO copy back to appropriate place
35OptionsWithLegend: {
36	// FIXME this field is non-optional in the corresponding TS type
37	legend?: VizLegendOptions
38} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
39// TODO copy back to appropriate place
40OptionsWithTextFormatting: {
41	text?: VizTextDisplayOptions
42} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
43// TODO copy back to appropriate place
44BigValueColorMode: "value" | "background" | "none" @cuetsy(kind="enum")
45// TODO copy back to appropriate place
46BigValueGraphMode: "none" | "line" | "area" @cuetsy(kind="enum")
47// TODO copy back to appropriate place
48BigValueJustifyMode: "auto" | "center" @cuetsy(kind="enum")
49// TODO copy back to appropriate place
50// TODO does cuetsy handle underscores the expected way?
51BigValueTextMode: "auto" | "value" | "value_and_name" | "name" | "none" @cuetsy(kind="enum")
52// TODO copy back to appropriate place
53BarGaugeDisplayMode: "basic" | "lcd" | "gradient" @cuetsy(kind="enum")