2Feature: dc / nodes / show: Show node
3  Background:
4    Given 1 datacenter model with the value "dc1"
5  # 2 nodes are required for the RTT tab to be visible
6  Scenario: Given 2 nodes all the tabs are visible and clickable
7    Given 2 node models
8    When I visit the node page for yaml
9    ---
10      dc: dc1
11      node: node-0
12    ---
13    And I see healthChecksIsSelected on the tabs
15    When I click serviceInstances on the tabs
16    And I see serviceInstancesIsSelected on the tabs
18    When I click roundTripTime on the tabs
19    And I see roundTripTimeIsSelected on the tabs
21    When I click lockSessions on the tabs
22    And I see lockSessionsIsSelected on the tabs
24    When I click metadata on the tabs
25    And I see metadataIsSelected on the tabs
26  Scenario: Given 1 node all the tabs are visible and clickable and the RTT one isn't there
27    Given 1 node models from yaml
28    ---
29    ID: node-0
30    ---
31    When I visit the node page for yaml
32    ---
33      dc: dc1
34      node: node-0
35    ---
36    And I see healthChecksIsSelected on the tabs
38    When I click serviceInstances on the tabs
39    And I see serviceInstancesIsSelected on the tabs
41    And I don't see roundTripTime on the tabs
43    When I click lockSessions on the tabs
44    And I see lockSessionsIsSelected on the tabs
45  Scenario: Given 1 node with no checks all the tabs are visible but the serviceInstances tab is selected
46    Given 1 node models from yaml
47    ---
48    ID: node-0
49    Checks: []
50    ---
51    When I visit the node page for yaml
52    ---
53      dc: dc1
54      node: node-0
55    ---
56    And I see healthChecks on the tabs
57    And I see serviceInstances on the tabs
58    And I don't see roundTripTime on the tabs
59    And I see lockSessions on the tabs
60    And I see serviceInstancesIsSelected on the tabs
61  Scenario: A node warns when deregistered whilst blocking
62    Given 1 node model from yaml
63    ---
64    ID: node-0
65    ---
66    And settings from yaml
67    ---
68    consul:client:
69      blocking: 1
70      throttle: 200
71    ---
72    And a network latency of 100
73    When I visit the node page for yaml
74    ---
75      dc: dc1
76      node: node-0
77    ---
78    Then the url should be /dc1/nodes/node-0/health-checks
79    And the title should be "node-0 - Consul"
80    And the url "/v1/internal/ui/node/node-0" responds with a 404 status
81    And pause until I see the text "no longer exists" in "[data-notification]"
82  @ignore
83    Scenario: The RTT for the node is displayed properly
84    Then ok
85  @ignore
86    Scenario: The RTT for the node displays properly whilst blocking
87    Then ok