2	/* libraries/graph.php
3	 *
4	 * Copyright (C) by Hugo Leisink <hugo@leisink.net>
5	 * This file is part of the Banshee PHP framework
6	 * http://www.banshee-php.org/
7	 */
9	class graph {
10		private static $instances = 0;
11		private $graph_id = null;
12		private $output = null;
13		private $height = 150;
14		private $width = 500;
15		private $title = null;
16		private $bars = array();
17		private $class = array();
18		private $links = array();
19		private $maxy_width = 50;
21		/* Constructor
22		 *
23		 * INPUT:  -
24		 * OUTPUT: -
25		 * ERROR:  -
26		 */
27		public function __construct($output) {
28			$this->output = $output;
29			$this->graph_id = ++self::$instances;
30		}
32		/* Magic method set
33		 *
34		 * INPUT:  string key, mixed value
35		 * OUTPUT: -
36		 * ERROR:  -
37		 */
38		public function __set($key, $value) {
39			switch ($key) {
40				case "height": $this->height = $value; break;
41				case "title": $this->title = $value; break;
42				case "width": $this->width = $value; break;
43			}
44		}
46		/* Add a bar to the graph
47		 *
48		 * INPUT:  mixed x, integer y, string class[, string link]
49		 * OUTPUT: -
50		 * ERROR:  -
51		 */
52		public function add_bar($x, $y, $class, $link = null) {
53			$this->bars[$x] = $y;
54			$this->class[$x] = $class;
55			if ($link != null) {
56				$this->links[$x] = $link;
57			}
58		}
60		/* Convert a big number to a more readable one
61		 *
62		 * INPUT:  integer number
63		 * OUTPUT: string number
64		 * ERROR:  -
65		 */
66        static public function readable_number($number) {
67			if ($number > 1000000000) {
68				return sprintf("%0.1f G", $number / 1000000000);
69			} else if ($number > 1000000) {
70				return sprintf("%0.1f M", $number / 1000000);
71			} else if ($number > 1000) {
72				return sprintf("%0.1f k", $number / 1000);
73			}
75			return $number;
76		}
78		/* Graph to output
79		 *
80		 * INPUT:  -
81		 * OUTPUT: -
82		 * ERROR:  -
83		 */
84		public function to_output() {
85			if (($bar_count = count($this->bars)) == 0) {
86				return;
87			}
89			$max_y = 100;
90			foreach ($this->bars as $y) {
91				if ($y > $max_y) {
92					$max_y = $y;
93				}
94			}
96			$this->output->add_css("banshee/graph.css");
97			$this->output->add_javascript("banshee/graph.js");
99			$params = array(
100				"id"         => $this->graph_id,
101				"height"     => $this->height,
102				"width"      => $this->width,
103				"max_y"      => $this->readable_number($max_y),
104				"bar_width"  => sprintf("%0.2f", $this->width / $bar_count),
105				"maxy_width" => $this->maxy_width);
106			$this->output->open_tag("graph", $params);
107			if ($this->title !== NULL) {
108				$this->output->add_tag("title", $this->title);
109			}
110			foreach ($this->bars as $x => $y) {
111				$bar_y = ($max_y == 0) ? 0 : sprintf("%0.2f", $y * $this->height / $max_y);
112				$params = array(
113					"text"  => $x,
114					"value" => $this->readable_number($y),
115					"class" => $this->class[$x]);
116				if ($this->links[$x] !== null) {
117					$params["link"] = $this->links[$x];
118				}
119				$this->output->add_tag("bar", $bar_y, $params);
120			}
121			$this->output->close_tag();
122		}
123	}