1{-# Language CPP, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
3#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0)
5{-# Language DeriveGeneric #-}
8#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,12,0)
9{-# Language Safe #-}
10#elif __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702
11{-# Language Trustworthy #-}
15Module      : Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype
16Description : Backwards-compatible interface to reified information about datatypes.
17Copyright   : Eric Mertens 2017-2020
18License     : ISC
19Maintainer  : emertens@gmail.com
21This module provides a flattened view of information about data types
22and newtypes that can be supported uniformly across multiple versions
23of the @template-haskell@ package.
25Sample output for @'reifyDatatype' ''Maybe@
29 { 'datatypeContext'   = []
30 , 'datatypeName'      = GHC.Base.Maybe
31 , 'datatypeVars'      = [ 'KindedTV' a_3530822107858468866 () 'StarT' ]
32 , 'datatypeInstTypes' = [ 'SigT' ('VarT' a_3530822107858468866) 'StarT' ]
33 , 'datatypeVariant'   = 'Datatype'
34 , 'datatypeCons'      =
35     [ 'ConstructorInfo'
36         { 'constructorName'       = GHC.Base.Nothing
37         , 'constructorVars'       = []
38         , 'constructorContext'    = []
39         , 'constructorFields'     = []
40         , 'constructorStrictness' = []
41         , 'constructorVariant'    = 'NormalConstructor'
42         }
43     , 'ConstructorInfo'
44         { 'constructorName'       = GHC.Base.Just
45         , 'constructorVars'       = []
46         , 'constructorContext'    = []
47         , 'constructorFields'     = [ 'VarT' a_3530822107858468866 ]
48         , 'constructorStrictness' = [ 'FieldStrictness'
49                                         'UnspecifiedUnpackedness'
50                                         'Lazy'
51                                     ]
52         , 'constructorVariant'    = 'NormalConstructor'
53         }
54     ]
55 }
58Datatypes declared with GADT syntax are normalized to constructors with existentially
59quantified type variables and equality constraints.
62module Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype
63  (
64  -- * Types
65    DatatypeInfo(..)
66  , ConstructorInfo(..)
67  , DatatypeVariant(..)
68  , ConstructorVariant(..)
69  , FieldStrictness(..)
70  , Unpackedness(..)
71  , Strictness(..)
73  -- * Normalization functions
74  , reifyDatatype
75  , reifyConstructor
76  , reifyRecord
77  , normalizeInfo
78  , normalizeDec
79  , normalizeCon
81  -- * 'DatatypeInfo' lookup functions
82  , lookupByConstructorName
83  , lookupByRecordName
85  -- * Type variable manipulation
86  , TypeSubstitution(..)
87  , quantifyType
88  , freeVariablesWellScoped
89  , freshenFreeVariables
91  -- * 'Pred' functions
92  , equalPred
93  , classPred
94  , asEqualPred
95  , asClassPred
97  -- * Backward compatible data definitions
98  , dataDCompat
99  , newtypeDCompat
100  , tySynInstDCompat
101  , pragLineDCompat
102  , arrowKCompat
104  -- * Strictness annotations
105  , isStrictAnnot
106  , notStrictAnnot
107  , unpackedAnnot
109  -- * Type simplification
110  , resolveTypeSynonyms
111  , resolveKindSynonyms
112  , resolvePredSynonyms
113  , resolveInfixT
115  -- * Fixities
116  , reifyFixityCompat
117  , showFixity
118  , showFixityDirection
120  -- * Convenience functions
121  , unifyTypes
122  , tvName
123  , tvKind
124  , datatypeType
125  ) where
127import           Data.Data (Typeable, Data)
128import           Data.Foldable (foldMap, foldl')
129import           Data.List (nub, find, union, (\\))
130import           Data.Map (Map)
131import qualified Data.Map as Map
132import           Data.Maybe
133import qualified Data.Set as Set
134import           Data.Set (Set)
135import qualified Data.Traversable as T
136import           Control.Monad
137import           Language.Haskell.TH
138#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
139                                     hiding (Extension(..))
141import           Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype.Internal
142import           Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype.TyVarBndr
143import           Language.Haskell.TH.Lib (arrowK, starK) -- needed for th-2.4
145#ifdef HAS_GENERICS
146import           GHC.Generics (Generic)
149#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
150import           Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>))
151import           Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
154-- | Normalized information about newtypes and data types.
156-- 'DatatypeInfo' contains two fields, 'datatypeVars' and 'datatypeInstTypes',
157-- which encode information about the argument types. The simplest explanation
158-- is that 'datatypeVars' contains all the type /variables/ bound by the data
159-- type constructor, while 'datatypeInstTypes' contains the type /arguments/
160-- to the data type constructor. To be more precise:
162-- * For ADTs declared with @data@ and @newtype@, it will likely be the case
163--   that 'datatypeVars' and 'datatypeInstTypes' coincide. For instance, given
164--   @newtype Id a = MkId a@, in the 'DatatypeInfo' for @Id@ we would
165--   have @'datatypeVars' = ['KindedTV' a () 'StarT']@ and
166--   @'datatypeInstVars' = ['SigT' ('VarT' a) 'StarT']@.
168--   ADTs that leverage @PolyKinds@ may have more 'datatypeVars' than
169--   'datatypeInstTypes'. For instance, given @data Proxy (a :: k) = MkProxy@,
170--   in the 'DatatypeInfo' for @Proxy@ we would have
171--   @'datatypeVars' = ['KindedTV' k () 'StarT', 'KindedTV' a () ('VarT' k)]@
172--   (since there are two variables, @k@ and @a@), whereas
173--   @'datatypeInstTypes' = ['SigT' ('VarT' a) ('VarT' k)]@, since there is
174--   only one explicit type argument to @Proxy@.
176-- * For @data instance@s and @newtype instance@s of data families,
177--   'datatypeVars' and 'datatypeInstTypes' can be quite different. Here is
178--   an example to illustrate the difference:
180--   @
181--   data family F a b
182--   data instance F (Maybe c) (f x) = MkF c (f x)
183--   @
185--   Then in the 'DatatypeInfo' for @F@'s data instance, we would have:
187--   @
188--   'datatypeVars'      = [ 'KindedTV' c () 'StarT'
189--                         , 'KindedTV' f () 'StarT'
190--                         , 'KindedTV' x () 'StarT' ]
191--   'datatypeInstTypes' = [ 'AppT' ('ConT' ''Maybe) ('VarT' c)
192--                         , 'AppT' ('VarT' f) ('VarT' x) ]
193--   @
194data DatatypeInfo = DatatypeInfo
195  { datatypeContext   :: Cxt               -- ^ Data type context (deprecated)
196  , datatypeName      :: Name              -- ^ Type constructor
197  , datatypeVars      :: [TyVarBndrUnit]   -- ^ Type parameters
198  , datatypeInstTypes :: [Type]            -- ^ Argument types
199  , datatypeVariant   :: DatatypeVariant   -- ^ Extra information
200  , datatypeCons      :: [ConstructorInfo] -- ^ Normalize constructor information
201  }
202  deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable, Data
203#ifdef HAS_GENERICS
204           ,Generic
206           )
208-- | Possible variants of data type declarations.
209data DatatypeVariant
210  = Datatype        -- ^ Type declared with @data@
211  | Newtype         -- ^ Type declared with @newtype@
212  | DataInstance    -- ^ Type declared with @data instance@
213  | NewtypeInstance -- ^ Type declared with @newtype instance@
214  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data
215#ifdef HAS_GENERICS
216           ,Generic
218           )
220-- | Normalized information about constructors associated with newtypes and
221-- data types.
222data ConstructorInfo = ConstructorInfo
223  { constructorName       :: Name               -- ^ Constructor name
224  , constructorVars       :: [TyVarBndrUnit]    -- ^ Constructor type parameters
225  , constructorContext    :: Cxt                -- ^ Constructor constraints
226  , constructorFields     :: [Type]             -- ^ Constructor fields
227  , constructorStrictness :: [FieldStrictness]  -- ^ Constructor fields' strictness
228                                                --   (Invariant: has the same length
229                                                --   as constructorFields)
230  , constructorVariant    :: ConstructorVariant -- ^ Extra information
231  }
232  deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable, Data
233#ifdef HAS_GENERICS
234           ,Generic
236           )
238-- | Possible variants of data constructors.
239data ConstructorVariant
240  = NormalConstructor        -- ^ Constructor without field names
241  | InfixConstructor         -- ^ Constructor without field names that is
242                             --   declared infix
243  | RecordConstructor [Name] -- ^ Constructor with field names
244  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data
245#ifdef HAS_GENERICS
246           ,Generic
248           )
250-- | Normalized information about a constructor field's @UNPACK@ and
251-- strictness annotations.
253-- Note that the interface for reifying strictness in Template Haskell changed
254-- considerably in GHC 8.0. The presentation in this library mirrors that which
255-- can be found in GHC 8.0 or later, whereas previously, unpackedness and
256-- strictness were represented with a single data type:
258-- @
259-- data Strict
260--   = IsStrict
261--   | NotStrict
262--   | Unpacked -- On GHC 7.4 or later
263-- @
265-- For backwards compatibility, we retrofit these constructors onto the
266-- following three values, respectively:
268-- @
269-- 'isStrictAnnot'  = 'FieldStrictness' 'UnspecifiedUnpackedness' 'Strict'
270-- 'notStrictAnnot' = 'FieldStrictness' 'UnspecifiedUnpackedness' 'UnspecifiedStrictness'
271-- 'unpackedAnnot'  = 'FieldStrictness' 'Unpack' 'Strict'
272-- @
273data FieldStrictness = FieldStrictness
274  { fieldUnpackedness :: Unpackedness
275  , fieldStrictness   :: Strictness
276  }
277  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data
278#ifdef HAS_GENERICS
279           ,Generic
281           )
283-- | Information about a constructor field's unpackedness annotation.
284data Unpackedness
285  = UnspecifiedUnpackedness -- ^ No annotation whatsoever
286  | NoUnpack                -- ^ Annotated with @{\-\# NOUNPACK \#-\}@
287  | Unpack                  -- ^ Annotated with @{\-\# UNPACK \#-\}@
288  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data
289#ifdef HAS_GENERICS
290           ,Generic
292           )
294-- | Information about a constructor field's strictness annotation.
295data Strictness
296  = UnspecifiedStrictness -- ^ No annotation whatsoever
297  | Lazy                  -- ^ Annotated with @~@
298  | Strict                -- ^ Annotated with @!@
299  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data
300#ifdef HAS_GENERICS
301           ,Generic
303           )
305isStrictAnnot, notStrictAnnot, unpackedAnnot :: FieldStrictness
306isStrictAnnot  = FieldStrictness UnspecifiedUnpackedness Strict
307notStrictAnnot = FieldStrictness UnspecifiedUnpackedness UnspecifiedStrictness
308unpackedAnnot  = FieldStrictness Unpack Strict
310-- | Construct a Type using the datatype's type constructor and type
311-- parameters. Kind signatures are removed.
312datatypeType :: DatatypeInfo -> Type
313datatypeType di
314  = foldl AppT (ConT (datatypeName di))
315  $ map stripSigT
316  $ datatypeInstTypes di
319-- | Compute a normalized view of the metadata about a data type or newtype
320-- given a constructor.
322-- This function will accept any constructor (value or type) for a type
323-- declared with newtype or data. Value constructors must be used to
324-- lookup datatype information about /data instances/ and /newtype instances/,
325-- as giving the type constructor of a data family is often not enough to
326-- determine a particular data family instance.
328-- In addition, this function will also accept a record selector for a
329-- data type with a constructor which uses that record.
331-- GADT constructors are normalized into datatypes with explicit equality
332-- constraints. Note that no effort is made to distinguish between equalities of
333-- the same (homogeneous) kind and equalities between different (heterogeneous)
334-- kinds. For instance, the following GADT's constructors:
336-- @
337-- data T (a :: k -> *) where
338--   MkT1 :: T Proxy
339--   MkT2 :: T Maybe
340-- @
342-- will be normalized to the following equality constraints:
344-- @
345-- AppT (AppT EqualityT (VarT a)) (ConT Proxy) -- MkT1
346-- AppT (AppT EqualityT (VarT a)) (ConT Maybe) -- MkT2
347-- @
349-- But only the first equality constraint is well kinded, since in the second
350-- constraint, the kinds of @(a :: k -> *)@ and @(Maybe :: * -> *)@ are different.
351-- Trying to categorize which constraints need homogeneous or heterogeneous
352-- equality is tricky, so we leave that task to users of this library.
354-- This function will apply various bug-fixes to the output of the underlying
355-- @template-haskell@ library in order to provide a view of datatypes in
356-- as uniform a way as possible.
357reifyDatatype ::
358  Name {- ^ data type or constructor name -} ->
359  Q DatatypeInfo
360reifyDatatype n = normalizeInfo' "reifyDatatype" isReified =<< reify n
362-- | Compute a normalized view of the metadata about a constructor given its
363-- 'Name'. This is useful for scenarios when you don't care about the info for
364-- the enclosing data type.
365reifyConstructor ::
366  Name {- ^ constructor name -} ->
367  Q ConstructorInfo
368reifyConstructor conName = do
369  dataInfo <- reifyDatatype conName
370  return $ lookupByConstructorName conName dataInfo
372-- | Compute a normalized view of the metadata about a constructor given the
373-- 'Name' of one of its record selectors. This is useful for scenarios when you
374-- don't care about the info for the enclosing data type.
375reifyRecord ::
376  Name {- ^ record name -} ->
377  Q ConstructorInfo
378reifyRecord recordName = do
379  dataInfo <- reifyDatatype recordName
380  return $ lookupByRecordName recordName dataInfo
382-- | Given a 'DatatypeInfo', find the 'ConstructorInfo' corresponding to the
383-- 'Name' of one of its constructors.
384lookupByConstructorName ::
385  Name {- ^ constructor name -} ->
386  DatatypeInfo {- ^ info for the datatype which has that constructor -} ->
387  ConstructorInfo
388lookupByConstructorName conName dataInfo =
389  case find ((== conName) . constructorName) (datatypeCons dataInfo) of
390    Just conInfo -> conInfo
391    Nothing      -> error $ "Datatype " ++ nameBase (datatypeName dataInfo)
392                         ++ " does not have a constructor named " ++ nameBase conName
393-- | Given a 'DatatypeInfo', find the 'ConstructorInfo' corresponding to the
394-- 'Name' of one of its constructors.
395lookupByRecordName ::
396  Name {- ^ record name -} ->
397  DatatypeInfo {- ^ info for the datatype which has that constructor -} ->
398  ConstructorInfo
399lookupByRecordName recordName dataInfo =
400  case find (conHasRecord recordName) (datatypeCons dataInfo) of
401    Just conInfo -> conInfo
402    Nothing      -> error $ "Datatype " ++ nameBase (datatypeName dataInfo)
403                         ++ " does not have any constructors with a "
404                         ++ "record selector named " ++ nameBase recordName
406-- | Normalize 'Info' for a newtype or datatype into a 'DatatypeInfo'.
407-- Fail in 'Q' otherwise.
408normalizeInfo :: Info -> Q DatatypeInfo
409normalizeInfo = normalizeInfo' "normalizeInfo" isn'tReified
411normalizeInfo' :: String -> IsReifiedDec -> Info -> Q DatatypeInfo
412normalizeInfo' entry reifiedDec i =
413  case i of
414    PrimTyConI{}                      -> bad "Primitive type not supported"
415    ClassI{}                          -> bad "Class not supported"
416#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
417    FamilyI DataFamilyD{} _           ->
418#elif MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,7,0)
419    FamilyI (FamilyD DataFam _ _ _) _ ->
421    TyConI (FamilyD DataFam _ _ _)    ->
423                                         bad "Use a value constructor to reify a data family instance"
424#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,7,0)
425    FamilyI _ _                       -> bad "Type families not supported"
427    TyConI dec                        -> normalizeDecFor reifiedDec dec
428#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
429    DataConI name _ parent            -> reifyParent name parent
430                                         -- NB: We do not pass the IsReifiedDec information here
431                                         -- because there's no point. We have no choice but to
432                                         -- call reify here, since we need to determine the
433                                         -- parent data type/family.
435    DataConI name _ parent _          -> reifyParent name parent
437#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
438    VarI recName recTy _              -> reifyRecordType recName recTy
439                                         -- NB: Similarly, we do not pass the IsReifiedDec
440                                         -- information here.
442    VarI recName recTy _ _            -> reifyRecordType recName recTy
444    _                                 -> bad "Expected a type constructor"
445  where
446    bad msg = fail (entry ++ ": " ++ msg)
449reifyParent :: Name -> Name -> Q DatatypeInfo
450reifyParent con = reifyParentWith "reifyParent" p
451  where
452    p :: DatatypeInfo -> Bool
453    p info = con `elem` map constructorName (datatypeCons info)
455reifyRecordType :: Name -> Type -> Q DatatypeInfo
456reifyRecordType recName recTy =
457  let (_, _, argTys :|- _) = uncurryType recTy
458  in case argTys of
459       dataTy:_ -> decomposeDataType dataTy
460       _        -> notRecSelFailure
461  where
462    decomposeDataType :: Type -> Q DatatypeInfo
463    decomposeDataType ty =
464      do case decomposeType ty of
465           ConT parent :| _ -> reifyParentWith "reifyRecordType" p parent
466           _                -> notRecSelFailure
468    notRecSelFailure :: Q a
469    notRecSelFailure = fail $
470      "reifyRecordType: Not a record selector type: " ++
471      nameBase recName ++ " :: " ++ show recTy
473    p :: DatatypeInfo -> Bool
474    p info = any (conHasRecord recName) (datatypeCons info)
476reifyParentWith ::
477  String                 {- ^ prefix for error messages -} ->
478  (DatatypeInfo -> Bool) {- ^ predicate for finding the right
479                              data family instance -}      ->
480  Name                   {- ^ parent data type name -}     ->
481  Q DatatypeInfo
482reifyParentWith prefix p n =
483  do info <- reify n
484     case info of
485#if !(MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0))
486       -- This unusual combination of Info and Dec is only possible to reify on
487       -- GHC 7.0 and 7.2, when you try to reify a data family. Because there's
488       -- no way to reify the data family *instances* on these versions of GHC,
489       -- we have no choice but to fail.
490       TyConI FamilyD{} -> dataFamiliesOnOldGHCsError
492       TyConI dec -> normalizeDecFor isReified dec
493#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,7,0)
494       FamilyI dec instances ->
495         do let instances1 = map (repairDataFam dec) instances
496            instances2 <- mapM (normalizeDecFor isReified) instances1
497            case find p instances2 of
498              Just inst -> return inst
499              Nothing   -> panic "lost the instance"
501       _ -> panic "unexpected parent"
502  where
503    dataFamiliesOnOldGHCsError :: Q a
504    dataFamiliesOnOldGHCsError = fail $
505      prefix ++ ": Data family instances can only be reified with GHC 7.4 or later"
507    panic :: String -> Q a
508    panic message = fail $ "PANIC: " ++ prefix ++ " " ++ message
510#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0) && (!MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0))
512-- A GHC 7.6-specific bug requires us to replace all occurrences of
513-- (ConT GHC.Prim.*) with StarT, or else Template Haskell will reject it.
514-- Luckily, (ConT GHC.Prim.*) only seems to occur in this one spot.
515sanitizeStars :: Kind -> Kind
516sanitizeStars = go
517  where
518    go :: Kind -> Kind
519    go (AppT t1 t2)                 = AppT (go t1) (go t2)
520    go (SigT t k)                   = SigT (go t) (go k)
521    go (ConT n) | n == starKindName = StarT
522    go t                            = t
524-- A version of repairVarKindsWith that does much more extra work to
525-- (1) eta-expand missing type patterns, and (2) ensure that the kind
526-- signatures for these new type patterns match accordingly.
527repairVarKindsWith' :: [TyVarBndr_ flag] -> [Type] -> [Type]
528repairVarKindsWith' dvars ts =
529  let kindVars                = freeVariables . map kindPart
530      kindPart (KindedTV _ k) = [k]
531      kindPart (PlainTV  _  ) = []
533      nparams             = length dvars
534      kparams             = kindVars dvars
535      (tsKinds,tsNoKinds) = splitAt (length kparams) ts
536      tsKinds'            = map sanitizeStars tsKinds
537      extraTys            = drop (length tsNoKinds) (bndrParams dvars)
538      ts'                 = tsNoKinds ++ extraTys -- eta-expand
539  in applySubstitution (Map.fromList (zip kparams tsKinds')) $
540     repairVarKindsWith dvars ts'
543-- Sadly, Template Haskell's treatment of data family instances leaves much
544-- to be desired. Here are some problems that we have to work around:
546-- 1. On all versions of GHC, TH leaves off the kind signatures on the
547--    type patterns of data family instances where a kind signature isn't
548--    specified explicitly. Here, we can use the parent data family's
549--    type variable binders to reconstruct the kind signatures if they
550--    are missing.
551-- 2. On GHC 7.6 and 7.8, TH will eta-reduce data instances. We can find
552--    the missing type variables on the data constructor.
554-- We opt to avoid propagating these new type variables through to the
555-- constructor now, but we will return to this task in normalizeCon.
556repairDataFam ::
557  Dec {- ^ family declaration   -} ->
558  Dec {- ^ instance declaration -} ->
559  Dec {- ^ instance declaration -}
562  (FamilyD _ _ dvars _)
563  (NewtypeInstD cx n ts con deriv) =
564    NewtypeInstD cx n (repairVarKindsWith' dvars ts) con deriv
566  (FamilyD _ _ dvars _)
567  (DataInstD cx n ts cons deriv) =
568    DataInstD cx n (repairVarKindsWith' dvars ts) cons deriv
570repairDataFam famD instD
571# if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,15,0)
572      | DataFamilyD _ dvars _ <- famD
573      , NewtypeInstD cx mbInstVars nts k c deriv <- instD
574      , con :| ts <- decomposeType nts
575      = NewtypeInstD cx mbInstVars
576          (foldl' AppT con (repairVarKindsWith dvars ts))
577          k c deriv
579      | DataFamilyD _ dvars _ <- famD
580      , DataInstD cx mbInstVars nts k c deriv <- instD
581      , con :| ts <- decomposeType nts
582      = DataInstD cx mbInstVars
583          (foldl' AppT con (repairVarKindsWith dvars ts))
584          k c deriv
585# elif MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
586      | DataFamilyD _ dvars _ <- famD
587      , NewtypeInstD cx n ts k c deriv <- instD
588      = NewtypeInstD cx n (repairVarKindsWith dvars ts) k c deriv
590      | DataFamilyD _ dvars _ <- famD
591      , DataInstD cx n ts k c deriv <- instD
592      = DataInstD cx n (repairVarKindsWith dvars ts) k c deriv
593# else
594      | FamilyD _ _ dvars _ <- famD
595      , NewtypeInstD cx n ts c deriv <- instD
596      = NewtypeInstD cx n (repairVarKindsWith dvars ts) c deriv
598      | FamilyD _ _ dvars _ <- famD
599      , DataInstD cx n ts c deriv <- instD
600      = DataInstD cx n (repairVarKindsWith dvars ts) c deriv
601# endif
603repairDataFam _ instD = instD
605repairVarKindsWith :: [TyVarBndr_ flag] -> [Type] -> [Type]
606repairVarKindsWith = zipWith stealKindForType
608-- If a VarT is missing an explicit kind signature, steal it from a TyVarBndr.
609stealKindForType :: TyVarBndr_ flag -> Type -> Type
610stealKindForType tvb t@VarT{} = SigT t (tvKind tvb)
611stealKindForType _   t        = t
613-- | Normalize 'Dec' for a newtype or datatype into a 'DatatypeInfo'.
614-- Fail in 'Q' otherwise.
616-- Beware: 'normalizeDec' can have surprising behavior when it comes to fixity.
617-- For instance, if you have this quasiquoted data declaration:
619-- @
620-- [d| infix 5 :^^:
621--     data Foo where
622--       (:^^:) :: Int -> Int -> Foo |]
623-- @
625-- Then if you pass the 'Dec' for @Foo@ to 'normalizeDec' without splicing it
626-- in a previous Template Haskell splice, then @(:^^:)@ will be labeled a 'NormalConstructor'
627-- instead of an 'InfixConstructor'. This is because Template Haskell has no way to
628-- reify the fixity declaration for @(:^^:)@, so it must assume there isn't one. To
629-- work around this behavior, use 'reifyDatatype' instead.
630normalizeDec :: Dec -> Q DatatypeInfo
631normalizeDec = normalizeDecFor isn'tReified
633normalizeDecFor :: IsReifiedDec -> Dec -> Q DatatypeInfo
634normalizeDecFor isReified dec =
635  case dec of
636#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,12,0)
637    NewtypeD context name tyvars mbKind con _derives ->
638      normalizeDataD context name tyvars mbKind [con] Newtype
639    DataD context name tyvars mbKind cons _derives ->
640      normalizeDataD context name tyvars mbKind cons Datatype
641# if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,15,0)
642    NewtypeInstD context mbTyvars nameInstTys mbKind con _derives ->
643      normalizeDataInstDPostTH2'15 "newtype" context mbTyvars nameInstTys
644                                   mbKind [con] NewtypeInstance
645    DataInstD context mbTyvars nameInstTys mbKind cons _derives ->
646      normalizeDataInstDPostTH2'15 "data" context mbTyvars nameInstTys
647                                   mbKind cons DataInstance
648# else
649    NewtypeInstD context name instTys mbKind con _derives ->
650      normalizeDataInstDPreTH2'15 context name instTys mbKind [con] NewtypeInstance
651    DataInstD context name instTys mbKind cons _derives ->
652      normalizeDataInstDPreTH2'15 context name instTys mbKind cons DataInstance
653# endif
654#elif MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
655    NewtypeD context name tyvars mbKind con _derives ->
656      normalizeDataD context name tyvars mbKind [con] Newtype
657    DataD context name tyvars mbKind cons _derives ->
658      normalizeDataD context name tyvars mbKind cons Datatype
659    NewtypeInstD context name instTys mbKind con _derives ->
660      normalizeDataInstDPreTH2'15 context name instTys mbKind [con] NewtypeInstance
661    DataInstD context name instTys mbKind cons _derives ->
662      normalizeDataInstDPreTH2'15 context name instTys mbKind cons DataInstance
664    NewtypeD context name tyvars con _derives ->
665      normalizeDataD context name tyvars Nothing [con] Newtype
666    DataD context name tyvars cons _derives ->
667      normalizeDataD context name tyvars Nothing cons Datatype
668    NewtypeInstD context name instTys con _derives ->
669      normalizeDataInstDPreTH2'15 context name instTys Nothing [con] NewtypeInstance
670    DataInstD context name instTys cons _derives ->
671      normalizeDataInstDPreTH2'15 context name instTys Nothing cons DataInstance
673    _ -> fail "normalizeDecFor: DataD or NewtypeD required"
674  where
675    -- We only need to repair reified declarations for data family instances.
676    repair13618' :: DatatypeInfo -> Q DatatypeInfo
677    repair13618' di@DatatypeInfo{datatypeVariant = variant}
678      | isReified && isFamInstVariant variant
679      = repair13618 di
680      | otherwise
681      = return di
683    -- Given a data type's instance types and kind, compute its free variables.
684    datatypeFreeVars :: [Type] -> Maybe Kind -> [TyVarBndrUnit]
685    datatypeFreeVars instTys mbKind =
686      freeVariablesWellScoped $ instTys ++
687#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
688                                           maybeToList mbKind
690                                           [] -- No kind variables
693    normalizeDataD :: Cxt -> Name -> [TyVarBndrUnit] -> Maybe Kind
694                   -> [Con] -> DatatypeVariant -> Q DatatypeInfo
695    normalizeDataD context name tyvars mbKind cons variant =
696      let params = bndrParams tyvars in
697      normalize' context name (datatypeFreeVars params mbKind)
698                 params mbKind cons variant
700    normalizeDataInstDPostTH2'15
701      :: String -> Cxt -> Maybe [TyVarBndrUnit] -> Type -> Maybe Kind
702      -> [Con] -> DatatypeVariant -> Q DatatypeInfo
703    normalizeDataInstDPostTH2'15 what context mbTyvars nameInstTys
704                                 mbKind cons variant =
705      case decomposeType nameInstTys of
706        ConT name :| instTys ->
707          normalize' context name
708                     (fromMaybe (datatypeFreeVars instTys mbKind) mbTyvars)
709                     instTys mbKind cons variant
710        _ -> fail $ "Unexpected " ++ what ++ " instance head: " ++ pprint nameInstTys
712    normalizeDataInstDPreTH2'15
713      :: Cxt -> Name -> [Type] -> Maybe Kind
714      -> [Con] -> DatatypeVariant -> Q DatatypeInfo
715    normalizeDataInstDPreTH2'15 context name instTys mbKind cons variant =
716      normalize' context name (datatypeFreeVars instTys mbKind)
717                 instTys mbKind cons variant
719    -- The main worker of this function.
720    normalize' :: Cxt -> Name -> [TyVarBndrUnit] -> [Type] -> Maybe Kind
721               -> [Con] -> DatatypeVariant -> Q DatatypeInfo
722    normalize' context name tvbs instTys mbKind cons variant = do
723      extra_tvbs <- mkExtraKindBinders $ fromMaybe starK mbKind
724      let tvbs'    = tvbs ++ extra_tvbs
725          instTys' = instTys ++ bndrParams extra_tvbs
726      dec <- normalizeDec' isReified context name tvbs' instTys' cons variant
727      repair13618' $ giveDIVarsStarKinds isReified dec
729-- | Create new kind variable binder names corresponding to the return kind of
730-- a data type. This is useful when you have a data type like:
732-- @
733-- data Foo :: forall k. k -> Type -> Type where ...
734-- @
736-- But you want to be able to refer to the type @Foo a b@.
737-- 'mkExtraKindBinders' will take the kind @forall k. k -> Type -> Type@,
738-- discover that is has two visible argument kinds, and return as a result
739-- two new kind variable binders @[a :: k, b :: Type]@, where @a@ and @b@
740-- are fresh type variable names.
742-- This expands kind synonyms if necessary.
743mkExtraKindBinders :: Kind -> Q [TyVarBndrUnit]
744mkExtraKindBinders kind = do
745  kind' <- resolveKindSynonyms kind
746  let (_, _, args :|- _) = uncurryKind kind'
747  names <- replicateM (length args) (newName "x")
748  return $ zipWith kindedTV names args
750-- | Is a declaration for a @data instance@ or @newtype instance@?
751isFamInstVariant :: DatatypeVariant -> Bool
752isFamInstVariant dv =
753  case dv of
754    Datatype        -> False
755    Newtype         -> False
756    DataInstance    -> True
757    NewtypeInstance -> True
759bndrParams :: [TyVarBndr_ flag] -> [Type]
760bndrParams = map $ elimTV VarT (\n k -> SigT (VarT n) k)
762-- | Remove the outermost 'SigT'.
763stripSigT :: Type -> Type
764stripSigT (SigT t _) = t
765stripSigT t          = t
768normalizeDec' ::
769  IsReifiedDec    {- ^ Is this a reified 'Dec'? -} ->
770  Cxt             {- ^ Datatype context         -} ->
771  Name            {- ^ Type constructor         -} ->
772  [TyVarBndrUnit] {- ^ Type parameters          -} ->
773  [Type]          {- ^ Argument types           -} ->
774  [Con]           {- ^ Constructors             -} ->
775  DatatypeVariant {- ^ Extra information        -} ->
776  Q DatatypeInfo
777normalizeDec' reifiedDec context name params instTys cons variant =
778  do cons' <- concat <$> mapM (normalizeConFor reifiedDec name params instTys variant) cons
779     return DatatypeInfo
780       { datatypeContext   = context
781       , datatypeName      = name
782       , datatypeVars      = params
783       , datatypeInstTypes = instTys
784       , datatypeCons      = cons'
785       , datatypeVariant   = variant
786       }
788-- | Normalize a 'Con' into a 'ConstructorInfo'. This requires knowledge of
789-- the type and parameters of the constructor, as well as whether the constructor
790-- is for a data family instance, as extracted from the outer
791-- 'Dec'.
792normalizeCon ::
793  Name            {- ^ Type constructor  -} ->
794  [TyVarBndrUnit] {- ^ Type parameters   -} ->
795  [Type]          {- ^ Argument types    -} ->
796  DatatypeVariant {- ^ Extra information -} ->
797  Con             {- ^ Constructor       -} ->
798  Q [ConstructorInfo]
799normalizeCon = normalizeConFor isn'tReified
801normalizeConFor ::
802  IsReifiedDec    {- ^ Is this a reified 'Dec'? -} ->
803  Name            {- ^ Type constructor         -} ->
804  [TyVarBndrUnit] {- ^ Type parameters          -} ->
805  [Type]          {- ^ Argument types           -} ->
806  DatatypeVariant {- ^ Extra information        -} ->
807  Con             {- ^ Constructor              -} ->
808  Q [ConstructorInfo]
809normalizeConFor reifiedDec typename params instTys variant =
810  fmap (map (giveCIVarsStarKinds reifiedDec)) . dispatch
811  where
812    -- A GADT constructor is declared infix when:
813    --
814    -- 1. Its name uses operator syntax (e.g., (:*:))
815    -- 2. It has exactly two fields
816    -- 3. It has a programmer-supplied fixity declaration
817    checkGadtFixity :: [Type] -> Name -> Q ConstructorVariant
818    checkGadtFixity ts n = do
819#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
820      -- Don't call reifyFixityCompat here! We need to be able to distinguish
821      -- between a default fixity and an explicit @infixl 9@.
822      mbFi <- return Nothing `recover` reifyFixity n
823      let userSuppliedFixity = isJust mbFi
825      -- On old GHCs, there is a bug where infix GADT constructors will
826      -- mistakenly be marked as (ForallC (NormalC ...)) instead of
827      -- (ForallC (InfixC ...)). This is especially annoying since on these
828      -- versions of GHC, Template Haskell doesn't grant the ability to query
829      -- whether a constructor was given a user-supplied fixity declaration.
830      -- Rather, you can only check the fixity that GHC ultimately decides on
831      -- for a constructor, regardless of whether it was a default fixity or
832      -- it was user-supplied.
833      --
834      -- We can approximate whether a fixity was user-supplied by checking if
835      -- it is not equal to defaultFixity (infixl 9). Unfortunately,
836      -- there is no way to distinguish between a user-supplied fixity of
837      -- infixl 9 and the fixity that GHC defaults to, so we cannot properly
838      -- handle that case.
839      mbFi <- reifyFixityCompat n
840      let userSuppliedFixity = isJust mbFi && mbFi /= Just defaultFixity
842      return $ if isInfixDataCon (nameBase n)
843                  && length ts == 2
844                  && userSuppliedFixity
845               then InfixConstructor
846               else NormalConstructor
848    -- Checks if a String names a valid Haskell infix data
849    -- constructor (i.e., does it begin with a colon?).
850    isInfixDataCon :: String -> Bool
851    isInfixDataCon (':':_) = True
852    isInfixDataCon _       = False
854    dispatch :: Con -> Q [ConstructorInfo]
855    dispatch =
856      let defaultCase :: Con -> Q [ConstructorInfo]
857          defaultCase = go [] [] False
858            where
859              go :: [TyVarBndrUnit]
860                 -> Cxt
861                 -> Bool -- Is this a GADT? (see the documentation for
862                         -- for checkGadtFixity)
863                 -> Con
864                 -> Q [ConstructorInfo]
865              go tyvars context gadt c =
866                case c of
867                  NormalC n xs -> do
868                    let (bangs, ts) = unzip xs
869                        stricts     = map normalizeStrictness bangs
870                    fi <- if gadt
871                             then checkGadtFixity ts n
872                             else return NormalConstructor
873                    return [ConstructorInfo n tyvars context ts stricts fi]
874                  InfixC l n r ->
875                    let (bangs, ts) = unzip [l,r]
876                        stricts     = map normalizeStrictness bangs in
877                    return [ConstructorInfo n tyvars context ts stricts
878                                            InfixConstructor]
879                  RecC n xs ->
880                    let fns     = takeFieldNames xs
881                        stricts = takeFieldStrictness xs in
882                    return [ConstructorInfo n tyvars context
883                              (takeFieldTypes xs) stricts (RecordConstructor fns)]
884                  ForallC tyvars' context' c' ->
885                    go (changeTVFlags () tyvars'++tyvars) (context'++context) True c'
886#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
887                  GadtC ns xs innerType ->
888                    let (bangs, ts) = unzip xs
889                        stricts     = map normalizeStrictness bangs in
890                    gadtCase ns innerType ts stricts (checkGadtFixity ts)
891                  RecGadtC ns xs innerType ->
892                    let fns     = takeFieldNames xs
893                        stricts = takeFieldStrictness xs in
894                    gadtCase ns innerType (takeFieldTypes xs) stricts
895                             (const $ return $ RecordConstructor fns)
896                where
897                  gadtCase = normalizeGadtC typename params instTys tyvars context
899#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0) && (!MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0))
900          dataFamCompatCase :: Con -> Q [ConstructorInfo]
901          dataFamCompatCase = go []
902            where
903              go tyvars c =
904                case c of
905                  NormalC n xs ->
906                    let stricts = map (normalizeStrictness . fst) xs in
907                    dataFamCase' n stricts NormalConstructor
908                  InfixC l n r ->
909                    let stricts = map (normalizeStrictness . fst) [l,r] in
910                    dataFamCase' n stricts InfixConstructor
911                  RecC n xs ->
912                    let stricts = takeFieldStrictness xs in
913                    dataFamCase' n stricts
914                                 (RecordConstructor (takeFieldNames xs))
915                  ForallC tyvars' context' c' ->
916                    go (tyvars'++tyvars) c'
918          dataFamCase' :: Name -> [FieldStrictness]
919                       -> ConstructorVariant
920                       -> Q [ConstructorInfo]
921          dataFamCase' n stricts variant = do
922            mbInfo <- reifyMaybe n
923            case mbInfo of
924              Just (DataConI _ ty _ _) -> do
925                let (tyvars, context, argTys :|- returnTy) = uncurryType ty
926                returnTy' <- resolveTypeSynonyms returnTy
927                -- Notice that we've ignored the TyVarBndrs, Cxt and argument
928                -- Types from the Con argument above, as they might be scoped
929                -- over eta-reduced variables. Instead of trying to figure out
930                -- what the eta-reduced variables should be substituted with
931                -- post facto, we opt for the simpler approach of using the
932                -- context and argument types from the reified constructor
933                -- Info, which will at least be correctly scoped. This will
934                -- make the task of substituting those types with the variables
935                -- we put in place of the eta-reduced variables
936                -- (in normalizeDec) much easier.
937                normalizeGadtC typename params instTys tyvars context [n]
938                               returnTy' argTys stricts (const $ return variant)
939              _ -> fail $ unlines
940                     [ "normalizeCon: Cannot reify constructor " ++ nameBase n
941                     , "You are likely calling normalizeDec on GHC 7.6 or 7.8 on a data family"
942                     , "whose type variables have been eta-reduced due to GHC Trac #9692."
943                     , "Unfortunately, without being able to reify the constructor's type,"
944                     , "there is no way to recover the eta-reduced type variables in general."
945                     , "A recommended workaround is to use reifyDatatype instead."
946                     ]
948          -- A very ad hoc way of determining if we need to perform some extra passes
949          -- to repair an eta-reduction bug for data family instances that only occurs
950          -- with GHC 7.6 and 7.8. We want to avoid doing these passes if at all possible,
951          -- since they require reifying extra information, and reifying during
952          -- normalization can be problematic for locally declared Template Haskell
953          -- splices (see ##22).
954          mightHaveBeenEtaReduced :: [Type] -> Bool
955          mightHaveBeenEtaReduced ts =
956            case unsnoc ts of
957              Nothing -> False
958              Just (initTs :|- lastT) ->
959                case varTName lastT of
960                  Nothing -> False
961                  Just n  -> not (n `elem` freeVariables initTs)
963          -- If the list is empty returns 'Nothing', otherwise returns the
964          -- 'init' and the 'last'.
965          unsnoc :: [a] -> Maybe (NonEmptySnoc a)
966          unsnoc [] = Nothing
967          unsnoc (x:xs) = case unsnoc xs of
968            Just (a :|- b) -> Just ((x:a) :|- b)
969            Nothing        -> Just ([]    :|- x)
971          -- If a Type is a VarT, find Just its Name. Otherwise, return Nothing.
972          varTName :: Type -> Maybe Name
973          varTName (SigT t _) = varTName t
974          varTName (VarT n)   = Just n
975          varTName _          = Nothing
977      in case variant of
978           -- On GHC 7.6 and 7.8, there's quite a bit of post-processing that
979           -- needs to be performed to work around an old bug that eta-reduces the
980           -- type patterns of data families (but only for reified data family instances).
981           DataInstance
982             | reifiedDec, mightHaveBeenEtaReduced instTys
983             -> dataFamCompatCase
984           NewtypeInstance
985             | reifiedDec, mightHaveBeenEtaReduced instTys
986             -> dataFamCompatCase
987           _ -> defaultCase
989      in defaultCase
992#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
993normalizeStrictness :: Bang -> FieldStrictness
994normalizeStrictness (Bang upk str) =
995  FieldStrictness (normalizeSourceUnpackedness upk)
996                  (normalizeSourceStrictness str)
997  where
998    normalizeSourceUnpackedness :: SourceUnpackedness -> Unpackedness
999    normalizeSourceUnpackedness NoSourceUnpackedness = UnspecifiedUnpackedness
1000    normalizeSourceUnpackedness SourceNoUnpack       = NoUnpack
1001    normalizeSourceUnpackedness SourceUnpack         = Unpack
1003    normalizeSourceStrictness :: SourceStrictness -> Strictness
1004    normalizeSourceStrictness NoSourceStrictness = UnspecifiedStrictness
1005    normalizeSourceStrictness SourceLazy         = Lazy
1006    normalizeSourceStrictness SourceStrict       = Strict
1008normalizeStrictness :: Strict -> FieldStrictness
1009normalizeStrictness IsStrict  = isStrictAnnot
1010normalizeStrictness NotStrict = notStrictAnnot
1011# if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,7,0)
1012normalizeStrictness Unpacked  = unpackedAnnot
1013# endif
1016normalizeGadtC ::
1017  Name              {- ^ Type constructor             -} ->
1018  [TyVarBndrUnit]   {- ^ Type parameters              -} ->
1019  [Type]            {- ^ Argument types               -} ->
1020  [TyVarBndrUnit]   {- ^ Constructor parameters       -} ->
1021  Cxt               {- ^ Constructor context          -} ->
1022  [Name]            {- ^ Constructor names            -} ->
1023  Type              {- ^ Declared type of constructor -} ->
1024  [Type]            {- ^ Constructor field types      -} ->
1025  [FieldStrictness] {- ^ Constructor field strictness -} ->
1026  (Name -> Q ConstructorVariant)
1027                    {- ^ Determine a constructor variant
1028                         from its 'Name' -}              ->
1029  Q [ConstructorInfo]
1030normalizeGadtC typename params instTys tyvars context names innerType
1031               fields stricts getVariant =
1032  do -- It's possible that the constructor has implicitly quantified type
1033     -- variables, such as in the following example (from #58):
1034     --
1035     --   [d| data Foo where
1036     --         MkFoo :: a -> Foo |]
1037     --
1038     -- normalizeGadtC assumes that all type variables have binders, however,
1039     -- so we use freeVariablesWellScoped to obtain the implicit type
1040     -- variables' binders before proceeding.
1041     let implicitTyvars = freeVariablesWellScoped
1042                          [curryType (changeTVFlags SpecifiedSpec tyvars)
1043                                     context fields innerType]
1044         allTyvars = implicitTyvars ++ tyvars
1046     -- Due to GHC Trac #13885, it's possible that the type variables bound by
1047     -- a GADT constructor will shadow those that are bound by the data type.
1048     -- This function assumes this isn't the case in certain parts (e.g., when
1049     -- mergeArguments is invoked), so we do an alpha-renaming of the
1050     -- constructor-bound variables before proceeding. See #36 for an example
1051     -- of what can go wrong if this isn't done.
1052     let conBoundNames =
1053           concatMap (\tvb -> tvName tvb:freeVariables (tvKind tvb)) allTyvars
1054     conSubst <- T.sequence $ Map.fromList [ (n, newName (nameBase n))
1055                                           | n <- conBoundNames ]
1056     let conSubst'     = fmap VarT conSubst
1057         renamedTyvars =
1058           map (elimTV (\n   -> plainTV  (conSubst Map.! n))
1059                       (\n k -> kindedTV (conSubst Map.! n)
1060                                         (applySubstitution conSubst' k))) allTyvars
1061         renamedContext   = applySubstitution conSubst' context
1062         renamedInnerType = applySubstitution conSubst' innerType
1063         renamedFields    = applySubstitution conSubst' fields
1065     innerType' <- resolveTypeSynonyms renamedInnerType
1066     case decomposeType innerType' of
1067       ConT innerTyCon :| ts | typename == innerTyCon ->
1069         let (substName, context1) =
1070               closeOverKinds (kindsOfFVsOfTvbs renamedTyvars)
1071                              (kindsOfFVsOfTvbs params)
1072                              (mergeArguments instTys ts)
1073             subst    = VarT <$> substName
1074             exTyvars = [ tv | tv <- renamedTyvars, Map.notMember (tvName tv) subst ]
1076             exTyvars' = substTyVarBndrs   subst exTyvars
1077             context2  = applySubstitution subst (context1 ++ renamedContext)
1078             fields'   = applySubstitution subst renamedFields
1079         in sequence [ ConstructorInfo name exTyvars' context2
1080                                       fields' stricts <$> variantQ
1081                     | name <- names
1082                     , let variantQ = getVariant name
1083                     ]
1085       _ -> fail "normalizeGadtC: Expected type constructor application"
1088Extend a type variable renaming subtitution and a list of equality
1089predicates by looking into kind information as much as possible.
1091Why is this necessary? Consider the following example:
1093  data (a1 :: k1) :~: (b1 :: k1) where
1094    Refl :: forall k2 (a2 :: k2). a2 :~: a2
1096After an initial call to mergeArguments, we will have the following
1097substitution and context:
1099* Substitution: [a2 :-> a1]
1100* Context: (a2 ~ b1)
1102We shouldn't stop there, however! We determine the existentially quantified
1103type variables of a constructor by filtering out those constructor-bound
1104variables which do not appear in the substitution that mergeArguments
1105returns. In this example, Refl's bound variables are k2 and a2. a2 appears
1106in the returned substitution, but k2 does not, which means that we would
1107mistakenly conclude that k2 is existential!
1109Although we don't have the full power of kind inference to guide us here, we
1110can at least do the next best thing. Generally, the datatype-bound type
1111variables and the constructor type variable binders contain all of the kind
1112information we need, so we proceed as follows:
11141. Construct a map from each constructor-bound variable to its kind. (Do the
1115   same for each datatype-bound variable). These maps are the first and second
1116   arguments to closeOverKinds, respectively.
11172. Call mergeArguments once on the GADT return type and datatype-bound types,
1118   and pass that in as the third argument to closeOverKinds.
11193. For each name-name pair in the supplied substitution, check if the first and
1120   second names map to kinds in the first and second kind maps in
1121   closeOverKinds, respectively. If so, associate the first kind with the
1122   second kind.
11234. For each kind association discovered in part (3), call mergeArguments
1124   on the lists of kinds. This will yield a kind substitution and kind
1125   equality context.
11265. If the kind substitution is non-empty, then go back to step (3) and repeat
1127   the process on the new kind substitution and context.
1129   Otherwise, if the kind substitution is empty, then we have reached a fixed-
1130   point (i.e., we have closed over the kinds), so proceed.
11316. Union up all of the substitutions and contexts, and return those.
1133This algorithm is not perfect, as it will only catch everything if all of
1134the kinds are explicitly mentioned somewhere (and not left quantified
1135implicitly). Thankfully, reifying data types via Template Haskell tends to
1136yield a healthy amount of kind signatures, so this works quite well in
1139closeOverKinds :: Map Name Kind
1140               -> Map Name Kind
1141               -> (Map Name Name, Cxt)
1142               -> (Map Name Name, Cxt)
1143closeOverKinds domainFVKinds rangeFVKinds = go
1144  where
1145    go :: (Map Name Name, Cxt) -> (Map Name Name, Cxt)
1146    go (subst, context) =
1147      let substList = Map.toList subst
1148          (kindsInner, kindsOuter) =
1149            unzip $
1150            mapMaybe (\(d, r) -> do d' <- Map.lookup d domainFVKinds
1151                                    r' <- Map.lookup r rangeFVKinds
1152                                    return (d', r'))
1153                     substList
1154          (kindSubst, kindContext) = mergeArgumentKinds kindsOuter kindsInner
1155          (restSubst, restContext)
1156            = if Map.null kindSubst -- Fixed-point calculation
1157                 then (Map.empty, [])
1158                 else go (kindSubst, kindContext)
1159          finalSubst   = Map.unions [subst, kindSubst, restSubst]
1160          finalContext = nub $ concat [context, kindContext, restContext]
1161            -- Use `nub` here in an effort to minimize the number of
1162            -- redundant equality constraints in the returned context.
1163      in (finalSubst, finalContext)
1165-- Look into a list of types and map each free variable name to its kind.
1166kindsOfFVsOfTypes :: [Type] -> Map Name Kind
1167kindsOfFVsOfTypes = foldMap go
1168  where
1169    go :: Type -> Map Name Kind
1170    go (AppT t1 t2) = go t1 `Map.union` go t2
1171    go (SigT t k) =
1172      let kSigs =
1173#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
1174                  go k
1176                  Map.empty
1178      in case t of
1179           VarT n -> Map.insert n k kSigs
1180           _      -> go t `Map.union` kSigs
1182    go (ForallT {})    = forallError
1183#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,16,0)
1184    go (ForallVisT {}) = forallError
1187    go _ = Map.empty
1189    forallError :: a
1190    forallError = error "`forall` type used in data family pattern"
1192-- Look into a list of type variable binder and map each free variable name
1193-- to its kind (also map the names that KindedTVs bind to their respective
1194-- kinds). This function considers the kind of a PlainTV to be *.
1195kindsOfFVsOfTvbs :: [TyVarBndr_ flag] -> Map Name Kind
1196kindsOfFVsOfTvbs = foldMap go
1197  where
1198    go :: TyVarBndr_ flag -> Map Name Kind
1199    go = elimTV (\n -> Map.singleton n starK)
1200                (\n k -> let kSigs =
1201#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
1202                                     kindsOfFVsOfTypes [k]
1204                                     Map.empty
1206                         in Map.insert n k kSigs)
1208mergeArguments ::
1209  [Type] {- ^ outer parameters                    -} ->
1210  [Type] {- ^ inner parameters (specializations ) -} ->
1211  (Map Name Name, Cxt)
1212mergeArguments ns ts = foldr aux (Map.empty, []) (zip ns ts)
1213  where
1215    aux (f `AppT` x, g `AppT` y) sc =
1216      aux (x,y) (aux (f,g) sc)
1218    aux (VarT n,p) (subst, context) =
1219      case p of
1220        VarT m | m == n  -> (subst, context)
1221                   -- If the two variables are the same, don't bother extending
1222                   -- the substitution. (This is purely an optimization.)
1223               | Just n' <- Map.lookup m subst
1224               , n == n' -> (subst, context)
1225                   -- If a variable is already in a substitution and it maps
1226                   -- to the variable that we are trying to unify with, then
1227                   -- leave the context alone. (Not doing so caused #46.)
1228               | Map.notMember m subst -> (Map.insert m n subst, context)
1229        _ -> (subst, equalPred (VarT n) p : context)
1231    aux (SigT x _, y) sc = aux (x,y) sc -- learn about kinds??
1232    -- This matches *after* VarT so that we can compute a substitution
1233    -- that includes the kind signature.
1234    aux (x, SigT y _) sc = aux (x,y) sc
1236    aux _ sc = sc
1238-- | A specialization of 'mergeArguments' to 'Kind'.
1239-- Needed only for backwards compatibility with older versions of
1240-- @template-haskell@.
1241mergeArgumentKinds ::
1242  [Kind] ->
1243  [Kind] ->
1244  (Map Name Name, Cxt)
1245#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
1246mergeArgumentKinds = mergeArguments
1248mergeArgumentKinds _ _ = (Map.empty, [])
1251-- | Expand all of the type synonyms in a type.
1253-- Note that this function will drop parentheses as a side effect.
1254resolveTypeSynonyms :: Type -> Q Type
1255resolveTypeSynonyms t =
1256  let (f, xs) = decomposeTypeArgs t
1258      notTypeSynCase :: Type -> Q Type
1259      notTypeSynCase ty = foldl appTypeArg ty <$> mapM resolveTypeArgSynonyms xs
1261      expandCon :: Name -- The Name to check whether it is a type synonym or not
1262                -> Type -- The argument type to fall back on if the supplied
1263                        -- Name isn't a type synonym
1264                -> Q Type
1265      expandCon n ty = do
1266        mbInfo <- reifyMaybe n
1267        case mbInfo of
1268          Just (TyConI (TySynD _ synvars def))
1269            -> resolveTypeSynonyms $ expandSynonymRHS synvars (filterTANormals xs) def
1270          _ -> notTypeSynCase ty
1272  in case f of
1273       ForallT tvbs ctxt body ->
1274         ForallT `fmap` mapM resolve_tvb_syns tvbs
1275                   `ap` mapM resolvePredSynonyms ctxt
1276                   `ap` resolveTypeSynonyms body
1277       SigT ty ki -> do
1278         ty' <- resolveTypeSynonyms ty
1279         ki' <- resolveKindSynonyms ki
1280         notTypeSynCase $ SigT ty' ki'
1281       ConT n -> expandCon n (ConT n)
1282#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
1283       InfixT t1 n t2 -> do
1284         t1' <- resolveTypeSynonyms t1
1285         t2' <- resolveTypeSynonyms t2
1286         expandCon n (InfixT t1' n t2')
1287       UInfixT t1 n t2 -> do
1288         t1' <- resolveTypeSynonyms t1
1289         t2' <- resolveTypeSynonyms t2
1290         expandCon n (UInfixT t1' n t2')
1292#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,15,0)
1293       ImplicitParamT n t -> do
1294         ImplicitParamT n <$> resolveTypeSynonyms t
1296#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,16,0)
1297       ForallVisT tvbs body ->
1298         ForallVisT `fmap` mapM resolve_tvb_syns tvbs
1299                      `ap` resolveTypeSynonyms body
1301       _ -> notTypeSynCase f
1303-- | Expand all of the type synonyms in a 'TypeArg'.
1304resolveTypeArgSynonyms :: TypeArg -> Q TypeArg
1305resolveTypeArgSynonyms (TANormal t) = TANormal <$> resolveTypeSynonyms t
1306resolveTypeArgSynonyms (TyArg k)    = TyArg    <$> resolveKindSynonyms k
1308-- | Expand all of the type synonyms in a 'Kind'.
1309resolveKindSynonyms :: Kind -> Q Kind
1310#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
1311resolveKindSynonyms = resolveTypeSynonyms
1313resolveKindSynonyms = return -- One simply couldn't put type synonyms into
1314                             -- kinds on old versions of GHC.
1317-- | Expand all of the type synonyms in a the kind of a 'TyVarBndr'.
1318resolve_tvb_syns :: TyVarBndr_ flag -> Q (TyVarBndr_ flag)
1319resolve_tvb_syns = mapMTVKind resolveKindSynonyms
1321expandSynonymRHS ::
1322  [TyVarBndr_ flag] {- ^ Substitute these variables... -} ->
1323  [Type]            {- ^ ...with these types... -} ->
1324  Type              {- ^ ...inside of this type. -} ->
1325  Type
1326expandSynonymRHS synvars ts def =
1327  let argNames    = map tvName synvars
1328      (args,rest) = splitAt (length argNames) ts
1329      subst       = Map.fromList (zip argNames args)
1330  in foldl AppT (applySubstitution subst def) rest
1332-- | Expand all of the type synonyms in a 'Pred'.
1333resolvePredSynonyms :: Pred -> Q Pred
1334#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
1335resolvePredSynonyms = resolveTypeSynonyms
1337resolvePredSynonyms (ClassP n ts) = do
1338  mbInfo <- reifyMaybe n
1339  case mbInfo of
1340    Just (TyConI (TySynD _ synvars def))
1341      -> resolvePredSynonyms $ typeToPred $ expandSynonymRHS synvars ts def
1342    _ -> ClassP n <$> mapM resolveTypeSynonyms ts
1343resolvePredSynonyms (EqualP t1 t2) = do
1344  t1' <- resolveTypeSynonyms t1
1345  t2' <- resolveTypeSynonyms t2
1346  return (EqualP t1' t2')
1348typeToPred :: Type -> Pred
1349typeToPred t =
1350  let f :| xs = decomposeType t in
1351  case f of
1352    ConT n
1353      | n == eqTypeName
1354# if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ == 704
1355        -- There's an unfortunate bug in GHC 7.4 where the (~) type is reified
1356        -- with an explicit kind argument. To work around this, we ignore it.
1357      , [_,t1,t2] <- xs
1358# else
1359      , [t1,t2] <- xs
1360# endif
1361      -> EqualP t1 t2
1362      | otherwise
1363      -> ClassP n xs
1364    _ -> error $ "typeToPred: Can't handle type " ++ show t
1367-- | Decompose a type into a list of it's outermost applications. This process
1368-- forgets about infix application, explicit parentheses, and visible kind
1369-- applications.
1371-- This operation should be used after all 'UInfixT' cases have been resolved
1372-- by 'resolveFixities' if the argument is being user generated.
1374-- > t ~= foldl1 AppT (decomposeType t)
1375decomposeType :: Type -> NonEmpty Type
1376decomposeType t =
1377  case decomposeTypeArgs t of
1378    (f, x) -> f :| filterTANormals x
1380-- | A variant of 'decomposeType' that preserves information about visible kind
1381-- applications by returning a 'NonEmpty' list of 'TypeArg's.
1382decomposeTypeArgs :: Type -> (Type, [TypeArg])
1383decomposeTypeArgs = go []
1384  where
1385    go :: [TypeArg] -> Type -> (Type, [TypeArg])
1386    go args (AppT f x)     = go (TANormal x:args) f
1387#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
1388    go args (ParensT t)    = go args t
1390#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,15,0)
1391    go args (AppKindT f x) = go (TyArg x:args) f
1393    go args t              = (t, args)
1395-- | An argument to a type, either a normal type ('TANormal') or a visible
1396-- kind application ('TyArg').
1397data TypeArg
1398  = TANormal Type
1399  | TyArg Kind
1401-- | Apply a 'Type' to a 'TypeArg'.
1402appTypeArg :: Type -> TypeArg -> Type
1403appTypeArg f (TANormal x) = f `AppT` x
1404appTypeArg f (TyArg _k) =
1405#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,15,0)
1406  f `AppKindT` _k
1408  f -- VKA isn't supported, so conservatively drop the argument
1411-- | Filter out all of the normal type arguments from a list of 'TypeArg's.
1412filterTANormals :: [TypeArg] -> [Type]
1413filterTANormals = mapMaybe f
1414  where
1415    f :: TypeArg -> Maybe Type
1416    f (TANormal t) = Just t
1417    f (TyArg {})   = Nothing
1419-- 'NonEmpty' didn't move into base until recently. Reimplementing it locally
1420-- saves dependencies for supporting older GHCs
1421data NonEmpty a = a :| [a]
1423data NonEmptySnoc a = [a] :|- a
1425-- Decompose a function type into its context, argument types,
1426-- and return type. For instance, this
1428--   forall a b. (Show a, b ~ Int) => (a -> b) -> Char -> Int
1430-- becomes
1432--   ([a, b], [Show a, b ~ Int], [a -> b, Char] :|- Int)
1433uncurryType :: Type -> ([TyVarBndrSpec], Cxt, NonEmptySnoc Type)
1434uncurryType = go [] [] []
1435  where
1436    go tvbs ctxt args (AppT (AppT ArrowT t1) t2) = go tvbs ctxt (t1:args) t2
1437    go tvbs ctxt args (ForallT tvbs' ctxt' t)    = go (tvbs++tvbs') (ctxt++ctxt') args t
1438    go tvbs ctxt args t                          = (tvbs, ctxt, reverse args :|- t)
1440-- | Decompose a function kind into its context, argument kinds,
1441-- and return kind. For instance, this
1443--  forall a b. Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Type
1445-- becomes
1447--   ([a, b], [], [Maybe a, Maybe b] :|- Type)
1448uncurryKind :: Kind -> ([TyVarBndrSpec], Cxt, NonEmptySnoc Kind)
1449#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
1450uncurryKind = uncurryType
1452uncurryKind = go []
1453  where
1454    go args (ArrowK k1 k2) = go (k1:args) k2
1455    go args StarK          = ([], [], reverse args :|- StarK)
1458-- Reconstruct a function type from its type variable binders, context,
1459-- argument types and return type.
1460curryType :: [TyVarBndrSpec] -> Cxt -> [Type] -> Type -> Type
1461curryType tvbs ctxt args res =
1462  ForallT tvbs ctxt $ foldr (\arg t -> ArrowT `AppT` arg `AppT` t) res args
1464-- | Resolve any infix type application in a type using the fixities that
1465-- are currently available. Starting in `template-haskell-2.11` types could
1466-- contain unresolved infix applications.
1467resolveInfixT :: Type -> Q Type
1469#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
1470resolveInfixT (ForallT vs cx t) = ForallT <$> traverse (traverseTVKind resolveInfixT) vs
1471                                          <*> mapM resolveInfixT cx
1472                                          <*> resolveInfixT t
1473resolveInfixT (f `AppT` x)      = resolveInfixT f `appT` resolveInfixT x
1474resolveInfixT (ParensT t)       = resolveInfixT t
1475resolveInfixT (InfixT l o r)    = conT o `appT` resolveInfixT l `appT` resolveInfixT r
1476resolveInfixT (SigT t k)        = SigT <$> resolveInfixT t <*> resolveInfixT k
1477resolveInfixT t@UInfixT{}       = resolveInfixT =<< resolveInfixT1 (gatherUInfixT t)
1478# if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,15,0)
1479resolveInfixT (f `AppKindT` x)  = appKindT (resolveInfixT f) (resolveInfixT x)
1480resolveInfixT (ImplicitParamT n t)
1481                                = implicitParamT n $ resolveInfixT t
1482# endif
1483# if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,16,0)
1484resolveInfixT (ForallVisT vs t) = ForallVisT <$> traverse (traverseTVKind resolveInfixT) vs
1485                                             <*> resolveInfixT t
1486# endif
1487resolveInfixT t                 = return t
1489gatherUInfixT :: Type -> InfixList
1490gatherUInfixT (UInfixT l o r) = ilAppend (gatherUInfixT l) o (gatherUInfixT r)
1491gatherUInfixT t = ILNil t
1493-- This can fail due to incompatible fixities
1494resolveInfixT1 :: InfixList -> TypeQ
1495resolveInfixT1 = go []
1496  where
1497    go :: [(Type,Name,Fixity)] -> InfixList -> TypeQ
1498    go ts (ILNil u) = return (foldl (\acc (l,o,_) -> ConT o `AppT` l `AppT` acc) u ts)
1499    go ts (ILCons l o r) =
1500      do ofx <- fromMaybe defaultFixity <$> reifyFixityCompat o
1501         let push = go ((l,o,ofx):ts) r
1502         case ts of
1503           (l1,o1,o1fx):ts' ->
1504             case compareFixity o1fx ofx of
1505               Just True  -> go ((ConT o1 `AppT` l1 `AppT` l, o, ofx):ts') r
1506               Just False -> push
1507               Nothing    -> fail (precedenceError o1 o1fx o ofx)
1508           _ -> push
1510    compareFixity :: Fixity -> Fixity -> Maybe Bool
1511    compareFixity (Fixity n1 InfixL) (Fixity n2 InfixL) = Just (n1 >= n2)
1512    compareFixity (Fixity n1 InfixR) (Fixity n2 InfixR) = Just (n1 >  n2)
1513    compareFixity (Fixity n1 _     ) (Fixity n2 _     ) =
1514      case compare n1 n2 of
1515        GT -> Just True
1516        LT -> Just False
1517        EQ -> Nothing
1519    precedenceError :: Name -> Fixity -> Name -> Fixity -> String
1520    precedenceError o1 ofx1 o2 ofx2 =
1521      "Precedence parsing error: cannot mix ‘" ++
1522      nameBase o1 ++ "’ [" ++ showFixity ofx1 ++ "] and ‘" ++
1523      nameBase o2 ++ "’ [" ++ showFixity ofx2 ++
1524      "] in the same infix type expression"
1526data InfixList = ILCons Type Name InfixList | ILNil Type
1528ilAppend :: InfixList -> Name -> InfixList -> InfixList
1529ilAppend (ILNil l)         o r = ILCons l o r
1530ilAppend (ILCons l1 o1 r1) o r = ILCons l1 o1 (ilAppend r1 o r)
1533-- older template-haskell packages don't have UInfixT
1534resolveInfixT = return
1538-- | Render a 'Fixity' as it would appear in Haskell source.
1540-- Example: @infixl 5@
1541showFixity :: Fixity -> String
1542showFixity (Fixity n d) = showFixityDirection d ++ " " ++ show n
1545-- | Render a 'FixityDirection' like it would appear in Haskell source.
1547-- Examples: @infixl@ @infixr@ @infix@
1548showFixityDirection :: FixityDirection -> String
1549showFixityDirection InfixL = "infixl"
1550showFixityDirection InfixR = "infixr"
1551showFixityDirection InfixN = "infix"
1553takeFieldNames :: [(Name,a,b)] -> [Name]
1554takeFieldNames xs = [a | (a,_,_) <- xs]
1556#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
1557takeFieldStrictness :: [(a,Bang,b)]   -> [FieldStrictness]
1559takeFieldStrictness :: [(a,Strict,b)] -> [FieldStrictness]
1561takeFieldStrictness xs = [normalizeStrictness a | (_,a,_) <- xs]
1563takeFieldTypes :: [(a,b,Type)] -> [Type]
1564takeFieldTypes xs = [a | (_,_,a) <- xs]
1566conHasRecord :: Name -> ConstructorInfo -> Bool
1567conHasRecord recName info =
1568  case constructorVariant info of
1569    NormalConstructor        -> False
1570    InfixConstructor         -> False
1571    RecordConstructor fields -> recName `elem` fields
1575-- | Add universal quantifier for all free variables in the type. This is
1576-- useful when constructing a type signature for a declaration.
1577-- This code is careful to ensure that the order of the variables quantified
1578-- is determined by their order of appearance in the type signature. (In
1579-- contrast with being dependent upon the Ord instance for 'Name')
1580quantifyType :: Type -> Type
1581quantifyType t
1582  | null tvbs
1583  = t
1584  | ForallT tvbs' ctxt' t' <- t -- Collapse two consecutive foralls (#63)
1585  = ForallT (tvbs ++ tvbs') ctxt' t'
1586  | otherwise
1587  = ForallT tvbs [] t
1588  where
1589    tvbs = changeTVFlags SpecifiedSpec $ freeVariablesWellScoped [t]
1591-- | Take a list of 'Type's, find their free variables, and sort them
1592-- according to dependency order.
1594-- As an example of how this function works, consider the following type:
1596-- @
1597-- Proxy (a :: k)
1598-- @
1600-- Calling 'freeVariables' on this type would yield @[a, k]@, since that is
1601-- the order in which those variables appear in a left-to-right fashion. But
1602-- this order does not preserve the fact that @k@ is the kind of @a@. Moreover,
1603-- if you tried writing the type @forall a k. Proxy (a :: k)@, GHC would reject
1604-- this, since GHC would demand that @k@ come before @a@.
1606-- 'freeVariablesWellScoped' orders the free variables of a type in a way that
1607-- preserves this dependency ordering. If one were to call
1608-- 'freeVariablesWellScoped' on the type above, it would return
1609-- @[k, (a :: k)]@. (This is why 'freeVariablesWellScoped' returns a list of
1610-- 'TyVarBndr's instead of 'Name's, since it must make it explicit that @k@
1611-- is the kind of @a@.)
1613-- 'freeVariablesWellScoped' guarantees the free variables returned will be
1614-- ordered such that:
1616-- 1. Whenever an explicit kind signature of the form @(A :: K)@ is
1617--    encountered, the free variables of @K@ will always appear to the left of
1618--    the free variables of @A@ in the returned result.
1620-- 2. The constraint in (1) notwithstanding, free variables will appear in
1621--    left-to-right order of their original appearance.
1623-- On older GHCs, this takes measures to avoid returning explicitly bound
1624-- kind variables, which was not possible before @TypeInType@.
1625freeVariablesWellScoped :: [Type] -> [TyVarBndrUnit]
1626freeVariablesWellScoped tys =
1627  let fvs :: [Name]
1628      fvs = freeVariables tys
1630      varKindSigs :: Map Name Kind
1631      varKindSigs = foldMap go_ty tys
1632        where
1633          go_ty :: Type -> Map Name Kind
1634          go_ty (ForallT tvbs ctxt t) =
1635            foldr (\tvb -> Map.delete (tvName tvb))
1636                  (foldMap go_pred ctxt `mappend` go_ty t) tvbs
1637          go_ty (AppT t1 t2) = go_ty t1 `mappend` go_ty t2
1638          go_ty (SigT t k) =
1639            let kSigs =
1640#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
1641                  go_ty k
1643                  mempty
1645            in case t of
1646                 VarT n -> Map.insert n k kSigs
1647                 _      -> go_ty t `mappend` kSigs
1648#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,15,0)
1649          go_ty (AppKindT t k) = go_ty t `mappend` go_ty k
1650          go_ty (ImplicitParamT _ t) = go_ty t
1652#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,16,0)
1653          go_ty (ForallVisT tvbs t) =
1654            foldr (\tvb -> Map.delete (tvName tvb)) (go_ty t) tvbs
1656          go_ty _ = mempty
1658          go_pred :: Pred -> Map Name Kind
1659#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
1660          go_pred = go_ty
1662          go_pred (ClassP _ ts)  = foldMap go_ty ts
1663          go_pred (EqualP t1 t2) = go_ty t1 `mappend` go_ty t2
1666      -- | Do a topological sort on a list of tyvars,
1667      --   so that binders occur before occurrences
1668      -- E.g. given  [ a::k, k::*, b::k ]
1669      -- it'll return a well-scoped list [ k::*, a::k, b::k ]
1670      --
1671      -- This is a deterministic sorting operation
1672      -- (that is, doesn't depend on Uniques).
1673      --
1674      -- It is also meant to be stable: that is, variables should not
1675      -- be reordered unnecessarily.
1676      scopedSort :: [Name] -> [Name]
1677      scopedSort = go [] []
1679      go :: [Name]     -- already sorted, in reverse order
1680         -> [Set Name] -- each set contains all the variables which must be placed
1681                       -- before the tv corresponding to the set; they are accumulations
1682                       -- of the fvs in the sorted tvs' kinds
1684                       -- This list is in 1-to-1 correspondence with the sorted tyvars
1685                       -- INVARIANT:
1686                       --   all (\tl -> all (`isSubsetOf` head tl) (tail tl)) (tails fv_list)
1687                       -- That is, each set in the list is a superset of all later sets.
1688         -> [Name]     -- yet to be sorted
1689         -> [Name]
1690      go acc _fv_list [] = reverse acc
1691      go acc  fv_list (tv:tvs)
1692        = go acc' fv_list' tvs
1693        where
1694          (acc', fv_list') = insert tv acc fv_list
1696      insert :: Name       -- var to insert
1697             -> [Name]     -- sorted list, in reverse order
1698             -> [Set Name] -- list of fvs, as above
1699             -> ([Name], [Set Name])   -- augmented lists
1700      insert tv []     []         = ([tv], [kindFVSet tv])
1701      insert tv (a:as) (fvs:fvss)
1702        | tv `Set.member` fvs
1703        , (as', fvss') <- insert tv as fvss
1704        = (a:as', fvs `Set.union` fv_tv : fvss')
1706        | otherwise
1707        = (tv:a:as, fvs `Set.union` fv_tv : fvs : fvss)
1708        where
1709          fv_tv = kindFVSet tv
1711         -- lists not in correspondence
1712      insert _ _ _ = error "scopedSort"
1714      kindFVSet n =
1715        maybe Set.empty (Set.fromList . freeVariables) (Map.lookup n varKindSigs)
1716      ascribeWithKind n =
1717        maybe (plainTV n) (kindedTV n) (Map.lookup n varKindSigs)
1719      -- An annoying wrinkle: GHCs before 8.0 don't support explicitly
1720      -- quantifying kinds, so something like @forall k (a :: k)@ would be
1721      -- rejected. To work around this, we filter out any binders whose names
1722      -- also appear in a kind on old GHCs.
1723      isKindBinderOnOldGHCs
1724#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
1725        = const False
1727        = (`elem` kindVars)
1728          where
1729            kindVars = freeVariables $ Map.elems varKindSigs
1732  in map ascribeWithKind $
1733     filter (not . isKindBinderOnOldGHCs) $
1734     scopedSort fvs
1736-- | Substitute all of the free variables in a type with fresh ones
1737freshenFreeVariables :: Type -> Q Type
1738freshenFreeVariables t =
1739  do let xs = [ (n, VarT <$> newName (nameBase n)) | n <- freeVariables t]
1740     subst <- T.sequence (Map.fromList xs)
1741     return (applySubstitution subst t)
1744-- | Class for types that support type variable substitution.
1745class TypeSubstitution a where
1746  -- | Apply a type variable substitution.
1747  --
1748  -- Note that 'applySubstitution' is /not/ capture-avoiding. To illustrate
1749  -- this, observe that if you call this function with the following
1750  -- substitution:
1751  --
1752  -- * @b :-> a@
1753  --
1754  -- On the following 'Type':
1755  --
1756  -- * @forall a. b@
1757  --
1758  -- Then it will return:
1759  --
1760  -- * @forall a. a@
1761  --
1762  -- However, because the same @a@ type variable was used in the range of the
1763  -- substitution as was bound by the @forall@, the substituted @a@ is now
1764  -- captured by the @forall@, resulting in a completely different function.
1765  --
1766  -- For @th-abstraction@'s purposes, this is acceptable, as it usually only
1767  -- deals with globally unique type variable 'Name's. If you use
1768  -- 'applySubstitution' in a context where the 'Name's aren't globally unique,
1769  -- however, be aware of this potential problem.
1770  applySubstitution :: Map Name Type -> a -> a
1771  -- | Compute the free type variables
1772  freeVariables     :: a -> [Name]
1774instance TypeSubstitution a => TypeSubstitution [a] where
1775  freeVariables     = nub . concat . map freeVariables
1776  applySubstitution = fmap . applySubstitution
1778instance TypeSubstitution Type where
1779  applySubstitution subst = go
1780    where
1781      go (ForallT tvs context t) =
1782        subst_tvbs tvs $ \subst' ->
1783        ForallT (map (mapTVKind (applySubstitution subst')) tvs)
1784                (applySubstitution subst' context)
1785                (applySubstitution subst' t)
1786      go (AppT f x)      = AppT (go f) (go x)
1787      go (SigT t k)      = SigT (go t) (applySubstitution subst k) -- k could be Kind
1788      go (VarT v)        = Map.findWithDefault (VarT v) v subst
1789#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
1790      go (InfixT l c r)  = InfixT (go l) c (go r)
1791      go (UInfixT l c r) = UInfixT (go l) c (go r)
1792      go (ParensT t)     = ParensT (go t)
1794#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,15,0)
1795      go (AppKindT t k)  = AppKindT (go t) (go k)
1796      go (ImplicitParamT n t)
1797                         = ImplicitParamT n (go t)
1799#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,16,0)
1800      go (ForallVisT tvs t) =
1801        subst_tvbs tvs $ \subst' ->
1802        ForallVisT (map (mapTVKind (applySubstitution subst')) tvs)
1803                   (applySubstitution subst' t)
1805      go t               = t
1807      subst_tvbs :: [TyVarBndr_ flag] -> (Map Name Type -> a) -> a
1808      subst_tvbs tvs k = k $ foldl' (flip Map.delete) subst (map tvName tvs)
1810  freeVariables t =
1811    case t of
1812      ForallT tvs context t' ->
1813          fvs_under_forall tvs (freeVariables context `union` freeVariables t')
1814      AppT f x      -> freeVariables f `union` freeVariables x
1815      SigT t' k     -> freeVariables t' `union` freeVariables k
1816      VarT v        -> [v]
1817#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
1818      InfixT l _ r  -> freeVariables l `union` freeVariables r
1819      UInfixT l _ r -> freeVariables l `union` freeVariables r
1820      ParensT t'    -> freeVariables t'
1822#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,15,0)
1823      AppKindT t k  -> freeVariables t `union` freeVariables k
1824      ImplicitParamT _ t
1825                    -> freeVariables t
1827#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,16,0)
1828      ForallVisT tvs t'
1829                    -> fvs_under_forall tvs (freeVariables t')
1831      _             -> []
1832    where
1833      fvs_under_forall :: [TyVarBndr_ flag] -> [Name] -> [Name]
1834      fvs_under_forall tvs fvs =
1835        (freeVariables (map tvKind tvs) `union` fvs)
1836        \\ map tvName tvs
1838instance TypeSubstitution ConstructorInfo where
1839  freeVariables ci =
1840      (freeVariables (map tvKind (constructorVars ci))
1841          `union` freeVariables (constructorContext ci)
1842          `union` freeVariables (constructorFields ci))
1843      \\ (tvName <$> constructorVars ci)
1845  applySubstitution subst ci =
1846    let subst' = foldl' (flip Map.delete) subst (map tvName (constructorVars ci)) in
1847    ci { constructorVars    = map (mapTVKind (applySubstitution subst'))
1848                                  (constructorVars ci)
1849       , constructorContext = applySubstitution subst' (constructorContext ci)
1850       , constructorFields  = applySubstitution subst' (constructorFields ci)
1851       }
1853-- 'Pred' became a type synonym for 'Type'
1854#if !MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
1855instance TypeSubstitution Pred where
1856  freeVariables (ClassP _ xs) = freeVariables xs
1857  freeVariables (EqualP x y) = freeVariables x `union` freeVariables y
1859  applySubstitution p (ClassP n xs) = ClassP n (applySubstitution p xs)
1860  applySubstitution p (EqualP x y) = EqualP (applySubstitution p x)
1861                                            (applySubstitution p y)
1864-- 'Kind' became a type synonym for 'Type'. Previously there were no kind variables
1865#if !MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
1866instance TypeSubstitution Kind where
1867  freeVariables _ = []
1868  applySubstitution _ k = k
1871-- | Substitutes into the kinds of type variable binders.
1872-- Not capture-avoiding.
1873substTyVarBndrs :: Map Name Type -> [TyVarBndr_ flag] -> [TyVarBndr_ flag]
1874substTyVarBndrs subst = map go
1875  where
1876    go = mapTVKind (applySubstitution subst)
1880combineSubstitutions :: Map Name Type -> Map Name Type -> Map Name Type
1881combineSubstitutions x y = Map.union (fmap (applySubstitution y) x) y
1883-- | Compute the type variable substitution that unifies a list of types,
1884-- or fail in 'Q'.
1886-- All infix issue should be resolved before using 'unifyTypes'
1888-- Alpha equivalent quantified types are not unified.
1889unifyTypes :: [Type] -> Q (Map Name Type)
1890unifyTypes [] = return Map.empty
1891unifyTypes (t:ts) =
1892  do t':ts' <- mapM resolveTypeSynonyms (t:ts)
1893     let aux sub u =
1894           do sub' <- unify' (applySubstitution sub t')
1895                             (applySubstitution sub u)
1896              return (combineSubstitutions sub sub')
1898     case foldM aux Map.empty ts' of
1899       Right m -> return m
1900       Left (x,y) ->
1901         fail $ showString "Unable to unify types "
1902              . showsPrec 11 x
1903              . showString " and "
1904              . showsPrec 11 y
1905              $ ""
1907unify' :: Type -> Type -> Either (Type,Type) (Map Name Type)
1909unify' (VarT n) (VarT m) | n == m = pure Map.empty
1910unify' (VarT n) t | n `elem` freeVariables t = Left (VarT n, t)
1911                  | otherwise                = Right (Map.singleton n t)
1912unify' t (VarT n) | n `elem` freeVariables t = Left (VarT n, t)
1913                  | otherwise                = Right (Map.singleton n t)
1915unify' (AppT f1 x1) (AppT f2 x2) =
1916  do sub1 <- unify' f1 f2
1917     sub2 <- unify' (applySubstitution sub1 x1) (applySubstitution sub1 x2)
1918     Right (combineSubstitutions sub1 sub2)
1920-- Doesn't unify kind signatures
1921unify' (SigT t _) u = unify' t u
1922unify' t (SigT u _) = unify' t u
1924-- only non-recursive cases should remain at this point
1925unify' t u
1926  | t == u    = Right Map.empty
1927  | otherwise = Left (t,u)
1930-- | Construct an equality constraint. The implementation of 'Pred' varies
1931-- across versions of Template Haskell.
1932equalPred :: Type -> Type -> Pred
1933equalPred x y =
1934#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
1935  AppT (AppT EqualityT x) y
1937  EqualP x y
1940-- | Construct a typeclass constraint. The implementation of 'Pred' varies
1941-- across versions of Template Haskell.
1942classPred :: Name {- ^ class -} -> [Type] {- ^ parameters -} -> Pred
1943classPred =
1944#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
1945  foldl AppT . ConT
1947  ClassP
1950-- | Match a 'Pred' representing an equality constraint. Returns
1951-- arguments to the equality constraint if successful.
1952asEqualPred :: Pred -> Maybe (Type,Type)
1953#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
1954asEqualPred (EqualityT `AppT` x `AppT` y)                    = Just (x,y)
1955asEqualPred (ConT eq   `AppT` x `AppT` y) | eq == eqTypeName = Just (x,y)
1957asEqualPred (EqualP            x        y)                   = Just (x,y)
1959asEqualPred _                                                = Nothing
1961-- | Match a 'Pred' representing a class constraint.
1962-- Returns the classname and parameters if successful.
1963asClassPred :: Pred -> Maybe (Name, [Type])
1964#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
1965asClassPred t =
1966  case decomposeType t of
1967    ConT f :| xs | f /= eqTypeName -> Just (f,xs)
1968    _                              -> Nothing
1970asClassPred (ClassP f xs) = Just (f,xs)
1971asClassPred _             = Nothing
1976-- | If we are working with a 'Dec' obtained via 'reify' (as opposed to one
1977-- created from, say, [d| ... |] quotes), then we need to apply more hacks than
1978-- we otherwise would to sanitize the 'Dec'. See #28.
1979type IsReifiedDec = Bool
1981isReified, isn'tReified :: IsReifiedDec
1982isReified    = True
1983isn'tReified = False
1985-- On old versions of GHC, reify would not give you kind signatures for
1986-- GADT type variables of kind *. To work around this, we insert the kinds
1987-- manually on any reified type variable binders without a signature. However,
1988-- don't do this for quoted type variable binders (#84).
1990giveDIVarsStarKinds :: IsReifiedDec -> DatatypeInfo -> DatatypeInfo
1991giveDIVarsStarKinds isReified info =
1992  info { datatypeVars      = map (giveTyVarBndrStarKind isReified) (datatypeVars info)
1993       , datatypeInstTypes = map (giveTypeStarKind isReified) (datatypeInstTypes info) }
1995giveCIVarsStarKinds :: IsReifiedDec -> ConstructorInfo -> ConstructorInfo
1996giveCIVarsStarKinds isReified info =
1997  info { constructorVars = map (giveTyVarBndrStarKind isReified) (constructorVars info) }
1999giveTyVarBndrStarKind :: IsReifiedDec ->  TyVarBndrUnit -> TyVarBndrUnit
2000giveTyVarBndrStarKind isReified tvb
2001  | isReified
2002  = elimTV (\n -> kindedTV n starK) (\_ _ -> tvb) tvb
2003  | otherwise
2004  = tvb
2006giveTypeStarKind :: IsReifiedDec -> Type -> Type
2007giveTypeStarKind isReified t
2008  | isReified
2009  = case t of
2010      VarT n -> SigT t starK
2011      _      -> t
2012  | otherwise
2013  = t
2015-- | Prior to GHC 8.2.1, reify was broken for data instances and newtype
2016-- instances. This code attempts to detect the problem and repair it if
2017-- possible.
2019-- The particular problem is that the type variables used in the patterns
2020-- while defining a data family instance do not completely match those
2021-- used when defining the fields of the value constructors beyond the
2022-- base names. This code attempts to recover the relationship between the
2023-- type variables.
2025-- It is possible, however, to generate these kinds of declarations by
2026-- means other than reify. In these cases the name bases might not be
2027-- unique and the declarations might be well formed. In such a case this
2028-- code attempts to avoid altering the declaration.
2030-- https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/13618
2031repair13618 :: DatatypeInfo -> Q DatatypeInfo
2032repair13618 info =
2033  do s <- T.sequence (Map.fromList substList)
2034     return info { datatypeCons = applySubstitution s (datatypeCons info) }
2036  where
2037    used  = freeVariables (datatypeCons info)
2038    bound = map tvName (datatypeVars info)
2039    free  = used \\ bound
2041    substList =
2042      [ (u, substEntry u vs)
2043      | u <- free
2044      , let vs = [v | v <- bound, nameBase v == nameBase u]
2045      ]
2047    substEntry _ [v] = varT v
2048    substEntry u []  = fail ("Impossible free variable: " ++ show u)
2049    substEntry u _   = fail ("Ambiguous free variable: "  ++ show u)
2053-- | Backward compatible version of 'dataD'
2054dataDCompat ::
2055  CxtQ            {- ^ context                 -} ->
2056  Name            {- ^ type constructor        -} ->
2057  [TyVarBndrUnit] {- ^ type parameters         -} ->
2058  [ConQ]          {- ^ constructor definitions -} ->
2059  [Name]          {- ^ derived class names     -} ->
2060  DecQ
2061#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,12,0)
2062dataDCompat c n ts cs ds =
2063  dataD c n ts Nothing cs
2064    (if null ds then [] else [derivClause Nothing (map conT ds)])
2065#elif MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
2066dataDCompat c n ts cs ds =
2067  dataD c n ts Nothing cs
2068    (return (map ConT ds))
2070dataDCompat = dataD
2073-- | Backward compatible version of 'newtypeD'
2074newtypeDCompat ::
2075  CxtQ            {- ^ context                 -} ->
2076  Name            {- ^ type constructor        -} ->
2077  [TyVarBndrUnit] {- ^ type parameters         -} ->
2078  ConQ            {- ^ constructor definition  -} ->
2079  [Name]          {- ^ derived class names     -} ->
2080  DecQ
2081#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,12,0)
2082newtypeDCompat c n ts cs ds =
2083  newtypeD c n ts Nothing cs
2084    (if null ds then [] else [derivClause Nothing (map conT ds)])
2085#elif MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
2086newtypeDCompat c n ts cs ds =
2087  newtypeD c n ts Nothing cs
2088    (return (map ConT ds))
2090newtypeDCompat = newtypeD
2093-- | Backward compatible version of 'tySynInstD'
2094tySynInstDCompat ::
2095  Name                    {- ^ type family name    -}   ->
2096  Maybe [Q TyVarBndrUnit] {- ^ type variable binders -} ->
2097  [TypeQ]                 {- ^ instance parameters -}   ->
2098  TypeQ                   {- ^ instance result     -}   ->
2099  DecQ
2100#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,15,0)
2101tySynInstDCompat n mtvbs ps r = TySynInstD <$> (TySynEqn <$> mapM sequence mtvbs
2102                                                         <*> foldl' appT (conT n) ps
2103                                                         <*> r)
2104#elif MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,9,0)
2105tySynInstDCompat n _ ps r     = TySynInstD n <$> (TySynEqn <$> sequence ps <*> r)
2107tySynInstDCompat n _          = tySynInstD n
2110-- | Backward compatible version of 'pragLineD'. Returns
2111-- 'Nothing' if line pragmas are not suported.
2112pragLineDCompat ::
2113  Int     {- ^ line number -} ->
2114  String  {- ^ file name   -} ->
2115  Maybe DecQ
2116#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
2117pragLineDCompat ln fn = Just (pragLineD ln fn)
2119pragLineDCompat _  _  = Nothing
2122arrowKCompat :: Kind -> Kind -> Kind
2123#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
2124arrowKCompat x y = arrowK `appK` x `appK` y
2126arrowKCompat = arrowK
2131-- | Backwards compatibility wrapper for 'Fixity' lookup.
2133-- In @template-haskell- and later, the answer will always
2134-- be 'Just' of a fixity.
2136-- Before @template-haskell- it was only possible to determine
2137-- fixity information for variables, class methods, and data constructors.
2138-- In this case for type operators the answer could be 'Nothing', which
2139-- indicates that the answer is unavailable.
2140reifyFixityCompat :: Name -> Q (Maybe Fixity)
2141#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
2142reifyFixityCompat n = recover (return Nothing) ((`mplus` Just defaultFixity) <$> reifyFixity n)
2144reifyFixityCompat n = recover (return Nothing) $
2145  do info <- reify n
2146     return $! case info of
2147       ClassOpI _ _ _ fixity -> Just fixity
2148       DataConI _ _ _ fixity -> Just fixity
2149       VarI     _ _ _ fixity -> Just fixity
2150       _                     -> Nothing
2153-- | Call 'reify' and return @'Just' info@ if successful or 'Nothing' if
2154-- reification failed.
2155reifyMaybe :: Name -> Q (Maybe Info)
2156reifyMaybe n = return Nothing `recover` fmap Just (reify n)