2 #include <windows.h>
3 #include <string.h>
4 #include "commdlg.h"
5 //#include "ctrl.h"
6 #include "lib.h"
8 #define MAXLEN_TEMPSTR 81
Lib_FindStringInTable(HINSTANCE hInstance,char * lookFor,int startId,WORD wTableLen)10 int NEAR Lib_FindStringInTable(HINSTANCE hInstance, char* lookFor, int startId, WORD wTableLen)
11 	{
12 	char  szBuffer[MAXLEN_TEMPSTR];
13 	WORD  wCount;
15 	for (wCount = 0; wCount < wTableLen; wCount++)
16 		{
17 		LoadString(hInstance, startId + wCount, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer));
18 		if (!strcmp(szBuffer, lookFor))
19 			return (wCount);
20 		}
21 	return (-1);		//not found
22 	} // end of Lib_FindStringInTable()
Font_SetupInfo(FontInfo_t * pFont)24 int NEAR Font_SetupInfo(FontInfo_t* pFont)
25 	{
26 	// setup default font information
27 	pFont->hFont		= 0;
28 	pFont->rgbFGColor		 = RGB(0, 0, 0);
29 	pFont->logFont.lfHeight =			12;
30 	pFont->logFont.lfWidth =			 0;
31 	pFont->logFont.lfEscapement =	  0;
32 	pFont->logFont.lfOrientation =	 0;
33 	pFont->logFont.lfWeight =			0;
34 	pFont->logFont.lfItalic =			0;
35 	pFont->logFont.lfUnderline =		0;
36 	pFont->logFont.lfStrikeOut =		0;
37 	pFont->logFont.lfCharSet =		  OEM_CHARSET;
38 	pFont->logFont.lfOutPrecision =	OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
39 	pFont->logFont.lfClipPrecision =  CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
40 	pFont->logFont.lfQuality =		  DEFAULT_QUALITY;
41 	pFont->logFont.lfPitchAndFamily = FIXED_PITCH | FF_MODERN;
42 	lstrcpy(pFont->logFont.lfFaceName, "FixedSys");
43 	return (0);
44 	}
Font_DestroyInfo(FontInfo_t * pFont)46 void NEAR Font_DestroyInfo(FontInfo_t* pFont)
47 	{
48 	DeleteObject(pFont->hFont);
49 	}
51 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
52 //  VOID NEAR Lib_FillComboBox(HINSTANCE hInstance, HWND hCtrlWnd, int nIDString,
53 //								  WORD NEAR *npTable, WORD wTableLen,
54 //								  WORD wCurrentSetting)
55 //
56 //  Description:
57 //	  Fills the given combo box with strings from the resource
58 //	  table starting at nIDString.  Associated items are
59 //	  added from given table.  The combo box is notified of
60 //	  the current setting.
61 //
62 //  Parameters:
63 //	  HINSTANCE hInstance
64 //		  handle to application instance
65 //
66 //	  HWND hCtrlWnd
67 //		  handle to combo box control
68 //
69 //	  int nIDString
70 //		  first resource string id
71 //
72 //	  WORD NEAR *npTable
73 //		  near point to table of associated values
74 //
75 //	  WORD wTableLen
76 //		  length of table
77 //
78 //	  WORD wCurrentSetting
79 //		  current setting (for combo box selection)
80 //
81 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lib_FillComboBox(HINSTANCE hInstance,HWND hCtrlWnd,int nIDString,DWORD NEAR * npTable,WORD wTableLen,DWORD wCurrentSetting)83 void NEAR Lib_FillComboBox(HINSTANCE hInstance, HWND hCtrlWnd, int nIDString, DWORD NEAR *npTable, WORD wTableLen, DWORD wCurrentSetting)
84 	{
85 	char  szBuffer[MAXLEN_TEMPSTR];
86 	WORD  wCount, wPosition;
88 	for (wCount = 0; wCount < wTableLen; wCount++)
89 		{
90 		// load the string from the string resources and
91 		// add it to the combo box
92 		LoadString(hInstance, nIDString + wCount, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer));
93 		wPosition = LOWORD(SendMessage(hCtrlWnd, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) (LPSTR) szBuffer));
95 		// use item data to store the actual table value
96 		SendMessage(hCtrlWnd, CB_SETITEMDATA, (WPARAM) wPosition, (LPARAM) (LONG) *(npTable + wCount));
98 		// if this is our current setting, select it
99 		if (*(npTable + wCount) == wCurrentSetting)
100 			SendMessage(hCtrlWnd, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM) wPosition, 0);
101 		}
103 	} // end of Lib_FillComboBox()
105 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
106 //  VOID NEAR Lib_ModalDialogBoxParam( HINSTANCE hInstance,
107 //											  LPCSTR lpszTemplate, HWND hWnd,
108 //											  DLGPROC lpDlgProc, LPARAM lParam )
109 //
110 //  Description:
111 //	  It is a simple utility function that simply performs the
112 //	  MPI and invokes the dialog box with a DWORD paramter.
113 //
114 //  Parameters:
115 //	  similar to that of DialogBoxParam() with the exception
116 //	  that the lpDlgProc is not a procedure instance
117 //
118 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lib_ModalDialogBoxParam(HINSTANCE hInstance,LPCSTR lpszTemplate,HWND hWnd,DLGPROC lpDlgProc,LPARAM lParam)120 int NEAR Lib_ModalDialogBoxParam(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCSTR lpszTemplate, HWND hWnd, DLGPROC lpDlgProc, LPARAM lParam)
121 	{
122 	DLGPROC  lpProcInstance;
123 	int ret;
125 	lpProcInstance = (DLGPROC)MakeProcInstance((FARPROC)lpDlgProc, hInstance);
126 	ret = DialogBoxParam(hInstance, lpszTemplate, hWnd, lpProcInstance, lParam);
127 	FreeProcInstance((FARPROC)lpProcInstance);
128 	return (ret);
129 	} // end of Lib_ModalDialogBoxParam()
Lib_SelectWorkingFont(HWND hWnd,FontInfo_t NEAR * pFont)131 int NEAR Lib_SelectWorkingFont(HWND hWnd, FontInfo_t NEAR* pFont)
132 	{
133 	CHOOSEFONT  cfTTYFont ;
135 	cfTTYFont.lStructSize	 = sizeof(CHOOSEFONT);
136 	cfTTYFont.hwndOwner		= hWnd;
137 	cfTTYFont.hDC				= 0;
138 	cfTTYFont.rgbColors		= pFont->rgbFGColor;
139 	cfTTYFont.lpLogFont		= &pFont->logFont;
141 	cfTTYFont.lCustData		= 0;
142 	cfTTYFont.lpfnHook		 = 0;
143 	cfTTYFont.lpTemplateName = 0;
144 	cfTTYFont.hInstance		= GETHINST(hWnd);
146 	if (ChooseFont(&cfTTYFont))
147 		{
148 	  pFont->rgbFGColor = cfTTYFont.rgbColors ;
149 	  return (TRUE);
150 //	  ResetTTYScreen( GetParent( hWnd ), pXtra) ;
151 		}
152 	return (FALSE);
153 	} // end of Lib_SelectWorkingFont()