2	"@metadata": {
3		"authors": [
4			"Zoranzoki21"
5		]
6	},
7	"apihelp-templatedata-description": "Fetch data stored by the TemplateData extension.",
8	"apihelp-templatedata-summary": "Fetch data stored by the TemplateData extension.",
9	"apihelp-templatedata-example-1": "Return TemplateData for [[Template:Stub]] and [[Template:Example]], with results if the templates do not exist or do exist but have no TemplateData",
10	"apihelp-templatedata-example-2": "Return TemplateData for [[Template:Stub]] and [[Template:Example]], with no results if the templates do not exist or do exist but have no TemplateData",
11	"apihelp-templatedata-param-includeMissingTitles": "Return data about titles even if they are missing or lack TemplateData. By default titles are only returned if they exist and have TemplateData.",
12	"apihelp-templatedata-param-doNotIgnoreMissingTitles": "Return data about titles even if they are missing or lack TemplateData. By default (for backwards compatibility) titles are only returned if they exist and have TemplateData.",
13	"apihelp-templatedata-param-lang": "Return localized values in this language. By default all available translations are returned.",
14	"apierror-templatedata-corrupt": "Page #$1 templatedata contains invalid data: $2",
15	"apiwarn-templatedata-deprecation-format": "The default output format will change to <kbd>jsonfm</kbd> in the future. Please specify <kbd>format=json</kbd> explicitly."