3namespace Wikimedia\ParamValidator\TypeDef;
5use Wikimedia\Message\DataMessageValue;
6use Wikimedia\ParamValidator\ParamValidator;
7use Wikimedia\ParamValidator\SimpleCallbacks;
8use Wikimedia\ParamValidator\ValidationException;
11 * @covers Wikimedia\ParamValidator\TypeDef\StringDef
12 */
13class StringDefTest extends TypeDefTestCase {
15	protected static $testClass = StringDef::class;
17	protected function getInstance( SimpleCallbacks $callbacks, array $options ) {
18		if ( static::$testClass === null ) {
19			throw new \LogicException( 'Either assign static::$testClass or override ' . __METHOD__ );
20		}
22		return new static::$testClass( $callbacks, $options );
23	}
25	public function provideValidate() {
26		$req = [
27			ParamValidator::PARAM_REQUIRED => true,
28		];
29		$maxBytes = [
30			StringDef::PARAM_MAX_BYTES => 4,
31		];
32		$maxChars = [
33			StringDef::PARAM_MAX_CHARS => 2,
34		];
36		return [
37			'Basic' => [ '123', '123' ],
38			'Empty' => [ '', '' ],
39			'Empty, required' => [
40				'',
41				new ValidationException(
42					DataMessageValue::new( 'paramvalidator-missingparam', [], 'missingparam' ),
43					'test', '', []
44				),
45				$req,
46			],
47			'Empty, required, allowed' => [ '', '', $req, [ 'allowEmptyWhenRequired' => true ] ],
48			'Max bytes, ok' => [ 'abcd', 'abcd', $maxBytes ],
49			'Max bytes, exceeded' => [
50				'abcde',
51				new ValidationException(
52					DataMessageValue::new( 'paramvalidator-maxbytes', [], 'maxbytes', [
53						'maxbytes' => 4, 'maxchars' => null,
54					] ),
55					'test', '', []
56				),
57				$maxBytes,
58			],
59			'Max bytes, ok (2)' => [ '��', '��', $maxBytes ],
60			'Max bytes, exceeded (2)' => [
61				'��?',
62				new ValidationException(
63					DataMessageValue::new( 'paramvalidator-maxbytes', [], 'maxbytes', [
64						'maxbytes' => 4, 'maxchars' => null,
65					] ),
66					'test', '', []
67				),
68				$maxBytes,
69			],
70			'Max chars, ok' => [ 'ab', 'ab', $maxChars ],
71			'Max chars, exceeded' => [
72				'abc',
73				new ValidationException(
74					DataMessageValue::new( 'paramvalidator-maxchars', [], 'maxchars', [
75						'maxbytes' => null, 'maxchars' => 2,
76					] ),
77					'test', '', []
78				),
79				$maxChars,
80			],
81			'Max chars, ok (2)' => [ '����', '����', $maxChars ],
82			'Max chars, exceeded (2)' => [
83				'��??',
84				new ValidationException(
85					DataMessageValue::new( 'paramvalidator-maxchars', [], 'maxchars', [
86						'maxbytes' => null, 'maxchars' => 2,
87					] ),
88					'test', '', []
89				),
90				$maxChars,
91			],
92		];
93	}
95	public function provideCheckSettings() {
96		$keys = [ 'Y', StringDef::PARAM_MAX_BYTES, StringDef::PARAM_MAX_CHARS ];
98		return [
99			'Basic test' => [
100				[],
101				self::STDRET,
102				[
103					'issues' => [ 'X' ],
104					'allowedKeys' => $keys,
105					'messages' => [],
106				],
107			],
108			'Test with everything' => [
109				[
110					StringDef::PARAM_MAX_BYTES => 255,
111					StringDef::PARAM_MAX_CHARS => 100,
112				],
113				self::STDRET,
114				[
115					'issues' => [ 'X' ],
116					'allowedKeys' => $keys,
117					'messages' => [],
118				],
119			],
120			'Bad types' => [
121				[
122					StringDef::PARAM_MAX_BYTES => '255',
123					StringDef::PARAM_MAX_CHARS => 100.0,
124				],
125				self::STDRET,
126				[
127					'issues' => [
128						'X',
129						StringDef::PARAM_MAX_BYTES => 'PARAM_MAX_BYTES must be an integer, got string',
130						StringDef::PARAM_MAX_CHARS => 'PARAM_MAX_CHARS must be an integer, got double',
131					],
132					'allowedKeys' => $keys,
133					'messages' => [],
134				],
135			],
136			'Out of range' => [
137				[
138					StringDef::PARAM_MAX_BYTES => -1,
139					StringDef::PARAM_MAX_CHARS => -1,
140				],
141				self::STDRET,
142				[
143					'issues' => [
144						'X',
145						StringDef::PARAM_MAX_BYTES => 'PARAM_MAX_BYTES must be greater than or equal to 0',
146						StringDef::PARAM_MAX_CHARS => 'PARAM_MAX_CHARS must be greater than or equal to 0',
147					],
148					'allowedKeys' => $keys,
149					'messages' => [],
150				],
151			],
152			'Zero not allowed when required and !allowEmptyWhenRequired' => [
153				[
154					ParamValidator::PARAM_REQUIRED => true,
155					StringDef::PARAM_MAX_BYTES => 0,
156					StringDef::PARAM_MAX_CHARS => 0,
157				],
158				self::STDRET,
159				[
160					'issues' => [
161						'X',
162						// phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength
163						'PARAM_REQUIRED is set, allowEmptyWhenRequired is not set, and PARAM_MAX_BYTES is 0. That\'s impossible to satisfy.',
164						// phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength
165						'PARAM_REQUIRED is set, allowEmptyWhenRequired is not set, and PARAM_MAX_CHARS is 0. That\'s impossible to satisfy.',
166					],
167					'allowedKeys' => $keys,
168					'messages' => [],
169				],
170				[ 'allowEmptyWhenRequired' => false ],
171			],
172			'Zero allowed when not required' => [
173				[
174					StringDef::PARAM_MAX_BYTES => 0,
175					StringDef::PARAM_MAX_CHARS => 0,
176				],
177				self::STDRET,
178				[
179					'issues' => [ 'X' ],
180					'allowedKeys' => $keys,
181					'messages' => [],
182				],
183				[ 'allowEmptyWhenRequired' => false ],
184			],
185			'Zero allowed when allowEmptyWhenRequired' => [
186				[
187					ParamValidator::PARAM_REQUIRED => true,
188					StringDef::PARAM_MAX_BYTES => 0,
189					StringDef::PARAM_MAX_CHARS => 0,
190				],
191				self::STDRET,
192				[
193					'issues' => [ 'X' ],
194					'allowedKeys' => $keys,
195					'messages' => [],
196				],
197				[ 'allowEmptyWhenRequired' => true ],
198			],
199		];
200	}
202	public function provideGetInfo() {
203		return [
204			'Basic test' => [
205				[],
206				[ 'maxbytes' => null, 'maxchars' => null ],
207				[],
208			],
209			'With settings' => [
210				[
211					StringDef::PARAM_MAX_BYTES => 4,
212					StringDef::PARAM_MAX_CHARS => 2,
213					ParamValidator::PARAM_ISMULTI => true,
214				],
215				[ 'maxbytes' => 4, 'maxchars' => 2 ],
216				[
217					// phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength.TooLong
218					StringDef::PARAM_MAX_BYTES => '<message key="paramvalidator-help-type-string-maxbytes"><num>4</num></message>',
219					// phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength.TooLong
220					StringDef::PARAM_MAX_CHARS => '<message key="paramvalidator-help-type-string-maxchars"><num>2</num></message>',
221				],
222			],
223		];
224	}